0 THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, JULT 25, 1M0. i i . 1 i V : i 1 i h 'it 5 If .'I' i !',t i I' t ! ? ' c ' " I:' ! t t ' ' ? 1 . t I t 1 1 J v. 1 ' .. I 'i;' I 1- tl il o i .! 1 1 Prompt Delivery THE Carolina Pharmacy "High Grade Prescription Work." COLLEGE ST. and COURT SQ. 'Phone 82 Courteous Treatment STATEMENT OF THE CONDI TION OF THE BATTERY PARK BANK I Asheville, N. C, at the close o( bus . Inena, June 30, litou. (Condensed). REUOUKCEE. Loaniaud ittauouuu ;M..-.nft iu Overdrafti h.iiIm.iw JPurnllure and Klitjren il.407.7it Banking home and oilier real en- tats tf.JH."...' Bonds UJii.u) MsrcbandUe ... MM.-J1 Cash In bank 1I7.m-.'.wi Cash ou iinml wmm .u juv.it-T. w Total $i'Mi,7IU.M LIABILITIES. Capital iihi.uii.iw Burpliu lu.iiwim Protlt. iw.l7e.ha Depo.lU Bank l.uwi Indlvldunl , M .17 .WiiM' Total I'Wi.i'H hii I, J. E. Rankin, cashier of the above Bamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best f my knowledge and belief. J. E. HANKIN. Cashier. Bworn and kuIihii I lied to hi fun- me this July 3, 1H00. FRANK M. I, EH, Notnry Public. Correct attest: J. P. Sawyer, C. Rankin. J. E. Run kin. Banister's Dorsch's VICI PATENT LEATHER Button, Lace, Oxford Ties. Price, $5.00 SHOES Slil.NED FREE. THE BOSTON r s HOE ''"'' TORE Leading- Shoe Firm Moderate prices Shoes Special Sale S3 IX) U t $1 UU U H. REDWOOD & CO., 7 & 9 VAUDEVILLE EVENING AT LOOKOUT PARK ENTERTAINING NUMBERS ON THE PROi ; HAM. An hour of midsummer evening with vaudeville at Lookout paik is u fea ture of cnjoyab.t Intel est JilHt now In Arhrvlile entertainment, and is re liiKhliiKiy pleasant in its ofter to the .eluKe novere;gii for opportunity to louii'j up the. day la the ttu t atinuH phele in ti.L niuuiituin's bitjlh and away tiuui ihe sui.t and Bight of buu iiii.b i.iie ami uii ualiy guild fur ilol- 'I f,ei.u:iiit tOi H fcy raid I and eaxy UnliK.t to ami liolu tne piiik, and is li.tii.id with tin dKin-.itde acces sories of the h oode 1 ride, thlnUgh a deilKhllul Kectlou i,r the city and subuibri. tin- biiUiuiit illumination of tilt v.aiKH mm aU'ilti.l'iUMl, ro 1 breezes and an uttendanee eirrtKtint,y uncon ventioiirtl to i-njoy the run of a pro Kiaui neatly and ckverly given. l.ant eVin.iiK S compuiiy of ladies, gentlemen and (hilditn give the liuai us u full houie for their ffforts, and l.a.i the show In full giving fiom the ear;ieiit number to the (InlKh. The luogrum had liuist and his twirling baton'; Kennedy In trick bi cycle iidlriK, liolu sniiMiin numb rn, and 1'oole and Litiulrum In well turned mu sic and dancing. The clevir work of Muller ainl I'oole In acrobatics gave the house an eHpiflully pleasing num ber, the boys brlntiliig closest care to their cifnitM in skillful pulse and exe cution. Lurry Kettrlck whs highly amuxinK In his ImperpiftKitlons and Weliloii's vucal numbers were good. The bill wound up with a farce that calls for more rehearsal, but "Clams" was put on for a laufth, and the mer riment iwih promptly responsive. The maiwiKement announced a night ly change of repertoire, and while the boys were asklriR parents If "that was all." the lunRT line of mrs at the foot of the hill rilled up for home. PAINTER E. C, COCHE SERIOUSLY INJURED KM. I K IMti 'M A I'.l'l I.l iIN'i ! ON MAR L )TT K PT I ! E F.T. En in ' I'm he, a paint-r employed by Mr. Kllzpntrlek, fell from a building on which he was at work on Charlntt it reel this nmrniiiK and sustiiliird seii i us Injniles. Me was taken to the MIs i ion tiospilal The worst Injury was a compound Inn lure of the nrm bone Just where the hone fillets the socket. I Hie of Ills libs was hiuisid also The Injury to the arm Is an unfortunate one, aim V e y llllllcllll to helll. Ml. Coehe may lecover the use of the aim If theie are no complications, but otherwise it will have to be amputated. M 1SS ISi iSTIC IIKA Kl) Kill )M. I T Hustle has received a 'e If m his sister. Miss At tie Itostir. l, S1 aiiKhul. June '.'s Miss liostlc sa I -in Victoria. It. (V, May 2S. nnd i '.ei at Shanghai June l,'i. At the : I ' ' letter was w ritten there was. no 1 .! in in "i dlst tn bailee of any kin t! T It-.l lied a r - i llle t X - I t ll.'d IV III'- ! ii'iiiKlial She slates that .-die I a ril f I oin her brut her, Rev. . ! 1 I". viick. who had esiflped from ,lv I n. lent section of the empire. i: I j I tiled to Join her sunn at Sli.nnn HASKUAI.I. New York I'lttshiirg I Hiooklvn 7. Chicago i ISoSlori I:', st I.onis II I'hlla.felphia :!. Cincinnati 1 Attr.u'tuisi" ,i!:t'ii!i'Mi . 1 he i ht'iiii lino tt ii i kc: I v ma U i . ' .. . . jNi.uik'Ufs on ak' .ii i..iv 1 r.ltlOII ilVrlUK'. Fol ri dcllCIUUM CUp cl . iffei Use '."g" t.ttidard Jam i'ii Mocha, i I b ' in i ence Sa w cr (lit'. it it ! u . ti.iu i:i 1! tiiiniocus ' yQ ,, ,,. -,(it, SAFE INVESTMFNTS. l:oi t he next iv u will in. ike spA'ial i tit! ik' ni en ts to i iiurehii-eis ut Inh i:i Nellie P.irk i;v,,iv,;,.mi;n! trj'r IO ,1.,MUU ll'i it li .in t iiiijm!- I ilk nte will e.iMlv earn Irom 10 l j to 15 per ctiu net Appl v to (ieo. S rve!l, 1 Haywood street. of Shirt Waists K A P K HK1U t'Kl) TO (1 i l.ft, AMI fl.itft liKALKH HKIH I'EB TO $1 . HAPK HKDl'CKU TO 75 CKNTH, "The Paragon," Opposite Postofflce. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Miss Anna Lnckwood of Cincinnati is e fcucst at 158 Chestnut street. Kpai tanliurg Herald: Mr. Charles H. Cat lisle and son left yesterday for a. visit to Asheville. Shelby Aurora: Forest Eskrldge, the popular bank clerk, Is spending his an nual vacation in Asheville. C'pelika letter to Atlanta Constitu tion; Misses Sallie Driver and Annie Tate (liitlln are In Asheville. Miss Geneva Gudger, who has been vndting friends here for some time, left this afternoon for her home In ba kersville. Rome, Ga., letter to Atlanta Consti tution: Misses Miriam and May Key r Itls are spending three weeks at Asheville. Mrs. W. F. Snider and two children and Miss Nellie Holmes Pearson of Salisbury are expected here tomorrow to visit Mrs. Clarence Sawyer. Charlotte Observer: Judge Burwell has returned from Asheville. Mrs. Hur well and Miss Burwell will extend their visit. Judge Burwell will return to Asheville on August 3. Annlston, Ala., letter to Atlanta Con stitution: Mrs. S. C. Hobson, mother of Naval Constructor Richmond Pearson Ik bson, was In Annlston Friday en ioutc from Greensboro to Ashevillt Ktatesville Landmark: Miss Bertha Van Lear, who has-been with her sis ter, Mrs. J. Stephany, went to Ashe ville yesterday to spend a week. She will stop here again on her return to Baltimore. Catrollton, Ga., letter to Atluna Con stitution: Mrs. J. I. Be-iM oi Asheville, mo with her little Bon has been in tin; t !'y for several days past i;s the guest ut tier husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colonel William JJeall, on Austin ave nue, returned home Monday luom'r.g. Several Methodist ministers went to i Md Fort today to attend the mission aiy institute which is held a day in ad vame of the Asheville district confer eiue. Among those who went are Rev. J. II. Weaver, I. D.. Rev. E. K. Mi- I. aity iind Rev. Mr. Crutchtield. Rev. :-. iwin L. Main will go to Old Fort to leiiiow morning. Ricetti Hotel Berkeley arrivals in . lutle: W. W. StriiiKtield and R. 1). i.ilmer of Wuynesville, Charles M. Thomas and Will W. Porter of Knox wlle, J. C. Camper of Brevard. Charles '. I'.ablwiii of Chicagti. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. West of Valdosta, Ga., James M. Moody .mil A. W. Fre. man of Waynes Ulle. J. W. Payne of Waco. Tex., and W. W. L .vclat e of Martin, Tenn. Swaiiiianoa arrivals: Mrs. King of Wuynesxille. Mrs. Stayton of Valdosta, iiu.. S. S. Prasi-r of Georgetown. S. ('., K. II. Mavis ,,f Nashville, Mr. and Mrs. James I; Forney of Morristow n, Tenn., Aliss Annie Auspaugh, Miss Etlie Hoff ui r. !'. A. Petty, of Savannah. Ga., Mr. and Mrs. W. K. BldditiKton of Chica go. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Johnston of .Mi xicu city, Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Hewes of .Ii aneiette. 'a., Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Masscy of Iturnsvlllc, Ky., Thomas 11. Wooton. M. i. Mrs. 11. G. Wooteti, Miss Wooteii of Austin. Tex., and Xlr. and Mrs. I". It. lOverett of West Palm II. ach, Kla. Among tile guests su tiiiiiering al For est Hill are: Xlis. Xlellen of New York, Mrs I XL Park"i' of Detroit, XI rs. Jatii-s Ii. Tebh, Its. Xllss Virginia Teb I 'lls aiul .Miss I'aiolyn Tebbclts of i h 1 1 ago. Xli s. James S. Lounsberry. Miss li,e l.ouiisb.rty uf Elizabeth, N. .1 . .Mrs. Notion. Xllss.s Alice and Xlil IimI Norton, ih. Xliss..s Dudley, jif New "i b ans. Xlis. Wright. .Miss Marie light and .Miss Anna Wright. Miss Wilkinson of Augusta. Xlrs. XL W. Liiiwell. .Miss Fannie Moore Burwell, Miss Martha Burwell. XLtste Buiwell of charlotte. Xlrs Hunter. .Miss Anna Gould Miss Anna Gould Hunter. Jr I'Mniond Julia T. Hunter. of Sa- vatinah. Xlr. and Xlrs. Samuel ham. Samuel Lapham, Jr., Xliss of t'bai lot to. Lap- Souh; .,1a. b Hi and 10,., I ' 1 1 1 1 of cats to bring: yon from the in, I ; i 1 1 1 i. ii t al I kout park to. 'igl:t Bla k fa. e s; a 'i, s for a laugh at I kont pai k tonight. i " " " ' We file distributors for I.'. D. Gregg T. a .V ColY 'o.'s celebt ated loauds of re. isle,! coffee of St. Louis, Xla. Try ! lieio. Cln retice Saw yer. Col l Pen an I f.oM Pcneils at cost. Moriian's Hook Store CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDH'M. Mm?. Crvls Is still In the city, and can be consulted dull v nt her oftlce. I'lO HAYWOCO STREET. Gives advice on all matters of business, love, court ship, marriage, mortgage bonds. di vorce. In fact, tells all you waht to know ; removes evil intlueiices; gives you power to sain the objects of your heart; if y ,u are In trouble con-urn this gifted woman, and y.m will b.- satis, tied and ! I.ocd if ;, our feeling as if the wo' id w ii.' against you. Hours: 9 a. m. toy p. 111. dally except Sc.. 1 lay. No sign out. All business strictly confidential Patton Ave. Th... Children's and Misses' . Tan Oxfords and Strap Sandals... hav all bean greatly reduced to close them out There will be plenty of hot weather yet won't it pay you to see the value In these ? J. SPAN0ENBER0 Kodak Time This Is Ideal weather for picture taking. When you start out be sure you have an "Eastman Kodak." "If it isn't an Eastman It Isn't a Kodak." .Ve are headquarters for Eastman Kodaks and. Kodak supplies. f fC DV 27 PATTON VUjDI avenue Cut Feed and Save Money Smalley Goods... Feed and Ensilage Cutters and Corn Shredders at-e standard the world over. Used by all large cattle raisers. Write for circular 011 silos and ensilage. T. S. MORRISON, Agent. The newest and prettiest photographs now made are the "SEPIA" To see the color and finish of these photographs means an order. Made only hv I FKK E pho- L,Lr W TOGRAPHER 59 S. MAIN ST. i ..TONS CORN Bran, 0.s Fruit Brooms and Groceries C. H. MILLER Call 227 30 N. Main St We have just received another consignment of the famous... California Bartlett Pears These arc the finest Pea re grown sweat and juloy you can get them at.. KEELING BROS, Oppeeite potoBee. TbacttUl c PERFECT ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO. H. T. COLLINS, Preeldent 1 "Th rteen yeare dealers In Pure Ice and Screened Coal. PHONE 40.' ' ' 32 PATTON AVENUE BUILDING BUSINESS. We started to build our business here on the firmest foundation known, RELIABILITY. -We cemented the foundation with GOOD STATIONERY, built the walla with lJW PRICES, and protected the same with a roof of HONEST VALUES. We built a good house, for we have a tenant called PUBLIC CONFIDENCE, and we shall keep our house In good repair that our tenant shall stay with us always. The remarkable good points vf our stationery department are: a box of 50 sheets paper and 50 envelopae, good linen stock, 35c; a pound package of fine linen paper, - smooth or rough finish, 25c; a package of linen envel opes (25 to pack), 10c. per pack or 8 for 25c; a large roll or package of good toilet paper, 10c. or $1.00 per doi. "Your money back If you want It" 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Phone 254. S. E. Cor. Court Square, Phone 87. More Rain --More Grass. I Have you seen our line of Lawn Mowers? IMPERIAL-our leader. O.K --a good second. BROWN, 33 Oak Ridge Institute. j i ness, and for life. Fall term opens August tl, Terms reasonable Address, J. TERM.? . w iiirrMiviivic yii, ill msr-- i i- m;i ur i -r4v i n V W MAW I . H- !' I ft -1. jyi-i-TeaaaniMF Q ""RfcTirtiiaya it T MvyDERVTE. FOR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE C ADDRESS JA & M H HOLT. OakRidge.N G J. W. NORWOOD, President. CAPITAL, $100,000. The Blue Ridge National Bank ASHEVILLE, NCC. We offer to depositors every accom mou tlon which is consltent with safe banking; and we are in a position to loan them money on approved security. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. No Interest paid on deposits. DIRECTORS: W. J Slayden. Jaa. A. Burroughs, G. A. Norwood, S. P. McDlvltt, J. W. Norwood, Erwln Slu der, R. p. Walker. I'rirttt Win e Continuous Quotations ! Murphy & Co., BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions M . V . Omoe, 61 Broad jay H CHURCH ST., - Pk.fi.ait RKFER TO Bine Rid ire National Bank, Abe- Tllle, N. C. CbarlotU National Bank. Charlotte, aboard National Buk, New Tork. Lowry Banklnt Co. AtlaaU, Oa. Capitol City Bank, AUantaTea. 1C Blocks Fourteen Inches Thick "We advertise what we haye We sell what we advertise." Rogers' Book Store The great popularity of the Hoosier Grain Drill Is due more to Its EXCELLENT FEED than' any other one thing. The feed is not only reliable for small grain, but will also distribute corn, peas, beans and other large grain in a most sat isfactory manner. Asheville Hardware Co., Agents ASHEVILLE N. C NORTHCIP 5c CO. PATTON AVENUE. afe College-preparatory and Business hoil for youuir ineu and bovs. Has nrAimirirl rhnnufinris fni .ill.ii,u 1... lm.1. A. and M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. ERWIN SLITDER, Cashier PICNIC WAGON f Seats 24 people comfortably; f cushioned seats; handsomely ft painted; for hire by the A .1 ll rv j asneviiie uray Lo. j R. M. RAMSEY, i Proprietor. Thone 223 V U--...c ..u. i vuuri square. Are you troubled with A SMOKY STOVE OR RANGE ? Or Is your stove or range needing repairs? If ao, send for J. P. BABINGTON PRACTICAL STOVE DOCTOR NO. I BAST COURT 8QCARB. 'PHONE NO. 121, m

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