????????? | Society News and Club Activities 1 CANTRELL-MeCRARY TO BE married ON THANKSGIVING Of much local interest is the an nouncement of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Ruth Furn Cantrell to Mr. Charles Wil liam McCrary, to be solemnized on November 24. Announcement of their plans was made at a lovely dinner party given in honor of Miss Cantrell by Miss Elizabeth Mills at the home of her parent* in North Brevard last Fri day (filing at seven o'clock. The Mills' home was beautifully decorated for the ocasion, the color scheme of yellow, green and white being carried out in every detail. Place cards representing messengers carried the announcement of the mar riage wi'.h the inscription, "Ruth and Charlie, November 24" and was fur ther carried out in the unique tier cake which was topped with a mira ture bride and groom and the white wedding bell attached to the chande lier. Covers were laid for eight. Miss Cantrell is the daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cantrell a very popular member of the younger social set who are offering congrat ulations to the young couple. Mr. McCrary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCrary. GIRL SCOUTS HOLD WEEKLY MEETING The Girl Scouts of Troop No. 2 tield their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Shuford, who has kindly offered them the use of her home in which to hold | these meetings for the balance of the year. The meeting was devoted to a dis cussion of business matters. There were 25 in attendance. Miss Beulah Mae Zachary, Miss Ethel Mc- j Minn and Miss Lillian Jenkins are the leaders. j GUESTS HONORED AT SQUARE j DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frady enter- j tained a lavf number of their friends at a squaronance at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. G. T. Frady, honori:.?. Miss' Myrtle Frady of Washington, P. C. ' and Mrs. W. W. Clark, of Dertoit, j Mich, at Pisgah Forest Friday even- J ing. The house was attractively decorat- j ed for the occasion, a large quantity j of Chrysanthemums and other cut flowers beyig used. 38 guests were present to enjoy the delightful occasion, and participated in the dance, the music for the occa- ' sion being furnshed by the local string band. WANT ADS winter months. Will take good care, and keep in heated house. Must be ! good piano. See Mrs. Charles Pickel- ' simer, Brevard. N. C. HINTON LODGE wants more board ers. Good things to eat and plenty of it. Also apartments for rent. Mrs. A. N. Hinton. S-8tf WANTED ? Your Shoe Repairing. Wo are equipped to do, first class shoe repair work. Men's soles and rubber heels $1.00. Ladies soles and rubber heels 90 cent:. Brevard Shoe Shop, T. E. Waters, Owner. News Arcade. May 5tfc 1 FOR RENT ? Well located Business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinsley Building, Tele phone 172. 029tf FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood. KindHjig, Sand and Gravel. Trunks * and Baggage and general hauling. Ratgs reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4tc FOR RENT ? 2 room apartment, fur i(nished, modem conven'ences, side entrance. Price reasonable. Miss Em ma Bagwell. tfc 1 _________ I RADIO REPAIRING Satisfactory work at reasonable prices. Let me put your Radio in shape to receive the many good pro grams that will be on the air this fall and winter. L. K. RATCHFORD Turnpike Road, Brevard, N. C. tfc | "chicken" The Canteen Doc Galloway, Prop. OPEN from 5:00 A. M. until 2:00 A. M. Good Food Cooked Right POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE WED SUNDAY AFTERNOON The marriage of Miss Ruby Mc- 1 Kinney to Mr. Loalia Tir.sley took j place Sunday afternoon at 3:30 f at Travelers, Rest, S. C., with only j a few close friends in attendance. The . ceremony was performed by Rev. ! White at his residence. The bride is the daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Wade McKinney of Boil- i *ton community and is a popular '? member of the younger social set, ' having lived here for some time. Mr. | Tinsley is employed by the Simpson : Barber shop here. Immediately following the cere- j mony the young couple returned to | Brevard. j MRS. W. H. ALLEN IS MANAGER OF CORNELIA STORE Mrs. W. H. Allen, formerly con- 1 nected with the United Variety store here has been transferred to Cornelia where she is manager of the Variety Store there. BAPTIST WORKER'S COUNCIL TO MEET TUESDAY The Sunday School Workers' Coun cil of the Brevard Baptist church will hold their regular meeting in the church parlor Tuesday evening, Oc tober 25 at 7:30 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. GIRL SCOUT $ ENJOY PARTY (By Helen Galloway, Scribe* The Girl Scouts had a party last Friday night at 8 o'clock at Helen Fullbright's home. The scouts enjoyed many games including "spinning the bottle," "Clap in, Clap out" and others. They danced, sang and did stunts, told stories, etc. For refreshments they had cocoa, marshmallows and cookies and a pleasant time was. enjoyed by all present. The Girl Scouts had a picnic in the Scout room on account of rain. They intended to jiike to Cooper's Hill for the picnic. On account of Captain Bill Aiken's absence the two patrol leaders, Jane Yongue and Emma Lee I.oftis took charge and all had a fine time. P. T. A. TO HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC The Parent-Teachers Association will hold their annual picnic on Fri day, October 21st at Rockbrook Camp. Tt is planned to leave the Grammar school here at 4 o'clock and supper is to be served at the camp at 6 o'clock. LIBRARY TEA TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 ,0n Friday, October 28 the United Daughters of the Confederacy will serve tea, with trimmings, at the Li brary, on the court house square. The purpose of this tea is to se cure books for the library, and the plan is to accept one or more books, not more than two years old, as ad mission fee. The Library has no source of rev enue with which to purchase new books except the dues paid in by sub scribers and this is inadequate to supply the ever-increasing need. There are many, no doubt, who have books purchased within the past year with which they have finished and which are as good as new for the purpose they may serve at the li brary. Many of the books now on hand have been handled so much that they are completely worn and new or ad ditional copies are needed. . When the Daughters of the Con federacy serve "eats" at the Chapter House ON THE SQUARE the people of Brevard and vicinity may know that there is "something doing." There will be more about this in next week's issue. Watch for it. OAKLAND NEWS Rev. John Sutton, of Cullowhee, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rigdon. W. F. McCail visited his brother, Mark McCall, at his home in Ashe ville, Thursday. Clarence Norton r:a-"le a business trip to Brevard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Sanders had as musts for dinner la.'J Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sanders, I. S. San ders, Abe Lowe and Riley Johnson. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Reid, of j Highlands, spent Friday night with j Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McCall. i R. E. Wood, of Eliza'oethtown, ' Tenn., was looking after his business interests here last week. ! T. S. Sanders has the contract for ' covering the house known as the Mc Guire cottage. The work is to be dona at once. Welch Reid and family left Sat urday for Portland, Oregon, where they expect to make their home for some time. Will Walton, of Brevard, visited friends here Saturday. Miss Evon Sanders spent the week snd with Miss Myrtle McCall. Claude Nicholson visited friends in Brevard Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McCall and =!on, Sammie, and daughter, Edith, soent the week-end wiith friends at Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nicholson, Mr. *nd Mrs. E. A. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton, T. B. Reid, James Maya, Claude Nicholson and Leo Reid ?nent Friday evening with Mr. and Mfs. L. E. Cash and listened to Gov. Roosevelt speak over the radio. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nicholson and W. F. McCall attended the political ROSMAN IS HUNDRED PER CENT PERFECT At a recent meeting cf The Rosman Chapter of F. F, A. 100 percent of the boys paid their dues, elected the following officers and adopted the following program of work: SENIORS President, R. J. Whitmire. 1st. Vice President, Paul Whitmire. 2nd. Vice President, Robert Wald rop. Secretary, Harry Morgan, Treasury, Sam Jordan. Advisor, J. F. Corbift. Program Committee: Sam Jordan, Robert Waldrop, Wallace Gillespie. FRANK ISRAEL, Reporter. JUNIORS AND SENIORS Program of Work: 3. Help- put on Community fair each year. 2. Take part in district judging contest. 3. Hold Father and Son banquet. 4. Start an F. F. A. nursery. 5. Continue school ground improve ment. 6. Encourage Live-at-home and 5 -'10 farm program. 7. Go on summer camp or tour. 8. Every boy live and farm as> ai. F. F. A. should. 9. Strive for scholarship among the class. 10. Every boy wear an F. F. A. pin. 11. Have an F. F. A. athletic club. FRANK ISRAEL, Reporter. Due to handicaps the meeting must be held during classes which makes it necessary to have two separate or ganizations. The above is the officers for seniors and below is officers for Juniors. They are together on pro gram of work. JUNIORS President, Charlie Lee. 1st Vice President, Victor Sigmon. 2nd Vice President, Augustus Nor ris. Secretary. Ted Harbin. Treasury, Clarence Chappell. Reporter, Leo Reid. Advisor, J. F. Corbin. Program Committee: Charles Nel- , son. Ray Hinkle, Russell Duncan. There are 38 boys in the two ! groups. LEO REID, Reporter. SELICA NEWS Many of our citizens are wander ing why our fair State could not have had Tax Exemption as an issue in the general 'election, as did the State cf Texas. It's .going to be too late soon as many of our folks have al- 1 ready expressed themselves, wishing they were in Texas now. A word to the wise is sufficient. We are proud of our editors and their comment on the editorial page especially on the eighteenth amend ment. Some of our folks favor repeal because the law can't be enforced. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. If God be God, serve him ; if Baal, serve him. Wc hope Mr. Schwab was right in saying good times were just ahead, anyway we believe it. Many of cur backwoods folks came out to see the flooded valley, Monday, and watched French Broad take her toll with heavy hearts, know ing that thousands of bushels of corn and feedstuff were gone for all time, and all our labor was all in vain. Hut we are ready to try again, know ing that this is the way to success. Hats off to Rev. Owenby, who hove from Balfour through the rain Sunday! to fill his appointment at Catheys Creek. Jeter Barton visited his son, Al bert, who is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKinna, Satur day night and Sunday. Miss Mildred Whitmire, . of the Connestec section, was a visitor of .Miss Ruby Whitmire here last week. Mint Barton and Aivir. Fowler were callers on their Uncle and Aunt, M. and Mrs. Eli McKinna, of Lake Toxaway, last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Orr are mov ing to the Gaines Farm, where Mr. ' Orr has been farming for a number of years. ? We undestand that Mr. and Mrs. Glit Paxton, of Brevard, are going to occupy the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Orr. We are always glad to welcome good citizens into our com munity. Tom and Robert McKinna were vis itors of their cousins, Albert and Nel lie McKinna, of the Cherryfield sec tion Monday.y Due to the stormy weather we had the smallest attendance on record at the Union Sunday School. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many good friends who were so kind to us dur ing the illness and death of our dear baby, Billie Joe. Also for the beauti ful floral offerings. May God bless each one of yon. MR. AND MRS. U. G. GEORGE. speaking in Brevard Saturday even ing. Rev. John Sutton, of Cullowhee, spent one day last week with Mr. T B. Reid. | Mr. Abe Lowe left Monday for Washington, D. C. where be will spend the winter in the Old Soldiers Home. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Jess Breed love have moved into our community. We extend to them a most cordial welcome. T. E. Reid, of Brevard, called on Clarence Norton Monday. Sunday, Oct. 23, is our regular communion service at Lake Toxaway Baptist church and it is hoped that all members will be interested and feel it their duty to attend. AFCRARY WARNING ML CAR OWNERS Sudden Cold Spoil May Find Mo torist Unprepared. ?'The wise motorist will see that he is not caught unprepared by 8 sudden cold snap," said Mr. Car! Me Crary of MeCrary Tire and Battery Service. "Pall weather i3 so change able that even though you start out on a trip in fine weather, you may come back through sleet or snow ; and then is when ycu need Non-Skid on your tires. 'ijires are so low in price now that it is impractical to risk life and prop ? '-vinj? to run out the last mile. Eased on the present selling price, the last thousand miles in a 4.75-19 the is worth only 43 cents. When you drive with smooth tires you are gambling 43 cents against your life and your family's. You may only need safe tires for one second of your life, but if that second comes while you are traveling 60 miles an hour? 88 feet per second ? safe tires mean life itself. The extra traction and safe ty Firestone tires was recently dem onstrated on the salt beds near Salt Lake City, when Ab Jenkins drove a Firestone-equipped Pierce-Arrow car 2710 miles in 24 hours dver a circu lar 10-mile course ? an average speed of 112.91 miles per hour ? breaking all existing world records. "Fall should be the time for a gen eral check-up of the car," continued Mr. MeCrary. "The battery soon will be called upon to turn over a motor stiff from cold, and lights will be burning for longer hours. The genera tor charging rate should be advanced and the battery inspected to, make sure there are no weak cells that might fail when you need them most. Spark plugs also need adjusting for hard wfnter starting, and radiator hose connections should be inspected so that you will not waste anti-freeze solution or alcohol. "If the motorist checks his tires, ? battery, brakes, spark plugs and ra diator hose, he can rest assured that he will have safe, trouble free winter driving." P1SGAH FOREST NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frady of Penrose entertained with a dance at the home cf the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady of this section in honor of Miss Myrtle Frady of Washington, D. C. and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ciark of Detroit, Mich., who are visiting i their parents. About twenty couples j enjoyed the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn ! were recent visitors in Atlanta. Mrs. Dewey Burns and two chil dren are visiting her sister, Mrs. O. P. Anders in Greer, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heath of Green ville, S. C. were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. Mrs. Orr re turned to Greenville with them to receive more treatments for her eye which she injured ir. a recent auto mobile accident. Uncle Joe Ledbetter of Boilston was in this section. Mr. Will Crane of Etowah was a recent guest of his daughter, Mrs. Will Searcy. Miss Dorothy Souther has secured a position as Stenographer in Spar tanburg. Mr. Valry Carter and Mr. and Mrs. McKinle.v Ross have returned to their home here after spending the past two weeks visiting, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ross in Ravensford. Mrs. C. W. Stamey who has been visiting 'her son Mr. Reid Stamey at the home of Mrs. Nellie Corn is seri ously ill. Mr. George Senteli has been visit ing his father on Mt. Underwood. Mr. Tom Campbell and son of Campobello, S. C., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady. Miss L. Searcy is visiting relatives at Etowah. Mrs. Homer Marcuni and daughter, Lucille, of Hendersonvilic, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carapfield. 'Mrs. 0. P. A?iders of Greer, S. C. was calling on her father, Mr. Will Allison Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyatt have moved into the George Hall residence and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Albert have moved into the house formerly occu pied by the Wyatts. Mr. Jce Orr spent Friday with his daughter, Mrs. John Lyday, at Pen rose. Messrs I.ance Carter and Max But ler of Mills River spent the week-end with the formers mother. Mrs. James Carter. Mr. Dewey Burns spent several days last week with his brother, Elzie, near Rugby. Mr. Reid Stamey has started con structing a house on his land which he recently purchased from Miss Ju lia Deaver. Miss Emma Boggs, who is attend ing college at Cullowhee, spent Sun day morning with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday. We have had quite a bit or rain which raised the rivers to overflow ing during the week-end. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tion to these who were so kind to us through the recent illness and death of our dear baby. Also for the beauti ful floral offerings. MR. AND MRS. JOE McCRARY. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks for ' kindnesses shown us during the death and burial of our husband and fath er; for the beautiful flowers and to the Legion members who so kindly acted as pall bearers, and to all foi their sympathy. ( Mrs. Van Efip and family i Loca! and Persona! Items ? _? .A 1 T7 T> TTT f 7i T ? * * ? * # ?? ? ? ? < Miss Gertie Hamilton left Sunday for West Palm Beach, Fla., where she will spend the winter. Miss Rheuemma Shipman left last week for Hamilton, Mass, after spending two week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. 0. Ship man. T. R. Clark of the United States Navy is visiting in Brevard. He has been on the water for the past three years and recently ra-enlisted for an additional 2 years. He plans to re turn to his ship, USS Wyoming in a short time. Mr. Sam Hill, of Hendersonville was in Brevard on business Tuesday. Mr. A. B. Galloway is sick at his home on Jordan street. Miss Marjorie Young left Tuesday for Cullowhee where she resumed her studies at W. C. T. C. Mrs. W. P. Mull is s#riously ill with pneumonia at her home on Cald well street. Mr. Dick Frady, of Penrose was in Brevard Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frady. MVs. Rush Whitmire returned to Brevard from Asheville, where she was visiting her mother, Mrs. Flor et jre Pace who has been critically ill for the past two weeks. Miss Roberta Bryant, accompanied by Miss Lucy Holmes, returned from a visit to Tampa, Florida. Miss Holm es will return to Tampa in a few days. Miss Alice Kilpatrick has return ed to her home here after spending some time visiting relatives in Hen dersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hollifield and small daughter, of Chesnee, S. C. are visiting Mrs. Hollifield's mother, Mrs. Alice Bridges. Mrs. Rhinehardt, of Sylva, was a guest of Mrs. A' N. Kinton last Mon day night, and attended the services |?at the Brevard Institute Tuesday morning con<i?cted by Miss Daisy Davies. Mrs. Lewis Cobb and son Jimmie spent the week-end at Caesars Head with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Houston, of Greenville, were Brevard visitors Friday. Mrs. A. H. King, Mrs. Houston Maekey and Miss Elizabeth Mills left on Wednesday for Portsmouth, Va., to visit Mrs. King's and Mrs. Mackey's mother, Mrs. W. L. Carmi-i chael, who is ill. Miss Ruth Snelson, of Asheville, visited her father over the week-end. Mr. Frank Duckworth has returned from a business trip to Knoxville. Mrs. J. A. Poteat and son, Marvin, have returned home following a week's visit to Mrs. Poteat's mother, Mrs. E. W. Blythe. I ! Dr. J. E. Osborne and Raffin Wil I kins were weekend visitors in Shel i by. j Dick Zacliary, cf Atlanta is visiting jhis mother, Mrs. Ralph Zachary. ! Miss Roberta Bryant and friend, j Mi3S Lucille Holmes, o ? Tampa, Fla., | are spending two weeks in Brevard. I Mrs. Grady Kilpatrick and daugh ter. Mrs. Carol Kilpstrick were sbop ? pi/ig in A3heville Tuesday. j Mr. J. C. Champion, of Asheville, was a business visitor in Brevard j Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown Carr mo Jtored to Knoxville, Tenn., Saturday where they spent the week-end as the 'guests of their cousin, Mr. Victor H. | McClean, at his home in Lindbergh j Forest. j Mrs. G. W. Griffith and Mrs. G. W. | McClean, of Hendersonville, wera the gueste of Mr, and Mrs. F. Brown . Carr on Wednesday. 1 Mrs; 0. G. Falls, of King's Moun tain was visiting Mrs. Flax Lawrence and Mrs. Madge Wilkins over the week-end. : Mr. Ralph Northcutt, of Savannah. Ga., was in Brevard on business Mon day. j Mrs. J. R. Osbourne is visiting her 'daughter, Mrs. Madge Wilkins. j Misses Margaret and MyrUc- Scy-. _ son left Sunday for Savannah, Ga., ~ * ***" where they have accepted positions . for the winter. Miss Myrtle Frady, who has been 'visiting here for the past two weeks will return to her home in Washing ton, D. C.. Wednesday. Carl Frady, Dick Poole and Henry Henderson were in Ra'eigh Friday and Saturday attending the Fair. Miss Martha Cowan spent several days last week in Marion visiting i Mrs. W. L. Runion. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayer, of Long , Island, N. Y., are making their home I here during the coming .year, occupy I ing the home of Mrs. L. B. Haynes [on Johnson street. i Mrs. Carl Frady and children spent I the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. | T. Frady in Pisgah Forest. | Miss Billie Miller of Asheville ? spent the week-end with Margaret | Fullbright. | REAL ESTATE TRAXSFERS " ! Real Estate transfers made during the past week and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds are as follows: Carrie Lee Ross to Anne Donny; W. L. Kilpatrick to W. M .George and wife; W. M. George and wife to W. L. Couch and wife; W. L, Couch and wife to L. H. Moore. While you are waiting for the furnace or heat er to warm the house on these cool mornings there is no need for you to> shiver and shake. Just plug in an L. & H. Electric Heater and feel the difference. L. and H. HEATERS are priced for your convenience at. $3.95, $4,95 and $7.50 for 95c Cash And the balance in small monthly payments. You may begin using one of these heaters now. DON'T BE PRESSED FOR TIME! Press with one of our quick heating long lasting CORONA ELECTRIC IRONS All you have to do is snap the Switch and you are ready for Swift, Smooth Comfortable Economical Ironing:. CORONA IRONS Are priced ( At $3.45 and carry a guarantee of one year. 50c cash and the balance in small monthly pay ments. Southern PuMie Utilities Cot "ELECTRICITY? THE SERVANT EN THE HOME" Day 'Phone 116; Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St

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