5 REPUBLICAN PARADE COMPLETES CAMPAIGN LARGE TURNOUT OF REPUBLI CANS OF THE COUNTY. The campaign was wound up In Buncombe county with the Republican horseback parade today, TP9 proces sion started" shortly after nooii near Smith's bridge and came up town via Haywood street. The marshals were W. H. Wilson and J. It. Wagner. The parade consisted entirely of mounted men and men In vehicles. The horsemen rode by twos, and the pro cession stretched . out a considerable distance. The North Carolina Stat band furnished good music (or the oc casion. !" At the head of the parade was a wa gon containing an Immense picture of McKlnley. Next came carriages con taining Senator - Prltchard, , Judge Adams, Richmond Pearson and other prominent Republicans. Sympathizers on the streets yelled enthusiastically' a the procession passed, and many com pllmentary remarks were passed on' the appearance Of the . parade, which was thoroughly creditable to the party management, . There was a large turnout of the Re publicans of the county, and the parade might have been of indefinite length If the negroes nnu ueen auuweu iu ptu initiate. The parade, after passing over the principal streets of the city went to Lookout park, where the crowd was to be addressed by Senator Prltchard and Judge Adams. MULE TIED OVER A ' YELLOW JACKETS' NEST THE ANIMAL KICKED AND DIS TURBED COL. LUSK, Ashevllle Hardware Company. S 5 J Around Town. Z Forecast till 8 p. m. Wednesday: Fair tonight and Wednesday. The J. B.' Bofttc company sold yes terday a residence lot on Or street ;or i3jfl v L. F. Rhlnehart. The subject rf Dr. A. C. Dixon's ser mon at the First Baptist -church to morrow evening will be "Our Friends n Heaven." - The county boa,rd of elections hat ap pointed Jesse Ingram Democratic Judge of election at Avery's creek precinct, in place of Z. T. Ledbetter. A special feature of the lawn fete to be given at 119 and 121 French Broad avenue Friday evening. August 3, will be a "Fishing well." The children are especially invited to attend the fete from 6 to 7 o'clock. . Eygene.Bearden has resigned his po sition as chief clerk at the Hotel Berkeley to accept a similar one at - the Swannanoa. W. C. Hawk, formerly night clerk, succeeds Mr. Bearden and B. F. Tennille, formerly of the Hotel Carrollna, Durham, Is now night cV?rk at the Berkeley. - - The transparency bearing the words; "Wanted, another faithful liar;; price $5000", was placed on Court place after the parade last evening. This morn ing Collector Harking charged on It and trampled It under foot. Several ex cited men soon gathered around and replaced the rioat and It looked for awhile as If there would be trouble. J,. D. MurDhv made a short talk and quieted the crowd. Ed. Smathers was disorderly last ev ening at his home on West . Haywood. Chief of . Police Lyerly "entered the .house and, while talking to Smathers, turned his head away for a moment. As re did so Smathers struck htm on 'the head with something like a dyna mite cap, which exploded and rendered ! MATTINGS-. MANY NEW PATTERNS OF CHINA . AND JAPAN MATTINGS RECEIVED PRICES LOW w. B. WILLIAMSON o& CO. Furniture, Carpets, Etc ... io t-atton Avenue. Do you ride a Bicycle? xu. ."'" I Then sooner or later von will want The Joint campaign between th, ;be tried t .marrow morning. ! Jfin county candidates closed with ! the: The f.j.. e of t. e xiegio who was in- reasonably, because our repairers speaking In Limestone township Sal-!juied vi. French Broad avenue last I know their business and our shop Is w. j . - . " .. I . . 1 - . ,J .... v... IT1 1 . H T.tkn HT.n.A ,h sapument was an(J st.vtral ot;ler men In the proces- xhey took care of him until some ent and, as usual, the with the Democrats. Mr. Craig spoke ' 8t,,n. first. When Colonel Lusk replied he ,had to contend with several distracting Incidents. He had only gotten well started when a mule which had been standing peacefully at the hitching post near the speakers' stand began to perform the most violent contortions and those In the Immediate neighbor hood hustled out of the way of his flying heels. It was discovered that the mule had been tied over a yellow-Jackets' nest and as soon as the yellow Jackets began to get in their work the mule went wild. Such kicking was never seen by the citisens of Limestone since they saw the mule tri John Rob inson's circus. The mule drew the at tention of the crowd to him and Colo nel Lusk had to wait until the disturb ance was over. Then he began again, when a long freight train passed close by and he was Interrupted for several minutes. MORNING WEDDING. then you'll be our customer. An early morning marriage took place today at St. Lawrence Catholic church. The contracting parties were Mrs. Kate Miller of Ashevllle.and Bart lomy Winisirky, both natives of Po land. The ceremony was performed by Fa ther Marion, the rector, and took place at 8 o'clock. Fred Ward was best man and Mlsa Johanna Cruise was maid of honor. This evening a reception will be giv en the couple at No. 12 JefTerson Drive, from 8 to 10, after which they will leave for their home in SaVannah.where they will reside, and where the groom Is the proprietor of a large shoe store. SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Johnson City, Tenn., July 31. Mich ael Bard, a prominent farmer living near Magnetic City, N. C, was as saulted from ambush. He died a few hours afterwards. No clue has been secured as to the murderers. He was a prominent politician who had many political enemies. It Is said he was assaulted within 20 feet of the place where he killed a man four years ago. DEATH OF P. MACNAUGHTON. From the Elgin, Scotland, Courant and Courier of July IT it Is learned that Peter Macnaughton died there July 16. Mr. Macnaughton will be re membered by many residents of Ashe vllle, having resided in this city fir a number of years. Mf. Macnaughton built the valuable property on Cum berland avenue now owned by L. A. Farlnholt. other men not In the procession agreed to take him towards the square. They were met by a policeman, who took the negro to E. R. Randall's boarding house on Patton avenue. He bad re covered apparently today and was abl to be about town. A Chattanooga dispatch to the Knoxvllle Sentinel says: "Col. F. A. Lincoln, a prominent hotel man of Ashevllle, N. C, yesterday leased from W. O. Peeplesithe Southern hotel for a period of five years. By the terms of the lease Colonel Lincoln agrees to make a large number of improvements In the Southern hotel building, partic ularly In the way of remodeling the interior. 'Doc' Stephenson of Ashe- j ville, formerly of Knoxvllle, an expe- i rlenced hotel man, will take charge as Colonel Lincoln's manager." ; Dr. E. H. Murfee, president of the Greenville. S. C Female college, is In the city, staying at 62 Haywood street. He was for merly president of Alabama Central Female college and previously presi dent of Arkansas State university. The college at Greenville is located on the eastern slope of Paris mountain, high, healthy and beautiful. There has been no death in the school since its organ ization, 47 years. The faculty consists of the best talent. The music depart ment is elegantly equipped, every music room being a parlor. The di rector, Prof. Hubbard, was educated in both America and Germany and has made a national reputation. Last evun'.ng Mrs. Walter Alexander provided for tin- gueBts at A. T. Sum mey's a novel entertainment in the form of "A Wedding Breakfast". The first part of evening was devoted to the solution of the ' mystical menu ". At the conclusion of tlu- game the first prize was awarded to Miss Delia Bu ns f Aurusta. ua., anu im uuiisuioh-u prize to Miss Emanuel of this ut.v. They were presented In a n at spe.cn hv J. R. Jordan oi unanoiie. refreshments were served, and the iw. tess was voted "charming". 'In resent from a, distance were a... Koark of Rome, Ga., Mrs. Ward u the Misses Ward of Charlotte, Mr. ;. ... Mrs. Brabham of Bamberg, S. C, ars. W. Alexander of Charlotte, the Misses Uurns of Augusta. Ga and Messrs Horn, Jordan, Cannon, Summey, R' b inson and Campbell. THE BALLOT FOXTS BliNo JiSTRIBUTEu Asheville Cycle Co. 18 & 20 Church St. Phone 228 Carpets Quisisana Nature , Cure Sanitarium 167 French Broad Ave, Ashevllle. N. C. Latest German meth ods. No medicine. Nc operations. We assist nature to cure the pa tient by: Proper diet. sun-baths. air-baths. massage. Swedish movements, prescribed exercise, baths, packs. etc. All diseases treat ed.1' Treatment In and out cf the Sanitarium. Classes-n in Swedish movement "flatly. . " Every purchaser of carpets, whether for ' the smallest room or the biggest hotel, wants the mind satisfied on three points, namely: " Prlce- Quallty Style- It Is because we convince our cus tomers as 4o every one of these re' qulrements that we confidently expect yoUr patronage. v SAWYER'S IS and 20 Church St. CARPET HOUSE.. Phone Z2B "Everything for the Floor." ? Did you ever hear of a Knox Straw Hat being sold for $2.00 Well, you can buy one for that price now. All other Straw Hats in pro portion at The Whitlock Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. Spruce upVJittle After housecleanlng don't put back all the old furniture In the same old placet. That makes life too monotonous. If you can't afford a lot of new furni ture, get ft little. It wlU be a great comfort and relief. But we're telling It so cheaply now adays that we think you can . afford to get ft lot If you want to J THE1EMP0R1UM, 45 Patton Ave, fe'p We have It In the A LONG FELT WANT. A Step Ladder which is 'safe and durable Columbian Bent Rung Ladder We will be glad to show you these goods. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. S. E. Cor Court Square. Phone 87. Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint. Woodbury's RubW ElisUclooflD Pilot no, mctn cever sovam ASHSVIUS.S.& The most expensive, and usually tht most unsatisfactory and annoying portion of a building, Is the roof. A scientific treatment of roofs with Woodbury's Elastic Roofing Paint will ' make them rust -proof and non-leakable Woodbury's Stack and Boiler Paint , This paint Is manufactured on ft scientific principle, for resisting in tense heat. Put up In 1, 5 and 10 gal Ion cans and (0 gallon barrels. Woodbury Rubber itWf hone nil. Elastic Paint Co It Costs Less o hare plumbing "Tfth"' f July bargains ! repairs or work. We do it right be cause we Know now - We know how he- cause it s our busi ness to know how, LICENSED TO WED. Bartlomy Winisirky and Miller. Mrs. Kate SPECIAL NOTICES TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. NEW PACK of salmon, Hume's phnto brand, 25c. per can. Kroger. LOST Gold prize medal of A. L. I. near Court sauare: liberal reward It returned to J. C. Deaver, city market, dlt' WANTED Lady and gentleman can vasRers for Ashevllle to introduce the Improved Buddlngton cutting ma chine. Call at room 2, Arcadia hotel. T-31dlw. TO BE READY FOR THE ELECTION THURSDAY. The county ballot boxes were being made ready for use this morning under the supervision of J. C. Martin, chair man of the board of elections. The boxes have been stored In the commis sioners' room of the court house ever since the election of 1898 and have held the ballots that were deposited then. The tickets were dumped on the lloor this morning and made an Immense pile of litter. The boxes are being relabeled and fill be sent to the different polling places In the county immedlate'y. There will be six boxes at each pre cinct. A box.Is provided for each of the following " groups of candidates: County officers, members of the legis lature. Judges, township officers, state officers, and there will be a box for the constitutional amendment vote. Read these prices take advantaqe of this great offer buy now and get the pick of the lot. Alpaca Coats, S1.00 $1.00 Straw Hats, SOo S1.23 1 50 and $2.00 Straw Hats, S1.00 1.50 2.50 " 3.00 " " 1.50 2.50 $5.00 Alpaca Coat and Vest, 5.00 Hanan's Tan Shoes, . , $4.00 , 4.00 Our entire line of Men's and Boys' Suits at absolute cost. f j ...ounney s Phone 261 18 Patton Avenue CrVD DCMT House built expressly for boarders. I VIV iM-ll I ""family at low price. Well built, Will let to private convenient, desirable '4 Renting and Insurance Agents. 18 1-2 South Main St WANTED, in private family, two white women as cook and maid: good wages pp.ld; competency and good ref erences required. Address S. through P. O., with references. T-31dlw FOR RENT New six-room cottage, with servants' room; on Boco street; one minute's walk from Montford av enue; large lot full of shade trees; electric lights, bath, steel range, etc. J. J. Brown, No. 142 Cumberland ave. dlt THE BUDDINQTON school of cut ting and fitting la now open; course of lght lessons on machine Included; 10 courses In dress making 15 extra. No elf supporting woman can afford to miss this opportunity of becoming a Perfectly competent fitter of dress maker. The school course In cutting, fitting and dressmaking Is four weeks, For further particulars address box P. O. or call at room No. t Area OJu hotel. Bollcltors wanted. ...J-Sldt Don't fall to see the great South American pianist, Slgnor R. Urlooe- chea, Paderewskl s rival, at Battery Park hotel Wednesday nignt, August i. Information When you desire to leave the city purchase your rail road tickets or n you.- return tick ets and have yuur baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination by the Ashevllle Transfer company, thereby saving time and annoyance at depot Office 60 Patton avenue, elth uptown railroad ticket office We are getting the best Cantaloupes That come to this market They are Hweet and Jdlcy. Fresh every day by express at LEE'S 29 South Main St Phone 250. Our specialty Hot Peanuts. Drs. Case and Woodhul "When a century later historians are sifting the events of this time for the epoch making discoveries of sci ence and civilization there will be few chapters more lmportant.1 think, thaa that devoted to the reformation In medicine which will have come about through the acceptance and practice of Dr. Still's system known as Oste opathy." Ex-Governor Robert L, Taylor. Ostcopathists Tel 683 Office In Drhumor Bldg Law Department UNIVERSITY of NORTH CAROLINA. Expenses, tuition and living need not exceed $200.00. Three professors two full courses of nine months each, embracing all branches of the law. Also sum mer course of three months. Address ., ' F. P. VENABLE, - President . Chapel K11L N. C. Prudence S. Dresser Tesche"- of Piano, Harmony and Theory, Graduate, with hondr, of New England Conservatory of Boston. The only teachei of piano in Asheville. excepting Madam Jonas, who is a graduate o a hrst-class Conservatory College ot Music. Term BO cents ft lesson. Beginners received on violin. 69 Charlotte Street. FOR RENT. Dwelling recently occupied by Aulil tect R. 8. Smith; neat, convenient, de slrable. Maple Shade Place. Price 1. 00. .' ; -4 l Mm., i 'VtTJ'L i i . Sj . ., ' r i1 f- ' . ' 5 1 -tiH . V ' :',- BALL & SHEPPARD, 4 Patton Ave. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. mam i ws j CQVsXiONI Good Judges of Wine Are loud In their praises of our stock. Claret, port, sherry anj the other fa ' vorltes for table use are seen at their beet In this collection of the leading brands. We guarantee the age of ev ery wine we sell. Even a connoisseur w'.io is a living cyclopedia of wine lore would find nothing to criticise here. "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co. 43 SOUTH! MAIN STREET. Phone 72 A cool photographic studio We have Just put In a large electric fan to cool and ventilate our operating room. Ordinarily a skylight makes an op erating room remind one of an oven. By an Ingenious arrangement the current of cool air can be thrown Into the dressing room, making it always comfortable. The electric fan Is used- for drying plates, films, pictures, etc., quickly. Ray's Studio Can you stand prosperity ? If you can't, don't for pmdnesR' sake lonk at our prices, as they are sure to nmke you send us your ordersall we ack for. Cups and Saucers, good, per set..,. SSo Cups and Saucers, finely decorated, per set B9c natters, worth 35c, our price 10c Plates, finely decorated, per set.... 25c Muks, fine China, each 6c Pickle Dishes, each 5c Sonp Pishes, China 5c Hest China, Gluss, Tin and Enitmel Ware at special low prices. Almont anyone can earn the trick Is to save money. money- Court Square Phone 67 I X L Grocery, 22 PATTON AVENUE Phone 107. J. A. TENNENT, Irchitect and Contractor, Jobbing and Hepairt Promptly Attended to. OUTU COURT QUARS.

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