THE ACIIEYILLD DAILY CITIZIi: BY THE CITIZEN COMPANY, Every Afternoon Except Sunday On Tear fllx Month! .." Three Months One Month. In advance.... One Week, to carriers..... $4.00 1.00 1.00 .10 - The Semi-Weekly Citlsen Is issued Tuesday and Friday . In advance", l i . TUESDAY; MAY , 1M0.'- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nd change for page 2, 3, 0 and 7 hould be in thla office by 9 a. m. For page 1,4, 8 and 8 by 12 noon. Unleaa theaa hour ar observed ehanaea cannot ba Inturad for tha day they ar brought In.) This Date In HiaWr:?1! 8 lMt-AlilB teat W ttft, mock tmiUt, bom 4Ud 1747. UOa-Bobm Morrt. "iiwf" ad pttriot SMnder, He Is PhlUdclpulai bora la Inf. . (and 17M. .-: , ; Ul-KuMbinb t iUwilUn " wtntar ud ruler, who eon , , qumd the (roup et bUsd . ditd. ' '' U9-Uati Hons Oottiebalk, .' Uou pitnUt, bora la M f , UMMMi oim law. law Bwtrl Jum a. WtdMNrtadUd el rratTcd la the Uttlt ol the WlldwMM ... Ok tthi kora la CkDMM, M. T.. MOT. URWoha Btutrt Kill, Engliih wriUr em lofie end political eonoiny, died; born MOft. IMO-OujUi rintwrt. Frtnch sovtlirt, altd at RoiHBi bora IKS. ' I i. laMJudih Phillips Bmliniln, ConfdnU . ntarr of IUU ind MUrwud a aoUd London . btrriitar. died la feritl bora la 8to Do . nliuro Ull ' 1M Ex-OoTornor JiBMt A ITaioa died at Hia- j theatr; beta WSJ. .-- Karri Vnlted. States . Supreme ... coun.. w m , abandon this repeatudiy and uniformly enunciated doctrine? Will It reverse alt fte former decisions, overrule itself and now say that what an me statesmen and sage since the beginning have regarded a true American doctrines; principles of American liberty and the basis of a people's governmentwill H say that they were all mistaken and did not understand the American sys tem of government as created by our forefather?... v. No Democrat Can assume such a stupendous reversal . by the. highest court In the land, on of the three great, branches : of mhe ; govern ment '.i however, ' much . h j rriay have suspected that court, of inten tlonally overlooking th public welfare In Its Income tax decision.; No less careful " observing statesman , than Charles Sumner , has ' declared that courts are human and may, as . they often have, subordinate their person- sonal convictions and logical deduc tions to powerful Influence- Already the press 1 beginning to re fer fo fhls matter, and It la one of too great Importance to be neglected, They feaf that the United State Supreme court may fall beneath th baneful, blighting influence of the money pow; er. mistaking It, to ay th least, . for public Influence, and deliver up to lm perialiem the nation which their pre decessor have so persistently ' sought to preserve. Upon what oth'er hypoth esls did Mr. MeKinley dare override the Constitution! ; ' ,, mvmA - TO PLAY SPARTANBURG. EDVIHA; AL0ER;,1A!1 GOES TO TULANE eslgns Presidency of the University of N. C. " HIS LETTER ANNOUNCING THAT THE RESIGNATION IS TO TAKE " EFFECT JUNE 16. i Caotaln Patton says " that Vance's mantle did not fall on Aycock, We re-" "'gret that th Captain's' consuming r modesty caused him to refrain from telling us whose shoulders ft did fall ' t ' , ' (....' . on. , . . ...... . ... , . ... '" Those great constitutional lawyers, Captain Patton and diluther, should make a joint campaign In favor of Black Supremacy. Captain Patton can furnlh the' tears and conscience and (niuther the rhe WrldT ,Th baseball team of th city high School will go to Spartanburg Friday where it will play th team of the Spartanburg high school Friday after tioon. The team will oe accompanied by Mr. Ray tor, manager of he team and will return Saturday. I Following is the line, up: Jo Rlvs, lb, Wlllard ; Northup, ' lb.;, Vonno (JUdgef.V p. Charles Nelson, Charles Nichols. cL; Stephen Lynqh i T. Hampton, tt;' Leslie Fanning, Jb,: Arthur Btokely, If.; HarVey Campbell,-' aubstltute. ; i "'-" 11 1 '. 1 " Sdutnern Baptist Convention, ! Tonight a committee ' of " AsheVIlle cltlsens wUl leav for Hot Springs, Ark., wher the vllt r attend th Souther Baptist convention and iu- to. meet In Aihevllle . In May. 1M1. ' 'Ashevllft could have had the South ern Baptist convention this year U we bad a hall large enough for th 4100 delegate and visitors. Next year wj .. arllL aava th auditorium--ready for the convention. . That convention holds for one week ma of the delegate will t here fir ten day. Tht people who atte id that convention will spend about; f 40,000 In - Ashevllt. That will be the first fruits of th auditorium. That fruit is worth gathering, ' ; ' Th auditorium wfJl go on bearing , such fruit. Put your name down fot a much stock as you can possibly pay for, and help grow the tree that will bear such good fruit. -A3) 41 Baking Powder Made from pure crtam of tartar. Safeguards the food o agamst miAl aaaaww Alum haktof powders ar fh greateat Krt t naaun ot tn praam day. if (( fry ftp; ' ' . Wst MWm NgOOlW tOkt WWf VOWsU '"" ' J-- A. . & V .r . W ww $t w 3L0V OUR ....OWN HORN Th Charlotte New of Monday an- nounea that President Edwin A. Al derman of the University of North i Carolina ha resigned. .President Al derman's letter to Secretary R. H. Battle, announcing his decision, fol lows; ' ' ' ' '" - ' "I beg to offer to the board of trus tees my resignation as president . of the University of North" Carolina, to take effect on June 15th, 1000. 1 take this step after patient study, In order that I may accept th presidency of Tulan university 1 of Louisiana, to which I was elected on April (th, 1900. This decision ba been reached In the belief -that It Is Just to my professional life, and to wider opportunities for ed ucational service that I make the change. I have tried very hard to do the right thing along large lines and to eliminate from , this problem the commonplace and the sordid. If I have seemed to take undue time to act It 1 because time has been needed to see with even partial , vision the path to tread. " I have firm belief that every thoughtful man who has had this mat ter In mind at all will know something of the hurt of mind and heart through which I have passed and the conflict of duty and emotion in which I have struggled. It Is the hardest thing I hare yet had to do In my life. I do not need to say that my heart has been touched by the evidence of ap preciation, all too generous and un deserved, from the people of the state whom I have labored for sine man hood) from your honorable body, so helpful and Just to me always; from the body of alumni and from the fac ulty and students of this Institution In whose service I have known; the. Joy of striving. : I count' this appreciation the finest reward of a life of some toll and struggle for the upbuilding of my native state."' Captain Patton says that he can re member when he was a boy. And yet h can't remember by about "ft per cent how much his vacant lots are worth, when he lists them for taxa tion, but his memory Is all right for etling purposes. e" J. ? U MeKinley Rash I -t 'Let us tnak no mistake about this Porto Rlcan question, which has been denounced alike by the friends i and opponents of Mr. MeKinley. He and his advisor may have had . good aeasons for abandoning what was sup posed to be "plain duty." They are go ing to maintain their position and support th policy of the administra tion, for to yield In a single essential point would mean certain defeat. y ; We know from recent events that Whatever may be said of the Independ ence of the legislative' branch of the government tt It more theory- In fact t Is controlled by the executive, and t the crack of th whip In th hands of the power that Is upholding Mr, MeKinley, the Republicans In cotigri'M gllgn themselves. In . accordance with 5r W ........ ft . kls wishes: ' V But what shall we say about the In dependence of the Supreme court? Leaving out Cuba, all our Insular pos sessions occupy the position of abso lutely dependent colonies, without cttl enshlp, representation, or a republl ann form of government. They have pur flag but our constitution I not ap plicable to them. They form a person, al empire exclusively subject to the pvrwnal jpohtrot it tha.mttti Irho fill th presidential chair. Now the Su preme court has hitherto uniformly aphtld tbe'tohtimtbm tbjU t no consti tution Is self-extending to all the ter ritory over which th sovereignty ot the United States extends, that ! to ay, th flag and th constitution ar Inseparable. ' s You arc cool - and so it your kitchen, even In the hottest weather, if you ar . using a seasonable food. Th thoughtful housewife wants the food that can ba most quickly prepared, and the food that Is appetising and nourishing, but not unduly heating. . Nothing compares with WHEAT-HEARTS in theae re ' spects. It has Its finest flavor and highest digestibility when ; cookeu but two minutes; and it cannot be overheating to the system because WHEAT -H vTS Is almost entirely ,; gluten,,.;,, u', " ., ,: ; "irSwheat-Hearts We Want The Wheat Hearts Company, ...ASHEVII.LE ii Seeds. ,'aa'...'' WOOD'S HIGH GRADE Fan Our bosineaa in Farm Seed la to-day one of tha largest in this Country. A result due to tht fact that qnality has always been onr first oonniileratlon. W tupply all Seeds required for th Farm. GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, Cow Peas, Cotton Seed, Seed Oats, Seed Com, r Sola, Navy & Velvet 1 1 Beans, Sorghums, ... ; Broom Corn, Kaffir ,, ; - CornPeanuli, v ' l" MUlet Seed, r iJRape,etc Jj!o3 Wood's Deacrlptlvt Catalogna Mn th talleet Information about' Mum and all other Deed; brsl methods of eullur, suit test sdW fo, dlffaiv rsnlerotis and pmotlval hints to' what are likely to pro most profitable to grow. Ustalogue ataUed free npon rsnsV T.Y. WOOD & SONS, SEEKKEI, -Kcl2J,Vt I reach every it means the t :: o stock. Great Z. Certainly we do! And the echo should pantry, kitchen, and dining room in, as best and purest, foods of all kinds. i The markets of the world contribute to our care is given to jlhe purchase of each article. Purity and quality are the first two points we consider when we buy goods. We do not sacrifice quality for price! Our experience; teaches us that our customers are willing to pay a reasonable price for the very best goods obtainable. Special. . ' i- , Demonstration of Shredded Wheat Bisc q . , every day this week in our store. ' ' ' 1 Fine lot cow peas at'C. S., Cooper's, 39 South Main street. A fresh snpply of Naiiiirtium the tall kind, at Grant's. aeed, .Wood's Seed at Grant's. A poor appetite quickly mended by urant's Tonic,, Pleasant to take. 75c. at Grant's.' ' III I l I l. ,,! Comfort and Cleanllnis In ' these, Columbian Liquid for b4a bugs;Corum blan Insecticide for roaches; Mundus for ants, Only at Grant's. , GKIP'""' -Cured at th Qulslsana Sanitarium, 1(7 French Broad avenue. Office hours (rom t to 11 a. m. and fr.m t to 4 p. m. . ' l -" 1 1 .i i s i i : : f -' . - ,- m Greer 53 Patton Avenue. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER Eastman Folding Pocket ' Kodaks Wonderful in 1 their ' capacity and compactness, heantlful In finish, with the finest meniscus achromatic lenses that can be made. A new shutter that Is always set for both time and Instan. taneous exposures, . Press one button for snap shot, another for a time ex posure. ' ,r , Made of aluminum, covered with fine seal grain leather. Dainty, but strong. No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak, for 11-4X31-4 picture ...... $10. 00 Film cartridge for above,, 12 ex- : posures , ,. .40 Film cartridge wttir t exposures; ; 7" ;Sv No. 1 A Folding Pocket Kodak, for 21-2x41-4 $12.00 Films for this slse 12 exposures., .60 Film for this slse I exposure.. . .25 Jfl Ray's Photo Supply House, I W ar distributors for C, D. Gregg Tea Coffee Co.' celebrated brands ot roasted coffee of St Louis, Mo. Try them. Clarence Sawyer. will 'i We are trying to de serve your every day , . patronage, good and confidence. We charge you 20c. for tt SOc. prescrlp- tlon no more. WINGOODS. "He Puts up Prescriptions." ONE HALF the fatigue" of ; a - hot day Is reduced by some refresh ing drinks at our . Soda' Fountain. We are sparing no expense to have everything right, and would Ilk your opinion. WINGOODS. "He Pnts up Prescriptions." Notice. Notice Is hereby given by. the mayor and board of aldermen - of the city of Aahevllle, as required by law, that the City Engineer has made a survey and filed his report In the office ot the city clerk, showing the amount ot work done, and the cost thereof, in the mat ter of the paving of that portion of Haywood street lying between College street and west line of Montford ave nue, tn said city, and, also, showing the name ot each abutting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of such cost of such street Improvement to be assessed against such rea estate; and notice la hereby further given that, at the first regular meeting of said board of aldermen to be held after the expire. tlon of 10 days from this date, said b ard of " aldermen will consider said report, and If no valid objection be made thereto, the same will be adopted and approved by said board, and the Uen and assessment for ald street Im provement will then become complete and operative. This April 30, laOO M. W. ROBERTSON, Clerk of the City of Ashevllle. 4-30-dlOt : ; .... -t-t.pj, .titl t I i.-.'-.i . V I'M JtJ . J m mmmmm f';5,-'.:; ,'i Will Nofice That We Are Viy-it'tff Wire Netting j Wire Strainers : Wire Bird Gages J;u m Wire Egg Beaters, i; : t Wire Broilers .Z,,,, ... .: ' i V A DF you no PuPPec when we sell all ' good kinds al lowest prices? ' If you j can't call, write or WIRE. , f J ; , . !; S miniin o r n n r iiif 1 sSi Mu-Sy !,- M TOf1 B3 M at T( W The Best Job Work-The Citizen I - "MEET ME -AT' THE; :PARiWN f: :;'i$ PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT For Sunburn and Tan... Paragon Violet Cream - r , (Entrance on llaywood Street Slda) i r Pul)Ik lhone r4 , Opposite the Postoffice : 1 . Prescriptions our Specialty J woe Mr, MeKinley assumt that th f