TILE ASLIEYILLE DAILY ClflZT:: THURSDAY, JUN'B :s, 1. -). CANDIDATES FOR THE STATE SENATE 6PEAKIN0 DATE3 FOR THE DEM- Special Notices SALE OFVALUABLE RESIDENCE LOTS OCRATIC NOMINEES. J. M. Gudger, Jr., and W. W. String field, candidates for the state senate, will address the people at the follow ing times and places: Sandy Mush, Robinson school house, Tuesday, June 26, at 2:30 p. m. Spring Creek Seminary, Wednesday, June 27, at 2:20 p. m. Meadow Fork church, near Frlsby's tore, Thursday, June 28, at 2:30 p. m. Antloch church, Friday, June 29, at 2:30 p. m. Hot Springs, Saturday, June 30, at 2:30 p. m. Come and hear the great constitu tional amendment discussed. Remem ber, speaking begins at 2:30 p. m. DONALD OILL1S, Chm. Dem. Sen. Com. CAR LOAD Cov Peas and Millet F. P. INGLE, 37 NORTH MAIN STREET. Tate Springs, Tenn Improvements at the Carlsbad of America The moat delightful health and plea sure resort in the South, 164 mllea eaat of Chattanooga, In the loveliest valley of the East Tennessee Mountalna. Two hotela, 26 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees; complete sys tem water works with modern baths; s plendld orchestra, spacious ball room, telegraph and long distance telepnone. Buildings and grounds lighted with electricity; in fact all ths amusements and comforts. Best German and American cooks. The water cures in digestion, dyspepsia, and all troubles of liver, stomach, bladder, bowels and kldne s. Shipped anytime, anywhere. Write for 40 page book free. THOS. TOMLINSON, Prop. LIST OF MEMBERS ASHEVILLE The following is a listof the members of the Asheville Board ol Trade, with the occupations of the members : ADVERTISING AGENCY. J. D. Plummer. ARCHITECTS. A. L. Melton. R. S. Smith. AUCTIONEERS. William Turner. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. Asheville Transfer Co. Herbert R. Millard. BANKERS. J. E. Rankin. A. E. Rankin. ' J. P. Sawyer, Erwln Sluder. BICYCLES. Eugene C. Sawyer. BOARDING. S. J. Cain. I 1 f ' G. L. McDonald. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. F. F. Balnbridge. H. Taylor Rogers. ; CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. T. S. Morrison & Co. O. B. Wright. CHINA AND GLASS. J. P. Howatt. J. H. Law. i CIGARS. L. Blomberg. CIVIL ENGINEERS, r B. M. Lee. 1 John A. Roebllng. CLERGYMEN. ' 1 Rev. Father Marlon. 4 t COAL. 1 Asheville Ice & Coal Co. 4 Carolina Coal Co. 1 J. F. Woodbury. CONTRACTORS. W. T. Had low. IE," J. M. Westall. 4 DENTISTS. Dr. J. W. Foreman. Dr. J. A. Gorman. ' V - Dr. WYxler Smathers Dlt AY INll. Asheville Dray Co. J. M. Lortek. B DRUGGISTS. W. C. Carmlchael. 1 Helnltsh & Reagan. Paragon Pharmacy Co. The Pelham Pharmacy. C. A. lUyscir. T. C. Smith. J. E. Wlngood. DRY GOODS. H. Llplnsky. D. Oest reliher. Stoner Bros. Sumner, Deal A Co. EDITORS. 1 W. (I. KKKleston. 0 A. 11. McQullkln. J J. E. Norton. EDUCATORS. J. D. Eggluston, jr. Archibald A. Jones. It. J. Tlghe. FLORISTS. Idlt-wlld Floral Co. FURNITURE. W. A. Itlalr. V, H. Williamson. FRUIT. FRUITS & PRODUCE, WHOLESALE. McConni'll Bros. V. A. Mitchell. R. L. Ownbey. GROCERS. RETAIL. G. A. Greer. 11. C. Johnson. Wm. Kroger. D. G. Noland. Clarence Sawyer.' Stradley Brothers, GROCKRS. WHOLESAx.?.. Eli Mustln. W. J. Slayden. HARDWARE. Claybrook James. W. B. Northup. Pennimnn Bios. co. HARNESS. J. M. Alexander. HOTELS. , F. A. Lincoln. Frank Lnughran. E. P. McKlsslck. ' Thns. Wadlev Raoul. INSURANCE. Aston. Rawts & Co. F. 8. Coxe. D. C. Wadilell. Jr. Alex Webb. JEWELERS. " Gustave Alexander. B. H. Cosby. A. M. Field. W. 11, Shoffner. The Directors of the Board of Tra Thursday of each mnnth a 1 earnestly Invited to attend these mett u. i. Junes, Bec'y. IIlC TrlbMinie i a newspaper for bright and Intelligent peo lif. It tanade up to attract people who think. Ia nut neutral or colorless, constantly trim ming in an endeavor to please both sides, but it it independent in tbs beat sense of tba word. It bits pronounced opinions and is fearless In ripreaaing them, but it is always fair to its opponents. ' Ualters of national or vital public Interest get more spare in TUB TRIBUNE than In any other paper In the West. - For these ressons It is the newspaper yoa should read during tbs forthcoming political campaign. , . THE TIUBCNE'8 financial columns never mUlead the public. Its facilities for gathering news, both local and foreign, are far superior to those of any other newspaper lu tbs West. It presents the news In as fair a way as pos sible, und lets It readers form tbelr opinions. While it publlahes the most comprehensive articles on. all news features, If you are busy the "9nn.imirj of THE DAILY TRIBUNE" puh!lahd daily on the first page gives yon brieKj ail tbs news of the day within 90a Col umn. . liu "porting new Is always the best, and Its Sunday Pink Sporting Section Is better than any srmrtlng paper in the country. It is the "cleanest" dally printed In the West. SPECIAL. NOTICES If you Have anything to sell or wish to buy any thing say ao In Special Notices. OF THE BOARD OF TRADE LIVERY. Chambers, Weaver & Co. J. R. Oates. LAUNDRIES. John A. Nichols. Charles M. Steele. LAWYERS. Alfred 8. Barnard. Bourne & Parker. Frank Carter. T. H. Cobb. Locke Craig. Theo. F. Davidson. Marcus Erwln. Thomas A. Jones. Martin & Webb. L. P. McLoud. Charles McNamee. Dulf Merrick. Fred Moore. J. D. Murphy. Henry B. Stevens. J. H. Tucker. Whitson & Keith. Thos. Settle. LUMBER, RETAIL. Geo. F. Scott & Co. LUMBER, WHOLESALE. W. T. Mason. MACHINE SHOPS. Ash e Supply & Foundry Co B. Burnett. MANUFACTURING. Asheville Skirt Co. Asheville Tobacco Co. E. W. Grove. MEATS. RETAIL. A. Brandl. W. M. Hill. MEATS, WHOLESALE. Armour Packing Co MEN'S FURNISHINGS, j H. S. Courtney. M. V. Moore. A. Whltlock. PAINTS AND VARNISHES. F. B. Miller. PHYSICIANS. Dr. C. P. Ambler. Dr. S. W. Battle. Dr. W. C. Brownson. Dr. J. A. Burroughs. Dr. J. E. David. ! Dr. C. L. Minor. ! Dr. J. F. Peavy. j Dr. 11. W. Purefoy. j Dr. Carl V. Reynolds. ' Dr. Jamra Sawyer. I Dr. John A. Watson. Dr. H. B. Weaver. Dr. John Hey Williams. Dr. W. V. Powell. PLUMBERS. Ball & Sheppard. J. L. Rich. PHOTOGRAPHERS. J. 11. Lewis. PRINTERS. Asheville Citizen. G. L. Hacknev. REAL ESTATE. E. B. Atkinson. J. B. Bostlc. John M. Campbell. I. . A. Farinholt. II. F. Grant & Son. W. B. Gwyn. A. J. Lyman. George 8. Powell. O. D. Revell. Weaver Alexander. W. W. West. Wllkie & LaBarbe. SALOONS. J. H. Loughran. Frank O'Donnell. Patrick Mclntyre. SHOES. J. Spangcnberg. ! -OVE8 AND TINWARE. W. A. Bovce. TELEPHONES. Asheville Telethons Co. UNDERTAKERS. C. W. Brown. UNCLASSIFIED. J. S. Adams, Jr. Jno. A. Campbell. D. C. Champlaln. J. II. Drakeford. N, Emanuel. R. P. Foster. Fred A. Hull. Wm. Johnston Jr. B. M. Jonet. John P. Kerr. T. W. Patton. H. W. riummer. W. W. Rollins. C. E. Waddell. W. T. Weaver, R. S. Howland. de meet at the ntv tt.ti ui ' - - wrvwut '.11 members of the organisation ara UlgS, JOHN A. NICHOLS, Pres t. FOX River Butter fresh today. Wm. Kroger. FOR SALE Five-gallon ice cream freeier. Noah Murrough. CALIFORNIA FRUITS Peaches. Oranges, Lemons and Prunes. Thos. W. Fltspatrick A Co., $4 North Main street 31 . the "Odorless" Refrigerator. Food will not contaminate in them. For sale by Mrs. L, A. Johnson, 43 Patton avenue. LADY, good reaa of English or French, wishes engagements to read to Invalids and the sick. Address M. A. 8.. cars Ths Cltlsen. 1-4-dtf, SUBURBAN board, near golf links, 15 minutes' walk to cart; high ground, fine . view, new house, choice table. Mrs. Gulliver, Ottarl, Box 47. LOST A spectacle case of brown al ligator leather containing a pair . of gold bowed glasses. Finder please re turn to J.,Spangenberg'8 store. 6-23-dtf SELECT BOARD One square from postofflce; bright, sunny rooms, high location; terms on application. Mrs. M. V. Robinson, Nu. "8 Haywood St. 6-20dlmo. FOR RENT Three desirable front rooms on second floor of Drnumor building, formerly occupied by Dr. Fischer. Possession 1st July. Apply, to W. J. Cocke. 6-27-3t I' HAVE several six-hole ranges with water backs. Also several oil and gasoline cooking stoves, all at reason able prices. W. Turner, 35 North Main street, 'phone 226. FOR RENT Very desirable newly furnlBhed rooms; high location; splen did view; one square from postofflce. In vicinity of several nice boarding houses. 64 Haywood st. 'Phone 288. NOW is the time for spring chicken. We are serving a better meal than ev er, and want you to eat with us. Ftrawberries and strawberry short cake at Woodlawn. PRIVATE BOARD Pleasant rooms grate and furnace heat; central, high location; near P. O. Rock Ledge, 62 Haywood street. Mrs. L. .V. Cole, proprietor. THE FINEST lot of new Drtssers to be found In the city are now at my place at astonishingly low prices. W. L. Moore, No. 11 west Court Square. 'Phone 873. LOST, between Trinity church and Locust street, on Friday night, black brocaded satin cape with silver clasp. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. 5-28tf. SPECIAL SALE of stamped goods in center pieces, doylies and sofa cush ions to make room for some new goods. Mrs. Belle D. Jones. 54 Patton ave nue, Kensington Art school. 6-28-dlm VERY DESIRABLE rooms with board; new house, furnace heated, electric lights and bells, superb view, on paved street, near churches and postofflce. Mrs. F. A. Hull, 103 South Main street. 3-27-dtf FOR RENT-Splendid house of 8 rooms on Starnes ave.; all modern con veniences; near street cars; newly kal somlned and painted. Price, $25.00 a bargain. H. F. Grant & Son, Real Es tate Dealers, 24 South Main st. (6-22dtf IS THERE a building and loan as sociatlon or other company that will build a house accbrding to plans of my choice, to be paid for In rent? Ad dress "Home," care The Citizen, 5-7-dtf. FOR RENT A 10-room house, newly papered and painted; less than one-half mile from postofflce and about three minutes' walk from street cars; In good neighborhood; fine shade trees. Apply to R. G. Hunt, city postofflce. 6-25-dtf - - R SALE New 30-room hotel with J00 worth of furniture in same; one half mile of thriving; town, near at a. tlon. Finest summer resort In coun try; 40 acres good land belonging to it. $4200 one-half cash, balance on good terms. Apply j. m. Campbell. TYPEWRITERS When you buy 1 new typewriter buy a Remlngtcn 1 he Remington Is the "standard." It will do more work and better work than any other writing machine. We also buy, sell and rent second hand typewriters of all makes. Typewriter .xenange. 23 ratton avenue. WANTED More Improved and un Improved properties, both in city and suburbs, to sell. I now have parties desiring to purchase homes In and near Asheville, who will pay all cash, provided prices are right. Those having desirable real estate to sell should ad dress or call on A. J. Lyman, offices 10 v.nurcn street. FOR RENT ONLY-A large fine res Ulence; 16 rooms; furnished; servants' house and carriage house; large grounds; Central location. J125 per month. Owner and one daughter n: vlll board with renter and allow liberal dl count from rent. Apply to John M. Campbell. Real Estate Agent, No North Main st. 9H FOR RENT 2 new 4-room cottages on street car line; city water and sew erage; 1 5-room cottage on street car line; 1 t-room cottaire on street car line; 1 S-rooni house on Montford av e. nue; 1 -room house In Victoria, (This house can be rented furnished if rt.- sired.) One V-room house on Spruce street. Appiy to H. r . Grant & Son. reul estate agents. 6-25-dlwk "THE MILNOR." No. 198 Chestnut street, Asheville N. C. telephone 608. Mrs. Charles G. Mllnor. formerly from Pittsburg. Pa., is prepared to take guests for the summer; in desirable lo cation; a few minutes' walk from street cars: house pleasant and homelike rooms large, cheerful and newly fur nished: cuisine the best. For particu lars address Mrs. Charles G. Mllnor, m Chestnut street. -23-d2wk FOR RENT One 12-room house on Haywood street; all modern Im provements; electric lights, bells and also bath with hot and cold water. Also one completely furnished apartment or flat of 6 rooms and one unfurnished flat of ( rooms with electric lights, bath rooms and ranges In kitchen. I also havs 3 un furnished rooms with bath at $10.00 per month. Apply to O. D Revell, U2-34 Patton ava. jVLatcvii 1t vtu . '.;'" The attention of honieseeters is invited A OL -Ass - '1 Id t 6 a to niau, the man of limited means to secure a home in the heart ot the City, at a reasonable price and on easy terms. These lots lay well, are in a stone's throw of the street cars and paved streets; sewerage and water isclose at hand. These are advsn. tuges you can 1 get in snouroan property. for a reasonable sum. All the lots front on terms, apply to REAL, ESTATP By Weaver oc Alexander, Real Estate Brokers 28 Patton Avs P. O. Box 244 FOR RENT. TTnfurnisherl Hoiisa nt olirhf mnmm with modern convenlencpa. . Innlnriimr stable; newly painted and kalsomlned; exceDtionallV well hullt- nentral In. cation. $20. Weaver & Alexander. 40 m 9 m Unfurnished Dplichtf 1.1 home; seven room house; fine garden; small stable; beautiful oak grove; near cars; considerable fruit. $17.50. Wea ver & Alexander, 36 Unfurnished House eicht rnnma In good condition; small stable and gard-' en; near business part of city, on quiet street; modern conveniences. 120. Weaver & Alexander. 38 Unfurnished Near tormlnm nt Montford car line: five rnnm ntar in good condition; several acres of land; stable and poultry yard; spring water, tneap. weaver & Alexan der. J2 Furnished Snleniiirl hnnae nt alcrht rooms, on Cumberland avenue; modern conveniences: well shaded: a verv slrable place. $50. Weaver & Alexan. der. 41 Furnished Large and elegant coun try home, four miles from citv mm!. em and complete in all respects; lo cated on knoll overlooking river and popular drive; splendid stable and ouiouuuings; nas rented 3200 to $250 per month: will let much cheaner rlnw Weaver & Alexander. 42 FOR SALE. House and lot At half price; eight room house, splendid condition (cost $2400); lot 60x300 feet (worth $600); near car line and pavement; fine view of mountains, river and railroad. Only $1500; (Terms.) Weaver & Alex ander. 43 Residence lot One one-third acres, half mile from square on paved street; view perfectly grand; two small hous es renting for 10 per cent, of price asked. $1000. Weaver & Alexander. 34 Truck Farm 66 acres on Swannanoa river and drive near waterworks; 20 acres cleared; 12 of fine rich bottom; several good springs; fine building sites; good timber. Cheap at $2500. Weaver & Alexander. 44 FOR EXCHANGE. for Improved city property, new 4-room cottage and 13 1-2 acres land near the proposod University school site. New stable, woodshed, poultry yard and house; 500 grape and 1000 strawberry vines just set: several varieties fruit trees; iron mineral spring; lawn beautified by landscape gardener. Value $2000. Wea ver & Alexander. 45 NOTICE. The firm of Pennlman & Kel ly, doing a contracting and plumbing business, will dissolve by mutual consent on July 1st WOO. Any parties Indebted to said firm must come at once to their of fice in the Legal block and settle. ! , PENNIMAN & KELLY, i M. H. Kelly wll continue the busi ness at the same stand. 6-26-d5t FOR SALE AND RENT 7 room cottage Chestnut st., furnished; 8 room house Charlotte st., furnished 8 room house Cumberland ave., furl nlshed; 2 unfurnished cottages,6 rooms each. For Sale 2 choice lots Merrl mon ave.; pretty grove lot East St., on car line; bargln in 9 room house Cumberland ave.; choice lots on Vance and Oak sts., prices low; big bargain 7 room house Starnes ave timber lands. 2000 acres, 10,080 acres, 400 acres, all fine hardwood in virgin state. Natt Atkinson Sons' Co., Real Estate Dealers. ' FOR SALE cheap for cash With new furniture and tools, my place of 131-2 acres four miles from Asheville new and beautiful cottage; three large rooms with Veranda all around;, first class cellar: cemented floor; rough foundation; front yard, three acres In grass with shade trees and flowers- ex cellent Iron spring; 5 acres pasture fenced; young vineyard: 250 vines; best grapes; 200 raspberry; 1000 straberry- -50 young and 35 old bearing trees; evrv- ....11 in Ki'oa condition: planted by landscape gardener. A rare bargain- 1 good deed: no mortgage. Address o. : 1 amplche. Inanda, N. C. 8-23-lwk I CLOTHING cleaned, dyed, pressed und repaired at 113 Cherry st. by Mrs 1 Amanda Leatherwood. late widow of .r proprietor or the well known and old established Asheville Steam Dve wwks She solicits the patronage' of the public In general and will guaran tee first-class work, such as was al ways given at the old place of busl- ness and at a reasonably K low rate Ladles work a specialty. Work called for snd delivered to any part of the city. Phone or leave orders at Own bey s grocery store, corner Montford sve and Haywood at., or bring theTO . 115 Cn""-? Asheville, N. C. 5-28d2t-thurs j 'C- zn. r '4' p'8iJii;. - ',1 1 t; 1 we p9' V7J tola, fikait fcjw to vr to the above valuable orooertv. Here 1 uis is me oniy nrst ciass resilience property, ccnirauy locaiea luax can De bought a wide, well graded street, and many of them have superb views. For prices and MARCUS ERWIN, Court House. REAL, ESTATE. WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers. 23 Patton Avenue. Phone 661 PARTIAL, LIST. THIS LIST WILL BE CHANGED TWICE A WEEK FOR RENT FURNISHED. On Cumberland avenue New modern house of nine rooms; fully furnished, including linen, silverware, etc; a very desirable place. Price $55 per month for short term or $50 per month for six months or longer. Wi'.kle & La Barbe. Ill A completely furnished house of sev. en rooms; Just .beyond city limits, on car line. A cool and quiet locality; large grounds and garden: horse and buggy 'included ft desired. $50 per month. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 112 A delightful residence on Haywood street; 10 rooms; every modern con venience; elevation and large grounds; house conveniently arranged and com pletely furnished. Price on application. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 113 A completely furnished residence of eight rooms; half block from car line; all conveniences; piano Included; in eastern part of city. Price $50 per month. Wllkie A LaBarbe. 114 A completely furnished 10 room house on Montfsrd avenue; near city limits; on car line; stable. $75 per month. Wllkie o- La Bp -e. 115 a very desirable residence on North Main street: eight rooms, servants' room and basement; all conveniences; completely furnished, except silver and linen Price $75 per month (not less than four months lease). Wilkie A LaBarbe. 116 Cottage on Chestnut street: three bed rooms, parlor, reception hall, din ing room, kitchen, bath room: well fur nished. Price $35 per month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 117 A desirably located flat of five rooms, newly and completely furnished: all modern conveniences: good neighbor hood; on car line. Price for short term $32 per month; six' months or longer $30 per month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 118 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. A new six room cottage in popular residence section: all modern conven iences; 4 blocks from postofrle. Price $25 per month. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 140 A charming country place; several miles from city: 16 rooms; large grounds. Price, including fuel, $25 per month. Price, including furniture for six rooms and fuel, $35. Will not rent for boarding house Wilkie & La Barbe. i4j Large house (14 rooms) on Patton avenue car line. House Is now being put In thorough repair; Bhady grounds of four acres: a lovely home. $60 per month by year. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 104 On Central avenue; eight room houss In good state of repair and convenient ly arranged: city water, bath rooms etc Price $17.50 per monUj.-Wllkle & LaBarbe. jQg A modern house of 20 rooms; Just be yond city limits: cool and shady loca tion; electric lights and bells; accessi ble to business section by hack line making regular trips; very desirable for boarding house. ' $50 per month: less by year.-Wllkle & LaBarbe. 107 A MODERN 10-room house on Cum berland avenue; one block from car line; completely furnished; will rent for summer season, to October 15. Price $60 per month. Wilkie & LaBarbe. (119 A DESiRABli7rom house: two ? 1 Jrm CUrt Bquare: house as 2 kern convenie"cs and every ph ,hB recnt'y been repapered I Lasirbe!" mnth by mr- Wllk, 142 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , Pf,ntrally located small business re quiring capital of less than $500; will Notics. j By virtue of the power contained In a J ed VU8t uted e by Reuben" i rel8trd in book 42. on i age 3sS Of the rpcnrtla ...,. j , . ? rcuo iiiui-e 01 Buncombe county. North Carollna) t0 Becurm L.k"",1 0t,l cer,aI,r note- fully des cribed in said deed in trust, and de- of said note and Interest thereon I will THE 17TH DAY OF JULY, A D 1900 door In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, "?.r to the highest bidder for fh. ; n ? ,ff sa"1 no,e and nterest, the following described lot or parcel of land situate in the city of Ashev He' side of Main street, and bounded and ; 60 k ' r i; iu St. 9 tioi 6e 60 5TSIIT. 6 60 lull, JSLL tilt &7f to 6c is offered an otrxrtunitv to the hi, ;.... make a good living for any one who will elvft It nmnor at-tAntlnn mrna. offer to engage In larger business in another city, which must be accepted. 11 at an, oeiore juiy 1. wiiKie & La Bar be. 110 TO VISITORS Unacquainted with the city we sd- daily tender our services. While, of course, we realize that we cannot pleas everyone, yet we will be happy to fur. nish whatever information we have In regard to real estate, and If we haven't f hat you want we may be able to as sist you In finding it without cost t you for any assistance we may ren der. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 10 ROOMS FOR RENT. We have furnished and unfurnished rooms in suites of two, three and four, in various residence sections of ths city. Will be pleased to give descrip tion and prices upon application at our office. Wllkie & LaBarbe. IOC MONEY TO LOAN. $1000 on improved city property, worth not less than $2500, first mort gage. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 400 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. A very desirable residence on Hay wood street, near Montford avenue. House Is well built, nine rooms and out. buildings. Lot 120 feet front, 210 feet deep. Price $0500. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 641 House of nine rooms, Just oft Mont ford avenue; furnace, city water and sewer connection; cabin for servants; nice garden. Lot 65x175. Price $2500. -Wilkie & LaBarbe. 544 On Hillside street, 12 room house and basement; good well; stable and garden. Lot 75x110. Price $1600. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 545 The most desirable home with large grounds for sale In Asheville. This charming place Is within city limit and accessible to business section, yet the large shaded grounds make it as quiet and secluded as if in country; orchard and vineyard; large garden; outbuildings. House contains 10 rooms; hardwood floors. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 531 On Bailey stfeet. Well arranged house of 10 rooms; city water; sewer connection. Lot 60x200. -This property can be bought for $2000 and 1b worth more.-Wllkle & LaBarbe. 640 BUILDING LOTS. We have building lots of any size de sired and In various sections of the city and suburbs, ranging in price from $50 to $3000.' We can please you. Wil kie & LaBarbe. 541 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. , House of eight rooms with outbuild, ings and 37 acres of land; on eleva tion; shady and excellent view; sever al desirable building sites; can be pur chased on easy terms. Price $5000. Wilkie & LaBarbe. $01 FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY. $25,000.001750 acres; four miles from Asheville; eight room house and tlx cabins; several springs and running streams; about one-fourth of property i fenced for pasture. Wllkie & La Barbe. 29j Farm of 47 acres on Burnsvllle road", about four miles from city; fertile land, f! T . iVor truck gardening and well ocated for poultry business; two dwell. Ings and store room. Price for whole $4800, or would be divided. Wilkie A LaBarbe. .- . $00 $2500.00-Farm of 100 acres, four miles from Asheville. This farm Is on proposed route of new electric car Una and Is a bargain at price It is now of-fered.-Wilkle & LaBarbe. 71 more particularly described as fol lows; Beginning at a stake In the southern margin of Willow street and the west ern margin of South Main street, and rn,8., wlth the western margin of Min street one hundred and nine and one-half feet to the northeast corner of the Asheville To bacco Warehouse company's land; thence with northern boundary line of aid company west two hundred feet 1? take, the southeast corner of E. Clemmons' lot; thence with the Una or said lot north to the southern mar gin of Willow street; thence with the southern margin of Willow street to the beginning, the same being the land where now stands the Swannanoa hotel. This June 16th, 1900. JOSEPH 8. ADAMS. -18d30d. Trustee.

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