PiSGAH FOREST NEWS j The Davidson River cemetery was improved very much last week when twelve of the local unemployed men worked it. We hope that it will be kept in the good condition it i3 in ! now. Mrs. Perry Cheek and thrw chil dren spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Jess Owen at Brevard. Friends in this section of Miss Maggie Hall will be surprised to feam of her marriage at her home in Humphrey, Ark. Miss Hall is a form er resident of this section. Mrs. C. C. Morris and daughters, Audrey and Elizabeth of Biltmore wero callers of Mrs. Morris* mother Mrs. Emma Coiburn last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday had as their guests Thanksgiving day, Mrs. Susan Boggs of Spartanburg, Mr. Henry Bogga, Jr., and Mrs. John Welch of Layfette, Ind. and Miss jRuth Boggs of Turkey Creek. i Mrs. Sarah Orr is visiting Mr. J ,Wiley Townsend and children at Pen SOSG, ? The teachers of the local school spent the Thanksgiving holidays at ? ' ? j How Doctors Treat Colds and Coughs To break up a cold overnight- and rc- ! lieve the congestion that makes yon tou^li, thousands of physicians ere now 1 wco.-jmending Calotabs, the nauseale33 ?alora*l compound tablets that give you ' the i'lTects of calomel and salts without : the 'mpleasant cffects of either. Oue or two Calotabs at bedtime with a ?la*s of sweet milk or water. Next morn ing your ct>ld has vanished, your system is thoroughly purified and you are feeling Cue w:?b a hearty appetite for breakfast. V?*. vim*, you wish, ? no danger. Colt tabs are sold in 10c aud 35c pack ages a'" >'rn? stores. (Adyl the following places. Mr. R. D. Jen-, kins with his family at Clayton. N. C. Misses Mamie and Flora Lyday visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Orr in Chattanooga, Tenn. and Misses Julia Deaver and Annie Mar Pattors visited Misses Robbie Orr and Mary Dowler in Chattanooga, Tenn. ' 1 Mrs. Mat Allison of Little River j is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sen tell. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cheek and! children spent Sunday with Mrs.j Cheek's sister, Mrs. Corbin, near Ess ley, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson, of Greenville spent Thanksgiving day with the latter's mother, Mrs. D. W. Hollingsworth. Mr. Simpson returned, to Greenville Thursday but Mrs.] Simpson remained here for a visit, j Miss Eva Whitmire attended the Canton-Brevard football game at Canton last Wednesday. Several people from this section at tended tha funeral and burial ser vices of Mrs. Cull Case at Oak Grove Monday afternoon. Rev. Rhinehart of Canton, who has been elected as the local Baptist min ister preached a very interesting Thanksgiving sermon last Thursday afternoon at the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Maekey had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollingsworth of Boiiston. Miss Elizabeth McCoy, who has been attending school at Montreat Normal has returned to her home here and will continue her studies at Brevard High school so she can be near her mother who is ill. Mrs. Jamie Deaver and two sons of Breyard were guests of Miss Amie J. Gash last Thursday. Mrs. Bert Alexander and Mrs. Charlie Newton of Turkey Creek were guests of Mrs. Jim Lyday Mon day. Miss Harriet Emma Boggs who is attending collego at Cullowhee was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday . Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tinsley of Blan-J tyre are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Saml Wyatt. / Penrose School News PENROSE SCHOOL NEWS A GIFT Wo greatly appreciate the pencils Mrs. Daisy Mackey gave the school Monday afternoon. They are 5-csnt pencils and are very good. We thank her very much for them. LEONARD BRAGG, Seventh grade. BASEBALL Winter or no winter we are still playing baseball and having somo in teresting games. Some of the girls join the boys and play too. The smaller children play on the basket ball court . ... HAZEL GREENE, Sixth grade. ? j Frances Surrette, who has been ab sent from the Sixth grade work for ja week on account of sickness is back 'this week. We are all glad to see her back with us, SIXTH GRADE. ARITHMETIC WORK BOOKS The Sixth and Seventh grades are very much interested in our work in Arithmetic. V/e have books which have 30 drills containing 20 prob lems of different kind? in each drill. The only pupil in any grade which has worked ali twenty cf the prob lems is Johnny Lyday. Many of us have reached on the twelfth drill, a score of nine. The highest score being ten NINA LOU RUSTON, Seventh grade. Brevard, N. C. Nov. 23, 1932 Dear Santa Glaus: I want you to bring me a bicycle, a wagon and a ball. Please don't for get me at Christmas. Yours truly, PAUL COUCH, Fourth grade. Lest Wednesday evening our room had a Thanksgiving party. We play ed lots of games. Soiae of the games I had prizes to them. Our teacher ser- J vdd suckers to us, JOHNNY LYDAY, Sixth grade. Brevard, N. C. Nov. 28, 1932. Dear Santa Clnus : Ycu are the one that comes around at Christmas. You bring little ones all kind3 of pretty toys and candy, nuts and other goo1 TO CUSTOMERS OF THE SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY In order that our custo mers may benefit immediately from slie recent reduction in rates for electricity, our accounting de partment, on bills to be sen'i out December 1, v/ill figure each cus tomer's bill under that schedule which it appears v/ill be to the best advantage of that customer. Not only do our new rates mean a very material saving for a large proportion of our custo mers, but the new rates, with electricity at 3 3-4 cents per KW hour for the first 150 KW hours and 3 cents per KW hour for all consumption above that, mean that our customers in general may enjoy the fullest measure of comfort and convenience that may f~ ? derived from electric ser vice a' n insignificant cor-t. -lesidential customers whose c onsumption is less than 28 KW hours per month (and who do not contemplate increas ing their consumption) will find it to their advantage to take ser vice under schedule 1-B, which is as follows: $1,00 for the first 13 KW hours or less used per month; 7 cents per KW hour for all con sumption in excess of 13 KWH used per month. However, with electricity at 3 3-4 cents per KW hour up to 150 KW hours and at 3 cents for all consumption above that figure, very few customers, we believe, will deny themselves the greater convenience and comfort which they can have so cheaply and few will elect schedule 1-B. The accompanying graph shows the comparison between the old Southern Pub lic Utilities lighting schedule,, the average rate in the 177 largest cities in America as worked out by the Worth Carolina Corporation Commission, and the new residential service schedule of the utilities company. You will note that the new schedule No. 1. depicted by the heavy black line, is markedly below the curve representing the 177 cities. In the upper left hand corner is shown also the new general lighting schedule, optional schedule 1-3. If you know what your consumption is you can find the point nearest to it on the slanting lines and determine what your monthly bill would be at the old rate, at che average raSe of the 1 77 cities, and at the new rates embraced in our new schedule No. I represented by the heavy lines. All of the new schedules of rates for electric service and the new aekedule of rates for gas service art; on file at ?aur office and our customers are invited to in spect and study them, if there is any question in the minds of any customers as to which schedule they should be under our representatives will be glad to ad.visw with them, explain the schedules in detail, and be of any assistance possible. mm fcgK; , MM iyssagsi n V vVJf? - SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY E. C, MARSHALL, Pre?idcn*