WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1900. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. 5 REV. E. L BAIN TO LEAVE ASHEVILLE Appointed Pastor of Hender sonville Church. SUCCEEDS REV. D. V. PRICE, WHO IS TOO ILL TO CONTINUE IN THE WORK. Ashevllle Hardware Company. The many Ashevllle friends of Rev'. Edwin L. Bain will regret to learn that after a residence of five jears In this city he la soon to remove to anotn.-r field of work. Some time ago the health of Rev. !. Vance Price, pastor of the Methodist church at Hendersonvllle, broke down and It has lately become apparent tr.ut he will not be able to resume his wovk there. When this became a certainly It devolved upon Rev. D. Atkins, I. IX, presiding elder of the Ashevllle district, to fill the vacancy by appointment. This he has done by selecting Mr. Pain, news of the appointment being made known here yesterday. Mn-Ualn came to Ashevllle nearly ft v years ago, being assigned ny the .WVsurn North Carolina como-eno to i the pastoiate of tin North Ashevllle j church. He was returned to this charge by each succeeding conference until ' the limit of Methodist past rate., four yeais. was lea-.he!. Last summer,, however, a few months before the close of his fourth year, Mr. Bain re signed this, pastorate in order to ac cept the chair of Latin in the Asheville College for Young Women. This posi tion he filled during the past term with abiiity and credit to himself and the Institution. The removal of Mr. Bain and his family will be sincerely regretted here. Mr. Bain is one of the strongest young ministers in the conference, and his friends confidently believe that his re entry into the ministry makes it sure that he will in due time be called ta fill the most important charges in th'e: bounds of the conference. Mrs. Bain is well known in music circles her-, and In these she will be missed, as well as in social circles. Mr. Bain will begin his woik as pas tor of the Hendersonville church Sun Cay. Mrs. Bain and their two. children expect to leave tomoi row for her old home at Independence, Va. After a stay of several weks there they will Join Mr. Bain in their new home. The family will be followed to Henderson ville by the best wishes of all their Asheville friends. SHIPWRECKED WHILE GOING TO CAPE NOME H. C. Hunt has received a letter from his son. Ed. H. Hunt, who is in Alaska, recounting an exciting shipwreck ex perience. The letter is from St. Mich ael's, and is dated July 7. The passen gers and crew of the ship barely es caped with their lives. Mr. Hunt wrote briefly and he was still very seasick. The party was en route to Cape Konie at the time of the wreck. The ship was wrecked on the coast of Na- ak island, which the men succeeded In reaching with no lives lost. This Island is about 300 miles from St Michael's. There some of the men, In cluding Mr. Hunt, secured a vessel of nine tons capacity and started for Cape Nome, but only got to St. Mich ael's. There they were not allowed to land on account of the smallpox qua: antine. Mr. Hunt learned from the of ficei who came onJoard that no boats had been allowed to land there for the game reason for some time. When the ship went down it minie.l with it 40,000 pounds of freight belong ing to Mr. Hunt and his partner. The goods consisted of foodstuff and a port able house, which was to be erode I at Cape Nome. The party had ben GO days on the water when the wreck occurred. Mr. Hunt's letter indicated that he expected to proceed to in Cape as soon as possible. A 5 X Around Town, i X $ Forecast till 8 p. m. Thursday- Showers tonight and Thursday, follow ed by fair, A dance' will be given tit the Manor this evening. There1 will be a n-eet'.t:g of the--Wo-ir.or.'s F.xihunge at 11 o'clock tomor row. To; CI urlcs W. ftyrJ Junior EpworMl l.t ague will meet toihorrow afternoon at l ii cloik In the lecture room of Cen tral Methodist chutch. Addlt onal subscribers to the Vance portrait fund are: J, M. Davis. Capt.' J. P. Sawyer, J. E. Rankin, Miss Ju lia Hauh and Mrs. Henry ReJwool. According to a letter from Rev. J. C. Owen to the iilbjkal Recorder, Miss Lottie Price, the missionary from AsheUUe to China, is safe at Shanghai, Mrs. L. A. Johnson wlstus to thank her friends and neighbors for the kind ness shown her during the illness of her son, and to state that he Is now con valescent. The current number of liraimi, the New York publication, for advertisers, reprints in its examples of good adver tising an ad of G. A. Greer e gtoetoy 'tore which appeared in The Cittoeii. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held Thursday at 5 p. m. at Mrs. Hilliard's. South Main street. All i ladles interested In the work are in vited. I Among the speakers at the eighth an nual session of the North Carolina Sun day school chautauqua,. which will be held at Lenoir,., beginning Tuesday . af- .'rnoon. August 14, tlU be Rev. A. E I'.rown, Rev., W. M. vines and J. H 'racket, "Fsq'., of Asnevlfle. William A. Ward, who was hurt yej tuday by a fall from a derrick on Col .i ,-e street, although sore and shaken 1 1 resting well today at n.s Horn-? n i- . Uroad avenue. Newton elsch 'l-o was also hurt, was taken to he -U stdon hospital, where he seems to be :ng nicely. Melvln Berry of 20 Poplar street brought to The Citizen office a corn stalk IS feet high, the smallest by- foot or two of several other stalks In the same.hUh All the-oOrn on the land which belongs to Mrs., A. A. Feather- ston, is so much like this sample that on two acres the yield will be 100 bush els to the acre. A number of the citizens of Ramoth are engaged in the commendable rival ry of seeing who can raise the greatest amount of wheat to the acre. Recently Tom Wagoner threshed for T. M. Kim- berly 204 bushels of wheat, which was raised on six acres. This is 34 bushels to the acre and beats Captain Weaver's record, which was 27 bushels. A special from Terre Haute, lnd., says that Robert Carter of Ashevllle, of the Bloomington baseball team, has brought suit against the Terre Haute Street Railway company for flO.000 for personal injuries received a few weeks ago while riding to the ball park. The car was struck by a switch engine and Mr. Carter's feet were crushed. The accident was described in The Citizen shortly after it occurred. The Citizen's Raleigh correspondence indicates that the Asheville Light In fantry has volunteered for service in China. Captain Nichols is absent from the city today, but" some of the other officers said that the matter had never been formally voted on by the com pany, although there had been some discussion of the matter. They said that if Captain Nichols had written to the goVei nor lie hud probably offered the services of only such members of the company as cared to go. MATTINGS MANY NEW PATTERNS OF CHINA AND JAPAN MATTINGS RECEIVED PRICES LOW W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. Furniture, Carpets, Etc 4 16 Patton Avenue. We have Just received a new lot pf Rugs in Smyrna and Axminster and will be'! pleased to have you come in and take a look at them. SAWYER'S SftSF' 18 and 20 Church St. "Everything for the Floor. Phone 228 Buy a Chainlcss Bicycle 9 9 Ml "uffk w-M w Spruce up a little After housecleanlng don't put back all the old furniture In the same old places. That makes life too monotonous. If you can't afford a lot of new furni ture, get a little. It will be a great comfort and relief. But we're selling it so cheaply now adays that we think you can afford .to get a lot If you want to I 1 J THE;EMP0RIUM, 45 PattorTAve Qusisiru Natu-i Ore Sanitarium 167 French Broad Ave, Ashevllle, N. O. Latest German meth- o'ljj , No medicine. Nc operations. We assist nature to cure the pa tient by: Proper diet, sun-baths, air-baths, massage. Swedish movements, prescribed exercise baths, packs. eto. All diseases treat ed. Treatment in and out cf the Sanitarium. Classes In Swedish movement a!ly. A LONG FELT WANT. We have it In the A Step Ladder which is safe and durable' Columbian Bent fying Ladder We will be glad to show you these goods. and be rid of the trouble anil annoy ance of a dirty chain. You can ride a chainless all day In rain and mud and it conies home running as sweet as it went out. No grinding, no scraping, no broken chain. A chalnless Is worthy of your consideration. See us about it. Asheville Cycle Co. 18 & 20 Church St. Phone 228 FELL TU HIS DEATH DOWN EftBANKMENl Did you ever hear of a Knox ) Straw Hat being sold for $2.00 o Well, you can buy one for that price now. All other Straw Hats in pro portion at '., The Whitlock Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue S. E. Cor Court Square. ASHEVIELE HARDWARE CO. Phone 87. Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint. LI HUNG CHANG CAUSED THE TRQUBLE FATAL ACCIDKNT SHOUT TANl'E WK.ST Oi- t ill'. 1'IS- "I see dot Li Hung Chang haf cap tured Pekln today, yet," said Ikey Klopstein to Jakey Einstein as he paused in front of the latter's shop on Jiorth Main yesterday afternoon. Now to an outsider there would ap pear to be nothing in this remark cal culated to offend Mr. Einstein. 15ut cTTTtmstances alter cases. For the two fonduct rlvajjjamporiums on opposite sMes of NorTHIain,and their relations are therefore more or le?s strained. And also Mr. Einstein's present stand was once occupied by a Chinese laun dry. He is sensitive on the point, and to be called a Chinaman is to him the deadly insult. Therefore he it-sented the apparently Innocent remark of Mr. Klopstein and swore mighty oaths at him. "If you vas calling me a Chinaman," cried he, "I vill teach you your own peesniz to monkey mlt." "If you vill come out here." said Mr. Klopstein, "somebody vill pe hurt, al retty." "I vill vent out. and pmash your svindling face." lowled the Insulted Jacob, and the two proceeded to mix and scrap, awfully. There were no wounds to speak of when the belligerents appeared In po llc.' court this morning. Judge Hrown asked each of them to contribute 12 to tlii city treasury. Coed ciijoyment at Lookout park tc-night. Late lut i veiling the body of i ; i 1 -laid Mils, who Ihts- on Anils il. : , a.s luun j lying in tue mad whit ., i :. ,s to LiKe.-U'i, ai Ule loot ot a s.eep enibunlv'nieiu, about a quarter of u mile beyond liie ra.lroad bridge m i about 4i yards west of the El i Broad r, er. The place Is known as the "Canty lirowii Cut," and the side n xt the hill is an almost perpendicu.-u bank about 30 feet high. Ella Hurgess, her brother. l'.nb Burgess, and John Ballew were with Mills ju before his death, and ttvy tell the following story: Ella and Hob Burgess had had a row with tin li mother, and had crossed tl. river to keep from being arrested by the police. The Burgesses live near the city end of the bridge and Ballew boards with them. He and Mills ac companied Ella and Hob I'urgess. Mills left them to cross the river for the purpose of looking after his horse, go ing in the direction of the embankment. A sound as of a body falling was heard, and on going to the cut Bursjess and Ballew found that Mills had fallen. They aroused a number of the neigh bors. Mills died in a short while aftr falling. The body was brought to Noland Brothers' undertaking rooms, and Ella and Bob Burgess and John Ballew were arrested. Coroner Sevier held an Inquest today with the following Jury: James Joy- ner, D. L. Reynolds, D. C. Noland, John Y. Jordan, Thomas R. Harrison and E. D. Reynolds. A number of wit nesses were examined, including the suspected persons, and the Jury decided that the death of the derpased was caused by his own negligence. Mills was about 35 years old, and leaves a wife July bargains Read these prices take advantage of this great offer buy now and get the pick of the lot. $1.00 Straw Hate 50c $1.23 Alpaca Coata, $1.00 1 50 and $2.00 Straw Hate. $1.00 1.50 " " 1. 2.50 " 3.00 " " 1.50 2.50 " " 2.00 $5.00 Alpaca Coat and Veat, $4.00 5.00 Hanan'e Tan Shoet, . . . 4.00 Our entire line of Men's and Boys' Suits at absolute cost. j ) ,u)uriney s Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Rooflo, flirt HO. 1 NORTN COURT QUA(I 4MtIVll.l-t.KC. The most expensive, and usually the most unsatisfactory and annoying portion of a building, Is the roof. A scientific treatment of roofs with Woodbury's Elastic Roofing Paint will make them rust-proof and non-leakable Woodbury's Stack and Boiler Paint This paint is manufactured on a scientific principle, for resisting in tense heat. Put up In 1. 5 and 10 gal Inn cans and 50 gallon barrels. Woodbury Rubber 1, tM I,... I.... Elastic Paint Co It Costs Less 1 1 1 1. ! io nave pinmoniKA dona right, whether it's repairs or new work. We do it riidit be cause wp know how We know cause it's our busi nesp to know iiow. BALL & SHHPPARD, 4 Patton Ave. hujtorti'd and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. Phone 261 18 Patton Avenue eee . Take cars at the square for Lookout rark entertainment tonight. SPECIAL NOTICES TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. House built expreaaly for boarders. Will let to private family at low price. Well built, convenient, desirable. FOR RENT yt .... Renting and Insurance Agents. 18 1-2 South Main St. Our large ice box enables us to keep a number ot mel ons cold as ice Give us your order for melons early in the morning and you'll get them cold at LEE'S 29 South Main St Phone 250. Specialty Hot Peanuts. Drs. Case and Woodhull "When a century later historians are sifting the events of this time for the epoch making discoveries of scl ence and civilization there will be few chapters more important.I think, thaa that devoted to the reformation In medicine which will have come about through the acceptance and practice of Dr. Still's system known as Oste opathy." Ex-Uovernor Robert L, Taylor. Ostcopathists Tel 683 Office In DrhumorDldg FOR SALE Nice office desk. $15. Ap ply to Ashevllle Hardware Co. It POUND In our store about July 21. un umbrella. H. Redwood & Co. " It Everybody's at home In comfortable Ittlnjr at Lookout park vaudeville. Take the children to the pleasures of Lookout park tonight. A big line of import sam ples, of choice china and Cut and Gold filled Glass. All odd . . t it pieces ana uncommon, j. n. Law, 3; Patton avenue. LICENSE TO WED. 8. M. Davis and Maggie Dean. Sugar, 7c. lb. 5 and 10c. Store. The acrobats at Lookout park . to night a fine etlrlbftloft. ., Law Department UNIVERSITY of NORTH CAROLINA. Expenses, tuition and living need not exceed $200.00. Three professors two full courses of nine months each, embracing all branches of the law. Also sum mer course of three months. 1 coPYPuaHt Good Judges of Wine Are loud In their praises of our stock. Claret, port, sherry and the other fa vorites for table use are seen at their best In this collection of the leading brands. We guarantee the age of ev ery wine we sell. Even a connoisseur w'oo Is a living cyclopedia of wine lore would find nothing to criticise here. "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co. 43 SOUTH: MAIN STREET. Phone 72. Kodak Developing and Finishing Address F. P. VENABLE, Chapel Hill, N. C, President Prudence S. Dresser Teacher of Piano,, Harmony and Theory. Graduate, wllh honor, of New England Conservatory of Boston. The only teachei of piano in Asheville. excepting Madam Jonas, who is a graduate of a first-class Conservatory or loiiege ot music Terms SO cents a lesson. Beginners received on violin. 69 Charlotte Street. FOR RENT. Dwelling recently occupied by Arthl tect It: 8. Pmlth; neat, convenient, de slrable. Maple Bhade Place. Price (16.00. All Films and Plates Developed by next morning... We use only permanent black and white mat papers as a rule, but have several kinds, so can use one that will bring out best effects of picture, For slight extra charge and finish up kodak work or so. In develop r.-.i hour Can you stand prosperity ? If you can't, don't f"i- goodness' sake limk at our prices, as they are sure to inn ke you send us your orders all we ask for. Cups and Paucers, good, per set,... 35c Cups and Saucers, llnely decorated, per set G''c Platters, worth 3ie., our price 10c Plates, finely decorated, per set.... 2jc Muks, line China, each 6c Pickle Dishes, each tic Siiii Dishes, China Re Kest china. Class, Tin and Enamel NVuri' ut special l.iw prices. Almost iinyone inn earn money , the trli k Is to save money. Kodaks loaned fret when we u3 fin ishing. Ray's Book Store Court Square. Phone 67 ! X L Grocery, 22 PATTON AVENUE phone 107 J. A. TENNENT, Architect and Contractor Jobbing and Kepairt Promptly Attended le. IOU1H COURT SQUAB.

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