THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1900. THE ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. , fflSpecial Notices X-V "V .aav jsaafcv .rf. BSw smsw sw O9009: W s-' !C7 S."y Vi VW; Vov V.V1-.- w-vc M W-.y (V-i -THE 044 A Wash Goods Sensation ! STYLISH FIGURE. LITTLE PIO HAMS KROGER'S. ISc. pound. FOR SALE Flve.s-Allnn In. ..m freeser. Noah Murrough. Mate Leroy Tells What You Must Wear to Ac.fre the New Outlines. - , .- .w.,r...--. We would scarcely expect poetry to bo mixed ip with urckrics, but it is, as nil may soo in it'inling nhat U said of the new ruiucluiDiln neckwear. The poei says: "One of our new tuitijrs. this tsenii with two rings: it lion in ten ways jind will be the craze." Really, (Mietry aside, thow new ties are great tliiiiK. There is first a stock nml then a scuii of astonishing dimension in nil the pat terns that make this particular stuff sn desirable. There are aUo many novelties in striped ties, all being made with the lower part wide mid loug. Rings of fancy metal represeutins gold or silver are made to slide up to the neck or to nearly there. There are so many ways to arrnntv these ;hnt no definite rule can be give: as to bow they should be tiled, but most ladies need lutle instruction in the ur raugemeut of their ties. They will forn, so important a part of the sprint; aiirt summer outfits that , we can afford t" ignore tbetn. With each tie are given two of the riugs. and I guess that the dealers can afford it, for the price is by no meucs small. Sump of thetu are in the finest madras and cheviot effects, while others ate of bordered silks in very rich shadings in Iuilis designs and figured grounds. The tiues: it:.ii:ii;M are lu the rumcbundu. Persian mid Arabian handkerchief squill es in very lurae size. These ties ue especially intended to l.i worn with the short tiguro jackets and shirt waists, and they add to the style of figure now in vogue, .lust to think that fashion should dirtatc what our physical shape shall ls: There are tunny Inn-, straight scarfs, and these tie once and r. half 4M'ound. uud then the ends are louse ly knotted uud still are louji t bang dowu below the waist line. These scarfs are of anything nlnuKt. i! seems, but the material should lie rutl'.e, transparent. .Many very pretty ones are of mull in delicate colors and simply lieu med and finely tucked at the bottom Borne of them have very narrow shirring of the same at the edges, and others have o little lace set on as an applique or as a ruffle. There are a tliousaud way of making these pretty ties, ami the nicest of titer, all are those that can be washed ami therefore always kept fresh ami clean The greatest charm of the summer girl is her freshness anil exquisite neatness. It ' Is not in the expensive material she wcain. I fo'rpit to say that 1 hare seen several very dainty ties made of plain brussels net, with tiny lucks and ploited ruffles at the edge. .-These wash like muslin, and Ihey are oftm edjred with a fine shirring all along sides, and the whole is long mioiikIi to go one and a half times -around tie neck and U In a bow with long enoSlVhleh may be left to ang In front. Veij full nud delicate Jabots are seen often fastened to the pretty stocks. The latest developments in the way of Bowers, fur 'here are many who will al- lnr flmver better than fruit for hat trimming. " " PPPie ln ,h most exquisite shades of all the season s colors, annum which are white with pink or scarlet border. acMrlet, yellow, helio trope and black with yellow centers and many more than I ever nw In a garden in my life. But what is the use of being an artist In the making of artificial Bow ers if there Is to be no license allowed? Lirrs chrysanthemum are seen in great varletv. and they are beautiful. Immense hydrnngens. snowballs and large ronnd rmwx Hml downs of orchlda and many more large blossoms, both wild and cultl fated, are seen. For childreu there are 111 the old favorites In Held flower, such (..daisies, buttercups, forgetmeoots and bepatica. besides bluets and more whose onuies I do not know. Children's picture bats are made of straw with great bunch e of mull mingled with flowers of the season. Tam O'Shanter straws art very pretty for children and are produced In Tery color that can be dyed Into straw. Another thing I mar "T about children s styles while thinking of It, and that Is (hat their dresses art asade eo abort that .... -i-vnffviimni7fiTmiYnnii m they do not reach to the knees. This is nut so quaint or pretty a style as the longer skirts, but it is the fashion and therefore it must be right. The new waists are so many and so va rious that the task of telling all about them is a hopeless one, but some of them are so simple and dainty that I shall say a few word on them. One quite novel and easy one is of tine Scotch flannel In a soft old rose shade. The waist was cut straight across the shoulders and was gathered a little at the bottom. The front was luiAJn three folds with a line of velvet oti '..'liter shade in the center. The sleeves wVi" shirt shape, but with faijcy cuffs. ft Another was in sailor style as far as a collar of that variety was concerned. There was a blouse effect at the bottom lu front, and the front opened down to show a white pique inset, and this was jgovered with a vermicelli design in black soutache. The sailor collar and the belt as well as the sleeves were all bordered with a fancy cording in black and white braid. The sleeves were tight and had cuffs. The material in this waist was light khaki cloth. A very elegant suit of black silk warp eudora cloth had the skirt quite plain and the sides fastened over with small silk buttons and silk cord. The waist was in blouse form, with one double box plait ln front. At the front of the neck It was cut away to leave a pompadour shaped opening, and this was filled in with a white vest laid in tiny tucks. A whole row of small buttons was sewed along the opening and held by loops of braid. The sleeves were made with deep cuffs and bordered with white silk with stitching of yellow silk. The high stock was done ln the same way. 1 am not sure that I have said much about the princess gowns, but they de mand much attention, as the summer dresses will show in what esteem they are held. The richest and finest of the gowns will be made thus that is, for those whose figures will permit of these graceful dresses. None but a very good figure can stand them, but for those who can wear them they are a delight. The princess shape has been up to now considered more for middle aged or, at least, married ladies, but now every one can wear it. There Is no other shape that can set off a fine figure so well, and by a judicious arrangement of the dra pery across the front even a stout lady can look, if not like a sylph, at least many sizes smaller around the waist. Slim figures may also be made to look well by the clever modistes. The princess gown will be one of the most fashionable of all. so we are told by the people who pretend to know. No other shape is more graceful, and one large importer told me that he 'considered Its sudden popularity the deathknell of the - shirt - waist . l. ..... i.... .onnratr ""'"nr-rVJ .". . porninlv last this summer through V Kin ia mi, viv ua.u, - " There have- been many signs of the passing of the shirt waist, but we scarce ly noticed them, une was inai mt-n- many tight basques anu many uiun waists made in old, styles that obtained before shirt waists were invented. Among them are the postilion basques. The new "figure" requires a loos wulst. and until that special form of fem inine folly has passed away there will be some loose waists. One thing very no ticeable Is that all the fullness to these is thrown to the front, and the backs are tight Another Indication is loumi id i oew sleeve. All new sleeves are tight and have cuffs. All sleeves sre much trimmed and as ornamental as possible to get them. Nothing comes amiss on sleeves Some of the m-t elegant of the dresses of this spring at of black silk In one or another of the heavier varieties, and they re made in tailor style. In the Illustra tion will be seen such a costume and also the latest and prettiest of the blouse suits for young girls, as well as a very hand torn Eton Jacket suit with a vest of cheny silk and embroidery on the revers .ndlaoe oath. Jacket. CALIFORVT A CD TTTTOl . Oranges, Lemons and Prune, Thos. W. 'icapatnck ft Co., 34 North Main street. WANTED Position by ladv tenoff - rapher and typewriter; good refer ences. Address ',Emerlnc " mra Citizen. 1 21dlt. ST. . the "Odorless" Ttpfrlreratiir Food will not contaminate in them. For sale by Mrs. L, A. Johnson, 43 Patton avenue. . LADY, good reao- of English or French, wishes engagements to read to invalids and the sick. Address M. A. S.. care The Citlsen. l-4-dtt. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor: suitable for light housekeeping. Call at 47 Mont ford avenue. 6-18-d-tf. SUBURBAN board, ne.r golf links, 15 minutes' walk to cars; high ground, fine view, new house, choice table. Mrs. Gulliver, Ottarl, Box 47. SELECT BOARD One square from postofflce; bright, sunny rooms, high location; terms on application. Mra. M. V. Robinson, No. 78 Haywood at. -- - -20dlmo. FOR RENT Vrv riaslrahta mtnrlv furnished rooms; high location; splen oma view; on square Irom postofflce, ln vicinity of several nice boarding houses. t4 Haywood st. 'Phone tSi. NOW Is the time for spring chicken. We are serving a better meal than ev er, and want you to eat with ua. strawberries and strawberry short cake at Woodlawn. PRIVATE BOARD Pleaaant rooms grata and furnace heat; central, high location; near P. O. Rock Ledge, 6t Haywood street. Mrs. L. V. Cole, proprietor. THE FINEST lot of new Dressers to be found in. the city are now at my place at astonishingly low prices. W. L. Moore, No. 11 west Court Square. 'Phone 373. SPECIAL SALE of stamped goods In center pieces, doylies and sofa cush ions to make room for some new goods. Mrs. Belle D. Jones, 64 Patton avenue,- Kensington Art school. 5-28-dlm VERT DESIRABLE rooms wttl board; new house, furnace healed electric lights and bells, supeib view, nn paved street, near church" and postofflce. Mrs. F. A. Hull, 103 .Soutt: Main street. J-27-dtf IS THERE a building and loan as sociation or other company that will build a house according to plans of my choice, to be paid for in rent? Ad dress "Home," care The Citizen. """ 8-7-dtf. CARPETS Now, you are changing your furniture, you need a good car pet. I have a good selection in both Brussels and Ingrain to sell at low figures. W. Turner, 85 North Main street. 'Phone 226. FOR RENT. One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric lights; on newly paved street. Also one seven room cottage, one furnished and one unfurnished flat. All modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. RevelL 32-34 Patton avenue. ..R SALE New 30-room hotel wltb 8500 worth of furniture In same; one half mile of thriving town, near sta tion. Finest summer resort ln coun try; 40 acres good land belonging to It. 84200 one-half cash, balance on good terms. Apply J. M. Campbell. TYPEWRITERS When you buy a new typewriter buy a Remington. The Remington is the "standard." It will do more work and better work than any other writing machine. We also buy, sell and rent second hand typewriters of all makes. Typewriter Exchange, 23 Patton avenue. WANTED More improved and un improved properties, both ln city and suburbs, to sell. I nowhave parties desiring to purchase homes ln and near Ashevllle, whqXwlll pay all cash, provided prices are right. Those having desirable real estate to sell should ad dress or call on A. J. Lyman, offices 13 Church street. FOR SALE Coal mine In Kentucky; 1800 acres of 4 ft. coal, 300 acres of 5 ft. The 6 ft. Is being worked and Is paying 8300 royalty per month; will pay 8500 per month by October. Right at railroad and covered with fine white oak. Price, with timber, 863.000. Ad dress Geo. E. Baker, Newcomb, Tenn. 6-20dlw. FOR RENT ONLY A large fine res idence; 16 rooms; furnished; servants' house and carriage house; large grounds; central location. 8126 per month. Owner and one daughter will board with renter and allow liberal dis count from rent. Apply to John M. Campbell, Real Estate Agent, No. 8 North Main St. FOR SALE AND BENT 7 . room i cottage Chestnut St., rurnisnea: room house Charlotte St.. furnished; room house Cumberland ave., fur nlshed; I unfurnished cottages.6 rooms each. For Sale Z choice lots Mem mon ave.: pretty grove lot East st. on car line: bargln In t room house rnmhprian.1 ave.: choice lots on Vance and Oak sts.. prices low; big bargain 7 room house Starnes ave.; timber lands. 2000 acres. 10,000 acres, 400 acres, all fine hardwood In virgin state. Natt Atkinson Sons' Co., Real Estate Dealers. MASSAGE AND PACKS Prof. Edw. Gruner South Main Street Pbona 206 83 Home or Office Treatment. Of fice hours: 8-10 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. Our entire line of WASH GOODS, selected with rare good taste and judgment, sheer and fine, just what you want just when you want it, and al about one-half what you would otherwise pay. Truly the Crowning Bargain of the Wash Goods S&son. JAA PIECES good quality Wash IVVf Goods, styles including Polka Dots, Stripes, Figures on white and tinted grounds also black and white, genuine 8 and 10 cent values 4 3-4c. 9 JCA PIECES of Lawns and Dim IkJJ eSt newest colorings, beau tiful patterns that cannot fail to attract you styles seldom seen offered at this price: l 4 1 9 v i-LC. vara. We control evervthina that is ) showing our leadership BIG BALTIMORE i THE BARGAIN CENTER OR 10 Notice. By virtue of the power contained in a deed in trust executed to me by R. R. Rawls, on the 15th day of Septem ber, 1897, to secure the payment of a certain note described therein, which said deed in trust is registered ln book 43, on page 38, jo f the register of deeds' office of Buncombe county, North Car olina, and default having been made in the payment of said note, I will, on the 17TH DAY OF JULY, 1900, at 12 m., at the court house door in the city of Ashevllle, Buncombe county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said note and interest, the following des cribed parcel of property, to-wit: The Swannanoa hotel altuated on South Main street in the city of Ashe vllle and all the furniture and fixtures therein as well as the furniture and fixtures in that portion extending over the Ashevllle Tobacco Warehouse, said furniture and fixtures ' mentioned Is meant to Include whatever property In terest whether real or personal said R. R. Rawls has in said hotel, said land on which said hotel stands Is described as follows: Beginning at a stake ln the southern margin of Willow street and the western margin of said Mait street lllVi-Vi ' sMsfir 3Jsf - " The Queen & Crescent Route forms close connection at Cincinnati with the great trunk lines Pennsylvania Lines, G. R. & I., Big 4 Route, C. H. & D., C. & O. and Erie railwayshandling through traffic expeditiously 1 to all summer resorts of the North. Special low Excursion Rates Are now in effect daily from p.ll point3 South over the Queen & Crescent via Cincinnati, to Chautauqua, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Put-In-Bay, Pctoskey, Mackinac and all other summer resting places on Mountain, Lake and Seashore A New Ticket to Mackinac. You can bur a ticket to Mackinac now, at excui tlon rates, that will take you to Chicago, thence hy tin palatial steamer Mr.nitou to Mackinac, re- J turning via D. & C. to Toledo t r Detroit anj C. H. & D. Rj. to 1 Cincinnati (or the reverse.) A liner auti,:uor trip was never ofL-red. 1 The famous resorts of the South ure uliso open now. The sea- son at Rock Castle Springs, Ky. , Cumberland Fnlls, Ky. and Rhea Springs, Tenn., promises to bo the most successful ever known. ' Queen i Crewem tralm are palooe.i of trrl. Through Pullman ileepcrt dally from ! all Kiuthcrn cities. Purlnr, olwrrailon and ehir rare from ChuttonnoKS, Rome and Atulla on day trslni. free reclining rlmlra from ClmtUinooKS ou night tralut. Fut schedule, puriovt track. "No smoka, 00 dut, no cinders." Bend for fro Information at to iu turner nsaurta sod Queen A Cresoeut service to 0. 1 , Mitchell, D, F. A., Chattanooga, Teun., or call upon your ticket agent. , W, J. MURPHY, General Manager. W. C. RINEARSON, Qvu'l Foaaenfer Agent. 1 Cimcimmati. 1 yard. I good and worth selling in this line, as bargain givers. in styles and THE AND 12 PATTON AVENUE. and runs with the westers margin of South Main street one hundred and nine and one-half (1094) feet to the northeast corner of the Ashevllle To bacco Warehouse company's land; thence with tha northern boun dary line of said company west two hundred feet to a stake, the southwest corneaf JS. T. Clem mons lot; thence with the line of said lot north to the southern margin of Willow street thence with the southern margin of Willow street to the begin ning. This June 16th, 1900. C. T. RAWLS, -18d30d. Trustee. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing under the name of the Riverside Un dertaking company has this day been dissolved, th ; business passing Into the hands of W. A. Blair, J. J. Mack ey and O. P. Moorman, who will con tinue it at the old stand, 37 South Main street, under the firm name of Blair. Mackey ft Co. The old company will settle all debts due by It and receive all moneys due It. This May 13, 1900 BLAIR, MACKEY & CO. 6-13-dtf Summer xrifrsinns t tgjfr fpj sfl ss sssl H sa C A PIECES of French Lapet V Lawns, Organdies and Dimi ties, in large assortment of colors, figures, dots and br.oken stripes Goods worth up to 25c. yard, only 19c. yard. "-SBSIMSBBsWsMMSBBBBMSBBsmsMM PIECES of finest imported Dimities and Organdies in a most complete assortment of styles includinq the new lace striped ef fects worth up to 39c yd. now only 23c. yard. D ) m ASHEVILLE k Southern THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH, THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINT8 TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly first-class equipment on all through and local trains; Pullman 1'aluce Sleeping Cars on all night rains, fast and sate schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are icured a safe, comfortable and si-i1itlous Journey, i ply to ticket agents fdr time tablet, tHtes and general Information or address ': I.. Vernon, P. R. DARBT, 1 P A., C. P.& T. A. 1- irlotte, N. C. Ashevllle, N. C. v 1 TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUES TIONS. ,;'nltS fmtwn. J. M. Cnlp, W.A.Tnrfc :jV.P.&Oen.Man. Traf. Man. O. P. A. WASHINGTON, D. C. Ashevllle Ticket Office 60 Patton "venue. Transfer office same building. tge checked through from houss '" destination. Charleston and Western Carolina Augusta A Ashevllle Short Pchedule In Effect May 27, Llna." 1900. J T.v Augusta J :40am 1:40pm 1:10pm 1:10pm :00am Greenwood 11:15pm1 Ar Anderson 1... I Ar Laurens 1:20pm Ar Greenville t:00pm Ar Spartanburg J :10pm Ar Henderlonvllle S :03pm! Ar Ashevllle 7:00pm 1 Lv Ashevllle .... I:20am Lv Spartanburg ., ll:46am 4:10pm Lv Greenville 13:01pml 4:00pm Lv Laurens l:S7pm T:S0pm Lv Anderson 6: 315am Ar Greenwood ..; f:37pm l:S3pra Ar Augusta 5:10pm10:40ani Ar Aiken 7:20pm Close connections at Greenwood for nil points on 8. A. L. and C. ft G. railway and at Spartanburg with Southern railway. For Information relative to tickets, rati', schedules, etc., address W. 3, CRAIO, Gen. Pass. Agt., Augusta, OS T M. Fmersoa. Traffle Manaa-r

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