i Washington,). June 4. Id the Senate to-day Mr. Chesuut, of South Carolina, in reply to Sumner's Abolition speech, said: After ranging over Europe, sneak ing through back doors, arid fawning at the feet of the British aristocracy, setk ing pity, but reapiug, instead,! the rich and just reward of con tempi, this sum nef, the slanderer of States mid men, re-appears in tho ; Senate. The Egyp tians deified beasts and", reptiles, but even tbat bestial peopla did so on . ac count of some supposed virtue in those aninials; but it has been left to the Abo litionists of Massachusetts to de'fy the incarnation ; of malice, mendacity and cowardice.- We ara riot inclined, by any punishment, again' to send the recipient howling through the world, yelping forth increased volnmesof slander and malice. Hence, wc have remained silent. Washington; Juno 5. House. The -House passed the 'Senate bill, providing for the return of the cnptuicd .Africans, amending it Jo the amount of two hun dred and fifty thousund dolLirs. i Washington, Jnne 'i G:Sc?iaic The Senate ' amended a Jid passul i he lloumas land grant bill. The Committeeson Conference on the Isabel arqendrnent nntd thw lstil Defi i iencT bills, refused to agree, .aud; were discharged. , J ; r f - House Tim House- passed a joint resolution giving tje assent of Congress to the acts of the jjcgislatnres of .Louis iana, Arkansas -and Texas, to !evy ton nage duties' fof tliQ improveiuent of Red Kivfr. . ;' ' . " The llouse vverd siill in sessiun on the Missouri cntested;elocti n. ; - ; Washington, June 7. The Ilunsi nfter a session of 25 hours and 17 inin uees,' which was occupied hi end.-;ivoiing to-obtain a quoruni, adjourned at noon 1W dny.v Mr!' Me-Keajn, hi New Yoiky made .a violent Abolition speech. I In the. S tiate the Army Bill was dis ;Ci:sed. -jv .- ' j Wash itvt ton, June S. The Si nate to 'day passu! forty private bills. f. , The House unseated B irrett. and ad mitted Blair, of Missouri .t .'v i A Resolution was adopted in opposi tion to the President's vk-ws contained in tlie protest in relation to certaiupv eis of the Covode Cotntoittce. . 1 Washington, Jiine.:9. The. Senate passed the Army bill. Jfo use. The re. was .'nothing .ofiatcrest transpired in Ihe House to-d.iy.' '. , Death oThos. S. Jest up .," Washington, Jujie'.lO Thos. S. Jes sup, Quartermastervof the General army, died early,' this, morning of paraly.sis. Washington News. '.: Washington, June 10. There was a pre:it deal of talk bv the news men, for the past day or twojaboiit the attempted assassinaiion of Sninmer, but their feats wers quieted by tracing it to the threats of a man in liquor: ! Later from Mexico, i New Orleans', June.10. The schooner lied F"X, with Tampico dattis to the 4ih inst., arrived here tii-day. Geo. Uraafj with 9,000 men ,carptured GuadaUijVra, but it was afterwhrds taken' by - Gen. Vool, who com plett'ly routed the Liber tils. A can nun b ill! t -ok one of W T U rj;as ligs off. 1 ZVla'g:i ".escaped frim Sliramon aud declared himsidf President. J IlichniordCu7iVtrticni Richmond, Juno 11. The Conven tion assembled to-day at "noon, and lected Gov. Lubbock. of-Tex'n, as 80- the temporary Ghairmap. ! A. delegation representing the Trus- fees of the Nation, 1 Democratic 'Hall, of New York, presented "their credcu There is only orn Virginia. De dnedeleiiate present front ewar2 has no repre- sejntativehere The.Ca.mmittees on credentials and ori tbe permanent orgiMiiz it ion, wero np pqinted and the fJwnven turn, then .ad journed until to.-in orrow (Tuesday) at ten o'cloek. (Washington: ". JaSne ll.Thi Houso passed tbe -; FurtiS?.itIoa an'l General Postal Dv-fieieney Utls. ' " ' " ' ;The G.mitnit tee f on Pacific Tlnil road liave determined tol rcioYt a list embrac ing the? Central and Southern routes. y, Arrival of the Pony Exprccs. pprinnjield, Mo.,, J tine 11. It was reported1 that the Chine.se , bad submit-' ted to the dunands of England and Frnnce. .;'".- ';" ' ; . Jews from Japan State? th it tli-j T; coQn had been ass.issinated, and that the present dynasty vare stnuigly aut igoa isttc to foreign iutercLur'se. I Senator Sumner and his "assailants." Washington f J tine 10. There is a . godd deal of talk and telegraphing about ! thel meditated assault on Senator Sum ner. The extreme fear of his - friends has been relieved by the satisfactory ex i datiation that some titan ou Friday," a drubken man called ; at his hotel and paid someth'nsr about his speech, 'for which he last night (ipologized. -7-. Notice. ' . . - mRE Subscribers bavind on tbe 11th day of June, JL ISGO, taken Letters of -Administration according ! to la!wr on the estate ofTivw. J. Roane, deceased, f , boreby give general notice U fill creditors of said estate, to present their claims, ""duly authenticated, within the time limited br law for that purpoye otherwise, this" notice will be pleaded in bar of recotcry. . Debtors to tbe f aid estate will also please -. , i to make payment imnrediately. ' r" i - J. M. ROANE, - J. It.' ROANE, . June 22 . i " 48 3t JACOB'S CORDIAL! - An Effectual Remedy for Bowel Complaints. For Ealetby L. F. SILER & CO. Died. Our. Zlon within a few days past, Las been called to mourn the departure of one of her do; voted friends, in the death -of -Rev, It. D, Wells, of Rogcrsville, Teno. He was born June 23, 1823, Sullivan county, . Ten n. ' As nearly as can b5 ascertained, it was in the year 1841 tbat ho was converted, at a canip raeethig held in Lis 'native jjouuty, at which time he joined the M. E." (jhurch. Soon af ter Lis conversion, he was inwardly impressed "that it was hid duty to prcacji theunscarchablo riches of Christ, He accordingly sought and obtained license to preach. j Deeply impressed that it was his imperative djity to devote hiru salf to the work of the ministry, and believing fiat the "ti icrancy was bcttjr adap'.cd lomcet the wants of perishing sinijcrf, and more in kecninc with the original commission, he ac cordially resolved . to become a traveling preacher. After due recom'mendation, he was received on trial in the Huston Conference, at its twenty-third se.-siori, held at Wythcvillc, Va., October 21, IS40; and was appointed to Abingdon Circuit as junior Treacher, his "col league being Rev. J. S. Burnett At the en suing Conference, he was appointed to the Little River Circuit; but wl ile performing the arduous labors on this work he was sorely ' af flicted with 'fever, wtitcli so entirely shattered his constitution, naturally weak, that he jvas entirely disabled ever afterward to follow his loved employ. "He s?u.taincd a superannua ted relation to the Conference for two "years. still hopinr to recover his Ideclining health, that he might be able to doj effective service; but finding that his health was gone, at the Conference held Abingdon, iVa., October 2, 1850, he asked for and was granted a locatior.; which relation 'he sustained to the Churcl until called from earth, which was Ajril 10, 1SG0, after an illness of twelve dap, 'ged 30 3'car?, 8 months, and 23 day.. - It has been said, somewhere, "Methoditt preachers die well;1 This was fully iFerified in his departure. Death sccjned to have lost its terror, as strong in fail h and .hope, he stood upon the brink of its turbid waters. He talked freely of his approaching dissolu- tion. ' The writer stood by pressed his almost pulseless I: his couch, and andand inquired turned ibis eyes of his future prospects. lib upon me, and with a razo of confidence and o:npo.-ure which spoke volirr ios of tranquility, that I never shall forget, he -eplied: '-My dear brother, all is brigh; above." He kept grad ually sinking until about five o'clock I. M., when the silver cord was loosed. Resigning his spirit into the hand of gIj who gave it, he fell. asleep in Jcsns.. and drifted out nn- ou the shoreless ocean of cterliit y. O what a glorious thing thus - to die! What a grand thing it i, that when kiud Ti rtends and loved ones are unable to minister to or relieve us when human siill fails to a d us when the throbbing heart foils to proptl. the life-current, and is fast growing icy and still yes how c'icovirg to the departing ?ov I to then lean ur on the promises of the great God, who. hath Eaid, ''My grace is sufficient for thee!.' Thu pa.sscd our friend and brother: leaning upon the bosom of Jem, lie breathed his life out! sweetly there. - j "The vxc at midnight came, . . - He started up to hcai?: ' . i A mortal aiTow picrecd jiiis frame, He fell but felt no fear. . "At midnight came the cry', . , . 'To meet thy God prjpare!' " .... .' He woke, and caught his Captain's eye Then, strong in faith and prayer, His spirit, with a bxindJ L-ft its encumbering clayr His tent at sunrise, on the ground, A darkened ruin lav "The pains of death arc Ipast, Labor-and sorrow ceake: And lifoVlong warfare dlosed at last, His soul is found in- peace' As a man. he W;w courteous and kind-heart 1 i cd. As a Christian, he was tiuifortu and con distent. He was" , not givenj to . outbursts of iecling ori one baud, nor complainings or mur- murings on the other. He Iicver FOUlit by. an ostentations npr-carancc bf Fanctitj to be tliouirbf ennnrntlv l.olv. but comiiicmiMl l,;m' c V. 1 a consistent, orderly walk- Ls a minister, be ranked about mediocrity; and bad bis bcaltb been spared, be would bare tbone, no doubt, as a bngiH luminary in tne tonri.stian uiiurcu and ministry.. IJutLis race is run, bis course Bpislicd, and witb tbe redcenlcd and sanctified, ho doubt, be rests beyond Jodan'sdark water5. amid the peaceful powers of Salem's hallowed plain," wliere suffering nevet liTcs, and glory never dies. t . . He was twica married With 'his. first be was united, vife, Miss Sarah M. Robert November. 21, 1800. She died triumphantly, August - lG, 1855. With his second, Miss Matildi Forgy, be. wa5 " united Febuary 9, 1856. 'Sbe still survives bim to mourn his departure. , i . -In closing this imperfect sketch of one,re loved, xre would fain" mingle our . teara aud sympathies xtith those of bis bereaved . family and. friends. Mav God comfort and bless them! . Jno. W. Cowma!?.- . I . Died at her residence ou j Little Hiver in Montgomery county yirginia on tbe 22nd, of May 18t0 Mrs. Matilda Smith, conscrt of James Siuith Esq., deceased.? Mrs: Smith bad been for many years, a member of the Meth odist Episcopal. Church, lived a consistent and happy christ ian;-ind showed. to the world, by precept and example, tbat she was .a follower of the "meek and lowly Savior." She died of disease of the heart, lamented ty a large cir cle of relations and friendi, 0. S. A. AsheTllle District. Third Hound of Quarterly ITcelwjr: ishcville Station, May 5, C Gloucester Mis, East fork, " 12, 13 IIcndersonTille ctu Pine Grove, 19,20 Ashcville et, Tabernacle, . 20, 27 Catawba ct, Ebcnczer, June ; 2, 3 Burncsville ct., Jack'a Creek, , "9, 10 Sulphur Sp'gs ct Spring Creek, 10, 17 Franklin ct, Iotla 31. II., 23,21 Chcoah" Miss., . CO, July 1 Hcbstcrct., July 7, B Wayuesvillc ct., . . 14, 15 - F. M. FANNING. "Not danscrou! to tho Ilomin FamilT. "Itats cae out of llicir holes to die V c r m iii . . , "Cottars" ' . ' " . ' Cottar 't Hat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "CWffrV Bed-bug Exterminator. " "CWffrV - ; "CoarV Electric Powder, for Infect, &c. Rats- Roaches," Mice, M!c, Oroiind Mice, Bel Dujj Ants, Motlis. Moruin cs, FU-rs, Instt t oit Plant?, Fowls, Ai.imals, &c, iu hortt evcrjr furm and specie:? of VERMIN. 10 Years cstab'.Mied in New York City ned lr tlio city 1'ont Onicc, tltc City I'li.'M'im and Sutin Honsertlie City Steamers, Ships, &c, the City 11a- tels, Astor, Bt. Nicho!as, &c, and by inuotliaa" JO.tKX) private families. Dni2;iU aiwl llctnjlort ncryhcrc fell ihcm. Wholesale Agents in all Tho 4arj:e Cilics and Ti i:s. !!! Ckwahk!!! of spurious iiuiiatiuiui. SI (K) gamjk'c Uoxch (cut by Mail. Addicts orders or for Circular to Dealers' to 1IENP.Y R. COSTAR, rrlucial DcK.t, T12 Rroadvav, (OpiHite Si. Nicholas Hotel) X. T. Sounliv L. F. S1LKR &, Cti., At the Brick Store, Franklin, N. C. Jrt"C 8 . JG Sn Athr ns Prices Current. FURNISHED ft CORB f.CTI'.D BY BJIDY, KICIIOLSON ft CO i.iLiiiM ji. B..-Tiiniiiiii-iiii-iiiiumiu- ATHENS, GEO., MAY 28, 1800. Racon and Lard, ovr lb. Uuticr. cr ib. C.csnn.x, lerlb. 11 to l-."..to la 28 M .M 12 " 20 Z'i to 4a 7 to 10 25 " '2A " 13 17 " 2 " 2 "z " (5 C " 10 1 00 ' 1 00 7 " 10 "40 " 45 12 (1) " 13 VO in no is ro 2 7 3 ("O 40 M CO 12 II 10 " 12'. 1 2 l :.o " " ' (6 r.'J" 07 7 10 10 K " 10 G M 07 fi " (7 9 " 10 2 SO 17 " 2 a 55 " 57 ro r.o ic 37. " 40 5 2a " 5 to " 1 00 1 25 " I W r.o 1 tK) - 1 25 l & ) 10!" 11 n." 12;; . 6 50 " 4 50 " G " 7 ' L 1 50 " 14 " K, 7X " . 8 . jo n' 11 " 15 10 " 12V 2 25 "" 2 f0 10 ' . 11 11 " . 13 15 . " 1 C) 1 f-0 "1 10 10 40 1 00 40 " h7 11 75 10 00 20 " 50 4 . in Uluc Siune, Dorax, BriinMui.e, Candleii, Ada. Box jcr lb Cntlie, Rio . " . Candy, assoitc ', box ' Coflle.Java, " Cojcras, " Catiii2!, " Urietl AijTes, per busli, Dried lV-achcn, ihu:c in market. Epsom Salts, per Ib Feaihi-rs, per lb. Fbh, Mackcjx-l, No. 3, IM. " ha'.rbbl. do White, per I bl. (Tlass, Box, 8 10 (iin.Ncn;:, per Ib. Hides, Dry, j-er lb Honey, per lb. Indigo, " - Iron, Retired Eng. " Iron. Swedes coin si;.c. " Shovel, " Sheet, . " " II.M.p. Nail Ro.1, Hors; Shoe, " Rand Lead, " Leather, Hemlock sole, i er lb. Madder, . " .Mlas.ses, West India, per gal. X. OSvrnp, ier jral. Muscvidu and Torto Rico Nails, let, ier kes Oils, Linseed cr gal. Alarliiiie, Train, Lamp, per jral. OMiaburgs, K?rha!o- Retail, Powder, Rifle . Bla-stinj, Rice, Hags, erlb. Rope, Manilla per lb ler lb. Salt, LivcijMw.l. Sack Saltj-etrc, cr lb. Shirt ing, i-er la!o Steel, Cast : German Blister Shot, jer hack Snar, Brown C!ari:e.l - it Thread, per lalo Retail, , Tallow, per lb. Tea.s, Green Hyson," -r lb . Black, per lb Tin, br X cr tnx, U: C - do " ToLacco, j.-cr Ib. ; - Leaf, White Lead, per keg, 23 lbs. Wool, cr lb. - 2 r, ' 2 75 :J0 " 35 A CARD. answer to Hie numerons impuiries rcceivcll v :r. the u iler.-i2iiel. in re-iard to tbe nroie-l pul- lication of "AA7CAT KXAX" lor 1ht Vf lple, l.e ? t vvoulit ray. that the pajer uill CEIITAINLY le j pwb'ilici If sbcribcr crionh i ieeeivel t ju-li - unUertakmn. He is anxious to pub.Mi the ; bowcrcr small ihe paj-er may 1 eon.sMere.1. Hence be must bave some assurance that be i!llw remu- I ! r .i . i r t i i util have tu pay out tbo Casli. , He wotj'tl take tbi occasion of rctnmins Li gratefnl acUnovlclemetits to all wbo bave intetent. fd tbemselves inleba!f of tbe cnterpri.c, ami wmtM entreat tl.cni not to "jjrow weary in well doiji.' We trust those everywhere, who bare obtained nt scribers, will fend in wbat names they bave, and continue to get more, for. If the publication i com menced. e shall print aiteIiiH.il of tbe firt i:nm- Iterssunjcient to supply all who may subscribe, with ! tbe back copies. Some friendi at a distance, bave said tbat tber could tiot get eiHmgh ubscrilers in time, to get a premium. To all unch, we would ay go on, get all tbe Mibseribers yon can ; if the pajcr is i.tarted, and we get tho subscribers n tbe terms beretxf.tre pro poscd, we will pay tbe premiums cheerfully, if -it Is not more thai: a mouth from the time of "tbo Gmt issue: which we hope will be the second week in July. Hoping thirf explanation will prove satisfac tory, and hoping also, that all who intend to mi'- sciil e will d so at ouce, we leave tbe matter in the bands, we trut, ora.geacron public." M. STAFFOTlP, rub!iber "Ki.ick Knax," Jnne 22 . . Franklin, X. C 40,000 ORDERED FOR CONNECTICUT! HELPER 8 IMTENDIXO CEISIS PI3SECTED. , iir S. M. WOLFE, ESQ; of rinaiXTA. THE MOST POWERFUL WRirTEX TTORK IX THE EXOLISIf LA XG UAGEf. . Endorsed by 310 member of the Untied Slaiti Senate and House tf Representative. . , 250 Svo. pages ; Cbth IS, Half Calf, SI. 23. Ta per editions 25 cents, 60 cents, and 75 ccots; accor ding to quanty of paper. Seat by mail, free of ostage on receipt of price. tZT 10,000 AGENTS W ANTED. JTJ Address, . J. T. LL0YO, Publisher, - , rhiladclpbia, Ta. J nr.e 22 ; . -Hemlock sole leather A LOT on band Si.d fr sale by June 15 h F. SlLtll CO. Announcements.' TfT We are authorized to annouoeo G W. J. MOORE, H-n., m the lhuocratic Candidate to represent Macon Count j in the House of Commons of the General A!nblj. of North Carolina, at tho election in "August next. " 1 ' Zr" arc anthorized to annooncc JAS. G. CUAAVrOUD, Es,,., as canJidatc fur re-ilcction to the office of Sheriff, at the elec tion in August next. . T.I" ro rcpjetcd to announe Col VM. II. ROANE, as a candidate for SherifT of Iacon County, tic two years next ensuing- , ' . " - 5T The friend of Capt D. IV. SILER, take this method of announcing hiui a a Can didate for Rcprescntatiro from Macon county, in -the Lower House of the next General Assembly of North Carolba, at the ensuing Election. . ' The friends of AJ JVct Titration, announce Dr. II. G. WOODFIN, a-s a Can didate to represent Macon County in the House of Commons of the next General Aenibly of North Caroling PATMAN Sl SUMMEY, SCALERS IX " HARDWARE AKD CUTLERY, ST0VK3, Crater, Xail ami Cali-, Camascand llru Makbrk G.-!, Tni.i ets' atnl Sln-c.niU- crToj,, Re'tlii". ffiwl ai.l Tin Ware. Pu nj, tij II kinds if Uuil.'.ii.s llte;la's. Twr ta'c low fur Cash. , - :.- Athens, Ccsx, Jur.e 15, If . . . 47 ly iwmmi wm iudustry And l'atronizc Vour own Mechanics! E. II, HOPKINS, Practical Hoot aud Sto2 Jlakcr. North tile tf Main Street, nrfi:e tlio Tt QOUe F II AN KLIN, N. C, n.XKES tl.it metlifHl rf nHirVi;ia iho citizen f L Fraiiklin ftml Manm e"U'.ty,n.l i,c inlial.hant r lLo cumilry ruuna al.ut, tl.ai Le h i e;.e t a T & SHI FACTORY. at il.; al vc ! cvi:kl tIace, a nl !icit a l:acc tf r.cpairin" done at kLort notice. June'J2 .':?. , tf Dr. II. (I. WOOliI-IN. ' ITAVINO re:'-el lil Cv.aLliliti.etit t.tl:c ',li j IL Welctrr.er ti Mam Mirtft. u i.l riitiiiite tl.e practice f LLt Irt.fisK'U ia i: a:i. us IrauvLc a lictel!Te. f He taVet tli tnetlit f eprpwlns . CTJtitn!e In tli" c:tien of Mncun '-A tl.e R.'ljiuins e-ui.t;e, f-r the liln.aia! -altM: nt l.i-l.a u- -ii--l fur mote iliau a iunrter f a rt-ntmy, a: 1 w i'.l in fuinrecu ileavirtn me: it a n.i.t ii.t.ai ce l ll.e Mine. Ho UinN no ren. u fr cl.ai.jil -,z-tl e 1 o icr a loj.t el j ear, f i'.Hn t tvtten.e-t. a ub!iI.el in Cuu ; anl il.ve lcim nui-t l-e iri tlt crui-lied with. 1'iai.k'iwi, Mau U 2, l-00. BRYSOII'S HOTEL, MURPHY, N.iC. riMTE ntxlerlai.ed has oiiie.1 alTUU0 HuTEL 1 In tl.e T"wn t.f Murj l.y, l ere l.c U prepare 1 t aceoimiKvlatu Kt-til!einen xH.l.i Mnrj liy , w iih the let fare tl.e etumtrj tfl"'rj. He U rtle.i that MS TAllI.i: l.a!l tit I f vcikI i-i mr li.tl WeMnn Cr.titie 4 X. C-. ait.1 ; rdia!Iy !iriia lileral l.a:o'( atr!inut f.f m tite trae!:i!i2 pnMic. r.ilnj pro'rKle-1 iih fiKU UTS AND STAISLE. Lc U pieparcl to fun.i-h Sto k Pnn era ia i articu lar, uitli tun very test accaiuiixjtii,!. J AS. II. ItRTSOS. Murpl.y, N. C, May 11, 42if PlfNEEIri) & FREEMAN, irotid-ftrtt, t'ppt'filc S-nimj-ttrett, Atktms, G'a. .WHOI.KSALK UEALKK3 hi I'ry G.h-1. Grore l tie, Ilanlware, ful'ery, Utaes, an-1 ail at ti de 1 1 tl:e Mercantile lit. S'pt IC ! ly GRADV, NICHOLSON c CO., V!..!csa!e aud llcail l)i ater in Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, iiAKDVAr.i:,cROtKE:;v,ic. - Larcc Xc:v B.ick Stc;c, tonxr trii'ce an l r.roal tie. t. .4rrA'. OA. Septemlr K ft ly DIR. LEON. F. SENS AB ATJGHi iFFICK ik1 rr.i.iei.cc u il.e utk-e.vtenr of X.) tlie Public Juar. 4 ly J. H. 1XLE, D. FRANK LI X. . C. fPIIAXKFCL fur-at patronage, le-eaks tl.e con- J tinuel favors ol a cei-erous pub'ic. Alnava at home, m.les pn fvutally aWent, Aiiiia ft. lh.V. atf GEN'L It. M. HKNIt t Attorney and Counsellor at Laiet SOLICITOR IX EQUITY", I'kanku.v, N. t ViriLT. practice iu the CuurLs In tl.e Con:.t;ca of l Cherokee, Mat on. Jarkfon. IIaywoo.1, Jleiflcrson, liurciibe. Ml bnsines c.itialed la bis care, wi'.l le pnmiptly atteti h-l to. July 22 lr Dr. JOHN C. LOVE, if"FFERS bis rrfesiMial hervite to il;e eUirnsi ( J Jacks.. ii com. It, I:i ti e practice o( Mriii'ii ai:d Surgery. He will attend t-i all calls, dar and idbt. Ollite oik-ai.d aba f u. i:e North of Welter, at tbe rcMdet.ce of J. D. Ite, r.i. Oct. m Evory Man to his Trade. riARrENTEKlMJ, Cabitet Work. l!oue aI Sijm U raii.iii.2, vaniw.ii2 a..d u,.iH.!teri..j, &c .c. All done up accordir.l to llu, and on very reasou- s:.,:i,lf;, --i---; SW ED E 1 RON fur a!e by J one 1 j L. F. RILER &. CO. Molasses. nOnSIIEAD Jnst receiteJ wxthott burstinj, IX. at for sale cbean kt taMi. br June 15 L F. SILEU &. CO. Thread and shirting- GOOD sn; Jy on Laid, ainl we luteal to fun:;sb IX. the lst lot in u-.aikct, 1 f-r Cali Juw 15 L. F. SILER CO. Leather, Boots, Shoes, Saddles, &c. II03IE MANUFACTURE. I am bavlnsc constantly manufae- s"Eft fhoes. . Mniitaln made (ox nwnntaln wear, - warranted ho to rtp or tear; . . Home made, borne work, home cntcrj-rize All should arce to latrotdze. Come one, come all, cme at a dash Aud briu your prod o to anil yonr rash.' H. It. NOLEN. rta'Aliny.C oly 23 . ly t r THREE CHEERS! EOK THE BLUE RIDGE R. RDAB MONEY APPROPRIATED r?i tttitm ir5 rr.i rTitnut it And ihc NASTAIIALA DErOT At fbc crcflucncc nf the Trnnrfco and Nantahala Rirern, U now filkd to. VYAt ou Ijvc tn-aco at home, atd to 5ec your wife loolC rrctty and sweet and intlir? ' J on ci lo U.e DErOT -! ret Itr a alee rcw trcM, ai.l a ti::e Brt r-rtttr wl .f lens, Plate., UhtM Tunablerp, and A PITCHER 1 And tl'Wi't f--tcet U tar m irrilJi i.lce arjl fire f r the Rlrb they will loe j.nt le::er, L aaiarter "j:a;!," ar.4 l mre In ratcli a -lan." - t n e are fen buy c:li:ia CtHjli to tell too a!l atxxil tiiir Slock, c llicrtf.rft sir you a conlU liTitann toeall bikJ rnilirr tonorlrn. r Vo jou want a Hat fr Tonr.clff andF? fztjk etippijr of liata ana t;sp for auva the boj?, and one for the baby? Gotthc DKrOT! Do tou war t a gpoi RaIncA, Drc.v, or Uvcr Loat, .r Uools to mate them? Ga to the DEPOT ! Io rou watt a rood rair of Root or Shoca Hr yourM-lf, and a !urr.ly cf Shoes far joar wito and all the f.tmily ? . You will find thcra at tie DEPOT ! -ThahLfiil fr ia-t far r. e Urn our M fiir:l al rtitouers will rWl n, an.1 lni;i2 tLt-ic lnceU lull oi money. arl e ! c.l tlem . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hat, Cap, Sloe, Cod, Clothing, Hardtcarc,xUing, Cultcry, Croclcry, 1 in" 11 are, fc. tie.. at tir!i low f,iirc tl.rv will Its cre to kaxc llieir iiNK eV ai.d tell all tLeir MitWrs wl.ec to get g ue take In exchat.-e f- Cft, V-k, Taei IJinl, TaliurtUried Uref Jli.e, Ierr Ui-, Iiriol Vrnl-on Ham. Fnr Fki;i, Uiala cf ail kiwi. Sutk Value, Drtet Friut. &c We wenM jul ay iTirae!T, f all nr fiierxU who have UKcuk-.l ace'Oi.t, that 11" yHFlt .VO.ftl,ii.a eo in.t ili to ca rai t!at w i!l Late ar fr s.i:r pay o;; ao cge aii4 Krt . SILER & LEF.CII. 4:1.. IKA Ntntala'a. Jan &STQUISHIHG nil IX CONSEQUENCE OF THE 'GREAT SCARCITY" OF GOODS JX THE VILLAGE," w rE be order,! and leeched an c?itire XEV STM"U. width Is rc3Ir f.r ethi!tun. I'eriisiii ai t f ai.vil.ii. j in u.? 'i e, U do well to call and fxaii.luc mr u rk. 1.k "1 be old ..n tbe ii-uil irrnis b "Al'MOVED l'VEZr either n tin e or fi-r Cali. Ti e l.!l.i:ig articles cuuslllu'.c a pail if tic pre.c:.t SlocL : Iu . DRY GOODS, I bave Cltb, ra.hi.ee, Italian, Lii ei. Teed KeMucky and IbMi.e-Ma.leJai-s; hi., talis aal Marseilles YeMb.gs fur Irns' HVtr. FOlt THE LADIES, We bare Mu!ijji, UrsaV.U-s, IViagm, DtLairn, Ginghams, Jaeotiets aMl Ca.i-H,. J)ottutif O'wds, tf U JCtMds. , Sheetings, f Linings, 0rabas, TmilU-d Tktin;, llrilli:i2. ic. ItKADY-MAPE CLOTIIINO, , For Samttcr C-al; I.i:.cn, Italiin, Martc!lk-s aird Al4icra. "ets MarFeil!es, SEk. fatla, Ac Pants, Fhii t r.d Jtrairrrs in clcndnce. Tlio uual Mnck 'f .DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Hurt! ware, Table nn l l'uckct'Ktivci, Cuil aud Trac C!un. Griuilttouc?. &c (iUOCEHIES, i Ct Cec, Suar, Xb.'ae. K;re. Tolcc-ar.d fait. A Very itxd i"vpry ef RncVe's, Iron ai d liiav i'...it:l, Tain'e I :d Yar- Loltol. Faddcaid 1 !5 Ita. Car.s-t Parks. aifl U'2i W.ij, Siies, Eh!s. Ti.i Ware, t rK.Wery, I;at, ai d n.ai.y l.er things 4-i ma vr- oim lou.euU4i. la.l B:.d ice f.r v'U.-cT ' J. T. SILEH. My 25, lfO. f 41 if stiliTa good school. IN I'll AN KLIN. fTlIB Truslres f tbe FruuVli.-i FcmaV Ara Jemy. L deem iheiiie'ves ery f itn; ale in U ii.c ab'e lo aj.&uuure that tbey bave M?cn'ed the fcrticescf Miss C. K. WILSON, in roi.dnctli 2 anotl.er ?cbi. In Franklin. - Ti e i'eii.u ui.l ls-jin i Jloislar. tin? CfHb Jo'y i eat, and ci ti:.n f.f Tll EXTV WEEKS. TEEMS OF TUITION FEE. SESSION". 1st Cults Knibmciuff, Fic'.Hnil. Heading ar.d Wii:ii 2. . . S3 00 '2nd Ci'UJ Kin I racina Cranmar. fTcra- I bv, Atiitm etic Illtr, " CO .. r" i . v., t.. :. m i.i ...... . dies, 0 fX) A ei.linctJt ice T vO cents, taa.l l -aia on enterine- E-.srd in tbe Lc.vt Lu.ii:'.c at t C5 to 51 00 r Fend on TonrcrI, fr ebaveancieerrit teach- er, ana your uauriacrs caMrt ct i a iM-iirr i.ce ; C. U. SMITH. , " ! ' rrei lent Uurd. N. G. Ali.v.x, fee fc Tress. Fraiiklin, N. C , J n; c 1, 4J tf m m goodsi . T HE Saleribcr t ih.w rreritii.a bis STiKTKof lriUNG AND fiUtlMW CkmS. euibraei.is trt-arly erctjtkf.g u-uvjy ke t in -a cni'Uy Huro, ecu as UKY (5001)5, .CUOCKRinS. HATS, EON NETS, DOOTS & SHOES, , BIIjS AS MEOICiKES. EiMllt CUTLERY, Saddles and Bridles, VUEEXSWARE. Ac, Atl I wi.icn He l.as selected siittf it.iai ie- fcmice lo ti e ai.u of tl.e isophj t,f this -". i.-o t.f I coBTitry ; and I wnM le bs; y t be all jey- lf want of GOODS to call a l ,'.. LL. stock aiKlic. He ou!d funler rrnmk. that I lboe knom n to l i.nrf-toal. ca.i tiJ l aeG ! on the moal time, ai4 lhoe iJ.'u.2 to mj CASH, can t.aretl.em at a bw f::nt4 a ilt.ir HUr i hon In this tertnw. Si caU i i, and yoa U1 Cnd Lvusc:ror"Jt.i.3i5' ainayto:tba .d. " - - j. JOHN.STON. Franklin, May 4. IMP. . ; W'CAriTER & 8AWS0W, Lnw I3ookHollerH, CHARLESTON, 8. C. T AW BOOKS furwbl.M at as low ra'.fcs fC.s8H, lJ or api-ta.evl crdit, as at er.y Uonsn la tie Cti- , ted states. . ... Charleston FK 20, If CO. Z2Cm A vrfTereiji r.emely fr Lytcl rnplaint: For Bj;- by V. A. MwCOT. LF.SILERSCO:SC0LUHNI AT THE SniCK STORE, In Fnmklin, N. C. nrnUwin W.i lrc and aried rTfCK Of JL GOO Da. w n'.t ib Ume, p:eae fuey ba4 wani wcrtrwiu 'utre B aca.1 aad iLUOuoar yiAVS, OP3, J17 MUGS i3D BTS-SSUiig, BOOKS AHD STATIONERY, Cuttings and Hoiloxo Ware, GJ:ocsniEstdx.ctc.t We c'l fur rraJy ty ar.i tJ at cLrap as caa t exj-ecicU. . . , . . . I. F. MLEII. V; S. GRADY, 11. ADDINGTON. ra.. in, itra. COTTON" f. a!e at Ajuil 0 l r. sillk a er. BLACKSMITH S TCOL5. at April 0 L. f. SlLtll L co t. Just to Hand I SOME G"4 lInsU, C.cn Fl.e'.Um, Ftr CoU ten anl ris'a I'ubU. CaH Brt .-,k mmJ prtht. L. r. EILEIt L, CO. Cotton is King! "rE Late ti Ctuo, Lrou;Ui up eieelally f l (hi t;Ut LeiKfli. Take Um o'.4 nari l r. eiLF.a . cu. STAW CUTTERS, Ww, at A;ailG ft nt, Nall aivf He L. r. E1LLQ Sl C8.- Feathers, Feathers! I fill II l-ftH ai.teJ at re, in etrLanr OuuJ. by L. 1. S1LEH &. CO. IVb 17 Castings and HoUoV Ware ! IJT.OJf a 13tei.t U::tttoS12tanMrn t-r fnafc. ' Z Pjru?, ly . L. F. SILEtt i CO. Ftb 1J , . Ready-Made clothing. TIIE-larj:et ai-1 c-tipirtrl 14. T Clul.ir; ettT t rrrl in U.i rnaikcl. Call arxl esamir. , Maicb V JL F. f ILE e CO. Clocks and Watches. - I N artn:eni jot to l aixl, end TcryJo. Call ii ail cct vt-m Ufore iber are all en. Martli L. F. tilLEE &. CO. Linseod and Tannerm' Oil! fL'PEr.ion article, jt lkstl maA law fur Ca.Iu jl r. silxh x co. May 4, 1M1 llo! for the Ka;3!rrchnIsM.! fE bar alarer-t'ck cf Costs. And we tranits If try C.VrtH .mm mnd. CUtam Ran f We liiittnilrHt to peas jo f,tiat want to Ivyyowr RAGSt . H f e!I fvr icady t ay and want lo Iny all vowf RACSI .. We sell "orIs very ebeap, and 'wunt IQ.OOtf ronJs yr RAGSt la l-.rt, r ai i u Ley eVan Tkz, M P.aa, -r r..;r, eld VhX'b n2, cbil-be..' Ras, Vi llz.A little Eajs; jcx,an4 If rw cmf clc, e ai.t to bur " '. HAGS ! 11AGS I RAGS S-a eiue oni:h yenr Easto tW Brkk 5t-r.-Eat l in:e ll.cr are elean J.mm and OUm Rant. . L. F. SILER &. CO. Fiai.klm, May 13, 1 MO. Raj Merchants.- Hffl STORE--HEl'l GOODS. Kcady.MaJe CIotbiA I)rBs JIcJk clncs, Perfumery, etc.- All Linds ef 17e V.renitcff Vlnrt. Cor die Is, v Iir JScdcinal T urinous - A. W. BELL & CO., AT THE NORTH-EAST COllrCDLrC SQUARE HAYEju'tcTcr.edw me'.l c!cctcl frtck of lW ale ati.:, whirl; Ur i!l kw frCalf a low ns rt Is sJd i this mrtrlet Tlwy wnam eery article aoij by tLera tol-ear re;'re-'ii?el. No i:i le rared toi-!eae all mbo naf lirof re tbeni. " UIL IX. W. EELL wi:i o;rl1 ibe Dr6?r' Depaitntrtit. at i!l attend roJjtly to all caJ from the. aHlide-L Hain2 trni:a:-enUr located In Franklin. ti lers biuieif tl.ai b can oene the teblie bcitiOll--ly imI rrJ"ol.si!tr in the Lmj Hi- A. W. r.F.I.LUl kU:i cite his attettbHi t tbe' D STl- and Ji wn ir ietrtnctt. nhicb will be cxiictel i:h tltciore.' t j Call and see the Maexn. U tefare I faring town. A. W. EEtL' S. CO: Mrxh 10 3 tf EI HPT IT.TP UiUl 11UI j etc I JtlTlUilLS ly J. Js 1 1 jrJJ U N. G. ALLMAN, AT ins TV ELL KN0W5 STAND IN FRANK LIN, ba jttt rreeite'I a w ai bcauttfai a.uMrtne:.l til tiXDS, t.kh csiwftt l-e nmm is wiiYonmiiL' Hit urk err.:ie etersti.u.z that U fmiwl in nnf buM:"I.ic?e out f a liuato! crtits In i-artof DRY GOODS, DHESS GOODS, Sills, Embroiderie; WUitt Cood$i Lte Uoo-n end (i-orti. J f liter m If art SI iris. ItEADY.JIADK CLOTHING. Men'a DiHs, Fb ajf Gaters. A fine lk r-f Ladies, Mies CbBdrets' CwV, Gai'tr a:Kl SIksts, with an.1 viiboet lCli. CLOTH HP, CAFSIMKItES an-l rmUyts BLANKETS, anl other ITot '.eu Goods a,!j IrrnA in a ontntrr tkore. - He bas U a fir nfn ed" - nnOCi:ilIKSfHAni)YARE,C0tf,an.l in firt eierjthh s ht fc.sy lecal'4 In tLis mar kcL lleb.tt-.tf bU f:ler.dsaii thm ,ftVe in m!I ivd e&aftib Liuk, X9 tblrr e i--t bir. bl . ritli 0 If I P.. ;na IN,t 1?-..: P31 UarjainN LUrin SELLING OUt AT COST I CASH SALES. iS f "w .Tcrlnjf l.U st-el: cf CCKjIiS ia rrmrATm, at C J.T and C A R R I AO K. All ifs l.bk to fy -Cafa o;, tul no gruaUins," will eenalrJy 1 set bara i.t. Come cine enne m.l M fir yourself es ef tbe treih ctbe a'-ne lad jccux-tiU. Hay 2'., 1S'"0. T ii tf T TT TtnvcnsT" ITiriLL a'.tr.4 rcnctnaily to t fafasa sim) reelr? N.'M.ft'Tijktr tu! i i. MINERS' &. TLANTF.r.V iLVNC, Marr W. X. C. Ece. fl. - , Hit U if ITAT1II1!