THE AEIEEVnXE DAILY CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, MAT 23. 190O. i ; I I !. 1 . v X i 4 ! i j t P'B I1' I j - P ! if i f , S- 4 5 1 ; ! ' 1 in h .1 f : 'Mi ( ;r ; : V- -if 1 i n ! f 1 '- !, t FOR FROTECTING THE BIRDS PROSPEROUS YEAR IN THE BERRY BELT Asheville Should Prevent Their Destruction, JTHE CITY HAS MANT SONGSTERS THAT ARE RARE ELSE. , WHERE. EMPLOYMENT FURNISHED FOR 2000 PERSONS. ..Editor The Citizen: I wU glad to see your editorial In Saturday's paper on Protect-the Birds."- If -thelt1 tens of Asheville wished to make the town more attractive one of the wisest things they could do would be to pro tect the birds, and if there Is no ordi nance to do this, the sooner one is enacted the better. The beautiful red cardinal, made fa mous by James Lane Allen's "Ken tucky Cardinal," Is a delight to us In Its gorgeous plumage, and cheers us with Its whistle. The bluebird, which has almost de sert- the north, because so many women have desired It dead In their bonnets, is willing to nest near the houses here . and rid one's orchards of Insects. The fly catcher and th mag-. nlflcent red-headed woodpecker; the Carolina wren, that would make a de spondent man cheerful with Its merry song; the hermit thrush, or American nightingale, singing, as we have heard it, between 10 and 11 o'clock at night; the handsome blue Jay, Who scolds a good deal, it Is true, but whose song notes are liquid and brimful of hap piness; the catbjrd, that saves its sweet song for the dark close branches of the trees and perchs aloft when screeching at other birds; the robin, with Its night plaint and early morn ing minor strain and Its cheerful day song; the shy American cuckoo, hiding among the leaves while its queer not pussies one; the doves; the juncoes; the vesper-sparrow, and many other deserveable sparrows, for only the Ungllsh sparrow seems to be leagued with the small boy In Its desire for destruction and the driving away of mg birds all these are here, and one delights In them and learns dally from tiem until suddenly small boys, shot guns, sling shots, dash away Joy In a ir.dfnent. The bird lies dead, the nest r fled. We have no redress, for by law Ashe IIIe, with these magnificent birds, Ii.any of them so rare elsewhere, does not protect them. We put water out In tins under the trees to coax the songsters, and we put up little bird houses to urge them to stay, yet a tone's throw from the house I have seen a dosen boys at once shooting at the birds. Last year we notified th police, but it seemed to have the effect of more boys and more guns. I am sure that the board of alder men can have no objection to passing an ordinance fur the protection of our birds. If the president of the United States is only the servant of the peo ple, surely the Asnevlllc board of al dermen are also willing to serve their cttliens, and push inn such an ordi nance will add to the attractiveness of the city, and we are all interested in that. GEORGE TRUMAN ttERCHEVAL. From the Chadbourn Messenger. For ths past few weeks everything here has been full of life and activity. If there Is anything In the world that Will prompt people to action, It Is the hope of reward. "Money makes the mare go." Everybody has been busy and have been amply rewarded for their labor. This strawberry crop has furnished employment" T6?"alSoul 2000"' persons' and both employers and employes have made good money. The average picker has made over a dollar a day, and tha growers have realized at least f 100 net on every acre of berries up to this .me, and the outlook for marketing th entire crop at good prices Is now fair. There has been one drawback among some of the growers, that of not hav ing a sufficient number of hands to pick over in a day. This can easily be accounted for, from the fact that a large number of those who have here tofore harvested the crop this season have berries of their own. To guard against this next season the growers should build comfortable quarters on their farms for pickers and then begin in time to secure them. There I are hundreds of people that would beglad to work through the berry season, but living at too great a distance" to go home at night, and the growers not being prepared to take car of them, they have to decline the Idea. This is a very important matter, and is one that should receive the attention of ev ery grower. Raising berries is an ex pensive business, and all that are not picked at the oroper time means th loss of actual dollars. Business here tor the past few days has been simply Immense. The mer chants have all added clerks to .their forcer an 3 They all haVeTeen busy as beavers. WITH THE BRETHREN. THE CHOIR LEADER. From the Raleigh Christian Advocate. A certain brother, seemingly excited, came to us a few days ago and reveal ed the fact that he actually saw a choir leader bow his head while the congregation was supposed to be In prayer. It was a startling statement, but we suppose It was true. At least we hope so. LCST JUG, BUT KEPT JAG. From the Brevard News. A jug is not a very necessary adjunct -of church worship on Sunday; t)Ut"'wfr learn that some boys from the vicinity of Brevard took one to Little River last Sunday. They lost the jug on the road, but reached the church very large Jag. with GOT A PULL. From the Brevard News. A call has been Issued for SO per cent. of the water subscriptions. This pu!s us for $25 of pension money. QUITE BECOMING. From the Greensboro Record. With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk, which in turn be comes a woman. A Skyscraper. A VEGETABLE MEAT. This truly wonderful food product is, without question, the most remarkable discovery in dietetics which has been made within the last half century. A vegetable food substance correspond ing In composition to lean flesh, such as beef or mutton, has long been sought for, not only as a most desira ble addition to the vegetarian bill of fare, but as a diettetic necessity in that very large class of cases In which flesh foods are necessarily prohibited, or In which their use 1b in the highest de gree undesirable, as in chronic rheu matism, Blight's disease, diabetes and various nervous affections, and in af factions of the liver, such as infectious Jaundice and scleroBls. This vegetable meat is called Protose. It Is purely vegetable In character. containing no. trace of animal sub stance. It Is original beef. Its dis covery was as great a surprise to those conducting the investigation from which It resulted and It has been to all who have become acquainted with its marvelous properties. It is a delicious food product, containing 25 per cent, more food elements than beef, and has a taste that can hardly be distinguish ed frTim flesh foods. Protose can be served In any manner that flesh food can be prepared. The Sanitas Nut Food Co., Ltd., at 400 Washington avenue, Battle Creek, Mich., will send a sample can for six cents to cover postage. REAL, ESTATF ry caver, ct ajcaohuu, Raal Estat Broksrs 26 Ration Av P. O. Box 244 FOR RENT. Furnlrhe'l nine-room house, new and very desirable, near business part of city, but on quiet street; furnace, ce ment basement, electric lights, new range, perfect plumbing; fine outlook and locality. Won't rent for boarding house. Weaver & Alexander. M Unfurnished eight room house; only three minutes' walk from th square; newly painted and kalsomlned; built of best material and most substantial way; modern conveniences; stable; $20. Weaver & Alexander. , S-room cottage In excellent condition. and several acres of land In suburbs, near cars. Good barns, spring house, poultry yard, etc. Good orchard. Would let cow, horse ana DUggy wun piace. Cheao to the right parties. Weaver A Alexander. z FURNISHED HOUSE; rooms. In suburbs, convenient to cars; line water; good outbuildings; plenty of strawber ries ana other small iruits; ii acres. Rent $30 per month. Will sell all or 20 acres without house. Weaver & Alexander 25 a CORNER LOT, 75 feet frontage, w.ih good house, 5 rooms, water, sewer; one block from car line; good locality; about five minutes' walk from postof- flee $1250; easy terms. Weaver & Alexander. 30 UNFURNISHED Seven room house In suburbs; near cars; newlv papercJ ;.inl kalxommc 1. splendid garden pi tnt ed 'n vf getabies now reaiiy f r uhc; strawberries, peaches, etc.; stable shady yard. $17.50. Weaver & Alex- ander. 36 1 FURNISHED Six rooms and serv ants' room; furniture, carpets and range new; large and beautiful lot excellent location; only two blocks from square; has stable and i;arden. Only $35.00. Weaver & Alexander. ST REAL ESTATE. WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers. 23 Patton Avenue. , Phone 661 PARTIAL LIST. THIS LIST WILL BE CHANGED TWICE A WEEK FOR RENT FURNISHED. Seven room house, 6 minutes' walk from court square, all modern conven lences, Including two bath room, elec tric lights, etc; $40 per month. Wllki A LaBarbe. 11 Large house on popular residence street; desirable either for boarding house or private residence; Large sha dy yard. $75 rr month. Wllkle ft LaBarbe. USE THE 'PHONE. If It is an trouble to call at our office and Hit your property, call ua over the 'phone to. 61) ana give us a aeacrtptlon. op give us your address and we will r.n at your office or residence. We now have applications for several unfurnished I, ( sou s roura nouses in aesirame resu dense sections. Wllkle A LaBarbe. 110 Eleven room house on Bailey street; well furnished; two bath rooms; bed rooms all large. $75 per month. Wll kle & LaBarbe. 1C1 Three minutes' walk from court square. Six rooms, completely lur- ntshed, except linen; well Duut; ail modern conveniences. $35 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 10$ Desirable ten-room house on nearby street. Large yard and garden. Hot and cold water, bath, etc. $65 per month; or would rent unfurnished for $40 Der month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 103 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED House of nine rooms; three blocks from court square; hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences. Wllkle & LaBarbe. t -New York Herald. DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS 4 OBTAINED PATENTS ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in " Inventive Age " Book "How to obtain Patents" CftoroM moderate. No fee till patent Is secured. Letters itrlctly confidential. Address, US, u. FREE I 8. SIGGERS. Patent Ltwver. Washlngtos, 0. 0, Unfurnished eight-room house, with small garden spot and stable, only two blocks from postofflce; modern con veniences. Very desirable for persons wanting near business section. $20. Weaver & Alexander. . 8 e FOR RENT Furnished Five room cottage, new; desirable location; near cars and paved street; electric lights; hi! modern conveniences. Only $40 ii taken at once. Weaver" & Alexander. 39 ... FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL new cottage and 131-2 acreB of land four miles from postofflce; new stables, woodshed, etc. 250 young grape vines and other small plants, Piazzas 70 feet. Fine state cultivation. Fine water; mineral spring cheap at $2000. Weaver & Alexander. 29 ... VACANT LOTS to suit your taste; would like to . ,v you one within two minutes' walk of postofflce, that Is Just the place to build a cottage home only House of 14 rooms; on car line; large shady grounds (41-2 acres). House has ell modern conveniences, large rooms, high ceiling. $55 per month, or $50 by the year. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 104 New house of five rooms on Lookout mountain car line. Just beyond New Winyah; garden; good neighborhood ill per month. Wllkle S: LaBarbe. 105 Eight room house on Central avenue. In good repair; all modern convenlen res $18 pe r montn. Wllkle & L.a Barbe. 106 Twenty room house of modern con struction, on side of mountain near ify limits: cool and delightful, electric lights and bells; hot and cold water; porch enclosed In glass doors. $30 por month. Wilkle & LaBarbe. 107 FOR SaLE. For a quick sale. On Montford ave. nue, an eight room house (slightly out of repair) ; lot 96x280. Can be bought very low for cash. Wllkle A La. Barbe. , 70 Handsome brick residence on Bailey street; lot 75x150. Owner now reside! in another state and will sell .at a bargain. Wilkle A LaBarbe. S7 Well constructed eight room house on Depot street. Sanitary .plumbing. Large lot. $1400.-Wllkle A LaBarbe. 5 On Hill street House' of 10 rooms: city water; convenient to sewer, but not connected; large lot. A good val ue at the price, $1600. Easy terms. Wllkle A LaBarbe. 6( FARM Tract of 16 acres near Sul phur Springs road. Several acres in grass. Fine orchard of 100 trees. Well built three room house. $1500. Wllkle A LaBarbe. 2f A charming home in the best resi dence section. Extensive, well kept grounds; small orchard and vineyard of selected varieties; large garden; carriage house and stable. The house contains 10 rooms, Is modern, conveni ently arranged and well constructed. Georgia pine finish and hardwood floors; plumbing and drainage per fect. Wllkle A LaBarbe. 681 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. We have furnished and unfurnished rooms In suites of two, three and four desirably located In various res'dence sections of the city. Apply at our of fice for description and price. WilkU & Lai'arbe. 108 Ten room house on Bailey street; city water and all conveniences. Lot 50x200. Price $2000. A bargain. Wil kle & LaBarbe. 640 FINE FARM 47 acres on Beaver- dam, Burnsville road. Fine land; two dwellings and store house; suitable truck gardening or poultry yards. Would be divided. Wllkle A La Barbe. 300 $760. Weaver & Alexander. 28 do any cooking on a W1CKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVE that you can do on any stove. It is the best hot weather stove for a large family as well as the most convenient and the most economical for beginners in housekeeping. The blue flame is intensely hot, but the heat is concentrated in the cook ing, not diffused through the house. It will not smoke pots, pans and irons placed di rectly over the flame. It is absolutely safe, veryconvenient and the cleanest stove made. Blue Flame Broil Wickless FOR RENT OR SALE. Kesiaence lot 1 1-3 acres, near car line and paved street. Location such that view rivals any point in city. Two small houses, renting for $100 per year. Price, $1000. Owner refused $1750 last year. Weaver & Alexander. 84 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A small business located near court square for sale. Requires capital of $200 to $300. Is now paying good profit on Investment and can be made to pay more. Wllkle A LaBarbe. 8 Special Notices JAMS, 10c. per Jar. Kroger's. We have for sale a desirably located retail business requiring capital of about $1100. Capable of being enlarged. -Wllkle & LaBarbe. 10 MONET WANTED. We can place $3500 to good advant age. Security Is first mortgage on city Improved property worth more than $7500 Wilkie A LaBarbe. S WANTED Table Grove street by Mrs. boarders at 81 Chas. W. Carr. 6-9-dtf WOULD a nice Folding Bed be In your way? See them at Mrs. L. A. Johnson's, 43 Patton avenue. MONET TO LOAN. $1000 to loan on city Improved prop erty, first mortgage, Wllkle A La. Barbe. 400 LOST Bunch of keys; -three Tale and Towne. Finder please return to 23 ration avenue. L. R. Pulliam. dlt CALIFORNIA FRUITS Peaches, Oranges, Lemons and Prunes. Thos. W. Fitspatrlck A Co., 84 North Main street. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DOES IT PAT TO ADVERTISE ?- It certainly does If It costs you noth Ing. If you list your property with us It will cost you nothing to have It advertised we pay for the "ad'! and only charge a small commission if we rent or make a sale. Wilkie A La- Barbe. 109 VALUABLE PROPERTY 57 acres within city limits. Elevation; plenty of shade; house of eight rooms and outbuildings. Several beautiful build ing sites. $5000, on easy terms. Wll kle A LaBarbe. 301 FARM 100 acres four miles from Asheville on proposed route of Wea vervllle electric car line. 90 acres cleared, 10 acres bottom. This Is a val uable farm and a bargain at price ask ed, $2500. Wilkie A LaBarbe. 78 HOME WANTED We have a cus tomer for a nice small house with gar de n and yard, either to rent or buy. Must be on or near street car line; In good neighborhood, and cost not more than $1500. Wllkle A LaBarbe. U THE BEST TTPEWRITER The Remington has always been considered by experts "The Standard" it writes better, writes easier, writes longer than any other typewriter. The new models, 6, 7 and 8, are simply perfect In con struction and operation. Typewriter Exchange, 23 Patton avenue. A SECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS We buy, sell, rent and exchange sec ond hand typewriters of all makes. If you write business letter or have them written you should have a writ ing machine and be abreast of the times. "To save time Is to lengthen life." Typewriter Exchange, 23 Pat ton avenue. U Oil Stoves are made in several styles and many sizes to meet every housekeeper's needs. If your dealer docs not .have them write to STANDARD Oil. COMPANY. l,ix, tooa reao or t.ngiish or French, wishes engagements to read tn ! Invalids and the sick. Address M. A. S.. care The Citlsen. 1-4-dtf. SUBURBAN board, near golf links. 15 minutes' walk to cars; high ground, nne view, new house, choice table. - Mrs. Gulliver, Ottarl, Box 47. rKivATE boakd Pleasant rooms grate and furnace heat: central, high location; near P. O. Rock Ledge, 62 Haywood street. Mrs. L. V. Cole, proprietor. NOW Is the time for spring chicken. We are serving a better meal than ev er, and want you to eat with us. Strawberries and strawberry short cake at Woodlawn. FOR RENT Very desirable newly furnished rooms: high location; splen did view; one square from postofflce, In vicinity of several nice boarding houses. 64 Haywood st. "Phone 288. I 1 fiif "Mi SMALL family of adults would like two couples to room and board by the month; new house; shady yard; on car line; northern cooking. Postofflce box 73. 5-19-dlwk J FOR HALE Good paying business on Tut ton avenue. $375 cash. Purchaser can uiake 100 per cent. If properly man aged, nne investment tor good man of small means. J. M, Campbell. IS THERE a building and loan as sociation or other company that will build a house according to dans of my choice, to be paid for In rent? Ad dress "Home," care The Citizen. 5-7-dtf. FOR RENT At 211 Haywood, three newly kalsomlned, well ventilated rooms; choice neighborhood; conven ient to flrstclass board; will rent one or ai.. Please call or address ho 2J5 5-23-d6t-eod BUGGY Would buy a good second hand buggy. The price must be at- tractive. Leave at this office your ad dress and the price and age of buKgy. Address XX., care Citlien. 6-23-dJt SUDDERTH ESTATE SALE On May 20th, at 10 a. m., whatever excess there is which Is the creditors' will be sold on the court house square. -1. . rases. The above sale has been until Tuesday, May 22. postponed. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house of nine rooms; electric lights and bells: bed and table linen; silver and all furnishings complete. 78 Haywood St. 6-7-d2wk FOR RENT. FOR KENT A new four room cot tage: good pasture and garden ground; 11-2 miles out on Lookout Mountain street railway. ' Enquire 1 C. S. Cooper, 39 S. Main street. 5-20-dlmo MT SPECIALTIES this week-iron beds, large Buck steel range, fine old mahogany bureau, etc. An experience ed cabinet maker on the premises for repairing. W. Turner, 85 N. Main street. FOR RENT One unfurnished house of nine rooms; near center of city. Price $30 per month. One unfurnished house on Spruce street, nine rooms. $22.50. Choice furnished houses are being rapidly taken. Call early for good selection. H. F, Grant A Son. J-U-dtf All kinds of legal blanks can be found at The Cltiien Company's busi ness offlce. One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electflo lights; on newly paved street. Also one seven room cottage, one furnished and one unfurnished flat. All modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. RevelL 32-34 Patton avenue. -r I BUY and sell anything. I now have for sale one good elevator for two or three story building, In good condition, with new ropes; capacity four thous and pounds; four good prixe screw and frames complete; one dynamo, ca- yucuy nve nunared lights; two organs In fine condition, and a lot of house hold goods. All very cheap. W. L Moore, 11 West Court Square, 'Phone 83. VERY DESIRABLE rooms with board; new house, furnace heated, electric lights and bells, superb view, on paved street, near churches and postofflce. Mrs. F. A. Hull, 103 South Main street. S-27-dtf - -R SALE New 30-room hotel with $500 worth of furniture In same; one half mile of thriving town, near sta tion. Finest summer resort in coun try; 40 acres gqod land belonging to It. $4200 one-half cash, balance on good terms. Apply J. M. Campbell. BOARDERS DESIRED Persons de siring a quiet homelike boarding place, where tubercular patients are not taken, can find the same at 58 Orange St. Halls as well as room comfortably heated. Good fare and pleasant ser vice guaranteed. Call and examine rooms and ascertain terms. FOR SALE Two smooth coat St. Bernard male puppies, three month old, by Lord Roseberry ex. Flndern Fanchon. Pedigree complete for five generations, comprising blood of Rem nant, Marvel, Scottish Chief ana ira Melrose on the sire's side and Alton, Pllnlimmon, Sir Bedevere and Victor Joseph on the dam' Bide. May be seen at 172 Chestnut street. For in formation se Q. O. Worland at Ameri can Hardwood company. 4-4d-tf. QUICK AND SURE profits are as sured to those buying any of the choice business or residence lots I have for sale at the freight depot. The fu ture prosperity of Ashevlffe 1 certain. No better Investment can be made than In the purchase of a well soipcts lot. Property of every description tor sale. Furnished -and unfurnished nouses w let. Apply to A, J. Lyman, office No. 13 Church street. FOR RENT AND SALE We have for rent desirable six room cottage on West Chestnut street; five room flat, Spruce street, furnished; also 12 room house on Haywood street, furnished. Choice place. For sale. Special bar gain in seven room cottage on Starne avenue; also 12 room house and large, shady grounds, same treet. Choice vacant lots near new sanitarium. Fine brick store on Main street at low fig ure for quick sale. Natt Atkinson Son Co., Real Estate Dealer. FOR SALE 84 lot on Depot, Bart lett and Tlernan streets, all near the depot; water and sewer and electric cars b yor near them. Will sell at from $200 to $300 per lot, on time. Payment in Installment of $1 per week. Here Is a good opportunity to get a nice lot in Asheville and pay for 11 with your small aavtng In two or three year, and not mis the money. Thl property will greatly Increase in value In the next few year. Call at our office, No. S3 Patton avenue, where you can see plat, and select a lot for Investment or a home. Now is the time to Invest In Asheville real estate. J. B. Bostlo Co. 4-28-dlmo 1 v - . I ,