the Ann: villi: daily citizi::;. THURSDAY. MAT 3. 1C.3. OOOO n I " w ' V-'' Vi W w The Advent of Summer Finds rillwi v . wit jkui viiivuv 0 0 nfC" Tf 3S9 We. 1. Mora things enter Into advertising than are general! (apposed. In fact every (bin; that connects a name and a business in people's minds is advertising. Membership in churches ana ciuds ana societies, the giving of social entertainments, public charities gll these things and more are advertising. But greater ind broader, and better and easier than all these is newspaper advertising, Yott may think of that with out thinking of the other plana, bat no scheme of publicity is complete without the newspaper.. Properly prosecuted, newspaper advertising will always pay. That here and there is a man who says: -Advertising doesn't pay, I've tried, it." proves noth- w but that his method was faulty, u;h arrf of PTeat dailv imnmtni It la of more . t .1 nntk the mitral hnniuiwifa ta know where aha can CIVMU. T O " . . "k. 1 mt certain necessary commodities at a leas price than O jvv 1 O usual than to know all the troubles in Siam or Alaska. . . , t The news should be news. It should not be al wed to btow sUle with repetition in the same old way. . "T - it yon can - auvcruso oniy in a sraau way, pica out the best paper in your territory and spend all of your advertising money in that Don't scatter. When your, business grows, and you can spend more money, buy J more space in the same paper, until you are sure yon are using all you profitably can. ; Then add another paper. I would rather have on good , "ad." than half doxen poor ones. fWben "hun tins' for bear" I would rather take the best gun I had ana load it properly than to scatter my powder in half La dozen poor guns, and so ''make a flash in the pan." Publishing merely tout name," address and busi ness will do some good, but there is a better way. t Be different from th others in your lice. Find some noint in which von excel and ban) on that. Give ' i prices and specialties. Try to make the advertise ments interesting and readable. Make them char- :i" ' acteristic of your store, and, above all thingi make them true in letter ana in spirit. Don't say that you, haven't the time-to ' attend to your advertising properly. Hy. you haven't time to do anything else. Ad vertising is the most important thing about ' ny business. It is the vital spark ' What good does it do you to have the ver, best .y thing or the very greatest bargain on earth if people do not know itl ; s 1 'w.j . In running a newspaper, James Gordon Bennett, Sr., said, the important thing was to "get the news and then make a dom fuss about it" ' . First get the right sort of goods, in tb ; fiirrit location, at the richt crke. and then make a dom fuss about it" in tha s. Best paper yon can nna.- v.i ... v , . ..T Y MwAA.itimv : J. 4 it If -f ' 1L I "Fimd mm ftM ' & wUIrA M that,-. the trade wll follow. . AtwYtrk. T AN AMERICAN'S . ' m IMPRESSION Ok PORTO RICO A Country Where .There Is Perpetual Summer, ,, IT IS RICH IN TRADITIONS AND IN THE ROMANCE OF ; THE PAST. Carolina. Porto Rico, April 18. Per. haps the , people of Ashevllle would like to hear something about Porto Rico from an American school teacher who has been here some months, and who has had ample opportunities to study the people and conditions. . If Cuba Is the peart and tjueen of the Antilles, Porto Rico 1s certainly the gem of them all, for there Is certainly no more beautiful Inland under the sun. Porto Rico Is an emerald gem set In an opalescent and turquoise sea. It Is one of America's smallest colo nies, containing but 355 square miles. It Is about 90 miles long and 40 miles wide and contains a population of 925, 000 souls, hence, it Is also the most densely populated of all the territory acquired In the Spanish-American war. San Juan, the capital, has about 25. 000 souls. It has a large Spanish pop ulation and Is a true copy of many cities in Spain. It Is four centuries old, very pretty, wealthy and beauti ful. In walking its narrow streets one dreams of Granada, the 'Alhambra, Boabdll and the diminished glories of Spain. It was at one time a walled city, until its population overflowed Its massive moss-grown and time-stained walls. ". . - All the forts and barracks are now occupied by detachments of the Elev enth infantry. Fifth cavalry and Fifth artillery. Many of the buildings In San Juan are painted a gorgeous color. They are built of brick and stucco. Stores and residences-alike are flush with the narrow streets. Below are the stores and shops, above are the rooms for the family. The'Wdewalks are scarce, ly wide enough for ' twi to walk abreast. . These children of Spain have no conception of a residence hoye set In the middle Of a large lot surrounded by trees and flowers. Even the parks and plaxas here are almost devoid of trees and flowers. ' In one of the plasas stands one of the finest monuments in the western continent, to the memory of Christo pher Columbus. It was designed and buflt by a famous architect of Gen oa Italy. From San Juan yon have a splendid view of the sea, the harbor and the distant mountains. The latter remind one of the dark blue mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. , Their slopes are not so well timbered and watered. Th whole panorama Is of unsurpassed" beauty. , The seashore is fringed with cocoa fist IftPI and the. talL rraceful royal palm trees. The low lands along the roast are of great beauty as 4 fertility. Everywhere one -ees villages, fields of cane, haciendas, encoanut trees, rich pastures full of dun colored cattle, and native huts built In a fragile man ner of palm boughs, j u The island's surface ts for the most part mountainous, the, central part be ing One vast msse of mountains and nigh hills.; The -Blonds pre -not '"very steep as a rule, and are cultivated to thels summits. . The mountain ate not so rocky as the ranges In America. In the highlands we found the coffee groves The coffee here does not thrive in the lew tands.(? )i ' It Is said here that the cocoanuv res does not like to grow out of sint of the sea. It likes to have its roots wash ed by the saltwater. The oranges of this island are of unsurpassed flavor. I have never seen anything In Amer ica that equals them.' Yet there has cultivate the delicious fruit here, or to build up an export trade. The tree grows haphazard everywhere, in, nooks and corners. Some Americans are now planting large orchards of oranges and the future will bring them aiprtttss no doubt. . f 9 ;.-! . In the past everything here has mov ed at a snail's pace. "Manana." or to morrow, is a great word among these tropical people. Everywhere you see fine Or splend id cathedrals and churches, but no school houses, in the American sense of the word. Of course all the church es are Catholic. I do not believe there is a single Protestant church building on the island. In the brief period of two years the' United fetates has done more for common schools than Spain has done in three or four , centuries. Here, as elsewhere, the Catholic church Seems to be the "great central idea around which everything else revolved. In the early settlement of the Island the churches were the forts, the school houses the places of worship, etc. It was a government of friars to a large extent. "The past is the father of the present." But all is now changed. The guns at Manila and Santiago were the death-knell to all this. The people know nothing else but Catholicism. The Americans are beginning to bull! and. establish common schools every where". The plans" for a fine normal college have just been complettd. Next year is bright with promire. "Thf darkest hour is before datrn.'' These people are eager t) lea in English and everything American. The rising generation for the most put will learn to speak English. It is the aim of the insular board of educat o--to put an American teacher in every school that is located In a town of at least a thousand Inhabitants. Over th? school houses, floats the American flag during school hours. On the walls ,c.f every room Is also found old gloiy. Twice a day the children salute the flag and sing "My Country, 'Tts of Thee." The boys and girls do not oc cupy the same.roonw The girls have a separate room and a-lady teacher. It is in keeping with Spanish customs and traditions. 4 Here there Is not nearly thst free dom between the sexes that there is in the United States. When a gentle man courts a lady he must do so In the presence of the mother, or some other member of the family. 'Young girls are never permitted to go out alone with their lovers. And here in the past the higher education of wo men was practically unknown. The Porto Rlcans are nothing If not polite. The lowly class in this respect are far superior to the same classes in America. With all of our boasted civ ilisation and superiority, we can learn something from them in polished and refined manners. They say that It is superficial and not sincere, but I have found muchtrne hospitality here. The people have ' been taught their fine manners by their Spanish masters. Porto Rico, has a delicious, . and hesltby tropical climate. Here yellow fever is seldom known, as In, Cuba and elsewhere. Delicious sea breeies blow summer. and wlntar, if such, term can be used. There are but two sea sons, the dry and the wet. During" the nlat.t very heavy dew frequently fall. 1 have seen the water dripping from the houses In Ihe morning from dw. tall alone. S'o such a thing as frost Is know here, even n the summits of the highest mountain. f he Island Is down under the "flouth Irn Cross." wrapt In the silence of Iternal summer. , We cannot see the eonstellatlon of the Southern Cross In the United States. It Is too far south. It might be celled a diamond. Nothing can surpass Us silvery splendor In the southern sky. - be beauty of these tropical waters CSrcatcd 'and' llaintaincd by Vinci. THAT THE FOOD IS DIGEST ED IS ASL0 EQUALLY ; NECESSARY. We Recommend Vinol as an Appetite Creator.? WE GUARANTEE THAT VINOL ' WILL AID digestion; ! Vlnol is the greatest aid to digestion that we have ever known. s It Is because Vinol aVts so beneficially upon the stomach that it accomplishes 10 much good. "Vinol contains the active curative principles that are found In cod-)iver oil, without nny oil or grease. ' These medicinal elements . act so favorably upon the stomach," that this organ-obtalna for 4tstlf -tha -elements necessary for creating new flesh, muscle tissue and for making rich red blood.' When the stomach acts easily and naturally, a desire is created for good simple food and a good appetite is the sure result. f With cod-liver oil as formerly taken the medicinal elements which It con tained were too often nnable to counteract the harm that was done by the obnoxious grease thai .enveloped them. ,,-.. uv.jiii,, ,. Now that in Vinol we have those same elements separated from the vile tasting fat, we have a, tonio and re builder that is simply marvelous in its action. ' 44 g The following is a totter that will ex plain itself : " This is to certify that I have need six tattle of Vinol, and hate found it of great value as an appetizer and tonic in general debility. I have re ceived so. much, benefit from its use. that I gladly furnish this testimonial it order that others may be Induced to rrlve it a trial and prove to themselves its wcuperativejpof'er8.,,,--MB8. uz AJETH FiKi ay, Water bury, Conu. ' ' ; We want every one In ttafa Dlste to kiow more about out Vlnol, Itow. It cures and what It cures.' Certainly the greatest tonic and rebullder we have ever sold, f'ss 'Vijiii We, therefore, cordially Invite any one Interested to call upon us; and we want all to bear In mind that we will gladly refund to any one who Is not satisfied with the action of Vlnol every cent they pay for It. , Wiogood's Drug Store. Is Indescribable. Standing on the sea shore you see a medley of gorgeous colors light green, pale ' blue, dark blue, emerald, purple and chocolate brown, flecked perhaps -with white salts and white caps, all gleaming un der the Intense light of the . tropical sun.' We stand in the shadow and see and heir the tumbling surf as it breaksupon the white sande or sharp coral' rock. i The island is of volcanic and coral rock formation hence, Its great fertil ity. Fruit of some kind ripens every month in the year. Here Is a much older civilisation than Is found In America. Porto Rloe? had been a thriving Spanish colony for 100 years when Jamestown was settled in 1609. In another letter I will tell more of the country and its strange customs. It is rich In historic tradition and the romance of the past; much more so than Americans generally suppose. It is not far from our shores, yet we have known but little of it. - J. F, EDWARD8. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. From the Chicago Pally News. Hard cider must be the spirit Of the press. , The world contains an oversupply of average men. The gold handled by a dentist Is al ways at a premium. The man who is learning to play the cornet Is his own toutor. i A girl loses her self-possession when she puts on a wedding ring. Usually the more money avman has the more selfish his children are. ' A woman talks until things get seri ous, then she gives the man a chance. When a young rooster gets a comb he reaches the top notch of his ambi tion., , "" s""',':: V It is easy enough to find a seat In a crowded street" carT but It Is" always occupied. ,. , , Every man knows how mean his ac quaintances are, but he Is never abso lutely sure about himself. A St. Louis; spinster ' was recently kissed in a dark hall, and she hasn't had a light in her bouse since, The man who makes a study of a woman's disposition may learn a great deal, but the cost of tuition is apt to be rather high, 'j f ' ' A railway brakeman does both' the coupling and the switching, while a clergyman does only the coupling, and the coupled ones da the switching la ter.' ' ' i---1' . Legal Blanks of All' Kinds v. . At DEEDS OF TRUST, " ! !! PEED3 OF CONVEYANCE CHATTEL MORTGAGES, SEAfcClt WARRANTS, STATE "WARRANTS. ' KXEfiinflbNa, SUMMONS, ETC. the Citizen Office. O ' THE (3 lei&BAiiiMaEl 0. THE BARGAIN CENTER OF ASHEV1LLE PREPARED to meet all the wants of its people. Our Big Double Store is stocked to its fullest capacity with seasonable goods, bought with' good judgment and a keen eye to qualities; and prioes. As Usual, we cut; the prices down to the lowest notch,' and for FRIDAY and SATUR- for themselves : DRESS GOODS. Jor t Ytfeur. inch ; Homespun Suit- j)) inns ainA nlsr n full l!n ff fnvArl "U m Duninas. in all trie latest styles ana shades, sold everywhere frorn 75c CV ; IU . V I iVV 1 V'UUVCU IU 1,11c 1 c- sWI 1 D markably low price of, , '. vvV iffl , in..'. , , I SAILORS. J) Havinrr sold out all 'rrur -first or OKflers ,: of choice eiylish Sailors, we have now just opened an entire new Cj lqt, ' including all the very 1 latest shapes at the special low 1 ii'I'i price of........... 4yV WASH GOODS. 4 0 We are showinci this WeekJa.full.f line of Dimities; and Lawns in all x the new styles. The 25c quality V k m M M ft a a t 4 vLsaw' . ;The 'well known .Brown ShoeCos shoes having arriyed, we now put on sale the choicest line of men s, ladies ' and 'children's Shoes shown in city. .... . as . " r ', - r 1 Mv , Ladies' $2.00 0x?ords . . I48 , In all styles and colors. , Warranted to wear, i G0R 7 We have put on our bargain counter 1 A "another big lot of corsets, worth from 75C, to 1 they last at 1 . cts CLOTH- ING . sand ' 1 M . 1 cAnniinv our ciuimiii ana genir 1, lurniBiuna hock wnicn is nuea wun choice bargains that will make dollars cents in your pockets. . . Come and examine the above offerincr and you can realize' we can and win sa vc (vu iuuuc y. r 1 THE BIG BALTIMORE; 0j 1 IO AND 12 Wisbing Willow Fornltnrc taj Wicker Churl Vlcksrcbtirssooa bsooms Mlled. bat tber I eta bt tlttotd M look like s vltb Cold Dust Wisliiflg Powder iU wis twr. UMSserabMafSfasluvbei twrbeeomoiOMlMesila,M frashtMlte with s toll, in ehono doit, ss4 vtpo irj Wbiti Irea h4 en site ke wssksd kr this mitbod, kal stest ke vlpod 4 17 .alekl7. Mtaaniais, tin aw a. ssmasM eownuiT, -v. i. U,. Htm Tc, ' . Siina 1 1 Ashcvillc Transfer Co. checks your baggage from your1 house direct to destination with rail road checks. ., . OFFICES ".. 60 Patton Ave. Phone 210. With Uptown Ticket Office. HERBERT C. ALLEN, Proprietor Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Guro Guaranteed l eeen after all other rtmedkt hat failed, ' , . er rm mtji rundl , . : k UXAS DOCTOR WITtt. ' Swr,T..MrB.WSI. "OokaDuraf OafVliHloBBaMr food tkM For Sale by all Druggists and Barbers. Treatise on Hair and Scalp Trouble! free on request.. V ' v. A.fUEEHCO., - Chleato. ,BEWARE OF IMITATIOflS." DR. T. C PMITH. WHOLESALE! AND RETAIL AGENT. - A8HEVILLB. IS. J. The only hair preparation admitted to tl) o Paris exposition. WIRE FENCING. ' I am prepared to contract for your fencing, both ornamental and plain. Iron and Wire Fences both woven or strand wire for farms, lawns and ceme teries. ! , I have many new and very desirable designs, both heavy and light fencing. Also the finest Acme Poultry netting ever put up In Ashevllle. 'Phone 818. Address ' - M. A. CREASMAN. MA5SAQE PACKS. PROP. EDW. ORUNER. 65 ioutH Main Street Home or Office Treatment ,' Office hours 4-10 a. m.; t-i p. m. Southern Railway THE STANDARD RAILWA OF , THE SOUTH.. THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINT TEXA5, ' CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA ANDs PORTO RICO. Strictly first-class equipment on all through and local trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all night trains, fast and safe schedules. , Travel by the Southern and you are . assured a safe, . comfortable and expeditious Journey. Apply to ticket agents for Time Ta bles, Rates and General In formation or address . L, VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., - CP. T. A., ' NO TROUBLE TO ANBWER QUE3 vTIONB. Fruk&fiuaoi, J, HCilp, W.l.Tirt idV.P.AOen.Man TrarMan." O.PJC WAilHINaTOp-C-. , ' Ashevllle riekeU office 60 Patton svenue. Transfer office same building. Baggage checked through from bouse to destination. " T Executions.' lOmmoas and all Legal Forms at The Cltlsen office. DFSIONI , TMDE-tURKt NO iOPYRMiHH OSiSINfcll PATENTS ADVICE S TO PATENTsBILiry Notkw in -lnnu? Age" Book "How to obtain Pktrat1 0krp moimtt. Mo he till paUnt it second. t fl. SIOGERI, Pil.ntltwrf.iiWifll70.C. FREE Dryma n Spring.;. Four and one-half miles west of Ashevllle, west ' side Dryma n moun tain: a good water; physicians recom mend It. This water can be obtained by leaving your order at J7 N. Main street, at 40c. a Gallon, Delivered. Phooa 279. J. P. BROOKSHIRE DOVE HAMS Just in. Ship mcDt sizes 6 to 18 pounds. FEW AS OOOD. NONE BETTER. H. G. JOHNSON. 7 " J