n i. 'at, jv:i: 11. it. a TIJF, ASIIEVILLi: DAILY CITIZEN'. BLANTOII THACKER Ashevllle Hardware Company. A RUG COLLECTOR AroundW : That's Why He Was "Took 'up" by the Police ., - ARTICLES INCLUDED A CRAZT QUILT WITH THE MOTTO J' A PURE HEART." Anyone standing In need of ruga, quilts, lap robes, calico dresses, socks, towels or quilt pieces will do well to call at city ball. The police depart ment Is carrying a full line of these ar ticles today. And thereby hangs a tale. Friday night between the hours of 1 and 2, Patrolman Chappell met a man on Roberts street in whom he was in terested. It was Blanton Thacker, of color, known In the regions ' round about Roberts street as "Candy." Div ers and sundry chickens have been missing from time to time, and Mr. Chappell has long wanted to consult with "Candy" about those chickens, but he is modest and keeps out of the way of the police and the officer knew that if any inquiries were made as to "his whereabouts "Candy's" , retiring disposition would impel him to leave the city. In the uncertain light Mr. Chappell noticed that Thacker carried what seemed to be a gray, oblong, cylindri- cal body under his arm. "What you got there?" Queried the policeman. "Why, hello! Is dat you, Mr. Chap pell?" asked he of the saccharine pseu donym.; -"What you got, I say?" "Who, me? I ain't got nothin' eept dls here." "What's in that bundle?" sternly de-r manded the policeman. "Ohf dls. Why. dls here dese dese is some rugs what I was a fotchin' home wld me." .' . "Whtre'd you get 'em?" "What, dese rugs? I bought 'em." "Bought ?em when?'5 , "I done bought 'em let's see, 'bout two months ago." , "I beeirwantlng to have a talk with you, Candy," said Mr. Chappell; "come along." A man was sent to the prisoner's domicile and found more . rugs. The news of his arrest spread, by means of that mysterious system Of mental telegraphy which exists among the negroes. Early yesterday morning a denlseh of Roberts street appeared at police headquarters with some rugs. "Candy lef dese here at my house," he said. 'I'm 'spicious he mout er stole 'em somewhars." "Candy seems to be makln' a, collec tion of rugs," remarked a policeman. One " article after another was brought in from the Roberts street neighborhood, and this morning the ' collection inventoried as follows: rite, rugs, with fringe. Two rugs, without. One pair of trousers, no longer new. Two buggy rugs One homemade door mat. One white bearskin rug. One figured splasher. One striped gingham apron. One black calico drees, separable. One blanket. Two sheets. Two towels on which 'impressions have been taken. One craxy quilt with motto "A Pure Heart." One red calico waist. One counterpane. One lap robe. One lady's cloak cape. : V. Sundry other artloles. Some of the goods have been claimed. 9 f 9 9999999999 9 999 FORECAST till p. m. Tuesdays Rain tonight and Tuesdays The additions to the auditorium fund today aggregated 1185. The Men's Outfitter has received a sample hat that is to be put out as a campaign offering. The sample has a fine portrait imprint of C. B. Ay-cock. W. A. Mitchell, formerly salesman at Keeling Bros'., on Patton avenue, has taken a position as traveling agent with the Mustln-Robertson com pany, wholesale grocers. V' The aldermanlc street committee, composed of Messrs. West, Waddell and Rawls, will meet In the city hall at 8:30 this evening to hea.' all parties en the street railroad franchise ques tion. . ! Lawn and Porch Goods. U The board of trustees of Washington and Lee university invites The Cltl ten to be present at the dedication of the new law building to the memory of John Randolph Tucker, Thursday, June 19, at Lexington, Va; The Citizen has received from Miss Rosa Hemphill an invitation, to attend the (Commencement exercises of Hol brook Normal college, Fountain ' City, Tenn.. June 10 to 15. Miss Hemphill Is the valedictorian of the graduating class. The Pastors' association of Aslujvllle will hold its regular meeting tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at Dr. R. F. Campbell's study on Church street. All pastors of the city and visiting preachers are invited and urged to be present. ' 2 Marlon Democrat: Blanton Bros received an order this week from a lady in Porto Rico for a pair of shoes, The lady formerly resided In 'Ashe- villa, and was, a patron of J. v. Blan ton. senior member of the firm Blan ton Bros., While he was in business there. The Ashevllle Library association has received a much appreciated gift from Mrs. Aston in the following books: ."Decline and Fall of the Ro man Empire," Bacon's essays, Lamb's essays. Homer's "Iliad." Monette's "Discovery of the Valley of the Mis slsmppl" and others. The Ladies' Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will mejet at the home of Mrs. H. N Lock- wc&d, in Victoria, Tuesday afternoon, June 12. The ladles are requested to take the BUtmore car which leaves the postofflce at 3:40. All members of the congregation and visitors are in vlted. , A reader suggests that the. 'man agement of the Ashevllle Street Rail road comDariv furnish ice water .for the large crowds that go to ' Lookout nark Sundays. It would cost little, he argues, and would prove a boon to the thirsty people, many of whom cannot reach the well that now furnishes wat ert r It would be a paying card for the company, he adds iflie Charlotte News says: The state T. M. C. A. has been desirous for some time of opening an association at Syancer, but did not see Its way clear without the help of the Southern. Pro fessor Hanna. president of the Char lotte association, today received a let ter from State Secretary Knebel. say ing that the Southern" ha agreed to make a contribution of 1600 toward the furnishing of an association at Spen cer; ana to give iw per moma to wards the current expenses. Miss Marie Knlbloe of Boston, who Is lo appear at the old library build in Wednesday evening, is said to Be a humorous impersonator and whistler of great ability. A Richmond paper says of her entertainment: "It ' was bright, witty and entertaining, and was an unexpected surprise 10 our nonnl who are so often disappointed ini.uch entertainment" The Boston WAr.ld save: "Miss Marie Knlbloe, our own Marie.' was the bright par ticular atar of the evening. What more needs be said?" 1 MILL WRECKED. Felmet's mill at WilleU's. station, Jaekson county, was,' wrecked Satur day; but fortunately none of the. mill operatives was nun, . dent was caused by, a defective couiv linf on the engine, pieces of , which we1e hurled from the buildlns for a distance of 30 yards. a svimet. formerly of Bun- ' SERVICE AT TRINITY hZorof the mil1, 1,heret0 "SEASON'S FIRST CONCERT. The First regiment band's first con- .k. u.,nn win be ilven on pmirt sauare this evening at 8:30 There are 18 members under the loader hrr of Frank Campbell, sow cornev lstf Chetopa, Kan. -Somerecent-ad-rftHnn.. are J. C. Lumsden of Raleigh, drummer: John Stewart of War. r hnritone. and Mr. Hocking of I Clli '-' Kiwsvtlle. alio. at We have many styles and -equalities in these goods. Our stock of the "Ojd, Hickory" is complete. ;.- . Nothing more durable than the "Old Hickory." W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. Furniture, Carpets, Etc . ' : , 16 Patton Avenue, 7 THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY.1 ! Is the shortest way to tell the story of the BICYCLES WE SELL. We have studied the bicycle trade for several years, and selected only those whose reputation was "Al" and whose prices were right, to sell to our cus tomers. . t Be guided by our experience, and we think you will find that you receive full value for your money t ,;..,,..; - Remember we are always here to protect our customers here to stay. ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO 18 and 20 Church St Phone 228. ; Anything for a Wheel MATTING V Aakin Home Cosy Is easy and costs very little if you get into the right store. We can furnish every room, from kitch- ' en to parlor, with good reliable furniture," and at , prices which will surprise you if you've never been here before. If anything is bought here which doesn't wear-well we'll thank you for telling us; It is our indention to live tip to our advertisements ( in spirit and in letter M THE EMPORIUM, Patton Aye- Quisisana Nature - Cure Sanitarium, 167 French Broad Ave, Ashevllle. N. C. Latest German meth ods. No medicine. Ni operatlona We assist nature to cure the pa tient by: Proper diet sun-baths, air-baths. massage, Swedish movements, prescribed exercise, baths, packs, etc. All diseases treat ed. Treatment in and out of the Sanitarium. Classes In Swedish movement dally. i& sS3KSito- Ir-raTOH : Ja7.X - 71 J A t V- "" ta ). YOU WANT THE. VERY BEST HOSE BUY OUR CHICAGO . ELECTRIC The largest stock to he fpundin Western North arolina at reasonahle prices. Remember we lay your goods and sell any amount you may want, and we claim to be prompt. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. Notice to Property 'Owners. rNcoM SAWYER'S CARPET HOUSE. : .-J 20 omh st Phone 228 DO YOU WEAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS AND STRAW HATS? If you do and want any, come and see our lines from 50 cts. up. We know we can please you, as we have every thing you have ver seen or heard of in these lines. The Whitlock ClotMng House, No. 41 Patton AvnucC .1 Z SPECIAL ORDINATION SERMON PREACHED BY REV. CHURCHILL SATTERLEE. The special ordination service at Trinity church yesterday morning was , of especial interest and was well at tended.. The aermon was preached by Rev. Churchill Batterlee. The pre sentation of deacons followed, and was by Rev. J. A. Deal. The dea cons were Marshall Grant Ledford and David T. Johnson. Rev. W. F. Rice was ordained priest, and the presenta tion was by Rev. Jarvts Buxton litany was read by Rev. J. C gate and the epistle by Rev Ferris..- , This was followed by" the examina tion and ordination of deacons, a gos pel lesson and the exhortation and ex amination of the priest. The order of the remainder of the service was; Silent prayer. Venl Creator prayer,- ordination of priest, creed, offertory, regular amnion service continued. The Win- Charles TW and irirls' Books Mf V J W r- one-half publishers' price Morgan's Book Store. , .; L Now is the time to fill up your library, when you can get Books at one-nan puoiibneii SSS ofc'oT. priqe. Morgan's Book Store. and HARE BROTHERS-; FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBAUMERS 27 NORTH MAIN ST. Up Stairs. Telephone No. 51 U CENTS. S. E. Cor. Court Square. . . 'Phone W. , VoodbiaVs Rubber. LMk ftool)n PiW se. m mwn uwn mw MMSMuaac, TO INCREASE THE FROM HOUSES First consideration should be a per feet roof. Use WOODBURY'S RUB BER ELASTIC ROOFINO PAINT, the best roof preservative manufac tured. It protects metal and shingle roofs, never cracks, never washes off. is water proof, prevents rust and cor rosion. Vwdbnrj's Rubber Elastic Cement 1 For repairing leaks about chimneys, coping, skylights, windows, gutters will not run or crack. Phone in. It Costs Less f It? !v. i i isaJt'i iTIl To have plumbing a done right, whetherf itT; repairs or new fr'i work. T. 1 iWe.do it. right be-k r i- ' . - - l m came we know1 how,"- nr. i i v.- 'Ft e Know uow 'vsMiibinj- cause it's our busi ness to know how. Wa0lilllilllllllil'fl""llS"',W"llli I . ; rL"..-- 1 BALL & SHEPPARD, 4 Pattoh Ave. Why let your Stoves O and Ranges go to Hack WHEN THEY CAN BE MADE AS GOOD AS NEW BY... Only think of it! Two thous and dollars worth of valuable Books at one-hilf publishers' price Morgan's Book Store. ' SYMPATHETIC STRIKE. All the union carpenters, bricklayers TdnHtoitora. nlumhera and lathers em ployed by ContractorHugtll in Biltmore and Victoria quit work the latter part of last week. The action was taken on account of sympathy with the striking painters. On Jobs "where no non-union men have been employed, the unloh men are at work, as usual. Mr. Hugill stated to The Citizen to day that more than half the men who have been employed on his contracts are at work and that he expects the full force to be at work Wednesday morning. , SPECIAL NOTICES TOO LATE TO CLiAS&ir a. please May keep LOST-On Saturday, between Beau- .nuftre. Purse containing muni ,. , mnnov and cards. Finder w ill leave It at Citizen office the money. WANTED More improved and un improved properties, both in city and suburbs, to sell. I now have panle. desiring to purchase homes ti anu near Ashevllle. who will pay all cash provided prices are right. Those having durable real estate to sell should ad Jw, or call on A. J. Lyman, offices J3 Church street. We are distributors for C. D. Gregg T-ja Coffee Co.'s celebrated brands of roasted coffee of St. Louis, Mo, Try them. Clarence Sawyer. WAXTED Horse and cantaptor Its keep; very ngni arums own ami best of guaranteed Wanted. n!o, to rent a He bnb s , conch from a nice family, nefrrenres e,trhand. Addre.s C. Cltlsan. 6-9Jtf. BARUEY MALT ! We desire to call yoyr attention to the appended result or a cnemicai analysis "recently made of CHASE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKY, by the recognized highest authority in the United States upon analytical chemis try, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. v., dean of the medical faculty of Tale University and state cnemisi or ton neCtlCUt'YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. New Haven, Conn. Messrs. E. H. Chase & Co.. Louisville, oentlemen: Inclosed you will find the results of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase's Barley Malt , Whisky which you recently sent to me. - These results show it to be a whlflcy of good alcoholic strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no trace of the m.t.li rnnner. lead and lino. In my opinion Chase's Barley Malt Whisky Is, on account of its absolute purity, an excellent article for medclnal use. io iiuiy, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. Conn. State Chemist. r-vm!.1 T nhnrntnrv. July 21. 1890. Result of a chemical examination of a sample of Chase's Barley Malt wms- key. 100 cubic centime comum; Alcohol. 81.96 cub. cent, or 4.32 grams. Residue on evaporation ...... 0.51 ' Non-volatile matter or Ash... 0.01 F-ee acid, as acetic acid ...... O.M oA..MTtr knriisa. ii dextrose 0.23 III, I Tannin trace on,y t..t. HWRRirnT E. SMITH. M. D. Th facts commend the CHASE BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not onlv to the public, who seek a superior Whls irw hut also to the members of the nrofesslon in their practice, Th -nnmimntlve will find It most beneficial, as It strengthens the Lungs, haka the want In of tissues, and re- liovm the severity .of coughing. The iivnntie will find it an aid to dlges tinn it relieves the stomach when oppresed with gas. It builds up the teelltf and stimulates the system against malarial attacks. For sale only ny . FRANK O'DONNELL, 34 S. Main St, Ashevllle, N U i; PALMIST. Consult Orvls, the palmist, he will give you perfect satisfaction; tells you what iOudo when in doubt as to what course to take t in business matters, etc. No fortune tellers; uses no cards nor papers, but gives you an outline of your whole life. Trance sittings also given. Private circles held, at your own home for parties of 20 or more. Advice on all matters of- life. Prices (0;. and $1, for a short time only. 100 Hayood:Stj, Ashllle, N. C.i Col ored people seen by appointment only. e-B'diwk " ' . -rrr. : : For Sin Writing and j Carriage Painting:.. J IT WILL .PAY YQU TO SEE " H..JH,pC,rING J AT No. 2 COLLEGE STREET f i our recommendation, s J. P. BABINGTON NO. 3 PRACTICAL STOVE DOCTOR EAST COURT SQUARE. PHONE NO. 628. Thai makes a hot, lasting fire 1 that leave but few ashes, that costs no more than elate coal Is v S the kind we tell. Ashevllle Wood & Coal Co."v ) n. M. Rameey, Pro- r C 'Phone 123- 7 ? Offlo 1 W. Ceurt'-Sq- High grade work guaranteed. Hi,, MrV 1 nil. MnAmmatiflotlj.M Cummin an gwine Or.'ln other words, barely stop ping In our store, expresses the condition of our goods. We don't keep goods, but ws do sell them. Latest Arrivals Olives, . . . 30c. bottle Georgia Cane Syrup, . 30c. Ia 1-2 gallon cans. Mee w'lodowi. ReKpectfutly, H. C. JOHNSON 89 PATTON AVENUE. We save you trouble when giving you railroad checks at your house for your baggage. Leave your order. Show your railroad ticket to Asheville Transfer Co. Office with Uptown Ticket Office Phone 210 J. A. TENNENT,, - Architect and Contractor, Jobbing and Repairs Promptly Attended to SOUTH COURT SQUARE. For the lawn's sake.. You need a good lawn mower and hose. sjwMMMMesMsaees therefore the cheapest. BROWN; NORTHUP & CO., 33 PATTON AVENUE