4 TTio Adnviflo C My&n throuh vote in this cun I flS MSncVlHC VJUCn. ty or , a lngle county this state. BT THE CITIZEN COMPANY. Ever? Afternoon Except Sunday On Tear $4.00 Six Month! 1. 00 Thre Month! 1. 00 On Month, tn advance .40 On Week, to carrier. 10 To Semi-Weekly Cltlien li Issued ffueadaya and Friday. Ia advance, $L THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1W0. The love of a shining mark la Dot the enly similitude between the Republican party and death, but their little game will prove abortive this year a before, Locke Craig cannot be defeated. This I the white man' year In Buncombe, and Craig and every candidate on the! Democratic ticket will be elected. The fate have so decreed and the vote of the people will ao decide. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and ohng for pg 2, 3, 6 and 7 ahould b In this office by 9 a. m. For pg 1,4, 9 and 8 by 12 noon. , Unl the hour ar obrvd hang cannot b Insured for th day thay ar brought In. This Date In HistoryJune 21. Wl Captain John Smith, famous fa Virgin! Mi tl.iwnt, dud in London; born 1578. ITBS-Naw tUmptlUr ratified the United But onatltution, tba ninth atata, thus lnauring lu adoption. Th aonr.ntloo which tramad th onitltutloa nwt In Carpenter'a hill May 23, 1787. It adjourned Srpt 17. Ail th atatea wr rcprMrntrd excepting Rhod bland. Th Inatrumrnt provided that M toon aa nln ftta ratified it in eonrcntion it ahould go Into effect in th atatea ratifying. 1119-Jacijuea Offenbach, noted muaical eompoter, ben In Cologne of OermanJewlah parents: died 1880. IMS rriederlch Froebel, origin tor of th Under- carten eyium, died: bora 17(12. UM Profpuor Herbert Tuttl of Cornell waiver. tit diad it Itliata; born 1947. UP Th German emperor laid th roraeratun Of th Kaleer rVUhelm (Kiel) canal. UN At tb launching of th Britlab battleehlp Albion at lllatkall, on th Thames, 10 peopli war drowned. The writer, begging pardon for referring to . a . personal mat ter, feels - deeply . grateful to those papers of ' the atate which have recently spoken very kindly of The Citizen. Words of appreciation such as these are worth lifetime of hard work, and theysre, to be placed tn memory's storehouse, as treasures of the purest and beat. Reports or tn campaign's progress show that Hon. R. D. Gilmer of Hay wood Is making" an enviable record as a campaigner. This Is exceedingly gratifying to the many friends of that gentleman In this section. He possesses marked ability, and his presentation of the issues that are confronting the people of the state this year Is always forcible. Western North . Carolinians take especial .Interest In Mr. . Gilmer and they may be relied upon to give blm and the entire Democratic ticket an increased vote. The White Man's Year, Evidence Is already at hand to estab llsh the fact that th Republicans re gard the defeat of Hon. Locke Craig as the paramount matter in Buncombe at th approaching election. The selection of one man upon whom to turn all their vials of wrath Is not an unusual thing with the Republicans of this county And these assaults by no means lndl cat that their victim Is less entitled to the confidence of the people than his fellows. On the contrary, the opposite It about the fact. This biennial game Of Buncombe Republicans Is purely one Of politics. They seek to compass the destruction of the man they fear will do them most dumage should he sue ceed. It Is known that Mr. Craig la not a candidate this year (and for that mat ter, so far as The Citizen is Informed and believes, has been no other year) from choice. His canvas in Buncombe two years ago, and his subsequent ser Vice in the lower house of the leglsla ture cost him much In time and money, when he knew no Compensation could be forthcoming. Mr. Craig's nomlna tton this year was demanded by the Democrats of Buncombe, and Its ac ceptanre on his part a distinct sacri fice for a man of hi limited means, and be will make the fight because of his loyalty to his party, and serve the peo pie in the legislature from a sense of duty. And he will be triumphantly elected The enthusiasm he created two years ago by his brilliant cunvass of the county will be equalled If not surpass d, and ho attempt to "swap every thing to defeat Craig" will suffice to bring defeat, or even decrease his ma jority. ine i iiisen oeneves tnat every can didate, man for man, on the Democrat ic ticket in Hunconitw this year is more than the equal of his Republican opponent, and the party should, and we have no doubt will, rally to their upport with a determination and arnestness that will override all oppo sition. The canvass will be formally and vl gorously opened In a few hours. There may come, Incidentally, many matters Into the fight, but the burning, over shadowing, Intense issue will be the llmlnatlon of the Ignorant colored vote from North Carolina politics for ail time. The Republicans have for months been endeavoring to cloud the minds and arouse the fears of the great mass of white people by assert ing that the right of white men to vote would be seriously endangered Should the constitutional amendment carry. In these efforts bald assertion or deliberate misrepresentation have been substituted for facts and argu ment The whole Republican propa ganda has for Its basis the supposition that the people can be fooled Into be lievlng that the adoption of the amend ment will do the very thing It states In express and unequivocal terms It was Intended not to do. If these tactics of the Republicans have had any effect upon tlTe minds of the white people calculated to cause them to vot against the amendment, that effect will be dissipated speedily ai .Locke Craig and his associate on the county ticket progress with the canvass, and when the votes ar counted It will be found that Runcomb county white men stand by their own race and their own color, and cannot be led by Re publican .politicians to so vote a to make possible negro rule or white Six days in the week The Citizen prints the news of Ashevllle all the news the people care to read. Tues day's Issue especially emphasized the fact. The Citizen undertakes to say that no other Ashevllle paper has ever printed as much home news as that is sue contained. The Citizen Is not bragging about it merely stating a plain fact that 1 worth a reference. Insult to White Men. A few days ago Senator Marlon But ler, while making a political speech In the town of Morganton, was undertak ing to convince hi audience that there was great danger of disfranchising white people should the proposed amendment to the state constitution eliminating the Ignorant negro vote be adopted. A small boy was standing near the senator, and upon the lapel of hla coat he wore a white supremacy badge. In an effort to play heavily upon the minds of the people before him, Senator Butler cauaht the little fellow and held htm up before the .crowd, deptarlng, that this boy might be deprived of lilt Vote when he arrived at man's estate should the amendment become a part of the fundamental law. It so happened that the boy held up by Butler was a bright mulatto, and when told of his mistake by a Democrat In the audience, Butler dropped his "liv ing picture" in utter discomfiture. The whole Incident was a demagogi cal trick by the prince of demagogues, and the chagrin manifested by the arch political trader at his failure to distin guish between a white boy and a ne gro has been the source of much amusement to the press of the state. But it has remained for the Judaa Iscarlot of the Ashevllle Gaiette to turn this Incident into a direct and stinging Insult to every white man In North Carolina. In Us issue of June 19 the Galeae says this by way of com- lent upon what the Raleigh News and Observer had to say concerning Sena tor Butler's break: The lesson la this: When you see a White Supremacy' badge on a sup posed white man Investigate his gene- ology-he Is probably a mulatto. A genuine white man doesn't need to be labeled." Of the man who wrote this foul In sult It Is not necessary to speak; his removal, ror reasons readily apparent, Into the Republican camp, body, brain and soul, Is known of all men In North Carolina. This man. and thou whom he Is working, may think now that "when you see a 'white suprema cy badge on a supposed white man Investigate his geneology-he Is prob ably a mulatto." but they will not so think 0 days hence. This Is nothing less than a deliberate, gratuitous and unpardonable Insult to every white man In North Carolina. ; Never before such reductions offered the people of Asheville as there is now in the sale of books at Morgan's Book Store. Mis Nell! LaBarb clean and ren. ovate crp and silk veil. We shall sell two thousand dollars worth of miscellaneous standard books at one-half pub lishers' price, regardless of what they cost us. ' Morgan's Book Store . ; . We ar distributors for C. D. Gregg Tea & Coffee Co.'s celebrated brand of toasted coffee of St. Louis, Mo. Try them. Clarence Sawyer. BANANA MS Notice to Consumers Using Lawn Sprinklers. All persons caught . using lawn sprinklers other than the nours pre scribed by tbe city council will be ar rested and fined 15.00 for each and ev ery offense. The hours for lawn sprink ling are from 6 to I p. m. Pave wash, from I to 8 a. m. This Is the only notice you will receive. W. E. RANKIN, Superintendent IMPORTANT ! This i8 to notify all prop erty owners and tax payers of the city of Asheville that under penalty of the law, you are required io list for taxation, during the month of June of each and every year, all your property, both real and personal (except twenty-five dollars worth of personal property which is exempted by law). All male persons over twenty-one years of age and under fifty, are required to list for poll ax. Ihe undersigned list akers can be found in com- missioners room in tourt House. R. J. ST0Kr;LY. M. J. BEARDtN. a. F YOU HAVE NOT TRIED A BANANA HAM YOU HAVE MISSED A TREAT IN HAMS. SEND US AN ORDER FOR ONE WE KNOW YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH IT. THE PRICE IS FIFTEEN CENTS A POUND AND THE HAM IS WEIGHED WHEN YOU GET IT -SO YOU DO NOT LOSE WHAT HAS DRIED OUT - FRESH FROM THE SMOKE HOUSE NONE BETTER FEW AS GOOD afcEBuEHB w i Gre er ... 53 Patton Avenue t 1 wv&- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCERIES i' June 12, MOO. Wood's Seeds. Seed Potatoes For Planting in June or July. We have a large quantity of late Seed Potatoes which were put into cold stor age early in the season, so as to keep them unsprouted and in first class vigo rous condition for late planting in Juae. or July. Heretofore, the principal ob stacle to planting late potatoes success fully has been in procuring sound and vigorous tock late enough to plant, so r.s to insure the maturity of the crop in the cooler rainy season of the fall. We advise our customers to place their orders ahead, otherwise our supply may be exhausted. Shipment can be made at such time as customers are ready to, plant. Write for prloes and Descrtptlye Circular, which a Ik.) gives full information about akj Seasonable 5edt, German Millet, Cow Psaav teoslnte, 5orghma, Buckwheat, etc. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. A decided advantage Asheville people have, In being able to buy FRESHLY PRE PARED an unexcelled break fast food. In summer there Is some uncertainty what you'll find in a poorly packed pack age of cereals kept long on the grocer's shelf. There Is no uncertainty about WHEAT-HEARTS. It Is put up In sealed packages and your grocer always has a fresh Bup S ply. WHEAT-HEARTS is an Ideal summer food, because strengthening and not heating: and in addition, It may be thor oughly cooked and ready to serve In two minutes. "It'Swheat-Hearts We Want." THE Wheat-Hearts Company ASHEVILLE. N.C. 1500 Will buy everything that has been in stock here over 30 DAYS. This, then, with the fact that we sell almost three times this amount each week, not only commends us, but practically In sures you against stale or out of date goods. We never have to sell below cost to get the trade to absorb our blunders or use something unwholesome. Respectfully, H. C. JOHNSON 39 PATTON AVENUE. PRUDENCE S. DRESSER Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. Graduate, with honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston. The only teacher of piano in Asheville who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or College of Music. Terms 50 cents a lesson. Beginners received on violin. Why Our Photographs Are the Best.... First, because we have all the mod ern apparatus necessary to turn out good work. The skylight is important and ours is the best that can be made; has that soft, easy, regular northern light, making it easier for us to al ways make good portraits. Our operator, Mr. Ray, understands his business and has hnih liii ..j u .1 1 1 , uiu taste in posing and lighting. He Is up to date and uses all the latest Ideas for fine work. Everything about our photographs harmonises. The mounts are correct and suit the picture. Tou can recognize our pictures at sight. There's a certain something about them that distinguishes them from ordinary work. 69 Charlotte Street. jlayS StlldlOa BARL.EY MALT! We desire to call your attention to the appended .result of a chemical analysis recently mad of CHASE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKY, by th recognised highest Authority In th United State upon analytical chemis try, HERBERT E. SMITH. M. D.. dean of the medical faculty of Tal University and state chemist of Con necticut. YALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. New Haven, Conn. Messrs. E. H. Chase & Co., Loulsvlll. Gentlemen: Inclosed you will find the result of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase's Barley Malt Whisky which you recently sent to me. These results show it to be a whisky of good alcoholic strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no tracs of th metals, copper, lead and sine In my opinion Chase's Barley Malt Whisky is, On account of its ahaninta purity, an excellent article for medclnal use. , , - Yours truly. HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. Pnnn Stata Ck.mi.t . . vii.uii.ii Cbemlcal Laboratory, July 2L 1890. Result of a chfmlcal examination Of a sample of Chase's Barley Malt Whis key. 160 JUblc centlmera contain: Alcohol. 61.95 cub. cent, or 4...S2 gram. Residue on evaporation 0.61 " Non-volatll matter or Ash... 0.01 " F.ee acid, as acetio add 0.04 " Reducing bodies, as dntmu am Tann'n a trace only iu.xtjDjKT E. SMITH, M. D, These facts mmmui th. - a am BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not only to vuouc, wno seek a superior Whis ky, but also to the member of th medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will And It most beneficial, as it strengthen th Lungs, checks the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity of coughing, Th dyspeptic will find it an aid to diges tion, a it relieve th stomach when oppressed with gas. It builds up th and, "mulatea th system against malarial attacks. For sale only by FRANK O'DONNELL, Baking Powder Made from pure atom of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakms; powder, u tin frcaWst nsayrotobaJtliof th pmtnttUy, . i. all M 1 ,.';,"EeT "B AT THB PARAGON- ( PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT (Entrance on Haywood Street Side.) Phone 260 S Public Phone 471 PRING WATER... - Caught from a stream gushing from the cold gray rocks of a mountain side isn't finer or more thirst-quenching than our summer drinks. mi Special today-GRAPE LEMONADE. THE PARAGON Opposite the Postoffice : . t j Prescriptions our Specialty

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