iv. . y. :av s, i. t;ii: a :;ii:ville daily cmzzii. 5 fl G. S. FEBGUSOii TO . VZEB VANCE CLUB Speech ' on 1 Constitutional Amendment Last Eyening. "NO PORTION OF THE, PEOPLE ' gHALL'BE BUBJECT TO NE- j GRO DOMINATION." r j Hon. Garland 8.. Ferguson of Waynesvllle delivered an address of ' great Interest before the Zeb , Vance Democratic club last evening. The meeting was presided over by ; Vlee ; president J. W. Summers ot the club, , ho presented Mr. Ferguson as a man ho bad been tried in the harness and wbo many a time had borne the ban? ner victory tor Democracy. ., j ; Mr. Ferguson said In beginning his remarks: . . "I always ' feel at home with an audience In Buncombe county, and In tact anywhere else In Vetern North Carolina. It I am on , the stand I teel sure that I have a sympathetic audience, and It I am In the audience I teel sure that I will be instructed and benefitted by the speak er. I have taken a more or less aci , tlve part In every campaign In North '.Carolina since 1866. At no time since ' '65 have there been, such Important la ; sues presented to the people as are . proposed this year. Upon their de termination depends' the peace, welfare and prosperity ot the state." ) a;' I . Mr. Ferguson traced the history of the negro, and showed how Incapable of exercising . the dutlea- of cltlsenship be was. Although the, negro came from the richest continent in the world, it was a continent without civilisation. The life ot the negro in this country bad not been such as to teach him how to exercise the franchise. His history since '67 shows that he has voted as a body and without intelligence. . It is not in keeping with the traditions of our race that We should be dominated by an inferior raoej The leaders : in opposition to the amendment, the two senators and the governor, are the ones who have profited most by the -negro vote.! They are afraid1 that i If' 1 they lose this Ignorant vote they will lose their Influence. I aA vUHir ...;. j Mr. Ferguson said . the amendment was Intended to prevent an lgnoraat foreign vote as much as an Ignorant ne- f o vote. ' North Carolina is becoming great ' manufacturing ; and, mining state, and there Is apt to be in the next few years a great accession, ot UUter-" ate foreigners who. do not understand the principles of oui" government.' Vi ; A great . objection the Republicans have to the amendment la that it wUl require white boys to read and .write before 1968-,, Within , that time) , Mr. Ferguson said, there would be three months of school .every year, making, two solid -years -of school. If a boy could not learn to read and write be fore that time, he ought not to be al lotted to vote, because he would be an , idiot. If he could learn," but 'wouldn't , he was too trifling to deserve to Vote. as to trie payment or tne pou tax as a prerequisite to voting, he said that this tax went to the support' of the echools, and If any man was unwilling to contribute this small amount to the support of education, he ought to yield , the control ot the government to some ( one that does pay his share. Mr. .Ferguson closed his remarks with an appeal to his hearers to do their duty in the coming election. 'Let us say,", he said, "that as long as North Carolina exists, no portion ot the people shall be subject to negro domi nation.' 'f ,.,-f ,i , ',-. j . At the conclusion of Mr. Ferguson' address there were calls for Hon. Kope Ellas, to which Mr. Ellas responded with a very forcible and humorous speech, which held the crowd to the end. Mr. Ellas made a very strong point in favor of the amendment . by quoting Roscoe Conkling, the great Republican leader, who In a speech be fore the Supreme court or the United States, at a time when he was the on ly surviving member ot the commis sion that framed the 14th amendment. declared that It was a mistake to give the suffrage to the negro, and that the southern people should be allowed to govern themselves.. A . , characteristic f Mr. Ellas' remarks was the fairness with which he spoke of his opponents. To Senator Pritchard he paid a high tribute and declared that the Demo crats were following in-hls steps in ad vocating the amendment, because , In 18SS he advocated .white . supremacy by the establishment of llJy-wWte Repub lican organizations., i ',,,"- s ' . . Baird Brothers, successor j iv S. D. Holt & Co. - Our motto : " Pure foods, polite attention and prompt delivery." ' Attend 4 Hour Screen Sale at Law's, Tuesday (8th) 10 till 2. UNDER CANVAS mrsday Nieht, May 10 SHOW GROUNDS CORNER FLINT AND HAYWOOD STS. h Climax of all Tented Aipaseaients! A. a. AL,L.eN'S BIG ORIGINAL ' UNeW : : : .Colored Minstrels f 'l presented tinder a grand commod 'us tent ' tin .v...... pple. Watch for grand, free street n aay of show. Admloslon 15 cents.. ; Hnnnrmto TWO BANDS THREE ;;cars 80 PEOPLE 80 Urleans id C S' Around Town. I . ' .. . . .-. : FORECAST till 8 p. m. Wednesday Fair tonight and tomorrow. There will be a meeting of the T. M. C. A. Invitation committee this even ing at 0 o'clock., . The Ashevllle Mandolin and Banjo club will meet tomorrow evening at the Y. M. C. A. - There will be a meeting of the Clerks' union at C. L. U.. hall, this evening. All members are urged to be present. 8. W. Davidson, sr.,' has been' ap pointed administrator ot the estate ot Peggy Burgln by Superior Court Clerk Erwtn. ; .. , , ., . .; , . , ,, . D. M. Luther will speak at Upper Hominy township May 12, at Luther's school house at 2 p. m. and at Glady's Branch at t p. m, ' The Southern has promulgated an order discontinuing the sale of second class tickets to points outside the state, except those in Tennessee. . William Francis,, who has been 111 with grip for four weeks, is slowly Im proving, but it will be some time be fore he will be able td be our, , The Ladles' Missionary society of tne First Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. R. F, Campbell, II Grove street, Thursday afternoon. May 10, at 4 O'ClOCk. .,. . i - M-r ! ;,! ' i The Y;. M. C. A. bicycle club took a run to Blltmore last evening, groins; and returning through Victoria. The con ditions were perfect and the ride was a most enjoyable one. Gus L. Guischard, city plumbing In spector,' has leased the Dr. -Mitchell Carroll house, No. 33 Mdntrord avenrte,, for one year through the real estate agency of Weaver ft Alexander. j The case of Tevls against the South ern railway was given to the Jury this afternoon in Superior court after argu ment by J. D. Murphy for the .de fendant and T. H. Cobb for the plain tiff. :, , ';, V ,7 . .. :.rr. i MaJ.' B. Fi Dixon, Democratic cand idate for state auditor, and Franklin McNeill, candidate for chairman ot the corporation commission, spoke yes terday at Almond, and speak today at Wayside, In Swain' county, . , file closing v exercises 'of Calvary school, taught by Rev. C. B. Dusen bury and wife," wfll be held at the Young Men's institute tomorrow even ing,-May , beginning at :80. Admis sion 19 cents. All ar invited. ' ' 1 ; The beaneaterr. defeated the New Yorkers -at Boston yesterday byf a score of 18 to lZ, Rome Chamber of Buncombe county was in the box for the Bostonsn It was a regular slugging: match, Boston piling up 11 runs in two lt(n,ingSv;, (, , .., 0;pi. E.X.' Justice, ilep'resehtatlve 'from McDowell county, authorises the state ment that he will advocate the abolition of the Western district criminal court, or, If this is not done, will ask that the court be abolished for McDowell. Mr. Justice says public sentiment in - bis county Is entirely against the continu ance of the cojrt.-;J'i'iA ..4m (.! I. ' Additional books of the Ashevllle Li brary association: John Halifax, by Mtss Mulock'. The First Violin, by J. Fotherglll: Out on the Pampas,, by, O. A. Henty; Twelve Months in the Klon dike, by R. C. Kirk; The Workers, by W. A. Wyckoff, and Harper's diction ary-of classical literature and antiqui ties. As there are no printed rules, the new subscribers are informed through these columns that the new book can be kept out a fortnight only. , J. W, Rockhold wishes to ; extend thanks through The Ciysen to all the kind friends who rendered assistance during the last illness and after the death of his mother, Mrs. L, P. Rock hold. . She bad, two sons,, one of whom Col. David Li Coleman, Col. Thad Coleman, the civil engineer who had charge of the difficult engineering feat of building , a road across the. Blue Ridge, and Col. Robert Coleman, a railroad builder and cotton planter. The Cltiien was .in error in stating that only one son survived Mrs. Rock hold. She had two sons one of whom resides in Chattanooga.,: .. ' , ALLEN'S MINSTRELP. A. G. Allen's NewOrleans minstrelf are billed to appear; here Thursday evening. May lor The1 show , grounds are on Haywood street, ' netr -' Flint. The company numbers over 80 people, and Is said, to be the largest minstrel company extant, 'The show is under tent. that ii9mmoaa,tt'a over 2000 opie. . ,l;Vl? ... . ,i FOR THE SOLICITORSHIP. .-Li- The Citizen is authorized to State that Charles, A. Webb, esq., will be a candidate for solicitor of the Criminal circuit court of the western district, subject td the action ot the Democrat ic county nominating convention. A perfect .moth preventive, Naptha Camphor. 35c. at Grant's. We sell Gregg's fresh roasted coffees Clarence Sawyer. ; ' We make a specialty of High Grade Roasted Coffees. Clarence Sawyer. . For a delicious cup of coffee use Gregg's Standard Java and Mocha. Sold by Clarence Sawyer. ; Notice. Notice Is hereby , given that the Board of Aldermen of the city of Ashe vllle Intend to make application to the general assembly of the state at Its Jurje, 1900; session 'lot- certain, amend ments to the charter of said city, This May 4, 1900w.,:V -m- ." (i :.'! SPECIAL NOTICES f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ',W ANTED Tabled boarderg 'at ' ?; 31 Grove Street M. Mrs. Chas.'KCacc-lJ W dtf ... M:.. ,., i ! .. i"M s. , V,. BanK Holiday Thursday. ,1 :: ' . Thursday, May 10, being" a legal hol iday,, the banks of the city will be closed. s i"i s twin .iti.t ii..i-i i ,i . 4 : ,1 . -.; i J. E. RANKIN, Cashler. i .-.!! n: K SLUDER, Cashier. Bamboo Porch Shades ARE MUCH BETTER THAN AWNINGS. AS THEY KEEP ITT TXT Till? niii, m inrj WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 AND 12 'V . ,'. :''feetJwide. : W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. 16 Patton Avenue. Iv We you ' and Call EVERYTHING FOR Phona THE FLOOR. 228. : SAWYER'S CARPET JUDGING Byiour business so far this season this is going to oe .if i r,h3l,HRl DOS , . 4 i A . . ' ', t.'l , .. 10 Vifrin'! .'hill. i':l,T rr- - V j ' "'-.rr-iui HatsHk Straw 11 the latest styles, for Boys, Young Men and Old ' Men, in soft and stiff brims, from 25c , ,,. t.wt i;Ut, t...tf ! ,,.,.,,.,1, an rl,7 f..,-ii J M ms ' Knox Straw Hats, in rougVahd jplain ; straws, from $8.0 jo $4.00. " r? The WMtlock ; Clothing Hoiise, No. 41 Patton AVehiie. . Froni ' far away ; Cailfoiiua 100 boxes Dice I,: ' r. '. TSi l;,n' i ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT AND LEMONS Received last Friday ,V .hTv Lee - 23 SOUTH MAIN ST. 3 , PHONE 230. Specialty Hot Peanuts. BARLEY MALT We desire to cell your attention to the appended result of a chemical analysis recently made of CHASE'S BARLEY MALTWHISKY, by the recognised highest authority in the United States upon analytical chemts. try, HERBERT E. SMITH, - Mi ' D., dean of the. medical faculty of Tale University and state chemist of Con necticut ...... i. v.... ' YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE, .om i ! v New Haven, Conn, Messrs. E. H. Chase ft Co., Louisville, Ky. ' Gentlemen: Inclosed yon will find the results of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase's Barley Malt Whisky which you recently sent to me. , These results show It to be a whisky of good alcohoUp strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no trace ot the metals, copper, lead and sine . In my opinion Chase's Barley Malt Whisky Is, on account of its absolute purity, an excellent article tor medclnal use. Yours truly, , HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. - ' Conn. State Chemist. Chemical Laboratory, July a, 1890. Result of a chemical examination of a sample ot Chase's Barley Malt Whis key, ion cubio centlmers contain: Alcohol. COS cub. cent, or 4..S2 grams. Residue on evaporation ...... 0.61 " Non-volatile matter or Ash... 0.01 " ' T.ee held, as acetic acid .- 0.04 " ; Reducing bodies, as dextrose 0.23 Tannin a trace only Attest: HERBERT E. BMITH. M. D. These facts commend the CHASE BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not only to the public, who seek a superior Whis ky, but also to the members of the medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will find it most beneficial, as tt strengthen the Lungs, .checks the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity ot coughing. The dyspeptic will find It an aid to diges tion, as It relieves the stomach when oppressed with gas. It builds up the feeble and , stimulates the , system sgstnst mslarlal attacks, ,, , rot aalo only fcjr ,,l FRANK O'DONNELL, 34 & Maia St'' . rAsLerille, "St. 0. .A .wj'u i.1 1 vl i' - "i ' - OUT THE SUN BUT J JlTTj i umv nimumn J mix. ylii uunAULli i riirnitiiro C smote F UIIIIVUIV) VUI7VW) LaiV .. Sell You... ) Matting hy the yard or roll, either put down or not, just as desire. I ONE HUNDRED. FIFTY rolls to select from. in and see our stock. I HOUSE, is and 20 church st tne greatest bicycle year yet. So you had better come In and select :, your wheel now, while you can get them promptly, as later you will find, the delivery of "Eagles" will be less prompt, t" " .,-'tl.;r" '' ' i "THIS IS NO JOKE." fi'Vfl- 1 .1;U:,I ','i:il ,,1 Mii,; i .. . . r IASHEVILLE CYCLE CO. ' ):, .'' .',.v. .,, ' 1. Vl-liS: .-... The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. ' ' ' ' "STROW OIST IK TH WOBLD." THE ACTUAL RESULT OF A IS.000 POLICY) Twenty yean ago on March 1. VH, Mr. 8. F. H , of fatterson, Caldwell Co., tt. C, took out a Twenty Payment Life Policy la the KquliBble tor $5,000. andnow, afu.r being Insured for twenty yean In the "Strongest Company in the World," Mr, tx dim on toe nr 01 janrcn, jvuu, in following options of settlement: 1. A Cask Valae of . . . $4,639.10 Being 139 per ont. ot total premiums paid. I Fully paid op policy of $7,860.00 Being 119 percent ot total premiums paid. J. Cash Dftidifld of - . $1,880.05 Being IB per cent, of total premiums paid. And folly paid op policy of $5,000.00 . "TB BEST IS THB CHEAM8T." ' Before placing your iniurance ak for s Specimea Copy of the "NKW TWENTY YEAR INDBMNlTY FOLIC Y," The indemnity feature makes it cheaper than a straight life policy if you live, mi or burbksiirb it, and Ii the roost deHlra ble form of life Insurance luued by any company. For further information call on or address, , W. B. ALLEN. District Agent, 9 NOETH MAIN BT., A8HIVILLK, N. C PRUDENCE S. DRESSER TeacheT of Piano,-Harmony and Theory. 'Graduate, with honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston, The only teacher , of piano in Asheville who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or College ot Music. Terms (0 cents lesson. ; ; ;'i i Beginners received on "riotln. ' , 69 Charlotte Street. That makes a hot. lasting fire J . j that leaves but few ashes, that 1 J costs no more than slate coal is v the kind we sell. , ( S Asheville Wood & Coal Co. ) j B. M. Ramsey, Pro j V 'Phone 223. Offlo W. Courtis 1 A VISIT To our yard shows how we are able to furnish a Clean I . er. Better Prepared grade of Coal than you can get else- where. We have the only equipment of the kind in the 1 State. Only One Grade of Coal THE BEST. j Asheville Ice and Coal Co., 5 3 J PATTON AVE. ; PHONES j6 and 40. mfikm sail IffliJi" I -mil irw iB' P""" M II I n 19 111 l"1 M I. !M u :,i I;- ! ,; lil tt fciid Wi tf)t ul i4 '-'.'' MA j ..vi i, v :i. Hii yi.it..' I-,,?- rwiw..;. t- TourUl. 1 "Take it' to the Qtiisisana; Nature Cure Sanitariumvi67 French Broad Avenue," J ' ! ; ' ; jil i,fcv(,) - i, .-::;.. n t. i ; . , " ''','T' , J'-''.. , . I', i-,.., I- t. ;1 j S , . - .. mhlA ii!((i.":. "ft :?"!, ijf'.' Fro.g.r, Carolina Carriage House Right Styles Right Quality; Right finish "Right Prices 7 - f'- 86 Patton Avenue, Ashevllle, N. C. ; J. M. HEARN & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR REPAIRING. "V THF MflT 8 E PChleC8r Bquare ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. WOODBURY'S RUBBER ELASTIC ROOFING PAINT protects metal and shingle roofs nev er cracks never washes oft Is water proofprevents rust and corrosion. WOODBURY'S RUBBER ELASTIC CEMENT for repairing leaks about, chlmneya, copings, skylights, windows, gutters will not run or crack. ir - Phone u It Costs Less To;; have plumbing pfT'Z'' don 3 right, whether it's repairs or new IT i " work. '.. ; ,' '..;., -;l . 'We do it right be- cause we know how -We know how1 he cause it's onr busi ness to knowliow. BALL & SHEPPARD, 4 Palton Ave AMKAiAaiiA It is a Good Thing to know when you need a baby car. rlage that we make a special feature of . these cradles of comfort, all the year 'round. We sell so many of them we can afford to squeese the usual profits.' Even It you do not take our word for tt. you might look at one or two of our modern stock. Tou know good value when you see it ' . THE : EMPORIUM 45 PATTON AVE. n.'.w. -'v- ! The Doctor's Medicine will do you little good unless you j -i virtually live out of doors, t Walking ; j. will exhaust you. That suggests rid 1 ing. Riding suggests VEHICLES. Ve. I hides mean :.;.--THE--:::.;::"- ; NATIONAL ::; MONARCH Olive Elk Crawford Yale These wheel are all of . good reputation and ; will ( give you satisfaction. If you art undecided which to buy, stop in and let us help you to decide. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICa 64 PATTON AVENUE. M i i SIMPLE, THE MOST DURABLE The Genuine... Philadelphia Lawn Mowers. ''' For sale by the i I- K v . 1 ... : - . .. :; : ) i ..'''"';'' 'i . ' ; '" r ; i -.r-i n)

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