1 U 0 M II 11 u V II il X i V f M IF Citcrntnrc, CVrt, Science, News nnir menu" 3ntcUincncc. ,. 1 . i .. 1 " . . . . - 7 - r t 1 . 1 - -- 1 - - : " t - f .... , , ,. - , IT - -., - ... - r 'v'SfI'IiSe"? Editors. )e y IS :By!TAOINl . tr3!ME jT.C)B IHSlk Ws'qVrISCE '".. . ."- Terms : $scUy iSS ; VOLUME L ; . '' ' . FRANKLIN, KORTH CAEOLMA, 1TJDAY, .JUNE 22t 18G0. ; - ; : i , NUMBER 18. CLISnKI KTEBT FRIDAY SIOBXISO, IX THE TOWK . Or TRANKLIX, MACCl COUXTT, NO. CA. ,. t)ff .Ae Public Building South of Covrt Uoittc. ISiisaMniirmis tianity. TJEhj cjiemics between tbe traveler to unen1s tjo f-untnin -of ttar?, nul the Canaan and openiifg gates of Zion are not J pent tip ft tlings o Inng rcj rcetl, burst ' l. "1.- ... T t T " . 1 For the Franklin Observer. . Treacbers or the Holston Conference. V . JHE-DE1D. ! ; 81 60 Pra AKKtM-aa-nit reonimt invariably f for sometime, tq.wnte a" scries ! n advance. ' - ' .; ; J ; 1 ; . j : for the Observer, wltli the view of giving- its sates or AdTernsing, t)n 8quare of twelve lines or leHs f Cents for tlie first insertion, aixt 2 : nabaeqnent insertion. j. i kept hidden, nor are thej represented as being few and feeble, far otherwise they arc por trayed as giants. But, just as "the faint-hearted are rvttinf readv to retreat, tbe Godof bat-5 ;e.fj'inin,yTUin(1 tics is thownSr.1king iu the creates of cries oftoH article,, nu " ;trcnT hUjjag pUlar of firTTT farrli in tagion!itc soh. -F recall tlc hCuts ci dJ! 1! lovii-: cmraiiicnbip, t! lie t; seen amidst the darkness; or the guiding cloud " readers an account of the preaclicrsf of Hoi- thrbwinir its hadowv wine over I :S$eS Conference.- Tcannot think of anything, j, givcif in na srael'd bos be name, to move memory cn, .in cmpaiiicnfhin.tl.--v t ,-?' in -i t -r- ncil jl.-.nd the t..:ae witK . . ho co I; t fr.h-u.ee-- tlA-v" -j )-Rt.,i- t! , hi L,.L... r ' -J smile. And lightens the burden ot The othfrby a checiing word. They realize, ns they conld not before, "the wealth and worth of that love fhe has pledged, and , aEUixc xnttirs. No feature in the face of a child i3 lovelier than the Hps, with rows of pear ly teeth playing Lido and seek behind them. But ah. Fcmf times mouths i;!;e trr.-i f .rth i: :. f. t 15CIE5T EriXS IX THE IX1TIU) ETlTtS. A new itimnlasi likely to be given to American orclrcol by a distvvcry recently made seme ninety milei north- . east cf Ftr. i;!antca, a loo accctint 1 1 j ,it fpt eared ia tL2;lv.rt .r.ij) Tim?: ' 1 1 lady Byron's Answer to ''lord Bjron's :'FareweU.,,J :- i " In the whole ranee : of iEnclih literature 1 ha.', up to this time, kept my pen still. there is not. In our opinion, production, eith- venture is now made, under a due Vense-of all -1 k 1 ?i' xl - IJit- I auuui uicn iu wnic,. mat - wouiu uc mure ; j . j 4 4i .; 1 t i. . j j , .... . . . . . . likelv to afford intcret to the reade L and en- h! Cntef JT.1!6 1.1"' tAb.Iily of tluat truth sho hat l.liRht- - ever ana anon,onc is seen losiep lnio uio posses ed to tho buebnnd of her Youth, "till hanee he ; prosperity of your opntain; Wer ,ion of Mi . death do us purt," and with thoJolemn more, than the one I have selected. . . . .-Or tbe sccdman is.seen, it may be, sowing words, a prnver is-wafted heavenward, A sense of incompetency, to "do any thing U, sced uodcr many discouragementi., -while that when the hour of reparation does 1 i 1 i t i . . -ill m : . ' - 'I.'!. posit. Soon the waving harvest is shown, 'as The I cr in prose or Terse, that coniblhes within it - self more expression of fcelingj more real, un iFpokcn," earnest sentiment, than Lady Byron's reply to her faithless husband. Byron's i . ("Farewell" was an ironical bidding adieu to a i heart he! wantonly crushed.. But t Lady B, that is promised, by implication, in. the an nouncement of the subjecf;' and your'readers are besought for their clemency., "j . - My recollection of the preachers of the Holston Conference goes, back "spnio forty yearsj and I can now call up ritidly call up pecial attention to and highly-gifted men of God,- who, years cc expressed in the since, were gathered, to th -r fathers, and, Of a number of thess I propose to Savior. speak in their or has. in defendine herself from his ironv. "turn- lite a number of round-breasted coits, broad led the tables" on him most completely. Her hrlmmed bats, white-flowing locks, &c., which reply is scathuigand must diavecut" Byron were the property, and I add, adornment of 'lo the quick." We call s the proud and noble defiance cxp last verse. The poem has doubtless been read sinc,9 thca' have rested witU their by all our readers-f4ut it. will repay another perusal. Ifeatpht. Enq. ''.."--f'. ,;- i Yes! farewell farewell forever! J - Thou thyself hast fixed-our doom, Bade Hope's fairest blossoms wither, - Never again for me to bloom. . Unforgiving thou hast galled uit ' - D:d.t'thoi ever say forgive? , " For the wretch whose wiles beguiled thee; Thou alone didst seem to live. mj series, taking t'lem as nearly" in der as I can. Perhaps, I ought to say, in entering upon my work, that I do net intend to cdi.fine my self to the traveling ministry of the Confer ence. . I, honor the locality too hihiy, to a'; low me to do so. ' nd the toils of. lifts nro ended. they may be accounted worthv to enter upon "tie rest that rcmainf , cud he ic- unitcd,-' "WJcre rcaniafc vows are i ever HHVcn, to part so more, no more forever! There's nn unwonted tenderness in the tonfs if the littlo brothers ns they fpenk v their "sihtcr," Their cadences itre soft jand low, as if it were a profana tion to Utter that Ithivrd name in a fcurce sudible voice. They miss her none will pass the ordeal. Sinners shriek, cnresseaaiid nsterly tffices ns they return saints even look sad, till he, at the close,! homo fmm Bchool or frtm their street throws tlie promises, as food, to the faithful. sports, and their mirth is chastened by Such was .Samuel Watson. . lie sleeps in East the thmght that they heat no more her Tennessee. Peace to his dust. . words ul welcome. TRAVELER. -I les, in sj ite of all cur .iflorfs, tho hhndowi will creep nronr.u our hcatts vIhe 3Itrri8ge or ttc First Bern. and the darkness will, gather over cur The bell.foundcd. Adieus vere has- home, lthou;li wc know our ' loved one tily exchargrd and loving kisses imprint is lkW.in the radiance ol an affection ted on rrsy lips, nnd still fonder parting purer and holier than 1 Brents, "caters or .which brothers can bcstcw. Nature lias doccd it bends to the sickle;" and the man who went ont in the mourner's garb is seen "re turning," "bearing his sheaves with him.' ' If the last text named be the subject, ' the day of judgment is brought right before the audience. Wc not only see the final .close of time, but also a living universe, in conster nation assembled, and, as the preacher culls out the sinners unable to stand, yon fear t i v t IT" ' )T3 ! : t- rc ; 3 n mother s err. vain, say wluit is coarse and impure, cent lulls, slope grajimiy e&itwni i0r forgetting that this, also, is sin. wards the river Tescos, and is very- fer- We knew a dear old lady who many tile, crossed by a gurgling stream of the. years ago taught a little private school purest water, that cot only sustains a in a New-England town. -Her heart was rich vegetation, but perhaps furnished pure, and therefore her words were sweet, with this necessary element the thon- - She loved the blessed Saviour, and cared sands who cnets inhabited this rresfnt most tenderly Tor the Iambs ot his fold, wilderness. The city wsi probably built She teemed to live in the little children's by a warlike race, cs it is quadrangular world, rejoicing and suffering with them, and arranged with skill . to afford tlw , ''To"COTKplcte.thy love' ecayj ... By unhallowed passions drivcn? Soon that heart was taught to stray. Lived for me that feeling tender . Which thy verse so Well can show, From my arms why: didst thou wander? My endearments why forego? : Oh! too late thy breast was bared,, - - Oh! too "soon to me j'twas showtj, That thy lore' I once but shared, And already it is fl0wn. "I Wrapt in dreams for joy abiding, .On thy breast my head hath lain, In thy love and truth pohfiding, - Bliss I ne'er can know again. . - - - ! ' . . . The dark hour did first discover : In thy soid the hideous stain-1 ' Would those eyes had closed forever, . Ne'er to weep thy crimes again. But the impious wish, O; heaven! - . . -From the record blotted be; j Yes, I yet would live, O, Byron, . For the babe I've borne for thee! In those lovely features (let me " . All my weakness here confess, "Whilst the struggling tears permit me,) i All the father's I can trace-4 . He whose image never leaves mc, He whose image still I prize, ';' Who this bitterest feeling gives me, Still to love where I despise. With regret and sorrow rather, " -: ' When our child's first accents flow, I 'will teach her to say Father, ' fButhis guilt she ne'er shall know. Whilst to-morrow and to-morrow Wakes me from a widowed bed; -. Qn another's arms, no sorrow r . Wilt thoa feel, no tear wilt ihed. I the world's approval sought not, ; - When I tore myself from thee; Of its praise or blame I thought not - What's its praise or blame to me? -' Tie so prized so loved adored, , From my heart his jmage rove, : On my head contempt has poured : ",: And preferred a wanton's love. Thou art proud; but mark me, Byron, - - Tve a heart proud as thine own; : ' Soft to love but hard as iron ; v " When contempt is 6'cr. it thrown -But, farewell! I'll not upbraid thee, Never, never wish thee ill; ' SAMCEL WATS OX. Samuel Watson was a local preacher, but he was only such in name, for he trav eled very extensively, over the hill country of "Last Ten nessce, holding, t TOdays'jucetings, and attend ing quarterly ard campmeetings. Both preach She hud always something pleasant tojbijrbest buildings on the outer line being 6ay, and a fl iwer or kiss to give; so that pierced with loop holes, as though calcu- the scholars loved the schol house next luted for the use of weapons. . best to 'mother's room"al home. - " Several of the buildinrs are of xnti They; never had to lx s'nt to school, I size, and built of massive bl.ka of dark but ran eft cheerfully before nine o'clock granite rock, which could only ha ro that they might speak to her before the been wrought tu their present condition little bell rung. She believed what Sol- by a vast amount f labor. There are onion said aixnit the "rod of correction;" the ruins of three noble edifices, each, but, in some way, sho got along with- presenting a front of three hundred feet out using it very often. Once her heart made of ponderous blocks of stone; and was deeply wounded by-hearing that a the dilipidated walls are even now - thir- Iittle fellow. bad spoken unclean.-words ty-five feet high. There are no parti when out at play. When forced to pun- tiohs in the apex of the middle (snppoa islt very little one, she used to take cd). temple, so that room must haro them on her lap; but as Master Charlie been vast; and there are also carvings in was nine years old, she called him to bas-relief and fresco work. "Appearances" stand bcfre 'her. Taking both bis hands justify the conclusion that these silent between her own, and locking into his ruins cculd once boast of balls as gor- blue eyes l.e iktdt ''Have you leen geously decorated by the artist, hand usingicked words to-day, my dear?" as those of Thebes and Palmyrai. VI didn't strcar" whimpered Char- The buildings "are all loop-holed in Ht, ' , t , cacj 6 jej much resembling that found - "Are you willing to go home, and re- in the old feudal castles cf Europe, de peat all you have said in jour tuothei's signed for the use of archers. ( The . presence?" . blocks of which these edifices are com-.. Charlie hung bis . head and colored josed are cemented together by a sp- ; deeply, and whispered, "No ma'am, be- cies of mortar of a bituminoGs charac- cause it would grieve her." 'ter, which has such tenacity that vast And biive you funrotten mr lcot boy 1 mntses of wall have" fallen" down- with-- that one who is far holier thau she, has I out the blocks bcir delachcd by'lha hcanl in heaven the naughty words shock. We hope ere long to lie favored which came frcm those little lips to-dny? with full and desciiilive particulars, I am afraid theru is something unclean as it is vrolable that wifs and eXamtn- some of the United Stales efficers Uchcd to the nearest fort. at- words trembled on other torques must not, could not .be spktn, and the her mrit grgcous robes in honor of the was left, the bride of nn hour, to be bur- bridal, but over tie enchanted circle of ned whither? : he me brcids "the spiiit of heaviness." - lho gay party of attendants were dtiv- The s::n is pouring his1 beams, over the en inrougn me crowaea streets, tno in-i earth, but they linger not on the Uar dies escorted to their homes by their kencd threshold. The voice of music is gallant cavHliers. and they iu tuin cod- ekuent Trithour.lHtturi.ftro tuntloM. crs and people, according to . my rocollection, 1 ducted to their respective place of busi- and there is no heart response to the were more active, and could get farther from ness, each wondering, and jn-'rhaps wish- echoes that they awake. Oh! there is a home on errands of mercy, in the days of which .ing that the next to be 'united by Hy- sadness in the marriage cf the first born. I now speak, than they seem disposed to be or men's silken tie may be himself and the But there is jy also in the marriage l.ftckrl.o fair bein who SO latelv leaned blnshillC- I of tho first lrr. Tnn."intion nrirtrnva I lv on his supportioj: arm. Hapnv thev annthpr l-.f.nsc in which he U the tiresi. ,n Jour heart; but, as I cannot reach ations will I made tmi mrst such inter- TMii;nnnMnM;ftnVp,riA' kdiold only dins cf uius another chamber to be lhat myself, I will ak Jesus to do. it; I csfing relics of the utknowD past, by .. 01 c 1 . . the reflection of their own iovs. and hear 1;..1,p,1 hv ih. .nnlnnn !,- n..cinm can reach your dps; .and as I ra sure lion, mere comes up among mem a inan aDOU. l , , , , , . I . . . V r , .fu. & i.J only the echo of-their golden marnage another matdv heart to be rncour- lhey not fit to gie jour mother the bight; hair of a black color, interspersed with trostca iocks, ana ratner tiunon via lore ncao; tor wll0) in (ffcring COngrntulations, ,'s there not joy unspeakable in this, that P? ftrtra J w a frame well-proportioned, heavy set, ia, little in- forjrets the parties, and returns to his all through the vieisittu!es of life. aM,nr bit of sp, nr.d a fmnll flange, clined to corpulency: a larcc chest: a luscious I hnnin nd firpnsinmcl rlntipo tnrnntpin. n-..m r,r.i.i i,Lf i,na i...t...i t land, bidding Chnrlie - oten -his month. eye; broad face and forehead; a somewhat pro- plate another home from which the light protection the a-Mi of his luve? she washed it well teeth, tongue, lips jaor brse hospitahty this i fnsatUbla truded,wide mouth; features ratner eoarse, has departed, in the marringe of the first ' and all 1 Sho then wiped them dry with Hygnnnst was enjoyiog while awaiting but evincing thought fulness and ihtel i?ence. born, ilow desolate now appears the old Mrving me. accih ucar.. nen sco- a sou oapKin,nnu uamcu.ins tear stain- nui ihuui, ilu,Vu ",u,i T sp him nsrmid thf wilnit. in the. rluirrl, homestead as the family returns from the II 'coi examinations. Fays tno rcieniitic cu lace i.p.' 1 flrt hrA-MaM ' ttJ w nuptials to wander through the halls and American, have been made of the mat- forgivoncss ter deposited on the teeth and irunls of and ?e USi ?i CF 1 ,eP CarIf! ASS -f sounded 1 and how silent as contrasted ' nnre than forty individual from all classes it, made a deeper" impression on the disappeared, pnd left mither trace tibr v? schoW . Charlie is now money Uhir.d. A reward was effered ow he reads his Bible lesson, aj(e, he reads . , . , , .. W n . dition.ai.d in nearly every instance ani- almost a man but never, since that dsv. for his capture; a description of his fas ithkeevery minister should do, ma manner I m;i-nil i -..! .fi r.t m'al and veselable narasitcs have been has an. imnure word escied Ids lii. c!natirg irson was circulated ! he was tence feel that (jod speaks rtT,i M,i tn. f.nind. In fact, the cnlv ixrsnni . hIkmsa lAt the verv ihou ht of such a wnnl. he recrw-oirtd in a Village tavern by a man t I 1 111! . 1 lUU I llUUVli. Ill ULT SUU UIUU11J'' . -- w w m I " J - - - . W w " mt I ".I J M o " 1 - - - " Abc hmn is given out. the hride elect. How each vies with the m( A Gay Lothario. John Iverson, was recently arrested'and imprisoned nt the South, for aggravated poljgamy; ha had thirteen wires. The daughter of the it napkin, and bathcd.his tear stain- ' weiievea mm innocent, puiea Lim, ace, on which she pressed the kiss of opened the prison door, fled fcith him, ivoncss. This simple punUhment atJd lerame his fourteenth wlf. Alter the Veal sorrow of her who inflicted eight days of dmeslic b!is the husband that makes his and in his word of truth mouths were found to bo completely freel fancies that he tahUs soap; and that be The audience sing not one in tenjor twenty, other in those delicate attentions, iuten- of them, cleansed their teeth four times hears again the gentle rebuke of his first What music! No marvel, that I Methodists gjficd by the. thought that soon the-ser- daily, using soap. One or two of these teacher. ' . were called titters in those days.' j The pray- vices it is his privilege to render, will no I individuals also passed a thread between : pV is' nffprPfT- Anil riipTi ft tmvpf it. is -iTTpnvpn lnnrrpr'bfl rrnnirrd fit hia hnnda t ihnt the teeth to clcatlSO them mom cffeCtU- CJtHilrCn "Fctshionalll" . DlXSSed. . C. - 1 i i i - .i . i . 1-11.. T n11 A. . 1 f . TU linr.l r...l.:n nT J trvi liim In ln tnintinn anil then nt seems to bend, and litt up the audience from sno w no una CTown cp in ineir miust, u" uumuvr ui raiu- ioU.v mnm;.! u ,h v..,u.ui ... .... All is done W'1I soon leave the m, to gladden the encs was greater in propotuon to tne oi iemier yenis io ine ween oni-uoor air u.m i"w-uo '' iu neglect ot clcaulincs?. ! Tho ellect of the with but halt tho necessary protection l ne reiurnca, nis nome was oescrieu auce iho thought of the reward effered, and set about preparing his toils for the Yh lira; " In 'order to instil confidence Into his breast, he made his acquaintarieey its ruinr The text is annouccc'3 in a manner that impresses the whole eongrc- hea ' of another 1 Koto; what has been ! cation with the belief that no ordinary man is 1 . 1 . - - - - . I A 1 The nassnire WUct oA is lJ anl1 -1 i anticipation, has become a. rcali- application of various agents was also which their little arm and legs require, hy his 1 the silence which jeals the lips noticed. Tobacco juice and smoke did is slill so prevalent as to require a word whom not injure their vitality least. of comment. by his intended prey.and his" own . wife, Iverson, had led astray. A wretch- fond mother, led man suggests that a proper though a nnniir. to Drparn. - . . and the sadness which Kits on thn Inr-rs .i : ;fir rvn and lowers still more -heavily in the The same was true of the chlorine tooth- that your chubby three-year old boy is ternoiy severe pum.nnieni woum lie io the goodly land; or, They that jow in tears, chambers of the oul, testifies to the wash, of pulverized baik, of soda, am- finely modelled as the Cupid of-Canova compel this Hygamist to Iit6 wtlh his shall reap in joy;" or, "He that goeth forth, and he yj(Ji - fnonia, and various other topular deter- i, hut tlie pleasure yon darivo in know- fifteen wires at ooce. -r and weepeth, bearing precious j seed, shall 4 The marriage of the first born I now gents. The application of soap, however, ing that other penile admire the grace- , . J 1 doubtless come again with rejoicuig; bringing the mother's heart swells with emotion appears to destroy them instaotly. We fill roundness of those limbs will never An Unexampled Jlaihxtod Frtt.--nr his sheaves with him;" or one moj-e awful. as she realizes, ns "only a mother can, the may hence iufer that this is the best and compensate ymi for the nngmMi and Hanghlm, foreman of the roacjane slurps "The irreat day of his wrath is COtne and who rprpntlv nssmnpd rpsnnn:ihilitipa rr bpr most siecific remedy for teeth. In all watching which you will experience 1 f the Michigan Central lUilroad. ac he able to stand?" lie set; i ! out on the f.hihl .' 7. tnowa what it U tn an from cases the number of parasites was creater when he is attacked with croup or the cnmplisneu a teat at fitcBigan city wttn proper key; but every word is hcrd distinct- the paternal protection to the sheltering proiwrtion to the .neglect of. cleanli-I lerntic scan w. . l; !1 I. . 11 p .t ' rrrt I 'Annl inn r II tot, I j V T 1 ilMiirrin.t 1- ir .on.' a l.'n.A...,V,. i:. .a1 winrra nf annthnr onrf tro vnmlor tho DeSI. 11 maV 1)0 PrOICr IOHUU IDai DOOe I "I'MIUlC lit fllUU Illlir limo ia v"o- v" v.. v . . . . ,, , 1 , . .i I hnn m m ii inn.B K n. . 1 n l I n 3 I 111! L llin Till TPS t W I IH l.rtllll Knnil SnOIllll 1 IOC UCllllXl IIUUH'I UI I'lV IIZPU SOC1C I T. 1UU I i nis strons intellect, into tne suDiect. "uo oji.'iiiit;a a iy nu uainu"oiuniiu r - : i , . I i v i ? that fpr lpt lh"rlond Af advPit be USCU. . . - m men go OUl 0! UOOrS WltO thinly ClaU el- .ut,CTUg.OW SU m luucaic jivj cmwiuu iuuuucu lk:iiuu. uu . - . - j J- ' II .1 A...II 1 .! let fever. Stmrg rjien find it he train carrying delegates to the Chi cago ioaTei of mention. aim is made to force Rhetoric to do what none fnou,a ouscure snouia mingle wnn ner hnt God can perform: inarammatitUmt are not t,u fc. luo . I'l'",' wholly wanting, but they are few, as are hardly noticed in the midst o I stirrinff sentences, which "move, and have their being" in the .Holy" Ghost. At Michjgah tity it is oe- order tremities without catchinji all the cramivc T1.10 ,08e t,me tb lrlQ WAS raa P Xot el LeUurt.l have" read of one that that fleh is heir to No r.n Imt ahih- Ua track at fifteen miles an hour. lh Toice is trumpet-like, not sweet an but, still, there is eloquence -the jeloqu Wretched though thy crimeshave made mc, I truth and heaven-inspired pathos, i ' If thou canst, be happy still. . . eloquence as accompanies, the success : ?Vt mx ' "7 .' T " - of thunder, as the lightning leaps' from cloud meal and misses the kindly voice which ;7o a tQ clou(3aT1d the "Storm King's" voice is wa wnt w. greet mm. At tne, table, from 1850 to 1860, the city of Memphis hear4;warDiDg all.who are exposed to seek the vacant seat speaks eloquently in praise has mcreased in iiopulation frpm 5,280 fo slielter. . 0n either of the I first texts, of e absent, and the manly heart can to 35 000 1 . . . . scarce repress a sigh as he remembers to y,UU. , . named above, . h encourages God s l m tt- t ' : and especially, nis ministers. The land .of How oft dr, tho words, "till death dn ! m vcavy jaa oj . eDt.-i he re- promise is d out before you. Tt is gra: us floaled careles8ly on the sister's .v-to v . y au.w.v.uwv oaja umt I pmcaiiy aescriDea, wun us nowing sireams oi eafj jn. season sure. They have means of . knowledge for j ga 2a7. A five dollar Dole came tainly a very remarkable engineering ao hearing the same Word, ; put they are ..not t :nfa ihb nn,8eMj,in fir ft 0f Wash- complbhtaent, - . t leisure. They take hisure to their own work,! -.r , r, n 1 ' incinn rtn n nm ar vim inn iniinwinfi . mm.. their worldlT work res. for Idle conrerta- ' " ' toy travcimg mtlUDUl?' " I fm nrtomnl- lint t trm Tut rit J'.'l 1 I 1 1 f . J t - tinn- hnttW hr na lrimrt far firx! vnrr I v.. .v . I Btktu i J vA m vui: ' llllioncr. -their soul's work, eternal work! Reader, 000 tpent in gambling, in the - fashiona- Ma'am, we have them with feet and legs. v. i: .ii -i, Me hells of Washington. Younr? men hut they are not old csouzh to travel imtw i in ii r t m.t m imi h.i i I'll . i r mm tiiii mw i i i. i - - - r - yew nf fpstivitv'.and Tpinirinn- 1m? to continue in the bustle of the- World, into whoso hands this may fall, beware the debt of Virginia amounts to $48,000,- milk and honey. Theroad thither is plainly awakening no emotion In .their bosoms, neglect saltation, and bo damned ! J?apA (of dissipation, drunkcrnes5, and , gamV UU.witn no prospect of diminution.-r ' shown, as marked oat in the. Chart of - Chris- Now it brings a strain of reflection whieh I Ehlin. ' , . . Uio1." . : ' Do good with what thca haj!, cr will do thc3 no good. it I ir- -r .'. . I I 1 1 1. .1. i I I annm I tirn I ij 1 n " n nntiTT.l an tnn i a w. ; 1 1 ... i. i. u i rrcscnicu .vni naior. rvinf oi Jiirruoo. vuu i imduit. usru ui ma ikt inr n ranoiir nil i " v ..un mw.vu,'w wM , ,i iuaj cci iituuic uci I'ttuiHny iiuuuiiu I i o I m. j i j I p , . . ,-. . . , and such 1;r ? , frplo lhA z'r e i u book that treated of haPDiucss: he refused it. the heather for a bed. can o barcleed fatter ieelooto aiding, the switch f his soul- K:Pw nndiA " health" nnd h, saving "I am not at leisure." Many have the with impunity in northern Uttitudes and replaced in time, and the cars dash- , live. andU annht ' , .:An.A k I vv - t)Jm chanceful sprin' and fall seasons. Yet 1 d along op the main lino to the engine His the bitter and the sweet commin-le in Christ-that treats of everlasting t.PDine. we daily see little boys and girls dressed "ailing to take it to Chicago, ilovin- d smooth; Uhe life portion.- 'Can we censuro her but thev Mu the enL- "I im not at e shortest ofclothes. with bare knees at nearly tne same spcd as tne cars, n enceof that her eyes are surcharged with tears le'.ure sav thev. Therhave ornortunitv' of 'ddenl and chapped by the r fa: ..lW?rl !ri53 it is such and her heart burned with sorrow?. hcarine the Word opened on week days a. .V0bdreU.4 r.l0,oti dW .rr". W "T". ive peals The, father returns "to his noonday mM .rR,vvi, a' ,w .Wlt f-:. iro.m low ry cause aione. J IIl.Vl. ft-iri-:il! mil-4 " . . .... .wj . . - - - nuuiuci.BV uuecu uiiui sa quui. vci- r I

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