VOLUME XVIII. FRAN KLIN. N. OL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY' 5f 1003. NUMBER 9. CLIMBING Little on ollmblng the hallway stairs, . He earefnl--lhe way Is steep "An ,wth.U.tila linmla ajitl feet-at weak ioi tue task ol th upward oreep. i ;Tlsmanys fall you've had, alas! An many a bump and brulsei But hope brlrai lull In your HUM heart, And qulokly the task renews. Little on climbing tb hallway stain, . Look up and climb, nor fwiri For oloso In the all flows a watcher stands " And fatherly arms are near. t THE WHITE DEER. ' .t Br Gsorgf EtHelbert Walsh. Tl.n 1 1 .. 1 tn1.nJ nA sUO ItMUCU OH tuuiaiucu BUU" nut flake were falling spasmodically. All ' around in the dense woods drifts word heaped high. Donald Slalworth, with snowshoes Blnklng deep In the flaky a. V 11 of ainsiA nnnilnw esrflrK tita ATAPI tVti B uwvs avw jiwiviuaj naua win svw The mighty stillness of the words op pressed him.: Overb.es d the dull clouds were murky and threatening. "I must be live miles from home," Donald mutter -"? -.trill be hard pull, and there's more anow coming.' He rested some moments against heavily laden birch tree, whose white bark be mechanically .:. stripped off, While engaged in this occupation he heard a noise which aroused the natur al instincts of the hunter. It was a faint bleat of a deer, but with a strange ly pitiful plaint in it that made Don ald exclaim: - ' "What's up? Something is wrong! It must be a wolf or dog!" The possibility of a stray dog In the great lonely woods was not great, and he soon dismissed that view from mind. "It must be wolves or some other , wild beast 1 wonder how far It Is!" ? - He listened intently, applying bis ear to tho surface of the snow. The dismal cry of the deer was repeated at intervals, growing fainter at every call. Suddenly Donald looked: up at the sky anxiously, and then down the trail which led to. bis home. But with a new resolve be tightened the strap of one of his enowshoes, picked up his rifle, and started off in another dl- "u-iifTik ieo, tee though he Ms he slid aiougf k snowshoes with agility, and jy passed beyond the opening in oresi 10 tne imcaesi pari ui 11. From this direction came the strange bleat of the deer. Five minutes later he stood in an opon glade with one of those rare sights of animal struggles pictured before him that is allowed to the fortunate toW. Two large bucks stood facing each other, with lowered heads, and horns interlocked in a dead ly embrace. Ib their fierce struggle tor the mastery their horns had become entwined so that neither could escaps. Back and forth in the small opening they bad been plunging, pushing, shov ing, and pulling, hoping to break the deadly embrace, but all they had ac complished was to pack the snow hard under their feet and tighten the fearful grip of the horns. Donald stood a moment In surprise and amazement - watching the strug gling, doomed animals. No power of their own could ever release them. One might prove tho stronger and gradual ly tire out his opponent, but death to either one meant lin;wri'arvaL to the othorsCS--mwpructed with qrns of a deed deer was no vlo- ,ory to arjtioipato. Both animals appear to realise their danger. Instead of bucking and fighting-with the flreof anger flashing in their eyes, they stood quiet and tremb ling, bleating pitifully for -the help which might never come. Nothing' could break the lock of the terrible horns.-' --.,-.,,..,.;-.; "Well, this Is a conundrum," re marked Donald-with a whistle; "If I hmt thm hnth It will relleva them fjjjjgertng death; but I can't take home their bodies, and u I leave them uero iu wuivvb WIU pwu mans wu with them." ' He stood Idly by, gazing at the ani mals, while the two bucks stood quiet as if waiting for his verdict." A. far away cry of a wolf suddenly , made them shiver with fear, and one utter ed a half-broken plea for help. This roused Donald to say; . "I'll gel them out of the trouble if I can. It's a shame to leave them here to be killed by wolves. But It will take time!" :-,-,v i-.-.-v --.;;' '- He glanced up at the gathering signs of a new Storm, and at the dark ening landscape around; but as if for getful, of his own danger he stepped up to the two struggling animals. They winced and renewed the struggle as" be placed a hand on their heads. But they were helpless and unable to make resistance. , "Now keep quiet,"' be said soothing ly, stroking them with his- hand. But It required some effort oa his part to induce them to be quiet while he stud led the problem before him. The horns were locked In- one of the simplest ways Imaginable, but nothing -would ever break the embrace unless they could be pried sideways at Just the right angle. ,'r V.' Donald placed his rifle between the horns and started to pry them apart; but this caused renewed kicking and bucking' on the part of the two terrified animals. Back and forth he followed them, holding his rifle in posi tion and prying bard at every favora ble opportunity.. "lfou "'ih things, why don't you stand si.., 1 ' ne"mu"ttereit as he tugged away. "Can't you see I'm helping you?" Ilnally, worn out with their contin ued exertions the bucks stopped In the mis' "0 of the glade and panted V;W4i: "1 mournfully. Another cry of a disU t wolf made them quiet and f arful. lining tills lull in their strug- Arful. lm Hti." I e 1 t II 'it 1 put all of his Btrength 1 1 a f v fl ate cf- ! out the j000 B! T t. I :ow hard . 1 " iH'g g'ow !. 1 e ho i;ad lit the point of f 1 1 a In ' v 'i a ! 'mrp i . l.H ti IIM.l ) , 1 nmto li z ai f 1 1 t I THE STAIRS. Nov over the topmost step 70a rise, And your eje is flashed oa met Mr glad heart warms and Join yon hi Your ory of Tlotury. Little on climbing th hallway stairs, I speak to myself In yoi For X am a ohlld with an upward task, And 1 am a oiimber, too, ' 'Tla many a fall and a scar I get For weak are those hands and test to keep ... un in asoeal cwy by day. -Toledo Blade, t the other, and then released It There was a louder click than before, and the two bucks leaped a foot in the air. But much to their own surprise they raised their heads In the air and shook them free. The stared at each other, twistod their necks to see It they were broken, and bent their heads down and then up again. They'i danced around the open space and appeared so dazed by their sudden release that they acted like children just out of school. Donald laughed . aloud and said: "Don't know what to make of It. do youT Well, don't do any more fighting, or you'll get in trouble again." The bucks appeared not to notice him. . Then, at the sound of his voice they stopped and stared at blm. Now don't try any of your tricks on me," Donald said, knowing the bellicose na ture of the animals. "I can drop both of you in your tracks." " He held his rifle ready for an emer gency, but the bucks after staring hard at him for several moments turned quietly and trotted away together In the forest. They were like two friends who had made vp their differences, and were determined not to fight or quar rel any more. Donald raised his rifle to his shoulder and muttered: "How-eaeily I could drop them!. I wonder why I don't? I've hunted weeks before and never got such a fine shot as this. Why don't I shoot?" He lowered and raised his rifle, but each time he shook his head and added! "ld be a shame to shoot them -e them out of such a family Nnildn't be right! rm.n- xrjeyonn niajairi- ho loveraTw. """" good. "Well, now they are bI il can't say that I am. It's prettye-knd over Ave miles to travel. It's snowing hard, too!" The snow was falling heavily, and In blinding clouds. Donald bad oeen 'so Interested In the two deer that he had given little attention to the approach ing storm; but now he whistled sharply and turned to move down the trail. The clouds of snow were obliterating It except for a few feet ahead. With bent head be stared .hard at It studying the trees as he hurried along. It would be fatal to get off the trail; The storm was the second half of a blizzard cold, windy, and blinding. The flakes of snow struck his face with tingling pain. He tried to ward them off, but he bad to study his path care fully in order to keep on the trail, and thus his face had to receive the brunt of the storm. : ; - :.V He covered a mile and then stopped and panted. Regaining his breath, be tried to renew the journey. The second mile eeerned. harder, for the snow sur fMfVielded to his weight and mads snow-shoeing slew and difficult How he covered the three miles he could not say; but when on tbe point of congrat ulating himself at his progress he sud denly started with alarm. He was not on the trail! In some way he had missed It and had followed a false one for a long Ume.---'-"-if-f'ffc--'..:s" Donald's heart dropped and his hands trembled. It was almost useless to at tempt to find It in that blinding storm. Yet he could not give up in despair. He stopped and tried to think, going over mentally every back step he had taken and studying In his mind each familiar landmark he had noted. It was with a dreary and almost hopeless spirit that he finally turned around and tried to retrace his foot steps. But these too, were filled up with the drifting' snow a dosen yards back, and he was more hopelessly mixed than ever. In his extreme peril Donald for the first time wished he had not turned out of his path to save the deer. y y'.,:.,y. .. "I might have left them alone to fight It out or shot them and moved on,", he said bitterly. "I saved their lives, but I've lost mine." : These reflections irritated him, and he stopped several times to Inveigh against his luck and the deer. "They were thankless things, anyway," , he finally muttered. They trotted off and didn't even thank me." Donald shook himself. This sort of thing would not do. He was slowly yielding to tb cold, and halt-dreamily accusing the deer of his whole trouble. Once or .twice visions of them had act ually appeared before his mind. They looked like "white deer" flashing out of the clouds of snow. "If 1 only knew where I was I would not care," doggedly said the fellow. "But this being lost In a storm Is ter rifying. It I only had . something to guide me or keep me company. There's that 'white'" ; . ' s - He stopped and hit his head. The vi sion of the "white deer" had appeared before his mind again. But this time it did not disappear when he opened' his eyes. There is stood before him. Donald gasped and then rushed forward to touch the anlmaL His bands came In contact with the warm, wet body of an animal, and then the "white deer" sprang forward and disappeared In the cloud of snow. "It was no vision," Donald said exultantly. "Well, I'll follow hlstwK-ks. Deer al ways know holftVJut of a storm." I'eerlng dowfTtB'the snow he picked up the small holes made by the deer's feet, and in a few moments he was fol lowing the trarks as a hound after game. They led in the opposite direc tion from the odd Doniild had hf!i tak ing, and in a short time tin y brought him to a d-ii p-trt of the worn!. Then t!: P-"-V lit -! :I t' II, BvX 1 1: v s 'I ! , : ; . 1 1 stamped his feet and flung his hands outward to rouse himself. But the noise continued. Donald picked himself up and followed Its direction. A dozen feet forward he stumbled against some thing hard-whlch reared directly In his pathway. He touched it and in the darkness tried to study it with his eyes. Then he gave a shout of exultation. It was one of the small log shelter cabins he had helped to build for summer uses when camping In the woods. He knew that under Its sheltering root and sides tner would be warmth and pro tection from the terrible storm. But inside the shed-like cabin there was a notse of alarm. As Donald floun dered through the snow a deer rushed out of the shelter and disappeared In the storm. It was bis "white deer" one of the bucks he had rescued. Donald stood silent and amazed. It seemed so like a vision that he was unable to speak for some time. In the desire tq find shelter from the blizzard the buck bad unconsciously directed him to the old cabin, where he was safe from the cold for the night - : i "I don't think 111 say anything mero about ungratefulness," Donald - re flected. "That deer was the only thing that saved me from a terrible death. Sometimes Providence works In I strange way'-New Tqk Times.- ; CUAiNT AN 3 CURIO J - --5. .v, yfr Most fishermen along the coast of France still avoid going to sea In the first two days of November, owlnir to the superstitious fear of the -"death- wind" and the belief that at that time the ghosts of drowned fishermen rise and capsize boats. . . , ' ', Millions of butterflies are eaten every year by the Australian aborigines. The insects congregate In vast quantities on the rocks ofrthe Bugong mountains, and the natives secure them by kindling Ores of damp wood and thus suffocat ing them. Then they are gathered baskets, baked, sifted to remo; wings, ana Anally pressed iDtScakes. According to ijflnm lately re ceived from Irkjfgk a huge rent of re cent formatl0ff baa been discovered on the side f Mount Verkholonsky. , At first itwas thought that the fissure was U Jesuit of volcanic action, but It has bean found on eloaa examination h - eologists that the-steam and white bait exudations thrown out from the reJSare dbe to tbe spontaneous com bustion of coal schists under the sur face ofhe mountain. 4 Madam de Oenhs, in a work on "Time," tells us that the famous Chan cellor D'Agvesseau, observing that his wife alwayaSlclayed 10 or IS minutes before she cam-down to dinner, and, reluctant to lose so much time dally, began the composition of a work which be prosecuted only while thus kept waiting.' At the end of fifteen years a book In three quarto volumes was completed, which ran through three editions and was held In high repute. The number of artificial coloring matters prepared since Pekln's discov ery nearly fifty years ago of the pre paration of aniline dyea- from coal tar has been enormous. It Is estimated that at the present day over 8,000,000 different individual dye stuffs are easi ly accessible to our industries, while at least 25,000 form the subject of patent specifications. The number of coloring matters furnished by natural agancles Is comparatively small, and those tha do exist threaten soon to be Ignored In favor of coal tar derivatives. Mr. Moeran writes to describe a rer markabla Incident that occurred while shooting at a herd of ten deer at Port umna, states the London Feld. "I picked,"; he says, "an eight-year-old buck that stood- head and shoulders clear of the others, a little nearer to me and broadside on. The bullet struck him fair on the neck,' about three Inches below the butt of his ear, turned almost at right angles, and came out at the back of his neck. It then struck doe in the centre of the forehead, coming out at the back of her head, and finally passed through the neck of a yearling doe just behind the ear, lodging under the skin on the far side. All three deer were killed on tbe spot The distance was ninety-bev-en yards, and the rifle used was a Win chester carbine 440, with a -Hat-nosed bullet ;"'-' Ffcrama ! Aasiralla, A great deal of interest has been created in scientific circles here by the dispatches from Australia telling of an extraordinary red . dust storm that broke over Melbourne, November 1?, and which afterward became general over New South Wales. One phenomenon in connection with the storm was the falling of fireballs, which set fire to several buildings in Melbourne. At midday the city was In darkness, people traversing the' streets with lanterns. The superstitious thought that the end of the world was about to come, and scones of panic are described In some of the dispatches, At the same time comes the news that the Savalt volcano in Samoa is in violent state of eruption, and that the villages In the neighborhood are cov ered with ashes, to a depth of two inches. Sir Norman Lockyer, the as tronomer, In an Interview printed in The Daily Mall stated that fireballs were constantly seen at the time of the recent eruptions in the West Indies, so that it Is possible that tbe phenom ena in Australia may have been -connected with the volcanic activity In Samoa. The fireballs are generally described as globular lightning. There are rec ords of much damage having been caused by them. ln-li!09 the Warren Hastings, a British warsrilp, was struck on the maHts by three fireballs In quick succession. In 1SS1 au eVc trlc ball entered a wooden dwelling in a viliiiKe of AuvcrRne. It exploded ami set Dre to the hoime, with the result that a child was burned to death. For elitn Corrc.ine li'iice of the New fork Times. A Ml, My l-nltlk- A SERMON FOR SUNDAY A DISCOURSE ENTITLE? "THE COS UEU IN THE OLD TESTAMENT." The Rev. Dr. . Wilbur Ohawmsa Kcplalnt . Hew God's Ability to Clmas Is II lastrated la the Ceremonies af th OM Testament Scriptures. New York City. The following sermoa entitled, "The Gospel in th Old Testa ment, was preached by the famous evan gelist, Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, from th text, "And when th fowls cam down upoq the carcasses, Abram drov them away." Genesis it: 11. !" all parts of the word of God, both in theOld Testament and the New, we find God a provision made for cleansing the sinner. If, in Jhe light of all thai has been said we ,eel ourselves condemned and that if th day of awards cam to morrow w should suffer loss and los our crown, though we shall be saved,1 "yet so as by fire," this thought ' should com-to ? K n inPlt'n, that all our sins may b blotted out and our. transgressions for given. It is of great cheer, therefore, fojr us to study the subject sow givsn. It is not necessary simply that w should fa miliarize ourselves with th New Testa ment; this is, of course, essential; but if we would know Ood'a ability to cleanse we ought to know the Old Testament Scriptures, with their types and ceremo nies, r - v- ' - Th birds of the" Bib! form an interest ing subject for investigation. Tb first mention of them in the Old Testament is la Genesis i; Sl-"And God created great whales, and erery . liing creature that moretn. whii-h tVu water, hmn.1,1 -.. abundantly, after their kind, and every ""a" kixr uii aina; ana uoa saw that It was Hod " Kinm tk.t im. ,.. are to be seen flying through many of the atones of holy-writ, filled with lessons of sweetneu and nn.. Thai -been the sweetest, their plumage has been 1 u"t!n": ineir teacning naa been tbe best. The eagla mountini nn far ahnm the earth, and building its nest ahovehr clouds, is a picture of Christian jhilr. .,1. -JTl...:lj' - . 7. tion. Isaiah bad it in minA ml be said: "They that wait nnon t.W shall re- I uw tueir airengiqney snail ount up I with wings as earfe; they aha! run and and not 1 n JSri l',eT. shall wi faint. Ji( same bird, prepai and imng out its little ones to that thev larn to fir. -offers a snlenrlid illn.fr.. ton pi th providence of Gpd, in thus When Elijah was at tha kronk rh.ritK and the waters had passed from bis vision, and he himself was on th verge of star-, vation, th birds fed him. livery little sparrow that comes flitting through the' air is a reminder of what Jesus said: "Not a sparrow -falleth to th ground but your heavenly Father knoweth It." w, -i But as we rend th Old Testament sto nes we find that there are also birds of prey. They, too, have their lessons, but the stories they tell are not so bright and happy. This lesson in th text u along this line. , - , . Abram is a wonderful study for the Christian. In th great events of his life b perfectly typifies the experience through which every Christian has passed. When God called him from Ur of th Chaldees he Was an illustration of our being called front the land of sin and death. When be separated himself from Terah, his father-in-law, it emphasised what Jesus skid, "A man must forsake father and mother and hi own lit if he would be My disciple." Every Christian, if he is to be used of God. must forsake the world. In Abram' sep s ration from Lot he is a perfect illustration of the demand made in the New Testa ment that we must, if we would be filled with th Holy Spirit ot God, separate our selves even from the flesh. There is a great battle waging, as we find when wa read the connection of th text with other verses of Scripture. It is writ tea in Genesis xiv: 14-18 "And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive he armed hi trained servants, born in his own house, 318, and pursued them unte Dan. -And he divided himself against them, he and hi servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on th left band of Damascus. And be brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people." ; t . , . It is her we find a real test of Abram. Many a man has gone down just where Abram stood. God is always giving us test of character. ..Read very carefully the twenty-first to th twenty-fourth verse of th fourteenth chapter of Genesis, and notice Abram's an swer: "And the king of Sodom said unto ' Abram, Give me tb persitns and take th goods to thyself. And Abeam said to the king of Sodom, I have lift tip mine hand unto th Lord, the. moat bjgh God, the possessor of heaven and aurth, that I will not take from a thread even to a sho hchet, and that I will not take anything that is thin, lest thon thouldest say. I have made Abram rich; save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eschol and Mamre;- let them take their portion." It always pavji to stand for-God as against men in this world. This is clearly taught in Genesis xv: 110 ' After these thing tb word of th Lord cam unto Abram in vision, say ing. Fear not, Abram; I am thv shield, and thy exceeding great reward. And Abram said. Lord God, -what wilt Thou give me, seeing I go childless, and th steward of my house is this Eliezer of ftiriiascus? And Abram said, Behold, to me Thou hast given no seed; and lo, one bora In my house is mine beir.- And, be hold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir, but he that shall come forth out of thine own Dowels shall' be thin heir. And H brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them; and He said unto him, 80 thall thy seed be. And he believed in th Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness. And Ha said unto him, I am the Lord that brought thee put of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it. And he said. Lord God., whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? And 11 Mid unto him. Take Me a heifer of three years old, and a the goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and turtle dove and a voung pigeon. And h took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece on against another, but th birds divided he hot." . God never deserts His people. He some times delays, but never forsakes, and ther is a promise of blessing which come to vry one who will walk uprihtlv. No tic the eighth verse of this fifteenth chap ter of Genesis: "And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I: know that I shall inherit it?" Abram does not put this test to God because h is incrwlalous, or because he bclievtj-t God may fail him, but be cause it wisl the custom in those days tot one to give 4 pledp-c of the fulfillment oft promise, he siui "How shall I know V God's answer,to him is a very Strang one it is found 'in the verse that follows: "And lie said unto him, Take Mo a heifei of three years old, and a she goat of thre years old, and a ram of three ye;ia old and a turtle dove and a young pigeon.' ri tins, seated opposite the altar we fine' Abram waiting a wonderful illustration of faith in Gi. It is euil enrly in tin morning, and the oii.'rn $ ffe Wi'tre II m but God does not s)e,u. r- 11 .Ai'rnm lie li-ves (;od, nuil he. counts it to him for I bit sftinn. J -e Whs no s n of thv' ne .! o- e of t- s . iiu-e gii'-n as won't mt, b.it lie waver nt; h j. hi n in in as tie ro.- ks SfouiiJ jjun. caiun 14 Imvc r: 1 ultd lion, and the serr?.n i leivc o. (1 :it loin ennno-lv, as t i moid Wjirt WHtiilcrni, lint ,'on .oil wait ' 1 h.'ivp no om-isuuii but 10 tl. one ot 1 Ifw io- t li; -- iii-s cf his loc came to h: -1 II r li ..f """iw wiiu we iouieom ei- (iod has been dishonored. Hit truth has wave glorious, iverrmaa whhas aome-lbeen scorned, Hie authority has been set to know Ood in Christ must eeiVinly say, i uide. His majesty has been alighted, His with the apostle Paul, "All thing, workV 1 law has been broken, His bams has been aether for eood. to them that Inn ftnA - 1 j xt. tl..i .1 rob u of th best things of our life, of ill that would make life worth living. But it is a possible thing for us to drive them sll away, just as we find Abram did 1n the text with which we started: "And when the fowls came down upon th carcasses, Abram drov them away." ' i, These offerinirs are the asm as those commanded to Moses, and if we put them all together w have a perfect illustration ot the atonement of Jesu Christ, and of the power of His blood to Make clean. I thall not consider tl s offerings in their nr- ier, but give them to vou in this chapter. is iney nave impressed tnemseive upon ny own mind. I. "And he shall lake two fcoats and pre lent them before the Lord at th door of :he tabernacle of the congregation. But ihe goat on which the lot fell to b th jrapegoat, shall be presented alive before he Lord, to make an atonement with him, ind to let him go for a scape goat into th vildeniess." Lev. xvi: 7. 10. ;.--.- Very few services in the Old Testament Scriptures are mort interesting in the past, ind more powerful as w study them in ihe present, because of the lieht shed upon ;hs atonement, than th offering of the tonls. There were two in number, and in ihM there lie the very deepest thought of 3od a touching sin. "What must I do to e Mwd!" has been th heart-cry of many I poor lost soul, who no sooner utters it lhan tbe evil birds begin to fly. about his lead, suggesting all sorts of answers to th piestion. 1 One whisper "Reform and the poor, iempted one makes an effort, but what a itruggl he has, for he finds tha'en he ua cut off on tin th str- f it teems to go in th ehann .,k t a . iven if it be complete mich it rarei nly tonches the prcsNit, and possibly the ht-vre, and never Ufa moment make pro vision for one's awful past. Another biri suggests that w limply X good. Ore great evangelist (ays, "Quit KDo rig, and yotr will be a Christian." wits ai' au respect tor tries men, wno bsr oeen counted great, I submit that - fity - aiw wrong; for on might "quit his Vneannese" tasdav. but what about vaster. lav? And one may possibly do right to- borrow, but who is tb make provision for me needs 01 to-aayi a ... . -.v wan s way naa miseraDiy lauea. un as sow turn to God to seek the proper an iwer to the uoekion. - The first goat .was slain for the Lord. nd this side of man's sin must never be forgotten. In the, transgression of maa desniaed. Mo reformation of aver make this wrong right. Thus, -in- the Old Testament the goat was offered' to meet God's demands, which were just, and to satisfy His holy law. And thus in the New Testament Jesus Christ cam to suf fer and to die. Nowadays ther is much teaching abroad, which magnifies tbe life of Jesus, but the clear teaching of the word- of God is that only by the shedding of His blood is there remission of sins: th blood of Jesus Christ His Son clean set h from all sins. Much is said to-day about Jesus being a teacher, bnt He said Himself that the Spirit, when-He is come, would teach us all things. Jesus Christ cam to do just one thing, namely, to die, that through Hi death aa avenue might ba opened up for man to come back to his Ood, reconciled forever unto God. But this is not all. Th second goat was, led forth, with a scarlet cord about his neck.' The hands of the priest were laid upon his head, and then the sins ot the people were confessed, and by the band ot a fit person th scapegoat wa led unto a land that was not inhabited. In this h becomes a proper illustration of the Lord Jesus Christ. 'The Lord hath laid on Him th iniquity of us all," and H ha carried oar sins away, as far "as the east is from the west." it is an insnlratlon for us to know that when Jesus Christ died on Cal vary He not only died to set us free from the penalty of sin in the sight of God, but by His death we ar set free from the pow er of sin in our own lives. When one becomes discouraged and finds that he of himself cannot keep from sin, th evil bird comes to whisper one agaim "You need expect it. You hay been born with a tendency to sin. You have been euraed with an appetite. Your old nature is still with you." All of which we know and believe, if ws are faithful student of our own nature tnd of the word of God, But this Is no li cense to sin,.for If we confess our sin God's word is out that He will be ''faith ful and just to forgive as our sins;" thai Is, He will be faithful to Christ, who hoi tarried pur ain away. -,- Isaiah a picture in th fifty-third chapter of his prophecy is a picture of Jesu Christ as th scapegoat, bearing through th wil derness the weiirhtof our sins. For every evil bird that cornea to dis courage "a or to discredit God' word there is a sure way by which they may be driven from at. The word of God is oui defense, and you have but to hold up to Satan, whose agents these evil birds are, th expression "It is writtm," and he will b ovarcom. . ' U. "And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying: And he that gather eth the ashes of the-heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until tbe even; and it ahall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger 1 that sojourneth among them, for a statute forever." Numbers xix: 1,10. ' If one were to give this passage ol Scripture a casual reading he might find in it very little to arrest his attention, but ii he studies it carefully and compares Scrip ture with Scripture, he will karn that not only is it on of the most intensely inter esting studies in sll th Bible, but that it sheds light upon the gospel story, and makes both plain and powerful one phase of the work accomplished by our blessed There wa something in the color of the heifer, for it wss not allowable to have one single white hair all must be red. Surely this is just a little hint that in the sacrifi cial life and death of Jesus Christ then was not one single bright ray. The offering must be without blemish; if there was the least spot of weaknesi about it it was to b rejected. And Hi was without spot or wrinkle,' or any such thing, too absolutely perfect was to bos of God, our Saviour. ' . ' Tha red heifer was to be taken out ol th camp, and there put to death. An c Jesus wa taken outside th city and era cified upon th green hill which' we cad Calvary. 1 When the heifer- was burned, into th llames was cast scarlet, which (I suppose) was used to typify the ins of Israel, foi Tooth theirs and ours are red like crimson,. er scarlet. Cedar wood and hyssop wert Iso cast in. The cedar was tbe proudest tree in the olden -tunes, tha king of the forest, while hyssop was the common, every-day plant which could b found out side th door of every cottage. Taking thi hyssop on the on side and th cedar oz th other, all nature would be included is th sweep. Eurely there must be a hint here as to the breadth of the atonement provided by Jesus Christ, and also a clear eustirestion as to the power of Christ's blood to cleanse. 0 1 In tho sixth chapter of Numbers, first twelve verses, we have the law of the Nan arites. From this we learn that if tiie "az srite deiihd himself, in any way he must immediately he clrnned, or else step out of fellowship wilh (iod, and that if he is out ot teiiowsi, ne-n are lost i tn-'ie is 111 our f, .dern ... p tl :ll (. -s of his unclean' in ot her wonts, if hiMrti or 1 1 1 n sin, t i to til IliSS "I I c oiiv uu m.'v lie ii. 1 1 1 . Hit t'. 1 S 'I to-1 - 1 t I t Standing silent In the pulpit waited for an newer. The silence was voiceful. Then, looking at bis congregation these were his words: 1 : "Brethren, there is no response.'' After calling tbeje names he would call the same of kings, the names of apostles, the names of famous historians, the names of artists, of. scientists, of inventors, of philanthropists-, and after th roll call came again and again th answer: "Brethren, there is n response. These own are dead." , I could call the names, too, if I would. Here is -the nam of on who was once the superintendent of a Sunday-school, and who answered not at the roll call. Here is another who one stood as an officer in th church, but his voice is silent. Her is another who was once honored in society for his professed faithfulness unto God. but there is no response to bis name' And oh, the 'sadness! her is another whose nam was one a household word as an honored minister of tb gospel, and there, is no response to his name. What is th reason? Because, like th Nazarit, they have come in contact with the dead. Their o!d sins have com up again, like bone from tb grave, defiling their memory and robbing them of their power. It is be cause the very atmosphere they have been Obliged to breathe, like ours, is sgainst God and in enmity to Christ, and it is not easy to keep .unspotted from th world. Th Jew counted every open vessel sn eleanr ... But one is still left to m. Ood is stjll lor. He still love vou. and. bavins loved 5r.a will love you unto th end. His New 'estament provision Is n tar better one man in 01a. ror u so 0100a osduiis and of coats, and the ashes of an heifer ' c Vijrling, the unclean, sanctifieth to the g ofth flesh, how much' more "d of Christ, who through th goffered Himself without j your conscience from f -we th living 'God? .w need not atay -MIT i V. rl l f Ttjoa is luiif. and He thints. K WO UVn 1U1U1I XII. hi. "Ana tnoa snare tax me rani and Aaron .and his sons ahall pur" their hands upon' the heed of th ram. (Then shall thou kill the ram. and take-oU his blood, and put it uporMJie tip of th right ear of Aaron, and upCiNthe tip eft the right eat of his sons, and. npoAarthumb 01 tbeir right Band, ans apon tna of their riant foot, and su blood uDofl the altar round about."' Ex. sxix: ie,2ff. , ' f Another psrt of the offering of Abram was the ram. This, like sll the rest, shed light upon the gospel, snd tb understand ing ot it is th secret of peace for many a life. . ' , When the blood wss sprinkled on the ear and the thumb and foot it was a sign they were henceforth to be separated from all worldly purposes. In this we get s deep lesson touefnW consecration; We have been told that we must forsake all for Christ, snd some ot us have don it. W have been counseled to give up the things that really wa have enjoyed, simply be cause they are questionable or contrary to the teaching of God's word, and when we have' done this the evil bird comes to as, laying: ;:liv v .j.:.. v;:.... - r. Ton have forsaken these things, but what hsve you got in return?" Not infrequently w find persons who stand in this position, who are of all per sona th most miserable. Thi is because they have taken only half th step. They have separated themselves from something, hut hav failed to consecrate themselves to anything, in other words, there ar two sides to the doctrine of separation. We are to be separated from th world, but we ar at th same time to be separ ated unto Christ, and that plac which once the world filled is now to be occu pied by Christ Himself. .; it is to b noted that th blood was placed upon the ear first. This is very sig nificant to an. So many peopl get an idea that if they are converted they must Immediately do something for Christ, when Jn point of fact service come last. Th dood placed upon the ear first teaches the lesson that we are to bear- what tb Lord has to say to n. If we could but cultivate the habit of going alone each day and sit- ting still just to commune with God. what a source of strength it- would h to na! God only tells His secrets to those who shut out the world, and thus com tlos to Him. - - - .. .- Th blood was placed upon the hand next, from which I learn we are not only to hear what God has to say to us, but we are to reach out and take what Ha offers. Ood hat promised us the Holy Ghost, He is a gift. Beach out and take th gift. The blood was placed upon the toot last. This manv stand tor service, but notice th livlne order. - We have reached a time when rule of service ar hardly necessary; when th methods adopted tor soul-winning, we feel sure, 'must grieve the Holy Ghost. In Kint ol fact, if one I. 10 be used ot God must certainly surrender to God, and give Him tbe right of way in hit lite, and then service Comes naturally, and result! are sure."- ' : Light susd Salt. . " '"' ' The Bishop of Ripon, in likening th Christian to "'light" and ''salt," aajv. "The influence of light is clear and unmistaka ble; it displaya itself by its own light; it can be seen and observed. Th influence of salt is more subtle. It spreads unseen. It does not reveal itself to th eye. It makes its presence known by mingling un seen in other substance. We rather note its absence than observe its presence. Its tunetion is, without obtruding itself, to make food pleasant nod palatable. It thus becomes the fitting emblem of that uncon scious influence which is rather of charac ter than of opinion, As light represents th distinot, vigorous and conscious influ ence of tKo intellect, and of the will m ac tive agency: so salt represents that quiet, unspoken, felt, bat unobserved influence which disposition or character can excr " ' - - .- ':':,: - B a Chrlatlam Tf bare To Ar. - - If yon cannot ba a Christian where yon arc you cannot be a Christian anywhere. God is no more in my horn than in thin. J. Campbell Morgan, Tell your friend you mean to spend your life fighting for money and pow er, and he will, it he be an average man, applaud your decision; tell blm you mean to dwell' In, the country, gaming a simple livelihood from your labor, and he will either not believe you mean it, or will conclude you are a beaten competitor In the city's race. Most people do not know . they are slaves of tboir modern improvements, so called, assert! a writer la v.ee Na tional Magazine." They bull'l houeea larger than they cau occupyvfor show, they pinch and scrape year after year to pay for them, and after that con tinue pinching' td pay taxes, repairs and other maintenance charges. A large house demands expensive furni ture. Then fine dress And the de mands increase. The man keeps his nose on the gr'ndstono, the woman woars herself out taking care ot fin feathors. No time to ju,t live and en- y it; git to make a lIiow first so H to tai.e a real rc.it, ami t-ut c3 ail ! '6 v 1 s E t v,''ler ruM IT- Hon 8 r t' , F' p' :, I t I t 1 c: r 1 1 i i i 1- - Iff r ' H t q t 1 1 1 1; I , 1 f ( ! a v t '''t Ml - I i X 1 BILIARP'S LETTER Bartow Man Has Another "Fall Out" With Eoosevelt. QUOTES A rUBENOLOGICAL EXPERT ,- --''V:;.:::-'".'vvj'i::- :' ''.:. "' -'y.-.'7'-'-'-.. "Angularity" of President's Cerebel ' lum Responsible for His 8trert tioslty Bill Is Still Unwell, . But Writes Intorest. .Ingly. '. - - "A little more grape, Captain Bragg," BalcTGonoral Taylor, at the battle of Buena Vista. And so we say now, to Captain Teddy, "A few more niggers to offices np north and a few morn to our southern postofficea. Go the whole hog while you. are at Jt McKln- ley gave you a starter ty appointing a negro over a white community at Hogansvllle, and another at Athens, the cultured college city of -the south, but he got alarmed and took the back back. It was Just such a case aa you have now In Mississippi at Indian ola, for the white people ot Hogans vllle went tour miles to get their mall rather than take it from a negro dirty politician." Teddy has done no worse on the postoffice line. 'The postofflces are tha people's,-not the president's. They are almost, as dear .to us and as sacred as is our preacher or our family 'physician.-':' No -greater Insult, no greater outrage '"' rights, could be te1 DT tyr rant than to anra.t a negro as post, master in white community. The aifznce between Teddy and Mr. M -itlnley is that-the latter played fool for a while and quit but Teddy keeps it up and grows more defiant ot south ern, opinion and southern indignation. Sometimes providence aflllcts the peo ple with a tool, and sometimes with a knave to tyrannise over, them, but it looks like we are to have both foot and knave In the same person. : But "the Lord loveth whom he chasten .eth." -w 'A.-- -: -.,;-o...' ;v. V- .; A medical friend from over (he line writes me that he has a growing sense of justice and abounds in sympathy tor our long-suffering people, but that Teddy's deformity does not come from original, sin or total depravity, but from physical defects In his anatomy, and says: : -. -;,.,i:.;.;.::";:. :;:.!;,: :: "I hare studied his cranium and find that he has too small a cerebel lum. His occiput goes straight up from V the ; medulla oblongata ' and meets the sinciput at right angles and leaves no room for moral attributes. A perpendicular back head like Ted dy's Indicates a fighting, bear-killing, athletic and f foolhardy man. 1 Tha aphyron and the messial plane are cramped together and Teddy's back head Is a perpendicular plane without hill or dale. A man with a very small cerebellum is peculiar, and it will be found on inspection of the sinciput or forehead that the nose and cheek boneg generally rest on an enormous jawbone; or,- as you might say, the jawbone of an ass. If Teddy had lived in Bam son's day he would have re joiced to have been his armour-bearer, and carried his jawbone some." ' r Just so exactly not omy so, but also. - I understand it all. now, --and thank my medloal friend. The lack of cerebellum and, meduda oblongata and occiput has made Teddy crazy about bears and negroes and other black, woolly things. But I should like to know what kind of a cerebellum that fellow Crumpacker, or Stumpsncker, or Dlrtdauber has got, that makes him so venomous- toward our" people. At Teddy's request he has Introduced a resolution to have a committee ap pointed to visit Indlanola and see what our people aro doing to the col ored postmistress. Of course, he will be appointed chairman of the commit tee, but I'll wager ten dollars be dont go. He Is nothing but a gas bag and a coward. Mr. Thompson tried to get him to come down to Alabama and see how the negroes oh his big plantation' were getting on. ' He was Invited and accepted the Invitation, but he did not come. He was afraid.. .And that is what discourages me about any grow ing sense ot justice prevailing among the common people up north. If they are getting any. kinder why do they send' such a malignant man to con gress? Hating the south seems to be the stock in trade of most ot the northern members. The brainy men, like Charles Francis .Adams, have modified and. mollified very much of late. - Forty years ago he was com manding a nigger regiment down here for which I will never forgive him, but lately he has made a speech at Charleston and another in New York, In which he says concerning the right ot a state to secede: "It we accept the judgment ot modern students snd I. investigators it would seem as if the weight of argument' falls Into the con federate scale. The tssde was settled by might and not by right." Then why don't they pension our soldiers and pay us for the property thoy destroy ed; and ask our pardon besides. Four generations! Old John Adams, John Qulncy Adams, his son Charles Fran cis Adams and now this Charles Ft pa ds, his son, and he Is 70 years old and has been forty years finding out that we had the right to secede and they had no right to free our negroes with out paying for them. : Besides; all this, this Adams took charge of a whti! rt'i-tmotit of our runawny noimn to f!;..ht tis with. Lew Wallace did snnie tliIr-3 v. 1 -Vis 1 ( 01 1 ' 1: fl -J. t 1 . 1 . he tVd v . t ti ti 1 t t .' ' I 1 11 ' 1 t ,-). 1 I a 1 I r . f r 1 t armed all they could ' muster up and Joined the granJT'arrny and marched, them down upon our helpless women and children. At that time there were 30,000 runaways up ' north fugitive slaves the meanest of the race and nobody but an unprincipled dog 'o a man would have led them against us. ' Down further south the negroes mixed with gentlemen and were true snd , faithful during the war, and, as GenTX oral Henry R. Jackson said, thej ought to have a monument, bullt ia their loyalty as high as the stars. But pshaw 1 Whats the'4 use' 6f scratching t&e old sores? Let mem a scab over. Are we not nil brethren since the Spanish war? Did not we all fight and bleed and die together , in ; Cuba? Don't the editors and political orators' tell us that fraternal; , peace . prevails between the sootlqns? .1 am, ; still sick, and have been out of the house but twice In three months, and . maybe that IS why I brood and ranif-Tj nate over the wrongs we have suffer ed. When the spring comes' aid tha -birds begin to sing and the ffoer tot bloom,- maybe-.1- v ill. write more Jov-,- Ing letters; and if Teddy wilr-reti and apologize for the lies he told on ' f Mr. Davis I will let htm alone, consld- -ering that his cerebellum Is limited by the medulla oblongata- and the Incl,-.. Dut- . I never read the modern novel. They come and they go., apd afa forgotten; but Miss Pettus, of Alabama, sent me 1 the "Princess 4f Gtendale, and 1 re- luclantly took t g'"Jte first page and got r-o-fht -I fumed thrtoas .a rvj.on' and had , devoured one , jundred pages before breakfast and' all ot It during the day. It Is a falfhi' . ful and charming recital of southern; . home life on a big plantation before , the war.,. Then the war comes, with Its distresses; and Fortes t, wiOr three hundred men, pursues Stract wUHt fit- 4 teen hundred and captures hluvAnd,,; Miss Emma Sanson figures as a hero ine in guiding Forrest across the river;' and then cornea the sad story ot Sara ' Davis, the typical southern hero. - In- terest never flags fn" t6S',beautltuI' story, and it will be a landmsTsi.fOT our children and children '1 children,' , for It is faithful to the truth or con- federate history. ti;p-i , P. 8. The Constitution Is mistaken. Williams, who madsv,that beautiful , f speech In New York, was not northern Williams, but southern Wltllams. He is from Missouri, and said "we) of the ' south," . Not a northern man eacept Charles Francis Adams said a kind word for us, and be left out Mr. Davis. It he hsdsald what Watterson said or -what southern Williams said; he could not have gone back to Boston. BILL, , ARP, in Atlanta ConstituUoii j, ' - - --s!jtHi st : A CAT THAT HUNTS . - A cat that delights In the chase, eat that "points" and retrieves, Is the . latest curiosity to cross the path, of ,i wondering sportsmen of the vicinity of Chester, Pa.' ; Michael Kenney, gardner on, the. old j Denis estate n tar Chester, Is the owner, , ot Tom. and hejt ja8waUsrnycid'- and' devetossdrpusBy's talent for.the i chase. ; Tom since h(g kitten days,. Jias been the companion ot his master, following him In his rambles over the ''' . countryside when permitted to do-so Kenney is an enthusiastic, huntsman., and It happened that' Tom, the cat,,. was allowed to follow the man behind '' v the gun on a hunting expedition , early In the present season. v. Kenney had not been oui long until , he became aware that Tom was mani- testing a keen Interest n his. proceed- .s lugs. - Finally when . Kenny brought . down a pheasant, the big spotted cat 1 leaped from cover,- and -seizing Uhe bird neatly by the neck, brought him to his master and laid him down'. No trained dog ever performed aneater bit ot retrieving. : ; , si asjK-vt . Kenney proceeded then to develop , Tom's talent, until today tbe cat Is an , adept In all the arts'bf the chase. He points superbly, and 'In following a scent he displays An instinct equalled by tew dogs. ... '..;. 0. ? ..,'' Kenney recently shot a bird tW fell intoeypond, Knowing the na tural aversionofjaU4water n ' ' pected jMthTngwT Tom ea tnaTsje alouvlut Tqm seems to .hayeaban- . ioned much ot feline sophistry. Into , the water he leaped and' In a" trice , the bird was at the feet of the -pin- ' 1 ner, while a very wet eat fas Indus- triously engaged In making his tollot on a sunny log.. ,, 'J,:" ' ' r PhlladelDhia huntsmefl who have gone out to see the wonderful cat agree that his services equal those ot ' any dog. Kenney 1 has been offered " fancy, prices for the caf, but h -de- ciares that the kind of money that Will part him from Tom has not yet been eoIned.New YprH World. BROILED MUSHROOMS. Select large flap mushrooms f " broiling. .Wash, skin and stem tlicm, lay them on a dish, sprinkle with su and pepper and pocr a little olive o'J over each mushroom," let them stan l one hour. Brolf on a gridiron over a nice clear fire. Place on a dlnti n serve with the following sauce; I pare the stock as before by bo!' ' the stems and skins In water and tin , straining. - Mince two or throe cii. . rooms fine, add to the stock, v.' '1 a teaspoonful of mlncod parsley, a f, -drops of onion Juice, a small lu'rp c butter and cook fifteen tiiluuieii, t. i aild a cupful nf cream, an even, .t spoonful of flour wet wl'Ti sot1 t" ' cream anil rubbed forr,. i 1 ' M t : cook tog'-; nor for t r. . r. .u; 1, i. add the beaten yo'k of ,.,1 t, :, wtll, r- '- f ' nl'if e st c- - r eerva, 1 5 A 1 1 n.an yon 1 1

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