WEDNESDAY, MAT 23, 1900. TTEE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITHEN. 5 EXHIBITIONS OF- WORK OF PUPILS Given at Bailey and Catholic Hill Schools. A NUMBER OP NOM-RESIDENTS WERE AMONG THE VISITORS , TODAY. Ar ... ' Interest;; exhibitions ct the work if the pupils were held yesterday and today at the Bailey atreet school. The various rooms were open to the par ents and friends of the children, and the publlo generally. The work done consisted of oral examinations on the ground gone over by the pupils during the year.and was for the purpose of re freshing the memory of the children as much as for an exhibition. The stand ing attained in the work today and yesterday does not determine the grades of the pupils next year, which la determined by the monthly aver ages. There were a number of Visitors In the different rooms today, - although the attendance of patrons was rjty what It was hoped It would be. These visitors included a good many non residents of the city who were Inter ested In the work and who were great ly pleased with what they saw. There were many complimentary remarks ou the proficiency of thepuplls,,the read iness with which they recalled the knowledge they had acquired during the session and their easy deportment. The neat appearance of the tooms was also a subject of favorable comment. At the Catholic Hill school there were exercise? yesterday and today, which were attended by a large num ber of visitors. In Principal Llpscombe's room the grades from the sixth to the tenth had reviews of reading, arithmetic, II. S. history, spelling, civil government and music. The fourth and fifth grades. In charge of Miss V. L. Burrell, gave ex hibitions in free hand drawing and arithmetic. The sixth, seventh and fetghth grades were examined In ad vanced geography. The freehand drawing by Robert Wallace, Maggie Eynum, Herbert Fowler fnd Galthr Hargrove was noticeably good, and was complimented by Mr. Worrall, th artist, who was a visitor there. The third grade was examined In reading, spelling and drawing. The second grade gave an exhibition of reading, vocal music and free hand drawing on the board. There was also an exhibition of sewing,' which Is taught in all the grades, but ia not compulsory." The first A grade, second division, pupils had examinations lijf language, music and arithmetic. The primary department bad a pret ty and interesting exhibition In addi tion to the oral recitations, consisting if writing, painting and drawing and sewing. The examinations today close the work of the session at this school. DR. JARVIS BUXTON COMES TO ASHEVILLE HIGH TRIBUTE TO THE SAINTLY MAN OP GOD. ' The Lenoir News of the 22d says: ' "Rev. Jarvis Buxton, D. D., who has been rector of St. James' parish, Lenoir, N. C, for the past "nine years or more, has resigned the work and mill move this week to Ashevllle. Dr. Buxton's Godly life and lovely Chris tian character has endeared him to all our people, regardless of denomination or station in life. His life among us has been a veritable benediction. When sickness or trouble existed there this saintly man of God would find his iway to give to the afflicted spiritual romfort and encouragement, and he iwas ever liberal and open handed to the destitute. His venerable kindly form and face will be held in loving remembrance by .our entire community, land we feel that we' but voice the sent iment of all the people when we wish for him, In his declining years, a con tinuance of those heavenly . blessings dnd graces with which he Is' so richly lendowed and which "he so faithfully Haught to others by precept and exam ple." t Fine lot cow peas at C. S, Cooper's, 39 South Main street. Btate of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Notice. Notice Is hereby given tha: applica tion will be made to the General As sembly of North Carolina at Its ad journed session in June, 1900, by New ton M. Andersou and others of Cleve land, Ohio, for the passage of a special act to create a corporation known as Ashevllle 8chool. This May 7th, 1900 . MARTIN & WEBB, 8-S-J0dys Attorneys.- CHANNEL BASS AND SILVER SALMON. Fresh from Florida. They are head leas and drawn, yet we sell air same price a wa w0Uld otherwlsjT Thla makes a great saving, as thenar told by weight. Delicious baking fish. Red Snappers and Red Snapper Jowl are of delicious flavor. ASHEVILLE FISH: CO., PHONE 189.' Ashevllle Hardware Company. FORECAST till i p. m. Thursday: Showers tonight and Thursday. The Woolsey Sunday school will have a picnic next week. There will be services at All Souls' church tomorrow. Ascension day, at 11 a. m, ' i There will be a meeting of the Woman's exchange tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. - A meeting of the W. C. T. U, will be held tomorrow . afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Hll llard, South Main street. The Charles W. Byrd Junior Ep worth league will meet tomorrow af ternoon at 4 o'clock In the lecture room of Central Methodist church. Tomorrow being Ascension day, there will be holy communion at Trinity church at 7:30 a. m. and morning prayer and holy communion at 11 a. m, ' The Y. M. C. A. members' frolic has been postponed from Friday evening to Thursday evening of next week. An effort will be made to make this one of tne pleasantest yet given. Rev. A. M. Croxton, pastor of the First Baptist church at Monroe, N. C will conduct prayer meeting at the First Baptist church in this city this evening at 8:30. He is In the city foi the remainder of the week. Spartanburg Herald: - Dr. Arthur Becker, a native of Germany, but for many years a resident of Newberry, has accepted the position o. traveling salesman for the Cruteh&eld-Tolltson company. His headquarters will be in Ashevllle. There will be an important meeting of the Alumni association of the city high school tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the old library building, in stead of the Orange street school, as stated at the last meeting. The yearly fees are to be paid at this meeting. The death of Hon. Adam Broyles oc curred near Glade Spring, Va., instead of at Knoxville. Mrs. Julia Sluder, Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Adams of this city were distantly related by mar riage to the deceased not nieces of his, as The Citizen was Informed yes terday. Postmaster Rollins has received noti fication from the government of the establishment of a postomce in the government building at the Paris ex position. Money will be transmitted at the regular domestic rates. The of fice is officially -nown as the United States postal station, Paris (France) exposition. Proceedings were Instituted before Judge Stevens this morning involving the custody of a 22 months old child. The father, Ed. Gates, and the mother both endeavored to obtain custody. Judge Stevens continued the hearing until this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gates have separated. Frank Carter appeared for Mr. Gates and R. S. Mc Call for Mrs. Gates. j D. W. Bruton feels considerably In censed because one of the military companies carried off his son, Marvin, as a drummer boy to Charlotte. The boy is 15 years old, and went without his parents' knowledge or consent. They were at a loss to know what had become of him, and were out searching for him late Monday night until they accidentally learned that the boy had gone to Charlotte. The Ashevllle ball team met its first defeat at Weaverville Monday. It was a close game, and it is said fewer er rors have never been made in any game played on the Weaverville dia mond. In the eighth inning Weaver ville made three runs on a ball thrown from second to first. The sun was In the first baseman's eyes so that he simply couldn't see the ball. Asheville had only one inning in which to re cover. The score was 10 to 9 In Wea verville's favor. An Invitation comes to The Citizen to attend the eighth annual commence ment of the North Carolina collefcj cf Agricultural and Mechan.j art?, to b held at Raleigh May 27-od. T"? invi tations are specially handsome ii; thcli execution. The .ollowlng Ik the t.'.'o gram for the differ M dnyr: May 2" 8:30 p. m., baccaUui i-ate s rr- ia President Charts E. Tayln:-. Wal:? Forest college; May IS. 8 :.".'! ;. m.. alumni address, C. W. Gol f, W'.ison, N. C; May 29, 8:30 . m.. cj::i:;;ence ment address; Prof. Ir.t It.'msen. Johns Hopkins univers'.ty; fl:'iO p. ni.. farulty receptkm to friends anj alumni uf col lege; May 30, 11 a. in., romm wenient day. E. Collin, auctiont-er, will sell at auction on south side of court square on Saturday. 26th May. at 10:30 o'clock one well made double buckboard in good order: one two wheel dog cart; one set double harness; two sets single harness. 6-23 d3t SPECIAL NOTICES TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. SPECIAL THAR E. COFFIN will offer for sale at pri vate sale on the. south side of court Thursdav. 24th May. at 11 o'clock, a very gentle mare, accustomed to being driven about Asnevuie Dy ladles and children and ridden by chil dren. The mare can be seen now by applying to E. Coffin, Citizen building, Church street, third floor. dlt Attention' M0T0RMEN aueiiuuu. ENQ1NEERS Shipment o BICYCLISTS Lamb's Eye Protectors JUST RECEIVED. No dust, no wind, no cinders, when you wear them. Just the thing you need. Call and see usv BAKER & CO., Scientific Optlclt.ns. 45 Patton Ave. Miile at Auction. Large I years old mule will be sold at auction Saturday, 26th May, at 11. a. m. on the square. M. E. ROBERTS. E. Coffin, auctioneer. Bamboo Porch Shades ARE MUCH BETTER THAN AWNINGS, AS THEY KEEP LET IN THE AIR. VERY DURABLE AND NEAT ,. WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK 5, 6, -J, 8, 10 AND 1 2 V FEET WIDE. . W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. Furniture, Carpets, Etc ? 16 Patton Avenue. EVERYTHING FOR THE FLOOR. Phone 228. SAWYER'S CARPET NO RUNAWAY S HAVE YOUft C r CLE ASHEVILLE 18 and 20 Church St Phone 228. W ITH I Knox Straw Hats... Stiff and Soft Brims $2.50 to $4-00. Sizes, 6 to V2. Other Straw Hats from 25 cents to $1.50. Don't fail to see' our latest Golf Hat the prettiest ever shown. The Wliitlock Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. We are receiving North Carolina Berries every day. They are picked the day received and are not to f)e compared with the other berries on ' 'he market. Lee 25 SOUTH MAIN ST. 5 PHONE 250. Specialty Hot Peanuts. FREE - DELIVERY - FREE BARCEY A1ALT We desire to call your attention to the appended result of a chemical analysis recently made of CHASE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKY, by the recognized highest authority In the United States upon analytical chemis try, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D.. dean of the medical faculty of Yale University and state chemist of Con necticut. YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OP MEDICINE. New Haven, Conn. Messrs. E. H. Chase & Co., Louisville, Ky. m Gentlemen: Inclosed you will find the results of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase'a Barley Malt Whisky which you recently sent to me. These results show It to be a whisky of good alcoholic strength,- free from fusel-oil and containing no trace of the metals, copper, lead and sine. In my opinion Chase'a Barley ' Malt Whisky Is, on account of Its absolute purity, an excellent article for medclnal use. Yours truly, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. V. Conn. State Chemist. Chemical Laboratory, July 21, 1890. Result of a chemical examination of a sample of Chase's Barley Malt Whis key. 100 cubic cen timers contain: Alcohol. 61.95 cub. cent, or 432 grams. Residue on evaporation 0.51 " Non-volatile matter or Ash... 0.01 " acid, as acetic acid 0.04 " Reducing bodies, as dextrose 0.22 " Tannin a trace only Attest: HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. These facts commend the CHASE BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not only to the public, who aeek a superior Whis ky, but also to the members of the medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will find It moat beneficial, as it strengthens the Lungs, check the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity of coughing. The dyspeptic will find It an aid to diges tion, as It relieves the stomach when oppressed with gas. It builds up the feeble and stimulates tha system against malarial attacks. For sale only by FRANK O'DONNELL, 31 S. Miin St, Ashsville, N, 0. OUT THE SUN BUT 4 . .'. : HANDSOME WILTON RUGS ' Remarkably durable, and in beauty of designs and col orings they compare favorably with any. A Mussulman would admire them for their Byzantine richness. We would be ploaaed to show them to you. HOUSE, i 20 Church st Bicycle when it is fitted with COASTER BRAKE. Down grades tickle the rider of a wheel fitted with a Coaster-Brake, for all' dan ger is gone and he can enjoy the coast to the fullest extent. We can fit this to your old wheel or furnish you a new wheel already so equip ped. CYCLE CO. Anything for a Wheel Asheville Transfer Co. checks your baggage from your house direct to destination with rail road checks. OFFICES 60 Patton Ave. Phone 210. With Uptown Ticket Office. HERBERT C. ALLEN, Proprietor WIRE FENCING. I am prepared to contract for your fencing, both ornamental and plain. Iron and Wire Fences both woven or strand wire for farms, lawns and ceme teries. I have many new and very desirable designs, both heavy and light fencing. Also the finest Acme Poultry netting ever put up In Ashevllle. 'Phone 318. Address j M. A. CREASMAN. ..COAL.. That tnakoa tint 1..ln -that Iaivm hi. f.vr ..h.. fh.f - costs no more than alate coal la the kind we sell Ashevi!l8 Wood & Coal Co. R. M. Rameey, Pro 'Phone 223. Office 1 W. CourtlSq. PRUDENCE S. DRESSER Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. Graduate, with honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston. . The only teacher of piano in Asheville who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or College ot Music. Terms SO oenti a lesson. Beginner, received on Tlolln. 6oCharlotte Street. e4j' ' o'rt- - k 'ii YV''' T' I ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. Hiajh Grade and nnni r- r Fvpr hr.wn Medium Price We can save you a Five-Dollar bill on every set of Rubber Vehicle Tires put on by us. CAROLINA CARRIAGE HOUSE O I! W"i:ht. J'rijn ,.-,or iui I Mit:u"r 86 J. M. HEARN & CO.i HEADQUARTERS FOR REPAIRING. Notice to Property Owners. Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint M. H NORTH COURT SQUARC MHIVIIXC.N.C. it. Costs Less To linvf plumbing dom riffhf, whether it's repairs or new work. We do it right bo carjee we know how - We know how be cause it's our busi ness to know how. BALL & SHEPPARD, 4 Patton Ave. Altention of those desiring.... ' ,. ' PLUMBING MATERIAL, AND PLUMBING WORK DONE called to the fact that PENNIMAN & KELLY is intend dissolving co-partnership and have a larae slock of material Ion hand. Any of work(will to their Making Home Cosy Is easy and coBts very little If you get into the right store.' We can furnish every room, from kitchen to potior, with good reliable furniture, and at prices which will surprise you It you've never been here before. If any JhLnj is bought here which doesn't wearNwll we'll thank you for telling us. It Is our Intention to live up to our e'ivortlseinents In spirit and in letter. IHE : EMPORIUM 45 PATTON AVE. Quisisana Nature ;j ., " Cure Sanitarium, 167v French Broad Ave, Ashevllie, N. C. Latest German meth ods. No medicine. Ni operations. We assist nature to cure the pa tient by: Proper diet, sun-baths, nlr-baths, massage. Swedish movements, prescribed exercise, baths, packs, etj. AH diseases treat ed. Treatment in and out of the Sanitarium. Classes In Swedish movement dally. Examine our 3-4 inch Spider Cotton at eight cents per foot before you buy your Hose. I.!. E. Cor. Court Square. Thone 87. WE HAVE TiiE... Most Complete Stock OF... in Asheville. Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. NATIONAL MONARCHj Olive rlk Crawford Yale These wheels are all of good reputation and will give you satisfaction. If you are undecided which to buy, stop In and let ua help you to decide. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICR 64 PATTON AVEJtB, HOW TO INCREASE THE INCOME FROM HOUSES First consideration should be a per fect roof. Use WOODBURY'S RUB BER ELASTIC ROOFING PAINT, ihe host roof preservative manufac ture.!. It protects metal and shingle ro'ifs, never crack", never washes off. Is water proof, prevents rust and cor r.rlon. Woodbury's Rubber El stic Cemnt For repairing leaks about chimneys, i'ot!n;. skylights, windows, gutters will n"t run or crack. Phone 121. parties interested in this line interest to call upon PENNI MAN & KEUL.Y (