Tues. Wed. Thuf. PrL Sat Cu 3 4 1 5 I 6 1 7 ,JL ROBERT HARDY'S ! ir mm days,. A DREAM AJSTD ITS CONSSQUZNCZS. BY REV. CHARLES M. SHELDON, JMJnrcf -M BU Steps" Th OueCUton cf PUUp Strong," "JtotosfWV Copyright. 1000, by Advsaoe PabUahlss. Oa.) foi I Tu We4. iTbuf. Fri. I Sat Sup. 1 2 3 4 5-1 6 I 7 8 i ft ' CHAPTER VIH-Contlnued. Ta the pause Hint roiMwea James Cnxtou. who had been sitting la tho lcck scat, felt aa If some power within aud wlibout lilm were forcing blm to kin fH-t. II- pntxix-d his chair as If to bold himself down, but the Holy Spirit vrhlspercd to him. "Son. this will be tbe I eglunlng of a new lift to thee." Aud no .Inure Caxton arose aud uld lie wanted to be a Christian, aud from tbat moment be dated his strong, eon accreted life. life tlmt bids fair to be . come famous In the world yet. and bit action wax the -beginning of a new life in that church and community, but we cannot dwell on tbat In the course of this history, i Ob. Rotxrt Ilardy, the food God li blessing thee In tbla thy week of trial I For was It not tny word tbat first started tbla young, manly aoul to eou alder what he owed to Jvsus the CbrlstY To come back to Robert lie bad written the note, beginning It Just lit tle after the bell ceased ringing, and aa be finished Jamea bad come over to see If be could be of any service. The tlm and roughly struck up hla bat At that Instant Mr. Hardy looked Into his face and cried out: "George! Is It your And the son replied aa be started back: -Fatberr . The two looked at each other In si lence, while the snow fell In whirling Bakes about them. And tbla was the end of Robert Har dy's third day. CII.IPTEB IX. Mr. Hardy looted at his son sternly, standing at the little distance off he hud recoiled after thai first recogni tion of the boy. H would be difficult to describe bis emotions. He bad nev er beeu an affectionate father to bla boy. Me had geuerally ghen them money when they nuked for it aud bad not giu-tttlutifd them alwut Its use. I lie was not fnuilllar wltb bis older I eon's habits aud ouly within the lata i Notice. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. M. W. Cooper vs. A. D. Cooper No tice of Execution Sale. By virtue of two executions placed In my hands for collection, Issued, ons out of the Superior court of Iredell county and the other out of the Su perior court of Buncombe county, the aid two judgments being duly dock eted In the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Buncombe county, and to satisfy said executions, I will on WEDNESDAY, THE 15TH DAT OF AUGUST, 15(00, It being the third day of the August term, 1900. of the Su perior court of Buncombe coun ty, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In said Buncombe county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described three tracts of land belonging to the defendant, A. D. Cooper: FIRST TRACT Being a certain- lot situated on the east side of South Main street in the city of Ashevllle. county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, being the same lot conveyed to the said A. D. Cooper by T. D. Johnston and wife, Leila B. Johnston, by deed dated the 28th day of December, 1887, and re corded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county In Book 64, page 40, and by J. K. Connally and wife by deed dated July 9th, 1889, and re corded In the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county In Book 67, page 476, the said two deeds Including the said lot, and being the same lot upon which stands the brick store house now occupied by William Kro ger. SECOND TRACT Being a certain lot of land situated on the south side of Depot street in the city of Ashevllle, and known as Lot No. 21 on the plat of lands formerly belonging to the Southern Improvement company, and being the same lot heretofore conveyed by the said Southern Improvement company to the said A. D. Cooper by deed dated the 20th day of August, 1891, and recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county in Book 79, page 566, and being the same lot upon which Is erected a brick warehouse, i " S ""N "V r Prices Drop to Zero ! I This beiner the second week of our very successful Clear ance Sale, we make the occasion extraordinary by sweep- lugiy Si&SUl-Ug lU uusu luiucs uu soaouuauw uiMViwg wou of every description. Summer goods must go, regardless of profit Wash Dress Goods. D' At a shadow of their former prices. Their colorings and patterns comprise a magnificent assortment of beautiful floral, plaid, spray and stripe designs. , - - - - Clearance Sale, 19c. ... - Clearance Sale, 15c. few days bud he known tbat be was , third TRACT Being a certain lot "fast He had never made a com panion of his son. lie had not grown tin with lilm. ho that now as he faced cbureb was near by. and Mr. Hardy ' Ll... uu , . lb .tranc. circumstances asked blm to take the note over. He that hud brought theiu together be was weut over to the church, with the re-1 at.,uuy nt a 08 ,0 kuow wuflt t0 do . a A . M - ft fti uil aoscriiHHJ. ue am not come uacs at once, and Mr. Hardy watched on Wltb Alice. Will slept Irregularly, being troubled with his dreams of the accident. Mrs. Ilardy woke and begged ber bnshand to He down and get little rest He did so, but was aroused about 10 o'clock by the doctor coming In. He bad just finished a visit near by. lie saw tlie light and was anxious, aa the case was an extraordinary one, to come In. He e-iamlnud flara'a face very keenly and then sat down by the bed for an Insuut. After giving certain luedlclnes be fouL.I that he was In tu-ed cf suolber article, which was at bis bouse. "I wll. go aud get it. doctor. It's not far, aud I thiuk u I. tile fresh ulr will do uic trood and hel;t lue to remain wu belter," said llobcrt. Ue wt-ut dowu atnii-H. aud tbe doctor followed him as l.e went out Into the liall ninl Hung o.i his overcoat. Mr. Hardy turned before he opeued the door: "Ioctor, tell me the truth about my glrlf What Is ber coudlthui';" "It Is serious, but ttioiv tluiii ll;:u 1 whul (he age popularly designates as of and ltuate, lying and being at the corner of Haywood and Walnut streets in the city of Ashevllle, county of Bun combe, state of North Carolina, upon which Is erected the residence now oc cupied by the family of the said A. D. Cooper, and also the three brick houses known as "Gray Gables." The said lot having been conveyed to said A. D. Cooper by two deeds, one of which was executed by A. B. Ware and Esther J. Ware, his wife, dated August 14th. 1882, and recorded In the office of the regis ter of deeds for Buncombe county in Book 42, at page 315, said lot fronting 4f feet on Haywood street and running back 300 feet; the other deed having been executed to said A. P. Cooper by H. G. Ewart and wife. S. C. Ewart, on the 29th day of October. 18S1, and re corded In the office of the reslster of deeds for Buncombe county In Book 41, pftKe 417; this said last named lot hav ing a frontage of 105 feet on Haywood street and 300 feet on Walnut street, the two lots together having a total frontage on Haywood street of 150 feet, saving, excepting and reserving, how ever, from this last named lot of land, that portion of the same which has been allotted to the said A. D. Cooper as his homestead, and which lies lm r...dlately east of the lot upon which Is erected the building known as Gray Gables, and upon which stands a small brick cottage. This July .2th, 1900. R. F. LEE, Sheriff. By F. M. Jones, D. S. 7-13-d4t-frl The 39c quality, The 25c quality, Ladies' Vests. Shaped Ribbed Vests, low neck and sleeveless, excellent value at 15c. , . . Clearance, IOc f) Ribbed Vests, fine Egyptian Yarn, actually worth 19c. Clearance Sale, 12q, Richelieu Ribbed Vests, lace trimmed neck and shoulders, 25c kind, " " I5c Black, White, Blue and Pink. or say. The thought that tils son was guilty of a crime which lulLt put hltu be hind prison bars did uot yet occur to his mind. He was only conscious of a great longing to net hack borne and there have a thorough talk with bis boy In the hope of w liming bltn to bet ter things. But lie must say something to George. The police officer stared In wonder after the first startled cry of "Father!" on the pnrt of the young man. but be did not looseu bis hold on him. Ue took uu extra twist In the coat collar of his captive and looked sharply' at Mr. Hardy ns much as to say. "He may be your xon. but he's my victim, and 1 mean to keep a good clutch on him." Goorire was the first to speak: "Father, you know 1 wouldn't do snch a thing really. We were only out for a little fun. We didn't know you. of course. We didn't mean any real harm. We were only fooling." "It wna dangerous fooling." replied his father. He still stood apart from the boy and spoke quietly, but his face was pale. and his heart was wrung with torture 49c At 49c we are selling an excellent Corset made of net and French sateen, long and short waist the kind the other stores sell at 75 cents. Ladies' Mercerized Silk Petticoats Made of splendid quality in all the fashionable jk shades, umbrella effect, with ruffle, lined &4 AO T and corded, $3.00 value, Clearance Sale pi yO Q) : g We have just received another lot of the Ladies' New Style Summer Felts, in all the latest shapes, specially low priced. The new raw edge, in pearl and castor, $1.50 quality, only 98c (f Entirely new creation, with fancy band, $2.66 quality, only $1.29 THE BIG cannot say. There is u imsvMIIty t!i:it,i for j,s firstborn. ly means of a slight operation the d:s. astrous consequences of the shock to her eyes may be averted, and It Is pos sible that the other re mi lis which I Muted may be altogether different. It la not In medical power tu decide with certainty." Ho Mr. Hardy went out Into the night With a glimmer of hope tu his breast. It was suowlng again, and a strong Wind was blowing, ho lie buttoned his big coat close up. drew his hat down orer his brows and, leaning forward, walked as rapidly as he could against the wind In the direction of the doe tor's house. Tbe streets were almost deserted. Tbe lights at the corners flickered and showed pale through the lamps. As he turned down a narrow street, lutendlttg to make a short cut across a park that lay near the doctor's, he was suddenly seised by three or four young tucn, and one of them said In a tone which betrayed a drunken debauch: "Hold up your hands aud deliver! You've got plenty of chink, and we haven't! So no squalling, or we'll shoot you for It!" Mr Ilardy was taken completely by surprise, But bo was n vigorous, ath letic man, and hU first impulse was to sb'vke himself loose, to knock down two f his ii mil I lu nt next to him nnd ntake a run for It. Ills next glance, however, showed lilm the nature of tbe group of young men. They were not professional robbers, but young men about towu who had Ihvii drink lug Into and were evidently out on a lark and were holding blm up Just for fun. Mr. Ilnrdy guessed exactly rlghj, What could he do? Two of the young men wore known to him. the sons of the r.niiiileys, who were well to do people lu l'.artou. Mr. Hardy's next InipuUe was to discover himself to them and beg theu to quit such dan gerous fooling and go borne. The three other young men were In shadow, and he could uot tell them. All this pass ed through his thought with a Hash. Dut before he bad time to do auythttig a police olUeor sprang out of a door way near by, and the group of young tuen, dropping their bold of Mr. Hardy, fled In different directions. The offlcor made pursuit and after I T,,, county hoard of elections met ft abort run captured on? of the young yesterday afternoon, when the follow, tnen, whom, after rlgoroue resistance, Intt Judm-s of election were appointed he drsirirnH hueli tn a-hunt Mr lli-,t to fill vacancies: , itotice. North Carolina, Buncombe County. Having qualified as executrix of tli last will and testament of J. W. Clapp, deceased, late of the said coun ty ut Huncombe, this Ib to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, or to her attorney, lieo. A. Shuford, on or before the 6th day of July, 1101, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Notice Is further given that I have p aced all notes and accounts held by the said J. W. Clapp. deceased, at the time of his death, in the hands of Geo. A. Shuford. attorney at law, Ashe vllle, North Carolina, for collection, and all persons Indebted to said es tate will please call and make immedi- Ah. how carclc.i of hltu ho had been! How little companionship the two had had! How very little help the boy had received from the man! Now. believing that only four more days lay before him to use to the glory of God, Robert Ilardy felt the sting 01 that bitterest of all li.ltcr feelings, use less regret, the regret t hut docs not car ry with It any hope of redeeming a self ish past. After his father had p.kcn George sullenly reiuiilued sllcui. Mr. Haroy bowed his head and mh mod ttmik'.nc The olUeor. who had heui waiting for another move OU the p;.lt of the oI l.T ate payment to my said attorney, tnau. said: This July (iih. limO. "Well, we must be t:;ox,i:g on. It's1 MA11V HASSKTT CLAPP, warmer !n the lockup thau out here, j -g,"!' "f J' W' napp' decd So come nlong, young IV. low, and Co: - ' your talking tomorrow iuoru:ng wit; the rest of the drunks and dlsordet Iks." Stop!" cried Robert Ilardy. "Tl.l Is my son! Io you understand? Whet are you going to do?" j "Well, governor, that's a pretty c.'.ic- I tlon at this time of day. I'o! I'm go lug to Jug hltu for assault with lnte;i; to commit highway robbery. It's i'.U: affair for the pea.' I can tell you." "Hut you heard him say It wua all a' Joke." , "A pretty Joke to try to hold a man j up on the highway and demand bis! BALTIMORE THE BARGAIN CENTER OF ASHEV1LLE I 188 8 y Special Notices FULL line of crackers and cakes just in at Kroger's. SEE THE COTS AT Johnson's, 43 Patton ave. MRS. L. A. WANTED--for boarding care Citizen. At once, first-class cook house. Address M. B-, 7-14-dtf VERY DESIRABLE rooms with board; new house, furnace heated, eltctrlc lights and bells, superb view, on paved street, near churches and posiofflce. Mrs. F. A. Hall, 103 South Main street. S-27-dtI . TODAY I have an Oak Book Case, Olhce Revolving Chair, Small Ice Box, Antique Walnut Desk, Ladles' Riding Saddle, New Columbia Encyclopaedia, etc. W. Turner, 35 North Main. Phone 226. MILK COW for sale. William John ston, Jr., 20 Temple Court. Phone 378. 7-27-dtf MRS. R. O. PATTERSON will open the Waldheim as a first-class boarding house for the summer. 7-21-dlw MRS. DRESSER will resume her piano and violin lessons on August 1, at 69 Charlotte street. 7-33-dlwk FOR RENT Three desirable unfur nished rooms; three blocks from post office. 39 Penland street. 7123-dlvv Not'CO. I North Cnrolimi, Huncombe County, j Having nualifled as administrator of Mrs. C. 11. Swnmberg. deceased, late ol the said county of Huncombe, this j l-t to notify ad persons having claims I HL'ainst the ( State of said deceased to exhibit them to the undeistKneit on oi before the 6th day of July. or ' this notice will he pleaded In bar of j ll.i Ir recovery. A!! persons Indebted to said estate i will please make Immediate payment. I This the fith day of July. 1'iOO." HENRY SWARTZflEtM. dnii'. oi ilr. C. H. fcwiirtsliersr. money! Oh, no! That's carrying a Joke too far. ders. We've beeu after this youug chaps for a month now "Rut. iitilcer. you dou't understand! This Is my sou!" "Well, what of that? IWt we Jug sons every day for some deviltry or other? Do yuu suppose you nro the otdy father whose sou Is going to the devil?" "O Cod. uo!" cried Mr. Ilnrdy. with sudden passion. "Rut th's is my older boy. It would kill bis mother to have blm arrested and put lu Jail for trying to rob his own father. Yet he was once lti:i-,cetit- What am 1 saylmt? He uiiKht be now if I bad done my duty." (To be continued.) -.Ht-frl. I'm bouud to obey or-!4if f r. gang of.mi.vtTnon noici ronaie SALISBURY, N. C. I oner t.r sale the Mount Vernon note!, Salisbury. N. O. It Is located oear the enter uf New Salisbury, at , (he Southern railway passenger sta ! tlon, serves meals to passengers by th Western N rth Carolina railroad trains and has always been liberally patronize;!. Tl.. Is a valuable property, affording good returns, and the undersigned ivlshen to dispose of It only because he I. s but a small fnm.y and It Is not necessary for Im to continue In at.'ve b:isin-si. .,i . .t,. f.i,.,, noplv to the owner, P A. FRKRCKS, Salisbury. N. C. Jl'I'tiKS OF FLECTION, tood, exclaiming: "Here's one of the rascals, sir. I beard 'em when they held yoo tip. We're been looking for this gaug some time now. Just Identify this one If be Is the one that Just now grabbed you. Ir." Under the light of the lamp the pe Ueeman dragged the form of his tie- Ashevllle No. S 8. F. Chapman. Ashevllle No, 3 J. W. lUymond. Ashevltle No. & M. V. Lyerly. Avery's Creek Z. T. Ledbetter. Itlltniore No. I J. R. Lambert, iilsck Mountain T. K, Brown. Haw Creek Frank Reed. Leicester No. 2 John Hayes. Leicester No, I Edward Little. Lower Hominy Lee Thrash. Reems Creek No. I J. 1. Barrett CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. COPYRICHTS AND DESICNS. Sand roar bulnoo dlract to rV mthim stoa, tm Umi costs lots, boitor srrl, MraShMtMwSie a Mains rusmttoi. or? hwIhum . Atty'i M mmi tm mm wtmt mtwS rtRHONAlATTISTloROITIK-ltflAU AUTVALIlrilllSUI. tt. -Mrm f ll fcH tm." to.. Ml frw. htMM iiimil tftraagk S S ton maim Ifolll !, wttkot (kuo t Iks INVENTIVE ACE E.O.SIEEERS.Efc&e-S SUBURBAN board. ne,.r golf links, 15 minutes' walk to cars; high ground, fine view, new house, choice table. Mrs. Uullivcr, Ottarl, Box 47. DESK "WANTED A roller top pre ferred. Must be in good condition and a bat gain. Weaver & Alexander, 26 Patton avenue or P. O. Box 2H. 7-U-dtf WANTED A good family horse gentle and sound, not too old. W. A. Elliott, at Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. 7-14-dtf WANTED A 5 or 6 room cottage, with modern conveniences, on or near the depot car line. Address "L. V.. N." care The Citizen. 7-24-dtf FOR RENT A 10-room house, newly papered and painted; less than one-halt mile from postofflce and about three minutes' walk from street cars; In good neighborhood; fine shade trees. Apply to R. O. Hunt, city postofflce. -25-dtf WANTED Reliable permanent man. Office and outside work. Enclose stamp and references. A. T. Morris, P. O., general delivery. dlt WANTED ROARnrcns- TV rriTTM. ftry; private -family; 10 minutes' walk from BUtmore and Ashevllle Street Car line; pleasant, elevated home; fine views; overlooks the BUt more village and Swannanoa valley; large, airy rooms; table supplied with fresh vegetables and fruits from farm, Jersey milk and butter; rates reasonable; no consump tives taken. Mrs. Chas. R. Whitaker, Blltmore, N. C. THE annual election for the purpose "f choosing 11 directois of the Ashe vllle Hoard of Trade will be held at the i .filce of the Secretary on Friday, July j J.. ISmjO, between the hours of 12 m. and p. m. B. M. Jones, Secretary. 7-13-d2w FOR RENT NO. 110 HAYWOOD street: 18-room house, steam heat, electric lights and call bells to each fonm- 0 Kn . V. o lnA .. . . location, on uattery Park hill and within three blocks of center of the city. Also 2 lovelv flats nf K nnH 8 - rooms, furnished or unfurnished; elec- WANTED A GOOD MALE COOK . :'ic lights and all modern lmprove (white) to cook In a logging camp forn'ents; hot and cold water and range about 16 men. Also a good white girl i in kitchen. pply to O. D. Revell, for general housework. Address Union 1 22-34 Patton ave. Lumber Co., W. I. Boyer, supt.. Jar- , - rett's, N. C. 7-10. WANTED MORE IMPROVED , and unimproved DroDertv to sell to parties prepared to pay cash for same, particularly for vacant land on Hay wood road In the vicinity of the Uni versity school. I have several Inquiries by prospective purchasers for desirable sites in this last neighborhood. Par ties having such properties will find 1W to their advantage to address or call upon A. J. Lyman.offlces 13 Church St., telephone No. 344. V.'K have a bargain In a 100-acre arm on the Swannanoa river. It has a nice six-room house with stable and j pt.niir ouinouses. j. . tsosiic wo. LOST A bunch of keys, between Court Square and Mitchell's store, on South Main. Some of keys are number ed, with one broken key. Finder will be rewarded by leaving keys at Dr. Van Hergtn's residence In Victoria. 7-26-dtf HOUSE TO RENT on Hendersonville acres goes with house; also good sta tion. House has eight rooms and batn room, all in good order. Garden of lty acres goes with house; alsho good sta ble. Apply Office Blltmore Estate. e. N. C. 7-26-dtf THE FINEST lot of new Dressers to be found in the city are now at tny place at astonishingly low prices. W. I,. Moore, No. 11 west Court Square. . hone St. A PRIVATE FAMILY IN THE suburbs, convenient to street cars, will take a few boarders for the summer. Address SHADY LAWN, this office. 7-8dtf. - R SALE New 30-room hotel with fiOa worth of furniture In same, one half mile nf thriving town, near sta tion. Finest summer resort in coun try: 40 seres food land belonging to It. $4200 one-half cash, balance on good terms. Apply J. M. Campbell. CITY MARKET. WILL exchange two lots In good lo cations In Chicago for house and ground In Ashevllle; value of lots $3000.00. Address M. J, Kenny, Chica go, 111.. 71 E. Randolph St. 7-23-dlwk PRIVATE BOARD Newly arranged house, cool and shady verandas, handy to churches and postofflce. popular street and fine view. Mrs. S. L. Oragg, 106 South Main street. 7-21 dlw LOST Between Chestnut street and the city pumping station, paper box containing; fold watch, rings, etc. Re ward of $100.00 It returned to H. W. Howe, 138 Chestnut street 7-21-d-wk FOR RENT ONLT A large fine res idence; 11 rooms; furnished; servants' house and carriage house; large grounds; central location. fUt per month. Owner and one daughter will board with renter and allow liberal dis count from rent. Apply to John M. Campbell. Real Estate Agent, No. tk Korth Mala St. . . .. WANTED To buy from 100 to acres, of rich, fertile land, perferably with a stream of water running Ihr. If. ... - , t . I 1 1 .U;,,i .i, riuic lull J1IIUUIU(Q uu . p fl . references, and lowest spot cash price; I principals only dealt with. Address 3. j Bradley, Stamford, Conn. 7-23-d-wk ?,.p . i Wheat Corn.. TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES I Corrected by Clarence Sawyer, wholesale and retail grocer. These prices are being paid by the merchants of the city today: Country butter 10 to 20 Eggs 1014 Chickens 124 to 20 Turkeys ..50 to $1.50 Lucks : 15 to 20 j Potatoes, Irish 60 ! Turnips.. 500 Onions.. ..$2.00 crate Cabbage, per pound.. .. .. ..3-4 to lc. Beans, per bushel $2.00 to $2.50 $1.00 to t $2.00 dried.'. ".. .. ' . .. . 65 We buy, sell and rent typewriters of all t)a"g iiunre. n ;iu uiiruu uu.llg n urw ma chine, we recommend the Remington, Honey which is beyond doubt the "standard.'' f forhum- its lasting qualities and all-round ex cellence cannot be approached. Type writer Exchange, 23 Patton avenue. . FOR SALE AND RENT 7 room cottage Chestnut St., furnished; I room house Charlotte St., furnished; I room house Cumberland ave., fur nished; I unfurnished cottages. rooms each. For Sale I choice lota Merrl mon ave.; pretty grove lot East st., on car line; bargln In I room house Cumberland ave.; choice lots on Vance and Oak sta., prices low; big bargain 7 room house Starnes ave.; timber lands, 1000 acres, 10,000 acres, 400 acres, all fine hardwood In virgin state. Nstt Atkinson Sons Co., Real Estate Dealer. Beeswax, per pound.. Hay, ton Apples ..' ..' .. .. . .... .4 40 ..124 to 15 . ..20 to 25 n ,.it to r ' ..40 toW sViVOilVe w oyoj"s-o m nn LI I snrthlnf ton tnrrnt crhnntmrst al" I" CVFI,tSOE.MRK. COPYfttCHTorCESI" PROTECTION. Honri mnriH, ketcb,orpho for free Tmintirm d arte. m C.1 PATENTS K-iWSi "C!'C.n.c::ovj&co. Patent uwjw Washington, D.c.

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