THE ASLTEYILLE DAILY CIIIZEN. THURSDAY, JULY QUICGING QF SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE LOTS PLATFORM OF THE REPUBLICANS E"3 "Vi mi i ft " t. At Last the Truth Has Been ' Made Known. PORTO RICAN PLANK OMITTED PRORABLY RY DIRECTION' FROM MKINLEY. "Vashlngton, July 5. At last we have the truth of the Qulgglng of the .Re ' publican platform and It shows, as has been suggested all along In this cor respondence, that the Porto Rlcan plank was omitted and the ship subsi dy plank modified at the lat moment, probably by directions from the White House in this city. Senator Foraker has given out a statement that makes everything clear. He says, In part: "The sub-committee had at least three and probably four meetings before It reported to the full committee. I at . tended only the Hist two meetings, and wag not prevent when the report was read to the full committee. All I know about Hie action of the s ufr-com-mlttee is confined, therefore, to Its first and second meetings. At the first meeting 1 read the draft that had been prepared by Mr. Smith and oth ers. Neither Mr. Qulgg nor anyone else, objected tu any of the specific planks or propositions as such, nor did he or any one else quectt m the propri ety of Incorporating thtm or any one X1 them In the platform." The senator di scribes a later meet ing and continues: "At neither one of these meetings did any one suggest that the plank asserting the power of congress to govern the territories should be omitted, nor did any one sug gest that the plank In regard to the merchant marine should be modified, and I did not know until after the plat form had been reported to the conven tion that the plank asserting the pow er of congress to govern the territories had been omitted, or that the merchant marine plank had been changed to the form In which It appears in the plat form, Whether these subjects were discussed and acted upon at the meet ings of the sub-committee which 1 did not attend I do not know." Thus it aopears that Mr. Foraker van not present at the meeting of thei committee when the changes were rnBde. Senator Fall bunks, who stands closer to the president than perhaps flny man except Mark Hanna, was present at both, and asserts that the changes were acceptable to the com mittee. It follows that when Senator Foraker told Representative (irosvenor that Qulgg "driveled out" the planks on his own responsibility, he spoke of a matter of which he knew nothing and could have kiimvn nothing except at second hand. In view of these facts, the conclusion Is Irresistible that between the last meeting attended by Senator Foraker and the last meeting of all, the presi dent, as has so often been the case before, began to wobble and Instructed his dear friend, Senator Fairbanks, to omit these planks. Rut the Porto Rl can plank had been Inserted in the tlrst place on the dliect Insistence of Senator Foraker, who needed It as an endorsement of his course In forcing the bill through the senate, and when he learned that It had been omitted, llttellhea emeel - vbgk emfw shrill shs , he Jumped to the conclusion that It ' had been done at the Instance of Sena tor Hiinnii. w ho Is not any too anxious for Foraker to be vindicated and re elected to the senate two years from now. In fact, he wants his man Pick put In thia place, so that he may be the supreme ple-glver of Ohio. General (Irosvenor sympathized with Foraker because he too had suffered by having the shipping plank, with which he bad Identified hlmself.cut out. This was obviously done In order to free the Republicans from the burden of currying such a weight during the campaign. The whole thing proves that Foraker and (Irosvenor in not iulte so smart as the men against vhrm they are pitted and that eternal vIk'Imiici- Is the price of having plat forms drawn to suit one. If Foraker hadn't got tired and gone to bed, he covid probably have kept the planks In. The occurrence proves, too. that the administration is very doubtful of the coiiectness of its attitude on Porto 1(1 fn and fears that a court decision from an authoritative source may Intervene Ht:d discredit It before the election, de spite Its efforts to stave off such an oci Wayne MacVeugh, for In stance, commenced proceedings which would have Involved a determination of tills iiii'Stlon by the Supreme court, but the c.ises were terminated through the act! ii of the government in par doning Mr. MacVeagh's cllents.The case of the Porto Rlcan who was brought to New York and detained un der the contract labor law would have undoubtedly reached the Supreme court h id not the detained Immigrant been released by order of the secretary of the tiasuiy. tuber cases have been similar' Y terminated. So tlv seems little chance of court action until after the election. It was probably thought best not to take any chances. Now. If such a decision does come, the president can say that he was always opposed to the abandon ment of his "plain duty" and that he Induced the convention not to endoise It. rlMTTENDF.N MAR I IK ''IT. He Came Near Being Badly Hurt. Little Johnny Smith of S, c, c :ine to Ashevllle with his papa. While st Hid ing on the corner of Court Square look ing at the Vance monument and beau tiful court house he failed to notice his father had left him until he spiel him itcross the street, lie made a dash across the street Mud was run over by a grocer's wsiron. I.Ike nearly nil country boys, he had his lunch with him, which consisted of pie, cake and biscuit which was mle with the llumford baking powder. Little Johnny made a dive and saved his bis cuit. Of course the usual crowd gath ered and, finding Johnny was not hurt at all, thought It win strange, as the wagon was filled with boxes; hut on cloae examination It wis found thnt the boxes contained Uumfor l baking power, which of coure solved the mys tery. Johnny got ill n funny re mark; said the reason the eclipse of the sun did not take pla e In Ashe vllle was that there was dm much Rumfonl used, s Ilumford made thlngt light. isi AWgetable Preparationfor As similating foeFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Dige9lion.Cheerfur- ness and Kest.conlains neither Opitim.Morpliine norIineral. ot Narcotic. flKtpt afOUlSAMl HPfTClW fimJua Sent' Mx.Smu sinue&ird hfpmmt - rlmfud .lupv MMtrprvM rimrtr. 1 a A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrisn ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEWYOI1K. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. u Special Notices For Ice Tea none better than Golden l'i agon. Kroger. WANTED To huy two second-hand bicycles. U. A. (ireer. 6-29 Itf. FOR SALE Five-gallon Ice cream freezer. Noah Murrough. AN EXTRA FINE LOT SEED PO tatoes at C. S. Cooper's, 39 South Main t. 6-Mdlmo. WANTED A good male cook, to go to ltlack Mountuln. Apply Citizen of fice. 6-29dtf. CALIFORNIA FRUITS Peaches Oranget, Lemom and Prune. Tho. W. Fttipatrlck ft Co., S4 North Main itreet. FOR RENT Four rooms and bath; all conveniences; range in kitchen; light, cozy and quiet. Apply 90 Cum berland uve. 6-29dtf. 31 - the "Odorless" Refrigerator. Food will not contaminate In them. For sale by Mrs. L. A. Johnson, 43 Patton avenue. SUBURBAN board, ner golf links, 15 minutes' walk to cars; high ground, tine view, new house, choice table. Mrs. Gulliver, Ottarl, Box 47. LOST A spectacle case of brown al ligator leather containing a pair of gold bowed glasses. Finder please re turn to J. Spangenbcig's stole. 6-23-dtf SKLECT HOAItD-One square from poHtoftlee; bright, sunny rooms, high location; terms on application. Mrs. M. V. Robinson, No. 78 Haywood t. 6-;0dlmo. DR. McHRAYKK has removed his office to No. 2 North Court square, over Spangenberg's shoe store. Tele phones: offlce, 3U0, residence. 121. 6-2X-lmo. I HAVE several six-hole ranges with water backs. Aluo several oil and gasoline cooking stoves, all at reason able prices W. Turner, 3S Notih M.iin street, 'phone 226. FOR RENT Very desirable newly furnished rooms; high location; splen did view; one square from postotflce, In vicinity of several nice boarding h Ulses. 64 Haywood st. 'Phone 2S8. PRIVATE HOARD rieaoant rooms I -grate and furnace heat; central, high ' location; near P. O. Rock Ledge, 62 ! Haywood itreet. Mrs. L. V. Cole, j proprietor. i 1 , i I Tilt' FINEST lot of new Dressers to i be found In the city are now at my place at astonishingly low prices. W. L. Moore, No. 11 west Court Square. ; Phone 3; 3. Lost, between Trinity church and : I.oc ust street, on Friday night, black brocaded satin rape with silver clasp. Finder please return to this otllce and ,i'vclc reward. 6-2Stf. ; VERY DESIRABLE rooms with ; hoard; new house, furnace heated, electric light and bells, superb view, on paved street, near churches and postotllce. Mrs. F. A. Hull, 103 South Main street. 3-27-dtf FOR RKNT-Splendid house of 8 rooms on Staines ave; all modern con v -tuences; near street cars; new lyvkttl , somlned and painted.. Price, $25.00 a . bargain. II. F. Grant Son, Real Es ; tate Dealers, 24 South Main st. (6-22dtf IS THERE a building and loan as sociation or other company that will build a house according to plans of my choice, to be paid for In rent? Ad dress Home," care The Citlten. 6-7-dtf. FOR RENT A 10-room house, newly papered and painted; less than one-half mile from postotflce and about three minutes' walk from street cars; In good neighborhood; fine shade trees. Apply to It. G. Hunt, city postolllce. -25-dtf - . II SALE New 10-room hotel with $500 worth of furniture In same; one half mile of thriving town, near sta tion. Finest summer resort In coun try; 40 acres good land belonging to It. $4200 one-hlf cash, balance on rood terms. Apply J. M. Campbell. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A A Bears the ;ure of Use For Over Thirty Years tmi cintaus eemniNv. new tosh city. 1 STORE HOUSE AND DWELLING for rent; corner North Main and Chest nut streets. Apply F. M. Foster, 19 ! Merrlmon avenue. 7-4d3t. REMOVAL My customers and the Ashevllle public generally will please take notice that I have removed my barber shop from 24 North Main to 60 South uiain street. E. W. Moore. T-i-dlw. TYPEWRITERS When you buy a new typewriter buy a Remington. The Remington Is the "standard." It will do more work and better work than any other writing machine. We also buy. sell and rent second hand typewriters of all makes. Typewriter Exchange, 23 Patton avenue. WANTED More Improved and un improved properties, both in city and suburbs, to sell. I now have panles desiring to purchase homes in and near Ashevllle, who will pay all cash, provided prices are right. Those having; desirable real estate to sell should ad dress or call on A. J. Lyman, oftlces 13 Church street. FOR RENT ONLY A large fine res- : Idence; 16 rooms; furnished; servants' hoiiHe and carriage house; large : grounds; central location. $125 per i month. Ow ner and one daughter will board with renter and allow liberal dis count from rent. Apply to John M. j Campbell, Real Estate Agent, No. 9V4 I Forth Main st. "THE MILNOR." No. 198 Chestnut street, Ashevllle N. C, telephone 608. Mrs. Charles G. Mllnor, formerly from Pittsburg, Pa., is prepared to take guests for the summer; in desirable lo cation; a few minutes' walk from street cars; house pleasant and homelike; rooms large, cheerful and newly fur nished; cuisine the best. For particu lars address Mrs. Charles G. Mllnor, 19K Chestnut street. S-23-d2wk FOR RENT One 12-room house on Haywood street; all modern Im provements; electric lights, bells and also bath with hot and cold water. Also one completely furnished apartment or Hat of 5 room; and one unfurnished flat of 6 rooms with electric lights, bath rooms and ranges In kitchen. I also have 3 un furnished rooms with bath at $10.00 per month. Apply to O. D Revell, U2-34 Patton ava. FOR SALE AND RENT 7 room cottage Chestnut St., furnished; 8 room house Charlotte at., furnished; 8 room house Cumberland ave., fur nished; 2 unfurnished cottages, 6 rooms each; For Sale 2 choice lota Merrl mon ave.; pretty grove lot East St., on car line; bargln In 9 room house Cumberland ave.; choice lots on Vance and Onk sts.. prices low; big bargain room house Starnes ave.; timber lands, 2000 acres. 10,000 acres, 4no ncres, all fine hardwood In virgin state. Natt Atkinson Sons' Co., Real Estate Dealers. CLOTHING cleaned, dyed, pressed and repaired at 113 Cherry st. by Mrs. Amanda l-eatherwood, late widow of the proprietor of the well known and old established Ashevllle Steam Dye works, she solicits the patronage of the puhllc In general und will guaran tee tlrst -class work, such ns was al ways given at the old place of busi ness and at a reasonably low rate. Ladles work a specialty. Work called for and delivered to any part of the city. 'Phone or leave orders at Own bey's grocery store, corner Mont ford ave. and Haywood St., or bring them to No. 113 Cherry st., Ashevllle. N. C. 6-28d2t-thurs SPECIAL NOTICES If you have anything to sell or wish to buy any thing ay so In Special Notices. ROANOKE COI I FClF SALEM, V,V7L,L,L,VJ L, VIRGINIA Courses for Degrees with Electlves; high standard. Also Com'l and Prep'y Courses. Library 22.000 volumes; work ing lahiiratory; good morals and disci pline; six churches; NO BAR-ROOMS. Healthful mountain location. VERY MODERATE EXPENSES'. Students from 22 states and countries; 21 from North Carolina. 4Sth year begins Sep tember 12th. Catalogue with views free. JULJ'TS D. DREHER. ' lldot signature ) AW- ft iF I" AM P I XZ. S j o. 1 6 ltT" ,i, v I fc j I bit I o i I -W- U1' ' i I r 4- ftilTU I I O C O T The attention of bomweekers is invited to the above valuable property. Here is offered an opportunity to the busi. niau the man of limited means to secure a home in the heart of the City, at a reasonable price andon easv terms TW lots lay wel 1 , are m a stone's throw of the street cars and paved streets; sewerage and water is close at hand these are d.!7 tages you can t get in suburban property. This is the only first class residence property, centrally located' that can be bouX" for a reasonable sum. , All the lots front on a wide, well graded street, and manv of them have superb views For Dric fi terms, apply to MARCUS ERWIN, Court Houi? REAL HSTATF By Weaver cc Alexander, Real Estate Brokars 26 Patton Av p. O. Box 244 Furnished A delightful 8-room house In high-toned residence section; l block from car line; new and modern; very desirable. $50. Weaver & Alex ander. 4X Furnished Splendid country resi dence 4 miles from city; large and beautiful grounds; good outbuildings; fine view ; a charming home. $150. Weaver & Alexander. 42 Furnished Sulendid resld ..Haywood street; finished in hardwoods tnrougnout; ntted with all modern Im provements; has rented for $1200 per year; will let much less now; would let unfurnished to right party. Wea ver & Alexander. 43 FOR RENT: Unfurnished 7-room house; just been painted; one block from car line In good locality; large lot and garden; well shaded; small stable; delightful place. $20. ($18 on year's lease to right parties.) Weaver & Alexander. ! 36 Unfurnished 8-room house on Vance street; close to street cars and busi ness; good locality; newly kalsomined and renovated; modern Improvements. Weaver & Alexander. 40 y Unfurnished 8-room house; cen trally located; retired street, but close to p. o. and business; well suited for business man; modern oonvenlences. $21, Weaver & Alexander. 38 Unfurnished A very desirable 8 room house with range, 2 bathrooms, f.'rnace, etc.; 2 blocks from p. o ; practically new; always rents $35 00; will reserve one room and rent at $25 to good party on long term. Weaver & Alexander. 47 Unfurnished 6-room cottage on Or ange street; Inclosed by fence; splen did large shade trees; first-class loca tion; modern conveniences; new wood shed. $17.50 (less by the year). Wea ver & Alexander. 48 FOR SALE: 66 2j3-acre farm on Swannanoa river; 6 miles from city; 12 acres finest bottom; well watered by springs and branches: nearly 50 acres timber land; splendid truck farm. $2250. Weaver & Alexander. 44 House and lot In western part of city; convenient to depot and car lines; 8-room house, in good shape: ex cellent view; modern conveniences; specially suited for railroad men or those In business near depot: cost $2400. Price, If taken at once, $1500 easy terms. Weaver & Alexander. At Tryon, N. C Two new residences on a one-acre lot; 9-room house, cot tage and stable; nearly new; water in house; willing to lose $15'0 to make quick sale. Second house 10 rooms; only 2 years old: splendid well water; well arranged and located for board ing house. Cheap at $3000. Weaver & Alexander. 49 At Tryon, N. C Livery stable and feed store; stable 40x60; good carriage shed and feed loft; building new, store new, 25x55, 1 story; good stock horses, vehicles, harness and feed for small town. Price for all. Including build ings and lots, only $4000, if taken In short time. Weaver & Alexander. 50 Small Farm For sale or exchange for ci;y property; 5 miles from city; near Sulphur Springs; new cottage, with stone and cement foundation; large piazzas; new outbuildings; splen did young vineyard. $2000. Weaver & Alexander. 45 General Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE In Effect June 14, 1900. a S V 3 MM c a V STATIONS. Central Time 1 , 's 6 s A.M 6:20 a! e .n P.M. A.M. P.M. l.lo Lv ...Brevard.. Ar 9:50 9:33 6:S5 6:16 i:ju" .Davidson River. 1:2 Penrose 1:52 Blantyre 2:01 Etowah; 2:10 Cannon 2:1S ....Horse Shoe.... 2:25 Tale 8:35 .. 9:23 ... 9:13 .. 9:03 .. 8:65 ... 8:60 .... ... 8:40 .... Lv 8:20 6:20 :40 2:45 Ar...H sonvllle Flag stations. Connects with Southern Railway at Hendersonvllle. J. F. HAYS. General Manager. T. S. BOSWELL. Superintendent. Brevard. June 11 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES-H you hart anything to sell or wish to buy any. thlt. say so In Special Notices. mm RAILROAD ' 'l'4 8 6 if r J f f rx', 6?f 6 REAL, ESTATE. WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers. 23 Patton Avenue. Phone 661 PARTIAL LIST. THIS LIST WILL BE CHANGED TWICE A WEEK FOR RENT FURNISHED. On Cumberland avenue New modern house of nine rooms; fully furnished, Including linen, silverware, etc; a very desirable place. Price $55 per month for short term or $50 per month "for six months or longer. Wllkle & La Barbe. m A completely furnished house of sev. en rooms; Just beyond city limits, on car line. A cool and quiet locality; large grounds and garden; horse and buggy included If desired. $50 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 112 A delightful residence on Haywood street; 10 rooms; every modem con venience; elevation and large grounds; house conveniently arranged and com pletely furnished. Price on application. -Wllkle & LaBarbe. 11$ A completely furnished residence of eight rooms; half block from car line; all conveniences; piano Included; In eastern part of city. Price $50 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 114 A completely furnished 10 room house on Montford avenue; near city limits; on car line; stable. $75 per month. Wllkle LaB? e. 115 a very desirable residence on North Main street; eight rooms, servants' room and basement; all conveniences; completely furnished, except silver and linen Price $75 per month (not less than four months lease). Wllkle & LaBarbe. ng Cottage on Chestnut street; three bed rooms, parlor, reception hall, din ing room, kitchen, bath room; well fur nished. Price $35 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 117 A desirably located flat of five rooms, newly and completely furnished: all modern conveniences: good neighbor hood; on car line. Price for short term $32 per month; six months or longer $30 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 118 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. A new six room cottage In popular residence section: all modern conven iences; 4 blocks from nostnffle Prloo $25 pest month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 140 A charming country place; several miles from city: 16 rooms; large grounds. Price, Including fuel, $25 per month. Price, Including furniture for six rooms and fuel, $35. Will not rent for boarding house Wllkle & La Barbe. 141 I Large house (14 rooms) on Patton I avenue car line. House Is now being put In thorough repair; shady grounds I of four acres; a lovely home. $50 per oy year. wiiKie & LaBarbe. 104 On Central avenue; eight room house In good state of repair and convenient ly arranged; city water, bath rooms etc. Price $17.50 per month. Wllkle & LaBarbe. iqj A modern house of 20 rooins; Just be. yond city limits: cool and shady loca tion; electric lights and bells; accessi ble to business section by hack line making regular trips; very desirable for boarding house. $50 per month; less by year.-Wilkle & LaBarbe. 107 A MODERN 10-room house on Cum- ianu nvenue; one Dlock from car (line; completely furnished: will rent for j summer season, to October 15. Price cr monm. wiikie & LaBarbe. (119 A DESIRABLE 9-room house; two blocks from Court square; house has all modern conveniences and every room has recently been repapered. Price, $25 per month by year, Wilkle & LaBarbe. 143 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY centrally located small business re quiring capital of less than $600; will Notice. By virtue of the power contained in a deed in trust executed to me by Reuben ..Rawl8 on the 4th day of August. 189., and registered In book 42. on 1 age $88 of the records of trust deeds in the Register of Deed' county. North Carolina, to secure the ynynieni ot a certain note fully des cribed in said deed In tr.i.t .-j . fault bavins' been made In th - ... UlClll of said note and interest thereon I will on THE 17TH DAY OF JULY. A. D., 1900, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door In the cltv nf Aahevtiu Buncombe and State of North Carolina, oer for sale to the highest bidder for e ih. to satisfy said note and Interest. mo lonowing described lot or parcel of land, situate In the rlt nf Aahevm county and stats aforesaid, on the west nut ot Main street, and bounded and j6 6o o 6s o 'Su. V"1 tf l7'"- Sl 9 (JOJ Stout. 6 6o '-fit r r Mil i. 6o 6o 6' make a good living for any one who win give It proper attention; owner has offer to engage In larger business In another city, which must be accepted, If at all. before July 1. Wllkle & La Barbe. nj TO VISITORS Unacquainted with the city we espe cially tender our services. While, of course, we realize that we cannot pleas everyona, yet we will be happy to fur nish whatever Information we have In regard to real estate, and If we haven't v hat you want we may be able to as sist you In finding It without cost t you for any assistance we may ren der. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 10$ ROOMS FOR RENT. We have furnished and unfurnished rooms in suites of two, three and four, In various residence sections of tht city. Will be pleased to give descrip tion and prices upon application at our office. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 10 MONET TO LOAN. $1000 on Improved city property, worth not less than $2500, first mort gage. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 404 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. A very desirable residence on Hay wood street, near Montford avenue. House is well built, nine rooms and out. buildings. Lot 120 feet front, 210 feet deep. Price $6500. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 64$ House of nine rooms. Just off Mont ford avenue; furnace, city water and sewer connection; cabin for servants; nice garden. Lot 65x175. Price $2500. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 544 On Hillside stree. 12 room house and basement; good well; stable and garden. Lot 75x110. PHm nfinn Wllkle & LaBarbe. 545 The most desirable home with iurM grounds for sale in Ashevllle. This cnarming place is within city limits and accessible to business section, yet the large shaded Errounrls mnlre It aa quiet and secluded as If In country; orcnara ana vineyard; large garden; outbuildings. House contains m mnm.- hardwood floors. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 531 j On Bailey street. Well arranged ! house of 10 rooms; city water; sewer connection. Lot 60x200. This property I can be bought for $2000 and Is worth i more. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 540 BUILDING LOTS. We have building lots of any size de sired and in various sections of the city and suburbs, ranging in price from $50 to $3000. We can please you. Wll kle & LaBarbe. 541 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. House of eight rooms with outbuild ings and 37 acres of land; on eleva tion; shady and excellent view; sever al desirable building sites; can be pur chased on easy terms. Price $5000. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 301 FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY. $25,000.001750 acres; four miles from Ashevllle; eight room house and sli cabins; several springs and running streams: about one-fourth of property Is fenced for pasture. Wllkle & La Barbe. 296 Farm of 47 acres on Burnsvllle road, about four miles from city; fertile land, suitable for truck gardening and well located for poultry business; two dwell' Ings and store room. Price for whole $4800, or would be divided, -Wllkle 4 LaBarbt. 300 $2500.00 Farm of 100 acres, fouf miles from Ashevllle. This farm Is on proposed route of new electric car lint and Is a bargain at price It Is now of- fered. Wllkle & LaBarbe. N more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning fit's, stake In the southern margin of Willow street and the west ern margin of South Main street, ana runs with, the western margin of Main street one hundred n nine and one-half feet to thi northeast corner of the Ashevllle To bacco Warehouse company's land; thence with northern boundary line of said company west two hundred f to a stake, the southeast comer of T. Clemmons' lot; thence with the Un of said lot north to the southern mf gin or Willow street; thence with tM southern margin of Willow street to the beginning, the same being the lano where now stands the Swannanoa hotel. This June 16th, 1900. JOSEPH 8. ADAMS, 6-18d30d. Trut

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