THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITJZE2J. SATURDAY, Jl'NK 2, 1;,..). The next Eclipse To occur in Ashavllla i will not require smoked glasses We shall continue to eclipse all it",' competitors while serving you in the line of DRUGS, CHEMICALS OR TOILET GOODS. A TOTAL ECLIPSE 1 1 THE . Carolina Pharmacy "High Grade preecrlptlon Work." COLLEGE ST. and COURT SQ. Bank. Capital Stock, $100,000 EXCELLENT FACILITIES JTOR DOINO A GENERAL BANKING BUS INE88. All Business Intrusted to us will have the best possible attention. Collections made and reported promptly . Correspondence and accounts solicit' td. Safe deposit boxes for rent. ' Banking hours: a. m. to t p. m, J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. FINE SHOES James A. Banister's i -j Win. Dorsch & Sons Vlcl, Patent Leather, Button. Lacs and Oxfords, Chocolate and Black Vlcl,' Tan, Willow and Oxblood. All sites and widths. PRICE $5.00 THE BOSTON s HOE TORE Leading ghof ftm. ' 'Phone JT1 Battery Park MENS Changes .. Here and there, In spite of careful buying, we find a slow moving . Item, disappointing an Item hot in good re quest. As soon aa we And time to consider such, WE MAKE THEM BELL. At some pries almost anything moves rapidly, so we try honestly to deter mine what pries Is needed to close out such goods fast and the price our Judgment dictates at one becomes the new Crura. SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR GUID ANCE OF WOR8HIPERS. First Presbyterian church Preach. Ing by the pastor. Rev. R. F. Camp bell, D. D.. at 11 a. m. and I p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting, 7:15 p. m. North Ashevllle M. E. church, south, Rev, E. K. McLarty. pastor Services t 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m.; Sunday school. MO . m.i Junior league, 4 m. Rev. D. Atkins, D. D., will preach 'at the morning service. Services at French Broad Baptist church tomorrow as usual. Preaching at 11 a. m. and t p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. H. Durham. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian church Services In old li brary building. Sunday school at 10 , m.; communion .service at II a. m. Rev, Edwin L. Bain will preach at Bwannanoa Methodist church at 11 a. m. and at Haw Creek at I p. m., fill ing the appointments of Rev. Mr. Crutchfleld, who is visiting in Louis ville, Central M. E. church, south Sunday school at a. m.; preaching by the pastor, Kev. j. h. weaver, u. u., si 11 a. m. and :15 p. m; Epworth league devotional services at 7:30 p. m. All are cordlaly Invited to worship with us. First Baptist church Services at 11 a. m. and l:so p, m. rreacning ai both services by the pastor. Rev. W. M. Vines. Subject of the morning sermon "True Greatness" J evening The First Thing In Life, Sunday school. :30 a. m.. J. H. Tucker, su perintendent., All Souls' churco. Biitmore, Kev. k. E. Swope. V. D., 11 a. m. and i p. m. Sunday school and Bible class, l:S0 p.m. Bethel M. E. church, south. Rev J J. -Gray, pastor Sunday morning at 1:10, Sunday school; 11 a. m.. preach In: 1:30 n. m.. teachers' meeting; 4:S0 p. m., Junior league; 7:w p. m., preaching. First cnurcn or cnrisi, scientist, Pvthlan hall. K and 87 South Main street Services at 11 a. m. The publls are cordially Invited. Seats free. St. Paul's Lutheran Services In T. M. C. A. hall. Sunday school 10 a. in Preaching, at 11 a. m. All cordially In vitud. Rev, C. Brown Cox. pastor. West End BaDtlst church There will be preaching at 11 a. m. and I p. m by Rev, James Woes Israel. Sunday school at s: so a. m. Rev. T. M. Myers will conduct baDttslna service at the Old Refuge Chrtstisn church at 11 a. m. Sunday, and will preach at the church at the corner of Woodfln and Spruce streets In the evening. Many townspeople are aolna- to the Refuge service. Haywood street MethodUt church Sunday school at :45 a. m. Children's day services at 11 a. m. Senior league at 7:48 p. m. Preaching by the pas tor at 1:16 D. m. Biitmore Baptist church, Rev. J. M. UimrlK haatnN-Services at 11 a. m. and I P. Mi Subject fbr the morning service "A Christian and His Purpose"; evening, "Opposition to Religion." Rev. Dr. Buxtoit will officiate at Grace church at ll m. Trlnlt church, Whitsunday Holy communion, 7:30a. m.; morning prayer and holy communion, 11 a. m.; Sun day school, 4:45 p. m.; evening prsyer, I. AH seats free. St. Matthias church, Whitsunday Matins, litany and holy communlun, 11 a. m.; evensong and sermon. 8:30 p. m. Rev. Henry Stephen McDuffey, priest In charge. A8HEVILLE LODGE OFFICERS. Ashevllle lodge No. 1W, Knights of Pythias, elected he following officers for the ensuing, half year last evening: Dr. J. H. Woodcock, chancellor com mander; Mark W. Brown, vice chan cellor (re-elected); Donald Glllls, pre late (re-elected); F. M. Jordan, mas ter of works; William Farr, master at arms; J. F. Buchanan, Inside guard; A. 8. Jonea, outilde guard: W. W. Pat ton, keeper of records and seals. At the conclusion of the meeting the lodge was entertained at the Candy Kitchen by Dr. Woodcock. NEW UNION. Ashevllle union, No. 41. Wood. Wire and Metal Lathers' International union, was organised last evening, with 10 charter members and the following officers: President. J. M. Chunn; vice preildent. P. E. McCanless; recording secretary, W. M. Bles; financial sec. retary, J. A. KUIIan; treasurer, J. Os Brown: sergeant at arms, M. S. Ship man; guard, D. I. KUIIan. REST-CURB PLACE. One of the most beautiful hous es in Ashevllle, charmingly sltuat. ed, surrounded by 61 acres of land; on street car line; 10 minutes' walk to poet office. Elegant general table for rest cure boarders. Hyglento diet for those under treatment. Beautiful porcelain baths. Positively no consumptives taken. Classes In Swedish movements dally. QUISISANA SANITARIUM, 167 French Broad Ava. In prices on a number of things have been made lately, usually where the goods are sold down to small lots, maktng the room of more conse quence than any profit on the remain der. In cases of this kind we pay no at tention to cost, but often makt our prices about half of first cost. H. REDWOOD & CO. 7 and B PATTON AVE. C otfilao. Dry Goes? a, Fancy Qooda, Shoae, Hate and ButtaeUR Patterns. "The Paragon," Opposite PostofRce. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Sol. Simon and son of Statesvllle are here. J. W. White of Knox vllle arrived In the city today. ' D. W. Parker and wife of Detroit Mich., arrived yesterday, '. Mies Sadie G. Gross of Charlottes ville, Va., was among today's arrivals. ; Dr. E. R. Morris left today fer At lantlc City and New York for a II days trip. Rev. Dr. Dan Atkins went to Hen dersonvllle yesterday and will return this afternoon. ' Miss Annie De Vault has gone to Morganton to visit her cousin, Miss Mary Lou Bristol. Dabney R. Tarbrough, who has been attending Wake Forest college, returned borne last evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summers re turned, yesterday afternoon from Da, vldson college commencement. W. K. Norris of the Men's Outfitter force Is back from a two weeks' va cation, which he spent at Turnpike, Miss Cole, who will have charge of the kindergarten department of the Ashevllle Bummer School and Conserv atory, has arrived and Is at the Ashe vllle college. Miss Van Lear of Shreveport, La., is expected to arrive here tomorrow morning to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. W, H. Morton, at the college cottage. A. W. Calhoun of Atlanta, Harry L. Gerstle of Chattanooga, D. C. Cum. mlnrs of Canton, John W. Fisher of Newport. Tenn.. J. N. Frohmiller of Cincinnati. Wallace P. Cllpton of Phil adelphia and C. F. Parker or Zanes- vllle, O., are recent arrivals at the Ho tel Berkeley. Mrs. R. Hart, Miss Mary Hart, Miss Lotta Hart and W. 8. Hart of New Tork city arrived here yesterday, Mr Hart la a well known actor and has been seen several times on the boards at the Grand. During the past season he has bad an Important role In "Bn Hur," which has been running in New Tork. QUITE CHILLY FOR THE NEGRO (Continued from First Page.) 6.75; Merrell, 66; Waldrop, 9; Tipton, 6. Merrell was declared elected. On the fourth ballot there was Tio nomination. Fifth ballot: Gentry, 2.50; Roberts, 18.50; Waldrop, 58; Luther, 15. For surveyor: A. B. Ballard was nominated by acclamation. For clerk of the crlmlnul court K. S McCall nominated 11. A. Whlttemore. Mr. Whlttemore was nominated by 'ac clamation. For solicitor R. B. Roberts nomina ted Mark Brown. There being no oth er nomination Mr. Brown's nomination was made by acclamation. , For tax collector Will Heaton and.T J. Reed were nominated. Mr. Reed withdrew. Robert Greenwood was also named. The result: Greenwood, 78; Heeton, 12; Reed, S. For register of deeds Dr. I. A. Har ris, W. H. Wilson, G. E. Sprinkle and Charles U. Monday were named. W. H. Wilson was nominated, but de cllned to accept. A motion to leave the matter to the executive committee was lost. Byron T Reeves was named, also Prof. N. A. Penland. Vote: Reeves, 41; Penland, 1.34; Harris, 48.26.' Dr Harris was declared elected. For treasurer, W. K. Payne was nominated by acclamation. For clerk of the Superior court, J Will Jones was treated the same way For sheriff, ex-Sheriff Worley was named, also W. H. Wilson, but Mr Wilson's name was later withdrawn, and Mr. Worley was nominated by acclamation. For the legislature, V. S. Luek was nominated by acclamation, and .on H L. Gudger's motion his record was en domed. Dr. R. I. Wilson of Swan nanoa and Dr. J. 8. T. Balrd were nominated. The result: Wilson 89.50; Batrd, 3.50. , The following etWutlve committee was elected: Hunter Arnold, W. M Hill, E..T. Belote, Otto Hlldebrand. H L. Gudger, J. M. Sanders. W. E. Low ranee, Clyde Deaver, Q. W. Cannon, J F. Ducker, Charles McNamee, G. M Oarren, J. W. Walker, E. M. Ownbey, W. R. Howard, J. B. Hunter. A. A Hensley, S. M. Riddle, James N. Mor gan, T. B. Creasman, T. C. Dobson, D, H. Wild. J. W. Randall. T. H. Wea ver, F. A. Penley. P. T. MoAfee. G F. Brock. R. A. Jones, J. H. Sumner, T. J. Harklne, Jr. R. T. Poor was nominated for con stable In Ashevllle township by accla mation. R. B. Roberts, H. L. Herren ana Dr. Q. W. Reed were appointed committee to nominate congressional. senatorial and Judicial delegations. i i No matter how busy we are, you will be waited on; thoroughly, comfortably, and by com petent salesmen interested in yoir welfare. We would rather have one satisfied customer than six that are not That's the policy of shoe selling at.. . Spangenbers's Court Square. ; : WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS HAVE A . WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION A9 THE BEST PEN MADE AND THEY DESERVE IT. ANY STYLE OR SIZE YOU WANT AT COSBY'S 27. PATTON AVENUE LIGHT VEHICLES FOR PONIES AND SMALL HORSES... Mda by COLr-AX MOF. COMPANY ' Lkht, stylish, well made and welt finished. Agency at '.- 8. MORRISON'S CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE. Rubber tire, if desired. WHOLE-SALE Wholeeale and Retail... Grain and Feed Fancy Groceries, Etc. Salearoom 30 North Main St C. H. MILLER. WHY PAY 50 CENTS A POUND WHEN YOU CAN PURCHASE A PURE BAKING POWDER FOR 30 CENTS 7 RUMFORD IS PURE AND SELLS FOR 30 CENTS. FINE PEACHES FINE ...EELING I BROS. Opposite postofflos. , 'PaoaaXll GEORGIA ORANGES PERFECT ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO. H. T. COLLINS, Proaldent Thirteen years dealera In Pur lea and Scraanad Coal. PHONE 40. , ' 32 PATTON AVENUE 'The Sign of ..HAMMOCK SEASON 1 IT 4 m an .e the Book.' ROGERS' BOOK rMMrWrvWWAArVWAArA Have you ever ' thought who pays for ex perimenting in an unknown line of vehicles? The dealer don't if you settle with him. Then who does? We know the Columbus work, so do our patrons, and we never have a dissatisfied customer. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. S. E. CORNER PHONE 97 J. W. NORWOOD, President. CAPITAL,, The Blue Ridge AwrVV ASHEVILLE, N. C. V We offer to depositors every accommodation which tg oonsltent with safe banking; and we are in a position to to ah them money on approved seourlty. Safety Deposit Bozea to rent. No Interest paid on deposit!. ' DIRECTORS: W. J. Slayden, Jas. A. burroughs, O. A. Norwood, 8. P. McDivitt, 3, W. Norwood, Erwln Sluder, R. P. Walker. The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum t - II - .. Pipes south of N. Y. at the "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Phone 72. Standard Sewing Machine Co. No-n s5uIRcE0URT Stock new Standard Rotary Automatic Drop Head Machines. " Machines rented by week or month, Expert repairing on all kinds of Prirtt Mi. ;- r a Coatlnaom Qmottioa& Murphy & Co., I BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions B. Y. Offloa, al Broadway. - ;" URSITO- , Bine Ridge Katloaal Baak. Asba villa, H. c. Charlotte Natfcmsl Baak. Charlotte. N.O. Seaboard National Baak, Hew Terk. Lowry Baaklnc Co. Atlaata, Oa. Capitol Olty Bank, lUaataTwa. Bradstteet ConuMroial AgeMf. m r: i 4 UiUUO I UUilCCll l .1 Tt I. muves .illicit .i ; Is upon us and you should call and see our line before the stock is broken. We have all prices, colors and sizes, and their quality we can recommend. Also Croquet, Tennis and Golf Goods. STORE, . .. ?.' .. J 5 . COURT SQUARE. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ERWIN 8LUDER, Cashier. $100,000. National Bank ft - Rerfepw liVIY ' - V , Qjgrf Stand. Broken Through all old fashioned ideas of beer aa a beverage the athletic and healthy girl of today has, and she finds that after a spin on her wheel, or a game of golf, or In the dally routine of home life, there la nothing that will act Ilka a charm In restoring new life and vigor when weary aa a bottle of our pure and wholesome beer. We have Cin cinnati beer and "Schliti," the beer that made Milwaukee famous. T. A. VINCENT, Agent. Ht To the users of the weed we have this to say: No better line of ci gars to be "found In Ashevllle than at .- Ice's 25 SOUTH MAIN ST. PHONE 250. CIGARS Notice. Having qualified aa administratrix of Q. F. Penland, deceased, notice la here by given to all persona holding clalme against said estate to present the same to tha undersigned for payment, duly verified, on or before the 26th day of May, 1901, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to the said estate are hereby nptWed to settle tha same Immediately' and save cost. This May M, 1900. LADOSCA PENLAND, Administratrix. B. V. Wolfe, Atty. , l--dU