0 THE ASlIEVILLlv DAILY CITIZEN, MONDAY, MAT 21, 1000. fi I I i V 4 J. t A ' 1 , t I 'f 'u: i -1 i 1 i I 4- Paris Green ! Paris Green ! ! Paris Green ! ! ! In Vx. 2 I and 5 lb. Boxes. ASK FOR PRICES. THE Carolina Pharmacy High Urade Prescription Work." COLLEGE ST. and COURT SQ Battery Park Bank. Capital Stock, $I00.0C0 EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR EOINO A GENERAL BANKING BUS INBSS. All ouslness hitruBted to us will have Ih beat possible attention. Collections made and reported promptly Correspondence and aeco-jnU sulldt fed. 8afe deposit boxes fur rsnt. ; Banking hours: 9 a. ra. U 2 p LOSING WEEK 'IN THE SCHOOLS Visitors Welcome at all the Buildings. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF HIGH SCHOOL TO BE HELD FRIDAT. m. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. This week closes the session of 1899- 1900 In the city schools. Preparations have been made at all the buildings to welcome visitors, and the public are cOfdTaliy lnvtte 10 visit the schools and make an Inspection of the build ings and the work. At the Catholic Hill school the work ,wlll be on Inspection tomorrow and Wednesday. At Bailey school Tuesday and Wednesday will be Visiting days and the closing exercises w ill be held Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock In the building. At Montford Thursday will be visit ing day and the closing exercises will be held that morning. The. work of the lower grades will be on exhibition' from 10 to 11, and the work of the up per grades from U to 12. At Orange school the following pro gram has been arranged. Wednesday, 10:30 a. m. to Z p. m. public lessons Illustrating work done In various grades, and exhibition of written and manual work in all de partments. Thursday, 10:30 a. m. Closing exer clues of primary and grammar depart ments. Public exhibition of school work. Alumni business meeting, 4 p. m, n, Friday, 10:30 a. m. Commencement exercises of high school. Alumi.l reun ion and banquet, 9 p. m. All the work of the schools will close Thursday, and Friday the graduating exercises will be held In the high school department. The patrons and friends of the schools are earnestly requested by the mhnnl authorities to visit the schools and Inspect the work. As more than one- day Is given at each of the schools except Montford, the patrons can pick their own time and stay as long or as short a time as may be convenient. "The Taragon," Opposite Fostofflce. j CLOSING HOURS. "i . OF CONFERENCE; (Continued from Page 5.) , ! dress by the Rev, J A. B. Fry of Con cord on "The Epworth League and Re vivals." It was the most spiritual ad dress of the conference and made a fitting climax to this young people's gathering. Mr. Fry urged the dele gates to reconsecrate themselves to the service of the Master, and go to their homes with a stronger determination than they had ever had to engage In the loving service of the church, HIS aadress made a deep Impression on the congregation, and although the hour was late when he closed, he preserved the closest attention of his audience to his closing words. Rev. C. F. Sherrlll offered resolu tions of thanks to the railways for re duced rates, to the congregation of Central church and to other city churches tor entertainment, and to Professor Jones and faculty of the Ashevllle college for Saturday's con cert, which were adopted by a rising vote. Tne congregation Joined heartily in singing "When-the Roll Is Called Up Yonder," and Rev. J. W. Jones of Morganton dismissed the congregation. This ended the fifth and most suc cessful Epworth league ' and Sunday school conference. Roller Tray BUREAU, STEAMER AND... LADIES' HAT TRUNKS We have any style trunk you can call for. Any alse from 28 to 42 inches. v. ur line of suit cases, valises, cab inet bags, hand grips, shawl and trunk straps Is complete. We take pleasure ' In show ing you through this Immense line, even If you do not w ish to purchase. THE BOSTON SHOE TORE OXFORDS AND STRAP SLIPPERS Every one a fit because they're de signed on slipper Ideas. Natty shapes proper curve at back that make them hug the side and ankle. They feel right That's the sort you find at ANNUAL CONCERT AT WEAVERVJLLE PROGRAM OF THE EXERCISES THIS EVENING. - IN FORSYTH COUNTY. The Forsyth county Democratic meeting Saturday was the largest ever known In ihe county. The content for solici tor was spirited between Hendren, Cox and Griffith. Griffith whh given the nomination on the sen nd ballot. A resolution of endorsement of the ad ministration of Judne H.B.Stevens was unanimously parsed and the delegates to the judicial convention wim- In structed to vote for Judge Stevens. A splendid fighting ticket was nomina ted and the Democratic forces are thoroughly organised. Editor Whlta ker of the Winston Sentinel and Mr, Raldwln were nominated for the house. The declamation contest at Weaver vllle took place this morning, the fol lowing being the contestants: C. M. leeler, W. L. Roberts, M. J. West, i.orrls Roberts, R. C. Moore, R. L. Clinton, J. C. Ramsey, T. J. Arm strong, E. A. Carpenter, H. D. Russell. The annual concert will be given this evening, beginning at 8:30. The pro gram follows: Vocal, by class. Recitation, Miss Mary Tom Weaver. Vocal duet, Miss Roberts and Alpine Weaver. Statue posing Group I, The Sacrifice of Irene; II, The Prayerful Irene; III, Thoughts of Irene; IV, The Floral Offering; V, the Nloble Group; VI, The Dance of the Greeks, Misses Reeves, Brank, Reagan, Cannon, Lyda, Btover and Weaver. Vocal, by class. Recitation, Miss Fannie Penland. Sounds from Home First violin, Miss K. Reagan; second violin, Miss Viola Chambers; 'cello, Llston Weaver. Vocal duet, Miss Brown and Alpine Weaver. Monologue, Miss Burdle Gash. Vocal quartet, Messrs. Hemphill, Cherry, Weaver and Roberts. Music, Glee club. - Pantomlne, class. Vocal double quartet, Misses O. Wea ver, M. Peek, A. Peek, M. Lotsplech, Messrs. Hemphill, Cherry, Roberts, Weaver and Rice. Farce, Misses J. Wright and Moore, Messrs. Lytton and Crawford. Vocal, by class. Music, Glee club. Fayettevllle observer: Mrs. O. S. Baskervllle of Ashevllle, N. C, Is vis It In her slster-ln-law, Mrs. H. T. Ora hnm, at the manse. Lending Shoe Firm. .'Phons 571. REST-CURE PLACE. One of the most beautiful hous es In Ashevllle, charmingly sltuat. ert", surrounded by 82 acres of land; on street car line; 10 minutes' walk to postolflce. Elegant general table for rest cure boarders. Hygienic diet for those under treatment. Beautiful porcelain bsths. Positively no consumptives taken. Classes In Swedish movements dally. QUISISANA SANITARIUM. 167 French Broad Ave. Spangenberg's Phone 299- r 1) u A VISIT n S3 a a To our yard shows bow we are able to furnish a Clean er, Better Prepared grade of Coal than you can pet else where. We have the only equipment of the kind in the State. ' Only One Grade of Coal-THE BEST. Ashcvillc Ice and Coal Co., 32 PATTON AVE. ' PHONES 36 and 40. WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS HAVE A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION AS THE BEST PEN MADE AND THEY DESERVE IT. ANY STYLE OR SIZE YOU WANT AT COSBY'S 27 PATTON AVENUE MAY BE CONTEST FROM THE FIRST DISSATISFACTION AMONG SOME 1 OF THE VOTERS. See copies of fine Statuary in our window samples only. One ot a kind at low prices. J. H. Law. Poultry and cured meats Pressed Ducks, 25 and 30c each; dressed Hens, 30c each ; sliced Beef Hams, 25c lb ; Breakfast Bacon. 15c lb. ; Sliced Gold Band Ham, 18c lb. Phone your orders to 224 Haird Bros , successors to S. D Holt & Co , Montford Ave. In the meeting for the first pre cinct Saturday there was a close con test between two delegations, the win-1 nlng delegation having only one vote to spare. The vote was 16 to 15. There Is considerable dissatisfaction among the voters who were defeated by this narrow margin, and there is talk of a ontest before the county convention scxt Saturday. It Is claimed that some of those who voted with the successful side were not entitled to vote as Democrats. Among these was D. M. Luther. Mr. Luther was there and took as active a part as he did In the days when his Democ racy was unquestioned. Each of the delegations would have received the same number of votes had he not vot ed. . Then, It is claimed that there were men voting who were not entitled to vote, among whom was one man who has been In Ashevllle only since the beginning of the year, and it is claimed that the old standbys In the precinct were given the told shoulder in favor of some men who have never done any kard work for the party. Carriages arc Carriages But there is a difference in the kinds and the choice. ALL CARRIAGES (like coons) LOOK ALIKE TO MANY PEO PLE, but the discriminating purchas er can tell the true from the t false in the makeup of a ve hicle. When you buy a vehicle at T. S. Morrison's Carriage Warehouse, you know Just what you are getting a dollar's val ue for every dollar you pay. SMuuiLJiJlj(j tit rm Willi ... I 1,441 J Th Sffln of ths Book." - A BOOK SALE Is now going on at our store. In or- er to reduce our stock of miscella neous books we have decided to make' a bargain counter for a few days. On this counter you will find some good values your money's worth in-all "W Ro$ersBciok.Store STANDARD THE WORLD OVER. COLUMBUS BUGGY COMPANY'S 506 Sir Henry living Wagon. Close Open A Strictly Twentieth Century Job. All our work Is furnished with Bradley Couplings , Long Distance Dirtproof Axles with Bell Collar and Bailey Hangers for End Spring Gear. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO., - Agents. S. E. COR. COURT SQUARE. Phone 87. Keltey Springfield Tire put on in our Rubber Tire Department. J. W. NORWOOD, President. ERWIN SLUDER, Cashier. CAPITAL,, $100,000. The Blue Iidge National Bank ASHEVILLE, N. C. We offer to depositors every accom mofiatlen which is consltent with safe banking; and we are in a position to loan them money on approved security. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. No interest paid on deposits. DIREC TORS: W. 3. Slayden, Jas. A. Burroughs, G. A. Norwood, S. P. McDIvltt, J. W. Norwood, Erwln Sluder, R. P. Walker. GONE TO SEATTLE. W. A. Raker of this city, who was recently licensed as an attorney by the Supreme court, left for Seattle, Wash., a few days ago, where he will enter upon the practice of his profes sion. Mr. linker read law for two ses sions under W. M. Davles of this city, who predicts for him a brilliant future. shirt waists embroideries lace's and ribbons II. REDWOOD & CO. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE. i PURE FOOD... FOR MAN AND BEAST. Hay, Corn, Bran, Hiddlings. Too many things In Groceries to mention. C. Ii. MILLER, Phone 227. 30 North Main. THE MUSIC OF THE Lawn Mower Is now heard in the land. We can help you to enjoy the results of this music. Our mowers are of the best make, ranging in price from $3.50 to $12.00. Brown, Northup & Co. 33 Patton Ave. Tryon Strawberries Fresh every day. Only dealer in city who gets them. FRESH PINEAPPLES DELICIOUS. Nice Ripe BANANAS. ...IEELING 1 BROS. The Finest Line of French Roi-lfeleV Briar and Meerschaum Pipes south of N.Y. at the QfeftX StatlCl. Broken Through all old fashioned ideas of beer as a beverage the athletic and healthy girl of today has, and she finds that after s spin on her wheel, or a game of golf, ' or In the dally routine of home life, there Is nothing that will act like a charm In restoring new life and vigor when weary as a bottle of our pure and wholesome beer. We have Cin cinnati beer and "Schllts," the beer that made Milwaukee famous. "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Phone 72. Standard Wine Marhino Ck No. 11 west court - twsj BWI III I S SQUARE. Stock new Standard Rotary Automatic Drop Head Machines. Machines rented by week or mouth. Expert repairing on all kinds of machines. r T. A. VINCENT, Agent Prime II re Coatlnuoui Quotations Murphy & Co., BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions H. Y. Offloe, 1 Broadway. U CHURCH ST., ii REFER T0- B'iiio?'c stloMl A'11 Cbrioits National Bank. Charlotte, Seaboard National Bnk, Sew Tork JwyHsnking Co Atlanta, Gt Oapltol tllty Bank, AUanU, d. Bradsueet Commercial Agenoy. Are you looking for shelter ? Then get in. here out the wet. We open wtde our doors to lots and lots of buyers Who thoughtlessly go Into the open credit prices and get "soak ed" through and through. We give them a change In the form of a guar anleed saving of from 15 to 40 per cent and send them on their way re joicing. Shall we make you feel com forttblethe same "way? Peas, early June, can.. ........ .,....5o. Tomatoes, best .......... ...,.....,.6c. Sardines, French .......lOo Herring kippered .. ...............20o Ham, potted Mince Meat Catsup, bottle, good Catsup, bottle, best . Rice, host imported Rice, Carolina, best Rice, Carolina, Good Rolled Oats, box .... ,.....4o So ...... 5c ...... 8c 8c m .. ...6c "V I.X.L Grocery 22 PATTON AVE. f Opposite postofflce, 'Phone lit. f B i f

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