Tins ASIIEYILLE DAILY CITIZEN. TUESDAY, JUNE 13. 1S0O. iiif. ; 1 i t I 1, i i.y f ) ' n. m i '. i; J,- i , . !; f i 'v . . h: PRESERVATION OF THE FORESTS OF WESTERN A. C. Essay on the Appalachian National Park, BY MISS AGNES C. PATTON OF . THE NORMAL AND COLLEGI ATE INSTITUTE. The following Is the graduating es say read by MIm Agnes C. Patton of Athevllle at the close of the Normal and Collegiate Institute term last week, her subject being "The Appa lachian National Park" The forest land of the United States Is owned in three separate ways: First, by the government, to which belong the reserved and unreserved forests of the public land states; second, by some of the states; and third, by private owners. The private lands exceed in area those owned by the government and the states combined. Often the private forests, as other individual property are held for the returns they yield re gardless of their age and growth. The lands held by the government or the states are under certain legal laws which protect ihelr forests from denud ation. - These reserves occupy the poorer sections on which agriculture or pas turage does not pay. The cultivation of the soli raises it to the highest use to mankind. The land which cannot be cultivated is that which Is purchas ed for a reservation or national park. The cost Is very small because of the rough condition. Here Mother Nature is given full sway, the forest . ielng, as it were, her kingdom with an undisturbed reign. The park reserves :re pleasure resorts for many millions of people who spend the greater part .of their lives, in manufactories and re jpuJiv tenement houses under a smoky sky. The contact with nature drives care away and they return home refreshed and Invigorated, ready for duty. The growth of the practice of out-of-door life throughout the world has been rapidly educating humanity to the value of natural scenery and to Its Charm. The American people are be ginning to see the evil effects of denud ation of our beautiful forests. Unless these forests me brought under gov ernment laws the destruction will con t'nue, r' The government has given millions ol tiullars to the development of the Yel lowstone park In the west and parks for the north, but where is the park hi ths east? The American people are em phatically health and pleasure seekers. Ths many millions living east of the Mississippi river demumt and deserve that their government should' make some adequate provision whereby they can successfully prosecute the search fur health and pleasure. Fur more than a Quarter of a century the people of the south huve been discussing the paramount advantages that would fol low tlm establishment of u park in the east. It would make permanent expert care of our wonderful forests, the pres ervation and Increase of gurnet he con struction of imicailamlzcd rimcls to all points of Interest. The park would In fluence wealthy cltlsens to build their homes In the section which would lend to the upbuilding of all outlying towns ml villages. Travelers exclaim over the rmble parks of the old world with their broad spansp of the greenest of grass trim med to a perfect sod. a veritable carpet of velvet, ornamented by the mighty oaks, enlivened by many herd of fat deer, descendants no doubt from the famous buck and doe on which bold I? bin Hood displayed his uVcher skill. " hy should beauty's charms belong o:.ly to the old world?" Is there any v, l!d reason why we should not have l.i:ks equally as beautiful? liecldedly. ni,, for there Is every reason why ours should. In a few years, surpass In at tl'U'tlons even the best of those across tUo water. Where Is any description of a Euro pean park which contains such a wealth of nature's treasures as the Southern Appalachian range in West ern t'arollna? A park within which Is a mighty uplift like the Hlack moun tains, the Smoky. Hoan, Toxaway or any of (he hundred others from which we could select to make the central at traction of our park. Surely there Is to be found no dashing streams of wa ter so pure and sparkling as continu ously nush from the riven rocks of these beautiful mountuins. A few years ano the deer, the turkey, the pheasant and many other kind of gmne were abundant here and will be again, if allowed to dwell unmolested In this their native habitat. All this has a bountiful nature provided fur the peo ple and If it be not enjoyed to the full, the fault lies not at nature's door, but wltn us who are permitting these de lights to he squandered. No nobleman of England ever owned so grand a natural park as did once the red man In Western Carolina. To the Indian It Is lost forever, but our ef fort and prayer shall be that It be pre served to the white man. No other portion of our country Is so rich In flora as this part of the Appalachian range. Here are mountains 6W) feet In altitude, all clothed In virgin forests to the summit, Intersected by deep alleys, beautiful lakes, rlvs-rs. brook ltts and water falls, As ore has said: "It has not the snow clad altitudes of ths Sierra Nevada but here Is a great country of undulating table lands and mighty mountain ranges whose toll Is ' - as productive as the prairies of Illinois. Hers are peaks where Vulcan might forge his thunderbolts, and where the gods of Olympus might sit in council above the clouds. Here are fertile val leys sleeping peacefully beneath the glant cliffs of mountains that rise In majestic grandeur above the storms, watered by crystal streams that break la everlasting melody fresh from the granite of eternal hills; here Is a re gion where winter lingers not, the mountains swell with life at the breath of early spring and clothe themselves In garments of emerald leaf and many tinted flowers; summer sunshine wraps the earth in lustrous woodland, changing to royal robes of autumn, splendors of purple crimson and cloth of gold; transparent waters of rivers and creeks glide and dance and foam over their rocky beds; above them as as arch the arms of giants of the for ests, on their banks the violet, the tiger-lily, the ivy and the laurel breathe perfume as sweet as the odors of the 'lilies of eternal peace.' " The commercial value of the forests of North Carolina is inestimable If maintained. This Is the meeting of the northern trees with the southern. It is the home of the rhododendron. Here are found trees from five to sev en feet in diameter and 140 high. Is not this a virgin forest? Should it not be protected from the axeman's hand? If the forests are allowed to be de stroyed, then our beautiful mountains will be left bare and soon become dry and unattractive. The mountains of Western Carolina are not noted for their great altitudes and snow caps, but for their abundant flora. The Rocky mountains rise to great helghtB, but In many places are entirely bar ren, while those of the Appalachian range are verdure clad to the very summit. With the denudation of the forests the climate changes and becomes as the climate of a desert. In the early history of Palestine, the land of the Bible, the country was very abundant In flora; especially In early spring It Is said to have been marvelously beauti ful. In later years the forests were al lowed to be destroyed and-' now in many places it is almost barren! The beauty was destroyed with the forests. "The scenery of a country Is part not only of Its material but of Its spiritual heritage. It Is impossible to destroy the work of God without taking a little of God out of It." Deforested land land particularly In a mountainous country, Is the direct cause of destructive tloods. The Interference and absorp tion by the trees distributes and regu lates the rainfall. In dry seasons the trees protect and hold back the evapo ration of the Innumerable and minute tributaries to the springs, water courses and rivers, thus regulating and preserving the water supply, without which regulation no region can long remain profitable or attractive. The forest acts us a source of national health. The climate of the Blue Ridge plat eau Is superior to any country known for Its health abroad. The geographi cal situation and the geological forma tion are peculiarly adapted for a health resort and Is preferred by many to the famous climate of southern France, Switzerland and the Rhine valley. Ma laria is unknown. The germs of tuber culosis cannot live in the mountain air purified with the odors of the balsam and the pine. What country o:in be compared with this, "The Innd of the Hky," "The Mecca of Health and Won derland"? "Oh, proudly then the forest kings Thelr.banners lift o'er vale and mount. And cool and fresh the wild grass springs, Hy lovely path, by sylvan fount." PRESIDENT BARNARD N APPOINTS COMMITTEES FdR THK ASHKVILLB WHIT 10 SU PREMACY CLUB. President A. S. Ilarnurd of the White Supremacy dub announces the ap pointment of the following commit tees: On bylaws I.. M. Bourne, John Y Jordan, J. H. Brooks. On speakers Charles A. Webb, J. P. Kerr, J..C. Wallace. On hall-B. M. Jones, T. It. Harrison, Z. F. Cuitls. On membership first precinct, A. R. Ogburn. J. K. Gudger; second precinct, Marable Erwin, T. K. Wllson;thlrd pre cinct. M. A. Creasman, N. A. Collins; fourth precinct, Octave Battle, N. A. Reynolds; tlfth precinct. J. V. Jay, James Ransom; sixth precinct, A. J. Karrar, Dr. K. 11. Glenn. These ciuiimlttees are requested to report at n meeting of the club Friday evening at S:S0 o'clock. DAVIDSON COLLEGE DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA SIXTY-FOURTH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 6TH Classical Scientific COURSES OFFERED FOR A.B.. B.S., AND A.M. Terms moderate. Laboratories complete. Gymnasium equipped. Send for a Catalogue. TAX SALE. By virtue of the tax list of the city ol Ashevllle for the year 1859, in the hands of the undersigned, as collector of taxes of said city for collection, and by virtue of the statute and law pro vided for the collection of taxes the undersigned will on Monday, the th day of July, 1900, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door In the city of Ashe vllle, aforesaid, In the manner and upon the terms by law prescribed for sale of land for such purposes, the UciiiualU; u-viitlo-ci lata an J r-l estate, said taxes being due and having remained unpaid within the time prescribed by law, and the per sons whose names appear opposite the same being the respective persons in whose name the same was listed, tr should have been listed for taxation. Said lots and real estate are situate In the City of Ashevllle, in the County of Buncombe and State of North Caroli na, are described respectively as fol lows: , R. R. Rawls Town lot (SwarinatlOa hotel) on west side of South Main street, adjoining Willow street on the north and Ashevllle Warehouse com pany on the south. Balance of tax $171.37, Alex. Alexander Town lot with res idence on east side of New street, ad Joining lands of R. P. Walker-on the south and William Hill on the north. Tax $7.50. Henry Hamilton Town lot on Gaith er' alley, adjoining lands of Alfred Galther on the east and John Holbert on the west. Tax $ .75, John Lyles Town lot on south side of Curve street, adjoining lands of Pe ter Williams on the east and being lot No. 393 on assessors book lor 1899. Tax $5.25. William Slmonton Town lot on south side of Mountain street, adjoin ing lands of Henry Colley on the west and Matt Cope on the east. Tax $6.75. Susan Brlttaln Town lot on north side of Beaumont street, adjoining lands of T. W. Patton on the east and west. Tax $2.25. John Cathey Town lot on east ride of Pine street, adjoining lands of Geo. Austin on the north and R. H. Bry ant on the south. Tax $9.42. Jasper McClarty Town lot on the south side of Gray street, adjoining: lands of Mrs. Julia D. Shuford on the east and Stephen Byars on the wcet. Tax $5.47. Mrs. Mary Hunt Town lot on the south side of Starnes avenue, adjoin ing lands of Mrs. E. H. Gage on tha west and Grady street on tie east. Tax $S7.50. J L. L. Slagle Town lot with! resi dence and store house on the south side of Patton avenue, adjoining lands of T. D- Johnston on the east and K. von Rue on the west. Tax 1898 and 1899 $220. II. Rebecca Bailey-Town lot on the east side and back from McDowell street, adjoining lands of Charles Bai ley and Charlotte Scales. Tax $4.50. Alex Gardner Town lot on the south side of Phifer street, adjoining lands of Frank Looper on the east and B. C. Carpenter on the west. Tax $11.25. Major J. Hill Town lot on the west side of Roberts street, adjoining lands of Amanda Walker on the noith and W, H. Ballard on the south. Tax $6.50. JNO. A. CAMPBELL, City Tax Collector. MASSAGE AN O PACKS. PROF HDW (ikUNER. 55 South Mai Street Phon 20e Hoio- ..I Office Treatment. rnc """- '" h. m ; 3-4 o. m Ifiiral Lfc'l;;L!3 OF TRUST, L6Sa lKi:iS OF CONYKYA.Wr 81(lkS 'MATTEL MORTGAGES. of All SEARCH WAUn.XNTS, STATE WARRANTS, Kinds K;UTIoN's' j.on8 U Vut Citizen Office J W CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. COPYRICHT8 AND DESIGNS. Send jronr business direct to Washington, saves tlm, costs less, bettor service. My a elow kit Ofto. 7UI prallats MT oaalutloH nai. Attfi to lot to uttl utwt to cm PERSONAL ATTWTIOS BIVSS-H TEAM ACTUAL EXriJUKKOI. Book "Howto.btolm PttoaM," to.. Ml frw. Man Brwmd thraajh I. S. Sifm main tp.cUl ofo, wltfcmt la Un INVENTIVE AGE UlatnM wnUOr-llmaU Ttr-nt, tl . rw p n mnnrnn k c. . Sno co. r K .Mhhrn. sib fst., n. w, iWAtMINQTON, D. C. J Mathematical Literary Biblical Commercial Location healthful. Teaching thorough. J. B. SHEARER President. REAL 5STATP By Weaver cc Alexander, Real Estate fispksra 26 Patton Ave. P. O. Box 24 FOR RENT. Unfurnished House of eight rooms with modern conveniences, including stable; newly painted and kalsomlned; exceptionally well built; central lo cation. $20. Weaver ft Alexander. 40 Unfurnished Delightful suburban home; seven room house; fine garden; small stable; beautiful oak grove; near cars: considerable fruit. $17.50. Wea ver & Alexander, it -see-- Unfurnished House eight rooms, lu good condition; small stable and gard en; near business part of city, on Quiet street; modern conveniences. 120. Weaver ft Alexander. S3 Unfurnished Near terminus' ot Montford car line; five room cottage, In good condition; several acres of land; stable and poultry yard; spring water. Cheap. Weaver ft Alexan der. J! Furnished Splendid house of eight rooms, on Cumberland avenue; modern conveniences; well shaded; a very de sirable place. $50. Weaver ft Alexan. der. 41 Furnished Large and elegant coun try home, four miles from city; mod ern and complete in all respects; lo cated on knoll overlooking river and popular drlVe; splendid stable and outbuildings; has rented $200 to $250 per month; will let much cheaper now. Weaver ft' Alexander. 42 FOR SALE. House and lot At half price; eight room house, splendid condition (cost $2400); lot 60x300 feet (worth $600); near car line and pavement; fine view of mountains, river and railroad. Only $1500. (Terms.) Weaver & Alex ander. 43 Residence lot One one-third acres, half mile from square on paved street; view perfectly grand; two small hous es renting for 10 per cent, of price asked. $1000. Weaver ft Alexander. 84 - Truck Farm 66 acres on Swannanoa river and drive near waterworks; 20 acres cleared; 12 of fine rich bottom: several good springs; fine building sites; good timber. Cheap at $2500. Weaver & Alexander. 44 FOR EXCHANGE, for Improved city property, new 4-room cottage and 1? 1-2 acre land near the proposed University school site. New stable, woedshed, poultry yard and house; 500 grape and 1000 strawberry vines Just set; several varieties fruit trees; Iron mineral spring; lawn beautified by landscape gardener. Value $2000. Wea ver ft Alexander. 45 CITY MARKET. Corrected by Clarence Sawyer, wholesale and retail .grocer. These prices are being paid by the merchants of the city today: Countsy butter 10 to 20 Eggs ., 11 Chickens 12 to 20 Turkeys 50 to l0 Thicks 15 to 20 I'otatoes, Irish to M Potatoes, sweet J1.00 Turnips 25 Onions H0O crate Cabbage;, per pound ...314 Beans, per bushel $2.0 to $2.50 Peas $1.00 to $1.25 Apples $2.00 Apples, dried 3 to 0 Wheat 85 Corn ... 52 Meal 62 Oats , 40 Honey ...12H to 15 Sorghum 20 to 25 Reeswax, per pouns) 20 Hay, ton $18 to $20 Special Notices LITTLE PIG HAMS 15c. aound. IIROGER'S. WA.NTEIV-A hw seated phaeton, canopy top, or a light vehicle, 2 seats, for 1 horse. Address "Phaeton," Citi zen office. dlt. 31 - the "Odorless" Refrigerator. Food will not contaminate in them. For sale by Mrs. L. A. Johnson, 43 Patton avenue. NOTICE All persons indebted to me must come forward and settle Im mediately. Dr. A. Crawford. 6-12-dlwk LADY, good reaa of English or French, wishes engagements to read to Invalids and the sick. Address M. A. S.. care The Cltiien. 1-4-dtf FOR RENT Two, three or five bright new rooms. Just finished; never been occupied; terms reasonable; no rniisumptlves or children taken. 47 Flint st 6-18d2t FOR RENT ONLY A large fine res idence; 16 rooms; furnished; servants' house and carriage house; large grounds; central location. $125 per month. Owner and one daughter will board with renter and allow liberal dis count from rent. Apply to John M. Campbell, Real Estate Agent, No. North Main st. FURNITURE SALE On Wednesday, the 20th, and Thursday, the 21st, of June, 1900, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m at No. 161 North Main street, there will be offered for private sale, at a sacri fice, valuable household furniture, bed room sets, chairs, tables, carpets, etc; also one Jewel six-hole range all In first-class condition. Terms, cash. Mrs. A. T. Easier. 8-16d4U NEW T0NS0RIAL PARLOR! D. STREECE, formerly with R. F. Longbottom has opened a new ton sorial parlor at 62 PATTON AVENUE whsr hs will b ga(j to ssrvs his formtr patrons REAL ESTATE. W1LK1E &. LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers. 23 Patton Avenue. Phone 661 PARTIAL UIST. THIS UST WILL B CHANGED TWICE A WEEK FOR RENT FURNISHED. On Cumberland avenue New modern house of nine rooms; fully furnished. Including linen, silverware, etc; a very desirable place. Price $55 per month for short term or $50 per month for six months or longer. Wllkle ft La Barbt . Ill A completely furnished house 6f sev. en rooms; Just beyond city limits, on car line. A cool and quiet locality; large grounds and garden; horse and buggy Included if desired. $50 per month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 112 A delightful residence on Haywood street; 10 rooms; every modern con venience; elevation and large grounds; house conveniently arranged and com pletely furnished. Price on application. -AVI'.Uie & LaBarbe. 113 A completely furnished residence of eight rooms; half block from car line; all conveniences; piano Included; in eastern part of city. Price $50 per month. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. -114 A completely furnished 10 room house on Montford avenue; near city limits; on car line; stable. $75 per month. wilkie LaBc .e. . 115 a very desirable residence on North Main street; eight rooms, servants' room and basement; all conveniences; completely furnished, except silver and linen Price $75 per month (not less than four months lease) .Wilkie & LaBarbe. V 116 Cottage on Chestnut street: three bed rooms, parlor, reception hall, dlnv lng room, kitchen, bath room; well fur nished. Price $35 per month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 117 A desirably located flat of five rooms, newly and completely furnished; all modern conveniences; good neighbor hood?; on car lfaie. Price for short term $32 per month; six months or longer $30 pe month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 118 CHAJR3E WILKIE & LABARBE A charming suburban residence of seven rooms and servants' house; sta ble; pretty grounds; overlooking Swan nanoa river; excellent well water; complete furnished. Price $40 per month. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 122 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. A new six room cottage in popular residence section; all modern conven iences; 4 Blocks- from poetoffle. Price $25 per month. Wilkie A LaBarbe. 140 A charmtng country Dlace: several miles fronv city: 1 rooms: lara-e grounds. Pulce, Including fuel, $25 per month. Price, including furniture for six rooms ana ruel, $36. Will not rent for boarding house Wllkte ft La Barbe. 141 Large house- (14 rooms) on Patton avenue car line. House is now being put In thorough reneir: shnrtv vrnunrta of four acrea; a lovery home. $50 per montn Dy year. WUkie ft LaBarbe. 104 A well constructed little cottaee of five rooms on lookout mountain ro, line; garden; a cool, qufet little home. $u per mouth. Wilkie & LaDurbe. 105 On Central avenue: eteht room hmiB In good state of repair and convenient ly arranged: city water, bath etc. Price $17.50 per month. Wilkie A modern house of 20 roo.ns; Just be yond city limits; cool and shady loca tion; electric lights and bells; accessi ble to business section by hack line making regular trips; very desirable for boarding house. $50 per month; less by year. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 107 CALIFORNIA FRUITS-Peaches. Oranges, Lemons and Prunes. Thos. W. Fltspatrlck ft Co.;34 North Main street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor; suitable for light housekeeping. Call at 47 Mont ford avenue. 6-i8-d-tf. SUBURBAN board, near golf links, 15 minutes' walk to cars; high ground fine view, new house, choice table. Mrs. Gultlver, Ottari, Box 47. FOR RENT-Very desirable newly furnished rooms; high location; splen did view; one square from postofflce, in vicinity ot several nice boarding houses. 64 Haywood st. 'Phone 288. NOW is the time for spring chicken. We are serving a better meal than ev er, and want you to eat with us. Strawberries and strawberry short cake at Woodlawn. PRIVATE BOARD-Pleasant rooms grate and furnace heat; central, high location: near P. O. Rock Ledge, 62 Haywood street. Mrs. L. V. Cole proprietor. SPECIAL SALE of stamped goods In center pieces, doylies and sofa cush. Ions to make room for some new goods. Mrs. Belle D. Jones, 54 Patton ave nue, Kensington Art school. 5-28-dlm VERY DESIRABLE rooms with board; new house, furnace heated, electric lights and bells, superb view, on paved street, near churches and postofflce. Mrs. F. A. Hull, 103 South Main street $-27-dtf IS THERE a building and loan as sociation or other company that will build a house according to plans of my choice, to be paid for in rent? Ad dress "Home," care The Cltiien. 6-7-dtf. CARPETS-Now, you are changing your furniture, you need a good car pet. I have a good selection in both Brussels and Ingrain to sell at low .gUrt8,":iV Turn. 85 North Main street. 'Phone 226. I BUY and sell anything. I now have for sale one good elevator for two or three atory building, in good condition, with new ropes; capacity four thous. and pounds; four good prise screws and frames complete; one dynamo, ca. paclty five hundred lights; two organs in fin condition, and a lot of house hoM goods. All very cheap.-W. L. Moore, U West Court Square, 'Phone 7e ROOMS FOR RENT. We have furnished and unfurnished rooms in suites of two, three and four in various residence section of the city. Will be pleased to give descrlp. tion and prices upon application at our offlce.-Wllkle ft LaBarbe. xo ') ' " 3 J . MONEY TO LOAN. 1 I ;jj $1000 on Improved city property worth not less than $2500, first mort gage. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 400 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. A very desirable residence on Hay. wood street, near Montford avenue. House Is well built, nine rooms and out, buildings. Lot 120 feet front, 210 feet deep. Price $6500. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. . ' 641 House of nine rooms, Just off Mont ford avenue; furnace, city water and sewer connection; cabin for servants; nice garden. Lot 65x175. Price $2500. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 544 On Hillside street, 12 room house and basement; good well; stable and garden. Lot 76x110. Price $1600. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. (45 The most desirable home with large grounds for sale in Ashevllle. This charming place is within city limit ' and accessible to business section, yet the large shaded grounds make it as quiet and secluded as if in country; orchard and vineyard; large garden; outbuildings. House contains 10 rooms; hardwood floors. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 631 On Bailey street. Well arranged house of 10 rooms; city water; . sewer connection. Lot 60x200. This property can be bought for $2000 and is worth more. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. M0 BUILDING LOTS. We have building lots of any size de sired and in various sections of the city and suburbs, ranging in price from $50 to 300. We can please you. Wil kie ft LaBarbe. (46 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. House of eight rooms with outbuild, ings and 37 acres of land; on eleva tion; shady and excellent view; sever al desirable building sites; can be pur cnased on easy terms. Price $5000. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 301 FOR SALE-COUNTRY PROPERTY. $25,000.00-1750 acres;' four mile? from Ashevllle; eight room house and six cabins; several springs and running streams; about one-fourth of property is fenced for pasture. Wilkie ft La Barbe. 296 Farm of 4J acres on Burnsvllle rbad, about four miles from city; fertile land, suitable for truck gardening and well located for poultry business; two dwell ings and store room. Price for whole $4800, or would be divided. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. $00 $2500.00 Fawn ol 109 acres, four miles from Ashevllle. This farm is on proposed route of new electric car line and Is a bargain at price it is now of fered. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 78 LET'S TALK IT OVER. If you have property you wish" to sell or rent, or if you desire to make an investment or lease property, we would be glad to talk the matter over with you, and believe we can be of service in either case. Wilkie ft LaBarbe. 109 COUNTRY HOMES. We have inquiries from three parties who desire to rent homes for the sum mer, outside the city, with shady yards and good water. Wilkie & I iuBui ue, jig FOR RENT. One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric lights: On newlv nnvod atraat one seven room cottage, one furnished aim one uniurnisnea flat. All modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. RevelL 32-34 Patton avenue. - wR SALE New 30-room hotel with $500 worth of furniture in same; one half mile of thriving town, near sta tion. Finest summer resort in coun try; 40 acres good land belonging to it $4200 one-half cash, balance on good terms. Apply J. m. Campbell. TYPEWRITERS When you buy a new typewriter buy a Remington. The Remington is the "standard." It will do more work and better work than any other writing machine. We also buy, sell and rent second hand typewriters of all makes.-Typewrlter Exchange, 23 Patton avenue. WANTED More Improved and un improved properties, both in city and suburbs, to sell. 1 now have parties desiring to purchase homes in and near Ashevllle. who will pay all cash, provided prices are right. Those having desirable real estate to sell should ad dress or call on A. J. Lyman, offices IS Church street. FOR SALE AND RENT 7 room cottage Chestnut St., furnished; 8 room house Charlotte St., furnished; 8 room house Cumberland ave., fur nished: 2 unfurnlnhari each. For Sale-2 choice lots Merri- uu ve.; pretty grove lot East St., on car line; bargin in 9 room house Cumberland ave.; choice lots on Vance and Oak sts., prices low; big bargain 7 room house Starnes ave.; timber lands. 2nnn arroi. m nnn nre 400 acres, all fine hardwood In virgin "me. isatt Atkinson Sons' Co., Real, Estate Dealers. 53ri,,'?J JO'L Invent erlmpmret alw get 5;f JlJl'ABt-MHK. COPYRICHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Bend model, ketch, or photo, for free exmlntinn and arivk. BOOK CM PATENTS ""on? "wren. WASHINGTON, D.C. S .! n I