t A- A. ROBERT HARDY'S SEVEN DAYS (Continued from Page .) lives with shock. Vet It seems possi ble that a tuan who lives very close to God every day tiilsht be so ready for everything thnt not even the most ter rible catastrophe could make much difference to his plans for dally life, least of all deprive him of his reason, is It has so often done. Robert Hardy wns Just beginning to realize dimly that life Is not one thing, but many thlnps. and that Its Importance Is the Importance which belongs to the char acter of God himself. lie began to talk calmly with bis rife concerning what lie would do that flay and was still tnl'lng about It when James came In with a doctor, who at once went np stairs. He was Just from the scene of the accident and bore n.nrk of a hard night's work. His first glance at Clara was bard and pro fessioiiiil. but as he looked be grew very gmve. and an expression of seri ous surprise came over bis weary face. He laid his hands on the girl's eyes and examined tlieui. raised her hand and dropped It upon the bed again. Then, turning to the father and mother, he said gently: "You must prepare yourselves for a terrible fact resulting from the acci dent to your dn lighter. She has suffer ed a shock that will probably render ber blind as long as she lives." Mr. and Mrs. Hardy listened, pale faced and troubled. It was hard to thluk of the jclrl. so strong willed, so passionate and yet so capable of noble Impulses and lovlug desires, as all her life shut up wltliiu the darkness thus It was hitter to thluk of this for her. What would It be to her when s.ie awoke to the whole consciousness of It? The doctor poke again slowly: "There Is another tblng you ought to be prepared for. In rare cases like i.i It happens sometimes thnt a lota of 1 .-.ring ucconipanies tue low of sigh;.' ii.cn, after a pause: "And with ilv loss of sight and bearing It la possible the peculiar shock has deprlviil yuur daughter of the power of spe.ec.i. I do not know yet whether this r..ia happen ed, but I prepare you for the worst" "Blind and deaf and dumb!" mur mured Mr. Hardy, while his wife eat down and buried her face In the bed clothes ami sobbed. It seemed terrible to them. The doctor, after a little further ex amination, said nothing more could be done at present, gave directions for certain necessary treatment and de parted after giving a look at Will and Bess and prescribing for them. Mr. Hardy went down stairs and quietly told James all that the doctors had said. To a man living on the verge of eternity, as Mr. Hardy was, there was no time for evasions or the postponing of bad news or the utter ance of soft speeches. James took the news more calmly tban Mr. Hardy thought he would. It was evident ho did not realize all that was tueimt by It. "Can voii iove Clara under these con ditiotis?" asked Mr. Hardy, looking nt .innii's with a sympathy that the vouiik man could not help feeling. V. s. sir: more thau ever. liy. Is she uut more lu need of it than ever?' "True, but what can you do with a helpless creature like that';" "(iol.l help us. sir! If she were my wife now niiil were dependent ou me. iiiin'i vnn thluk 1 con: J i" for her tenderly, better than .-nij x else I; the world?" (To be continued.) i THE BRIDGE. W. W. Campbell in Pearsijii'; Maga- zlne. What la his bridge to heaven": they cried, And the warriors held their breath A the a-rizzled kine of a hundred fights Went down to the river of death "What In his brldpe to heaven?" they cried. "Is It 'bastioned with buckles and sneais. Ant gi.-ded strong with the iron blades Of the battles of bygone years "Aril what are the voices he hears in his dreams? Aie thev clamors of fight Or the echoes of splendid victories that come As he stands by the river at night?" "Nay, nay," and they stand by In won der and awe, Fur all that he builds on there Are a withered blossom, a baby's shoe And the lock of a woman's hair. And the only voice he hears In his dreams, A? the world dies out In his ears, A iv an eld love-ballad, a baby's laugh, "1 the sob of a dead wife's tears. NotifH. Uy virtue nf the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in t u t. exe cii'ed to th uni1ers!r"fl trustee m the l."th r'nv of July. IS'"?, ly . H. Ly man and S. C. Lyman, his wife, said !' ! in 'rust being reeoiMfi in the of fice rf the reg'ster of d' tds of Bun rotv.l.e county in Hook No. U nt PRe 2:'i'.. I will on Mi NDAY, THE 31TH DAY or JU LY. IfOO. at the court house door in the city of Asheville, sell at public auction to the hlth.st hidder, for cash, the property described in said deed in trust, as fol lows: Situate, lying and being in the city of Asheville. being Lot No. 44 of the Graham plat, to which reference Is made for a more complete description, as the tame is registered in Book No, 72. page 421. in the office of the register of Deeds of Buncombe county, being situated at the southeast corner of Seney and Fulton streets, and being the same land conveyed to the said A. H. Lyman by deed eecuted by D. C. Waddell, trustee, dated May 11th, 1897, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county In Hook No. 10L at page 178. This the 26th day of June, A. D. 1M0. H. T. GRANT, e-!7-d4t-wed Trustee. AVfcgelable Preparationfor As similating foeFoodandBegula ting ttieStoinaeiis and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Clieerfur ness and Rest .Con tains neither (Mum.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. nv tteunrsmjuptraoR Jtx.Smut AtumSti mm. rmrm Aperfecl Remedy forCortslipa rton, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-, ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EE EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. WE PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT As Changed at the Last Ses sion of the Legislature. THE QUESTION ON WHICH THE PEOPLE WILL VOTE AT THE COMING ELECTION. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section I. That chapter 218, public laws of 1899, entitled "An Act to amend the Constitution of Noith Carolina," be amended so as to make said act read as follows: "That article 6 of the constitution of North Carolina, be, nnd the same is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following ar ticle of said constitution as an entire nd indivisible plan of suffrage." ARTICLE VI. Suft'. ige and Eligibility to Office. ee. 1. Every male person bora In j ,e United States, and every male per- n who has been naturalized, twenty ne yeais ot age. and possessing the ,ual:t, cations set cut In this article, iiall be entitled to vote at any election iy the people In the state, except as ierein otherwise provided. Sri-. 2. He shall have resided In the at-- of North Caio;Ina for two years, ;i tliv cunt six months, and in the leclnt-t. vv.ird or other election district 11 which he offers to vote, four month? ext pieoedit'g the election; Provided, hat lemoval from one precinct, ward r o'hr-r election district to another in he s;ime county, shall not operate to lepi ive any person of the right to vote n the precinct, ward or other election :istilct from whloh he has removed miil four months after suen remnva,. . pi-rson who has been convicted, "i !io has confessed his guilt in open jourl, upon indictment of any crime, the punishment of which now is, or may hereafter be, Imprisonment In the State's prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall he (lrst restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed by law. See. 3. Every person ottering 10 voi diall be at the time a legally registered i,tcr a. li.-pin 111' escribed and in the manner heieafter provided by law, an ! (he General Assembly of North Caio- ina shall enact . general registration t.i nnrw into effect the provisions ,t thiu ortido Sec. 4. Every person presenting hlin - self for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the con stitution In the English language; nnd, before he shnl! be entitled to vote, he shall have paid on or before the first day of May, of the year in which h proposes to vote, his poll tax for the previous year ns prescribed by article 5, sertion 1, of the constitution. But no male person who was, on January 1, 1SG7, or ot any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under the laws of any State In the United States wherein he then resided, nnd no lineal descendant of any such pe!snn-hnll be denied the right to register and vote at any elec-J 1.1- fall. S tlon In this etnte Dy reawm m ure to possess the educational qualifi cation herein prescribed: Provided, he shall hare registered In accordance with the terms of this section prior to December 1, 1906. The general assembly shall provide fnr the registration of all persons en titled to vote without the educational SHU at For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature Thirty Year 3 THl CINTUn COMMNT. M YOU Cm. qualifications herein prescribed, and shall, on or before November 1, 1908, provide for the making of a permanent record of such registration, and all persons so registered, shall forever thereafter have the right to vote In all elections by the people In this state, unless disqualified under section 2 of this article: Provided, such person shall have paid his poll tax as above required. Sec. 6. That this amendment to the constitution Is presented and adopted as one Indivisible plan for the regula tion of the suffrage, with the Intent and purpose to so connect the differ ent parts, and to make them so de pendent upon each other, that the whole shall stand or fall together. Sec. 6. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the general assembly shall be viva voce. Sec. 7. Every voter in North Carolina, except as in this article disqualified, shall be eligible to office, but before en tering upon the duties of the office he shall take and subscribe the following oath: "I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support and maintain the constitution and laws of the United states and the con stitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent there with, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as , so help me God." Sec. 8. The following classes of per sons shall be disqualified for office: First, all persons who shall deny the being of Almighty God. Second, all per sons who shall have been convicted, or confessed their guilt on indictment pending, and whether sentenced or not, or under Judgment suspended, of any '. treason or felony.or of any other crime I for which the punishment may be lm j prlsonment In the penitentiary, since I becoming citizens of the United States, or of corruption or malpractice in of llce. unless such person shall be res tored to the rights oPcitizenshlp In a manner prescribed by law. ! Sec. 9. That this amendment to the I constitution shall go into effect on the tirst day of July, 1902, if a majority of the votes cast at the next general elec ' tlon shall be cast in favor of this suf frage amendment. Pec. II. This amendment to the con J stltutlon shall be submitted at the I next general election to the qualified ! voters of the state in the same man ner and under the same rules and reg ulations as Is provided in the law reg ulating general elections In this state and nt said election those persons de siring to vote for such amendment shall cast a written or printed ballot with the words "For Suffrage Amendment" thereon; and those with a contrary opinion shall cast a written ! or minted ballot with the words ! "Against Suffrage Amendment" there , nn. I Sec. III. Th" votes cast at said elec ' tlon shall he counted, compared, re- I turned and canvassed, 'ind the result . announced and declared under the same rules and regulations nnd in the same manner as the vote for governor and If a majority of the votes cast are In favor of the said amendment It shall be the duty of the governor of the state, upon being notified of the result of said election, to certify said amend ment, under the seal of the state, to the secretary of state, who shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the permanent records of his office. Sec. IV. This act shall be In force from and after Its ratification. Legal DEEDS OF TRUST, DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE Blanks CHATTEL) MORTGAGES, SEARCH WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, of All Kinds EXECtmONSJUMMONa - ETC. ... At the Citizen Office the XF hi? se U' For Over REAL 2 STAT F fy Weaver ex. Alexander. Real Estate Brokers 26 Patton Ave! P. O. Box 244 FOR RENT: FIT.NISHED. desirable 9 -room resi dence In center of town; cars and paved i!i'eets; large grounds, plenty of sha :e. servants' quarters, east and west piazzas, rooms large and afry; u'.l : ..Hilary conveniences; one of the most desirable homes in - the city. $1J0. Weaver & Alexander. Furnished Splendid country resl dtnee 4 miles from city; large and beautiful grounds; good outbuildings; fine view; a charming home. J1S0. Weaver & Alexander. 42 Furnished Splendid residence on Haywood street; finished In hardwoods throughout; fitted with all modern im provements; has rented for $1200 per year; will let much less now; would let unfurnished to right party. Wea ver & Alexander. 46 Unfurnished 6-room cottage on Or ange street; Inclosed by fence; splen did large shade trees; first-class loca tion; modern conveniences; new wood shed. $17.50 (less by the year). Wea ver e Alexander. 43 Unfurnished Eight room house; cen trally: located; brick sidewalks on street; newly kalsomlned throughout; bath and laundry; specially desirable for one In business. $25. Weaver & Alexander. 51 Unfurnished Six room cottage In suburbs; on car line; good condition; well shaded; good well water; only $10 per month, less by year. Weaver & Alexander. 62 Twenty-five acres, nine room house, barn, etc.; near Hingham Heights; spring water at door; also cistern: good orchard; pasture for stock; splendid for poultry and truck raising. Only $15 per month on year's lease. Weaver & Alexander. 63 FOR SALE: 66 2-3-acre farm on Swannanoa river; 6 miles from city; 12 acres finest bottom; well watered by springs and branches; nearly 50 acres timber land: splendid truck farm. $2250. Weaver & Alexander. 44 House and lot In western part of city; convenient to depot and car lines: 8-room house, In good shape: ex cellent view; modern conveniences; specially suited for railroad men or those In business near depot; cost $2400. Price, if taken at once, $1500 easy terms. Weaver & Alexander. 43 At Tryon, N. C Two new residences on a one-acre lot; 9-room house, cot tage and stable; nearly new; water in house; willing to lose $1500 to make quick sale. Second house 10 rooms; only 2 years old; splendid well water; well arranged and located for hoard ing house. Cheap at $;!D00. Weaver & Alexander. 49 Small Farm For sale or exchange for city property; 5 miles from city; near Sulphur Springs; new cottage, Ith stone and cement foundation; large piazzas; new outbuildings; splen did young vineyard. $2000. Weaver & Alexander. 45 STUDENTS Before deciding should inforn hemselves about the University of Tennessee. Literary, Scientific, Agricultural, Engineering and Law Departments. Superb location and equipment. Lovv- st expenses. Session opens September 0. Tennessee students receive schol- irshlps ($J5 a year) in academic de partment. Beautifully illustrated an nual free. Address, REGISTRAR. University of Tennessee. Knoxvill General Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE In Effect June 14, 1900. 1 it e V 3 Ken to STATIONS. E si v entral Time ee 0 C rl 7. Q . 0 P.M. A.M. Z P.M. 6:35 A.M. 6:20 1:15 Lv ...Brevard.. Ar 9:50 1:S0 .Davidson River. !f!3 1:12 Penrose 0:23 35 6:16 ... 1:52 Blantyro.' 9. 13 . .. 2:01 Etowah 0:03 ... 2:10 Cannon 8:55 ... 2:15 ....Horse Shoe.... 8:50 ... 2 : 25 Yale 8:40 :40 2:45 Ar.. . H'sonville. ..Lv 8:20 G:2n Flag stations. Connects with HendeiS4invllle. Southern Railway at J. P. HAYS. General Manager. T. S. BOSWEI.L. Superintendent Brevard. June II, 1000. Charleston and Western Carolina 'Augusta Asheville Short Line." Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. Lv Aiken 8 :00a ml Lv Augusta 9:40am 1:40pm Greenwooel 12:16pm Ar Watioo (Harris Sgs)12:52pm Ar Anderson 6:10pm Ar Laurens l:20pm 1:10pm Ar Greenville 3:0npm 9:00am Ar Spartanburg 3:10pm Ar Hendersonville 5:1lpm Ar Asheville 6:15pmj Lv Asheville 7:00am Lv Spartanburg ll;45am 4:10pm Lv Greenville 12:01pm 4:00pm Lv Laurens 1:37pm) 7:30pm Ar Watioo (Harris Sgs) 2:06pm Lv Anderson G:35am Ar Greenwood 2;37pm (:85pm Ar Augusta 6:lopm10:48am Ar Aiken 7:20pm Close connections at Greenwood for all Dolnts on 8. A. L. and C. A G railway and at Spartanburi with Southern railway. For Information relative to tickets, rates, schedules, etc., address W J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. At.. Augusta, O. T M. F-merson. T raffle Uaaateff. isiiiffl mm ci REAL ESTATE. (Purtlal List.) WILKIE & LaBARBE. R?al Estate 23 Patton Avenue. Bulletin will b: r viej FOR RENT FURNISHED. $1.i0 per month V har-Js.me resi dence of 12 rooms; elegantly furnished; near car line; extensive shady grounds. A lovely summer home. Wilkie & Ijj Harbe. 12$ $:w per month A. completely furnish ed apartment ef live rooms in desira ble residence section; on car line; every modern convenience. W llkle & La Itarbe. 118 $50 per month A completely furnish ed residence of 10 rooms; modern con veniences: nice residence section of city. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 127 $75 per month An attractive resi dence . of eight rooms on near by popular street; all conven iences, including seryant's room, basement, etc.; completely fur nished except 'silver nnd linen. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 116 $50 per month A country home with city conveniences; on car line; beyond city limits; cool nnd delightful loca tion; large grounds: horse and huggv Included. Wilkie & LaBnrbe. 112 FOR "RENT UNFURNISHED. $30 per month by year New residence in most popular section of city; Just completed: modern In construction and conveniences; nine rooms and hath; a very desirable home. Wilkie & La Barbe. 144 $23 per month New eight room resi dence; 100 yards from car line: modern conveniences. Including electric lights and bells; has not vet been occupied. Wilkie & Iallarbe. US $J0 per month House of elgbt rooms; In good repair; three miles from city on macadamized road: orchard and 10 acres land. Wilkie & l.a liarbe. 147 $15 per month Desirable residence for large fanil'y or boar ling h use: on side of mountain, beyond city limits: cool and shadv location: spring water; 20 rooms: a!! modern conveniences. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 107 ROOMS ENSUITK Foil KENT. We tilwny.' have 11 our list a numb-T of furnish "! and unfurnished rooms, In suites of (wo. thiee and four. In dif ferent residence secil-rs of city, ('all at our office f-'i- d-scrip' ton. locution and prices Wilkie v Lai'.:uoe. 10S MONEY WANTED. We can place $:t)00 or $3500 to ad vantage on Improved city residence property worth at least $7500. We can also place several small sums. Wllkle & La liarbe, 110 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. $liii0 12 room house on Hillside street; two stories and basement: good well; stable nnd garden. Lot 75x110. Wllkle & LnHarbe. 645 $!ii00--Elght mom house of modern construction; two blocks from Court square; double floors and walls; heavy ston' foundation; furnace heat and electric lights. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 649 $7o Small house of four rooms on Itmad street; well built; city wat'T: lot f'xIMi; worth inoiv than prh nskei. Wilkie Si LaBarbe. g.10 $.10oft Two houses on South Main street; 4rn of L'l rooms, suitable for Imanling Imuse, ami 4ml" brick store room, with upper Ihmr. Owner Is anx ious to sell.--Wllkle & l.al'.arbe. 5.14 $10110 Keslilence of 12 10411ns on Mont ficrd n venue; house well built; electric lights; cistern: stubb-; lari- shady grounds. Lot 100x2i0. Wilkie & La Barbe. 555 The University of North Carolina THE HEAD OF THE STATE'S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Three Academic Courses lead ing to Degrees. Professional Courses In Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Five hundred and twelve stuilents besides Irtl In Hummer Kcnool. Thirty eight titucberH In I ho fiii'ully. For catHlorues and Information nddivss F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tate Springs, Tenn., Improvements at the Carlsbad of America The most delightful health and plea sure resort In the South, 164 miles east of Chattanooga, In the loveliest val ley of the East Tennessee Mountains. Two hotels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees; complete sys tem water works with modern baths; s j h-ndld orchestra, spacious ball room, telegraph and long distance telepti-.n". Rulldlngs and grounds lighted with electricity; in fact all the amusements and comforts. Rest German and American cooks. The water cures In 'hcstlon, dyspepsia, and all troubles of liver, stomach, bladder, bowels and kline s. Shipped anytime anywhere. Write for 40 page book free. THOS. TOMLINSON, Prop. The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes south of N. Y. nt the Mt.Vernon Hotel for Sale SALISBURY. N. C. I offer for sale the Mount Vernon hotel, Salisbury, N. C. It Is located near the center of New Fallsbury, at the Southern railway passenger sta tion, serves meals to passengers by the Western North Carolina railroad trains and has always been liberally patronized. T1..4i Is a valuable property, affording good returns, and the undersigned wishes to dispose of It only because he b but , a small family nnd It Is not necessary for Im to continue In aC've business.- .' 'or trms. eta., apply to the owner, P. A. FREUCKS, Salisbury, N, C. Brokers. Phone 661 each week. JV't'0 Store room nnd residence; store room three stories high. Including base ment:su r building cott S:.6 0; residence contains six rooms and rents for $12.50 per month. This Is a bargain. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 559 RESIDENCE LOTS. We are offering a number of bargains in residence building lots, desirably lo cated. We would be pleased to have Interested parties call at our office and obtain full descriptions and prices. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 646 FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY. $o.'i0tV Valuable property In Leicester, consisting of seven room dwelling, two story frame store house 28x60 feet; good well and well house, stable, etc.; I beautiful lawn; fine shade trees; 30 Acres; tine orchard and vineyard; fine I opening . for country store. Wilkie & I LaBnrbe. 323 $T"0O Farm of 450 acres, four miles north of Alexander; good dwelling, barns and tenement hons s; land very productive. Wllkle & LaBarbe. 317 $lt)i'.0 til acre farm on Flat Creek; near mouth of creek; productive soil; good sei tioli of county. Wilkie & La Barbe. 315 $::.riH Ten room dwelling; well con structed and 7 1-2 acres of land; near Su'phur Springs; desirable locality. This property cost $',."iH). Wilkie & La Barbe. 312 $.'PH (Cost $4:00) Farm of 115 3-4 acres, between Hemlei son ville and Bre vard. This property Is magnificently located, with b autlful. well kept grounds surrounding dwelling; dwell in v well constructed: three small buildings; three splendid springs; 40 acres under cultivation; orchard and two small vineyards; aristocratic neighborhood. On account of 111-healttl must he sold within 61) days. Wilkie & l.a liarbe. JOS $104irt Farm 4f loo acres on waters of Hominy creek; six noin house, barn, stable, etc; all cleared exc pt six acres; l.'i aers bottom hind, balance rolling. Wilkie & La Mali-. 306 1 I $ioi4t) New nine room dwelling ami seven aires of ground; good well, barn and 4iulbu!lilnss: n.-ar car line; tine view overlooking city: four acres In cultivati44ii: grove of three acres; all variet.es if fruit .-Wllkle & La l!aibe. 324 $3;1ui Farm of 10 acres on Hickory Nut Cap road: 15 acres bottom: 50 acres cleared, balance woodland: well watered; good springs. Wilkie At La Barbe. 3U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Parties contemplating engaging in business in Asheville will consult their own lntcjrest by calling at our office. We know of several attractive busi ness openings In different lines at this time. Wilkie & LaBarbe. 120 WORTH CONSIDERING. If you have property for sale, whlcH has been listed with other agents for kith other agents for a me witli4iu result, your inti'ii'stVo list It price Is right, Sve be- considerable time wouldn't it be to with us? If the price Is right. lieve we can greatly increase your chnniv of making a sale. Wilkie & l.a B it he. U'l ANNOUNCEMENT. We want every property owner In Asheville h14 has pmperty he or she is anxious to dispose of t list same wilh us. ami we think we can con vince you that it will pay you to do so. We especially desire property which will bo sold at a sacrifice, and will I promise to adv ei llm- and use every le gitimate means In order to push It and make a quick sale. Wilkie & La-Barb.-. 122 TUITION, $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Ministers' Sons and Teachers. Berkeley Cigar Stand. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRICHTS ANODESICNS. Bend your huninxM dliwt to Washington, avei time, com lew, better service w. ... n tr Ij.i nM FtEI Drtllata- ul, Attr'a IM lot ! ufal puel i U ucarU PERSONAL ATT ' . ....... . . iAMin,illtIH-llflll ACTUAL UTMIIR4JI How to okuiia run, rU., Ml m. PtUnta ' mn tkrcuk I e tin. wltko4( (tern, la INVENTIVEJGt Fa mnnpiifi Lit ol C. A. Isow a Ce. II S CGFRS we r sr.. n. w.. Jba U WIUUbliviWAininuien, 0. v. ViSSm