THURSDAY, MAT 31. 1M0. PRESIDENT HEARST N.C.'S EXHIBIT SECOND ONLY 2 IN THE OLD NOITn TATL ; TO DEMOCRATIC CLUBS 5 Items of Interest Gathered From TO CALIFORNIA'S CALLS FOR PROPER CELEBRA the Tar Heel rrese. TION OF FOURTH OF JULY. THE ASIIEVIILE DAILY CITIZEN. at Secretary BrunerTalks About .Paris Exposition. DECORATION DAY CEREMONIES AT NATIONAL CEMETERY AT RALEIGH. Raleigh, N. C; May 30.-At the Agrl ' cultural and Mechanical college today the commencement lexerelses were held. and were well attended. The chief marshal was F. R. Bernhardt; while H. U. Dorsette, L. B. Honey and W. O. Cramer were the assistant marshals on the partxf the Leazar, and R. E. Bnoudnn W. W. Ricks and i. U Fer- rebee on the part of the Pullen society it the Hose of the first year of th and surrounding counties will be very Presidency of Dr. George T. Winston short. There has been great difficulty Ld the mh year of the college TJ. S' Tt senior honor men are R. L. Earnhardt, aUy doeg n()t make mut.n difference agriculture; U. M. Wagstaff, mechanl- , v of our De0ne. for they are cal engineering; I. O. Hchaub, science; disgusted with the raising of tobacco Junior honor men, F. H. Earnhardt of with the price at the will and pleasure Stanly, W. D. Faucette of Halifax, W. 1 of one single and solitary trust, the Ktuielll of Ashe: souhomore honor Mount Olive Advertiser: The ber ry season Is at an end, the entire crop has been marketed and it has been one of the most prosperous seasons since 1894. Everyone connected with the In dustry Is to be congratulated. The trucking Interests of Mount Olive bring about $175,000 a year to this place; Ave thousand bales of cotton, worth 200,- 000, are sold here in a season; the corn, rice, egg, poultry and meat accounts are hard to estimate, But will, on a hazardous guess, be not less than $50, 000: the tobacco sold on this market will bring at least $25,000 to the city, and the lumber plants mean a contri button of at least $40,000 t6 the receipts. The merchants will require another $125,000 a year, making, on a haBty es tlmate, a grand total of business amounting to $615,000 a year. lint we haven t got a man to run a Dank Ooldsboro Argus: There is no doubt that the tobacco crop In Wayne man. V. Y. Moss of Granville. Paul J. Gilliam gets the flrBt prize for the stu Ar.nt earning the largest amount of money during the year In agriculture; Paul J. Elklns of Forsyth the second prise. The commencement exercises of St. Mary's, school for young ladies began todav. It has hud a very successful session, under Rev. Dr. Bratton's man agement. - Today was commencement day at Wake Forest college. Many people were present. There were orations or theses by the 34 seniors. In the even ing the usual concert and social gatlv ering were the features. The gradu ates, and their degrees are as follows; Master of arts. A. W. Cooke, A. K Dunning. W. F. Frr E. F. toumford. G. S. Sanderlln, D. U. Washburn bachelor of arts, L. W. Alderman, J. D. Bagley, R. C. Barrett. E. J. Ilrltt, V. C. Coffey, J. E. Crutehtteld, T. 8. Crutch field, J. I. Earp, G. F. Edwards, J. Z. Eure, G, A. Fpote, S. E. Garner, C. M Heck. J. Y, Irvln, G. W. May, F. C Nye, O. L. Powers. W. O. Rosser, J. F. Royster, R. C. Sears, George E. Sprulll. D. M. Btrlngfleld. C. R. Tay lor, O. ,R. Trantham; buchelor of law A. W. Cooke. J. T. Davis. A. T. Good win. E. W. I'earce. Among today's arrivals were D. A Tompkins of Charlotte, P. J. Sinclair of Marlon and J. F. Spalnhour of Mor canton, directors of the A. & M. col lege: Oliver II. Allen of Klnston Charles B. Crowell of Monroe, This afternoon the decoration day exercises were held at the beautiful national cemetery here. They were, Jointly conducted by the Gen. Oeorg? Meade post. O. A. R., and the Confed erate veterans from the soldiers' home, together with a number of citlsenB, not a few of whom were ex-Confeder ates. The address was by Et. Georgf C. Round of Manassas, Va., who was signal officer here In April. 1X65, and whose station was on the cnpltol dome The camp of the signal detachment was then on the square where the ex ecutlve mansion now stands. Lt. Round has made u very pleasant lm presf Ion here. Some remarks were alBO made by Col, Z. P. Smith, now com missary -general of the state, who was In the First N. C. regiment. V. S. V. farmer work themselves almost to death to- raise a crop of tobacco and the tobacco trust pays for the tobacco Just what It pleases. Wilmington Star: Articles of con sylldatton amalgamating the Norfolk & Carolina. Wilmington & Weldon and Southeastern railroad companies, and the A, C, L, railroad companies oi South Carolina and Virginia, Into one svstem. known as the Atlantic Coast Line Rallroiid company, were yester dav filed for record with the register of deeds of New Hanover county. The most Interesting feature of the record Is that $18,000 in revenue stamps were required to be affixed to the document These were mostly or tne liw aenonu nation. iireenville Reflector: The body of Nort Vines, a negro woman, supposed in have been murdered, was found Runriav eveiitns about 6 o'clock In gully near the plank driveway wnicn leads to the boat landing. The body whs lvlnar In a washout three or tour feet doec Her neck was broken ni her face ipo?ared to nave Deen ne"icu some, aiid a quantity of blood had r'in from th nose. Winston Sentinel: West Durham Is stirred ud over the elopement of Mrs Lula Oakley, wife of W. F. uamey oi that Dlace. and Thomas Moore, pno fmrranher and married man. of Me bane. The Oakleys formerly resided in Mebane, and the husband brought his family to West Durham to avoid th mentions of Moore to bis wire In his absence she and Moore eloped t'lveein il'e Reflector: News c ,i Secretary flruuer of the agricultural department talks most Interestingly about his visit to Paris. He says Ninth t'siii'lliM's exhibit there is sec ond only to that of California. The The litlti'i- state I always first In such matters. The ue of A. J. Marshall, the Wil mington lawyer churged with counter feiting, "as Unlay continued by Judge Purncll here until next December. Marshall's Ivwyers had asked continu ance, an the case was nut removed to Wilmington and no allowance mude for pay for iiru'shaH's wit at sue , HOW SWITZERLAND PROTECTS THE BIRDS EXCELLENT LAWS ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.. From the Srlintllh- American. Switzerland -has not many feathered songsters, but those that do exist are carefully protected, not only by law, but by the fostering character of the peopUrpartlculutiy the German speak ing people of Switzerland. In northern Italy bird killing Is an epidemic, and this yi.nit hi.s spread over the Swlss Itnllan canton of TUino. As the sea sons come and go the Swiss birds make their pilgrimages south and In going and returning cross the land of north ern Italy, and the Swls cnittoti of Tio Ino, and they are mercilessly pursued by hunters of all axes and all classes. On the I.ske of Magglote It Is estimat ed that at least lia.iWHt feathered songs ters are trapped and killed every year. ' and In the regions around Bergamo ami Hrescle ninny millions are slaughtered to satisfy' the demands of tallies and of ... th millinery establishment of the world, tine of the schemes Is to rover the limbs of trees with bird lime, so tl at they become helpless captives If they stop In their night for rest or for food; hundreds are often raptured by this simple means. During the past year the border police of TUino cap- , tured and destroyed 13.000 bird traps set to Imi.tlson the weary little flyers. Now. however, excellent laws are be ing enforced and the song birds of Hwltierlsnd may yet survive the at tempt to exterminate them. n us of another murder credited to Pitt county. It seems that Annie Dlx on. a colored woman living on Mr Georse Venters' place, near calico. nolsoned her husband, John Dixon, r r rlnv hv nutt ns rough on rats in ni coffee. From the effects of the polso he died Sunday night. Chnrlotte News: Rev. J. B. Shiir er, D. D.. LL D.. president of David st.rt ollfge. today resigned ttvi presl dmi'V to take effect one year from this time. The hoard of trustees at once elect! Dr. Henry Louis Smith prest .lent, his tc-m to begin at the time President thearer'S reslgnnT-n be roim-H elTeit ve. --Murphy Scout: George Hartness convicted of murder in the second de gree, was sentenced Saturday morning to five years at hard labor In the peni tentiary. Judge McNeill refused the motion for a new trial and the case goes to the Supreme court. In the meantime Hartness will be confined 'n our county Jail. t Concord Standard: We learn that at a meeting of the board of directors of North Carolina college, held on Monday, the 28th, the Rev. W. A. Lutz, now pastor of the Winston Luth. e'an church, was elected president of the college. We have not yet learned his decision In the mutter. Max ton Herald: Archie and Gra ham Currle, brothers, living in Blue Springs township, died last Friday and were burled on Saturday. Graham died at 3 o'clock In the afternoon and Archie at 10 o'clock that night. They both had the grippe. Salisbury Sun: A hen belonging to John W. Tvoutman laid an egg after the sun was In eclipse Monday that Is out of the ordinary. On one side Is a perfect little sun, with rays radiating all around It Greenville Kellector: The amount of tobacco sold on the Greenville to trnceo market during the past season up to May 1 was 12,2!,9!:l. The president has nomlnuted Thomas C. Fuller of-North Carolina to be associate Justice of the court of private land claims. Washington, May 31. Mr, William R. Hearst, president of the national as. sociation of Democratic clubs, had a forme 1 conference with toe principal Democratic leaders In Washlr jon at the Metropolitan hotel regarding the plan of campaign to be followed in the aiiiiMn presidential struttsl'?. Senutor Jones, chairman of the Demo cratic national committee; Representa. tive Richardson, Democratic leader In the house, and chairman of the con gressional committee; Judge Chauncey F. Black, Representative Slayden and others were present. It was agreed that the '-Democratic national commit tee, the' association of Democratic clubs and the Democratic congresslon- I campitlgn committee should work in harmony. , At the close of the conference Presi dent Hearst Issued the following: To the Democratic clubs and so cieties of the United States; Recent events in the history of the United States point to the aproaching anni versary of the birthday of the nation as a day that snoum re ceieDratea with special favor this year. There are those in the nation who seek to create, the Impression that the Ameri can people have outgrown their love for the Just principles of government expressed in the declaration of inde pendence and are ready to surrender their moral leaders among nations In order to gratify a newly-born instinct (or Imperial power, founded on a co lonial system. "All the Democratic clubs and socie ties are earnestly requested to assem ble on the Fourth of July and all pa triotic citizens, regardless of past par ty affiliations, are urged to Join with them In a new pledge or fidelity to tne republic as the fathers made it. Let the people of the United States uhlte In their various cities, towns and vil lages In a demonstration of the confi dence they feel In the form of govern ment under Which the nation has grown to its present greatness. The danger which threatens the country is real and imminent. It seems appropn. ate, therefore, that citizens who believe that the declaration of Independence Is not merely an academic document, should meet together on this day and give voice to the national sentiment that all men are created free and equal and that there must be no subject col onies under the American flag." Hovr to Torn Oat ea Omelet. When the omelet is done, remove from the Are. fold the omelet from the handle side over to the other side of the pan and hold the handle lu your loft hand, with hand underneath and thumb on toD of handle. Take the spatula In your right hand and hold omelet In the pan. Tilt the pan over and give tt a quick turn over the hot platter and draw out the spatula from Under tho omelet. Little Pig ams FROM SIX AND ONE-tJALF POUNDS UPWARD SWEET AS A NUT How to Make Cora Pnffs. Put a pint of milk over the Ore and when hot add two-thirds of a cupful of cornmeal. Remove from the fire, add the yolks of four eggs, mix thoroughly, then stir in the well beaten whites, fill muffin pans a little over half full and bake 30 minutes. WM. KROGER Successor to A. D. COOPER. 4 32 SOUTH MAIN STREET. N Telephone No. 6 J. A. TENNENT. Architect and Contractor, Jobbing and Kepsirs Promptly Attended to riTYH COURT tOUARF Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Guro Guaranteed tven afttr all other remedied havt ailed, or mtnry rtfwuted. A TEXAS DOCTOR WRITES. Sunt. T . May 22. VW. "Ooke n&nilrufl Ourv" hiu done m more suud thuk M 7 pretention Ituvaerar tried. For Sale bv all Druceists and Barbers. Treatise on Hair and Scalp Troubles tree on request. A. R. BREMER CO., Chicago "BEWARE OF IMITATIONS." DR. T. C. SMITH. WHOLESALE AND RETU. AGENT, ASHEVILLE. IS. J. The nly hair preparation admitted to the Paris exposition. roVKHTY. From the Detroit Journal. Here a frull woman In a tattered slmwl entered and luld a penny on the counter. "(ilve me two and one-half pounds of Sunday newspapers, she Raid, In i hollow voice. After' she- hud Rone out the pronrle. tor of the place told us that she would nuike Mich a meaner supply of this staple" necessity suffice for a family of 14 persons. .INVENTIVE WO VAN. From the lta'tiutore American "What Is y,'iir greatest household expense?" r.sked the first (leaf dumb man Mutches," wls'iflid the flutters tile HV,ml I "Mutrhen?" ruin Ihs- mniirlseil jollity from the ttsloiilshe I htijul of the it si man. I "Ten;.! tit IK In my-t,aml m; lfe always lights a mufcli to see wha I ant saying." and of In RELIEF.. I From 'the Atchison Ulobe, There la no denying there la 8 sigh of relief when the guest who frowns ' down all attempts at gossip puts on his I hat and leaves. N otice. Notice Is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Asheville, as required by law, that the City Engineer has made a survey and filed his report in the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work done, and the cost thereof, In the mat ter of the paving of that portion of Haywood street from the west edge of Montford avenue to the west edge of Buttrlck street, In said city, and, also showing name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of such cost of such street Improvement to be assessed against such real estate; and notice Is hereby further given that, at the first regular meeting of said board of aldermen to be held after the expira tion of 10 days from this date, said board of aldermen will consider said report, and if no valid objection be made thereto, the same will be adopted and approved by said board, and the lien and assessment for said street lm. provement will then become complete and operative. This May 23, 1900. M. W. ROBERTSON. Clerk of the City of Asheville. 6-23-dlOt ZWIEBACK AND Granosc Biscuit... Fresh at H. C. JOHNSON'S MASSAGE AND DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS PATENTS ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in "InTentiv. An Book "Howtoobtsin Patents" L Outrgei moderate. Wo fee till patent is eenrou E. 6. SIGGERS, PJLrft Lawyer, WMbingtonTO. C. ill anything yon invent or Improve t also get i CSVEAT.TRADE-MAnK, CUPTHIUHl or UtSlUN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, J for free examination and advice. unnr nu DimiTO ?? NoAtty UUUH wn r H I I.H I W lee Deiore paieuu , to wiMiwnvir i Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. It OBTAINED i FREE PACKS. PROF. EDW. QRUNER. 66 South Main (Street Phone 206 Home or Office Treatment. Offlci hours S-10 a. m.: 8-4 p. m. Dryman Mineral Spring... Four and one-half miles west of Asheville, west side Dryman moun tain; a good water; physicians recom mend lt. This water, can be obtained by leaving your order at 37 N. Main street, at 40c. a Gallon, Delivered. Phone 279. J. P. BROOKSHIRE SPECIAL NOTICES If you havs anything to sell or wish to buy any thing say so In Special Notices. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. Tate Springs, Tenn., Improvements at the Carlsbad of America The most delightful health and pleasure resort In the South. 164 miles east of Chattanooga, In the loveliest val ley of the East Tennessee Mountains. Two hotels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees; complete sys tem water works with modern baths; splendid orchestra, spacious ball room, telegraph and long distance tele pnone. Buildings and grounds lighted with electricity; In fact all the amusements and comforts. Best German and American cooks. The water cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, and all troubles of liver, stomach, bladder, bowels and kldne;s. Shipped anytime, anywhere. Write for 40 page book free. THOS. TOMLINSON, Prop. A perfect dream of a shoe Vici Patent Kid Button for Men We received yesterday a line of these Shoes in B, C, and D widths. Whether you wish to buy or not you should take a look at it. Soft as silk, and glistens , like the raven's wing. "KSBS co- NEAR THE P0ST0FF1CE 3-

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