Ho « Lsz By W. A. CDRTIS. EKANKLlfl. MACON CO., N. C„ WEDNESDAY,- JUNE 28. 1893. VOLUME-'VU //V .SUGAR. ,N.C. ments by the epartmenjt. Neat ten i» ‘ r, Jan be Grown in fly Every State. •ican heat sugar industry 1 success, writes a Washington cor pondeny. The experiments of the IP*rlmeut of Agriculture during lire ft lWo orftlir Itreo years, prove the en Uicability of producing; l>cet the United States, and that '■iijfes. A single state! pro lust (j<jiir about twenty million, i oft beet sugar, and sugarjbeets Iro gro\^n ju greater or less qhaiiti pes in neulriy every stale in tlic Ujnion. Jgar beet; seeds were sent by the L)e |rtmeut Jjf Agriculture at the begin ' ?f hilst year to 2316 persons, lo 1 in (Jvery stale and territory, and lets wero received from 29 |n* an<4 territories. I'«: aple ] to t lie department, ottt have been making a Muily et sugar question, a pretty t'Sugh knowledge as to ilie possi bilities qf beet culture ami beet iugar producing in "thi! United Stales. | It is 'ournl that tills sugar beet will grow iad thrive in neatly every state Eli the | nion, tliougli tlie sections of country 'log yiortli of Ibe -Ohio River anti retelling sou'llwardly from' the onth of ibe Ohio through New Mex bo and Arizona and Southern. tCali appear|lo be tlio best suited for sugar-yielding beets, t it is found that be *4000 pounds of Sugar d per acre. ts of these experiments Sat tjie section of country st of the Mississippi liver is Bie great sugar producing section rUdWFi! Stales and that it may By produce all the sugar tliaj, the |e of this country Vint or ever rant should the population be many times that of today. One fying feature which the exiperi of the yjear have produced is to tlret beetj sugar raising is not practicable but a profitable ili ft ry. The work at the government criment station was earned on |;b groat care, and accompanied iwilh accurate estimate of cost anal re ts, and showed that a net profit, ove all exjieiiscs, including lnboSr, of er #10 per acre would have been the fniltjof the wbvk carried on in an Insivo form. |inany mill /stairway, l Uons. In The Grand Canon of Arizona, ] n Norl^iwesfbrn Arizona lies itbat uown as the Grand Canon district, embraces an urea of about lUteeu lousand square miles. Its northerly egiuning, at the high plateaus iu utborn JJtah, is n scries of terraces, miles broad, dropping, like a lo lower geological foi-ma Arizona the platform is reached which borders the real chasm, and extends southerly beyond furiinto thi ce ntral part of that territory. It is the theory of geologists that 10,000 feet of strata have been swept by erosion from the entire surface of this platform, whose present uppermost formation is the carboniferous, tho deduction being based upon the fact that the missing Permian, Mesozoic and Tertiary formations, which belong above the carboniferous in the series, aro found in their place at the begin ning of the northern terraces referred to. The climax ofj this extraordinary ex ample of erosion is, of course,-the chasm of tho the Grand cjairon proper, which, were the missing strata restored to the adjacent plaleati, would he sixteen thousand feet deep. The whole re giou has been repeatedly lifted and submerged and during the last upheaval tho river cut its gorge. As the plateau deliberately rose before the pressure of tho internal forces, the river kept its bed worn do wn to the level of ero sion. Thus calmly does science' cx l^^nlaink-away^Uie wonders of earth’s 9S9Hwomlers.— [New York Observer. IOC inn Sifting Salt. My mother used to seat me before tab'c in a rather high chair, give me ong, shallow till pan, a little sieve gravy strainer and about two lands of comthon table salt : in other dish, writes Mrs. H. II. White the 2{ew York Recorder, then proceeded to have a miuature wstorm by lifting the salt upon long tin, m some places piling gif iu drifts, i-I was fortunate in having among my toys a “farmyard,” consisting of a .little house, sqmc wooden trees and all kinds ot &uimals. These I distributed about in my field of snow, making paths throngh the drifts and building pens for the animals. A handful of wooden toothpicks will suffice to make fences, woodpiles^etc., and a tiny minor or bit of looking glass serves as a beautiful* ice pond in tlie midst of the fields. The “farmyard,” of course, is hot ssary. Green leaves will serve It. trees, and a log cabin of little bits of- wood. No Australian Ballot Then. Those were thio days- when the county judge, with a list of the voters in his hand, his “good gray head that all meu knew” lifted above the voters, stood and called out: .<11 iram Jones I” . - f‘Herc, your Honor I” “Whom dovyou vote for the ni j)t the United States! our ] A Death and a Life. Fair young Hannah, Ben, the sunburnt fisher, gayly woos; Ilale and clever. For a willing heart and hand he sues. May-day skies are all aglow, And the waves are laughing sol ’ ■ For her wedding Hannah leaves her window and her shoe*. May is passing; Mid the apple boughs a pigeon coos. Hannah shudders, , For the mild souiliwester mischief brews. Bound the rocks of Marblehead, Outward bound, a schooner sped. Silent, lonesome, Hannah’s at the window, binding shoes. « * * * # * • Sailing away! Losing the breath of the shores in May, Dropping down from the beautiful bay, Over the sea slope vast and gray 1 And the skipper’s eyes with a mist arc blind, For a vision comes on the rising wind Of a gentle face that he leaves behind. And a heart that throbs through the fog hank dim, Thinking ot him. Far into night He watches the gleam of the lessening light Fixed on the dangerous island height That bare the harbor hd loves from sight. And he wishes, at dawn', he could tell the tale Of how they weathered the southwest gale, To brighten the cheek that had grown so pale With a wakeful night among spectres grim— Terrors for h.m. Yo-heave-vo! Here’s the bank where the fishermen go. Over the schooner’s side they throw Tackle and bnit to the deeps below. And Skipper Ben in the water sees, When its ripples curl to the light land Something that stirs like his apple trees, And two soft eyes that beneath them swim, Lifted to him. Hear the wind roar, And the rain through the slit sails tear-and pour! ““Steady! we’ll scud by the Cape Ann Shore, ' Then hark to the Beverly bells once more!" And ech man worked with the will of ten; While up in the rigging, now and then, The lightning glared in the face of Ben, Turned to the black horizon's rim, Scowling on him. Into his brain Burned with the iron of hopeless pain. Into thoughts that grapple and eyes that strain, Bierces the memory, cruel and vain— Never again Bhall he walk at ease Under the blossoming apple trees That whisper and sway to the sunset breeze, While soft eyes float where the sea gulls skim. Gazing with him. How they went down Never was known in the still old town. Nobody guessed how the fisherman brown, With the look of despair that was half a frown, Faced his fate in the furious night— Faced the mad biliows with hunger white, Just within hail of the beacon light That shone on a woman sweet and trim, Waiting for him. Beverly bells Ring to the tide as it ebbs and swells! His was the anguish a moment tells— The passionate sorrow death quickly knells. But the wearing wash ora lifelong woe Is left for the desolate beart-to know, WJjosc tides with the dtfll years come and g°. ' Till hope drifts dead to its stagnant brim, Thinking of him. Poor lone Hannah, Sitting at the window binding shoes, Faded, wrinkled, Sitting, stitching, in a mournful muse, Bright-eyed beauty once was she, When the bloom was on the tree; ISpring and Winter, / Hannah’s at the window, binding shoes. Not a neighbor Passing nod or answer will refuse To her whisper: “Is there from the fishers any news?” Oh, her heart’s adrift with one On an endless voyage gone! Night and morning, Hannah’s at the window, binding shoes. ’Tis November. Now no tear her wasted cheek bedews. % From Newfoundland Not a sail returning will she lose, Whispering hoarsely, “Fishermen, Have you, have you heard of Ben?” Old with watching, Hahnah’s at the window, binding shoes. Twenty Winters Bleach and tear the ragged shore she views. Twenty seasons— Never one has brought her ar.y news. Still her dim eyes silently Chase the white sails o'er the sex Hopeless, faithful, Hannah’s at the window, binding shoes. — [J.ucy Larcom. SAVED BY A CALF. “The whole course of my life was changed, and iriy love’s young dream destroyed in less than a minute by a calf, and a fortunate thing it was for me,” srid the wife of a prominent citizen of Lycoming county, Pen it., rnow Visiting friends in this city. “My father was the leading business man in a bustling lumber village, and there were three giris of ns, a sister older and one younger than I. Father wa| kind and indulgent, but very level headed, and had been a widower for some years. When I was 18 a good tookiug young chap fr m somewhere down the Susquehanna came to clerk jather’s stow—-l was a romantic aud fhiT i“ l°va with the good clerk, or bought I did,; and oung the “Father wasn’t long in discovering the very tender come to exist relations that had between me and his self-assertive young clerk, and. he called me to him ;one day and told me that he was sory to see that I was such a silly girl, and that t must got over it at once, and then informed my brave and steadfast idol that at the cud of the montfi lie could go back homo. Of couitse my heart was broken. Life hSd lost all its chasm. I felt I was the victim of a stern and unsympathetic parent’s cruel will and I wished that l wjere dead. “Now, although this lover of mine was clerking in tuy father’s store for $20 a month and Ids hoard, his father was a rich lumb'eeman, and lie was tiie onlv son. When my true love, as one evening, q I was at the height of my misery over the paternal inter ference that had ruffled the course of think I' was in the habit of callin'* itj my idol and I met lito by cliaucc, of course, at the house of a neighbor of ours, and what did my.brave knight propose but an elopement, and what did my romantiefsoul do hut prompt me to agree to the proposition on thru spot. : “There was a ijai “•-•!»<! station! eight miles distant. The last train for any where left that station at 7 o’clock every eventing. jkll we had to do was to drive to the station, get the' train, goto the county ^eat, only ail hour’s ride.l'get married, and be happy ever after. We fixed on a certain night— litis was along toward Che middle of December—and hot everything ready for the elopement. It was a good lionr-and-a-half drive to tho station over the sort of road we had to travel on, and so we wete obliged to take an early start. The winter had been very mild. There was no snow. It was just beginning to get dark when I stole to watting tat the chances were level-headed father where lqy valiant lover was for file with a horse and could reach' the wagon. I knew t(i all in favor of my discovering the whole plot beforo we stati.on, and I was sure that ho wciild be on our track with a hotse a good deal faster than the one we had to depend on. But I had no fear thift he would overhaul “Before we had gone one-quarter of the way night had set in for good, but there was a moon, and that helped us along amazingly. We had got within a mile of the station and had good reason to believe we were safe, when suddenly this horse stopped with a snort of terror, reared up, and tried to turn in llie road. • A cut with the whip stt’aighienedlhiin up, but lie Kept on snorting and showing evidences of terror. 1 looked up the road and dis covered the cause of all this. An im mense bear stood ton its haunches at one sUle^of the road growling and snarling and showing-a disposition to advance upon us.i When my brave lover saw the savage beast he rose up in the wagon, gave a yell, and gasped: ‘Oh! Jctiuid, let’s go back. “I forgot all about the bear. I gazed in amazement at my gallant knight lie was as pale as a sheet. The lines hung loose in his hands. I seized them, jerked them away from him, took the whip, ami, as I held the horso from turning round, ordered the cowardly youth out of tho wagon, lie crawled out of the back end of the wagon, and tore down the road as fast as his legs could carry Him. “Then I whipped the horse with all my might, and he ’sprang forward and whizzed the wagoti pasj the growling bear so Close that tit almost knocked the ugly beast over. I drove on to the station, had tli6 horse put out, and went in the little hotel there to wail for father. i My lojve’s young dream was gone as if it hitd never been. Ten minutes after I reached the station the train came and wient. Ten minutes later father came tearing on horsebaek up to the door, Iauet him. <• ‘Father,” said.1, ‘I've been saved by a.calf.”’ “Then I told him all about the. ad venture on the road.! “ ‘Saved by a caltJP he exclaimed, ‘Yon mean saved by, a bear.’ ” “ ‘Not at all,’ I jrftpliod. ‘If Jerry hadn’t been a calf ^and the biggest kind of a calf, that bear wouldn’t have been any more thaivjsa slump in my way. I was saved ~by a calf, I tell you, and I want tqj jjo home!’ “My gallant lovjei- was never seen around our neighborhood again, and somehow or other; father always seemed to think moire of me after that than he ever hadj before.’'—[New York Sun. One of Ifatnrc?k Economics, . Birds with long^ legs always have short tails. Writers on the flight of birds have shown that the only use of a bird’s tail is to serve as a rudder during the act of flight., When bifds are provided with ibng legs tlje'-^Jire m the stretched directly j behind bird is flying and 8pj act rudder. Nature Is The Carnival- in It to De Janeiro There are two totally distinct sea sons at ltio, when the town Presents an altogether'different appeaiyuicc; the summer, which lasts from ./October to April, and-the winter, frybin May to September. In the sumn/er, which is the autumn and winter in Europe, when the sun pours down into the narrow streets, Rio is anything but an agreeable place. The, heat has driven away the ribh and leisured classed, the great merchapts,; the diplomatic corps; in fncjf, ail of any position or fancied position hasteii to the suburbs on tlie breezy heights overlooking the city, or to the little country towns in the neighborhood, such as Petropolis and Theresojpolis, whilst others take refuge on the islands of the bay. The town becomes a perfect ca'dron ; but this does not prevent a great ex citement over the Carnival, which is an institution to which the Flumineu 80S, or river folk, are particularly de voted. This relic of the old heathen Saturnalia is fust disappearing from Europe ; and now that Italy is a udited kingdom, it ‘is no longer properly kept up even in its former headquarters, Rome and*Venice. At Rio, However, Carnival-time is livelier than ever, ami there are so cieties J'or celebrating it in grand style. Shrove-Tuesduy is kept in a most characteristic manner, and is dis tinguished not only by the richness of the costumes and the originality of Ihe vehicles in the processions, hut by the absurdity of the caricatures in what may justly be termed an open air re? view of lire chief events of the pre ceding year. | In the time of the empire the ministers of Dom Pedro defrayed the expenses of the Carnival, and though a republic has now been established, the old customs are kept up, and the revolution are spared no more than were their predecessors; moreover, like them, they are the first to laugh at llio ridiculous caricatures of them selves and their actions in these witty exhibitions, ju which full scope is af* forded to the imaginations of (ho popular poets of Rio.— [Harper’s Weekly. What Bad Roads Cost the Country. I 'file Board] of Trade in a Tennessee town, in a recent memorial to the Leg islature, demonstrated that bad roads were costing the people of that common wealth more titan $7,000,000 annually. Professor W. W. Carson of the Uni versity of Tennessee, after careful in vestigation, found Ihe average cost of hauling to tile Knoxville market by wagon to lie $7.50 per ton—aggrega ting $1,250,0p0 a year on the total tonnage hauled. lie maintained that this hauling could have been done for half the sum ovet good dirt roads, and for one-sixth of it over good macadam roads, saving $1,000,000 annually. Professor {Richard T. Ely of (lie Johns Ilopkihs University ami Secre tary of tlie Atnericau Economic Asso ciation, affirmed that poor roads cost this ■country over $20 ahorse, and Professor .Teaks of Knox College, 111., thinks $15 a horse a low estimate for the loss. Fr.nn papers calculated by Professor Carton for an agricultural experiment station it is shown that on gravel a horse will draw one and a half timos'tlie load, and on macadam over three times the load lie can draw on a dirt roach As to the cost of had roads in the United States,[ Judge Thayer says: “I have made a careful computation from such data as I have been able to obtain of .the cost of bad roads, and I find they tax what is understood to he agricultural products fully $135,000, 000 annually. 1 think it a moderate estimate to put the oilier contributions 16 bad roads [by the remaining traffic of tho country at an, equal amount, making a total of $270,000,000.” A. Bumble Bee Chased by a Humming (/. Bird. An obScrvorli writes :hat he is satis fied that there sis just as much rivalry between humming birds and bees in their quest foi! honey as there is be tween members of the human race in their struggle for the good things of life, and describes a recent quarrel that1 lie saw in a Portland, (Mo.) garden, where a humming bird with an angry dash expressed its disap proval of the presence of a big bumbfe bee in the same tree. The usually pugnacious bee incontinently fled, but he did not leave the tree. He dashed back and forth among the ncy the branches and white blossoms, the humming bird in close pursuit. you find another pair idge and dart eqwal to were like flashes of pursuer followed fhe pursued, turning when turned* In short, the bird and lied the movements of 9 chase was all over m that it has taken to tell citemeht -of a pack of let couldn’t have food, and there is no possi nation of its nnw.iv “GRAND OLD- MAN.” Simple and Regular Life of Premier Gladstone. Plain Food at His Meals and Plenty of Sleep. !! ' _ - Mr. Gladstone is in the best of bcalih, sleeps remarkably well and, so far from having shown signs of de creasing vitality through an inability to maintain the appetite for food, the right honorable gentleman enjoys his meals with the zest of a young man. When ho rises he invariably takes a tepid bath, and every morning befofe i breakfast while at Biarritz he attended church, and since his return to London lias frequently taken a little walk in the grounds of Downing street His first meal usually consists of hard boiled egg, a slioo of tongue, With tea and toast. After breakfast he devotes himself to his correspondence, and for several hours is busy with his private secretary and receiving such political callers as may arrive. , For luncheon Mr. Gladstone takes cold meal, inilk pudding and cheese. At 5 o’clock, if disengaged, lie lias nfterndon tea. Ills dinners aro se lected to hir taste. He takes soup, fish (if it is to his fancy), but usually dines off one dish, which lie eeleo'.s and does not depart from He is very tond of rice pudding aud primes and rice, and upon either of these, but more especially the former, he would, i if the etiquette of the dinner table permitted it, make nu entire meal. He does not drink coflcc because it is seldom mado to his liking, and, being astringent, keeps him awake. While at.Biarritz a rule was mado that Mr. Gladstone should be left alone at 10 o’clock-' every night. This rule is likely to be adhered to still, and the Other evening, while the guest of a friend, ho left at a quarlorpast 10 and ^ was in bed fifteen minutes later. Mr. tGiadstone has, with very rare cxcep Mif>ns, always siepi wen, ana ror some (Sie was in (he habit of remaining in ; lied until noon. This was when he felt fatigued or desircds to think out | some matter which specially engaged j him. but at Biarritz he never lay in bed but once, and that was two days i before the time fixed for his departure, j when he wa9 attacked by a cold in the head, and reverted to his old rule, kept his bed for twenty-four hours and thus regained his usual health. Since the right honorable gentleman returned to London he has risen early, and is as vigorous and hearty as his friends could wish. Mr. Gladstone lives very plainly, bis regimen being guided by authority, but his appetite in London is good. On one occasion i at Biarritz he was asked how he slept, to which he replied gaily: “Well, I .have done my nine hours.” , His memory is as keen as ever and at the Biarritz dinner table, as when he dines at home or with friends in London, hs was tho life of the party. Oil one occaeb n,when Mr. Tollcmacho was present, there was & discussion about classics and Mr. Gladstone quoted, not single lines of Greek, but whole passages. Oil the voyage from Calais the channel was very stormy and Mr. Gladstone lay down, but did not suffer from seasickness. Tho re ports of his ill health and lessened vi tality have caused the Downing street post bag to be unusually heavy and a great deal of ill-afforded time has con sequently been expended in refuting these idlo inventions. — [St. James Gazette. i The Last of Her Itace. Old Jennie, the last representative of the famous River Indians now liv ing in this country and quite advanced in years, is making* a burial robe, after the custom of the distinguished members of aher tribe, in which to bo laid away when the snmmons shall come and she shall pass to the happy hunting grounds, whero the white man is not and firewater is unknown. The groundwork is of fine buckskin the and ife Eiiperbly dccoyUed with various kinds of money used by the tribe for go erations past and richly ornamented in a pleasing and skillful manucr with jewels, pebbles, beads and other valuables used and admired by the tribe in the past. The robe when ci mpletod will weigh fully 50 pounds, and as a relic or re. minder of the peculiar customs and practises of a nation of people now practically billed from existence is most valuable and should be preserved. purpose in With this commendable view Mt's. Rowena Nichols, who has been/employed by the world’s fair co’.lftnitteo to paint the Table Rocks, ha rprocurcd a number of sketches of tLVsinteresting subject and will paint a ‘life-size picture of old Jennie wrapped in her gorgeous cerements, and. thus happily preserve sacred ^bout to pass forever into ob ^ Jennie was born and of Table Rocks,-(and once captured ! grievous outrages and nameless wrongs perpetrated upon lier people and their consequent annihilation from the face of the earth would touch 1^1 stoutest heart witli sympathy and ni ' most make one wish he could face again the brawny braves who fought and died for this fair heritage, and for which sad fate old Jennie’s henrt goes out in bitter wails. This point ing will be a valiiable^objoct lesson as indicating the fust fleeting cycles of time and the rapid mutations of human customs and usages and will serve as a mo3t fitting companion piece to tho Table Rocks, where Jennie was born and grew up, chiefly on war-whoops and ctunas, clad only in the free raw material of innocence and a copper complexion, happy in her native sim plicity and blissfully ignorant of modern civi ization. — [Jacksonville (Fla.) Times. The Acids of Fruits. George W. Johnson, in his Chemis try of tho World, says in describing the “vegetable food of the world:” “The grateful acid of the rhubarb leaf arises from the malic acid and binoxalate of pota3li which it contains; the acidity of the lemon, orange, and' other species of the genus Citrus is caused by the abundance of citric acid which their juice contains; that of the cherry, plum, apple, and pear, from the malic acid iu their pulp;’ that of gooseberries and currants, black, red and white, from a mixture of malic and citric acids; that of the grape from a mixluro of malic and tartaric acids; that of the mango from citric acid and a very fugitive essential oil; that of tho tamarind from a mixture of citric, malic, and tartaric acids; tiie flavor of asparagus’from aspartic acid, found also iu the root of the marshmallow; and that of,the cucum ber from a peculiar poisonous ingredi ent called ftuigiu, which is found in all fungi, and is the cause of the cucumber boiug offensive to some stomachs. It will be observed that rhubarb is the only fruit which contains binoxa iale of potash in conjunction with an acid. It is this {ingredient which renders this fruit soj wholesome at the early commencement of the summer, and this is one of the wise provisions of nature for supplying a blood puri fier at a time wheu it is likely to be most needed. Beet root owes its nutritious qu dity to about nine per cent, of sugar which it contains, and its flavor to a peculiar substance con taining nitrogen mixed with pectic acid. The carrot owes its fattening powers also to sugar, mid its flavor to a peculiar fatty oil, the horse radish derives its flavor and blistering power from a volatile acrid oil. The Jerusa lem artichoke contains fourteen and a half per cent, of sugar and three per cent, of inulin (a variety of starch), besides gum and a peculiar substance to which its flavor is owing; and lastly garlic and the rest of the onion family derive their peculiar odor fron a yel lowish, volatile acrid oil, but they are nutritious from containing nearly half their weight of gummy and glutinous substances not yet clearly defined.” A Bird Story. I hope, although the incident may be trival, that the little story may interest your readers as much as it did myself when I was listening ?omo nights ago to the little lark of whom niy story tells, piping away in what the. poets call “dulcet strains’’ of the most melo dious music. My friend, James Shanock, three years ago, caught a young lark, and it lias been pouring out its song ever since then from tho cage, and a very sweet note it is. Some little while ago, as the afternoon was sunny, the cage was hung outside in the garden at- that moment another lark was carolling in the air, and Shanock’s bird rose from the cage, which was only covered with a fine net, and in which there must have been a rent, and disappeared in the direction of the oilier lark. My friend seeing tliis^ at once began to whistle, holding up the cage to attract his pet back again, and in a very short -time down it came to ids feet, ami wailed patiently while he gently replaced him in his cage. There were three witnesses, 1 believe, in tliis case. The funniest thing, too, is about the same lime James Shauock’s cat bronght him .in a little bird quite delicately, and waited for him to take it from his mouth quite uninjured. He is a great bird-lover, and it looks as if tho cat, like everybody else, knew this fact. Because She Lied About Age. In our own country concealment of ago is regarded as a harmless fiction, and the practice is supposed to be rather prevalent among women who are more than twenty-five and under seventy fivo. In Austria a more serious view is taken of this offense. 'By a recent decree of their courts of a marriage was annulled ou the showing that the bride had exact number of years Can’l Stop “Tipping.” •*I see,” remarked a well-known man about town' Iho other day, “tliat we are in the midst of another of those periodic outbreaks against lipping, but It won’t mako a bit of difference; tip ping will go on just the same. Some few people will conceive the notion that ns a matter of principle they ought to refrain from tipping and they will try it for a few days and then will conclude that for the sake of their own peace of mind they’d better tip. Thoy’il eontiuuo confirmed ‘tippers’ for the rest of their days. m “The fact is it requires moro cour. age to rebel against the tipping sys tem than it does to revolt against al most any other social custom, I know whereof I speak, for I’ve ‘been there,’ and I’ll just tell you how it works. When you withhold the usual tip you become painfully aware that the wai ter thinks you aro frightfully mean. You would like to explain to him t^at you are only making a noble and he roic fight for principle, hut of course that is out of the question. Now, nothing hurts a man’s pride so much as to feel tlmt somobody. thinks him mean. He could better endure being thought a gambler Or a bunco Stcerer, or a mau who didn't pay his debts. You become afraid to look that waiter iu the face. Next time yon dine some where else and again incur the odium of undeserved contempt. You don’t get hardened to it; you hate it worse en'ch time, and after it has -gone on three or four days you just say to yourself, ‘Hang it’—or something else—‘this thing has got to Btop. I can’t stand having people ihink I am mean when I know I ain’t.; devil take the principle of the thing.’* Then you resume tipping and arc liappy once more,”— [New York Herald. May Displace Gunpowder. A commission of German artillery experts has been testing at the Jneter borg a new explosive which is intend* ed to replace, ultimately, gunpowder in the- German army. The oxploeive is a bro'rvn, fatty substance of the con sistency of frozen oil wlion exposed to ordinary temperature. It retains this consistency up to 112 degrees Fahreheit. A shock or a spark does uot $et it off. When used in gnus the explosion is obtained through contact with another chemical compound. The explosiou is almost unaccompanied by smoke And the detonation is incon siderable. The recoil is very slight, even when the heaviest charges have hcen used. The explosive does not heat the weapons sufficiently to cause difficulty in the way of rapid firing, and cartridges once used are easily re filled. For the present rifle, model of 1886, the new compound is not avail able, but if future tests he as satisfac tory as the receiit ones it will be in troduced generally in the artillery branch of the service. Four models ! of new army rifles, having many ad vantages over the rifle now iu use, have passed successfully the trials of the small arms inspectors. The in ventor of all four is Mr. Weiss of the i Gera dynamite .factory.— [Chicago Herald. tjueer l# h i oi a juog. Mr. Thomas Morgan, of Kentish Town, -wondered for a long time why his garden remained desolate, notwith standing all the pains' and seeds he lavished upon it, and why liis neigh bor’s dog was always so plump and fat, until he discovered the cause and elfect to he that thc nnitnal was inordi nately fond of tulips, hyacinths, or chids, and other flowers, and'was in the habit'Of visiting the floricultural preserves and eating up all the blooms he could reach. He did not care about grass or boxwood, or any of the com mon sorts, but the moment ho saw Mr. Morgan plant a black tulip or a rare orchid his eyes sparkled with the feast in store, and the moment the plant blossomed he devour ed it, stalk and all. For three year* this, went on. The dog was iusaliablo. lie was a kindof walking botanical garden, and still had always an appeuio for more. Mr. Morgan dared not kill tho dog, because ho might be held liable for its value, which, of course, would, not be taken at his own appraisement, so he sited Mr. Hal.t, its owner, in the Bloomsbury County Court, for tho damage done to the garden.—[London Telegraph. Whale-Oil Crullers. Somebody mentioned crullers. “Well, I reckon yon never tasted real crullers,” said an old follower of tho sea. “In tho days when whales were plentiful and great rivalry existed between the New Bedford sailors it was customary for the captain of a vessel to offer hit crew a barrel of flower, about twenty pounds of sugar and a barrel of oil out of the first whale caught. How that prize used to make the old salts work I And when they got tho whale the cook was called in and there were crullers lilt you couldn’t rest. Never, tasted whale-oil crullers, you say? Then yon never^riii. Tho whale busi ness 1 ^almost done toy. Whales are gettiugj scarcer every year. They had lion, and man lias neavly ex ihcm.—[New York Trt* LADIES’ DEPARTMENT, VALUABLE AID TO TRAVELERS. The Woman’s Rest Tour ,, Associa tion of Boston exists for the .pnrposo of enabling women whose means aro moderate to travel intelligently, and to get the best and most out of their wanderings, whether for rest or in formation. The annual fee of $1 en titles its members to a trustworthy schedule of.expenses, to a list of good lodging houses ou the Continent and iu England, and to various books pub lished throughout the year giving valuable suggestions. Though this is its first year, tlie association has 350 members.—[New York Post. GOWNS FOR THE EXFOSITION. It is not advisable to make cotton gowns for wear iu Chicago, for very often there are not five Mays iu a V whole summer there when thoy could be worn. A better choice would bo a soft white wool—crepou, or challle. A while serge, with a blazer or jacket 'anil silk biouso, would be comfortable and cool-looking; aud if further change be desired, add a holiotropo crepou or a silk-and-wool novelty' goods, and a pretty silk, one of the satin-striped taffetas or a changeable surrab. These can bo made as elabor ate as fancy dictates.—[Demurest. SEEING MRS. CLEVELAND. Mrs. Cleveland, wifo of the Presi dent, sees a few people by appoint ment. In fact, any one can meet her wbo takes the trouble to send a note requesting the favor. Tho secretary, who has charge of the matter, answers tho letter, appointing a time for the^ visitor to cull. Care is' taken that many engagements for one day are not arranged so as to bring a crowd to gether. Each person is shown into the receiving-room gradually so that every one has a chance to converse a few moments with the President's wifo before the next guest is an nounced. These appointments are generally made between tho hours of 12 and 1. — [New York World. BRUNETTES AND BLONDES. . The brunette type is becoming more numerous in England and on the Con tinent. This is sad news for tho blonde. Mr. Gladstone, who,observes most things, said some years ago that light-*haircd people were far less uu merou-Wfian iu his youth. This state ment was borne out by the results of the statistical inquiry undertaken by Dr. Beddoe, who examined 726 women and ifound that 369 were brunettes and 367 blondes. Carrying tho inquiry a step further, Dr. Beddoe learned that 78.5 per cent, of,the brunettes had husbands, while only 68 per cent, of flie blondes were married. From this it appears* that in England a brunette has ten chances, of being wedded to tho nine chances of the blonde; and Dr.' Beddoe went on to argue that “the English are becoming darker be cause the men persist in selecting the dark-haired women as wives.” The same thing is happening in Germany, in France, in Switzerland and else where on the Continent.— [New York Commercial Advertiser. BRIDAL GOWN OF A, FUTURE DUCHESS. At the wedding of Lord Arthur -Grosvcnor, who will one day he the Duke of AVestminister, to Miss Shef* iield iu London, the bridemaids were all dressed in hengaline, with short skirts and large, coarse, browu straw hats, liued with Malmaison pink vel vet, bows, lined with pink. Tho bride’s dress was a rich ivory satin with a deep flounco of old.Flem ish lace iu front falling over a fringe of orange flowers held by tlireo rouleaux of satin, and small bows of the latter with orange blossoms placed at short intervals nlongr the heading. Above Jits, near the waist, there w«i a narrow flounce. Tho bodico had zouave fronts, tastefully trimmed in the same lace and trails of orange flowers. The sleeves were slashed at the top with lace and fiuished at tho wrist with a puffing of siuin and orange buds. A long, square court train fell from the shoulders, trimmed with lace in deep points and ornamented with trails of orange blossoms. A coronet of orange blossoms with a long tulle veil.surmounted this costume, and the jewels worn were a diamond and pearl necklace with pen£-aw-“-Jffc;; V York Press. FASHION NOTES. , Neapolitan straw hats will again be* worn this summer. The leading color for outdoor wear is undoubtedly purple. Kid gloves with gauntlets of the finest lace have appeared. Yokes will still be worn, and they are nearly always of velvet. What is called <-white wool gre'na dine” is a new material for evening dresses. , The fancy in jewelry is the making over of old-fashioned earrings into stickpins. Among the newer things is the Egyptian bangle of silver, from which miniature mummies hang. ' Plain materials are employed more largely than they would otherwise be, because of the many boanliful trim mings. Cliffs worn outside the sleeves among the new fancie&. ;yrglitgrai in lace, tug v,.7-* i match

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