8 HIE ASnEVILIE DAILY CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1300. & rnti. 1 Just a little out of the way, but THE Carolina Pharmacy "High Grade prescription Work," COLLEGE ST. and COURT SQ. Battery Park Bank. Capital Stock, $100,000 EXCELLENT - FACILITIES FOP. DOING A GENERAL BANKING BUS All ouslness Intrusted to us will liavo Ine beat possible attention. Collections made and reported Correspondence and ncccunt;. solicit d. Safe deposit boxen fur r?nt. Banking houn: S a. m. u 2 p. m. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. Roller Tray BUREAU, STEAMER AND... LADIES' HAT TRUNKS We have any style trunk you can call for. Any slie from 28 to 42 Inches. cur line of suit cases, valises, cab inet bags, hand grips, shawl and trunk straps is complete. , Ws take pleasure In showing you through this Immense line, even If you do not wish to purchase. THE BOSTON HOE S TORE Leading Shoe Firm. 'Phons 571. 7 THE FRIENDLY DOZEN CLUB ENTERTAINS CLEVER I'CZ-LU .UlU.LV-iiiJ L,i li!F8 ERWIN. Yesterday aUernoon the Friendly Dosen Hook club was "at noroe m honor of three flourishing younger book clubs of the city. The, Current Literature club, Mrs. Wlll'amson. president; the PrMay Afternoon club. Miss Bessie Jones, president; and trie Anne Hathaway club, Miss M. Erwin president, were received by the mem ber of the mother society, together with a few privileged guests, in .the hospitable hmiiB of Itrs. Davidson OA College street. It waa a blight sod Interesting as semblage, and pleasingly demonstrat ed! a fa t most noticeable In Ashevllle: the rapid growth of Interest and wide information In literary subjects among the younger people.due to the Introduc tion to the world's bet bocks, old and new, through the well Selected circu lating libraries of the several clubs. The hostesses of the evening were indebted to Miss M. Erwin for the lit eral y feature of the program, which j was a genuine surprise and furnished an hour and a half of keenest enjoys ment to all. After cordial greetings, the visiting cMubs were seated in the handsomely decorated parlors, and all furnished with printed cards,( contain InR a series of broken sentences. In terspersed with long dashes. The "up to date" readers soon discovered that the tantalizing dots should be replaced with names of authors or titles of their works, which had passed through the vniicius circles from month to month. Eager minds were soon engaged In guessing and arranging in new con nections names which previous associ ation had made familiar, amid general nd hearty merriment. At the close, Mrs. Child, president of the F. V., read the key to the literary puzzle, and each contestant compared her work, sentence by sentence, mark In errors and counting names omit ted, when each paper was signed. A committee then compared the papers with the result that-Miss Maud Wad dell's card was found to be complete In every name and perfect, save for a preposition In the title of one book. Mrs. Child presented to her, In a grace ful speech, the poems cf Sidney Lanier as a prise. There wag a universal cull for Miss Erwin, the author of the clever puzzle wbl"h might well hnve engaged tie bie.lns of the authors f lenmelves whose names were so skilfully juggled Into a history of art evening Ht the club. Bui MIhs Erwin failed to nnpear at the proper moment for n speech and had In submit to the succesflve congratu lation of her friends. lelkdmis refreshment were' next In order. Two ladles presided at a large punch l wl, which was rather shyly i"KHidci 91 first, but was found to contain nothing nior rianverous than l -d ten. The "little daughters of the club" liv.crirccl elaborate Ices aoi esse. MINE ON FIRE ' t'atelton, l'n., May 23.-A Are of un known origin broke out last night In Pardee & Co.'s mine at Latimer and Is still raging. The pumps nre dam aged beyond repairs. Those employed succeeded In making their escape. A large force of men under direction o Mine Inspector Davis Is enpaired In ex tinguishing the dames, which threaten to cause considerable damage. REST-CURE PLACE. One of the most beautiful hous es In Ashevllle. charmingly sltuat. ed, surrounded by 62 acres of land; on street car line; 10 minutes' walk to postofflce. Elegant genernl table for rest cure boarders. Hygl nlc diet for those under treatment. Beautiful porcelain baths. Positively no consumptives taken. Classes In Swedish movements dally. QU1SISANA SANITARIUM. 167 French Broad Ave. Poultry and cured meats Pressed Ducks, 2; an 1 50c each; dressed Hens, 30c each sliced Reef Hams. 35c lb : Breakfast Bacon. 15c lb.-,' Sliced Gold Band Ham. 1 8c lb Phone yur orders ro 324 Baird Bros , successors to S. D Holt tV Co., Mon'ford Ave. SHIRT WAISTS EMBROIDERIES LACES AND RIBBONS H. REDWOOD & CO 7 9 PATTON AVE. "The Paragon," Opposite Postofflce, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Alex. Webb Is at home from Raleigh. Bob. Wagner has gone to Greenevllle, Tenn., to visit friends and relatives for a month. . ' Superintendent O. It. Loyal has re turned home, after spending several days; In Knoxville. Master Edgar Adams has returned from Belmont St. Mary's college to spend the vacation with his mother. David Ward, mailing clerk at Su perintendent O. R. Loyall's office, Is tn Charlotte today taking In the carn ival. ,' i . i . t ..' Mrs. W. J. Weaver ' and daughter, who have been visiting relatives at 76 College, returned to their home In Mar shall yesterday afternoon. Delivery Clerjt O. H. Morris of the postofflce force Is absent on his an nual vacation. He has gone on a fish ing trip to the mountains. Cedartown, Ga., correspondence At lanta Constitution: Mrs. H. V. Glaser and her daughter, Miss Fay, who have b en the guests of Mr. Paul Baugh for some time, have returned to their home In Ashevllle. . . Btatesvllle Landmark: Mrs. Sallle Lanier expects to leave next month for Virginia, and will spend several months there.' She will leave about the 13th of June for Ashevllle to at tend the state convention of the W. . i. U. Salisbury Sun: Miss Edna Vander- ford returned last night from Ashevllle where she attended the League-sunaay school conference. A number or deie- ates passed through last night return ing home. All report a pleasant time as a result oi Asnevine a hooiuhuhj. Orange City correspondence Florida Times-Union: Mrs. J. Crensnaw ana her uaughters, Bessie and Helen, leave today by boat for Jacksonville, on their way to Ashevllle, where they will make a home. They have been residents here for 20 years, and will be greatly missed. COMMENCEMENT AT WEAVERVILLE THE ADDRESS DELIVERED BY REV. G. H. DETWILER. in the commencement exercises of Weaverville college, there was a con cert Monday evening by the music pu nils of Miss Mary Brown. In addition to a musical program of much excel fence there were some very fine tab leaux and pantomimes. The commencement address was de livered at 10:30 a. ni. yesterday by Rev G. H. Detwller of Oastortla. His theme was the functions and aim of education, und he impressed the les son that the highest aim of education has little reference to self, tut Is ti equip one for giving help to his fellow men. His address was a must able and scholarly one. Yesterday afternoon the contest for the Reagan oratorical medal took place. The following participated: J. H. Bennett, C. M. Cherry, W. L Weaver, J. M. Rowland. J. W. Brad ley und Charles L. Hemphill. The tnedul whs awarded to Mr. Bradley. Last evening the exercises were to close with nn elocution contest for the Nannie Black McDowell medal, the ceremony of awarding the medals, and the organization of an alumni asso ciutlon. A large number of Ashevllle people attended the exercises, especially those of last evening. About 11500 was raised yesterday for me weaverville college 2mn century fund. WELD0N-ZEALY WEDDING TODAY MARRIAGE OF WELL KNOWN ASHEVILLE COUPLE. At 2 o'clock this afternoon In Cen tral Methodist church, George F. "ealy and Miss Lenora Weldon were united in marriage, Rev. J. H. Weaver. D. D., performing the ceremony. Miss Daisy Smith presided at the organ, ur.il the ushers were W. R, Heston and Frank Lee. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Zealy drove to the Southern station. They go to Savannah 'ro'r. here, taking boat at that ;lace tor New York city. The best wishes of many friends go with these young people, who are well known and esteemed in Asheville. The bride Is the daughter of S. G Weldon, telegraph operator at the Blltmorc of fice. The bridegroom, who Is a native of Columbia, has for several years been chief clerk at the Southern rail way's local freight office. !nnriawffsuMmranit OXFORDS 41 AV1SIT AND STRAP SLIPPERS Every one a fit because they're designed on slipper Ideas. Natty shapes proper curve at back that make them hug the side and ankle. They feel right That's the sort you find at Spangcnbcrg's Phone' 299 WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS HAVE A WORLD-WIDE . "REPUTATION AS THE BEST PEN MADE AND THEY DESERVE IT. ANY STYLE OR SIZE YOU WANT AT COSBY'S 27 PATTON AVENUE OF COURSE ! ! All of our High Grade Vehi cles, and some of the medlum pilced ones have "Thousand Mile" Axles, "Bradley" Shaft Couplings, Bailey Steel Body Loops, And Spring Cushions. Rubber Tires put on in our own rubber tire department. T. S. MORRISON'S CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE. PURE FOOD... FOR MAN AND BEAST. Hay, Corn, Bran, middlings. Too many things In Groceries to mention. C, H. MILLER, Phone 227. 30 North Main. WHY PAY 50 CENTS A POUND WHEN YOU CAN PURCHASE A PURE BAKING POWDER FOR 30 CENTS? RUMFORD IS PURE AND SELLS FOR 30 CENTS. Tryon Strawberries Fresh every day. Only dealer in city who gets them. FRESH PINEAPPLES DELICIOUS. Nice Ripe BANANAS. K EELINQ BROS. Opposite postofflce. 'Phone til. (yt.4b..u..,i.it.u...,Ji.jAi;... ....... To our yard shows m AM Q S3 m er, Better Prepared grade of Ctjd than you can get else where. We have the only equipment of the kind in the state. Only One Grade of Coal-THE Asheville Ice 32 PATTON AVE. , 1 values m20asnCM STANDARD THE WORLD OVER. COLUMBUS BUGGY CPANY'S 506 Sir Henry Irving Wagon. Close A Strictly Twentieth Century Job. All our work Is furnished with Bradley Couplings , Long Distance Dirtproof Axles with Bell Collar and Bailey Hangers for End Spring Gear. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE Cb., - - Agents. S. E. COR. COURT SQUARE. Phone 87. Kelley Springfield Tire put on J. W. NORWOOD, President. CAPITAU, $100,000. The Blue Ridge National Bank ASHEVILLE, N. C. We offer to depositors every accom mocation which is consitent with safe banking; and we are in a position to lo an them money on approved security. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. No Interest paid on deposits. DIRECTORS: W. J. Slayden, Jas. A. burroughs, G. A. Norwood, S. P. McDlvitt, J. W Norwood, Erwin Sluder, R. P. Walker. The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes south of N. Y. at tht . e ' '' CO?iplOHI "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Phone 72. Standard Sewing Machine Co. No-11 WEST C0URT - SQUARE. Stock new Standard Rotary AutomaticDrop Head Machines Machines rented bv weolr n. ,tv, h . ... ,. ., , machines. """. repairing on an jcinos oi ; Prix Ate Kin Cootsnout Quotation rphy & Co., BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions J . Y. Office, 41 Broadway. REFER TO B1Tllle,HN'c Hat,n,U ' A,h ChN.rc!" Ntl0B1 Charlotte If ry,BnklnCo, Atlanta oi Capitol wty kt Atlnu."i Hrulatreet Commercial Agenoy how we are able to furnish a Clean BEST. and Coal Co., . PHONES j6 and 40. "The Sign of the, Book." A BOOK SALE Is now going on at our store. In br der to reduce our stock of miscella neous books we have decided to make this counter you .will find some qood -your money's worth in all st ty3 Book Store Open in our Rubber Tire Department. ERWIN SLTJDER, Cashier. w JT Cigar Stand. Broken Through '"laSSSaSSSSSSBSBBWBBBr all old fashioned Ideas of beer as a beverage the athletic and healthy girl of today has, and she finds that after a spin on her wheel, or a game of golf, or in the dally routine of home life, there Is nothing that will act like a charm in restoring new life and vigor when weary as a bottle of our pure and wholesome beer. We have Cin cinnati beer and "Schllti," the beer that made Milwaukee famous. -rV- T. A. VINCENT, Agent. Arc you looking for shelter? Thenjget in here out the wet; We open wide our doors to lota and lots of ...buymjwho .thoughtlessly go Jnto the open credit prices and get "soak ed" through and through. We give them m change In the form of a guar anteed saving of from IS to 40 per eont., and send them on their way re joicing; Shall we make you feel com fcrtuble the same way? . Peas, early June, can..........,.....5e. 1 Tomatoes, best .......... 6c. Sardines, Trench ............10c Herring, kippered .. ........20c Ham, potted ,.c Mine. Meat ................8o Catsup, bottle, good ..Be Catsup) bottle, best ........ .., 8c Rice, best Imported v.... .8c Rice, Carolina, best M RicefCarollna, Good 6c RolleOats, box 7tt I.X. L Grocery 22 PATTON AVE. 1 t It I