THE ASKEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. MONDAT. MAY '21, V. . i i 1 ' i . ''it 1 t i 0 i r i ? , ?: f ! i- r- v S I ( it Ihi'I- GOV. RUSSELL TO VOTE FOR CK THOMPSON i IN THE OLD NORTH STATE I The Latest Bit of News About the Executive. HOLTON'S DECLINATION CHALLENGE TO JOINT DE BATE WAS EXPECTED. OF Raleigh. N. C.i May 20.-Oovernor Russell's statement that if he had three or four days more time he would have defeated Pearson la laughed at by -(Dim -of 'the--Htttbtinf -but -ot. by others. It Is said theovernor will vote for Cy. Thompson for governor and hot for Bpeneer B. Adams. The Statement I further made that If there it Populist and Republican fusion nd ticket-Juggling It will be the name of Thompson and not that . of Adams which will stand. ReDubllcan Btate Chairman Holton came and remained a day last week, having conferred with some of. the faithful, notably with Revenue Collec tor Duncan. He also saw Governor RusHell. who not over three months ago spoke of him as a "d n Jaybird headed fool." pf course he conferred With Dr. Cyrus Thompson. Holton was very reticent, or pretend ed to be about his reply to Chairman Simmons' challenge to a Joint discus- ion, but yesterday he let It get out He declines the Joint debate, precisely as was expected. As slated, Chairman Simmons had no idea Holton would accept and the only curiosity was as to the way In which the latter would squirm out. Holton' letter Is full of "" If thsvleglslature will repeal the act calling an election on the amend ment! If it will modify the election law, etc., etc., etc. The state charters the Rowan Gran ite company of Salisbury, capital $100, 000, E. B. C. Hamblcy and others stock holders. The charter Is a "blanket" one, as it confers power to operate tel egraph and telephone lines, gas and electric, light plants, car lines, etc. It Is said that the penitentiary au thorities expect 'large profits Hi I fPRf from the farms on the Roanoke rtvsf, but that thoy expect to lose N,00u by the operation of the "Anson" farm, near Wadesboro. Why they keen"- the latter farm is a pusxle. The secretary of state haR had the third North Carolina supreme court re ' ports reprinted. Items of Interest Gathered From the Tar Heel Press. Wllkesboro Chronicle: One day last week near Adley postofllce Mr. Wesley Milam's young mule apparent ly got tired of a dull and weary life, decided it was not worth living, and attempted suicide by Jumping Into a new 20 foot well. His neighbors and friends promptly gathered and "ex tracted" the wayward prltter from the damp depths of the well. The mule Immediately upon his arrival' at the top surface of this mundane sphere of ours began showing his gratitude and appreciation in the usual mulish anti amendment style that Is, kicking against everything in sight except his own .dejlifi. to remain "in." It is use. less to say that the kind friends of the mule immediately vacated to secluded "forest fells and moors, runlets and rills," where young mule heels did not so frequently "permeate the soft zeph eAus breeses." The mule is doing well at nome ' for all callers, at all CRAWFORD WAS RIGHT. From the Hayesvllle Courier. The position taken by Mr. Crawford In congress upon the extension of bet ter mail facilities to the country dis tricts, was, we believe, the rlsht one. Our people In these mountains, and for that matter In all country districts, are Just as much entitled to considera tion at the hands of the government as any of its citizens, and we believe that Mr. Crawford's position Is en dorsed by the people. But the amend ment was killed by the chairman, Mr. Loud of California, who raised the point of order against It. Thus under the rules of congress one vicious man is able to do any section of the coun try any amount of publlo Injury. The Twentieth of May will be ob served here, as always, only memorlal ly a a holiday that is, the capital will appear to be'rlosed, but every body will be at work. There will be no parade or other observance. Never was there a holiday which 1 less ob served. The fact Is that but a very small proportion of the people In this part of the world know how to really enjoy a holiday. The board of agriculture will at oute fit up the lecture room In the re cently completed and accepted annex to Hie state museum, and in It will be held the sessions of the convention of commissioners of agriculture, stiite chemists and state geologists late next month. It was stilled today that the preacher of Macon county, whose daughter. student at ihe llnptlst Female unive!- slty here, married at Hlllsboro Thuis day f sludei.t of the Agricultural and Mechanical college, had arrived here; that he was met at the railway station by the father of the groom, and alo by the latter, and that the three went in a carriage to the H. F. lT. The groom said yesterday that his plan had been to let his bride continue at the H. F r to let her father take her home, to have the marriage kept a profound s( cret and, then, when he was ready, to claim his bride. It Is said thai only about 3m) Con federate veterans from this state will attend the reunion at Louisville. Not over a dosen will go from Raleigh. Work Is In progress on the hospital at the soldiers' home, for which the . legislature Inst year made a special appropriation. The building will be of wood, one story In height, 104xNtl f. In dimensions and of an excellent de sign. It will have four wards, sun parlor, operating room, etc,, and will accommodate 100 patients, in a few- years tne nome win virtually become a hospital. and is hours. Nashville Graphic: Wednesday morning at Sprlnghope a serious accl dent happened to Mr. N. W. Hen drlcks. a citizen of that town, which will In, aU probability cost him his lfe Arising quite early Mr.Hendrlcks went to his barn to feed his stock. In at tempting to lift a bale of hay a pistol which Mr. Hendricks carried in his in side vest pocket was accidentally dis charged. The weapon was an old style Smith and Wesson, 38 calibre. The ball entered the side in the region of the lower ribs, glancing upward, pene trating the right lung, making Its ex it Just behind the right shoulder. Dr. William Edwards was summoned and rendered all possible attention, but it Is not believed the unfortunate man will recover. Washington Gazette-Messenger: There occurred Monday at Spruks Manufacturing company's mill an ac cident that came very near being fatal Mr. David Lupton, who has charge of one of the re-saws In the barrel de- Dartment. observing one of the belts was out pf pia,ce, attempted to right it by klcklns It In place, when his foot taught in sorts manner, and he was thrown violently to the floor, with the result that both bdTes of his leg were broken below the knee itd vgiy cut on the throat. Lenoir News: We learn fiom gentleman from Blowing Rock that the4 railroad survey Is progressing nicely, the timu having been moved two or three milts this way from Cook's Gap. Mr, Ervln finds a very satisfactory route, we are Informed, as far as he has gone, and thinks a practicable line can be constructed without tunneling through any of the mountains. Four preliminary lines are being run by the surveyors. ' Monroe Enquirer: The Monroe OH and Fertiliser company has receiveo an order from a firm in Liverpool, England, for BOO tons of cotton seed meal to be delivered at that port. It will require about 30 cars to carry the meal and a special train will be made up to carry the meal to Norfolk. The train will be decorated wltn large streamers. Statesvllle special to Charlotte Ob server: Mr. Jerry Bowies, a larmer near Sharpesburg tow nship, was killed by a runaway horse yesterday after noon. He was In the field plowing and when the rain came up he unhitched and started to the house. The horse ran away, threw him and Injured him so seriously tnai ne aieu aooui an noui afterward. EIkIii Times: Tan bark Is on a boom on the Elkln market these days. C. C Snioot & Sons Co, are buying about 75 loads dally averaging 2000 pounds and bringing $3 a 1000, making $4fi0 a day for bark. Hy this business a great amount of money is reacntng me country. Monroe Enquirer: Mr. Edward Thomas of Sandy Riilge township killed a horned owl lust Monday night which measured five feet and two lach es from tip to tip of wings. The oaI had (been a terror to the chicken roosts for a long time. IWnston Sentinel: Rev. John E. White has declined the presidency or the Baptist Female university at Itai elgh, which was tendered him two weeks ago by unanimous vote or me board of trustees. "GOOD DIGESTION waits on appetite." Lack of appetite usually indicates a weak digestion. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters taken be fore meals will create a healthv desire (or fond by oleanslng tlicloiK'i liovelsand tlmulatlne the wretlon of tbe stomach. It also purl Met the blond, strengthens and Invigorate the liver nl kidneys R l un doubtedly the most efficient medicine In the worm inr stoinajb troubles A Private Kev enue Stamp covers tbe neck of the bottle Accept no HOSTETTER'S Substitutes if STOMACH You Value Health. BITTERS The University of North Carolina. ESTABLISHED IN 1789. SUMMER SESSION begins June 12, closes August 81. Regular Collegiate Instruction in all Departments for term of twelve weeks. Tuition $20; registration J3. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS from June 12 to July 7. Special In struction by school experts. Tui tion $6. For circular containing courses of study, address PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill, N. C. a Wheat preparations are better ' suited to hot weather than Oatmeal. Wk3 HAVE CUT THE PRICE. HeckerV Crushed Wheat, - 10c '. ' 1 . , : . - : ',v Hecker's Wheaten Grits, - - 10c Hecker's Rolled Wheat, - 10c Hecker's Cracked Wheat, 10c Former Price, 12ic We are getting every day. fresh Strawberries We have the finest Olives ever lm , Eflrled- Good rich, mild cheese Is hard to get at this time of the year. We have Golden Dragon ' seeTCclSsee 4 The finest that money can buy. Use one-third less of these than of other teas. WM. KROGER. Successor to A. O. COOPER. 32 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Telephone No. ' Oi'KN-lMHlU I'Ol.n'Y." Fnmi the Chicago I'ost. I suiioe," she said at the break fast table, '"that you know something iiheut the open-dour policy. lie nodded. "Am I lUht in believing that you ci't'.Hidcr It extremely desirable.' she asked. Asitln he nodded. "Next i tilt-less," she went on, 'I de sire to stale that It will be suspended In this home unless you get away from U,e club einll.'r than has been your custom." By virtue of the poT" ot R,e con" talned in a certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 21st day of November, 188, by W. H. Souther and wife. Georgte Souther1, to T. Pell Sutton, as trustee, to secure certain Indebtedness therein mentioned and described, which deed of trust is recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Bun combe county in book deeds No, 44, on page 244, default having been made In the payment of the moneys secured by said deed of trust as well as In other provisions contained In said deed of trust, the undersigned will sell for cash, at public auction at the court house door In the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder on THl'RSDAY, Jl'NE THE 21ST, 1900, at 12 o'clock m., the property con veyed In said deed of trust and which Is described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Cliff Slagle Fortune and oth ers, beginning on a stone In the rail road where it crosses Mill Cove branch and runs with the railroad north 62 degrees east 22 poles to a stake; thence south 7a degrees east 52 poles to a stake neaf a maple tree; thence south 10 1-2 degrees east 108 poles with a divisional line to a hick ory In the old Crisp line; thence west 34 poles with said line to a stake on the Mill Cove branch; thence down stream with Its meanders to the begln alng. containing 30 acres, more or less. Second tract: Adjoining said For tune, Cllft and others, beginning on a stake and gum chestnut and sourwood sprouts as pointers and on top of a ridge In Cliff's line; thence runs south 89 1-2 degrees east 130 pohs to a stake In the line of tract marked No. 1. 27 poles southward of said corner: thence south 8 degrees west 28 poles with Id tract's line to a chestnut: thence south 12 degrees east 42 poles to a water oak at the end of a cliff of rocks; thence south 24 degrees west 12 poles to a chestnut; thence south 14 poles to a hickory at a rock; thnce south 48 degrees west 13 poles to a small chest nut In Lem Dougherty's line, now Brown's; thence west 35 degrees west :tS poles to a large rock on the upper end of a ridge; thence down with the top of the ridge as It meanders north 35 degrees west 134 poles to the be ginning, containing 55 acres, more or less. This 21st day of May, 1900. T. PELL SITTON', 21-dtt-mon Trustee. J. A. TENNENT, Architect aitf Contractor, Jobbing and Keralrl Promptly Attended to SOUTH COURT 8QUABB. I eiril DEEDS 0F TRUST, Sai DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE Rtank? CHATTEL MORTGAGES, of All Kinds At the Citizen Of flee. SEARCH WARRANTS, 8TATE WARRANTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, ETC. THE RACE FOR PRESIDENT, SADLY AFFLli'TED. From the Atlanta Constitution. Ths Sheriff he got beaten in the liveli est kind o' race. But he ain't In nowise sorrowful at los- ln' o' the place. For he a goln' to run for president, In glory an' In grace. An" he thinks he'll be elected In the mornln'! From the Philadelphia Hecord. .. First Hoy My prP' t"k. Second I! iy What's the mailer with him? First Boy The dicti'!' snyst he's git two buckles on his Iuuks. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Notice. Notice is hereby given tha: applica tion will be made to the Oeneral As sembly of North Carolina at Its ad journed session in June, 1900, by New ton M. Andersou and others of Cleve land, Ohio, for the passage of a special act to create a corporation known as Ashevllle School. This May 7th,. 1900 . MARTIN & WEBB. 6-8-30dys Attorneys. ZWIEBACK AND Granosc Biscuit... MASSAGE AND PACKS. PROP. EDW. GRUNER. Fresh at H. C. JOHNSON'S CHANNEL BASS AND SILVER SALMON. Fresh from Florida. They are head less and drawn, yet we sell at same price as we would otherwise. This makes a great saving, as they are sold by weight. Delicious baking fish. Red Snappers and Red Snapper Jowl are of delicious flavor. ASHEVILLE FISH CO., PHONE 189. DATEMTG ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY PflCP Notice in "InT.ntiv.Ase" MlRP' Book "Howtoobtain Patents" CKargt mwfcrato. No fee till patent is iecorec Letters strictly confidential. Address, E. 0. 8IBGERS, PLrt Lawyer, Wathlsgton, D.C. 65 South Main Street Phone 209 Home or Office hours $-10 a. m.: Treatment t-4 p. m. Office Dryman Mineral Spring. ' Four and one-half miles west of Ashevllle, west side Dryman moun tain; a good water; physicians recom mend it. This water can be obtained by leaving your order at 37 N. Main, street, at 40C a Gallon, Delivered. Phone 279. J. P. BROOKSHIRE SPECIAL. NOTICES If you have anything to sell or wish to buy any thing say so in Special Notices. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand, Tate Springs, Term., Improvements at the Carlsbad of America The most delightful health and plea sure resort In the South, 164 miles east of Chattanooga, in the loveliest val ley of the East Tennessee Mountains. Two hotels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees; complete sys tem water works with modern baths; splendid orchestra, spacious ball room, telegraph and long distance telepnone. Buildings and grounds lighted with electricity; In fact all the amusements and comforts. Best German and American cooks. The water cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, and all troubles of liver, stomach, bladder, bowels and kidneys. Shipped anytime, anywhere. Write for 40 page book free. THOS. TOMUNSON, Prop. I8 SwiUS)ixw)u8wJiWx)w The coroner's been, slighted by his friends an' all the fates; They're none o' them a-dyln', though he a swlngln' on their gates. An' he's "goln' to run for president these Cnlted 8tates. An' he thinks" he'll he elected In the mornln'! The vigilant town marshal has been feelln' sorter blue; t He can't collect his salary ten months before Its due; Bo he's made a desperate riffle for the presidency, too, An' he thinks he'll be elected In .the mornln't , I f-". -. - Praise God. were all a-runnln t It s a It free an' open race; Towards the presidential chair each man has set his face. An' It's jest as sure as preachln that we're goln' to win the place. For w think we'll be elected In the WHY PAY 50 CENTS A POUND WHEN YOU CAN PURCHASE A PURE BAKING POWDER FORSO CENTS? RUMFORD IS PURE AND SELLS FOR 30 CENTS. "KORRECT SHAPE" Shoes for Men, $4.00 HIS SHOE, built by Packard & Field, Brockton, Mass., to retail for $4.00, is handled exclusively by us. It requires an expert to distinguish it from many $5.00 and $6.00 shoes. And the wearing qualities of this Shoe are equal to its appearance. Every. pair guaranteed. T KEfKSC0' NEAR THE POSTOFFICE iWvwrmf'iiwywvwnnoy"iv-' H ! t ! . Ml i : ? 1 I mornln't