DIPHTHERIA CLINIC TO CONCLUDE WORK 41 HERE SATURDAY " 1 - * Children nf County to Be Given i Second Treatments by Dr. 1 C. L. Newland. J TRANSPORTATION TO BE I FURNISHED BY BUSES More Than 700 Children Given First Treatments On Fri- ! day November 5th. \ j Children of Transylvania county I will be given the final treatment fori immunization against Diphtheria,1 Saturday. 1 ?More than 700 received the first! treatment Saturday, November 5. It I was stated at that time that two| treatments would be necessary and it j is this second one that is to be given | Saturday. Children in the upper sec-i tion of the county will be treated at j the Rosman High school building, be-l ginning at 1 p. m. Those in the low-. ec section will receive ti-eatment at the office of Dr. Newland in the, morning, Arrangements are being] made to furnish children in the com-i munity with transportation, thei school-dm- schedule to transport them to the clinic. This clinic is being sponsored by the local Kiwanis club, which fur nishes the vaccine used in the treat ment and Dr. Newland administering,' it without charge to those who are unable to pay for it. I This is being done to guard against I an epidemic which was threatened. ! Only two deaths have been reported 1 in the county. j GAS STATION MED IN HENDERSONVILLEl ] M. A. Pollack, Jr., operator of the) Standard Oil station at Fifth avenue1 and Fleming street, Hendersonville, next to the Ambassador apartments, was the victim of a hold up Monday morning about eight o'clock when two unmasked negroes entered the station and threatening him with a gun made; off with about $24 in cash. The negroes entered the station J shortly after it opened, according to; Mr. Pollock, and while one of the' men kept him covered with the gun j the other took the money from the j breast pocket of his working clothes and left, cautioning hini not to foilow. Tfcey -.vent south on Fleming street. Pollack called officers as soon as they had left and they began a search for the men one of who was described as j being tail and well dressed and the; other as large and wearing working I clothes. So far they have not been i apprehended. REV. HAMLIN ! BAPTIST MEETING! Kev Paul Hartsell is in Charlotte j attending the North Carolina Bap-j tist convention which opened Tuesday evening and will continue through Thursday. A number of important matters are j to be taken up at this convention, in- j eluding the election of a successor to Dr. Charles E. Maddry as general secretary of the body organization of the convention, including appointment; of committees took place Tuesday ev-j enint?. REV. J. H. WEST IS REAPPOINTED I Rev. J. H. West was reappointed to the Methodist church 'aere during the convention held in Winston-Salem and which was brought to a close Monday, when Bishop F.dwin D. !zon read the appointments. Only sev ..n changes were made in the Ashe ville district which embraces Bun combe, Henderson, Transylvania, Polk and Madison counties. Rev. D. M. Litaker was appointed 'to serve his fourth year as presiding j elder in the Asheville district. SCHOOL raiNdPALS I MEET SATURDAY A meeting of the principals and teachers of the Transylvania schools will be held on Saturday, November 19 at 10 o'clock at the Brevard High School building. All teachers and principals are urged to be present. An interesting program has been arranged, the topic for discussion be ing, "Teaching Children How to IStudy. A number of papers have been . prepared on this subject by the vari ous teachers and principals. A talk j will be given by Miss Janie Strick land, Commercial teacher in the Bre jvard High School on "Teaching the (Children How to Study." Miss Louise j Williams, English teacher in the Ros [man High school will speak on "Sup iervising Study," and other discus sions will be made by Prof. Rufty, R. T. Kimzey and T. C. Henderson. Miss Keels, Mathematics teacher of the Brevard High school will speak on the subject, "Fitting the Assignment to the Child." SCHOOLS fOClOSE FOR THANKSGIVING j All the sehools^n^ the county wiii [be closed on Thursday and Friday, 'November 24 and 25 in observance of ! Thanksgiving day, it has been an nounced by Prof. J. B. Jones, city county superintendent of schools. 1 Prof. Jones statc-d that, the time lost for this holiday is to be made up later in the season. LOCALGM GIVEN I RESPONSIBLE POST I Miss Paulette Gillespie has been i selected by Senator-elect Robert R. Reynolds, as his secretary, and will be in charge of his office when he goes to Washington to take up his new duties there. Miss Gillespie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gillespie, of Lake Toxaway and is well known in Brevard and Transylvania county. She attended Brevard High school and received commercial training at the Brevard Institute. She has been in the employ of Mr. Reynolds is his law offices in Ashe Jville for the past year. KIWANIS MEETING POSTPONED Due to the illness of Mr. W. H. Harris, the regular program of the [Kiwonis club which was to have been given last Thursday was postponed until today. This meeting will be held today, Thursday, at the England hon.c on West Main street. The meeting will be taken up largely with the election of officers for the current year. RED CROSS ROLL CALL TO BEGIN HERE NOVEMBER 18; I ?- - ! The annuel Red Cross roll call is to j jbegin tomorrow, (Friday) according! : to Rev. Perry, roll call chairman. I Schools, churches and individuals i are all cooperating to make the drive 'a big success this year. A thorough' j canvass is to be made of the entire , | county. School principals -will have; ?charge of the county work while the! work in the residential section of the j town will be done by the local church- j esj Community leaders will assist in; making the drive a success. The need i3 greater this year than ; ever before and it is not likely that } the people whtf are in position to do | | so will need to be- urged to cooperate! jas they are able. j Kiwanis, Churches And Schools To j Participate } The local Xiwanis club will have I charge of the canvass to be made in jthe uptown section. The four main churches will have charge ox the resi jdential section which will be divided I into four sections. Ijurors chosen for SUPERIOR COURT Superior court will be in session here beginning Monday, December 5. Judge Walter E. Moore, will preside. J. Will Pless, Jr., of Marion is the Solicitor. Jurors chosen to sexve the first week of court and from which the grand jury will be selected are: Avery Reid, Homer Orr, C. A. Mull; G. H. Woodard, W. A. Allison, Mit chell Holden, D., M. Reid, J. M. Alii json, C. C. Kilpatrick, Duncan Mae iDougald, R. A Gi'lespie, Barnie jChapma: , F. K. Landers, J. R. Can jtrell, W. II McKelvie, J. D. Golden, |G. W. Hendvick Anthony Trantham, Glazener. C. E. Fisher, G. H. Paxton, H. M Mil K L. Cans lei' S. W. Raduffff^^Si Henry, VV. C Morris, 0. C. Reese, Harry Sellers, Madison Allison, R. E. Mackey, ('. F. Norton, T. D. Grim | sliawe, J. C. Cash, Charles Gravely. jL. E. Bagwell, P. W. Jenks, D. W-. Hollingsworth, J. L. Gravely, Ralph Lyday, J. B. Morgan, H. Hedrick, Ro land Fisher, R. F. Glazener, W. B. Daniels, T. J. Wilson and C. J. Man ley. Second week: Fred Nicholson, Lee Nicholson, Frank Wilson, A. J. Lee. W. W. Ray, W. E. Head, A. 0. Kit chen, Henry McCall, R, F. Williams, J. Frank Hayes, Ernest Webb, O. H. jBryson. Clyde Case, P. A. Morgan, JD. H. Winchester, C. E. Lance, Cole (Lee, D. L. Holliday, Wood S. Ilinkle, ,'V. P. Fisher, J. E. Gillespie, Ed ?Jones, A. N. Hinton. Jess Breedlove. BAGWELL ARRESTED i WEDNESDAY NIGHT Clarenco Bagwell was taken into custody Wednesday night of last week as a result of an attack on Church Morris, night officer. Accord ing to reports, Bagwell was intoxicat ed and attempted to resist arrest. It !is said he knocked Mr. Morn's down . and that in order to protect himself Morris drew his gun and was forced to fire when Bagwell continued his .'onslaught. The gun was knocked aside and the shot did not hit him. Bagwell was taken into custody and is being held in the county jail on ?eharges growing out of the affair. Principals oi; each school in the county will serve as community com mits e chairman to solicit the county districts. j The Rev. Harry Perry, rector of ! St. Philips Episcopal church, is roll' chairman; Jos. S. Silversteen, chapter chairman; Alex H. Kizer, treasurer, and Mrs. John W. Smith secretary of the local Red Cross unit. Much work ha3 been done by the Red Cross in Transylvania during the past year, and this is being stressed by workers in the membership cam paign as reason for one hundred per cent 'enrollment in the organization. More than 5000 yards of cloth have been received and distributed in the county in the past few months; two car loads of flour have been distri buted to needy families; yeast for [treatment of pellegra cases, and hos pitalization of cases unable to pay, [are some of the work for which the j local chapter has been responsible I during the past year. COMPENSATION ACT SAID JUSTIFIED | ! Raleigh, Nov. 16? Transylvania ! county reported 288 industrial acci dents cases in 1930-31, as compared ( with 149 in 1931-32, the injured work 'ers receiving $9,329 in compensation 'in 1930-31, as compared with ?L,8S9 in 1931-32, while medical costs, goin^r to doctors, hospitals and druggists, in : 1930-31 amounted to $2,720, as com pared with $2,240 in 1931-32, the comprehensive biennial report oi the N. C. Industrial Commission just is sued shows. Of the total 149 accidents the past fiscal year in this county, 100 were medical only; that is, the workers lost less than one week of time and received no compensation for time lost, having medical bills paid only; ^ ? vn^ted in death, one left the J. ggto ^^prtialbut nerrna inent disability, and 48 were disaol^w jbut for a limited period_the report ; shows. The Compensation Act is justified, Jit is pointed out, in that the several (Counties of the State are relieved of Imany charity cases heretofore result i ing from industrial accidents ? that ,'mar.y civil terms of the courts, with attendant costs paid from county funds it is claimed, have been saved. The physically handicapped worker i (Continued on back page) BLUE DEWlS LOSE TO WAYNESVILLE The Blue Devils of the Brevard High school were defeated by the Mountaineers at Waynesville in their j game there Armistice day. The final 'score was 58-19. j The Waynesville eleven is one of j t Iff1 strongest teams in this section. I The game was fast and furious being (witnessed by a large crowd, among iwhom were a number from Brevard. | \ JAMES F, BARRETT IS | ILL AT HIS HOME Mr. James F. Barrett has been con fined to his bed for the past week with a severe case of Flu. Reports from his home late Wednesday indi cate that he is considerably improved and will probably be out during the week. V. F. W. TO MEET HERE ON TUESDAY Pisgah Post No. 2428, Veterans Foreign Wars will hold a specij meeting Tuesday evening, Noveml 22, 7:30 o'clock at their regular me ing place. Every member is urged L attend and take part in the rneetil as much business of vital interest f the members will be transacted, r National headquarters of the pi have called for action on several ml teis to be presented to the next si sion of the Congress of the Unij 'States, according to Frank Woodf | Post Commander. lUBRARYHASiW I POPULAR F1CTH I Among the new books received | I the U. D. C. library in the recj [shower the librarian reports the ! lowing new novels: j Laughing Boy? Oliver La Bon iOrie of Is a Murderer? Allen i May; The Woman of Andres ? Tho {tor. Wilder; Mary's Neck ? Boi Tarkington; The Longer Day ? A jnymous; Red Headed Woman ? Kit. , eiine Brush; To Be Hanged ? Br! TTr-milton; Imperial Palace ? Arn I nr.ett; A River Plows with Hes , <i ? Howell Vines; Ultima Thaela ' Rfchardson; Dead Lovers Are Faij f*i : I Lovers ? Francis Newman. The U. D. C. library has very fj < llection of books on a great varifl ?: subjects and the more than niitj books which were added in the ccnt. book shower adds greatly tej \ !ue for these include hooks oJ r mber of subjects; the books of 2| 1 ; .'on are by well known authf iEvtiyone is urged to come in and J ! acquainted. You will be surprised ! the large number of books and variety of subjects included. Two new members were added ling the past month. ?REV. ALEXANDER II ! DiST. CONVENT!! Rev. R. L. Alexander, pal J Brevard-Davidson River Presbyter! ichurfli here attended the three-cf 'session of the South-western distrj of the North Carolina Christian deavor Union held at Canton begl ning Friday, as one of the one hif ,dred delegates from this district. | Car! Waldrop, of RutherfordtJ ! district president, presided over J convention which was held in j Presbyterian church in Canton, (number of interesting addresses we ih??rd, including the opening addr<J J which was by Luther M'edin, of High (Point, president of the North Caro lina Christian EndeaVor Union, de jlivered Friday evening on (he sub iject. "Christ and Youth." | The program Saturday morning was devoted to an open forum and I discussion periods and addresses by [Rev. J. A. Flannigan, of Franklin land 'Mr. Medin. During Saturday ; afternoon the deiegf.tcs enjoyed a i trip through the plant of the Oham Ipion Fibre company and a banquet in .'the evening, given in the Y. M. C. A. [club room, presided over by Rev. G. B. Hammond, of Canton. At that time j the Rev. M. S. Avery spoke on "Christian Youth in a World of i Changing Standards." j The final session held Sunday 'afternoon was featured by a program under the auspices of the Asheville City Union. Rev. Alexander, of Brevard, deliv ered a splendid address which closed i the convention. MS FLAY BLUE DEVILS Ewnp tamahoam 7'(T16 eliib: Judge Jor.i-, Judge lAycrs, Messrs, Albert, Carter, W3 jsort, Ball Branham, Turner all of ; Harlan, Ky. Dr. Wat.kins, of Ashe jville, Dr, E. S. Eiigl.ith, Roland Owen, I Hubert Wolfe, D. L. English, Le .1 ?English, Monroe Collin*, W. T. Rrc-v. n land L. L. Brown of Brevard. I The party killed six deer. TEACHERS RECEIVE ! MARCH SALARIES \ '? According to an announcemer.. raade by Prof. J. B. Jones, teac!;ei in the Transylvania schools were pa: i Saturday for the last thir l of tl > I month of March. This pays sli back ! salaries in the county school svstfm 'except for one month, which is yet ;due. 1 Salaries for the present year have ; been paid up to date. Complete, Official Vote of Transylvania County, by Precincts, as Cast In the Election of November 8, 1932 o 3 o (=3 03 > o V. o o C 4) S-, ?a <d ? ** > 1/3 ? ? ? V 4J (0 vi a n$ ft) o 1,1 ? >> 0J erf r> 's/1 fc; u o > c<5 (0 ?9 5! ? S S rS 4 rt t; ? 2 %, to ? J ? m *r! 'C > * ,s o g a O ---. ra I - .2 ? ? o S3 ej Vl (B > *?' /"N f'1 o cS is o ?S e w 12 4i c? ** r 8* ? r< rs a ? 35 > :> -a A jj' # O 3 w got -=! ca >4* Oj o &< cC C 03 </> O DO ? ? rr1 o o ? SJ "0 13 rt J3 cS t? s 3 o G i H-l (U . 5 > <u ?-> o r? >> V ? C .5 O U -: en g | o 4) 4) 3 % W IS 31 ? t-> t " H ? o :c t. V 'C S (V m COMMISSIONERS c cfi be <? > c tp J= K '"Si S3 K bd m c <3j c ft ? I? 1 w u tu C w N _?S 5 K ^ BOYD BREVARD NO. 1 . . , BREVARD NO. 2 . . . BREVARD NO 3 CATHEYS CREEK . CEDAR MOUNTAIN DUNNS ROCK EASTATOE EAST FORK GLOUCESTER NO. 1 GLOUCESTER NO. 2 HOGBACK NO. 1 . HOGBACK NO. 2 . HOGBACK NO. 3 . LITTLE RIVER . . . OLD TOXAWAY . ROSMAN TOTALS Majorities ?** V 146 405 581 138 204 8 166 168 90 53 40 113 84 80 48 50 152 2526 855 173 206 154 155 76 20 82 3 118 83 35 68 41 191 23 90 143 393 577 135 203 9 171 167 92 49 39 106 82 79 47 47 150 164 146 161 193 414 166 214 586 193 160 137 158 165 207 161 77 8 77 67 171 67 81 167 81 4 95 3 120 49 116 86 40 86 39 109 71 83 41 202 22 47 91 154 36 68 78 41 50 198 22 91 149 426 592 134 207 8. 171 167 95 49 41 111 81 70 51 48 154 158 163 197 158 161 . 78 67 81 4 119 86 36 69 40 198 22 91 144 428 593 135 206 7 176 169 92 58 39 115 86 79 47 49 150 156 155 148 470 184 619 152 148 161 222 78 7 55 195 80 174 4 116 95 63 86 41 34 114 66 83 38 76 197 50 20 50 92 150 145 120 184 143 147 78 57 79 4 115 83 34 69 44 194 20 92 142 422 577 145 207 8 188 173 94 55 31 116 83 76 42 49 148 154 157 219 146 162 77 58 76 5 123 94 33 70 42 201 20 92 120 390 575 126 203 8 187 167 95 59 37 110 81 80 38 50 142 176 194 220 176 166 77 59 86 3 120 89 37 70 38 208 20 87 144 439 605 138 209 7 186 173 93 58 39 116 83 79 49 49 152 141 435 603 137 207 7 186 170 93 59 39 116 84 79 48 4.9 152 132 408 584 137 203 7 188 168 93 58 40 116 83 79 40 48 148 164 176 202 153 164 78 65 81 4 119 86 33 69 39 204 20 98 139 438 594 136 208 7 189 173 95 59 39 116. 83 80 46 49 152 139 429 596 132 205 7 186 173 94 59 39 1.15 84 79 49 49 151 140 438 595 136 207 7 1 85 173 94 57 as 116 84 79 46 49 152 161 163 160 156 107 134 155 158 158 160 78 78 58 60 79 -79 3 3 117 116 86 86 33 33 67 68 39 40 201 194 20 20 92 90 149 186 158 161 78 58 83 3 117 86 33 68 40 199 20 90 1671 2489 1797 2541 1725 2563 1728 2573 1667 2710 1608 2556 1729 2468 1834 2619 692 816 835 906 1102 827 634 2605 2532 1756 2603 2586 2597 1704 1688 16S1 s 776 * ? ' - SliS

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