lliL AbilL ILLli. IJA1I.V CI "li'.. The Ashcville Citizen. BT THE CITIZEN COMPANY. fcverv Afternoon Kxcept Sunday On. Year ,.,, 4.oo fls Months . W Pn Month, to advance, ,, M Wssk. U aerrlsra ' Tb Beml-Wkly Cltli It Issued Vutadays and Fridays. Ia advance, II. TUESDAY, JULY 31. 1900. Democrat!, are you going to the poll! early Thursday? Don't put off Voting- The vote In the box In the vote that counts, and the earlier you get lt,1n the box the better It will be. Every registered Democrat In Ashe vllle ahould vote Thursday. Democrat or Republican? White su premacy or unrestricted negro suf frage? Peace and prosperity or tur moil and unhapplness? Choose you this day whom ya will serve. It la claimed by those who have most frequently witnessed Its administra tion that while Col. V. 8. Lusk may urvlve the punishment Inflicted by Locke Craig in the canvass juat closed, hla political pulchritude la aure to be found fatally cracked. Work of the Weekly Press. Now, when the struggle Is about over And victory la In alght, The Cltisen wants to bear testimony to the valiant' work done for the cau'se of Democracy nd white supremacy In North Caro Una by the weekly newspapers. Every week, and In some Instances twice a Week, these sentinels on the watch tower have come to The Cltlsen's desk filled with argument for the amend ment and tiring broadsides at the en my. In season and out these men or the weekly press have labored for Democratic success and the victory that la coming Thursday will be due In large part to their effort. It is but simple justice to give them this credit. And It gives The Citizen pleasure to bear testimony to their work. The "country editor" usually Is a poorly paid public educator, much of bis work being a labor of love, but he foes on cheerfully, spending and being pent and getting some reward In the knowledge that he Is doing much to make hia cumuiuiuty and hla beluved Old state better, lie Is always fore most In the work uf upbuilding the State, but never beiore has he worked as heroically uh during the caiupulgii just closing. The "cuuntry editors'' are Dear the hem in of Hie people; they nre Of the people and lor the people. They are the suit or Uw earth; amy they never lose their nay or, und may their tribe InrleKHe! Democratic Candidates in Buncombe Thursday will be a history making day In Nosth Carolina. Should the White people win the light, which now appears beyond all doubt, this state should open upuu an era of political cleanlineMS, commercial prosperity ami educational adancemciit unknown in Its history. And Huncombe uiunt participate in bringing about thlx Kreiu emancipation or partuke of the blight thai will Bure ly follow the exultation of the negroes and their allies. To the cltlieil who hlmvrely seeks the best Interests ,,f llun.onilie und North Carolina, there should come no trouble In choosing between the candi dates named by Uie two parlies in this County, taken as a whole or looked ut individually. The Citizen will not that all, or ven any, of the Kepubllcan candidates In Wuncotube are dishonest men. Neith er will It assert thut they are men uf no capacity; but we do assert that from the standpoint either of honesty or Capacity for useful public ,mUv, the names on the Democratic ticket are easily superior lo those on the Hepub llcan ticket. Considered In rt-lutimi t What their election means, the Demo crats may be said to lepivsent swil.le and quiet go eminent for the stale, While HepublUuii success would point to turmoil, strlie -possibly bloodshed. The race Issue has become so insist nt. not alone n the south, but throughout the world, that It cannot he Ignored. The puissant white man Is pressing' to the fore and the nations huiza at his achievements. North Carolina, true to'ht r history in epochal periods, and' In keeping with her reputation foi conservatism. Is about the last (date in the south t,. free herself politically r,,,,,, the nesro and to save the hem,. p,,htlll,lly frHi himself. Hut. having taken Ui, tn,. task she will not fall ol success. In the Dcinociutle legislative ticket Buncombe. Ill the person of l.oeke Craig ami Jiwlum C. Cuius, presents two of her worthiest sons, notwith standing they represent nearly opposite types of manhood. .Craig, the polished orator and able lawyer, Is lmppu'y ,,. plemented by Curtis, the thrifty far. Pier, the Intelligent countryman-, common man of the masses with on uncommon supply of practical com mon sense, Both these gentlemen have had experience In legislative matters, and will go to Raleigh In January bet ter than ever before qualified to effi ciently serve their constituents. These men should and will be elected. Marcus Erwln, the Democratic can didate for clerk of the Superior court. II the son of one of the most brilliant tnen that Buncombe ever claimed as a clttsen, and In character and true worth merits every confidence. Mark Erwln's majority should be very large. R. F. Lee has made a capable sheriff, never having failed to do his duty, so far as the public has been Informed, and deserves to be his own successor. The fact that a special right Is being made against Mr. Lee should cause ev ery Democrat to rally more closely about him, John J, Mackey has proven himself an officer worthy ut all CMM'-nce, ana W,ServsKy Is such that the loper he holds a public position the poorer he becomes. His majority should ap proximate the. Vote of the county. E. W. Patton Is a quiet, unobtrusive citizen, respecting himself and com manding the-respect of all the people of all parties, a capable business mail as shown by the conduct of his own af faiis, an honest citizen, and cannot re ceive more votes than he deserves. J. K, Chambers, the chief fiscal offi cer of the county, Is willing to stand before his countrymen on his record. The office that Mr. Chambers holds. and to which he asks a re-election, la perhaps the most important in the county. Upon the efficiency with w hich its duties are performed largely de pends our financial Integrity as a county. No county Can meet Its obliga tions without money. Money, without greatly burdening many of our citizens. can be got only through the discrimi nating Industry of the taxgatheter. T. J. Heed, the best tax collector .Bun combe ever bad outside of the Demo cratic party,' collected, through sched ules B and C of the state machinery act (these two schedules embrace all those special taxes which tend to light en the burdens of the farmers), during 198, $7388.76. During the year 1899 Kel ly Chambers collected from the same sources $9234.19, on practically the same list, which means a gain to the county of $1845.43 a sum fully equal to his salary. Such an official as that should be re-elected. M. L. Heed, Marlon 8. Glenn and H. I. V. Hobertson are all men of charac ter, familiar with the county's needs and resources, and possessed of ampl Intelligence to conduct affairs success fully. They should receive large ma jorities. The remainder of the Democratic ticket Is made up of good and true men. and should not fall one whit be hind their brethren who aspire to the more lucrative and Important offices. Yes, the Democratic ticket should win a noted victory on Thursday for the credit of old Buncombe und the safety of the state. , SUPREME COURT AND RECONSTRUCTION ACTS EVE It Y ONE TESTED HAS BEEN DECLARED Nl) C.OOD. From the Ureensboio Telegram. Col. Morehead asks the Telegram to call attention to the fact thut all the states, without eXieption, except one New England state, in is7 and l.sos voted by overwhelming majorities against negro sun rage the states which gave General tirant immense majorities at the same time voted against negro suffrage by still lurger majorities. He also uska us In mil ntion,,. the fact that every act of congress passed to humiliate and Hotith which has been tested in the Su preme court of the United States has oeea oeciuren uncons. 11 utlonal, and that one case, the McNadle case, which was Instituted to test the reconstruc tion acts, was appealed to the United States Supreme court, an I congress, fearing und believing that the act would be declared unconstitutional, re pealed the law permitting the appeal, so that the Supreme court could not pass on It. If the Supreme court had held the reconstruction act unconstitutional, which It certainly would have done, the 14th and 15th amendments would be a nullltv ns thev legislatures elected under the recon struction act. ONE WOMAN WHO CAN HOLD HER TONGUE HASN'T SPOKEN TO MKU IlfS HAND KOK TWENTY YKAKS. From the Chicago Keconl. The other day 1 heard of a man of the name of Ceorge Cmld living at New Hochclle, N. Y whose w(v has lived In the same house and sat at the same table with him w ithout speaking u mm ror more than 2ti years. They wc:e married In Mi;;, and nine four ihlllren who are grown and three of them are married. About 20 years ag.i husluml and wife quarreled ' und the Inter, becoming angry at one of his re ntal k. declared that she would never speak M him again until ftf apologized, lie is too stubborn to apologize nn,i she lias become ai eiiHinmi.! i.. an........ They sleep and eat and sit together like .ciiMii'.iins ami wives. They drive to town In the same buggy, occupj sumc pew at church; she mends stoi klliiis. si'ws (he lent, .n the bis his snirts and fultllls all other wifely ilu lies In the ordinary commonplace way except that of conversation, and the husband has become h, i iii.,i,..i ... . v,.. situation by lung experience. He talks to .r without reset e, but when It la tie-i vsuiry i,r her to communicate w ith him she dots so through her daughter, wlio lives with them and plays the par id a telephone for the old lady. And yet people say that u Woman .-annul fcoM r tongue, "n H .i can buy a .-...nJard boon at nne-half jmblishtr's price you are saving njoi ey anJ we are ihe lst?, yvl ve wil1 s l! you uneur a daen books at one-half publisher j;ice. We hive a bitr stuck t. sell at these prices. Mosgan's IUk Store. Baking Powder Made from pur cream of tartar? Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powder arc tfx greatest menacen to health of the present day 1500 WIU buy even-thing that has te n In stock here over 30 DAYS. This, then, with the fact that we sell almost three times this amount each week, not only commends us, but practically In sures you against stale or out of date goods. We never have to sell below cost to get the trade to absorb our blunders or use something unwholesome. Respectfully, H. C. JOHNSON 39 PATTON AVENUE. Don't get hot Standing over a hot . stove In a hot kitchen. You don't need to have a hot kitchen If you use WHEAT-HEARTS. To be thoroughly digestible, cereals must be well pre pared In a hot place some time or other. It's hot enough In our facto ry, but that's so you can be cooi. We prepare WHEAT-HEARTS up to the two last minutes and those two minutes are all you need to cook It. You save fuel, have a cool kitchen, and enjoy the most Inviting and seasonable food for hot weather. 'It'Swheat-Hearts We Want. The Wheat-Hearts Co. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ' WOOD'S NEW CROP Turnip Seeds are now ready. If your Merchant does not sell Wood's Seeds, write to un for special Trice-List. Our aim is to grow and supply Seeds that are adapted in kind, variety and growth to the soil und climate of the South, and thut we are suc ceeding is evidenced by the large sale and gplendid reputation which Wood'a Seeds enjoy. Clrculsr gllng prleM and Informa tion about Seasonable Field 5eedi, Oerman Millet, Buckwheat, Navy Beans, Crimson Clover, etc., mailed I' I' o i 1 i ' i ' 0 ,l on request. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. WOOD'S FALL CATALOGUE issued In August tells all about Crimson Clover, Hairy or Sandvetch, Rape, Winter Turf or Grazing Oats, Seed Wheats, (ImiM and Clovers, Turnip and Vegetable Seeds, Hyacinths, Tulips etc. Catalogue mailed free write for It. --V-jve Not at Cost yy I I I i children's lines you will find unusual bargains. WE HAVE RECEIVED SOME SHIPMENTS OF WINTER GOODS FOR MEN AND BOYS. I I KERR-HODGES CO. 1 I 50 PATTON AVENUE 0 Mocha and Java Blend Coffee -SVBnSSSJSBSBSBSSBSBSBSBaBSJSBBB 30 cts. lb. SSaSaSBBBSaSSSaBBBBBSBBaSBBHSBah 53 Patton Avenue vivimnrnxiir SiS Six iff 5 xii Six iii Sii XiiXiSjM555iS iH Purina Health Ft oir MAKES BRAIN BREAD PURE WHOLESOME NUTRITIOUS iiiuxi).iS'."''''J,:)urtM,. xix mi L r J The University of North Carolina THE HEAD OF THE STATE'S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Three Academic Courses lead ing to Degrees. Professional Courses In Law, Medicine end Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Five InimlrtM unil twelw students bogldes Ml In Bummer Scnool. Thirty, eight tfui'h in in Hi tiiculiy. For catalogues and Information address Book Printing Job Printing The This week we continue our Reduction Sale on summer shoes. In Oxfords and slippers for women we have some great values. In our We offer this week our Mocha and Java Blend Coffee at 30 cts. a pound and with it our guar-; antee that it will please you. Now if you are not satisfied with it after giving it a fair trial, you may return it and we will give you your money hack at the rate of 40 cents per pound. Greer WHOLESALE FANCY OUXMXXUtSiSMJ H AVE YOU TRIED IT YET The best of all whole ::: wheat flours 12 lb. sack only 45 cts. Baird Bros. Phone 224 xm xix. xiv w six xix mx xik xix xix xix i ntS. TUITION, $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Ministers' Sons and Teachers. F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Citizen Company Another Chance, Near the AND RETAIL GROCERIES BARUEY MALT! We desire to call your attention to the appended result of a chemical analysis recently made of CHASSTI BARLEY MALT WHISKT, by the recognised highest authority in tbs United States upon analytical chemis try, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. a, dean of the medical faculty of Talt University and state chemist of Con necticut. TALE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. New Haven, Conn, Messrs. E. H. Chase & Co., LoutsvUls, Gentlemen: Inclosed you will flnl the results of my analysis of the sam ple of Chase's Barley Malt Wbitky which you recently sent to me. These results show It to be a whisky of good alcoholic strength, free from fusel-oil and containing no trace of the metals, copper, lead and zinc. In my opinion Chase's Barley Malt Whisky is, on account of Its absolute purity, an excellent article for medclnai use. Yours truly, HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. Conn. State Chemist. Chemical Laboratory, July 21, 1890. Result of a chfmlcal examination sf a sample of Chase's Barley Malt Whis key. 100 cubic centlmers contain: Alcohol. 61.95 cub. cent, or 4-32 grams. Residue on evaporation 0.61 " Non-volatile matter or Ash... 0.01 M F.ee acid, as acetic acid 0.04 " Reducing bodies, as dextrose 0.22 " Tannin a trace only Attest: HERBERT E. SMITH, M. D. These facts eommend the CHABftT BARLEY MALT WHISKY, not only tff the public, who seek a superior Whis ky, but also to the members of the medical profession In their practice. The consumptive will find It most beneficial, as it strengthens the Lungs, checks the wasting of tissues, and re lieves the severity of coughing. The dyspeptic will find It an aid to diges tion, as it relieves the stomach when oppressed with gas. It builds up to feel le and stimulates the system against malarial attacks. For sale only by FRANK O'DONNELL, 34 S. Main St Asheville N.C Postofficc

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