a A fcttU booklet that n?y Save You from ? Auto Accident # !*'? brief. It's coaieim high rights From an extensive study of a diss of accidents thai cost 34,400 lives last year ? neaHy a jnillion In juries^ There's no charge for it $ The facts tire set ^#rth strikingly ? some m pictures clearer then words, some in eSwrts which cen b* <jr?*p<jd el a giance # Whether you drive or walk, the booklet will provide valuable infer ?nation l$ A limited supply has {ust been received from The Travelers Insurance Company, Hertford, Ccfinerfictjt^CaS, phone or write for a copy of "Tremen dous TriRes." If the demand exceeds the supply, we will order additional copies and send you yours with as little delay as possible. H. R. WALKER INSURANCE AGENCY, INC Phone 67 Brevard, N. C. For INSURANCE SERVICE CALL Mary Jane McCrary BUS SCHEDULES Leave HENDERSONVILLE for ASHEVILLE 8:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 9 :1a A.M. 2:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:15 P.M. 9:00 P.M. BREVARD A.M. [ 3:45 P.M. 7:45 P.M. GREENVILLE 7:20 A.M. || 2:15 P.M. 9:45 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. AUGUSTA 7:30 A.M. || 2:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M. JACKSONVILLE 7:30 A.M. || 6:30 P.M. SPARTANBURG 7 >00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 10:45 A.M. |! 6:30 P.M.' COLUMBIA 7:00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 10: !.') A.M. Atlantic Greyhound Lines Skylaod Stages Division Coast To Coast Border To Border Comfort - Safety - Economy A Few of Our Rates From Henderoonville, N. C. to Jacksonville, F'a S 9.50 Miami. Fla 19.50 Savannah, Ga C.75 Memphis, Tenn 14.00 Nashville, Tenn S.50 Cincinnati. Ohio 11.20 Chicago, II! 17.95 UNION BUS TERMINAL Hodgewell Hotel Bldg. Phone 578 SOARS OF HEALTH PASSES ON RESORTS i With the coming egaia of war? 5 weather, many people begin to think j ;>f deferable place* to sjwlid a plee* , ant vacation, even as Andy Gump : <?oea yearly to Shady Rest. This ac ; ~ounts for the .ar.a^ualJy . largo num i x>r of commcnicatlona received at the State Board of Health, both from in 1 md oat cf the State, asking for a is; of approved North Carolina sum-, ?aer caiVis and in many eases the re lative sapitary rating of each. According to Dr. W arren H. Booker >f the State Board of Health the . North Carolina ramps are not excell ed hy those of any stats in the Union. At the sjjme time Mr. Booker poiuts : -jt that only about half the summer . -amps in the State are "approved." n North Carolina there is no sani ary rating given summer camps as is the case in hotels and cafes. A amp is simply approved or disap >rovcd. Before it is placed on the ap irov^d list a camp must bo visited by representative of the State Board . >'f Health and all the sanitary condi ions found to meet certain minimum requirements. Special attention is >aid to water supplies and sewage disposal, and every precaution is tak n to safe guard the health of those vho \isii these camps. In the interest of public health the ?tat<; Board of Health will be glad o mail a list of approved camps in North Carolina to anyone upon re uest and a-J vises everyone contem plating a vacation in any of the North Carolina camps to be sure it '?> on the approved list before plan itng to spend a vacation there. notice; of sale of REAL ESTATE North Carolina, County of Transylvania Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by Mrs. Syble C. Anderson and husband, M. 'i. Anderson; J. A. Anderson and wife Nina Lorena Anderson, to The ftaleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, trustee (the undersigned trustee having succeeded to the rights ?^nd title of the named trustee, under Chapter 207, Public Laws of 1931), ?vhich said deed of trust Is dated July 1, 1925, and recorded in Book il, Page 106, of the Transylvania County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and in the con ditions therein secured, tho under lined trustee, will on Thursday, June 16, 1932, at or about twelve Vclock noon, at the courthouse door ??>.t Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and -ell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel or '??act of land containing Seventy-one (71) acres, more or less, situate, ly r.g. and being on the Brevard-Blan tyro public road, about seven '7) ailes almost Northeast from 'he rown of Brevard, in Bovd's Township, Transylvania County, State of North Carolina, fi living such shapes, motes, ? oi'.rsb? and distances as will move "ully appear by reference to a plot made by A. L. Hardin, C. tt., n the 18th day of July, 1925, and attached to the abstract of title now ?v file with the Atlantic Joint S; ?- !. '..and Bank of Raleigh, North 'ina, the same being bounded on tho North 6y the lands of the \Yoodfin ':ei.'s : op. the East by the French Broad River; ,on the West by the hinds of J. T. Justus and Ada Reed, and being the identical tract of land conveyed by deed from S. A. Sims, widow, to Mrs. Syble C. Anderson and J. A. Anderson, of date, Septem ber S". 1921. said deed being du'.v r. "orded in Deed Rook No. 1>. at Pag" 221. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, State ?r North Carolina, to which n-i'or ,-ntv is. made for a more comple'.'.' des- ' ??rint'or of the same. V'XCrPT from t.he n'.i .ve descib- i ? ?' i i beware of imitations jok fur the name Bayer and the word genuine on Ihc package as pictured below- when you buy Aspirin. Then you will know that you are g:"Uing the genuine Bayer product tffusands of physicians prescribe. fJayef Aspirin is SAFE, as mil lions of users have proved. It does :.ot depress tlio heart, and no liar in fill after-effects follow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal antidote for pains of all kinds. I loadachcs Colds Sore Throat Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sold at all druggists in boxes of 12and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer manu facture of monoacetic acklestex of salicyticacid. HE PRAYER CORNER The True Follow* rt of Jenu Chnst What does Christianity claim to Oay for the individual? , , 1 "A truo follower of ^hn9t, wi? say" that Christ h&3 made an entire change in his life. He is con*|oua_ eg a great difference between his past ;,Qd his preSont. Old things have gone, new things -have come. He ?a eonswo^ of a burden remover, of * .v^" cleared ; he knows something of wha. is meant by the Bible phrase? tho ,o> of salvation? Those who have not ex- 1 wricnced this change may deny its reality, but not with any pretense to ; reason or fairness. We must take the testimony of reasonable upright and competent men when they tell us that Christ, has ?r-ade a difference to theiu," 1 2 "Further? the true Follower ot Christ tell us that Christ has given * new direction to his life: Not only is the part different, the present alsj is changed. He is conscious of new life, new powers, new principles, new ;wPimtions, new hopes. He can say with literal truth, 'Once I was blind, now I see,' and behold, all things have befome new." 3 "Yet. again the True Followers; of Jesus Christ tell us that Christ has) provided a perfect satisfaction for his life. His mind is now at rest in the truth of Christ, his heart in the , Love of Christ, his conscience in the Law of Christ, and his will in the, (Vrace of Christ. He is ready to be, to ] suffer anything by reason of what , Christ is to his -soul. Ihis conscious, ness of peace, as he looks back oyer , the past, of power as he considers i tn needs of the present, of hope as he | surveys the possibilities of the tu tuve, are all very real, precious and potent in his experience ajid consti- , tuto the very life of his life. j "This is the argument from M^iS" ! tian experience which found in t e New Testament, in all }.he centuries i of Church history, and in the Chris tian life of today. Christ is rea , Christ is precious, Christ is powerful, . Christ is a]l." A Prayer for the True Followers ") \ Jesus Christ 0 Lord Jesus Christ make us, we | pray Thee, in deed and in truth, rrue , Followers of Thine. Bring home to. our hearts the truth that there must be an entire change in our life, a great difference between our past and ( our present. "Old things have gone, new things have come.' "Make us con scious of a burden removed, o. a vi sion clarified; that we may know something of what is meant by the , Bible phrase, "the joy of Salvation. , Many others see that Thou has g j on a new direction to our lives; tha the past is different, and the present changed; that we are conscious of a new life, new power, new P?ciples, ( new aspirations, new hopes, that once , we were blind, now we see, that old t things have passed away, behold . ? , thSbur?^ realize that as : true followers of Thine, thou hast provided a perfect sa isfact.on for our life, that our minds aj-e at ie. in Thv truth, our conscience in . n Love and Jur will in Thy Gnu^t we are ready to he, to do, to sufte by reason of what Thou art - > ou. , '"liring home to our hearts this con . ciniisness of pear , as we -J"." ; 1 . .iu, ,)ast. of power as we consult, i t . needs of the present, of hope, as \u ? survey the possibilities of the futuie lent in ..ur expomro*, ? < ^ llM. very real life of our ifeandth'il j Thou dear ,'.ord art real to us all. ; Amen. ' It would be pretty nice if the sun > could handle a mean child, but Old I Sol can't always tan a kid where it ! will do the most trood. lie wrote his girl a letter on onion I ;0;in paper and she answered back, "i didn't know you had a garden, honey." Greensboro woman refuses to go to the seashore. Says she married a runt in 1010 and she's seen enough of shrimps. 'i! boundary of land as not Ix'inrr con veyed by this in .t "Ur.ient, the follow ing boundary of land, to wit; a cer tain trai t or parcel of land contain ing four (1) acre.-, more or less. ;;nd being the identical tract ol' land con veyed by d ed from S. A. Sims to Ada Kc. !*. of date, February 8, 1923, said ?S ;'il being duly recorded in Deeu .ok - -10, at pr'.ge 24 !. in the office ? ihe R"gister oC Deeds for Transyl . C' .<ii! v State of North Caro lina, to which reference is made for ?i more complete dc-'crription of the same. Terms of sale cash and trustee will ? i quire deposit of 10'' of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. This the 1(Uh dav of May, 1932. Js'ORTIl CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Successor to The Rai.f,k;h Savings Rank and Trust Company, Trustee. I. L. Cockerham and Robert Weinstein, Attorneys. Raleigh, N. C. May ! 0. 2G, June 2, <i. ADMINISTRATRIX'S Notice ! Having qualified as administratrix | of the Estate of M. N. Moore (De cense'.1, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all i persons having claims ajjainst the Estate of said deceased to exhibit j them to the undersigned at Rosman. \7. C., on or before the 7th day of May | 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in 'oar of their recovery. Ail persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of Mav 1932. MRS. M. N. MOORE, Administratrix, MRS, W. R. ORR. Co-Administratrix. May 12-6 T, pd. TWO BREVARD BOYS TO HAVE DEGREES | Wake Forest, May 18 ? Two- sons of 1 Transylvania c?anty citizens are j among the 133 %fa5-:g, Forest, College aonior.-t slated t6 receive degrees neact 'June. They are William M. Grogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grogan. ar.d Richard H. Moors, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Moore, both of Bre vard. These men have oeen active in col , lege life on ^he Baptist cacxpus. Both are members of the Euze-ian Hterary society. Grogsrt belongs to the varsi-; ty intercollegiate debate team which' last year won the state champion- ' ship in North Carolina. Moore is; president of the Euzelian literary so-j ciety and belongs to the track team. Wake Forest has the distinction of being the oldest and largest college for men in the United States. . This . session it has 800 students enrolled from 95 North Carolina counties and foreign areas. Frank Fitzsimoss, of Dana, put a lightning rod on one of his cows INCREASE SEEN IN lUEMCifiG STAFF Bfsk;igh, May 19 ? The State Board' of Equalization, meeting the p?3t! week to begiu allotment of teachers! iad os?kmg other plans for the pub he schools next" ywir, Rejourned to reconvene on Wednesday of thi3 week to continue its work. Indications are, from reports already in, that around 900 more teachers would be w;uire<i next year to take care of the greatly increased attendance the year just ?nded. The board has started along the iine of "splitting the difference''' and awarding about 400 ldditionai teachers. Since teachers nre allotted on the basis of the attendance the year before it is pointed out that the teacher load would not be increased, in fact, would be reduced from the past year, by the addition of 400 tefejherB, unless there is an unexpec tedly large attendance next year, u? . ? ? i . i. ... 1 Tuesday. When lightning strikes t?e' rod Frank is going to take a drink of milk and write current literature. s "? E e S Brevard precinct No. 1 are urged to meet At the Grammar School Building Friday May 20th at oae o'clock p. m. one hour be fore County Convention meet* at Court Hou*e. JUDSOft McCRARY, Precinct Chairman. Do Yon Want A Good Position With The Pi DONT WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE i Following is the jury made up of the best citizens of Brevard, Hen dersonville, Marion, Tryon, Charlotte, Greensboro- Greenville, S. C., Asheville, Montreat, East Flat Rock, Rusman and Saluda. They have de cided unanimously that the service and protection that the Carolina Mo tor Club of Greensboro, N. C. offers is the best in the U. S. A. for the price. Fhey consist of new members and renewals. Mr. Car Operator the following men and women have done just what you should do. I am unable to see how any one who operates a car can say NO to the Carolina Motor Club. If you will just drop me a postal card I shall be glad to call on you and tell you, just what we have to offer you for less than 3 cents per day in service and protection. Here is the jury, read the names of everyone and see if you think folks of this type would lead you wrong: Charles A. Mull Harry P. Clarke Miss Florence Kern Miss Alma Trowbridge Kenneth A. Kirby J. H. Pickelsi-mer J. Will Pless, Jr. Mayor Ralph H. Ramsey Prof. J. B. Jones Rot. Paui Hartsell Mrs. R. M. Neely I J. A. Schachner, Jr. Dr. F. K. Gardner C. W. Piekelsimer ; W. W. i 'rou shorn Dr. Charles L. Newland C. S. Edmundson Rev. I). M. McGeachy R. W. Lyday T. L. Osborne Homes Bryson ii.rri?st Gibbs John H. Lange Tom Huffman Miss Beatrice Wyatt Mrs. Jessie McClellan J. I. Cline Rev. J. II. West S. S. Baniette Ernest Paxton P. W. Jenks Otto Alexander T. W. Perry W. W. Woodley W. E. Breese B. T. Whitmire Pat Kimzey G. A." White B. E. Geer \V. w: Pruett D. L. Glazener Sid Baniette A. E. Housed Civile Hamilton aL A. Mull R. W. Everett W. W. Brittain W. C. Bobo Wiii. P. Duncan 0. V.*. Wilson Eliza Henry G. C. Kilpatriek Mrs. i . E. On* ?J. A. Bishop Sam B. Wood S. Y. C'ayton F. E. Shu ford B. J. Sitton J. W. Glazener J. L. Osteen J. A. Schachner Mrs. O. Duclos L. P. Hamlin J. S. Silversteen J. L. Gil key .J. F. Barrett J. E. Bishop S. A. Bryson Joe Neely, T. E. Patton Dr. J. II. McLean Clyde Case i>. Vv. Trantham J. Frank McCr.U L. T. Davenport K. 1). Ilyder K. II. Miller Jj?.C. Coston T.\ , .?cf Poll Forrest Ball V. L. Neill 0. H. Orr il. L. Gash J. W, Smith Mayor Sherrard Mrs. Coy Thomas I. E. Johnson G. P. Martin Dr. W. E. Brackett Edward Patterson .Mrs. Finley Pace Dr. W. R. Kirk H. Patterson Mavor Pace Dr. R. C. Sample Miriam Weeks J. A. Brock Sheriff Garren H. S. Hodges J. W. Bailey W. B. Wilson John A. Gunter R. S. Ramsey J. S. Edwards, Jr. V. D. Davenport wrs Otis Powers ?1. F. Stokes Jess 0. Johnson Rev. X. L. Ponder Dr. E. S. English C. C. Tucker Don't put it off till tomorrow thrt might be too late. The above names consist principally of Brevard and Hendersonviile folks, the others are j scattered from Greensboro, N. C. to Greenville, S. C. who passed through j Brevard and couldn't afford to wait till they reached home for renewal, which gave me a nice lot of business. Do You Want to Make Money? I want a half-dozen, good high class salesmen to work for the Caro lina Motor Ciub in Western North Carolina counties. * ! T. W WHITMIRE Waltermire Hotel, Brevard, N. C. District Manager, Carolina Motor CI ub, Greensboro, N. C.

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