. , III ; .- ..,.......E«i k- : III . jttlss l!-l By W. A. CURTIS. IRAN KLIN, MACON CO., N. C.. 1891. VOLUME VI. NO. V WHETSTONES. Th’eir Production Is an Impor tant Industry. Wonderful Stones Making Steel Blade Used for s Keen. “An important industry of the world is the production of Whet stones,” Baid Curator Merrill of the Smithsonian Institute to a Washington Star reporter. ii “The finest whetstones known foi the sharpening of fine edged tools aro In that obtained from Arkansas, state arc beds of what is i called ‘no vaculite-,’ which* is scientifically known as an ‘altered schist.’ This means a deposit of a flinty nature, usually combined with limestone, the rock thus produced being chanted in such a manner molccularly, |by process not altogether understood, as to supply a surface most suitable for grinding. Arkansas furnishes the most entire supply of novaculite for t^c. United Slates, also filling a large part of the export desftand, which is very consid crablc. /hie inain deposil Of the ma terial imn a single hill about 500 feet high. For the sharpening of keen briged ti^pis, razors excepted, this no Vaculil* is unrivalled. It is a very bcautitml stone, of snowy whiteness, and is quite costly because it lias to bo cut by diamond dust, owing to its ex Ireine hardness. “Next in point of qualify for whet stone purposes is a gray, fine-drained sandstone from Orange county, Ind. It is called indifferently 'Ilindoostan stone' or ‘Orange county stone.’ Very commonly it is made into long spikes for sharpening kftives upon in the -kitchen, and for this purpose it is far better tl.au steel. Another sandstone employed for the same purpose is quarried in Cortland county, N. Y., and is called, without any reason that I know of, ‘Lubraler stone.’ It is of a dark gray 'color. “A still cofrser whetstone foi scythes and other such tools is made from Berea grits, a sandstone found in (lie neighborhood of Bjerca, Ohio. Also there are certain qualities of fine grained mica schists—a crystalline rock of quartz and mica—which are ob tained frain New Hampshire, and Ver mont and utilized for hopes where with to grind tools of a bigger sort But it must be understood that there is hardly such a thing as a! whetstono quarry. Nearly every quarry from which whetstones are derived 'is worked chiefly for obtaining building stone, flie small pieces Of particularly fine grade only being utilized for mak ing whetstones. j __ •‘Three stones imported from abroad aro employed in this epuntry for whetstones^ Best known o|f these is the German razor hone, which is com monly used by barbers for sharpen ing their razors and if in all pro liabil ity the best substance for ilie purpose knowb. It is found chiefly; near Rat isbon, Germany, in the old river bed. During the period of early geological formation the river brought down to that point mud, which wa^ deposited on the bottom. This mud varied in material from one season! to another, depending upon the source from which it was derived, so that during one year it was white and during another blue. Subsequently,' in the course uof ages, the mqd became stone, and now the white layers serve to sharpen the blades, by ^ich civilized men all over'the world keep their faces clean of hair. Because the white 1 stone is costly it is usual to back a thin slab of it with another slab of cheap bln® stone, fastening the two together with cement. Such is the ordinary razor hone of commerce. . “There are two other foreign whet stones commonly used in this country. One of these is a fine-grained schist from Scotland known as the ‘Water of Ayr,’ and used much by carpenters and stonecutters for rubbing down tho 6u-faces of other stones. Tho other is the ‘Turkey oilstone,’ resembling novacume. “The stones used in this country for grindstones are mostly from Ohio and Nova Scotia, the latter supplying the -best grade, which does excellently for scythes.—. Of foreign grindstones most come from England. Of all whet stones the most curious and interesting are those which are, utilized by en gravers to 1 sharpen their engraving tools,. They are of every shape imag inable, from long needle-like points to line-edge^ sticks, the object being to grind thoflittle points and edges of the steel instilments which could not be sharpened upon an ordinary hone.” The Jttagician Time. Mother—What is the matter, Clara? You look distressed. Clara (a bride)—George has—has had to go off on a—a trip, and he won’t be back for—for two days— boo-hoo1 • Same mother (some years later)— How long will your husband be away? Same Clara—I forgot to ask.— [New York Weekly. Five Dollars Clear Profit. Drummer (to country merchant)_ “How’s biz, Mr. Sharpe?’’ \ “Can’t complain; just made five dollars!” “How was that?” “Man wanted to get trusted fora pair of boots and I didn’t let—him have ’em I”—[Munsey. _-An Idea for Your Feet. Shoeman at Field’s: We have many complaints about tender feet and sore ankles. If people who suffer in this respect will take a fiat sheet of rubber •jyiWcnt out two pieces liyge enough to soles they will Vunc. "'^-^Chicago Tri Wounded Knee. "Give up your rifle*!” Stem and clear Ring out the words upon the ear. Yet none of all that motley hand Or moves an eye or stirs a hand. In silence and disdain profound Gaze those grim warriors on the ground, Though round about them ringwise runs A glittering wall of deadly guns. Wbat ails tho'se wild and savage men Hemmed there like cattle in a pen? Black-haired, high-chceked and eagle-eyed, Have they no fear, no hate, no pride? Ragged they are, and hunger gnaws The vitals of their sullen squaws. “Give up your rifles!” Now they look fake painted Indians in a book. Each warrior’s arms are crossed, and rest Beneath his b’auket, on his breast. They make no sign, yet soaring high Drifts one lone buzzard through the sky. “Give up your rifles!” To and fro Those gaunt fbrms sway in rhythm slow. Listen! What means that guttural moan, That weird, unearthly monotone? “Enough of this!’’ The captain’s brow Grows black. “Forward aud search them no vy.a> 0 Down drops tlie buzzard in the blue ts that the der.tli chant of the Sioux? Quickly witli leveled guns the men Step out, the ring contracts, and then lied devil?, desperate and rash, Fighting In ragged tire and crash df sudden rifles; sulphurous air :Vnd litlie fiends leaping everywhere! Here shakes the dripping tomahawk, There falls the splintered rifle stock. ind yonder, with uplifted knife The lean squaw writhes amid the strife. And all is over. White and red Together piled lie torn and dead. Now rake tlie'long ravines with shot And riddle every hiding spot! Let none of them escape to'tell ««* How many pale-faced warriors fell. 'Tis done, ’twns done, now as we ought Let us remember how they fought. Was the Old Guard at Waterloo Less desperate than those filthy Sioux? •‘Yield you, brave Frenchmen” was the cry; “We never yield,” they said, “we die!” Was Custer, when he fought that day, More daring and less rash than they? Murderous and. treacherous at best, But no slurs ’gainst their courage rest. C piaise them not, I love them not, But ere their prowess be forgot, And ere their tribe be dead and dumb, Dli that some native bard would come To sing in weird arid worthy strain Those warjor3 of wood and plain, To weave in sad and moving song The story of their hate and wrong! Perchance some sweeter time might hear And blot the page with many a tear! —[George Horton, in Chicago Herald. A Maiden of Yucatan. BY ALICE D. LE PLONGEON. The fir^t time wo saw her, Concliita was seated on a vory upright chair,the high heel of her dainty shoe caught on one of the lower bars, so as to raise her foot to a height enabling her to sustain her guitar in a right position. She was one of the many guests in a large house owned and occupied by a wealthy planter, who delighted in throwing open his doors to all friends during the time of a great annual fair, when lodgings were hard to find. Conchita’s father was a rich planter, making plenty of money by the labor of poor Indians. Yes,Don F-made plenty of money, but did not keep it, for ho was an inveterate gamester. All his wife’s entreaties availed noth ing. His object in attending the great fair in the city of Izamal (Yucatan) was to sacrifice a few hours and many dollars at the tables, squandering the profits obtained froin his sugar plan tation. lie was quite an old man, and the only being he really seemed to ltve was his daughter Conchita. She was about seventeen years old, very small, not more than four feet ten inches in height,and proportionately slender. A very pronounced brunette, perhaps having a slight tiuge of Indian blood; this was particularly noticeable in her exceedingly dark eyes, and the obsti nate straightness of her luxuriant black locks. Conchita had hot a pretty figure, nevertheless she was graceful, and had beautiful little hands which appeared to advantage in playing the guitar. For the rest, though Conchita was called a belle, she really could make no pretentions to beauty, but a piquant expression made her face at tractive. The wonder was how she managed to get music from the guitar, her hands being so very small. She wore a pink muslin dress, and various ornaments of gold. It was only eleven o’clock in the morning, but as soon as high mass had been celebrated in the great church standing on the opposite side of the square, tine bullfight would commence; and merry maids were in evening dress ready for that enter tainment. The bull ring stood in the middle of the square. From the Salon where we sat listening to Conchita’s performance, we soon saw people eagerly thronging to the spot; the gayly dressed white people, and the far more numerous natives, all clothed in white. Big and small, rich and poor, all must enjoy the bull fight. Many ladies look with them several young children, aud as many servants to look after them. “Cornel come!” exclaimed Conchi We all wentto the ringiand occupied a large box. Neither man nor horses were sacrificed on that occasion, nor even injured; only a few bulls'were killed, much more mercifully than in any slaughter house. Every one en joyed the fi^ht; Ccnchita’s cheeks were flushed to a pretty jjink. When we had returned to the house and partaken of fruit, Cjonchita came to me with her hands full of gold ounces, sixteen dollar pieces’; six or eight of them Ailed her small palm. Said she, “See what papa has given me to play with!” “And are you gofif^to gambler asked I. “No,” laughed she, “I* am going to keep it.” If she did lose any of that gold at the roulette table, wo were not pres ent ; but her father threw away a few thousand dollars that very night, only desisting at sunrise because he had no more on hand to' lose. lie expressed no regret, but played again in the afternoon, merely saying, “Santa Ma ria” (the name of his plantation) “will givo it all back to me in a few months.” , Evening found Canchita at the ball, her clear brown skin made chalky white wilh powder, in which respect she was no exception fo the other ladies; and all wore artificial flowers, though natural ones coiild easily be obtained. >Y lien the fair was over, Conclnta was one of (he first to leave Izamal for her home in the more eastern city of Valladolid. Don F.’s traveling 1 carriage was one of those peculiar conveyances called Colau. Koche, a wagon whose bottom is a network of thick ropes, on which is spread a thin mattress, serving as seat, Conchita said she would never oc cupy any other part than the foremost end of it; so there she took, her place beside the driver, a barefooted, dark skinned native, in white ' cotton gar ments. Conchita had bn a cambric dress, and a Mexican ycbozo (scarf) over her head and shoulders—for it is only during the last fewfyears that the ladies of Yucatan have taken to the, use of hats and gloves. Don F—— stretched,ihimself at full-length on the, mattress and fell asleep^ according to h» habit. ■ ' 1 Later on we saw Conchita at her home. She, not her mother, seemed to rule the household. Her three young brothers, one sister and half a dozen Indian servants', all promptly obeyed her orders, thoujgh she seemed to bestow no affection oil any of them. When next we met Cofncbita she was in the capital, Merida, where the fam ily had moved, occupying one of their own houses, so that the children might have more educational advantages than they were afforded at Vajladolid. As for Don F-, he was nearly always away at tlie plantation. With a carriage of per own, a fine piano and first-class teacher, Conchila was fairly contented | but a new thought had crept intb her life, and much of h6r time was spent swinging in her silky pita, lnmmock, and tak ing occasional whiffs from the dainti est of cigarettes. About what was her mind so busy ? Why, the poor little thing was in love, and even her piano hardly interested her any longer; it required much coaxing to induce her to practise half an hour a day. It would have been quite different had the course of her true love run smooth. But alas 1 her father bitterly opposed her marrying a carpenter, even though that industrious young man did call himself a cabinet maker. What was to be done? Conchita was a very dutiful child, and really loved her father, he having always gratified her little whims and fancies. So when he forbade her to speak to or look at the dear Lorenzo, she yielded ' implicit ■ obedience, requesting the loved one to not even approach the window behind whose iron bars she sometimes sat to look abroad. ' She would pass in her carriage by his door, where he was taking the cool evening air, and never turned her head his way, saying to us, ?<4t is hard, but ho knows I think of him.” When carnival time came round, at the gay and brilliant balls where one seemed to be transported to Spaip it self, Conchita might dince with whom she pleased save him. [Then she sighed and said, “How hard t%the only one I should like to dance with, I may not even glance at With a look of recogni tion; but some day papa will give his consent, when he sees how sad my life will become.” I And he did at last; after three years’ patient waiting the wedding was cele brated with Don F-r’s full blessing. Just in time, for only a few weeks after Conchita had worn white satin and orange blossoms, she had to don a black garb and mourn the death of her father. ■ When we asked what she wbuld have done about marrying,' bad he passed away without giving his con sent, she replied, “Remained single all my life and Lorenzo would have done the sanijg.” When we last saw Conchita she was fondly gazing on a little morsel of humanity, and She said, “Pa(„.^&j.<gj have loved it,”—[Boston TraliW|ll Cremation is Older Tban Inhumation. If sun and fire worship be the earli est forms of religion in the world, it is reasonable to infer that cremation is -older than inhumation. And yet the Chaldeans, who were fire worshippers, regarded the burning of a human body as a pollution of their deity, and the ancient Parsees, as do their modern representatives, exposed their dead to the attacks of beasts of prey, caring not about the flesh, and confident in the indestructibility of the hones. It is curious, however, that the ancient German races did not, regard, it as a pollution of the Earth deity to bury their dead. The Scythians, again, de clined both fire and earth, and made their graves in the air, hanging the bodies on trees, while the Ichthyo~ plmgi of Egypt sought theirs iff the sea. These last, it will be observed, thought to avoid corruption in the very manner which the Homeric heroes dreaded most—by the extinction of the fire of the soul in water. I The old Balearians, according to Diodorus Siculus, adopted a curious compromise. They affected urn burial without burning—crushing the flesh and bones into urns, upon which they heaped wood without fire. And that the Hebrews were not unacquainted with cremation is certain, for the men of Jabesh burned the bodies of Saul and his sons. The Massagetce, who, according to Herodotus, inhabited the country to the east of the Caspiau, had a cheerful habit of boiling their aged, and infirm relatives, and of feasting on theii bodies, “esteeming universally this mode of death the happiest,” Those who died from disease, howevor, were not eaten, but were buried in the earth as altogether unfortunate subjects, to be forgotten quickly as unworthy members of the family. Yet as the Massagctse were sun worshipers, we may imagine something of the religious element in the boiling process.— [Scottish Magazine. Will Explore Death Valley. Secretary of Agriculture Rusk has been for some time engaged in organ izing an expedition to exp’ore mous Death Valley in Coloradj region is a veritable terra tlwngJi animals ds not d< the valley is unknown, dition will carry water and mules add men. It is a question wheth r the animals will be able to survive the expedition. Two of the chief botanists of the de partment are at present working their way into the valley from Sourthern Nevada, while another expedition is on a march from Southern California, and the two expeditious arc expected to meet, if nothing goes wrong wiWi them, at a point previously deck}ed upon in the valley. Professor Merriam will leave in a few days to take charge of the expedi tion. There is reason to believe that there are rich gold and silver mines in the region named. A story is told by an adventurous miner who some years agb penetrated into the valley and found the skeleton of a miner. A wooden pail was lying xiear it and in it was a chunk of gold of great value. On his return to California he showed his find to a group of miners and their curiosity was so excited that, other means failing, they tortured him to make him confess where he had found the gold, believing that he had discovered a gold mine, the loca tion of which he would not reveal. Scientific men wi.li the' expedition will make a map of the country and secure specimens of such animals and insects as exist there, if any do. Sec retary Rusk regards the expedition as of great importance.— [San Francisco Chronicle. Ad Idle Moment. “What are you doing in here?” asked the other fellow who had just come in. ' _ !». “Just passing away the time,” w| jj^miswer, as he handed his ^HkEiibroker, , ' ^ He Had an Object. “Look here,” said a Sixth avenue druggist to a boy who had come in and gone out of the store and left the door open each time, half a doion times in one afternoon, “yon must be a very careless hoy. I liavo had to shut that door after you each time yon have gone out. ” “I know it,” replied the boy. “Then it was done purposely on yonr part?” “Yes, sir. My brother has patent ed a door spring, and my object was to call attention to it. Put you one on for a dollar which will shut that door a million times and never miss a cog.” — [New York Sun. It Is an Old Custom. “I see that they are telling fortunes by the foot instead of the hand,” said Timley. “It is an excellent method,” said Tumbel. “I read my own fortune in that way once.” “How so?” “I was about to ask for Miss Rich ley’s hand that I might know it, when her father’s foot revealed it to me.”— [Chicago Times. cover Steam Launch Was Built bfa.Gold Hunter in Ateska. and Boiler of Ordinary > and Sheet Iron tarpaulin if scantling in proxi mo use, is a lias a history (in ”San Francisco knoiV, and VST'.Tails. were told to a Chrdi.icle repii, by one of the row ing men. ‘ That’s a queer-looking boat,” said the \ lot ary of aquatiSs. ‘ ‘It’s a steam launch built on the big Yukon river in Alaska by Charley Farciot, an en gineer and prospector,in 1883. Charley was (|ie of the men that went up: to Al aska j-to search the Yukon river I banks for told with the Schieffelin party. I gutfs every .one knows that they fount but little gold, and all returned to Sail Francisco except Farciot- He wouldn’t give up, and located at a plaecfcallcd Nuklakayet, 100 miles up the rjver. After going about in birch bark canoes to various likely looking places lie began to get tired of the slow method of transportation. So he thought a steam launch would prove of use in his travels. But how to build an engine was the great problem. The hull of the boat lie and some traders constructed from drift! wood sawed into planks, and the fastenings were improvised bolts of rod iron. “Among the stores that Scliieffeliu left t>n the river were a number of lei^tji3 of gas pipe of various sizes andur few sheets of thin Russia iron. Will great ingenuity, Farciot went to wort and actually succeeded in build ing c renders and a boiler of the coil type >ut of the gas pipes. Connecting rods, eccentrics and other parts of the engin ) were built of rod iron and auy pieces of metal lie could pick up arouml the trading post. ell, the boat was finished aud es4rinos iu place, but the propellor Nothing daunted, Far furnacc Jo'f clay, made ie nary f Was made shaft, a.9, ^short one, (was hammered by hand and a goodtjob it was, well answering the purpojse. “Iii June, 1883, the little launch was pjut into the water, and she proved a complete triumph, Farciot made several tups up and dowu various small rivers, tributaries of the big river,i but I don’t know if he found any gloid. However, he told me that the launch saved h s life on Olio occa. sion. lie and a native employed to steer l and pilot the boat were asleep one night ou the banks of a slpugli, when they were suddenly aroused by a scraping on the side of the launch. Farciot rose from his bed ou the bot tom of the launch and saw three |bears trying to climb into the boat. Quick as thought he opened the valve of the little steam whistle, which emitted what the bears evidently deemed a very peculiar sound, as they speedily sheered off toward the shore. They had probably been attracted by the smell of a freshly killed deer that had been shot ou the previous day by the natives. “The little launch was brought to this city from (lie Yukon river on the steamer St. Paul ab mt five years ago, and lias made a few trips on the bay. Her method of construction aiid the material used in building the engines have aroused much admiration for Farciot’s capabilities among the ma chinists of this city.”—[San jFrau cisco Chronicle. them.” The ai farmer’s wrath, discharged, the a much easier i is now' the fan* AJVit^^Augwer Brought Success. spifper mail who last Spring found himself in Whitman County, Washington, 500 miles from his base of supplieraud “broke” hired out to a farmer. He was setrto plough ing with a pair of horses, but both man and beasts being new to the business, the furrows looked 08 if they were the result of an earthquake rather than of design, so crooked and zigzag were they. At the close of the day the farmer rather testily criticised the job. The newspaper man felt that his doom was sealed, but mustered courage to reply: “I know the rows are rather crooked, but the sun was exceedingly hot today, and it warped The answer turned away the 1, instead of being newcomer whs given d pleasanter job, and »»ya»er s son-in-law. Legless Population, estimated that there are about 300,OM) persons in this country with only <lne or with no legs. Many lost their tiinbs in the war, but silica that time tjie g*eat amputator is the rail road. Ninety per cent, of amputa tions jire chargeable to the railroad, ing to a writer in the New York yybo also states that among limbs reported n six month8,3 >00 Whistling for Seals. Mr. F. F. Payne of Toronto records an interesting fact which often came under his notice during a prolonged stay at Hudson’s Strait. “Here,” he says, “the Esquimaux might often be seen lying at full length at the edge of an ice-floe, and although no seals could be seen, they persistently whistled in low note similar to that often used in calling tame pigeons, or, if words can express my meaning, like the plaintive phe-ew, few, few, the first;note being prolonged at least three seconds. If there were any seals within hearing distance they were invariably attracted to the spot, and it was amusing to see them lifting themselves as high as pos sible o*it of the water, and slowly shaking their heads as though delighted with the music. “Here they would remain for some time, until one, perhaps more ven turesome than the rest, would come within striking distance of the Esqui mau, who, starting to his feet with gun or harpoon, would often change the seal’s tone of joy to one of sorrow, the others making of! as fast as possi ble. The whistling had to bo contin uous, and was more effective if per formed by another Esquimau a short distance back from the one lying mo tionless at the edge of the ice. I may add that-the experiment was often tried by myself with the same results.” — [American Naturalist. Sitting Bull’s Pride. During a visit of Sitting Bull aud some of liis braves to Washington sev eral years ago it was decided to take a photograph of them in the Capitol. The photographer got his camera ready, and the group was arranged. Several of the Indians had on their hats, and through one of tlie inter preters the photographer suggested that the picture would look better with heads uncovered. The Indians were loath to remove their hats, but finally after much persuasion they consented to appear in the picture bareheaded. Only Sitting Bull refused. He had on a tall silk hat of an ancient date— probably “of the vintage of ’79”—and he was evidently impressed with his' own apngarkhce. 7" hotoarranher appealed to him ■^^PaKr-fiTterprelerito remove the hat; but Sitting Bull made no reply. He merely folded his arms, threw him self “back on his dignity” aud struck a heroic attitude. He presented a most ludicrous appearance, but ho swelled with evident pride and digni ty, and said not a word. The pho tographer saw it was useless, and so the picture was taken. In the group of forty or fifty Indians there appeared only oiie with covered head. That one was the old chief Sitting Bull. [Brooklyn Citizen. A Game Oasis. „ The surveyors of a railroad line along the south shore of the Caspian have called attention to the existence of a hunters’ paradise in a’region which thus far has beeu almost en tirely neglected by the sportsmen 61 western Europe. In the Persian prov ince of Khorssan, and about thirty Eu lish miles south of the Bay of Astra bad, the coast-hills swell into moun tains which run for nearly two hun dred miles in a northwesterly direction, and in several places rise to a height of fifteen thousand feet above tide-water. The summit region of this majestic range, known as the Elburz mountains, is covered with stately forests and abounds with game to a degree that would have delighted even the venison-surfeited soul of Dan Boone. Elk, deer and roes are met at all highland meadows ;a species of wild cows haunt the jungles of the larger rivers, and bears aud panthers are so frequent that the mountain shepherds have to defend their flock3 by packs of mastiff-like watch-dogs.—[Hew York Voice. False Teeth Lengthen Life. Very few people realize how much the dentist lias done for mankind. To mention one thing only, the perfection to which the manufacture of false teeth has been carried has practically abolished old age—that is, old in the sense that I used to know it. You see none of the helpless, mumbling old men and women that you formerly did. ThijB is not because the people do not attain the age their parents and grandparents reached, but because the dentist has prevented some of the most unpleasant consequences of advanced years. Men of 70 no longer either look or feel old, because they are not deprived of nourishing food at the time when they need it most. Esti mates have been made showing that the average'length of life has been in creased from four to six years by the use of false teeth.— [St. Louis Dis patch. . _ , No Longer a Wonder. The ox-hide shields of anticnt warriors were said to be invulnerable to the sharpest arrow or spear. The secret of this strength lay in their make- Along with the hide the shield manufacturer used to cut off the beast a layer of what passes nowadays for boardi ng-house steak.—[Philadel phia Drainage. How few people realize the result* of extensive drainage, such as a highly civilized country presents. No incon siderable changes are wrought by arti ficial drainage. Much of surface water, instead of being left to form marshes, saturate the soil, or be taken up by evaporation, is carried away underground through drain-pipes. Consequently, the air is not so moist as formerly, and tliO/Soih instead of being constantly chilled' by evapora tion, is rendered warm and gening This result has been particularly no ticed in England and Scotland, where very extensile areas lurve been arti ficially drained. Holland lias beenj one might say, reclaimed from the sea. The water has been di ked out, and many parts of tho country that wet0 the bottom of' the sea, are now dry land, and, though below sea-ievel, form the homes of happy and industrioui communities. Years ago, there were, along the lower banks of the Mississip pi, “drowned lands,” subject to over flow and uninhabitable, covering an area larger thin the Stato of New York. Many of these lands have been reclaimed by means of-levees. Thus, by man’s ingenuity, are the surface, climate and general physical condition of the earth being ckangi^l.—[Tho Ledger. An Aztec Smelter Found. Some news just received from New Mexico wiM add a now . paragraph to Wendell Phillips’ lecture on “The Lost Arts.” The Aztecs had a method of smelting metals different from and superior to the mode now in use in the land where they lived, and two years ago one of tjhesc ancient smelters was found. It was not oyer five feet in height and not over three feet square, but was so arranged that heat could be evenly distributed by a system of pipes. Although the furnace has been looted it is believed that the govern ment is in possession of the secret and that it will be divulged in an official report. The special dispatch from which these facts are obtained con cludes with the statement that if the report should prove favorable it will revolutionize the mining industry in the Southwest. Many things discov ered by archaeologists dedicate clearly that t/ie Aztecs and the Mayas of Mex ico add the Incas of Peru wero peoples of a civilization in some respects as high as that of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. And some philologists have asserted that the language of the Mayas is the oldostyetdi6oovered by research. — [Washington Star. A Hairdressers’ Paradise. China must be a'paradise of hair dressers, for at least once a day every respectable man must have his head 6haved. Look at that fellow, nbw, leaning over the brass basin on the pe culiar green and scarlet staud, of a form that all these barbers aCect, writes a tiaveller from Canton, lie has had Jiis queue, unplaited and washed, and now the barber is comb ing it out Glossy,’black, rather coarse, but long and* abundant; it must bo five feet long at least. Now it is plaited and the coiffure is complete. First the forehead has been shaved to a line just behind the ears; the neck has been shaved to the swell of the head, and then the remaining haif has been plaited in three strands, resulting in a so-called “pigtail,” or; as a Chinaman expresses it, a tress, as thick as your wrist where it leaves tlie head, tapering to nothing, and finished oft with a tassel of black silk ribbons that reach within a few inches of the ground. He is very proud of his tail, is your Chinaman, and to touch it is to insult him, badge of servitude though it is, forced upon his ancestors 200 years * ago by their Mauchu conquerors. Last Buffalo in the Bed Desert. There is a small herd of buffalo on what is known as. the Red Desert, not many miles from Laramie, Wyoming. A party of hunters recently returned from there and report having seen fifteen. During their trip they cap tured two with a lasso, but both of them died, it is said, from the effects of the choking they received. One of them was taken after a chase of threo days. Mr. J. C. Robbins was at the head of the party, and his purpose in capturing them alive was to add them to a private collection of the wild aui mals of the Rocky Mountains, which he intends exhibiting at the World’s Fair at Chicago. He left three hunters in the hills near the desert for the pur pose of capturing other animals.— [Denver (Col.) News. Future of the New England Country. Our citizeus of foreign birth arc seeking and have sought the New Eng land farms, and are theye going through the experiences which*made our owu ancestors self-supporting farmers; to wit, living prudently, saving their money, making no show of dress of equipage or lavish living, and raising large families of boys and girls, and keeping them at work in doors and out of doors, at home. There is no fear for the future of New England rural life, says tjic Hou. John D. Long in the New* England Magazine. j LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. j ITINERANT DRESS CLEANERS A new female device for earning * livelihood is that of going around to he houses of society people and clean ing and repairing fine dresses that imvc been accidentally soiled or other, (vise injured. The scheme was de veloped in Buffalo, N. Y. Thine are some women who have all they can attend to in this line.-—[Now York Journal. r , 4 i » QUEEN VICTORIA’S WARDS. Queen Victoria has five maids to assist at her toilet, viz., three dressers and two wardrobe women. We are told also by high authority that the senior dresser, who has been i^any pears with ller Majesty, is especially sharged with the task of conveying orders to the different tiadespeopl jewellers, drapers and dressmakers-; one dresser and one wardrobe woiqan ire in constant attendance upon the Queen taking alternate days. All this when the royal iady is well and in good spirits. At other times the maids are mado to retire to the lower apartments and told to sl^iy there uutil sailed for.—[New York World. AtKW^OiSnpsEuft'.' * <V Patti and Lucca, and all the grei singers 'and actresses •• and famou beauties, who, like Mmo. Itccamie were wondrously beautiful at an ng when ordinary women retire from th ^ scenes of the beau momlo, understood die value of this restorer, and owed their well-preserved beauty to sleepf An unusually handsome St. Louis wo man, who has at tho age of almost 50 rears the tine, well-rounded figure aijft jlastic step and carriage of a girl, lie felicato, rosc-hued skin and the lni iiaucy of youth it; her eyes, says thjt site had made it a rule to retire at t) D’clock, exception very rare occasions, nud then she takes a nap in the aftor noon to prevent the ill effects of J10 late hours which are to follow. (Ju American womett of all classes n®d more than any other people in t|ic world the rest and refreshment which 3nlv sleep can givo to overwrought j nerves and overworked systems, for nowhere else do the’women live undjer so much physical amt mental straiu.l— [B-t. Louis Post-Dispatcli. ' TO BE A MODEL HOSTESS. ATI tlie beautiful decorations on.tho lablo will amount to nothing unless the hostess herself wears as a decora tion a charming manner and also an absolute ignoring of anything except that which will give pleasure to her guests, says the Ladios’ Home Journal. If mistakes should occur it will her wiser for her not to see them. If an I awkward servant should stumble and upset a dish she should be as equable as if some one had only thrown a crown of roses about her. While it is her duty to permit no guest tob^ie glecttjd it As jalso her duty seem flustered or worried, and the best hostess always who managed to make people feel most at ease. pon’t attempt to do too much unless you have servants who aro capable of carrying out your orders. A simple > dinner, well served, is always better 7.Q form than an elaborate one badly served, and with a half cooked hostess at the head of the fable. Invite peo plo who will help make your dinner a success, people who talk well, and yet do not talk too much. Flashes of si lence arc as much of an art in con versation as are flashes of wit. Put together the people who will grow in terested in each other, and under no circumstances yield -to the selfish de sire of somo young woman who wants to bo near somebody who won’t be interested in her at all, and who will in this way cause a rift in the harmony you desire to achieve. Have your table as prettily decoratod as you can, have your linen as immaculate as pos sible, have everything hot, as hot as it can bo, and everything cold, well iced. Do not make tho mistake of sorving anything tepid; and as for yourself be as cool as your ice, as bright -a*, the caudle light, as charming as the flowers and as sweet as the bonbons that mean dinner is over. FASHION NOTES. Heart shaped jewels are all the rage. Louis XV. coats are adopted by chaperon's. Iljgh Medici collars finish many evening gowns. Writing table appointments are in the new copper bronze. Sailor suits for boys continue to bft popular in all their varieties. The fashionable bonnet has its crown and brim merged in one. Iu selecting seal garments the very darkest skins are to be preferred. Forethought is a great help to an economical management of the ward* robe. Glorified griddle cakes are handed about with cups of a tea at fashionable “at homes.” Tho corsages of evening, dresses to be worn by yonng girls are frequently laid iu fino tucks mounted on a close fitting lining. A pair of. scales for weighing the baby is included in the newest infants’ wardrobes. The are wadded and lined! with blue or pink. The most tasteful in the assortment of dinner napkins are without orna mentation unless a single letter or monogram in one eorner or in the center. Evening weddings have entirely J - given place to the English fashion of daytime ceremonies, for which any hour may be chosen from 12 to 5 o’clock. A pretty idea for table ornamenta tion is to fold the napkin in a shape complimentary to the gudst of the oc. casion—a boat for a sailor, a fan toy § society bud.

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