ALFEED MOEGAN Editor and Proprietor. t BE SURE YOU ARE \lG AND GO AHEAD"\-Dav'<£ Crockett R $1.50 per Year. FRANKLIN, N. 1C.’RIDAY. JULY 22, 1881. iso. m •ed at the Post Office at a« second class matter. anklin. THE UNIVERSITY of" north Carolina!1 Next session will begin AUGUST 25th, 1881, Combines the advantages of the old inStSio^’ w.iUl *Pecial nnd extended llTnTn accordinS to the University v-.mvu.uu,, Will) SfH instruction according system. wi,h «r<? schools of Law Mediciae, and of Pharmacy. ’ TttDd?Mla Ja«,itie« £iven for practical .^ii lytical and Agricnltu g,1 h^ifl^’LCTrrjiioirogRr phw esc. | £xpeii?os, including tuition and room writ. $185 to $230 j>er annum. / Address, for catologue and pnruiculars Kemp P. Battle, LL. 1)., A ^Chapel Hill, iN. C., July 1. Presidjl KLIN HIGH SCHOOL. Franklin, N. N. P. PVtkin, - i - Principal. Fall TerrilKfor 1881 begins August 8th. This school has been* in successful ope ration for two years, and it is the purpose -of the Principal to afford those who. patronize it every advahtuge which can be secured in the best scliools of the State. The tiainitig of teachers will be made protnitipnt. "TuitioD is low—living cheap, and to those who proveilhemselves deserv ing of help, every indulgence will be given' in our power. Twenty-live or thirty can find accomodation in the dormitories con nected with the institution. For further information address the Principle, or I)r. W. L. Dove, Chairman Board of Trustees., June 30tb, 1881. 8:29: tf CEO. W. DILLARD, Attorney ajt Law, Web0ter, N. 0. Tradices in all the Courts of the Ninlli Judicial District and in-the Supreme and Federal Courts of the-State. Prompt at t tentihii given to the collection of claims nd all business entrusted to his care. K. ELIAS, Attorney at -Law, Franiggft, Macon Co., X. C. Practices in all the Cdurtsof the Xintli ulic.ial District-, and in the Supreme ami ■deral Court-. Special attention given tite collection of claims ill all parts of Siutc. &0LfLM s * rney at Law, Franklin, Macon Co., N. C. Practices in all tlie Courts of the Ninth Judicial Jhs'ncl, and ill the Supreme and Federal Courts. Strict attention given to all business entrusted to him, and pecially to the collection'of claims. es JUMALUSJCEE HOTEL, Bobbinsville, N. C., K; G. Phillips — - - Proprietor. Table always supplied with the best tli^i country affords. FRANKLIN HOUSE, franklin, N. C. 1). c. Cunningham - Proprietor. Guests will receivecv^ry attention they can wish. Horses and mules always on hand for hire and sale. NANTAHALA HOUSE, Aquone, N. C., J. T), Howard, - -i Proprietor. I have operfed my hou$e for the recep tion of travelers and pleasure-seekers who wish to spend the summer in the moun tains. No pains will be; spared to make guests comfortable. P leper’s Hotel Main Street, WALHALLA, S. C., W. It. PIEPEB.^Proprielo* Ter Meal.... ..-25 cents. Per Day.....j...“J ... p_gr Week.r..® ■«* —i L. H. & W. R. STALLGUP, House Carpenters and Contractors, Franklin, N. C., ‘ ~ Offer their services to the public. Prices and quality of work guaranteed to be sat isfactory. S. M. M* NEELY, Surgeon Dentist, Franklin, N • C. . Office over II. G. Trotter’s store. DR. J. M. & 3. H. LYLE, Practitioners, FRANKLIN, N. C. Charges reason attic. Terms cash or sat isfactory re fereuce. v3:ii2I:ly F . POINDEXTER, Architect & Builder, Franklin, Macon County. N. C. ■Will furnish designs and plans, with specifications, together with estimates of quantities, and an approximate cost ol motcrinls and labor. for phblic and private buildings, churches and school houses, on feasonao.le terms. Will superintend and execute the work when desired. Refer ences given when asked for. 32-ly. STEWART’S READY ROOFING For steeper flat roofs of all kinds, can be applied by ordinary workmen having no previous experience, at ope third the cost of tin. Send for samples and circular. Address W. H. Stewart, 74 Cortland t Struct, New York. THE REPORTED A. MORGAN, EDITOR AXD UROPRfETOE tRAXKLIX, N. C. - Jlxy 22, 1881. piece marked with a blue or purok eross^j() mark means that your tiint subscribed for lias expired, o)r else you are indebted to us on subscription. If you ire owing us please favor us with tbe amount0 L3nMUnHre ?"» 1,8 Hnd 8tiJ1 Wis^ the paper sent to you write us to that effect, or else it will be discontinued We want every person in the country’ wno ' ooeS hi Zt HO M E MATTER:. Superintendent Scarborough aod Prof. Graham left this week. If vour horse has a Kendall’s Spavin Cure, tisement. spavin, use See adver Normal students, subscribe for the Western Reporter before you leave Franklin. $1.50 a year. i I The time is drawing near for us to lose our Normal visitors, and then what will some of our young men do.? Invalid wives and mothers quicjdy re*tored to health by using BrownSi l/on Bitters. * ; ' r We call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement, in an cither column, of the University of North Carolina. 3 't “The Professor” drove up in: his( Imggy this evening, and said he only7 came to be noticed in the paper. 1 fere's your notice. Professor. —----- \ | Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re ne vver is a universal favorite fori re-' storing gray hair to its original color, md making hair grow out thick. Lost on Saturday' morning, July lie 9th, between Mrs. Sloan’s and he Post Office, a light? spring oier joat. The finder will please leave it tt this office. : Miss llebe Smith, of Scotland Neck, ind Miss Mary Beal, of Murphy, are spending the summer in this county, md arc the guests of Mr. Albert Siler, on Cartoogechaye.' Another of those pleasant enter tainments by the Franklin Normal School was given last night, and was enjoyed by a crowded bouse. An other entertainment will be given next Thursday night. . '! We failed to mention in our last issue tjiat Rev. C. D. Smith delivered a lecture last week before the Frank lin Normal School. He also lectufed at the entertainment given by the Normalites last night. His subject, on both occasions, was geology, and was Avell worth listening to. Tin: President's Condition.—The i following message, dated July 20,. 8 a. m., was sent to each of the, cabi net officers, by.President Garfield’s private secretary : There ip a decided improvement in the President’s con dition this morning. He slept very well during the night, and his pulse at this hour is 8fi, which is lower than at any previous time. Temperatrue and respiration normal. The wound is doing well, and is discharging free ly and properly. 7 The President’s appetite is still good, and great cire will continue to be exercised in his diet. * f Pubmo Spkakixci.—I here will :be public speaking on (he subject of prohibition by George A. Jones, Esq., and probably others, at the following places: Nantah al a, Friday, July 29th, at 11 o’clock. ; : _| Cartoogechaye, Maiden’s Chattel, Julv 39th, at 3:30 p. m; Highlands, August 1, • l Sugarforkj at the election grounds, August 2nd, at 11 o’clock. [ • Ellijay, at Janies II. Gray’s, July 2nd, at 3 o'clock p. in. j. . All persons—men, women and chil dren—rare invited and solicited .to attend. We consider it the duty of every citizen of North Carolina [to [Hist himself on the law that will be ratified or defeated on the first Thurs day in August next The election that will come off on the 4th day lof August will certainly be one of the most important that has been, iqx years. j 4 - . V. ; , [ - . M ■ , . 'Never jud«e hF appearances. A so \ coat may cover a heart in full bloom. f A negro woman was arrested in South Carolina for carrying concealed weapons, and was acquitted on the ground that the law applies only to men. appointments of Bishop Lyman have been changed, and are how as folliws : Cashier’s Valley. Thursday, Sept. 1. Cartoogeehiiye, Sunday.Sept. 4, at which time the new Church building will be con secrated. Fianklin, Monday, Sept. 5, at night. Judge Strong’s Opinion. Mis. Joe Person: d/adam, Some months ago I was in bad health, suffering from debility, indigestion and loss of appetite, when a friend who had experienced great benefit from the use of your remedy in duced me to try it as a tonic. I did so with the most happy results. I take great Pleasure in recommending it as a valuable Ind efficient vegetable tonic, and wish «)U much success. Very respectfully, 1 Bishop Lyman’s Appointments.—The Raleigh, Dec. 1, 1880. Geo. V. Stkong. f 1 ort 2 B 2 Ys U C, 2 sit upon a B Z B 4 lie will sting B 4 U no A 10 dr place, and hurt U so U’U 1 dr, poor un 4 2 n8, ’F ’twas a pin on which U s8. When the Fields are White with Cotton. “No money now; can’t buy pianos or organs till cotton comes in.” Yes you can. Bake up $10 cash on an organ, or $25 cash ort a piano, and we Will sell you dur ing June. .July, August and September, at i rock bottom cnsh rates, and wait 8 months for the balance, without one cent of in interest. Casli rate. Three months credit. No interest. Don’t forget. Grand sum mei clearing out sale of new and second hfrnd ifisti iiments—500 pianos, 500 wtgims. . All styles. All grades. All prices, ilrost he closed out. Special terms to install ment buyers. Cash prices advanced only ten per cent. Fifteen ylays test trial. Guaranteed instruments from six best makers. Catalogues and full information mailed free of charge. Avoid being im posed upon by Beatty, or any other man. by ordering at once from the great whole sale piano and organ depo* of the South, Z/udden & Bates’ Southern Music House, /Savannah, Ga. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his pipe and stuck it in his mouth ; then drawing out his tobacco pouch, he poured some tobacco into Ins li md, returning the pouch to his pocket; lie then reached in his pocket again for his pipe; it was not to bti found, either in his coat, pants or vest pockets; remarking to himself, “What a fool I was to come off without my to bacco!” lie returned his tobacco to his pocket. After walking a few hundred yards he had to open a gate, and in doing so, he noticed he hud his pipe in his mouth. Explanation : he had been to see her. ne is excusable. A Foot, Once More.—“For ten years my wife wrs confined to Her bed wilii such a complication of ailments that no doetor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a small fortune in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. 8. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and I thouxht I would be a fool onee more. I tried- it, but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her. she is now as Well and strong as any man's wife, and It cost me only two dollars. Such folly pays."— IL W., Detroit, J/ich.—Free Press. h. Interesting to Ladies. Our lady renders can hardly fail to have their attention catl.ed this week to the' lat est combination of improvements in that most useful of all domestic implements, the “sewing machine.” > As we understand it, a machine for fam ily use should meet first of all these re quirements: It should be simple in its mechanism, so as to be easily managed; it should run easily, so as not to weary the worker unduly; it should do a wide range of work, that the owner need not wish for any other machine; it should he as nearly noiseless as possible, that it may not be a nuisance: it should be light, handsome, durable and as cheap as is consistent with I excellence throughout. Tiiese conditions the “Light Hanning New Home” certainly meets. I It has also several very important and useful attachments and “notions” of its own which go far to make good its claims to popular favor. Now a great many families have been and are still using the old machines — waiting for the times to improve, waiting for the latest improvements in designs and meehanical excellence. But why delay longer ? Considering the low price at which good machines are now sold, and the improvements that have been made, now is a good time to buy, and the “New Home” specially recommends itself to purchasers on accuont of its superior mechanical constiuclion, ease of manryie ment and reasonable price. Seary a a million have been sold in the last thiee years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. This uusrivalled machine is manufactured by Johnson, Clark & Co., 30 Union Square, New York, who wish us to sav that all who will send forthe.r new illustrated catalogue and enclose their advertisement (in another column), will leceive a set of fancp advertising novelties of value to those collecting cards, &c . T_ ax-.—w Wfttrciy^ with II. & T; W. Hooper. The Most Successful Remedy ever discovered, ns it is certain in its ef fects and does not blister. Also excellent for human flcsli. Read proof below. KEUAUJ&.&RJWM OU&E. Fremont, Ohio, .Jnn. 25, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Gn„ Gents:-~I think it my duty to render you my thanks for benefits and profits which I have de rived from your invaluable and far famed Spavin Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion worth $4000 which had a very bad spavin, and was pronounced by four emminent veterinary surgeons beyond any cure, and that the horse was done for ever. As a last resort I advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall’s Spavin Care It bad a magical effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent vet erinary surgeon, was an uncle of mine, arid I take great interest in assisting his pro fession. Yours truly, James A. Wilson, Civil Engineer. KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE. * West Enosburg, Vt., Feb. 15th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Cents:—Seve ral months ago I injured my knee joint which caused an enlargement to grow the size of a large walnut and caused me very severe pain ail the time for four or five weeks, when I began to use Kendall’s Spavin Cure with the most satisfactory results. It has completely, removed the enlargement and stopped the lameness and pain. 1 have long known it to be excel lent for horses but now I know it to be the best liniment for bumon flesh that I am acquainted with. Yours truly, T. P. Lawrance. >%, This remarkable medicine will cure 8pnvins, Splint, J/KSL- Curb, Callous, &e., or any enlargement, and will remove the Hunch without y IS I interim? or causing a sore. No remedy ever discovered equals it fori certainty of action O id stopping the lameness and removing the bunch. Price §1. Send jfor circular giving O®# Stttte m ent in a <1 o u n cl e r Oath. positive proof', and your nearest a gent’s address. It is truly wonderfu I what remarkable success thousands have hatl with Kendall's Spavin Cure in treating all blemishes on horsey and every kind of lameness from whatever cause. It has also been used with \T - perfect success in deep-seated pain of long standing in man. .Otic cm sc -'u V“1'--1 “ ! : i tp To whom if, may concern —In the year 13751 treated with Kendall's Spavin Cure” a bone Spavin of several inonth’sgrowth, nearly lialf ns large a3 a hen’s egg and completely stopped •the lameness ami removed the enlargement. I have worked the horse ever since very hard and he never has been lame, nor could I-ever see any dif wchave in mind was hip-joint lameness of 15 j’ears duration, and the person afflicted had tried many remedies with no effect, and was finally per *0 4> fercuce in the size of the* hock joints since I treated him with "KLcndatTi Spavin Cure.” U. A. GATXES. Enosbtrrgh Falls, Vt.,Feb.25,1879. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25th day of February, A. D. 1879. John G. JEN NR, Justice of the Peace. Send address for illustrated circular to Drj B. J. Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Fails, Vermont. lnaiicndy cured two. years ago, ,(after 15. years of suffering^! tli Ken «iull’t» . Aparin Cure. We give below a statcincnt which was in rule under oath, mid as we have examined the horse many time* we know it to %c true every a. C®6 SOLD BT DRUGGISTS* % Robinson Wagon Co. Cincinnati, 0. .Vbi#; company have just finished Com plete shops with every facility of the latest improved machinery, and are prepared to manufacture STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES, —SUCII AS— Farm Wagons, ' Spring Wagons, Platform Wagons, Ludlow Spring Wagons, Farmers’ Two*Seated Carriages, Standard '1 rade Buggies, Elegant Brewster Buggy, t Etc., Etc. y Send for Designs and Prices, to Robinson Wa gon C o., Cincinnati, 0. WM _ BAXTER & Manufacturers of CO., Pure Liquid Paints, White Lead, Zinca and Colors, No. 52 Perl St., New York. Our liquid paints are ready for immedi ate use on opening the packages, no oil, spts. of turpentine or dryers being re quiied. pority._We guarantee their absolute nuriiv and their freedom from barytes, clay,* alkalies, water, benzine, soap, and tTwerfng capacity.—Tliey weigh 15 to 16 lbs. the gallon, and arid eoticr better and more surface than any chemical paints or those containing barytes or clay, as these add weight without’ body ■ Permanency of color.—Great care has been taken in selecting colors for tinting;, and we use only permanent colors, eonse qently our tints do not fade. Convenience.—Any one who can use a paint brush can apply these paints, ant] being ready for use, there is no waste or excess of materia), as is the case often when lead, oil and turpentine have to be purchased. The colors can alwaj's be ex actly matched and there is no necessity of haying two or three shades on the same building, as is often the case when tints are made experimentally. Our Pure liquid paints are put up in small cans froir. 1 to 5 lbs., and also by the gallon, in packages from cans of 1, 2, 3 and 5 galls, to of 10,15 and 25 galls., and bbls. of 45 galls. Sample cards and price lists mailed to any address. EUREKA PAINT CO.’S READY MIXED OIL PAINTS, 25 different shades, from 50c. to 100 per gallon. . English Roof Paint, 60c. per gallon, red, brown or chocolate. j. Liquid Slate Paint for leaky roofs, 75c. per gallon, red, brown or cliodolate. Eureka Boiled Oil. 50c. per gallon. Eureka Raw Oil, 45c. per gallon. Machinery Oils. Patent Sperm Oil f 1 per gallon, Engine Oil 75c pet gallon. Filtered Rock Lubri cating Oil60c per gallon, Sewing Machine Oil 1 00 per dozen guttles. Sample cards of the‘different colors, with testimonials and cr., sent, free on application to Eureka Paint Go., 167 Maicien Lane. New York. Superlative BAKING POWDER, Absolutely fere The Best In The World The ‘Superlative’ Baking Powder is tile standard article of the United States for strength and purity, and is the best article for general baking purposes evei introduced. We war rant it perfectly pure and superior to any baking powder now oil the market for healthful ness and strength, producing at all times the most delicious cooking. It is the Cook’s Favorite Baking Powder. Full weight guaranteed. For sale by grocers everywhere. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 60 cents for ane pound cans. Sold only i£ cans. Superlative Baking Powder Co., 143 Chambers St., New York. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH, K V. LARGEST WEEKLY IN THE STATE We give 25.000 columns of reading matter during the year. We print full re ports of the meetings of all im)>ortant re ligious bodies and of courts and legislative proceedings, and generally all matters of interest occurring in the State. We give the latest telegr mis, the latest market report, the freshest news, interest ing articles, stories for the girls and farm notes for ihe boys. Our market reports will he worth many dollars to farmers and merchants. Take your county paper, and then send $2,00. for the News and Observer. Specimen copies furnished on application. Perry, Houston County, Ga.—We have known “Swift’s Syphilitic Specific”tested in hundreds of obstinate cases of syphilis, mureurinl rheumatism, scrofula, etc. It mode the most perfect and permanent cures. Hugh 9j Dennard, Sam D Killen Judge county court, J L Warren of .1 W La thorp & Co. Savannah Ga.. Ml Jackson Department Clerk Superior Court. Win Branson, Eli Warren, J W Wimberly. J C Gilbert Druggist. J W Mann County Treasurer. Wm D Pierce sheriff, G 0 Duncan, Day & Eordon. W.e are acquainted " ith the gentlemen whose signatures whose signatures appear to (he above certificate. They are citizens of said county, of the highest respectabil ity and character.—A. S. Giles, Grdinarv Houston County, Ga.; D. II. Culler, Clerk Superior Court, Houston county, Ga. I am personally acquainted with the proprietors, and many of the gentlemen whose signatures appear to the foregoing certificates. They are men of high char acter and standing.—A. H. Co'quitt, Gov ernor of GeorGia. The Swift Specific Company, Proprietors, ■ Atlanta,Georgia. -| ; ' , { THE MOST,POPULAR^ —1—• OF" ALL* ’ has no EQUAL ALWAYS ORDER L7JST l L! PETI M E ^ SURPASSES*^ OTHERS 30 UNION SQ.NEW YORK Chicago iLL.-e—— Orange ma9s VVe wish an agent to represent us in thii 28:6iu section. t r * \ Various Canscs— Advancing years, care, sickness, disap pointment and hereditary predisposition— all operate to turn the hair gray, and eitkcr.of them inclinesitto shed pretnurely. Ayer’s Hair Vigor will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may, be desired. It softens and elenses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked and a new growth will be pro duced in ail cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed- Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy. weak oi sickly hair, on which a few appli cations will produce the gloss and fresh ness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dressing and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair and keeps it fro3h and vifiorous. For sale by all dealers. Sisr, "if you nro a man 1 ofLucinefis.weak-1 ened by the strain of your duties avoid stimulants and us o Mop Bitters. If you are young and I discretion or disstpal ried or single, old or| poor health or languishl ness, rely on H O p| Whoever you are, ' _ciautwli—" lug or stimi without intoxicating, talco Hod Bitters. Bare yon dys pepsia, kidneyj or urinary ci plaint, disen: of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver or nervest You will be eurodif you use Hop Bitters If yon are sim ply weak and low spirited, try it I It may 3avoyou r life. It has saved hun dreds. fif you are a\ man of let- _ tern toiling over mi night work, to rc tore brain nerve and | [waste, use Hop B. [suffering from any in-! Ition; if you are mar-1 young, suffering from! lug on a bed of sick-l Bitters. Thousands die an-| ■o m 80UM»| _ ire been t I by a timely use of I L Hops liters 1 NEVER FAIL o. i. c. is an absolute! and irresistOrl bio c u r e fori drunkonoss ,| aso of opium, I tobacco,or (norcoUcs. •Sold by t_„ . prists. Mend for I Circular. HOP BRTZB8 | irra co.t IteehMier, N. T. I & Toronto, Out. DAVID LAHDBETH ft SOHS, Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Bailway. Passenger Department. Atl, vnta, Ga., Jan. 17th, 1881. ’ Change of Schebtjle. Cn and after Jan. ICtk, trains will ran on this road ao follow*; { Day Prssenger Train. (Eastward) Arrive at Seneca 9:12 a m Leave 9:13 a m (Westward) Arrive at Seneea 7:18 pm Lcavo 7:19 p.m Night Passenger Train. (Eastward) Arrive at Seneea 8:37 p m Leave 8:39 p m (Westward) Arrive at SenecsJ 7:10 a m Leave 7:11 a m Loeal Freight Train. (Eastward) Arrive at Seneea 0:50 p m Leave 7:20 p m (Westward) Arrive at Seneca 5;13 a m Leave. 5:30 a m (Westward) Arrive at Seneca 3:06 a m Leave 3:06 a m Connecting at Atlanta for all pomts West and Southwest. Connecting at Charlotte for all Eastern points. Through Tickets on sale at Gainesville, Sen eca City, Greenville and Spartanburg to all poiuts East and'West. W. J. Houston, G. J. Foreacbe,

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