THE ASHEYIIXE DAILT CITIZEN. TIll'Ki'DA Y, MAY 21. 1:; The Ashcville Gtizen. BT THE CITIZEN COMPANY. Ever? Afternoon Except Sunday One Tear ....$4.00 Blx Month! 1.00 Three Month 1.00 One Month, In advance..,,. 40 On Week, to carriers .10 The Semi-Weekly Citlsen U Issued Tuesdays and Fridays. ' In advance, It THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- and changt for pages 2, 3, 0 and 7 should b In this office By 9 a. m. For pages 1.4. 5 and 8 by 12 noon, Unless these hours ar observed Changes cannot b Insured for ths day thty arc brought In. This Date In History-May 31. Vtt-rnKkrick William I o Pruarla died; bora 1688; frederick William I vu tn lather of warlike Prueeia. 1110 Horatio aVymour, governor ol New York, born in Pompey Hill, Onondaga county, N. Y.; died in L'tlca 1H(K. Ill John Albion Andrew,' ar gorernor of Hit achueette, bora la Windham, lie.; died 1SS7. Oorernor Andrew gained dUtl action before tlx war by bia orpoaltlon to alarerjr. He wu , ejected governor tor one year tn IBM. Within S week after Lincoln called tor 75,000 troop) be atnt Ore trgl taenia to the front. Andrew wee elected governor fire timea In aueoaaatos. Aa a friend of the aoldiera in the fleld and an animated leader of bia people In the vigorous ', proeeciition of tbe war be acquired great pop ularity. UM-Oeneral 0. K. Mitchell, a Union veteran, died at Charleeton, Ilia.) bora 1836. MM Commodore Schley's eeeerla engaged the Bpaniah lorta and aiiipa at Santiago la a duel. Baron Lyon Playfair, distlngaiabed Engllak ebemlet, civil aerrlot reformer and parlia mentarian, died Is London; bora WIS. - "An Infamous" Lie." This morning's Gazette contained the following: Editor of the Gazette: Kindly allow us space to say to the Ashevllle public that the statement, or Intimation, in yesterday's Citizen to the effect that any member of the board of aldermen, directly or Indi rectly, conveyed any Information of Mr. W. T. Weaver's bid for city light ing to the Ashevllle Electric company or any one else la an Infamous lie. (Sinned) W. A. M.AIIt. W. VV. WISHT, D. C. WADDELL, JR., S. T. DORSETT. J. H. WOOD, R. J. 8HERRILL. V. T. RAWLS. The Citizen did not mention W. T. Weaver's bid and did not say that a member of the board of aldermen di rectly or indirectly conveyed the Infor mation. The only things denied are state ments that The Citizen has not made. Boers Meet Boors. Strangely enough, the African Boers find American Iioors in a fellow repub lie. "The president sympathises heartily In the sincere desire of all the people of the United States that the war which Is now afflicting South Africa may, for the sake of both parties engaged, come to a speedy close. To deviate from a atrlctly neutral position would be con trary to all our traditions and all our national Interests." This from Hay. Senator Davis in the senate said the Boer envoys had proceeded In a man iter Irregular and highly improper. He deprecated their undiplomatic course and protested against enlisting the people of the United States to bring pressure to bear to Influence the ac tion of the government, etc. Where- upon by a vote of S6 to Secluded the envoys from the floor of oi senate, ana demonstrated the fact that the legislative branch is a mere adjunct to the will of the executive branch of the government, and will but bia. It is refreshing In all this discourtesy and subservience to British Influence that Mr. McKlnlcy occasionally recog nizes "our traditions." The Burden of Spain. The statement of General Woodford, I'nlted States minister to Spain when the war broke out, hs been already referred to, but will bear repeating. The general pal,! In an Interview with a London correspondent fur an Ameri can newspaper, a short time ago: "The loss of her colonies means Spain's rejuvenation. Rettef.after years of strength-sapping anxieties Incident to the government of her scattered isl ands and the Philippines, leaves h r statesmen free to work out the destiny of their country. The war with the t'nlted States was a blessing In dis guise." It Is nut pleasant for an lntIUaent American to contemplate the fn t ! that this government now siaixls in th i old shoes of Spain and It In a fulr way of meeting with her f.rte. Hut what 1 other outcome can there be If keen ' onTThTs "'country." says' th.CKahsaF' expenditures of every kind Incurred by the government In Its empire-building experiment. This vast outlay bids fair to Increase Instead of diminish as the years go on, if the present policy 'of Imperialism is persisted In. In all the hundreds of years that Spain w as engaged in the bloody task of trying to govern unwil ling, alien and unconsentlng peoples, her subjects at home were kept drain ed to the dregs by taxation, and her young men, who might have added to her home prosperity by their work in the fields, factories and marts, were drafted to do the butchery necessary to keep their colonies In subjection. Fa vored classes, Individuals and syndi cates among the Spaniards profited by the looting and the monopolies grant ed to them In the Islands of the Occi dent and the Orient by ' the '. Spanish crown, but the great body of the Span ish people were ground down under an increasing load of taxation every year. National bankruptcy was as great a factor In causing the easy defeat In the late war as was our superiority In men and ships. ' HEATH'S RESIGNATION TO RE DEMANDED? HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR AP POINTMENT OF NEELY. Atlanta, May 31. A Washington spe cial to the Journal says: .'. "It Is generally believed that for party expediency Perry Heath will be asked to resign as first assistant postmaster-general. Heath is responsible for the appointment of Neely and has been frequently grltlclsed for his part in having the postal deposits of New York city changed to his brother's bank. It Is not alleged that he has been dishonest, but as an example to carry before the people during the campaign It has been decided that he must be sacrificed, , "While this report Is current It is also alleged that Major Rathbone former director of posts in Cuba, will sail for the states next Saturday as free as the bird ot the forest. Major Rathbone, It is alleged, Is closely con nected with the'postal frauds In Cuba, but at the very beginning of the In vestigation he declured that he was under the protecting wing of Mark Hanna, whose election he helped to se cure. That his prophecy Is rue Is manifest." SHOT TO DEATH. ON HIS WAY HOME ASSASSINS TAKE THE LIFE OF A GREEK MERCHANT. Birmingham, May 31. Late last night while George Lambrakls, a well known Greek merchant, was on his way home he was flred on from the darkness Just before reaching his door and was killed. Lambrakls fired two shots at his assassin before he expired. The murdef is enshrouded tn mys-" tery. As the dead man was not robbed It Is believed the motive of the crime was revenge. There Is no clue. Lam brakls recently failed In business. WARRANT FOR TAYLOR. Frankfort, May 31. Circuit Clerk Ford received an order from Judge Cantrill this morning directing him to issue a bench warrant for" the wrest of former governor Taylor. The war rant is based on the Indictment charg ing Taylor with being accessory to the assassination of Goebel. The warrant was Issued. MADAME ORVIS. Chicago's FAMOUS and RELIABLE mystic, medium and clairvoyant, has arrived, and will be In Ashevllle for a limited time. The madame haa come at the reauest of some of Anhvin'a citizens who have consulted he,r at her i nicago nome. Remember, the mad ame is no fortune teller, but one en dowed with the gifts of prophecy spok en of In I Cor. 12th chanter nrl lata verse. No matter what your troubles are, consult ner. Reunites the nenarat. ed. removes evil Influences, gives pow er to sain the desire nf vmir h.nrt Can be consulted orl all affairs of life. lawsuits, business speculations, mar riage. divorce, etc. All business strict, ly confidential. Sittings datlv ascent Sunday. Office hours a. m. to S p. m. Western hotel. For a ilelleloiia rim nf nnffmm n Gregg's Standard Java and Mocha, Sold by Clarence Sawyer. We ntiike aneclnltv m' Hlch Roasted Coffees. Clarence Sawyer. Baldwin's Headache Cure nuicltlv re. lives sick, nervous and nuralo-l hesdache. 2..c. Grant's Pharmacy. We ore dlslnlnK'-'x for ". TV Gregg Tea A Coffee Co.'s evlchrated brands of oasted cofTe of Louis, m,,, fry them. Clarence Ha ' 1 -Wood's Seeds, Grant's Pharmacy. Cltv Times "alth (tlltrh If ISaa K....ei ... der the guidance of Mr. Hanna ana M, J gnl? P Jarm'scy n ivimey, m the colonial business but a little more than a year and "a half, has been pouring out public money r.t the rate of nearly a million tmltuv'a a day. If ws Include military and civil la . tot, . n ivv-r Fine lot mwpeas at C. S. Cooper's, South Main street. day. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakmff powders arc the greatest mxnacm to health of the present day. Just Received A CAR ! A a r rvr- A A : m FLOUR Are You Looking for Shelter? Then get in here out the wet. We open wide our doors to lots and lots of buyers who thoughtlessly go Into the open credit prices and get "soak ed" through and through. We give them a change In the form of a guar anteed saving of from 15 to 40 , per cent., and send them on their way re joicing. Shall we make you feel com fortable the same way? Peas, early June, can.... 5c. Tomatoes, best ....... ....6c. Sardines, French ....... ..'.....''.....10c Herring, kippered .. ...............200 Ham, potted ...........4o Mince Meat 8c Catsup, bottle, good ..5c Catsup, bottle, best ........8c Rice, best imported 8c Rice, Carolina, best 7H Rice, Carolina, Good ............. ...6c Rolled Oats, box 7 I X L Grocery, 22 PATTON AVE. For no reason... Is Ashevllle more pre-eminent than on account If Its fine cli mate all the year round.. It is America's first resort, beoause perennially Invigorating, it Is the same way with Asheville's famous product Wheat Hearts. PRUDENCE S. DRESSER It is the first breakfast food for all the year; It Is always In vigorating. WHEAT-HEARTS Is prepared for serving in two minutes, because we've milled the wheat, roasted the gluten, and converted the starch to dextrine before it reaches you. WHEAT-HEARTS makes a tempting dish with which noth ing else compares. If you but try It once you'll understand why "It'Swheat-Hearts We Want." THE Wheat Hearts Company ASHCVILLE, ; I F you have been using this Flour you are satisfied ; if you are not using it we will make this proposition to you: BUY TWENTY-FOUR POUNDS FOR SIXTY-FIVE CENTS AND IF IT DOES NOT PLEASE YOU WE WILL BUY BACK WHAT YOU HAVE NOT USED AT THREE CENTS A POUND. ... CAREER- . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCERIES 53 Patton Avenue. Wood's Seeds. Seed Potatoes For Planting in June or July. We have a large quantity of late Seed Potatoes which were put into cold stor age early in the season, so as to. keep them unsproutetl and iu first class vigo rous condition for late planting iu June, or July. Heretofore, the principal ob stacle to planting late potatoes success fully has lecsi in procuring sound and vigorous stock late enough to plant, so as to iiiHure the maturity of the crop in the cooler rainy season of the fall. We advise our customers to place their orders ahead, otherwise our supply may be exhausted. Shipment can be made ut such time as customers are ready to plant. Write for prlees and Descriptive Circular, which also iivee full Information about all Seasonable Sseda, German Millet, Cow Pass, Veoslnte, 3orghuma, Buckwheat, etc. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond,. Va. Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. Graduate, with honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston. . The only teacher of piano in Asheville who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or College ol Music. Terms SO cents a lesson. Beginners received on violin. 69 Charlotte Street. We have In Btock all the latest designs in Eastman kodaks, both In Folding Pockets and square shapes. No one can show a more complete line than we, as we carry every design made by them. Tou can therefore buy Just what you want. All of these kodaks use the cartridge system of daylight loading films and If desired by paying a slight exra charge any of them can be had with a plate attachment. Kodaks from $5 to $35 WE ARE SHOWING SOMETHING NEW IN I; THE WAY OF PRESERVING Daylight loading Brownies cost but $1 and do good work. RAY'S BOOK STORE Phone 67 KETTLES... IRON CLAD PRINCESS WARE NEW STOCK Wonder Ice Gream Freezers That have been qrowing in favor since we introduced them three years ago. 'IS Ac::zvriLE 49 The Best Job Work-The Citizen 55 i & $ "MEET ME AT THE PARAGON" $ $ $ PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT (Entrance on Haywood Street Side.) Phone 260 Public Phone 471 BETHESDA MINERAL water :::v;:7;' The American table water-Aids digestion -Blends with wines and removes uric acid pro duced by wines-See booklet. THE PARAGON Opposite the Postoffice : s : : Prescriptions our Specialty

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