4 THE ASnEYILLE DAILY CITIZEN TUESDAY. JUNU 13, I: J. The Asheville Citizen. BT THE CITIZEN COMPANY. Every Afternoon Except Sunday One Tear , 14-60 tlx Months i S.OO Three Months 1.00 On Month, in advance 40 On Week, to carriers 10 The Semi-Weekly Cltlsen Is Issued Tuesdays and Fridays. In advance, ft. TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1900. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS nd changes for pages 2, 3, 6 and 7 thouid be in tme onice ny m a. m. For pages 1,4, S and 8 by 12 noon. Unless these hours are observed changes cannot be Insured for the day they arc brought in. This Date In History June 19. ITS lltjor Offiml Nathinael Green, bare of tlx KeyoliiUonary wu, dltd at MuIlMrry Oror, Ua. 1TM Hlchard Henry L, prnidmt et en time of eongrea and th Brit to introduce raaolu ttona lor independence, died; born 1781 Lea viforoual defended tb resolution againat th atamp act introduced bjr Patrick Henry. Ha . araa a delegate to the Continental congrra from Virginia la 1774 and "atgner" of tha Declaration when prepared. He opposed tha federal conatltutlon, but aerved hla atat In tb national Muni alter the constitution went Into elect. 1IM Battle ol the Kearurge and Alabama off Cherbourg, Kraut. 1W7 Haiimilian, titular emperor of Mexico, waa ahot at Ouerturo by tha republic m; born 1831 Maximilian waa a brother ol Kmperor Franila Joneph ol Auatrla. Ha had been de aired aa to tit roal aituatlon to Mexico, and on aMumlng th imperial dignity offered by a delegation of notable found bitter oppoei. tlon at th band of tha Liberal. He wa taken priaoner alter a aliarp battle at Quere taro and executed In retaliation for hla haras decree agalnut Mexican! who reaiated hla au thority. Zraloua efforti wer mad by Influ ential Europi-ana and Ainericana in Mexico te a th Iff of th baploaa print. KM Charlea Augtutua tlobart (llobart Paaha), Turkldi admiral and anarahal, died at Milan. 1197 General Green P. Garner, a veteran of th Mexican and civil war, died la Chicago; bora U14. The sergeant at arms of the Repub lican convention at Philadelphia re joices In the name Bwords. He Is not the one that U hanging over the head of the g. o. p., but It seems that Swords should prove the proper thing (or a party that hat gone wild over militarism. Who la this man Roosevelt, belm talked of ao persistently for McKln ley's running mate? How did he get Into the performance? Wasn't It un derstood all along that Senator Prltch ard waa to have second place? The North Carolina Republicans endorsed him, and It was natural to suppose that an expression from so distinguished a crowd as the Tarheel Radicals would be acted upon at the first opportunity. And, too, there Is Senator Prltchard's Influence with the administration that was expected to help In pulling him on the ticket. This Hough Rider governor would better be careful the Madison boys'll get him If he don't watch out. If the anti-amendment officeholder seek to attack the amendment and make the negro's vote as good as the white man's, they mum answer to the people, for they cannot deprive the white nmn of his vote. Come to Asheville. When days rest of the have the sultry summer come, the hot year, the eyes of thouaantla In warmer climes turn to Asheville the city where the skeeters never trouble and the nights bring sweetest rest. Asheville a doors are open to all who want to come there la neither lock nor latchatrlng, and the visitor has only to enter and make himself at home. He will rind the love liest country on earth a wealth of scenery and a climate that must charm him. He will And Asheville's streets In better shape than when he was here last year, with Haywood and Chestnut paved, and several of the drives Im proved under the direction of the Good Roads association. He will And elec trie lamps to shed light upon his path way unleaa he wanders out of sight of tnem or tne water in Hominy runs very low. He will find one of the best treet car systems In the south to transport him to any quarter of the City except that portion of South Main between Town branch and Mc Dowell street. He will And hotels and boarding houses galore, from which he may take hla pick houses such as any resort of the ftrat-class would be proud. To be sure, for all of this a fee Will be aaked, "to defray current ex penses," but he will expect that, be lieving that fair exchange Is no rob bery. And when he arises In the morn ing from slumber (hut has not been disturbed by the terrifying song of the mosquito or the nightmare Heat he will feel a thrill of the new life that he came to secure. Asheville wants to give everybody an experience of this kind, and she has donned her daintiest summer costume to Welcome them. ' Prof. Holton and his distinguished Side, Abe Mlddleton, should soon have from those census takers who were do ing their bidding facts sufficient to show them the size of the majority by which the white men of North Caroli na are going to ratify the suffrage amendment. Life Insurance. Some Idea of the magnitude of the amount distributed through the medl om of life Insurance may be had from a perusal of the figures printed In the insurance Press of New York, which tdyes tables showing what was paid at In 4000 cities and towns of the Uni ted States In 1899. It Is stated that the middle states are the heaviest patrons of life Insurance, the central states oming next. The distribution In the middle states last year aggregated 70.4 millions of dollars; In the central states S3." millions; In the New Eng land states 25.1 millions; In the south l$.'t millions; In the west 14 millions, and In the Pacific states 7.S millions. A majority of the death claims are small, less than 10 per cent, of the whole number being amounts of $10,000 or more. The table devoted to North Carolina shows the total payments for the year to have j been $1,217,870. Charlotte leads, with $150,490. Asheville's totf was $35,000, Raleigh $85,000. Wilming ton $67,233, Rockingham, $70,450, Greensboro $45,650. Durham $35,125. The total of claims paid In the United States and territorial possessions and m Canada was $185,821.1(9. The Insurance Press' compilation Is a valuable piece of work. A reader suggests that the evange list who announced his subject as "A Hot Time" and preached from a brim stone text would have had greater success If he had constructed Ills' ser mon on the Hebrew children and the fiery furnace. Beautiful School Rooms, It Is pleasant to record that the ef forts for beautifying the public school rooms In Asheville are attracting at tention abroad. The North Carolina Journal of Education says: "It would be difficult to find more beautiful school rooms thun those of the public schools of Asheville. Large, high-pitched, well lighted, tinted walls, pictures and statuary tastefully dis posed In rooms and halls, these school buildings are suitable homes for the children during school hours. Pictures and statuary to the value of more than $500 have been added since last fall. Nor has less attention been given to health and comfort. Heating, ventila tion, cloak rooms and other necessi ties and conveniences have received attention. The result Is the people are beginning to be proud of their school houses and are willing to do all that Is needful." ONE OF THE BEST IN THE PHILIPPINES 29TH INFANTRY BAND UNDER PROF. COB'S LEADERSHIP. The Cttlsen's Raleigh correspondent sends the following, which Is taken from the Manila Freedom of May 1 and refers to a former resident of Ashe ville: "Th members of the Twenty-ninth Infantry band received a regular ova tion last evening on the Luneta. The medley, composed of old southern airs, was heartily applauded, as were the other popular airs. In each Instance an encore was demanded, and Chief Musician Charles Coe cheerfully re sponded. The reception, given to Mr. Coe's own composition, with national airs 'From Reveille to Taps', was so well described that even at mess call grumblings of 'natural born kickers' were heard, which wound up by a lot of tins, presumably a soldier mess kit, being thrown at the cook. Soldiers swarmed around the bandstand and yelled themselves hoarse at this part of the program. Needless to say, tt had to be repeated. When one consid ers how many of the men had no knowledge of music at the outset, it reflects very great credit on the pa tience and skill of Director Charles Coe, who, through his persistence, has now, made his band one of the leading ones In the Philippines. VbIic Worltanea, Interest and euthuslasm still con tinue among the members of the order In Missouri, and the grand recorder la receiving ninny npplleatlous for bene ficiary certificates. The grit ml lodge of Massachusetts bag decreased Its expeuses for the coming year by JB.flOO. 8luct the organisation In 1S70 the grand lodae of Missouri hits paid to beneuciurles $,800, 123.07. The social feature- of the order has not, lost Its hold upon the members of the city lodges, nuil so fraternity con tinues lo go hand lu bund lu the work of protection. Quebec, one of the Cutimllnn Jurisdic tions, got along last year on eight as sessments under the clnsxIMed plan. ..... . . ' i ; i: ; ir:::i il to s! Hill riues III ( l:ivw;v it 'U j.'.tlt .'(';::!: Add ciio; butter or Ir:ii!nts. want r riock io nair cover Hie incut. tw, carrots cut lu siloes, two turnips, s bunch of snvory herl s, an onion and sufficient pepper and salt to season rather highly. Let all simmer Very slowly for nearly two hours; thon re move the meat to a hot platter, sur round It with tha vegetables, strain the ststt, xmoTo tb fat, thicken it an4 pour around It Ba.ring Povyder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakkav femitn at tbs greatest menaemto nsanhof the present day, MOWat OfaMMO lMf)M OO. , MV TOML Notice to Consumers Using Lawn Sprinklers. All persons caught using lawn sprinklers other than the hours pre scribed by the city council will be ar rested and fined $5.00 for each and ev ery offense. The hours for lawn sprink ling are from 6 to 8 p. m. Pave wash from 6 to S a. m. This is the only notice you will receive. W. E. RANKIN, Superintendent. IMPORTANT ! This is to notify all prop erty owners and tax payers of the city of Asheville that under penalty of the law, you are required to list for taxation, during the month of June of each and everv year, all your property, both real and personal (except twenty-five dollars worth of personal property which is exempted by law). All male persons over twenty-one years of age and under fifty, are required to list for poll tax. The undersigned list takers can be found in com missioners' room in Court House. R. J. STOKELY. jne im M. J. BEARDEN. Wood's Seeds. Seed Potaioes For Planting in June or July. We liuve a huge quantity of late Seed Potatoes which were put into cold stor age t arly in the season, so as to keep them mipprouted and in first class vigo rous condition for late planting in June or July. Heretofore, the principal ob stacle to planting late potatoes success fully has been in procuring sound and vigorous stock late enough to plant, so its to insure the maturity of the crop in the cooler rainy season of the fall. We tulvise our customers to place their orders ahead, otherwise our supply may be exhausted. Shipment can be made at such time as eustonie-s are ready to plant. Write for prices nd Descriptive Circular, whk-h fives full Information about all Seasonable Seed. Oerman Millet, Cow Peaa, !eti.lnt, 5orgbuni. Buckwheat, etc. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. i m jo. jo. rvi a rvi a . ' 'ia a czr k a r a -vm. t is j jijf $ , "im -a. a as 11 trCAVJsLir ii - 1 rVXJ''Lr it KKCJUflPllUN F 1 J DEPARTMENT fTM 1 (Entrance on Haywood Street Side,) j I I L Phone 260 ' I Public P 471 It makes coffee quickly. Makes it with less coffee. V 'Tis always alike, thereby saving worry and disappointment. The price is ONE QUART, -TWO QUART -THREE QUART, - GREER 53 Patton Avenue. 'VVV?VtVV-'SVtVVS For no reason... Is Asheville more pre-eminent than on account If Its fine cli mate all the year round. It is America's first resort, because perennially Invigorating. It Is the same way with Asheville's famous product Wheat Hearts. It Is the first breakfast food for all the year; It Is always In vigorating. WHEAT-HEARTS Is prepared for serving In two minutes, because we've milled the wheat, roasted the gluten, and converted the starch to dextrine before It reaches you. WHEAT-HEARTS makes a , y tempting dish with which noth. ' ing else compares. If you but try It once you'll understand why "It'Swheat-Hearts We Want." THE Wheat Hearts Com piny ASHEVILLE. N. C. PRUDENCE S. DRESSER Teacher of Plano" Harmony and Theory. Graduate, with honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston. The only teacher of piano in Asheville who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or College ot Music. Terms 60 cents a lesson. Beginners received on violin. 69 Charlotte StreetLayS StlldiO.. - - i cold more Opposite the Postoffice : ECONOMY. $1.00 1.25 1.50 500 Will buy everything that has been In stock here over 30 DAYS. This, then, with the fact that we sell almost three times this amount each week, not only commends us, but practically in sures you against stale or out of date goods. We never have to sell below cost to get the trade to absorb our blunders or use something unwholesome. Respectfully, H. C. JOHNSON 89 PATTON AVENUE. Why Our Photographs Are the Best... First, because we have all the mod ern apparatus necessary to turn out good work. The skylight is important and ours Is the best that can be made; has that soft, easy, regular northern light, making It easier for us to al ways make good portraits. Our operator, Mr. Ray, understands his business and has both skill and taste In posing and lighting. He Is up to date and uses all the latest Ideas for fine work. Everything about our photographs harmonizes. The mounts are correct and suit the picture. You can recognise our pictures at sight. There's a certain something about them that distinguishes them from ordinary work. PRING WATER... Caught from a stream gushing from the gray rocks of a mountain side isn't finer or thirst-quenching than our summer drinks. Special today-GRAPE LEMONADE. THE PARAGON Our Kin-Hcc Quick ' ' ' Coffee Pot will Save you Time Coffee ' and Worry WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCERIES 3ARLEY MALT! We desire to call your attention to the appended result of a chemical analysis recently made of CHASE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKY, by th recognized highest authority In tbt United States upon analytical chemis try, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D dean of the medical faculty of Yals University and state chemist of Con necticut. YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. New Haven, Conn. Messrs. E. H. Chase' & Co., Louisville, Gentlemen: Inclosed you will find the results of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase's Barley Malt Whisky which you recently sent to me. These results show it to be a whisky of good alcoholic strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no trace of the metals, copper, lead and tine. In my opinion Chase's Barley Malt Whisky Is, on account of Its absolute purity, an excellent article for medclnal use. Yours truly. HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. Conn. State Chemist. Chemical Laboratory, July 2L 1890. Kesuit or a chemical examination Ot a sample of Chase's Barley Malt Whls- sey. loo cubic centlmers contain: Alcohol. 61.06 cub. cent, or 4.32 grams. Residue on evaporation 0.61 " Non-volatile matter or Ash... 0.01 " F.ee acid, as acetic acid 0.04 " Reducing bodies, as dextrose 0 21 Tannin a trace only Attest: HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. These facts commend tha CHASE! BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not only to me puDiic, wno seek a superior Whis ky, but also to the members of the medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will find it most beneficial, as it strengthens, the Lungs, checks the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity of coughing. The dyspeptic will find It an aid to diges tion, as it relieves the stomach when oppressed with gas. It builds up the feelle and stimulates the system against malarial attacks. For sale only by e FRAK O'DONNELL, 34 S. Main St Ashavlll. M. C. $ $ & : Prescriptions our Specialty 0 ::

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