SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE LOTS n n i juLcvtcu. urn . TO GARBLE FACTS TO SUIT' THE REPUBLICANS Work of the Bureau of Sta tics at Present. PARTISAN STATISTICS SENT OUT FOR USE AS CAMPAIGN THUN . DER.. Washington, July 16. Under the present administration the bureau of itatlstlca, o ably and impartially con ducted under Worthtngton C. Ford and his predecessors, has degenerated into a Republican annex, where twice every week partisan sets of statistics are sent out to the papers so arranged as to furnish campaign thunder to the Re publicans. Almost invariably the fig ures are either garbled or are so par tial that no true Idea of thesituatton can be reached. Essential facts are wt out If they conflict with the great "prosperity" claims of the administra tion. For instance, to show the parti san character of the newa furnished, it was recently stated by the bureau that tbe value of the manufactured . goods exported during the past year had broken the record by so many hun dreds of millions. This was true enough, but the fact was omitted that this Increase nearly all arose from the increased valuation placed on the arti cle and that the actual quantity ex ported showed little or no increase. On the otner nana, it bihicu hi au nther uaper that the quantity of agri cultural produce exported was greater than ever before, but the fact was omitted that the prices for such staples had so fallen that the value of these agricultural exports was actually less than that of the smaller quantity of a vear ago. Now another bureau has joined In the race for perversion of the facts. The "division of customs and insular affairs of the war department," has been taxing every one of the numer als to the utmost to prove the truth gf the misleading motto of the imperial ists that "Trade follows the nag." Af ter untiring prognostications the divis ion has Issued a statement of imports at Manila during the calendar year 16iift which, strangely enough, proves that if trade really has any Inclination to keep in the Hag's path, the latter has made such desperate leaps that it Is completely out of sight. According to this, the imports at Manila in 1899 ag gregated $17,450,412 In value, yielding a customs revenue of $3,364,090, or, per haps, about one twenty-fifth the cost of coping with the uprising In the same period of time. The statement is in genuous enough to confess that "In many instances the percentage of the various articles (coming from the Unit ed States was Very low; Indeed, in a great many cases the United States ex porters were not represented at all." It Is noticeable also that in the schedule of Imports from countries ac-. cording to the amounts passed under official inspection the United States ranks fourth, with $1,350,364, while Spain exported to the Philippines mer chandise considerably over double that amount In value. And it was Filipino hatred of the Spaniards, we are told, which led to the first rebellion in tne island. , As a. mattec.of fact,, statistics., not especially cooked for the occasion, show that our tradesto China and the east is very small at best. In the last fiscal year the value of American ex ports was $1,227,305,0S8. The people of Great Britain bought from us products to the amount of $11,816,475 or 41.71 per cent, of our total exports. The British colonies purchased American goods valued at $122,129,36S. The purchase of the English-speaking people thus amounted to 53.88 per cent, of our to tal exports. Our next largest custom era were Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and France, whose pur chases aggregated $340,000,000. The re maining European countries, Including Russia in Europe, bought American products to the amount of $84,278,238. The total purchases of Great Britain, the British colonies and Europe thus aggregated about seven-eighths of our exports. The Latin-American states Imported American goods to. the extent of JSl.952,143. The British depenaen cies in Asia and Africa bought $27,230. 071. But the figures of our eastern trade were only some $49,822,378. In other words the people of Asia, Africa and Oceanlca, comprising two-thirds of the population of the globe, were able to buy from the United States goods and wares at the rate of less than 10 cents per capita. The entire traffic with Asia, Oceanlca and Africa, not Including British possessions, was only about one-tenth of our exports to Great Britain alone. - The great mass of the people of Chi na and India, are constantly on the verge of starvation, and it is Idle to talk of any considerable trade relations with them. They have no purchasing power that has not already been devel oped to Its full capacity. CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT. KIND FRIENDS. From the Detroit Journal. The neighbors were very kind to the widow. Some brought sympathy and advice; others brought material food, raiment and the like. god cheer, Still others, and these were the most considerate of all, came and to'.d hr how she had aged 10 years In the three weeks since her husband's death. "How prod of them!" exc'.a'nud the widow, and wept tears of gratitude.- REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. Finm the New York Press. Mm lie best, but women deceive best. Women are no better than men enly live better li they The longest way home is the short est w ay to a domestic squall. ' It is the clever people that get catiRht oftenest. Just like the best swimmers that get drowned. k Feople In love don't get their- eyes opened as quick as puppies or kittens, but when they do open they see it all. i i j ' - TOOT! From the Indianapolis Press. "How long does the train stop here?" the old lady asked the brake man. "Stop here?" answered the function JO'. "Four, minutes; from two to two to two-two." f I J "I wonder,", mased tn old lady.11 "If that man thinka he la the whistle." AVcgetable Prcparationfor As -simulating theFoodandBegula ling theStomacto aMBoweis of itSttiii Promotes Digestion-Crmfiir-ness and Rest. Con tains neither OpiumIorphine norllincral. Not 7i Arc otic H"fkm Sent- ' Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK, "IVff 1 .flat ML exact copy or wrapper, Standard Sewing Machine Company New Machines from $18 Jo $60 If you want a machine cheap buy from us and don't order from depart ment stores away off. We guarantee all our machines for five years and are here to make that guarantee) good. Expert repairing on all makes of ma chines done at office. 'Phone 373. 1. A. VlIMLbiM, Agent 11 West Court Square Aaheville, N. C SPECIAL NOTICES If you have anything to sell or wish to buy any- thli say so In Special Notices. Jill frmj r M-----rr.- ft Tate Springs, Tenn., Improvements at the Carlsbad of America The most delightful health and plea sure resort in the South, 184 miles east of Chattanooga, In the loveliest valley of the East Tennessee Mountains. Two hotels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees; complete sys tem water works with modern baths; splendid orchestra, spacious ball room, telegraph and long distance telepnone. Buildings and grounds lighted with electricity; in fact all the amusements and comforts. Best German and Americsn cooks. The water cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and all troubles of liver, stomach, bladder, bowela and kldne s. Shipped anytime, anywhere. Write for 40 page book free. THOS. TOMLINSON, Prop. The Queen & Crescent Route forms close connection at Cincinnati with the great trunk lines Pennsylvania Lines, G. R. & I., Big 4 Route, C. H. & D., C. & O. and Erie railways, handling through traffic expeditiously to all summer resorts of the North. Special low Excursion Rates Are now in effect daily from all points South over the Queen & Crescent'via Cincinnati, to Chautauqua, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Put-In-Bay, Petoskey, Mackinac and all other summer restinp places on Mountain, Lake and Seashore A New Ticket to Mackinac. You can buy a ticket to Mackinac now, at excursion rates, that will take you to Chicago, thence by the palatial steamer Manitou to Mackinac, re turning via D. & C. steamer to Toledo or Detroit and C. H. & D. Ry. to Cincinnati (or the reverse.) A finer summer trip was never offered. The famous resorts of the South are also open now. The sea son at Rock Castle Springs, Ky. , Cumberland Fulls, Ky. and Rhea Springs, Tenn., promises to be the most successful ever known. Queen A Crem trains are palaces f travel. Through Pullman deeper dally from 1 all southern cltl. Parlor, obwrratlon and choir can from Chattanooga, Home and 1 Attalla on day tralni. Free reclining chain from Chtttanooxa on night train. Fait achedulea, perfect track. ' No saaoka, mo dut, no cinders." Bend lor free information ai to rammer retorti and uwn A Creatent serrlcs to O. L. Mitchell. D. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn., or oall upon your ticket agent 1 W. J. MURPHY, Ocueral Manager. , W. C UNEARSON, Qen'l Puaenger Agent 1 i CmciSMAti. - j . .i k blHIMIMIMIMIHHHHMMIMIHMIICeilHCilH For Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature : 'of In Use For Over Thirty Years mni run the oiHTun eoMMNr. tn voft oitt. Notice. As administrator of the estate of M E. Carter, deceased, and by virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior court of Buncombe county, North Car olina, I will sell for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Anhevllle, on WEDNESDAY. THE 18TH DAT OF JULY, 1900, the following described personal prop erty, to-wlt: Twenty-five shares stock Asheville Street Railway company; 20 shares stock Asheville Tobacco Works and Cigarette company; 10 shares stock Asheville Park and Hotel com pany; three shares stock Asheville and Craggy Mountain Railway company; four shares stock Carolina woodwork ing company. And at the same time and place I will sell to the last and highest bidder, at public auction, on a credit of six months, as prescribed by law, 22 shares of the preferred stock of the Asheville Street Railroad com pany. This June 26th, A. D. 1900. C. T. RAWLS, 6-27-d20t Administrator. SPECIAL NOTICES If you have anything to sell or wish to buy any thing say so tn Special Notices. anything yon invent or lm Drove: also let CAVEAT.TrAOE'MARK COPTRIGHTorDESHiN PROTECTION. Send model, f ketch, or photo. for free examination and advice. HOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. Write C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHIN GTO N , D .C. SWWWwWV AA AtvAfP M L I ' LI w Summer Excursions A 'f 1 6U feel J t Sooth Tbe attention tf hoineseekers is invited man, the man of limited means to secure a home in the heart of the City, at a reasonable price and on easy terms. These lots, lay well, are in a stone's throw of the street cars and paved streets; sewerage and water isclose at hand. These are advan tages you can't get in suburban property. This is the only first class residence property, centrally located that can be bought for a reasonable sum. All the lots front on a wide, well graded street, and many of them have superb views! For prices and terms, apply to MARCUS ERWIN, Court House. REAL, ESTATF By Weaver cc Alexander, Real Estate Broksrs 28 Patton Aval P. O. Boa 244 Furnished A delightful 8-room house in high-toned residence section; 1 block from car line; new and modern; very desirable. $50. Weaver & Alex ander. . 41 Furnished Splendid country resi dence 4 miles from city; 'large and beautiful grounds; good outbuildings; fine view; a charming home. $150. Weaver & Alexander. 42 furnisnea spienaia residence on Haywood street; finished in hardwoods throughout: fitted with all modern im provements; has rented for $1200 per year; will let much less now; would let unfurnished to right party. Wea ver & Alexander. 46 FOR RENT: Unfurnished 7-room house; lust been painted: one block from car line In good locality; large lot and garden: well shaded; small stable: delightful place. . $20. ($18 on year's lease to right parties.) Weaver & Alexander. 36 Unfurnished 8-room house on Vance street; close to street cars and busi ness; good locality; newly kalsomtned and renovated; modern improvements. Weaver & Alexander. 40 Unfurnished 8-room house; cen trally located; retired street, but close to p. o. and business; well suited for business man; modern conveniences. $21. Weaver & Alexander. 38 Unfurnished A very desirable 8 range, 2 bathrooms, blocks from v. 0 . always rents $35.00; room house with fi'rnace, etc.; 2 practically new; will reserve one room and relit at $25 to good party on long term. Weaver I & Alexander. 4? ! Unfurnished 6-rootn cottage on Or ange street; inclosed by fence; splen did large shade trees; flrst-class loca tion; modern conveniences; new Aood shed. $17.60 (less by the year). Wea ver & Alexander. 4S FOR SALE: 66 2j3-acre farm on Swannanoa river; 6 miles from city; 12 acres finest bottom; well watered by springs and branches; nearly 50 acres timber land; splendid truck farm. $2250. Weaver k Alexander. 44 House and lot In western part of city; convenient to depot and car lines; 8-room house, in good shape: ex cellent view; modern conveniences; specially suited for railroad men or those In business near depot; cost $2400. Price, if taken at once, $1500 easy terms. Weaver & Alexander. 43 At Tryon, N. C Two new residences on a one-acre lot; 9-room house, cot tage and stable; nearly new; water in house; willing to lose $1500 to make quick sale. Second house 10 rooms; only 2 years old; splendid well water; well arranged and located for board ing house. Cheap at $3000. Weaver & Alexander. 49 . sale or exchange Small Farm For for city property; 5 miles from city; near Sulphur Springs; new cottase, with stone and cement foundation; large piazzas; new outbuilalngs; (splen did young vineyard. $2000. Weaver & Alexander. 45 General Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE In Effect June 14, 1900. 0 c a a E ' 5 c E ""a STATIONS. t.cntral Tiim;. , - c V.. C . 'A A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M 6:20 1:16 Lv ...Brevard.. Ar 9:50 6:31 .... 1:30 .Davidson River. 9:33 .... :3b 1:12 Penrose 9:23 .... 1:52 Blantyre 9:13 .... 2:01 Etowah 9:03 .... 2:10 Cannon 8:55 .... 2:15 ....Horse Shoe.... 8:60 .... 2:25 Tale 8:40 7:40 2:45 Ar...H'sonvi!le...Lv 8:20 6:16 5:20 Flag stations. Connects with Hendersonvllle. Southern Railway at J. F. HAYS, General Manager. . T. S. BOSWELL, Superintendent. Brevard, June 14, 1900. Legal Blanks of All Kinds DEEDS OF TRUST, DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE CHATTEL MORTGAGES, SEARCH WARRANTS, 8TATE WARRANTS, . . . EXECUTIONS. SUMMONS, ETC. .. .At the Citizen Office nun ha in I 1 Jr t to 6o do ' j LlBlHTY to tM tj t-S Co S) Xlll "jp Hi f vi f fi t'? ft to the above valuable property. Here is REAL ESTATE. WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Brokers. 23 Patton Avenue. PARTIAL THIS LIST WILL BE CHANGED TWICE A WEEK FOR RENT FURNISHED. On Cumberland avenue New modern house of nine rooms; fully furnished, Including; linen, silverware, etc; a very desirable place. Price 165 per month for short term or $50 per month for six months or longer. Wilkie St La Barbe. Ill A completely furnished house of sev. en rooms; Just beyond city limits, on car line. A cool and quiet locality; large grounds and garden; horse and buggy Included if desired. $50 per month. WT.kle LaBarbe. 112 A delightful residence on Haywood street; in rooms; every modern con venience; elevation and large grounds; house conven'ently arranged and com p!rtely furnished. Price on application. Wilkle & LaBarbe. 113 A completely furnished residence of eight rooms; half block from car line; all conveniences; piano Included; in eastern month.- part of city. Price $50 per 114 -Wilkle & LaBarbe. A completely furnished 10 room house on Montford avenue; near city limits; on car line; staole. $75 per month. Wilkle . LnBr e. 115 n vpry desirable residence on North Miln strept, eight rooms, servants' room and basement; all conveniences; completely fur..l?hed. except silver and linen Price $75 pr "month (not less than four months lease). Wilkle & IiBnrbe. Ill Cottace on Chestnut street: thrpe bed rooms', parlor, reception hall, din ing room, kitchen, bath room: well fur nished. Price $35 per month.- Wilkle & LaBarbe. 117 A desirably located flat of five rooms, newly and completely furnished; all modern conveniences; good neighbor hood; on car line. Price for short term $32 per month: six months or longer $30 per month. Wllkie & LnBnrbe. 118 FOR RF.NT UNFURNISHED. A new six room cottage In popular residence section: all modern conven iences; 4 blocks from postoffle. Price $23 per month. Wilkle & LaBarbe. 140 A charming country plar; several miles from city, 15 rooms; large crrnmds. Trice. IncUnHner fuel, $23 per month. Price, including furniture for six rooms and fuel, $35. will not rent for hoarding house Wl'.kle & La Barbe. 141 Large house (14 rooms) on Patton avenue car line. House Is now being p t In thorough repair; shady grounds of four acres; a lovely home. $50 per month by year. Wilkle & LaBarbe. 104 n Centra avenue; eight room houss ,n Kond gtate of convenient- ly arranged; city water, bath rooms ete. Price $17.50 per month. Wilkle A LaBarbe. log A modern house of 20 roo.ns; Just be. yond city limits; cool and shady loca tion; electric lights and bells; accessi ble to business section by hack line making regular trips; very desirable for boarding house. $30 per month; less by year. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 107 A MODERN 10-room house on Cum berland avenue; one block from enr line; completely furnished; will rent for summer season, to October 16. Price, $65 per month. Wilkle &. LaBnrbe. (1:0 A DESIRABLE 9-room house: two blocks from Court square: houpe h-i n!l modern conveniences and every room has recently been repnperpd. rr'.rp. $25 per month by year. Wilkle k LaBarbe. 112 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A centrally located small business re quiring capital of less than $500; will Notice By virtue of the power contained In a deed In trust executed to me by Reuben R. Rawls on the 4th day of August, 1897, and registered in book 42, on 1 age 888 of the records of trust deeds in the P.eglBter of Deeds' office of Buncombe county, North Carolina, to secure the payment of a certain note fully des cribed In said deed In trust, and de fault having been made in the payment of said note and Interest thereon I will on THE 17TH DAY OF JULY, A. D 1900. at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, oer for sale to the highest bidder for c ih, to satisfy aald note and Interest, the following described lot or parcel of land, situate in the city of Asheville, county and state aforesaid, on the west aide of Main atreet, and bounded and I 1 I 52" HIS '" 'Sl 1 k i ' . v w m o J0 SI do f.t 6 o A O " j(tf Stkkt. b 5 S " o lH jto yiA uifc If- 3l t 6?f I 6o I c 1 to I it' offered an opportunity to the business Phone 661 LIST. make a good living for any one who win give it proper attention; owner has offer to engage In larger business In another city, which must be accepted. If at all. before July 1. Wilkle & La Barbe. . no TC VISITORS Vnucqualnted with the city we espe cially tender our services. While, of course, we realise that we cannot pleaaa everyone, yet we will be happy to fur nish whatever information we have tn regard to real estate, and if we haven't " hat you want we may be able to as sist you in finding It without cost to you tor any assistance w may ren der. Wilkle & LaBarbe. 101 ROOMS FOR RENT. We have furnished and unfurnished rooms In suites of two, three and four. In various residence sections of the city. Will be pleased to give descrip tion and prices upon application at our office. -Wilkle & LaBarbe. 101 MONET TO LOAN, on improved city property. $1000 worth not less than $2500, first mort- gage. Wilkle & LaBarbe 40 FOR SALECITY PROPERTY. A very desirable residence on Hay wood street, near Montford avenue. House Is well built, nine rooms and out. buildings. Lot 120 feet front, 210 feet deep. Price $0500. Wilkle & LaBarbe. (41 Mouse of nine rooms, Just off Mont for.! 11 venue; furnace, city water and sewi-r connection; cabtn for servants; nil-.- srnrden. Lot 66x175. Price $2500. -Wilkle LaBarbe. 544 in Hillside street, 12 room house and basement; good well; stable and SHPlen. Lot 76x110. Price $1600. Wilkle LnBarbe. (45 The most desirable home with large grounds for sale In Asheville. Thl charming place Is within city limit and accessible to business section, yet the large shaded grounds make it aa quiet and secluded as If In country; orchard and vineyard; large garden; outbuildings. House contains 10 rooms; hardwood floors. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 631 On Bailey street. Well arranged house of 10 rooms; city water; sewer connection. Lot 50x200. This property enn be bought for $2000 and Is worth more. Wllkie & LaBarbe. (40 BUILDINO LOTS. We have building lots of any size de sired and In various sections of the city and suburbs, ranging In price from $50 to $3000. We can please you. Wil kle & LaBarbe. 641 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. House of eight rooms with outbuild ings and 37 acres of land; on eleva tion; shady and excellent view: sever al desirable building sites; can be pur onased on easy terms. Price $5000. Wilkle & LaBarbe. $01 FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY. $25,000.001750 acres; four miles from Asheville; eight room house and six cabins; several springs and running streams; about one-fourth of property Is fenced for pasture. Wilkle & La Barbe. 296 F.irm of 47 acres on Burnsvllle road, about four miles from city; fertile land, suitntile for truck gardening and well located for poultry business; two dwell. Itrs and store room. Price for whole $isnn. or would be divided. Wilkle & LtiRsirh". 300 $2500. no-Farm of 100 acres, four miles from Asheville. This farm Is on proposed route of new electric car line nrid Is s bargain ,it price It Is now of feiv.l. Wllkie & LaBarbe. 71 more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake In the southern margin of Willow street ami the west ern margin of South Main street, and runs with the western margin of Main street one hundred and nine and one-half feet to the northeast corner of the Asheville To bacco Warehouse company's land; thence with northern boundary line of said company west two hundred feet to a stake, the southeast corner of E. T. Clemmons' lot; thence with the line of said lot north to the southern mar gin of Willow street: thence with the southern margin of Willow atreet to the beginning, the same being the land where now stands the Swannanoa hotel. - This June 16th, 1900. JOSEPH a ADAMS, Trustee. MSdSOd.

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