1H2 zrinrraiz: daily citizt::. THl i- :AY. MAY 3. 1 t. a i , !-. . ashevuss SWEETS VYhat a Number of Asheville . ; physicians Say About It SWEEPING SHOULD NOT BE ? poNE WITHOUT FIRST HAY- IN STREETS BPRINKI.ED. s "x Early Monday morning. Just as tores were being opened for busi ness. portion of Patton avenue was enveloped in a cloudlet dust caused by jry .weeping of the street and , side walks, k ;'' 4 m order to get some opinions- w irtn Uvlng In regard V tW CUUen stated the tact, to a number of 9byicla and asked .following 1 Do you.conslder this raising ol 'iiist" prejudicial to hesltbt a.-Do.yott Ihlnk. U would b fetter $ ave the street !adj I.iuewalka prlnkled first and then swept? i. do you think It better to have the -weeping done at night, Ufter; the ttorea are closed? . . , following are the replies of the phy klans to the question: ' Dr U B. McBrayer: I do consider this 'raising of dust prejudicial to health and comfort By till means the 'ilreets' and sidewalks should. be .prlnkled first, and then swept In an awering the third question I would say that If the streets are sprinkled the .weeping could be don in the day, time. v .5 :. wr n M pr J. A. Burroughs: I do consider; It injurious to health tflubav 4 , the dust iwept up dry In the day time. Every one here knows my views on the sub jeer of dust, and especially dust in . B AirmeaWUil sprink ling should be done before the sweeper la nin, and Should be done at' night, and under no circumstances should the .ninr be dona without having th aprlnkler run In ndyano. i" . t ' Dr. ; C. - v.: Keynoiae: t yiiict ..nin of the sidewalk Js. dons is due to the fact hat the cltlsens do nql do their1 duty In keeping tne aiaewaia rmn.F It IS the duty of each merchant to keep the walk In front of his .place of business clean, anL violators of, this .. Lu kuh oiii tn arxnunt by the board of healthnlme and again, n. m tT 'iriotnher: ut course nu weetfngfhoid he? done '.without hav ing the atreete sprinkled first. Jf .the clUsen Wld keep their sidewalk clean as they are required to do there would be no complaint about tne cuy s men doing the work and r,lsin tb. dust , rir r W. Battle: First, last and all the time I answer each of these ques tions in the most ernpbitfofnrlnaTjva, I am glad that the matter has beeu brought up fox 31 haa bn dip'two time and again- by tne meaicai xr- nlty of the city. We are unnecessarily subjected to dangers that could. jU avoided by night springing. Dr. C. P. Ambler:, in tne nrsi piace iho tr.tii in the central and .main portions of the city ought hotproperly to be sprinkled at all; they ought to be washed. But whatever is done to them should certainly be done at night. It is an Insult to our visitors, as well a menace to health, to clean the streets in daytime, and that without spnna-llna-: It Is our most Important busi ness to carefor the vlaiting "popula tion, ana we snouia matte every en deavor to keeD the streets In such con dition that ylsitors'whl enjoy being on tnem, insieaa oi Doing, annoy a.( f "e hose ought to, be turned bn the streets every night; thoroughirnushlflg them, so that the dirt will be tarried on, not distributed through tbe aft-: ' ' Dr. Charles Jordan: I consider the city's dust, when stirred up by dry sweeping, to be, highly dangerous to health. I think the sidewalks should by all- means be sprinkled " before swMnlnr nd portalnlv that aweeDins: should be done after .business hours.,.. Dr. J. A. Watson r 1 have often ob served this sweeblnt? On "our principal streets during business hours, and I have wondered, that, such a thing should be tolerated in any civilised community. I consider that this dust which Is mixed with filth that natu rally accumulates on the streets during tne previous day la prejudicial to health tin.t hoMai that It annila fh Clothlnr nf ninl vhn' in onmnelled to past through It on their way to I think th utrtm ahmiM lui anrlnklod um ana then swept, and I think tnai y an means the sweeping should be done at night Dr, J. H. Williams: Under, all clr- CUmitnnpM tKa a 1m m r. Auml Im hpn. .w lawiiia w . umw ,B Judicial to health, but esneclally so In Asheville. The 'sidewalks and .streets nouia ne ugbtly sprinkled and then Swerjt. but Kv all mMina ahAtiM - tha sweeping De flone Bt -n,t; after 1 the lores are cionea or before, they are open In the morning,, and", while ' the Strpota ara fia. iam TV. la the oustotn frt the,' aartlUr? r, depart-' -uu vi an large cities witn wnicn i m acquainted and I am familiar with good many. This" Is true Of the ell: les both here and abroad. The only "lty I know of where they sweep the streets In the daytime Is In Parts,and there they are really not ao much WMnln t K am ....li n . i n ai'sss etsj wonitiDB inrin, IHI tne work gro on ijih tim TheiHl P-piiwnyi en pa km wanning Jnwa- 1L. , I - n appnait 'treta, and sweep " "in,.!- m ir.e gutlers, ana no "ust it rsled. , , , , tr. rn I r.quihi T.i t-' Drut n'uVi ':'n I tr ull Cn'WO-- mopt S-ura;ir nnxma and ia:uEF Iliree Letters from Lira. Jo!inoa , knowing' tnat Lycia a. ruJc. tana's Vegotible Compound Pure tho Ilia of W omexL, , , V.'rota f jr flri. HaW-srY fiZvL November, i6V7 "Dbah Maa I'iskuam: I am a great sufferer, hare much trouble through the lower part of my bowels, and, I am writing to you for advice. Mensea are, irregular and scanty, am troubled, with lenoorrhcsa, and I ache so through my back; and down" through my loias. : I have, spells of bloating very badly, sometimes will ho very large and other tinea eery much reduced. MBS.VHAa. E. JoHXBoti. Box S3, Eamiord Center, Maine, Nov. 80, 1897. ! i Improvement Reported December, " Diab Mbs. Pinkham: I wish to. tell yon that I am improving in health. I am ever so ouch better than when I wrote before. Tbe trouble through the lower part of bowels is better; and I am not bloated so badly. I was very much: Bwqllurf through" the abdomen before took, L,Tdla B. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I still have sv feei ng of fulness across my chest I have used, three hot (lea o it and am on the fourth." ylHs. Cuas. E. Johhsok; Box 83, Runford CHnterMaine, Deo. 13,1897. Enjoylnjr Oood neaitti June, i9? 'Dkab MRi. PiSKHAJi: Since a year ago I have been taking your medicine, and am now strong and enjoying good health. I have; not boen so welt for three years; an4 ff l ry: thankful -ta fon for What Lydia E. Vlnkhara's Vege table Compound has done for me. I would advise all. who suAef. with fe male troubles to try your medicine." Mas. Cbas. B, JoRRsoir, Box 83, Bum lord Centeri Maine, June 1, 1899. dust inHhe respiratory organs, partio ulariy lungs already weak, this, kind of treatmenlT dt,i the walks raises clouds of germsNof many kinds which we con stantly Inhale and against which our system. must , fkeep up a constant figbt. To the second question, the best thing is to wash the streets clean b4 not to sweep at any time. Third, the best' time to clean the streets Is be tween midnight and morning, when there are fewest people eh them. COMMENCEMENT DAYS. . , AT WEMRVILLE SKRMO BT REV. 8. a TUKREN- " TINE, ADDRESS BT J. S. , CARR. Weaverville. K. C, May tThe ?c eent open weather ha been used lor all Jt la worth by farmers, who are hearly through with corn planting. Ever Who;; of vegetation H (looking welt w Wheat. Is especially promising. Verhapanot for years ha there been a-better prospect for wheats. The ap ple and peach bloom, which Is at least two' weeks later than usual, Is as fine one could wish. It Is hardly proba ble that Jack Frost, win. yjslt fff more this springIf not, there will be the heaviest Jjrtity 'frail tor yearr'here. ' TeacHerr 'and 'atudenl' afV ' fooktng forward to the college commencement, Which will be held May 20-22. Rev. S. B. Turrentlne of Charlotte Is to preach the sermon In the college auditorium on Sunday, May 0,t U -o'clock a. mi Sunday night the earn preacher will preach, j at ' the, t Methodist Episcopal church. South, a special sermon to the Epworta League.'?'. -- - Mr. Turrentlne la one of the most scholarly members of the Western North Carolina conference, He I also quite an attractive preacher. " Tuesday, May 22, will be commence ment day. The annual literary address will be delivered by Col. Julian 8. Carr of Durham, N. C. Colonel Carr Is so well known , to' North Carolina as pcarcejv t4ieed any mention here. Ha la one among the foremost business men of th,statV,The Mdres will be on Tuesday at 11 a. m. In the college auditorium. "This notice will call forth an Immense throng of people, eager to bear .this famous son of North Carol! The other commencement exercises will not differ greatly from those gen erally held. The annual debaters' con test will come oft Friday night May 11, In tbe college auditorium. The heaviest, rain of the spring fell thm afternoon from l till I o ciocx. The cloud came from the west It fell In torrents, and -was accompanied by heavy thunder. A good sprinkle of hall was mixed with the rain, but not enough to Injure; vegetation much. , ;: Our people are somewhat disappoint ed at the slow speed made by the elec tric car company In building to our ttwn. ' Last winter we were assured that the cars would run Into Weaver vine by July, but no sign of work on the line is yet visible. We will wait tatlently and when It does come we will see It If we can live that long. There has been no "little annoyance caused by the slowness of. our mall, Jt IS due here at 7 ft. m. from Asheville. It Is often when It comes and It Is carried by such a poor turnout as will make a man tired and hungry to look at sit strikes pome of us as a , poorly managed enterprise. The government la able tn nd the mail In ft resoeota hi conveyance, and to send it on time, and we are. going, to keep kicking till we grt a better arrangement, A temporary meeting was held here In the Methodist church Sunday nlirht Pner)iM were made by Ittva. TL .M, Taylor. George F. Klrby and J. II. Mo ton. The sale of Intoxicating liquor to b used as a beverage was stronger condemned, as was the policy ot al lowing a few saloon men to shape the government of so many towns and cit ies, and to exercise so much Influence ' In tbe government of our country. vet was taken and the sentiments expressed by th speakers were en dorsed by almost the entire audience. STOCK DUCKS. laoBabl aaaaatla a t Car u4 Diet hj m Specialist. At CJs season stock duck need tlie best of care. Every observing duck raiser has noticed that lay lug duckj are very touchy aud easily excttud. A suddca frljLt may put tbeui "ol their feed," a tt Is tcruied. aud wlli oftB require a whole week to gt thetu back to eating. Meanwhile they will stop laying. Instead of using cut clover 1 au beating the heads and kavt-s off uul steaiolng them JUst. the same us cut clovw. 1 notice that the clover Ui-u.U cause the ducks to get fat It fed liber ally. A less quantity of thtui ; UoulJ be, fed than of cut clover, and wU u beads are used the quautiiy of cuiu meal should also be reduced a littii. , The foUowlug la what 1 feed tai-if morning (I use 14 quart pfliU): Tw palls clover heads. Lulled; two p.illn Dot quite level full, cornwea!; tug palls, heaping middlings; two' palls, heaping, vbiun; "one pall ground bouc, one-half pall sharp sand and four pail water. 1 strain the clover heads out ot the boiling water and put them in the . mixing chest first; then add the other Ingredients in layers. I then mix twice and level tbe top and bank up a little, ao that the water, which la boil ing hot will pot run over tbe entire chest Then I shovel the banked part over the water, cover with old' sacks and let it stand foe two hours, after which I work It over with a corn hoe., add on pall of flour and toss It back with a shovel It fequlrel les! Bouf tolnake tbe feed stick together wueu middlings art used instead of out chop. I'm unable to say which IS better. Both are good. -The above feed Is fed to 000 ducks and is quite warm when I feed tt out For the nlgbt feed I use three palls of bran and three of mlddllugs. a they eat better then than tbey do In the morning. It is very injurious to laying ducks to have high doorsiils In their bouses. Put up bridges so that tbey can get In and out without struggling. Do tbe same at the water edge where the bapkt ire high, or yon will surely have lame duck. It Is not really necessary to clean ducknouses during the winter; only keep tbeui well bedded with dry straw or bay1, which soon pack down ready for another layer. Thl erve to pro tect theuv from the ground. . - i ? K In summing op I can assure yon that much of your success In raising young duck depends on bow you care for the breeder. If tbey are neglected, it matter little how much you give-the Incubator and brooder, gucces will not attend your effort.. A,, Mc Fetridge in Farm Poultry; ., Aaeat Feeilna Cora. Here are 27 1 New York state hens and pullet which iln December , told 20 ecu, i Not over five minute a uay, on an average Is tbe time given them, and whole corn is a too prominent item In the list of foods. 1 The owner asks If be Is feeding nbout right for qunutl ly thro? to four flnarts of mnah In the kiornlhrg. cabltage generally it noon ind two quarts of grain at night ll fa ieedlngitooIUgbj and: not Jglyhuj trnln euoutrli early in the day. If his hinsli Is as .balky a it ougnt to ne. dis eu4ould stand a quart of good wheal Iciei'uins or cracked com In litter to iicrnu-b for after ttie'lnasli. Whole Ooiu should be fed moderately, only a lew bnndfuls as tbey go to roost to fliose ; which have failed to find tuelr slioi? of grain Id the scratching litter. These hens are not getting too much coin.'5 Tbey could stand tuore of 1, but. It sluiukl be given In sucb form tbet they Must busy themselves to get most of it. I-'nrin Poultry. --" Preaina and Weather. vGood advice and excellent Bugge tions limy be given, bur It Is only when tlie thiic arrives for performing certain essential duties that one understands what Is required. Corn Is one of th best of foods for winter, yet there are Ilrlod during the winter season when the (lays Are quite warm and the needs ot the fowl are fewer. To feed llie same quantity of torn IrresiK-ctlve of the xlinugee :f the wenther tuny In cri'Ase the cont of fo6d and lend to dis eaw la tlie flock. ' An excellent plan Is to lessen' the corn a the ocenlon re quireii and increase the prtiortIdu of cut clover, adding to tho ration of com when Severe i-ohl prevails. N'o rule can be given to follow, as each Individual imift under t and tlie needs of bis flock and alHHild have on hand a variety vt food, tlie feeding of which to poultry hould be regulated according to exist ing conditions." By careful observation one will soou have no difficulty In feed ing In the proper manner. Poultry keepetv. 3 4' ? ' H ' V-f Bn Toale For rovrla. 'a Visitors to the Iurltan Poultry farm, gtnm ford. ; Cotih, comment 'pn the ac tivity of the .fowl. v They, are always mdntrlotls and 'consequently healthy. Besides proper food, bousing and care, tbe best "tonic" we know of I to al lot? the fowl to, go to roost once in awhile with only half a supper. Do not be afraid to try thii plan. ) U Is the greatest preventive of birds "going off tbeir feed" that we know of, Breeders should I on then- gnard against tbe lazy, hen. Puritan Poultry, Farms. Stamford. Conn.' ' r" . ; 1 I t i A Weed r U Oalaaw Duck fa the only fowl that U better, when the test f the table tt applied, than ft fat yonng guinea,' nay Texas Pgrm and Ranch. Some object that tbe flesh 1 dark.. What dlfferenc dqei color make? - Art not beet red, pota toes white, spinach green T Do people object t these beeaase the color doe not salt becaoM their leg are not yel low) If the fleeh e a guliMft la tooth some, succulent and nutritions, let It be dar or light or any other color; eat tt and be tfranlfnl, : ; f ; pnU AU kinds of legal blanks cad be found at The Cltisen Company boat- ness offlce. sum ; ; ; u . "Full House" of Choice Wash Goods. - Our New York buyer has bought us a bright fresh 'stock of Summer (, Goods. They are thriving .daily.' fire class goods. Some special values. When we buy goods for less than they are worth, we sell them same way.t If a good bargain, for us, none loo good ' for our customers. That is one ! reason our store is crowded with people -buying. - -..",'-:; -; ; ;';.. ..,.;:...:-. ..u.., r . .".,.,,... ; This week will find some high class, low jpriced goods on our counters, . You might see them, as we show goods whether you liuy or not. rk'j SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO OUR VERY CHOICE :, ; STOCK OF WHITE GOODS. We certainiycan save you money peyerjjr timeypu buy WhiteLawns of us, as our prices are the same as when coltonjsoldjat five cents Ja'fpound instead of ten cents. Our large Jslock , bought ibefore3the2advanceinprice enables us to offer . y convince you.) ' ':' White Lawns, f. French Flannels, light hades," tripe and plalda, t.00 and fl.M ' per .yard.. ..,..,., , : New line Black! Taffeta ; for, waists and skirts; genuine val- ' ues, Wc., S9o., and tl. 15 yard. Black reau De sole Bilks - at n.00 and 11.60 yard. ' Fine " for 1 waists ana pleated skirts. t ' Special ' assortment ' : of plain black goods, 69c. to 11,75 yard. : uasnmeres, serge, enower- proof cloth, Veneclaa cloth, Bilk warp Henriettas and Imported Twill dlaaonals. ."''-; ' BLACK ORINADINE8, 40 and 16 Inches wide, 11.10, 1.50 and up to IS yard. - We have the silks for lining at 75c. yard. 811k Bnished cotton linings at Me., lc. and 25c. yard. NEW UNE MERCERIZED SKIRTS RECEIVED, made - by one of largest skirt maker in th country. i UNDERSKIRTS at 11.69, black ' and color,of good materials, well made, corded and deep pleated ruffle. Underskirts at ti.il, of very . "" Bne mercerised satlne; newest styles, full cut garments, well made. . - . - ! At S.U, 12 60, IS.75 and $4.50. 1 Very; choice goods. r-'-r. t, 4-.,,, i! ',..'! j The' beat value ws have had this aeason; full line of blocks of each price. This Is great wash good sea son. Come and see Just what ft little money will get. ," '- 1 86-inch Percales, good colors; 121-2C kind. I-3c. yard. v 82-Inch Fine Ginghams, 12 1-Jc, kind, lOo. yard. - ' " SPECIAL. 60 piece corded Dimities, beau tiful assortment of patterns; Sc. kind at c. ysrd. Corded P. K. Stripes at 15c. Figured Swiss, fine goods, at 15c. 20 pieces Cne pimllle at 15c. Fin colored Zephyrs t 15c. SHM1MER, DEiLL & GO. OTlJND-VBanW J. -I -"' - 'V' -': Ol U 111 D 1 II PENN1MAM Ic KEar DESTROYEQtBY, HOT ; ;v;:g. . ,.,,. , 1 " '' t tUlfUn iLLiJJ Desire to Inform all those AIR AND STRONG l - wishini work in tiu line 4 'I ...rt.."( '.. ,,.(1, ( that they have a large itock of materials, sought before the advance CHEMICALS Tt X X t U CT? "t very low t , it u t t figures.- We have a force of competent Plumbers to do all work in ' ''cfivrppR our line', which we guarantee,and tho8e wishing any ' plambing. done'will do well to see us before placing their contracts elsewhere, i Of 47 Cole Street,"-' -' - ' J.ld -1 -i.wrrl ,b.,ut " 1 r;tr Th Board;, of Medical . Examiners pets, rugs, mattresesa, pillow, fealher hr iL-2ii!i-''f M iU V ' V"'"' 'mi'l ij i i bed., bed .pring and everything on thl. Pf thVr?t5"' 9" lna' WllLbpl4..Us. nexl una. " --V, meeting at Tarboro, N. C, beginning . ( i ?l ' 51 I Invite the public to call and tee th , . . - . ttf work don, espedaiy the board of , s Weclnesday May 16, lyOO health. I will be glad to make ft test " , : , t ' " . " . for any one. Applicants are urged, jlo be on hand promptly to reg- yp.tnt applied for. ister. and prepare for exammations the following day. ' J. ATENNENT, Must exhibit diplomas and credentials. V Architect. MijfytLtffiltU THOS,4 E. ANDEWON, aM D.i StcreU Board Medical Examines '! jobbing and Bapejr SUttSVillt'N C ,UJ ! . rroasauy Attended at- . f f - '' " aouin cotjht squar. DAVID T. TAYLOE, M. D., President, Washington, N. C rrh try fr a DIAL ' . . ".".;-7'v Persian Lawns, French Cambrics,' French NainsooKs.and others. 25 piece corded Madras at 15c. 25 piece double fold Cheviot . . ,,;,:',,;: r.;.'.-t" -., Lota of other good wash good at aame prlce ,i Fin Engllal) Dlmltie at lot, 20 pattern. I Fine French Ginghams at 25o, 16 pattern, : j-..u: )-; . r- Fine ! 611k Madra (half prioe) 25c, j pattern. J - Silk Striped Seersuckers, plain, white and colored stripe on white, ground, 25e. yard, f White P. K., extra heavy cord, 25c. yard.-- fine V importedI plain - CORDED DIMITIES, pink, yeU hrw, blue aaded, tick ygrd. 16-lnch French Madra Shirt ings; new corded effects, best of ' wash mtwutlse ISciriinunW i . ' Mercerised Satlne ; choice as sortment of color, 29c. and 2So. yard. Splendid for underskirts. Foulard Satlne at 154, yard. ' ' Mercerised Foulard at tc yd, Imported ' 811k Swiss, light shade, at tcL yard. ' , ',' Imported Peau De Sole; assort ed patterns, 50c. yard.' Special Domestic TTnces for One 1 Weekif v 'too Teppertlle.ipinow Mx45 inches, 12c. each. case, ! ,00 Pepperille , 1 inche. Mo. each,- nbeeti, HxtO 300 8. D. Co. special brand pillow cases; 28x45 Inches, 10c. each. . ' " . No. 80 yard-wide Lonsdale Cambric, 10c. yard. No. 100 yard.wlde Berkeley Cambric, 15c. yard. & 0. very altractive for first- f h:i Lawns, French K 180 yard-wide ; Berkeley Cambria, ,l9cv yard. t:i- "! 1 " , ' Nd. too" yard-wide Berkeley Cambric, 25o, yard. ' Special for Monday. ; i. ..,. V1-" ,il't 600 yard yard-wide Fruit Loom, 7o. yard; 10 yard to cu. .-1 tomer. i , ..iH: v; ' 50 dosen Huck Towel. tlxlT Inches, pure. Unen,10o.. each. 600 yard PURE ' WHITE BLEACHED- SATIN : DAMASK; , 2 yard wide; very fine good; value, $1.25; at 75c. yard. 500 yard Curtain Swiss; spec, lftl value, 10c. yard. ! m rr ; (new BELT CLASP with chains)', . new laces, ftld .QIOYeavJaUlnga, ALL OVER 'LACES, Yoking, ':v Nc'weah :pere'ftie' ""arid'1 Lft-rr" flle'.jFurntshhigf., f;,..r..,n.. .v,' Our Millin Department r Three special reason why w ' : are doing the millinery buslntss . of the town: I'll.. II .sit .ii V " 4 The Jates and bet tyle, , ,. - Fine assortment of good, low . prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. " , Seme choice value ''in1 on' f OOd, .,, .,, hi', ' !'. : As we do not hesitate to out the price on flue goods, when they do not move out in a hurry. .Also some' new' shapes and trimmings to show you at les price than usual. ? 1 ;The new line of sailor at 29c., worth 60c. r ; i The new line of lallor at 80c., worth 75c, ( t,- y r- Will b' her again by Satur day. Sixteen dosen only lasted ' four days. They are better than other bouses sell at that price; hard to keep them. ' We have som choice Sailor at II, $1.50 knd $1.75. , , Children' Hats 25c.. 8tc 4c 9c., 79c.,: 8c- and $1.60; of fine etrsw. They are splendid good for the price, ,: , I 1 t u h it ' J: m t t i i. hi