SATURDAY. JUNE J, 1000. TllF ASllKVTT.lK DAILY CITIZEN. MEN WHO TAKE CITY'S CENSUS List, of Enumerators and . Their Districts. ALREADY FINDING TJWftTBLB i SECURING THE REQUIRED ? STATISTICS. IN y ... . ' ' 15 . . Following are the name, of the cen sus enumerator! for Asheville, with the territory alotted to each (each boun dary beginning at the northwest cor- St): '.. - - ' No. 1 precinct. Shepherd Castile. pounded by College, Davidson, South Beaumont, city limits, South Main. , i No, 2, J. E. Merrill. College, North Beaumont, South Beaumont, Valley, Davidson. ..) No. 8; R. J. Tlghe. Chestnut, Char lotte, city limits, North Beaumont, College, North Main, Merrlmon avenue. ! No. 4, John W, Haymond. City lim its, Charlotte, Chestnut., Merrlmon av enue, and North Main. : No. 8, W. A. Penland.-:ity limits, North Main, Patton avenue,; French Broad - avenue, Haywood : (French Broad to Montford), Montford avenue. No. i, Charles Nelson City limits, Montford avenue, French Broad ave nue, Patton avenue, West Haywood, Spring, .French Broad river. ' .. , No. 7, E. L. Hunt, Patton avenue, South Main, city limits, Victoria ave aue, Southslde avenue, Bailey. ' No. 8, E. F. Roberts. Patton avenue, Bailey, Southslde avenue, Victoria av enue, city limits, French Broad ave nue. . No. 9, John Ottlnger. Spring, West Haywood, Patton avenue, French Broad avenue, city limits. Hasel (West Asheville) H. A. Brown. , t , ; The enumerators began work yester day. They are expected to 'finish In 13 working days of not less than' Id hours. The pay Is about three cents per capi ta, or, in country districts, not less than S3 nor more than. 86 for a day's work of 10 hours. Any person connected With the Cen- PUB Will ICWCUB VUII1H W 1111.11 uc may learn In his official capacity may upon conviction be fined not more than 1600, or Imprisoned. The public are thus protected against abuse of power on the enumerator's part. But, in order that he may finish his work as soon as possible, and obtain correct data with as little trouble as may be, the law also provides a heavy fine or Imprisonment for any one in any way interfering! with him, or for refusing to give the required information. In the absence, of the heads of the Ot the house, any person-selected by the enumerator must give In the sta tistics of the family, answering the Questions to the best of his knowledge. 'The enumerators have a big job on their hands, and will necessarily have more or less worry and trouble. In many cases It will be necessary for them to revisit a house several times tn the absence of the inmates, a fact which became apparent on the very first day. They are also finding trou ble In getting statistics concerning the Inmates of boarding houses especially. ., In every family the necessary facts should be collected tn readiness for the visit of the enumerator. Asheville Hardware Company. Around Town. FORECAST' till 8 p. m. Sunday: Showers tonight; Sunday fair. The Flower mission will meet at Mrs. J. A. Burroughs' Monday afternoon, June i, at 8 o'clock.'. ' , Rev. D.ance Price, pastor of ''the Hendersonvllle Methodist church, la ill, and it la thought he will be unable to resume his pastoral work for a month or more. Prof. Richard Douthwalte has been secured as musical director, tenor and cornet soloist of Trinity church thole, and J. Fred Metcalf as organist, be ginning with tomorrow's services. Aston, Rawls A Co. have paid , E. D. Keeling 32000, the amount of In surance carried by Mr. Keeling on Tils burned atore. The policy was la the Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance company. Salfsbury Sun: The young man from Asheville who was suspected of being In love with and wanting to marry a Salisbury young lady, was located tn Reldsvllle. He passed through yester day returning home accompanied by Sheriff Lee ot Buncombe. The young man la weak-minded. At the meeting last evening the Res cue hook and ladder company decided to attend the 12th annual convention and. tournament of the State Firemen's association In Wilmington July 10-16. The company la anxious for ball bear ing wheels for the truck to be fur nished before this event.. A letter from a former Ashevllllan at Roxboro to The Citisen says: "The amendment is O. K. In this county. A few people with white skin will op pose it.i mostly officeholders under Un cle Sam, or want to be. I am Inform ed 'that they have been' caught and bored into, and Just under the akin ne gro was found.' " 8. H. S. Clarke, president ot the Mis souri Pacific railroad, died at hla resi dence, 69 Liberty street, at 4:20 yes terday afternoon. The remains were taken this afternoon to Omaha, Neb., for burial, accompanied by the wife and son of the deceased. Mr. Clarke came here with his family about three weeks ago. He was 63 years of age. The Blue Ridge Rifles held a drill and business meeting last evening. The company decided to hold drills hereafter weekly Instead of semi-weekly, the hour to be 8 in the evening. Three new members were elected. The company decided not to go .on the excursion to Waynesville, as the Char. Idtte trip had been taken so recently. The A, L. I. has about completed ar rangements for the excursion which the company . expects tp run to Waynesville on the 12th. There will be a ahum battle between the A. L. I. and the Waynesville -company in the forenoon and a ball game in the af ternoon between the Asnevme ana Waynesville teams. There will also be dance In the afternoon. The Committee of the Good Roads as. sociation having In charge the work on the Blltmore road haa aecyred the ser vices of D. P. Hutchinson or cnar lotte 'as supervisor. Mr. Hutchinson haa been chairman of the road com missioners of Mecklenburg county fof 10 years and Is considered a fine road builder. He leaves tor unarioue 10 day and will return next week to be gin work. LINDLET SCHOOL. ENGLISH HAND RL00D STAINED (Continued from First Page.) African republic until Roberts is ready to annex the territory, hence even if Kruger goes tnto Portuguese territory whatever communication he may make looking to a cessation of hostilities will receive official recognition and wilt be answered. though It Is sate to say Sails bury will merely refer Kruger to Rob erta.' If the Indicated lino of procedure in answering any communication Is car ried out It can result In nothing unless Kruger is willing to assist fh persuad ing the people to lay down their arms. One thing the British government is determined on that President Kruger cannot stay in the Transvaal. In the event of his. capture he must be trans ported, not necessarily In durance; but he must be got out of the territory which Salisbury expects shortly to be part of, the British empire. Every ef tort will be made to capture Kruger, bat government officials are Inclined to believe he "wltt mtthageto get Into Por , tiiguese territory, where tne - British will be unable to touch him. Words fall to describe th national gratefulness to Roberts. Wellington was never to England wha Roberts Is today. The dukedom and the order of the Black Eagle at the disposal of the Lord of Argyll is at least to be bestow ed upon Roberts. There is talk of scenes that will mark his homecoming AROUND PRETORIA. Lorenio Marque, June 2. Kruger yesterday was still at Macpdadorp, about half way between Pretoria and the Portuguese frontier, on the rail road between the Transvaal capital , and Delagoa bay. Boer commands to taling 10,000 men held. Thursday, all positions and hills around Pretoria, Another large command Is at Bronk hurst spruit, 40 miles from Pretoria, on the railroad leading to Delagoa bay. Telegraphic communications with the Transvaal are closed to the public. Fe verish excitement prevails here, owing to the almost total absence of news from either side. The object of Frltchie Eloft, Presi dent Kruger's son-in-law, and Her man, his physician, appears to have been to place a large amount of gold vv W'W vv, V ! Bamboo Porch Shades ARE MUCH BETTER THAN AWNINGS, AS' THEY KEEP OUT THE SUN BUT LET IN THE AIR. ' VERY DURABLE And neat :X .-. V WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK i 6, J, 8, 10 AND i S FEET VIDE. W, B. WILLIAMSON & CO. : Furniturci Carpets, Etc 16 Patton Avenue.; PLUSH CARPETS The Carpets You Want are being purchased liberally for parlors and reception rooms of the best homes In the country. We have a nice assortment in best patterns and colors. Bear In mind that these carpets wear. Axmlnster or Velvet Car pets are as good as gold. They always give satisfaction. But when selecting you want to get a good one. Cheap ones are not satisfactory tn wear. And you want to be assured that the patterns are up to date. Car load ot new goods Just received. SAWYER'S CARPET HOUSE, is ,nd 20 Church st Phon. 228. Aaking Home Cosy Is easy and costs very little If you get into the right store. We can furnish every room, from kitchen to parlor, . with good reliable furniture, and at prlcea which will - surprise yon It you've never been here befoia. If any thing Is bought her which doesn't 1 wear well we'll thank you tot telling us. It Is our Intention to live up to our advertisements In spirit and ia letter. THE : EMPORIUM 45 PATTON AVE. Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium, , 167 French Broad Ave. , Asheville, N. C. Latest German meth ods. No medicine. Ni operations. We assist nature to cure the pa tient by: Proper diet sun-batha, air-baths. massage, Swedish movements, prescribed exercise, baths, packs, etc. All diseases treat ed. Treatment tn and out of the Sanitarium. Classes In Swedish -movement dally. ,,JffflrE BR jp ( v BICYCLES FOR''''! EVERYBODY I IF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST HOSE BUY OUR CHICAGO ELECTRIC AT H CENTS. We carry the largest and nicest line of Bicycles shown In North or , South Carolina. We can suit any one who wants a Bicycle or anything pertaining to one. If you are not prepared to pay cash we can give you time to pay for it. See Us about It. ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO. 18 and 20 Church St Phone 228. Anything for a Wheel The managers of the Llndley Train- In school will hold their annual meet ing at the school Tuesday, June 5, at 3 o'clock. Addresses will be made by several ot the city pastors. Carriages will be waiting in front of the Blue Ridge National bank at 2 o'clock to carry visitors at a cost of 85 cents for the round trip. The pur pose and results of this noble work are such as to give It the strongest claims upon public Interest, and It is hoped that a large number will attena. AT THE Y. M, C. A. Rev. W. M. Vines will give the last of his series of talks on the 4 C's at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 3:45. Subject, "Character." As these talks by Mr. Vines have been very helpful and Interesting a large attendance is expected tomorrow. PRISON REFORM. The regular monthly meeting of the Prison Reform association will be held Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the lecture room of Trinity church. A full attendance is desired. For Sale. A new stock of Millinery Goods. Town i,;oo population; only one other mil linery store in place, ror par ticulars write to J no C Wright, Waynesville, N. C DEALS IN DIRT. The following deeds have been filed tn Register Mackey's office: Jason Ashworth and wife to Jas. Rwn. nronerty In t'arrview township 38 George H. Smathers, receiver, v p W. Nash. DroDerty on Kiver- slde street 250 Just received. Fresh Potato Chins. 8oz. net. kc. Shredded Wheat Biscuit, i for 25c. But ter Gems, 10c. Junket Tablets. 10C. ' 500 doz. Tennessee Eggs (while they last), 12 1-3 cenis Baird Bros., successors to S. D. Holt & Co. . Notice. Mnfioo la hereby elven that the Hoard of Aldermen of the city of Ashe villa Intend to make application to the general assembly of the state at Its June, 1900, session for certain amend ments to the charter of said city. This Knox Straw Hats... 3. i Stiff and Soft Brims $2.50 to $4.00. Sizes, 6 ton. ;t ; : i . Other Straw Hats from 5 cents to $1.50. Don't fail to see our latest Oojf Hat the prettiest """" ever shown." v . , The Whitlock , Cldthiiig House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. ' .-'-a.- ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. E. Cor. Court Square. Phone 87. We have the MOST COM- S PLETESTOCK of hinh grade Carriages 5. " 4 r and medium price Carnages Ever shown In Asheville. We can save you a Five-Dollar bill on every set of Rubber Vehicle Tires put on by us, CAROLINA CARRIAGE HOUSE 86 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C Notice to Property Owners. ..COAL.; That makes a hot. lasting fir. 1 that leave, but few ashea, that costs no mora than slate coal Is the kind we sell. Asheville Wood fit Coal Co. S R. M. Ramaay. Pro Prion. 823. Oftlc t W. Court:Sq. Attention 1:"M tNUINttKi A Shipment of BICYCLISTS Lamb's Eye Protectors JUST RECEIVED. No dust, no wind, no cinders, when you wear them. Just the thing you need. Call, and see us. BAKER & CO., Scientific Opticians. 45 Patton Ave. BARLEY MALT We desire to call your attention to the appended result of a cnemicai analysis recently made of CHASE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKY, by the recognised highest authority in the United States upon analytical cherals trv HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D., dean of the medical faculty of Yale University and state chemist of Connecticut. YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. . New Haven, Conn, Messrs. E, H. Chase & Jo., juouisvwe, Gentlemen: Inclosed you will find the results of my analysl. of the sam pie ot Chase'. Barley Malt ".Whisky which you recently sent to ma. These results snow n w w wnmy of good alcoholic strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no trace of the metals, copper, lead and line. ' In my opinion tnase s uaney mu Whisky Is, on account of It. absolute purity, an excellent article for medclnal use. Yours truly. HERBERT Hi. BMlxn, an. u. Conn. Stat. Chemist. Chemical Laboratory, July IL 1890, Result of a chemical examination of a sample of Chase's Barley Malt Whis key. 100 cublo centlmers contain: Alcohol. B1.M cub. cent, or 4.2 grams. Residue on evaporation ...... 0.61 " Non-volatll. matter or Ash... 0.01 acid, as acetic acta u.u Reducing bodlea, a. dextrose 0.23 " Tannin ' lrac".i"V7 Attest: HERBEHT JU. BJttlin, M. u. These facts commend th. CHASE BARLEY MALT. WHISKY, not only to the public, who seek a superior Whis ky, but also to the members ot the medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will find It most beneficial, as It strengthen, the Lungs, checks the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity of coughing. Th. dyspeptic will find It an aid to dlge. tion. as It relieves the stomach when oppressed with gas. It build, up the feeLle and stimulates the system against malarial attacks. For sale only by FRANK O'DONNELL, 34 S. Main St, - Asheville, U, C. We save you trouble when giving you railroad checks at your house for your baggage. Leave your order. Show your railroad ticket to Asheville Transfer Co. O U. WK1UHT. j Proprietor nnu Manager. 4 V .VV-ai HOW TO INCREASE THE INCOME FROM HOUSES First consideration should be a per fect roof. Use WOODBURY'S RUB BER ELASTIC ROOFING PAINT,, the best roof preservative manufac tured. It protects metal and shingle' roofs, never cracks, never washes off. Is water proof, prevents rust and cor ropion. Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Cement For repairing leaks about chimneys, coping, skylights, windows, gutters will not run or crack. Phon. 111. Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint no. m went court sou SMVIUJ,K.C Oftlc. with Uptown TlekaiOfflc. Phon. 210 State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Notice. Notice Is hereby given tha: applica tion will be made to the General As sembly of North Carojlna at tta ad journed session in June, 1900, by New ton M. Anderaou and others of Cleve land, Ohio, for the passage of a special act to create a corporation known, as Asheville School. This May 7th, 1900 . MARTIN A WEBB, 5-8-30dys ' Attorneys. It Costs Less mm m . in nave piumDingA dona right, whether it's repairs or new work. We do it right be cause we know how - We know how he cause it's our busi ness to know how. if 11 fly - ' ' '' " ' ' SniiniiiimHHimri"1! "'jTrttlflV1'"it'',1tiia'''"h'wi'''"'l''a;,aM'"' I. V, J " , VJ- " ' V: 1 BALL & SHEPPARD, 4 Patton Ave. Delaware Roe Shad. We are still getting fine lots of de licious Delaware River Roe Shad, and you would do well to get them while you can. The Shad season will shortly be over. The price Is right here. We buy right and can afford to make our price right. ' ( t ..'.'.,,.... We get shipment, dally, often twice a day, they offer freshest stock. ASHEVILLE FISH PHONE 189. CO. WIRE FENCING. I am prepared to contract for your fencing, both ornamental and plain. Iron and Wire Fences both woven or strand wire for farms, lawn, and ceme teries. I have many new and very desirable designs, both heavy and light fencing. Also the finest Acme Poultry nottlng ever put up In Asheville. 'Phone 118. Address M. A. CREASMAN. IT'S USELESS... To remind you that the best is the cheapest. If, however, you want a Mower that works well and wears well, buy the... Imperial BROWN, NORTHUP & CO., 33 PATTON AVENUE .- In safety. - - May 4, 1900. ' ' ' ;