0 TlIE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITUE.Y. TUESDAY, JULY 3X, 1300. Moderate Prices Prompt Delivery THE Carolina Pharmacy "High Grade prescription Work." COLLEGE ST.and COURT SQ. ' Phone 82 Courteous Treatment PEKIN ADVICES UP TO JULY 22 (Continued from page 1.) Battery Park Bank. adequate, therefore (Uncharging alow- ly. Informed Byron haa ordered tug for towing two 70-ton lighten. If tug obtained discharging will Improve. Indiana will nnlah discharging today and' proceed to Nagasaki, take two days to unload horaea Rellly'a battery. Will aee Daggett tomorrow. Reported In Taku bay Intention to make for ward movement tomorrow toward P kin. Detail! are not known here. An oon aa possible will get definite In formation ai regarda conditions and purpose at Tien Tsln. Will cable my vla." Loudon, July 31. In the house of commons today tne parliamentary secretary for the foreign office, William St.' John Broderlck, announced the re ceipt of a dispatch from General Blr Alfred Muselee, commanding the Brit ish forces In China, stating ' that he contemplated an immediate advance on Fekln and hoped to have the co-operation of the allied forces. Paris, July II. According to dis patches received at the foreign office today, the Austrian, Spanish, Italian and Holland legations at Pekln have been destroyed and the French lega tion partially wrecked. Attacks on the legations ceased some' days ago. The emperor and empress are living in Fekln. "The Paragon," Opposite Postodc. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Capital Stock, . $100,000 EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR DOING A GENERAL BANKING) BUSINESS. All ouslness intrusted to us will hart Hit beat posalbls attention. Collection! made and reported promptly Correspondence and accounts solicit M. late deposit boxes (or rent. Banking hours: I a. m. to I p. aa. J. RANKIN, Cashier. CHORUS WILL APPEAR IN FIFTH CONCERT FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM FOR THURSDAY EVENING. The concert of the Asheville Summer school Thursday evening will be of un usual Interest, as the chorus will make Its first appearance, adding a very en joyable element to a most interesting program. Mr. Pennell, the conductor of the chorus, has obtained most ex cellent results with the material available. Other features of the evening will be solos by Miss Knight and Mme. Par- cello, who were so successful in last week's concert. Other enjoyable num bers will be furnished by Mme. Jonas and Mr. Stelndel. Mr. Pennell, besides conducting the chorus numbers, will sing the celebrat ed Cavatlna from "The Barber of Se ville", a song that but few American singers ever attempt. Ferdinand Dunkley will be the ac companist for the soloists and Miss May Klmberly will accompany the chorus. Exceptionally interesting numbers will be the "Rhine Maidens' Trio", from Wagner's Gotterdaemmerung. an.d the spinning chorua, from "The Flying Dutchman , by the same com poser. Election returns will be read from the stage at Intervals during the concert. Prof. Jerome Dowd, instructor of po litical and social .aclence at Trinity college. Is spending a few days at the Asheville college. Tallahassee cor. Jacksonville Times Union and Citizen: Mr. C. B. Gwynn left Saturday for Asheville. -Mrs. Q. W. Walker and son. Keith, left on Thursday for Asheville. Tampa cor. Jacksonville Times Union and Citizen: C. L. Knight and family have gone to Asheville, where they will remain until cool weather, when they will return to Tampa, Judge W. B. Tresevant, Miss Trexe vant and R. H. Trezevant of Memphis and Miss Cubbs of Tuscaloosa.AU., are .t tht Swannanoa hotel. Judge Treie vunt is a prominent lawyer am. poli tician of Memphis. New Orleans 8tates: Mr. Pearl Wight has joined bis family in Asheville. They will go to Cobasaet, Maine, at a later aaie. Mrs. J . a. raraer ana family of ISOt Napoleon avenue left on Thursday for Asheville. Rev. D. T. Merrltt, pastor of one of Norfolk's Methodist churches and a classmate at Vanderbilt university of Rev. E. K. McLarty of the North Asheville church, arrived this after noon to spend a month here for rest and recuperation. Jacksonville Times-Union . and Citi zen: Mrs. William M. Davidson, her daughter, Miss Clara, and Miss Agnes, and her niece, Miss Louise Davidson, will leave Thursday evening for Ashe ville. -Mrs. Cromwell Gibbons and her two children expect to leave next Week for Asheville, where they will probably remain until October. Mrs. A. W. Frltot will leave Wednesday and will spend a month r two with Mrs. Lizzie Benedict at her country place near Blltmore. CAME NEAR FREEZING . ON A VERY HOT DAY LOWERING TEMPERATURE COAT ED HIM WITH ICE. CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM. Mmt. Orvls Is still In the city, and can be consulted daily at her office, 100 HAYWOOD 8TREET. Gives advice on all matters of business, love, court ship, marriage, mortgage bonds, di vorce, in fact, tells all you want to know; removes evil Influences; gives you power to gain the objects of your heart; If you are in trouble consult this gifted woman, and you will b.- satis lied and relieved of jour feeling .is if the wo'.d wah against you. Hours: 1 a. m. to 9 p. m. dally except Su.iJay. No sign out. All business strictly confidential Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slippers... Ttlack, Chocolate, Red, und Tun. Neat and dressy and great wearers. All at Cost. THE BOSTON LETTER FROM M US. ADMIRAL DEWEV. 1747 Rhode Island ave. C. I). Gregg Tea ami Coffee Co., St. Louis: Dear Sirs: I wish to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the delicious coffee you Bent me. 1 have never tasted such good coffee and It was muni kind of you to send It. With the thanks of both the admiral and myself 1 Htn very sincerely MILDRED DEWEY. Washington. May 28, ltfoo. GreKK's Imperial Blend at Sawyer's. Caesar's Head Hotel .(( feet altitude. Fine views into t-verul states. Popular; chcHp rates, Regular hacks from tireenvllle, S. C, and Urovurd, N. C Dully malls. Address, J. E. t'lWINN, Manager, Caesar's Head, S. C. From the Pittsburg Dispatch. While the torrid temperature is caus ing sunstrokes, prostrations and gen eral discomfort, Allegheny has fur nished the remarkable case of a man being almost frozen to death. The vic tim Is Anton Klozen, an engtneer liv ing at 1703 Greenwood street, who has been employed s engineer at the candy factory of James McClurg & Co. on Martin street. Klozen discovered a leak In a valve attached to a large ammonia tank which Is used in freezing candles. He attempted to stop the leak and was re pairing the broken valve when a con nectlng tube burst, the contents spurt tng in a heavy stream over the engl neer. The effect was the same as the temperature taking an Instant drop of 100 degrees. The ammonia deluged Klozen from head to foot, freezing his clothes and body Into a solid mass. Klozen was rapidly freezing to death when the em ployes of the factory went to his res cue. He was dragged in front of a hot furnace and the frozen liquid lorn In nieces from his face and body. His clothes were taken oft and were stiff enough to be stood upright against the wall. Klozen is In a critical condition from the effects of the accident. His eyes are both destroyed by the acid. He Is also suffering Intense pain from hav ing Inhaled the fumes of the ammonia. An operation was performed yesterday to restore the stricken man s signt, dui It was unsuccessful. The physicians express grave doubts as to Klozen's re covery. He is about 30 years of age and married. Klozen was In the em oinv of the McClurg firm for a number of years and was an industrious and popular workman. Halt pint Jelly Glasses, 3 for 10c. at the 5 and 10c. Store. s HOE TORE Leading Shoe Firm. Next to Blue lildge Rank. MASSAGE AND PACKS Prof. Edw. Gruncr 95: South Main Street Phone 200 Home or Office Treatment. Of lice hours: S-10 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. School of Medicine UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA TWO YEtRS COURSE--Counting for first two years of leading medical colleges. Fa cilities excellent Instruction thorough. All expenses need not exceed S223.00. Addres for further Information R. H. WHITEHEAD, M.D. Chapel Hill, N. C. Shoes... i One of the compensations of business Is the dally approvals of customers who have either been unusually well fitted, or have worn shoes so much longer than ordinary that they show their appreciation by. letting us know it . The people who most need to save really waste by buy ing trash.' For reliable footwear try SPANGENBERG PHONE 29. BUILDING BUSINESS... Kodak Time... This is ideal weather for picture taking. When you start out be sura you have an "Eastman Kodak." "If It isn't an isn't a Kodak." Eastman K We are headquarters for Eastman Kodaks and Kodak supplies. fAf DV 27 PATTON VrVjDI AVENUE GRAIN DRILLS Disc or Hoe. Si! Arc you going to buy Drill T It will pay you to do as, and It will pay you to us before you do. . We claim several advantages for our drills which we would like to explain to you call and see them. T. S. MORRISON The newest and prettiest photographs now made are the "SEPIA" To see the color and finish of these photographs means an order. Made only by I CWIC THE PH0- iwLr W i7 T0GRAPHER 59 S. MAIN ST. J U VsMaM-HHaMMMBMa Ground Allwplce Ground Cayenne Peper Ground White Pepper Ground Black Pepper. Ground Saee CniVae G,ound Ginger JUlvvO I Ground Cinnamon I I Ground Cloves Whole Clove's Whole Black Pepper Whole Allspice Whole Mace, Fenang Cinnamon Hark, Nutmegs, Race, Gln- j ger. Chicory and Java 10c pound. C. H. MILLER Call 227 30 N. Main St PERFECT i Blocks Fourteen Inches Thick ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL Co. H. T. COLLINS. President ( Th rteen yeara dealers In Pur loo and Screened Coal. PHONE 40. 32 PATTON AVENUE "We advertise what we have We sell what we advertise,". We started to build our business here on the firmest foundation known. RELIABILITY. We cemented the foundation with GOOD STATIONERY built the walls with ia)W PRICES, and protected the same with a roof of HONEST VALUES. We built a rood house, for we have a tenant called aPUBLIC CONFIDENCE, and we shall keep our house In good repair that our tenant shall stay with us always. The remarkable rood points it our stationery department are: a box of M sheets paper and 90 envelopes, food linen stock, 15c,; a pound package of fine linen peper, smooth or rough finish, 26c; a package of lines envel opes (26 to pack), 10c per pack or t for 25c; a large roll or package of good toilet paper, 10c. or $L00 per doe, "Tour money back If you want It" SOUTH MAIN STREET. Phone 264. Rogers' Book Store S. E. Cor. Court Square, Phone 87. The great popularity of the Hoosler Grain Drill is due more to Us EXCELLENT FEED than any other one thing. The feed is not only reliable for small grain, but will also distribute corn, peas, beans and other large grain in a most sat isfactory manner. Asheville Hardware Co., Agents ASHEVILLE N C What excuse.... Is there for an overheated kitchen when you can buy a Vapor Stove for Six Dollars? Larger Sizes for Eight and Ten. BROWN, NORTHUP & CO.. 33 Patton Ave. J. W. NORWOOD, President. ERWIN SLtTDER, Cashier. CAPITAL, $100,000. The Blue Ridge National Bank ASHEVILLE, NtC. We offer to depositors every accom mo., .tlon which is eonsltent with safe banking; and we are in a position to loan them money on approved security. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. ''. No Interest paid on deposits. DIRECTORS: W. J Blayden, Jas. A. burroughs, Q. A. Norwood, S. P. McDivltt, J. W. Norwood. Erwln Slu der. R. P. Walker. DAMASKs). NAPKINS. TOWELS. ETC. Many grades, well assorted an Im port order Juki received. The values are a little better than usual. sMiKKTS. PILLOW CASKS, i'oVEULETS, ETC. The best of values, as the present (absurd) market goes, and they're sell ing freely. SACRIFICES And big ones on a number of sea sonable things to reduce a slight excess and also to make place for autumn nov elties, some of which have already come. H. REDWOOD 5c CO., 7 & 9 Patton Aye. Dry Goods Fancy Goods Clothing- Hats and Shoes- Butterlck Tatterne We have just received another consignment of the famous... California Bartlett Pears These are the finest Peers grown sweet end Juicy you ean get them at... 1 BROS. OpeosHe Cie DArtt IncriiutA A. safe College-preparatory and Business yjaPi. KIQ2C inSlllUlC. School for young men and bo. Has . . ,..-' ,, prepaied thousands tor college, for busi ness, and for life, fall term opens August 22. Terms reasonable Address, J. A. and M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. TERM5 MODEIVTE. FOR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE IcC ADDRESS JA& M H HOLT. OakRidge.no e Prime JWr Cuatinaoui Qantailoa$ Murphy & Co., BROKERS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions . K. Offloe, el Broadway. U CHURCH ST., - Plana tit JM RXFIRITO Bloe Bldge national Bask. Aibe a Villa, N. C. National Beak. Char otto. Seaboard ltauoaal Bakt w York. Lowry Ranklnf Co, Atlanta, G. . Capitol City Bk,IUaaiToaT KIUML WAUUIN Seats 21 people comfortably; cushioned seats: handsomely ) painted; for hire by the. Asheville Dray Co. R. M. RAMSEY, rropneiur. i Phone 223 i rtMit XT. 4 .A a..a.. W. Are you troubled with u A SMOKY STOVE OR RANGE? Or Is your stove or range needing repairs T It so, send for ; J. P. BABINGTON PRACTICAL STOVE DOCTOR NO I EA8T..COTJBT BQUaJUa. THONBJ MO. CI.