SCHOOL TERM HAS DOUBLED IN DECADE ! 82 Per Cent of White Children1 In Schools Operating 8 Months Raleigh, Nov. 29 ? The average1 North Carolina child has available a school lasting 154 days, or six days less jthan eight months, the white school average being 152.6 days and the negro school average 141 days, and at the present rate of increase, all children will have available an H-months school term average by 1940, the current issue of "State School Facts" shows. At present 82.5 per cent of the white enrollment and 38.2 per cent of the colored enrollment in the State are in school operating eight months or more, or there are 338,949 rural school and 181,931 charter white chil dren in schools operating eight months or more duing the year, it is shown. The length of term has in creased exactly one month in the past decade. The average term has doubled in length since 1900 in rural schools for both white and eolored, increasing t'rom 76 to 152.8 days for whites and from 69 to 129 days for colored, the white charter schools increasing in length from 170 to 178.4 days and the negro charter schools from 160 to 174 days in that time. All white and luiorcu charter schools have operated eight months or more in the 30 years, except for the influenza year, 1918-19. "North Carolina is one of the three states having a minimum term provi sion written into its fundamental law, the Constituion," the publication states. Seventeen counties, 12 in the east, have no white children enrolled in schools of less than eight months, while 10 counties have no negro chil dren in schools of less than eight months, or 160 days. Transylvania county rural schools have an average term of 160 days for white and 160 days for colored chil dren. Enrollment of pupils in white schools of the county having less than eight months number none, while those enrolled in schools of more than eight months number 2,476. The en rollment in colored rural schools hav ing less then eight months number none and 169 are enrolled in schools having more than eight months, 1929 30 figures show. J. Blantyre Breeze* j i_ J Ralph Murphy of Leicester, visited Raymond Reed recently. Huntley Mahaffoy spent sometime with friends here recently. The singers of this community met at the home of Mr. Oat Morgan one night last week and entertained him with songs. Mr. Morgan has been in poor health for a long time, and he enjoys singing very much. Lee Gash, who has been in poor health for sometime, is not very strong yet. Mrs. John Reed visited her uncle, D. E. Lyday, of Turkey Creek, one day last week. She reports Mr. Ly day very ill, but improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr and little daughter, Frances, called on friends here Thanskgiving. Miss Belle Reed spent last Wed nesday with Mrs. W. A. Lyday and Mrs. D. H. Orr, of Pisgah Forest. We are glad to report that Mrs. Lee Gash is improving after being ill for quite a while. The Blantyre church and Sunday School made a nice little Thanksgiv ing offering, which has been sent to our orphans at The Mills Home. Mr. and Mrs. Drake of Beulah, passed through our section recently. We are sorry to report that Wil liam Frady had the misfortune to stick a snag in his eye last week and it is feared that he will lose his eye. However, Dr. Newland, attending ohysician, has some lu>pe of saving "? I M jss Sadie Reed is spending her vacation at her home here. There All the Tim-e School ma'am: "Emulate George Washington." Dusky Lad (from the rear of the roonii: "No'm, I'se been here all the time." WORK TAKEN FROM ! COUNTY TREASURER! i School Costs To Be Paid Direct From Headquarters In Raleigh I Raleigh, Dec. 2 ? Teachers in North j \ Carolina will be greatly benefitted | and handling of the school funds will be greatly facilitatc-d by a recent I ruling of Attorney General JD. G. i Brummitt, as requested by the State j ! Board of Equalization. The result j will be that the blanket bonds on | ' .(.unty treasurers will be cancelled, I these treasurers or the county finan- 1 ? cial agents and the county superin- ! tendents placed under nominal fidel- 1 ity bonds, and, more important, will eliminate the necessity for long waits of teachers in receiving their salaries. ! The school law contemplated hand < ling the funds by county treasurers, ' but the detail and red tape necessary, along with the holding by the Attor ney General that the school funds are State funds and must be handled by j the State Treasurer, all involving 'difficulties that could not be overcome, .led to the revised and simplified plan. The original plan caused long delays in getting salaries to the teachers and 'the need for sending the money in two installments. Much of the bond j money will also be saved by the new i plan. i "Through the method of disburse I ment made possible by Mr. Brum ! mitt's ruling, it is believed a great deal of the confusion and delay in making payments to the teachers will be eliminated," LeRoy Martin, secre tary of the State board, said. "This has been a great source of irritation I and all school people will no doubt I welcome the relief herewith afford- ' ed," he said. j STATE BORROWS TO j PAY THE TEACHERS The State of North Carolina, due 'to its guarantee to pay salaries of (teachers and other school expenses | for six months, had to borrow $3,800, 1000 on revenue anticipation notes to imeet the school costs of about $2,800, j 000 a month, and had to pay an in terest rate of 6 per cent, in contrast i to the 2 Vt per cent paid on short term I notes of $2,602,370 sold in July. Con dition of the financial market caused | the higher interest rate. The First i National Bank, New York, took $3, 000,000, the American Trust Co., ; Charlotte, $600,000, and other N. C. , Banks took the remaining $300,000 ; of the issue. Borrow was necessary in part bc I cause only 42 of the 100 counties had : paid a total of $657,235.33 of the $5, } 000,000 expected by the end of the year from the 17 cent advalorem tax ion property and the poll tax of $1.50 ja man. This and the income tax due [March 15 are expected to pay off the notes. {NOTARIES RESIGN | SINCE THE RULING | Raleigh, Dec. 2 ? More than 25 of the approximately 3,000 notaries pub lic in North Carolina have notified i Governor Gardner's office that they are now ineligible, as a result of the three to two decision of the N. C. (Supreme Court that a notary public i is a public , state office, Miss Mamie Turner, executive clerk, reports. Attorney General D. G. Brummitt has written numerous letters inform ing: inquirers that "By express pro visions of Article XIV, Section 7, of ! the Constitution, a justice of the peace and a notary public, may not be a notary and hold any other public office. Officers in private cor porations are not included, of course. A notary public is not permitted to hold any of the following offices, under the court ruling: Federal, dis trict court, or enforcement officers, nr postmaster; State, officers or heads of departments or divisions; county, commissioners or other of fices, attorney, judges or other county offices; City, clerk, treasurer, auditor, secretary, judge or board of alder men, commissioners lor counfcilman, or any "two offices of profit and trust." YOUNG DEMOCRATS TO MEET IN RALEIGH Capital Wins Out Over Char lotte's Bid for Jackson Day Dinner Raleigh was selected over Charlotte j as the place of the next Jackson- Day Dinner, staged by the Young People's Democratic Organization, at a meet ing of the executive committee here last week Tne date will probably be, March 11, anniversary of the birth of I Andrew Jackson, although there is some talk of holding it January 8, anniversary of the Battle of New Or leans. State College auditorium, with a 1,500 seating capacity, was offered. Charlotte offering its armory-audito rium, capable of seating 2,500 diners. Claude G. Bowers, Democratic key note speaker in 1928, Governor Frank lin D. Roosevelt and Newton D. Bak er, are among the speakers to be considered by the committee on ar rangements and program named by Chairman Tyre C. Taylor. Tickets will be distributed, as two ago, on the basis of Democratic vote for Governor in 1928, by counties, Mr. Taylor an nounces. Edwin Gill, Governor Gardner's secretary, was appointed chairman of the committe having full charge of the dinner, including arrangements, distribution of tickets, inviting speak ers and honor guests and all other details. Other members of his com mittee are: Mrs. James L. Scott, Greensboro, vice-chairman ; J. Dewey Dorsett, Raleigh; Henry T. Fisher, Charlotte; J. S. Massenburg, Tryon; John M. Glenn, Gatesboro; Henry McKinnon, Maxton; Miss Ida Wilkin son, Winstorr-Salem; Thomas Turner, ! Hihg Point; John B. Grudup, Hen Iderson. Selica News Notes t Well folks, we hope we have most recovered, or at least enough to state some of the happenings. Yes, the game and fire wardens scared some of our boys some bad ? anyway, it cost one $6.50 to chase one bunny, while the poor quails were falling in the nearby sage field. Why such par tial creatures! Weldon Gillespie of Greenville, S. C., was visiting David and Aj-thur Orr during the week-end. Lonnie Barton is building a new crib. Some of our folks attended a birth day dinner at the home of Uncle Baxter Whitmire Sunday and report a wonderful time. W. W. Galloway, who has had a very bad hand, is reported to be im proving. Tom and Johnnie McKinna were visiting in the Turkey Creek Com munity Saturday. Mrs. Elzie Barton and children ?were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Head, last week. There will be preaching at Cathey's Creek next Sunday by the Pastor. It seems so long since we had preaching as last month had five Sundays. I Mrs. Florence McKinna was visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Garren, of Brevard, recently. i Mrs. Joe Dunn was called to Wolf ' Mountain on account of the death of her brother David Shelton last week. We are sorry to lose our Cherry field reporter but appreciate his ser vices in his new work. He was in our [section recently, running down the i ones who have been visiting our I neighbors' corn fields and carrying i away their corn. We hope he may ! have the cooperation of the County ] officials and all the good citizens in stopping this and also the ones who have been visiting our chicken roosts after night. McKinley and Robert Eubanks were Toxaway callers recently. We were very sorry to hear of the death of David Shelton, one of the most prominent and beloved citizens of Jackson County. Our sympathy goes out to his family in their bere avement. Clarence Galloway, President of our B. Y. P. U., has been very sick but was able to be on the job Sunday night Prayer service for Wednesday evening, December 9th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hamilton, conducted by Wesley McCall. Stamey Creek Prayer Sen-ice will be at the home of Calvin Stamey, by Mrs. Adger Stamey, frm St. John, CARL SUGGESTS A FEW NEW CHANGES Hy CARL GOERCHE There's real system to this kind of weather we've been having through out the fall. Until fou# weeks before Christmas it was so dry and warm that nobody felt like doing any shop ping. From now on it's going to ?'? so cold, rainy and generally disagree able that nobody will be able to do , any shopping. We all have our troubles. I was in ' Guy Smaii's store a few days ago. j Guy runs a book and stationery estab- j lishment in Washington. He was shooing flies away from his stock of Christmas cards. "Ther're smart flies," he comment- j ed. "They won't rest themselves on the cheap, two-for-five-cents cards. No, sir. They pick out the fifteen- f cent cards every time. Drat 'em!1 Shoo!" 1 Is Mr. Small's statement paid for'.' j You may be interested in knowing | that not one cent was paid to Mr. , Small to make the above statement. MY. Small has been a shooer of flies for a number of years. We hope the publicity herewith given will be as beneficial to him and his store as his endorsement is to you and to me. Why is it that on these cold, driz 'zly dreary mornings when you sleep later than usual and have to rush and get dressed in order to get down to work on time, you always find that the fire has gone out during the night and has to be rebuilt from the ground up? j I've never known it to fail. Inci dentally, I know of a whole lot of things that are more pleasant and | agreeable than standing around in a 1 pair of pajamas or a night-shirt, waiting for a flickering fire to catch up so you can leave it. I Along with a whole lot of other things, I believe there is one special factor that has been more responsible for what we jokingly call the depres sion than anything else. i It's this business of sending money out of town. In my town, there are about a thousand automobiles. Not a hun dred of those automobiles were paid for at the time they came into pos session of their present owners. Prac ! tically all of them were bought on time. That means that a good sized payment has to be made on those cars 'every month, which also means that money is sent out of town and can never do any good here. i The average payment per month probably it around thirty dollars. Multiply that by nine hundred and you get $27,000. And when a sum like that leaves your town every month, no wonder that business is poor and merchants are complaining. I If you want to, you can add radios, electric refrigerators and a numbci of other things to the list of automo biles. i ' The Governor's committee on doe ! toring the constitution of North Caro lina met last week in Raleigh. Quite ;s number of suggestions were made relative to improving that document, j Personally I'd be willing to see all of those suggestions discarded in favor of one blanket and wholesale recom ! mendation, namely, "That is shall be declared unlawful, unconstitution, unorthodox and un jeverything-else for any individual within the boundaries of North Caro lina to purchase any article on time, on credit, or on a deferred payment plan. Violation. of this act shall ren der the guilty party liable to a term ' of five years in the state peniten tiary." I If such an act were passed and enforced, we'd have Old Man Pros perity back with us so quickly that it would make your head swim. 8th chapter, Thursday evening. Next Saturday evening Prayer ? Service will be conducted by Mrs. \ Tom Galloway. i Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Brevard, were visitors of the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Orr, Thanksgiv ing. Henry McKinna and Geter Bart on were dinner guests .of Mr. and Mrs.. Ward Breedlove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton moved to Brevard for the winter months. We will all miss them and look forward to their return. TRYING TO NAME THE 10-YEAR PLAN CHILD; Contest Attracting Attenticr. and Many Names Are Being Suggested Raleigh, Dec. 2 ? Scores of names have already been received in the contest for naming the organization which wil lseek to caryr out the "Ten Year-Plan" suggested by Tyre C Taylor for rehabilitation and devel opment of North Carolina, Dr. A. T Allen, chairman, announces. Almos every section of the State is reprc sented in the answers submitted for consideration. Letters containing names submitt ed must be postmarked not later than midnight, December 9. The first prize is a week's vacation, with ail expenses paid, at any resort hotel in the State and if the winner is marri ed, the husband or wife may accom pany him or her. The second prize is two suits of North Carolina-madr homespu^. Suggestions for names should be sent to the Contest Com President Taylor has named a com mittee, care Tyre C. Taylor, Raleigh, mittee to handle Project A of the plan, that of attracting tourists to 'the State, as follows: E. S. Draper. I Charlotte, chairman; Ralph W. Page, ! Aberdeen; Harry C. Bourne, Tarboro; :F. Roger Miller, Asheville; Paul C. i Lindley, Greensboro; W. T. Polk, Warrenton; W. 0. Saunders, Eliza beth City; Struthers Burt, Southern Pines; E. B. Jeffress, Raleigh; L. B. Morse, Chimney Rock; Harris New iman, Wilmington; P. Frank Hanes, Winston-Salem; Mrs. John H. Ander son, Raliegh; Miss Gertrude Weil. Goldsboro; T. L. Bland, Religh; ? Reuben Robertson, Canton; and | George Ross Pou, Raleigh. I i Oakland News Items j I ? Mrs. Dan Reid and Mrs. S. B. Mc J Call were joint hostesses at an old ? time quilting party given at the home ! of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid during j the Thanksgiving holidays. While . quilting the ladies were entertained jwith delightful radio music and at | the noon hour a delicious dinner was ; served to the following guests: Mrs. i S. E. Alexander, Mrs. E. A. Reid, Mrs. W. W. Reid, Mrs. Charles Ben nett, Mrs. Dock Banther, M?b. Clar ence Norton, Mrs. Leonard Thomas, Mrs. Lee Norton and Miss Lula Reid. Another enjoyable occasion was a surprise quilting party given Mrs. Maggie Nicholson on Thanksgiving i day with a picnic dinner cooked 011 ; a campfire in the yard by part of the I ladies, while the others did the quilt 1 ing. A good feature of this party was a basket of good eats packed from the picnic lunch and sent by Mr Clarence Norton and Miss Lula Reid to one of our needy families. 1 Rev. and Mts. Lewis Lyday and daughters, Misses Lora Bell. Lois and Betty Jean, and son, Lewis, Jr., of Porterdale, Ga., spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. I. S. San J ders. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson and children of Rosman, spent Thanks giving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid were in Brevard on business one day last week. J. C. McCall, who has employment in Jackson county, spent the "week end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall. Mr. and Mrs . J. L. Sanders of Quebec, called on friends here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid called on Mr. and Mrs. Welch Reid Sunday afternoon. Rev. S. B. McCall was supper guest of Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton. Leo Reid spent Sunday afternoon with Oscar McCall. Misses Flora Bess and Lessie Reid of Cullowhee, made a short visit to their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. , T. B. Reid Thanksgiving day. ? Miss Alberta Burgess spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. F. Mc Call. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton were Brevard visitors Saturday. Robert and L. C. Sanders motored to .Asheville Sunday morning to meet Eric Edwards, who was returning from New York. Miss Evand Sanders and Miss NEW CONSTITUTION NOW IN THE MAKING Short Ballot, New Judgeship System and Many Other Changes Urged Raleigh, Dec. 2 ? North Carolina's antiquated Constitution, adopted in 1868 and amended many times, but tediously, until it is topheavy and cumbersome, would be- almost com pletely reworked by Governor Gard ner's Constitutional Commission, judg ing from suggested chanties made at the meeting last Friday, the group ad journing to meet again January 1 and 2. The "short ballot," granting the veto power to the Governor, allowing women to serve on juries, allowing majority vote verdicts of juries in all but capital offenses, classification or* property for taxation, removing si*' per cent limit on income, abolishing rotation of superior oouri judges, were suggested^ of Judge John Parker, of the U. S. Circuit Court Appeals; a new "public welfare" ticle to conserve, by legislation, watpr power, fish, game, forests, minerals and other natural resources, was si'.g Clinton. Chief Justice W. P. Stacy gested by Major George E. Butler, and Burton Craige, Winston-Salem, offered other suggestions. The commission, created by the 1931 General Assembly to report be fore the 1932 session, will hear Chas. M. Johnson, director of Local Gov ernment, and Supt. R. H. Latham, of the Winston-Salem schools, at the January meeting. Dean H. T. Van Hacht and Prof. Fred B. McCall, of the State University Law School, spoke on the veto power, the judicial system, and Prof. Malcolm McFer mett, Duke niversity law school, re ported on county government. Dean N. Y. Gulley, Wake Forest law school, will report on taxation later. I Other suggested changes follow: eliminate constitutional provision against re-election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor; permit Gover nor to submit to General Assembly revenue and appropriation bills and State budget; restrict extra General Assembly sessions to specific purpose named by Governor; divide State into three judicial districts, electing the judges within such districts for 10 years, removable for cause by Gen eral Assembly and retired at age of 70 years; increasing Supreme Court justice from five to seven; creating Department of Justice under Attor ney General heading up State solici tors an dwith State police under de partment; remove restriction of wo men serving on juries; delete "male" from many sections of Constitution; indict only in capital oases, other to be tried on information; trial without jury by consent of the parties, ex cept in capital cbses; prohibit farm ing out prisoners; provide for county manager form of government. Myrtle McCall visited one of our needy neighbors and made them glad by carrying them part of their Thanksgiving dinner. The Baptist young folks met at The home of Mrs. Rainc Sunday aft ernoon at her request, and sang for an hour, which seemed to give the elderly lady very great pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid visited Mrs. R. J. Cook Sunday. Rev. Lewis Lyday and Robert Sanders visited friends in the Bo haney section Thursday. Fred McNeely and I. S. Sanders were Asheville visitors Saturday evening. Mrs. S. E. Alexander spent sever al days last week with her brother, E. D. Reid and family. The Sunday School with Mr. Clark as superintendent, and the B. Y. P. U. with Mrs. Walter McKinna as president, at Lake Toxaway Baptist church are still doing good work. Nearly a hundred per cent of the children are enrolled in the Sunday School, and we believe we could have all who should come to the Baptist church it it were not so far for some of them to walk. May the good work continue. j THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL i?*by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding grttttv reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN PATT.WAV The GATES OF TOYLAND have swung WIDE OPEN, and all the children may enter. What treasures there are in this marvellous, topsy-turvy land where sorrow is unknown! Fascinating toys may be obtained here, toys for both boys and girls, at the lowest prices in town. These toys will bring happy smiles to the faces of children. We invite you to come with your children to see our remarkable display of enchanting toys. We have mechanical trains, dolls, jumping jacks, construction sets, games, puzzles, tricks, toy soldiers, toy kitch en sets, blocks, toy animals ? in fact, everything!

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