VOLUME XVIII. FRANKLIN::N. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1903. NUMMU 10. J A Returning' iSail. By ELLEN E. "All the earth Is full, of tales to him who listen."; ' The sail shone on the tar horizon Hue a more speck. White as the wing of a wheeling gull It flashed, then sllp ped Into the concealing depths ol blue . beyond.' ' . "Now she's gone!" ' ' "Yes. It's like the slipping away ol a life, isn't It? One Instant here In the seen the next, beyond in the unseen. Yet to John, who is sailing away from us, It is but a pushing forward ot his horizon line. . He is not conscious of the earth-curve that hides him from us sitting here on the beach. Perhaps," he added musingly, "perhaps that is what death is, simply the curve of our life ocean that draws us below the line to those watching on the shore, while to ourselves we are still sailing on "level Beas' with the horizon yet far ahead." "That is a beautiful thought." "Yes." He shifted his position slight ly, leaning case-fully against the sandy . bank that rose behind the driftwood log on which they sat He clasped his hands behind his head, staring medita tively over the water. : " . "Yes, It Is. I found ft In a little poem that I read the other day. Shall I re peat It for you?" '.-v..-' -'v "Do; I should like to hear it" The sand-bank rose to a narrow ter race above them, where a group of wtl f lows threw a welcome shads around. Tift water ran In endless shining rip ples up the whito beach, lapping softly on the wet sand. A little breeze rus tled through the tall bunches of beach grass Just feathering Into great, grace- ful' plumes. ' ' . . "Please, let me hear It" "Well, it is a simple thing, but something in It pleased me, and watch ing John sail away as we sat here, . called It back to my mind. . " 1 watched a sail until It dropped . . from sight - Over the rounding sea. A gleam of . white, A last far-flashed farewell, and, like , " a thought . Silot out e"ilnd. It vanished an . t V jfto the helmsman standing uircn- I wheel t 1 seas still stretched beneath the J gliding keel. Disaster? Change? He felt no slightest - sign, ' Nor dreamed he of that far horizon line. " 'So may it be, perchance, when down the tide ' Our dear ones vanish. Peacefully they glide. . ' :: , .:' ' On level seas, nor mark the unknown , bound. ' We call it death to them 'Us lite be yond.' " . His voice dropped to silence; , his gaze still searched the unanswerlng dis , tones. The girl beside him sat motion less, her head turned slightly away, holding In one hand a willow branch with which she had been Idly brushing the warm, dry sand at her feet He unclasped bt hands, bending for . ward to look at ljer. ..vi ..., : , "Welir he uald, "well?" Her fingers swept the willow switch slowly badkxjnd forth ov nnuTheu away her bead. When she. spoke, her voice was not quite steady: ""' "I like it very much. It Is beautiful, and If we knew that It was true, how comforting it would be. Oh!" with a sudden passionate note of longing In her voice, "why can't we know that it is so? I have known what It Is to watch some one slip out ot sight that way, and how I have longed for some token just a word or the sight of a face to show that death Is not the end, and "Si all Is well. "But." she added, after a pause, during which his eyes studied her averted face sympathetically, "it has never come." She turned toward him: "Do you be lieve it ever does come to any one?" "I think," he said, slowly, "I think no, I know it does sometimes. Hay I tell you an experience ot my otfn, Hiss Evans?" . "Yes," she said, eagerly, "tell it to me." ;' ' -r - '' lAg&ln his eyes searched the misty horizon line." ,"'.-. . ! "I had a very dear friend with whom I was intimately associated for a num ber ol years. We were almost like brothers, and I knew well what a thor oughly good fellow he was; honest kindly, and as tender-hearted as he was strong and manly. "He had a wife and a baby girl about two years old. His wife was a lovely woman, and they were the fondest, happiest pair of lovers It has ever been my fortune to mee But Bess, ths baby, was the very core of his heart, and she adored her father. He used to spend hours talking to me about her, plan ning her future, which was to be all brightness If he could make it ro. There was nothing he was not willing to do for -her." ' ,-.,' - Miss Evans stirred slightly, and the willow branch In her fingers tapped the sand protestlngly. He glanced quickly ut her. . "No, Miss Evans, you must not think that Bens never ursurped her mother's place in bis heart, but between her and her father there was a peculiarly strong ! '!"! of sympathy , , . .: j ,nk fell ill of a fever. At first It (3i;l tm'ti appear to be serious, but a sud den diauge took place, and we scun saw that the worst wag to be feared. "During his sickners, whenever he r.Mm ml from his stupor, he would call Jkr: 'Bring me the baby, Mary,' ho YO wouid say to his wife, and she M !' I ' !n r8 to the bed. The child iiil'B down by him, looking so l;e his hut II. WILDB1AN. "Excuse my foolishness," he - said, rather shamefacedly. "I do not call it fopllBhnesa," she cold quietly; "pleasC go on." "Well, the end came soon, and one sad day we were gathered around watching him aa he slipped away from us as quickly and as silently as John's boat vanished from our sight this af ternoon. He lay utterly motionless and voiceless. His wife knelt sobbing be side him, while Bet; sat on the bed close to him, her blue eyes wide with wonder but with no fear In them." , . He looked at her inquiringly: "Do you read Kipling, Hiss Evans?" "Yes, some." -, "Do you remember, what he - ssys about Ameera when she lay dying?" She shook her head. "What does he say?" J . . " 'She made no sign when Holdon en tered, because the human soul Is a very lonely thing, and when it is getting ready to go away, hides itself in a mis ty borderland where-the living may not follow.' "These words seemed to ring In my ears almost as if someone had spoken them aloud, as I watched Frank pass ing and malting 'no sign,' and I thought he was gone, when suddenly the baby called him: 'Papa! Papa! I verily be lieve that his escaping soul turned on the verge between this world and that fmlsty borderland' beyond, to answer ber for, as she called him, he opened his eyes, looked at her, then at bis wife, and spoke their names faintly." He stopped abruptly. A light wind sighed through tho drooping willow branches, nod crept out over the wat er In a thousand shining crinkles. The pendulous leaves of the poplars on the side of the steep bluff rising from the Sandy terrace pattered like the Bound ot falling raindrops. From the upper nlr the call of a bird dropped clear and sweet through the stillness. . . '-, "Do I soem to you" a puzzled frown drew bis heavy brows down to a black line over his keen eyes "like a person easily deceived by appearances, or eas trlckedr .- , 'irtie smile of amusement grew e rwd mirVA nf tiAr linn "r- but that," she yssssWered. "Why Because that what I am bait per suaded at tlmlat I was a credu lous fool, trlftKtdln some wy. And yet I know that I was not But," with an impatient sigh, "It is all so inexplica ble by any merely logical process of reasoning." "What is?" The frown deepened. For a moment his -eyes, oblivious ot her and their surrorpdlrfKs, looked back Into the past Then he began, speaking slowly, as If searching his memory for every detail: ': : ; -. v.-r- ;...-- -. "About a week after Frank's death, I was sitting alone in my room, which was on ths second floor and at the rear of the house. . '.'. ; "There was but one door to the room, that opening Into the upper halt On the side opposite the door was a window, while at the back end ot the room was a fireplace with a grate. In the grate stood a large Jar ot roses that filled all the open space. My table stood nearly Jfrthe centre ot the room ont of the fireplace. : w On comlhg In I bad closed the door behind me, dropped Into a chair by ths table, and picking up a book, had be gun to read. No sound broke the silence ot the room, save the twitter of the birds outside, or the voices of chil dren playing. As I sat X had an unob structed view of the entire room) ex cept the corner. Just behind me, and that was filled with bookshelves. -.. - "I am particular in describing to you ail these minute details, in order that you may judge for yourself whether anyone could have entered the room unknown to me and tricked me in what afterward occurred. - "Glancing .Up from my book as I turned a page, my eyes mechanically took note of the familiar objects be fore me; the books, the pictures on the wall, the clock op the mantel just pointing the half-hour and the jar of roses In ths fireplace, a mass of pink, fragrant bloom. Slanting in between the partly open slat's of the shutter, a ray of sunshine fell across a dish ot pansles on the window-sill, making them look like whimsical baby-faces, all a-smlllng. The quiet sunny room was certainly empty of any human form except my own. "Dropping my eyes to my book, I re sumed my reading, when instantly something impelled me to look up again, and there before me, standing at the op! poslte side of the table,. between it and the fireplace and- not five feet away, was Frank! He looked perfectly natur al in every respect He was dressed in a dark suit that was familiar to me. His face wore the same pleasant smile I used to know so well, but his eyes, though kind, had a strange, grave lrv tentness In their steadfast look that Impressed me as an appeal. "As the fact of his presence flashed upon me In that swift glance, he spoke to me: 'Dick, I want Bess. I want her to come to me.' " '-Vhy do you want her to come?' I asked. 'Do you think it would be bet ter for her to go to you than to stay here? Have you any knowledge of fu ture evils that might befall her on earth?' " 'No, t have not,' he replied; 'but I want her with me. I went to hor today and called her, and she lifted up her hands and cried for "Papa!" I know she wants to come. " 'But,' I said, 'poor Mary' - "'I know,' he Interrupted, adding In a solemn tone that awed me, 'yet she shall bo comforted. She shall find us after a lilile.' " 'WV.l,' I said, 'I Will go to her and tell her what you" then I r.-is ahmo. A' 1 -"Until then I had not "realized any thing unusual in the appearance of my friend before me, but as the fact of his amazing disappearance forced Itself on my mind, I must coniess that a cold shiver shook me. "He was here an instant before; now he was gone! How? Not through the door, for that was still closed. I opened it and looked out into the hall. No one was in sight I looked around the room again; no one there. He had not gone through the window, for the. shutters were still closed, and ths dli.a of pan sles still stood undisturbed on the sill. - "I dropped breathless and trembling into my chair. What did It ' mean? Something on the side ot the table where Frank had stood, caught my eye. I looked closer; it was rose. I picked It up. It was fresh, its stem still wet, and anxact counterpart in color and form of those in the jar, but I was sure that there had been so rose on the table when I sat down. What did this mean? Had Frank dropped It there as a token? Then I remembered the mes sage which I bad promised to deliver. "I left the house at once, without having seen or spoken to any one, and went directly to the home ;i whers Frank's widow lived. As I rang the bell she opened the door to me. v ' "'Oh, Mr. Forster, she said, 'I felt sure you would come. Bess Is 111, and I am so anxious about her.' "I followed her into the room whers the child lay In her crib in a feverish slumber, .the rose-flush of her cheeks turned to a burning red, her hands hot her breath labored; and as I looked at her my heart grew heavN with foreboding. It must be true! Her father had -called her to come to him, and I must tell the mother! . "She must have seen something strange In my face and manner, for she turned to ins with a'quick apprehen sion of coming trouble paling her face. "'What is it, Mr,' Forster? Do you think she Is' "Her voice failed her,' and she sanlri on hor knees by the child and moaned, '0 my baby, must you go too?'C-' . "Then she turned to metfh'd said In low voice, 'Mr. Forster, I almost be lieve that Frank 1ias called her to come to him, for this morning,. as she lay qulot and I thought she was asleep, she suddenly opened her eyes and lifted up her hands, railing but in such a glad, pleased way, "Papa! Papa! Papa!" She looked as If she saw him. What do you think? Did she? , I told hor then as gently as I could at I had seen and heard, and gave hers the message that had been given to nV by FrsnKs fac something that had worn face and spoken with Frank's voice. "SheIooked at me steadily while I told her all, and when I. had finished, all sue saltesas. 'Rese will go- too.' "And she did. It wsa only" few days before little Bess died, and we laid her by her. father who had so loved her, and who had come back from that 'un known bound' to call her to him. With in a year Mary had followed them. ' "Now, Miss Evans, what was It stood before me in the solitude ot my -room, wearing the living semblance of , my dead friend, and speaking to me in his own well-known voice? Was It a dream an illusion? I am sure It was neither. If ever I may believe the evidence of my senses, then I must I do believe that It was Frank himself, drawn back from that 'misty borderland' by a love stronger than death itself; and this be lief has been a great and comforting as3urancs to me." They sat silent. Dick's- fare- grave, bis look abstracted from outward things. The birds were flying westward to ths woods where their nesting places were. All the air was full ot a golden glory. Across the swelling water a shimmering path led away to the red heart of .the sinking sun, A fresh breeze out of the nmtheasfjent the long waves running to the shore to break In curling foam-fringes on the pebbly beach. . ... -. Out of the. shadowy depths along the horizon line grew a white sail, return ing. . . -v"See!' she said, pointing to It Then she held out her hand to htm, smiling gently--"! thank you." The Criterion. fcUnipwirliiff Wafer, . . Devil's Lake In North Dakota, ths largest body of water in the state, cov ers about S50. square miles. It is a glacial lake, and once had an outlet to the south Into the Cheyenne .river; through a channel .which is now well marked and empty. Observations for the last nineteen years show. an almost uninterrupted sinking of the water level. Grovea of trees, which once stood at the beach, are now separated from It by. broad strips of land, and the shallow parts ot the lake notably the long arms and bays, have been left quite dry. . - : , Another change Is in the water from fresh to salt This has taken place within the memory of man and is In some particulars producing serious re sults. FlBh wre found In great abun dance up to about 1SS8, but now prac tically' none are caught : The United States geological survey bas established a benchmark near ths lake, and, under ths charge of Profes sor C. M. Hale, of the state agricul tural, college will make rnr.-rul rec ords and a general study o the fluctua tions ot the wsters. An Ambition. Man. When the big lG-Ineh gun was towed to Sfiady Hook the great floating der rick Monarch and the lighter Caption Tom carried tho weikht. while the pow erful wrecking .steamer I. J. Morrtife did the pulling. At the government doik the V irlll dropped behind tie crthir w t and pushed them In scnlnst the piernt th end of whic h an Insignificant little pin driver wns tied up. The hero Mon arch swung elu; e to the pile driver and a man aboard the lunt-r. f ;iriir tut pile driver was In il nic r r.f t ;: eru lied, anil with no ic.-i of t ei r- wo ft'iie-3 of thii a 'to pn n ? r 11 1 M: .' 1 ( it i t i i At ltmoli.rlni limn. In a cask of water sufficient to scald a 200-pound hog, throw In three or four handfuls of finely pulverized pine pitch. Stir the water, a little, then scald your hog, and it you'll keep It on the water long enough all the bristles, with the scurf skin, will peel oft with the great est ease, scarcely leaving a bristle any where. Even the toenails will mostly, all come off. At the scalding of each subsequent hog add another handful of pitch. The effect of pitch In water will astonish anyone who has never seen It tried. Should someone suggest that tar Is as good or anything ap proaching It say , positively no. After a hog la scalded In this way tbsre is hardly a bristle left on to Shave off, Charles Haines, In Orange Judd Far mer. Taint tf On Cut Bon.-,w Compared with other foods, we con sider groca bono the cheapest, tor the results securing from It use, of any one food nearly doubling (as it does) the amount of eggs, and very material ly increasing their fertility, besides producing better plumage and main taining a more healthful condition ot the. fowls so fed. Therefore, whether from a desire to Increase the vigor Ol the fowl or develop Its egg producing qualities, we can most heartily recom mend the use pf green bone, for prac tical experience as well a science, chemistry has undlsputahjjfiomoi strated that the component parts of its! structure afford the highest degree nutriment and sustenance or poulti AlmajCole Pickering, in The Wlscou slnAgriculturist ' ' Grains ItafleUnt InU-lmsw The grains are deficlentin lime and mineral matter, while clovyr is rich in those materials. Corn contains Wtfeiv cent of water and clover hay 15 per cent Of the dry matter corn has but 1 1-2 percent of ash (lime magnesia, potash, soda, etc.), while clover hts over 6 percent Clover hay contains 11 percent of protein and corn 10.1-1. Corn Is rich in starch and fat, however, con taining twice as much as clover. Clover hay lias more crude fibre than the grain, hence la less valuable In that direction. While many farmers have always made clover hay specialty in feeding adults, yet it is more valuable tor young stock than may be supposed. If cut up very fine, and then scalded; It makes one of the best rations In win ter, for poultry and will promote lay ing. For ducks and geese it cannot be excelled. It cufvery 'fine and mixed with cooked turnips and carrots, clover hay will be relished by young pigs, and It will promote rapid growth. In some sections clover bay Is ground Into what Is termed "clover meal," and It Is then sold In bags. Cornmeal Is too fat tening' for certain animals, but in win ter It may be used more freely, being an excellent' ration when used in con nection with clover. , - Preparing miarjr for Mrkt. ' When placing stock In storage, con sider the amount of your trade, so as to have the celery ready at the proper time. You must have a sufficient control of the temperature of the stor age pit to be able to keep certain parts of it warmer than others, so as to con trol the ripening. ' . The dressing should be dons in the pit to avoid breakage In handling and saving moving the waste, at a -time when it Is neither cheap nor conven ient to do aa Remove all yellow or decayed stalks, then cut the root to a point being careful not to cut too high. This takes live o;' six strokesjwlth a 6 Inch butcher knife. Hold the plant with the root from you and cut with a mo tion as It you were whittling shavings. The washing room should be in a warm basement or room where water Is convenient and a boiler or caldron at hand- to warm water. A square cor nered tub Is most convenient. Use plen ty of water and have it quite warm, SO to 100 degrees. This gives a gloss to the celery not obtainable with cold water. Dump a box of celery Into the tub With the butts toward you; then with a com mon soft scrubbing brush give each head two or three downward strokes with the brush. This takes all the dirt out pf the creases and gives It a bright shiny appearance. The tier stands at the table and ties It up four bunches to the dozen, using common white wrapping twine for the purpose, and running it twice around each bunch. All decayed loaves or tips should be carefully clipped off. It is now ready to pack for shipment or home delivery. If you have a large amount of celery, it is sometimes Well to grade it, making a fancy of the larg est, and a standard grade of the re mulndor. Do not try to bring your trade to the size of your packages to suit the trade. We have found that a case hold ing about one bushel Is as large as it is profitable to use. This will bold about ten dozen good sized celery. Line cases with paper to avoid drying In warm weather and freezing In cold. Ship by express after cold weather sets In. I. C. Smith, in American Agri culturist Profit In Qnlck-Growii nf. IT' h prices for beef have greatly .Increased the interest In cattle raising throughout the Eastern States. The ad dress of J. B. Sanborn at North Adams, Mass., before the state board of agrl- fiittiir jaa nn "llfVt'f Prnililptirin tn New l.i'iihiiKl. ' ana was listened to with an I ion by a l;'"n mulienee. of f 1 II s 1 ( 1 1 hHl I 1 1l i f J J 1 n i t 1 e t ) t t e t 1 e V i i i c: n. i i t' .' ' - !l ! 1 a i 1 Miaaeiit la i t. i f 1 will require three times the rood to make a pound of growth on a maturing steer that is called for the first four hundred pounds' growth. It Is shown that twice the growth a day is mads the first year that occurs the fourth year, so that a double loss occurs hi one making an unnecessarily heavy steer. "Palatable foods In abundance or great Bkltl in feeding are required, as free consumption Is the baslB o(, rapid growth. Old bushy pastures cannot be the basis of cheap hoet, for I hoy afford neither abundant nor palatable foods. These pastures most be rid of weeds and bushes and fed. Protein foods In either the coarse foods fed or In the grains or meals must constitute a pari of the ration, though not to the extent advocated by students of German feed ing tables. It requires for a pound ot butter fat under high feeding ; some twenty-five pounds or more of food. This food will make over two pounds ot steer, probably two and one-half pounds, as I have made a pound ot growth on a steer Of average weight on nine pounds of dry matter. It the meat is the product of a good breeder and feeder it will net about tbe same aa -butter, labor considered." Itararoii tn DlrTlii. ' There is a growing tend to mi make reforms in the dalrle department on no in anus more c present meth' cows andf" there Ifnii-nm , dairying than in almost any" tan," cupadon. i The mlfk is to be "sold" and "the dealer Is not particular,' whilt the consumer is In blissful lgnoranci of any of the conditions affecting th preparation ot milk. . Milk passes through so many hands from the cow to the consumer as to render the mat ter of obtaining pure and clean milk difficult one. The dairyman consoles himself with the fact that he strained the milk before selling it, but . the strainer does not remove soluble filth. A pinch of salt or sugar in milk Is not arrested by the strainer, nor is any other substance that Is dissolved, by the milk during the act of milking. Those who handle cows .know that it is not unusual for a cow to get down on the floor of her stall to rest, without regard to whether the floor is covered with manure or urine, and her udder' and teats may have rested during the night on heap of fresh manure. The cow Is not as clean as the hog as tar as selecting a suitable place for resting is concerned, and where the dairyman himself is careless and does not keep the stalls clean, as tvI1 as brush and even wash the cows, it 1b Almost lm( possible to have clean milk. It Is grati fying to notice, however, that some dairymen wash the udders and teats of the cows at every milking, wiping with clean towels, ' avoiding every chance ot filth entering the milk, but such dairymen get good prices, which are secured 'by their reputations tor skillful management of their cows and their product. -; .-'-'y .'.'':'-: The ordinary dairyman Injures his business and loses profit by. purchas ing fresh cows from other ; parties. Some of them will sell a good cow as soon as she becomes dry and buy one in her place that is fresh, but which may be much infericr to tho one sold. Then there Is the liability of bringing disease, as that great scourge of the dairyman abortion among cows Is contagious, being carried from i one herd to another through the practice ot selling the dry cows and buying oth ers that may do harm and which may not be worth the room they occupy. Then, again, the calves are taken from the cows when two or three days old, and ths milk from their dams is added . to that taken from the other cows ol the herd, although such milk is ropy and usually unfit tor use, being Inju rious to children who are fed upon it The milk from fresh cows should go tc the calf until it Is at least a montt old, but as the average dairyman mllki his cows for tha.purpoee ot : selllni their produce he will not willingly sac rifice to the calf an article lUat he cai put on the market. The result la thai the milk sold in the cities Is of variablt quality, much of it Is unclean, and some ot it unfit for human use. Then la room for Improvement and there ar hundreds ot consumers ready and will Ing to pay the dairyman tor his extrs care If he will provide tbem with milk of tho best quality. It may take time to build up such a trade, but any dairy man wlfl make It a point to seek such customers and assure them that he may be depended upon will find that he cannot easily supply the demand. The best milk Is from good and wholesome food. At this seeaoti of the year pasturage cannot be provided or the cows given an opportunity ot se lection of good in tbe fields, but selec tion by the dairymen of the foods giv en at the barn Is a matter which should not be overlooked. Each cow in a herd is an individual, and must be treated accordingly. If she rejects foods that are readily acceptable by the others she should be allowed something which to her Is more palatable, and a variety of food Is always better than the use of a single kind, as the health of the ani mals can only be promoted by supply ing them so as to satisfy their wants. When a cow Is sick or "off her feed" the milk Is then unfit for use and should be allowed to eat alt that she re quires, si such cows aro usually large producers snd demand more food than inferior animals. Every dairyman should breed his cows and make it a point never to buy a frenh one. If his herd Is healthy and free from dlaeaso limn tti i In i lis ai ' i i'i in (. I comlHlon with bws rtulieimy. while the J 1 i f n t ii I n ( x 1 t of f:e f I i 1 in n cow will ha i f v 1 y 1 ti. The u 1 1 i i o 1 1 It is I 1 A SEIIM0N F0K SUNDAY - "-''PVSP AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ENTITLED "THE PRODIGAL'S FATHER." Aa rpllfttn Tlk on Tnta Fuaons Blbll. ml Story 'by the llnv. Dr. jr. Wllan Glmiman-Row It Bevonls On Part of UoiVi Mature, Nkw YoitK Citt. The following sermon entitled "The Prodigal's Father' is one of a series prepared for the press tiy tha dis tinguished evangelist, the Rev. Dr. J. Wil bur Chapman. It wu preached from tha text: "But when he was yet a great way off his father saw him . and had compassion and ran snd kissed him " and said to his servant, Bring forth the best robs and put it on him. and put a ring oa his hand snd shoes on his feet, and bring hither tha fatted calf and kill it." Luke xv: 20-23. Of making many sermons oa ths prodigM son there seems to have been no end. Yet I was in the ministry fifteen years be fore I n reached from any part of the para ble. There may be many reasons why, as a rule, we turn away from it. It may be that the picture is too realistic. . I was standing in the prison chapel t Joliet, Illinois, when a renuest was made that I should sonduct a service for the con vict. Oust as 1 was leaving the building the officer said to me, "By the way, if you should come do not preach upon any part of the prodigal. We have had twenty-tour ministers here by actual count, and every on? of them gave us tho prodigal son, and those poor follows have had about ss much prodigal as they can stand." ' U may also be that we hare turned away from it because it is such familiar ground that it has lost its charm for us. I was sweeping through the magnificent Kooky '.-htnin scenery some time sgo. and when lunged into tbe H'jya! Uorge, ana into tho urana, usnon it e that scenery jsrore sublime nd in all UK world, snd it vj.iinraed before with trt Should have cried out uii.-r Nf those mount- sin ne.iks. ry one in the car, with one sinn.. was gating in rapt admiration, lu woman was intently. reading s book.X to my cer tain knowledge she did nufrjft her -eyes onco from the printed pngeVyile we were in that wonderful scenerw- tmen we had swung ont into the great tohle SfB4Lvi heard her say to a friend, This tr--mHt- tecnth time I have crossed the tnSuntsinl The first time I could not keep the tears irora roiling down my cneeits. so impressed was l.i but now," she said, "I know it so well that I frequently go through the whole range with scarcely a glance east ont ot the window." It is thus, alas! that ws read God's word, and that which fills heaven with wonder, snd furnishes the an gels s thsme for never-ending praias, ws read with indifference or foil to read aLall. And yet my own confession Is that I never have had until recently ths best ol this story of the prodigal. I thought ii was to give us s vision of the younger son, snd as such it would be a. message to backslider, and while this is one part of the interpretation it is not by any means the best part. Then it occurred to me the story micht have been given us that we should take warning from tha sel fishness of ths elder brother, but I con- Sired such a dislike, for this character at I never eared to consider him even for a moment, But it has in these later days become to me one of the sweetest portions of all the New Testament because I believe the parable was written that we might fas ten our eyas upon the father of the parable Snd in that father get a glimpse of God. Did it aver occur to you that in the pic tures of the fathers of the Bible yon were Slways riven vision of on part of ths nature of God? Jacob cryingout "Me Ys have bereft of my children; Joneph is not, Simeon is not, snd aow Yon will take Ben jamin from me," is an illustration of God crying out in His great tenderness over ths lost. David exclaiming. "Oh, Absalom, my son, my son I would God I had died for thee, is just a hint as to the wav God feels over His lost ones for whom His Eon has really died. And yet better than any picture of a father as tho revelation of God is the life of the Bon of God fmm whose lips we have heard these words, "Ha that hath seen Me hath seen the Father." But putting all these things together, and in ths light of them reading the story of the produral, our hearts burn within us as ws see God. I, "BUT WHEN irE WAS YET A GREAT WAY OW." , These words mast hive s wonderful meaning, for ths measurement is from God's standpoint. It would be an awful thing to be a great way off according te man s conception, but when it is ths com putation of One who is definite ws are startled, and yet our amassment gives way instantly to adoration, for w are told that even if w are so great a distanoe from Him we are not to be discouraged. In Acts ii: 30, we read that the promise is unto "all that are afar off," and in Ephe sians ii: 13, 17, we are told that "Ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ," and that Jesus Christ "came and-preached peace to you which were afar off," ss well as to them that were nigh. It never is any question with God as to how deeply one has sinned. ' It is a remarkable thing that throughout ths whole Biblo He has ever chosen the most conspicuous sins snd ths moss flagrant sin ners that He might present to us His wil lingness to forgive. - God requires but three things II WS would know Him in this way. - First, there must be s willing mind. In Isaiah i: 18, we read, "If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of tha land.". In another place we read, "If there be first s willing mind, it b accepted for what s man hath ana not for what he hath not." In still another place we are told, "If any man will do His will he shall know of the doctrine." God Himself, infi nite though He may be, will not save us against our wills. . Second, there must be s desire to know the truth that we may do it. Mere knowl edge of the truth may be our -condemnation, and it is the saddest thing in the world that so many people know and yet are unwilling to do. It will be an awful judgment which must finally fall upon the rank and file of men because all their lives they lived under the shadow of the church ana heard the preaching of the word, all of which condemns them. ; The third requirement is an honest con fession of ones intentions; God never gives to one more lilit than be uses, but if there is in the heart a single desire, bow ever faint, to know Him, and that desire is confessed before men and unto God, He enlarges our vision, shells upon us more abundant linht, and it is always by the way of confession that we enter into the fulness of joy. ' ' II. . , ' "IT19 FATHER SAW HTM." Mr. Moody says that that father was looking through the telescope of his love. I havi always felt that he v-s looking through his tears. It is said that when as tronomers want to increase the scope of their vision they sIJ to the numher of lenses, and sometimes our fulling teat nrs liKe tha li'iics in the teicscone. Xuey bring obit'cts tar removed niiih unto us. hat what a eomturt it 13 to know that the Ureiit 1' ,11 her of ns oil looks after us With a pity that is infinite ami with a s'-ni-Mttiiv that is ix'voml cntu'etitimt. 'i no vision ot the futlu-r of the pnniii'.il TV; limited, hut (ioil s eve sweeits tnnmsh ail nnil lie f'fa tin lvherrv j 1 r:,0 l'Vi'11 1 I 111 our Ii 1 1 I't 1. an I I 1 I I 1 I 'I to 1 is probable that God has made a revelation of Himself to His creatures?" sod his friend answered, "Yes, probable.' Third, "Well, do you not think," said he, "that He would nuke that revelation plain if ws were to ask Himf" and the old pro fessor answered, "I should think He would be obliged to." "Well," said Dr. lUinsford, "have you ever asked Him?" snd ths old man an swered, "No." "For my sake," said he, "will yon ask Him now?" and they fell upon their knees In the study, and the old minister said, 'Ird God, reveal Thyself unto my dear friend." When his prayer was onded he said, "Now, Professo-, you pray," snd the old man lifted up his eyes and, said. "Oh, God," and then as if he felt he had gone too far, he changed his petition, and said, "Oh, God, if then be a GouS show me ths light and I will " and hs was just going on to say, "I will walk in it," when sud denly he sprang to his feet with his face radiant and shouted, "Why, I see it, I see it, and it is glorious!" His agnosticism took wings and departed from him. Faith filled his bean and joy thrilled in his soul. He has from that time to this been a good disciple of Jesus Christ. In the light of all this I make the plea, only encourage your least desire, ana yoa shall come to snow Him whom to know is life eternal. III. "HE HAD COMPASSION AND BAN." I never knew until recently what that WOrif "compassion" meant. I know now that it indicates one's suffering with an other. It is this that makes the story of a man's transgression so pathetic. Other hearts are rondo to ache and almost break. Other eyes are filled with tears and other lives made desolate. I can see this old father going up to the outlook from his home, gazing off in the direction which his boy had taken, coming down the steps again like David of old crying out, "Oh, my Kin, my son, would God I bad died for youl" He had compassion. ' -.. We had in our city a young man who was more than ordinarily prosperous in his business, and bis prosperity seemed to .be the cause of his downfall. It became so marked that his partners called him into their office to ssy that he must either mend his way.i or dispose of bis interests in. tbe concern. His promkrt wetV and all went welLfat sTTittle. season, and then when the failure was worse than ever they insistethut hs should dispose of his internits to them, and with a great sum of jRfbney he began to sink rapidly. Ha Sd cone from bod to worse until not long ago they found him Abating in the river, for he hod taken his own life. The story is sad in the extreme, but the saddest por tion of it is found in the fact that there is an old man to-day going about tbe streets of ths city mourning for his son. He scarcely lifts his eyes from the ground as he -walks. - Sometimes yon behold him With the tears rolling down his cheeks. He bos compassion. And it is s fact that on never sins, breaking, even the least of God's commandments,' that the heart of ths great and loving Father does not yearn over him and long for bis return. .WHAT DID HE .DOT . Ws sll know this story so thoroughly well that it would seem almost unneces sary to emphasise things the father did when ths meeting between himself and his son occurred, but for ths sake ei ths story let me say? s . . - i -' - ' First, ''hs kissed him." You will notice that hs did not wait until the boy's gar ments had been changed, or ths signs of his wanderings removed. There woua 1 have been no grace in this. But clad in all his rags be threw his arms about him snd draw him close against his heart, -and gavs him ths kiss which was the sign of com- Slots reconciliation. This is what. Jesus hrist waits to give to every wandering soul. The old hymn says, " My God is reconciled," and this -is. tha teaching of ths Scriptures. - It is not Vueesssry that I should work myself up into a fever of ex citement, nor weep Snd wail in. the depths of my despair, but it is necessary only that I should receive what God offers me in Jesus Christ. Ths first step in the Chris tian life is sn acceptance of that which comes from above. We had in Philadelphia s young man be longing to one of ths better families, so called, who by his wayward actions dis graced his father and finally hroke.bts ' heart. After s little he left hifhome, went to Baltimore, from there to Wash ington, and after months of wandering de termined to return. Ha was ashamed to meet ths members of his family, but hs knew that if he made a peculiar sound at the door at the midnight hour there was one who would hear and understand, and when hs stood before that door it was swung open and without a word of re proach his mother bade him welcome. The next morning hs did not come down from his room, the second morning be Was ashamed to come, but the third morning ss he descended the stairway his brother, a physician, met him and said, "Edward, mother is dying." She had been suddenly stricken down and was anxious to see him. He made his way into her room, knelt be side her bed and sobbed out, "Oh, mother, I beseech you, forgive me!' Snd with her fast departing strength she drew close to him, placed her lips close to his ear and said, My dear boy, I would have forgiven yon long ago if you had only accented it." This is s picture of God. With a love that is infinite, and s pity beyond description, He waits to save every one who will but simply receive His gift of life. Second, I hare always imagined that whefl the-fajher started out from the house running to meet his boy, that the servants must have noticed him, and possibly they ran after him. WBen ths father saw the condition of ths son 1 can hia.- him as he. turned to the approaching servants to say, "Kun. bring tho best robe and put-it on him, snd it is s beautiful thing to ms. to know that when ther brought the robe tftff father' wrapped It round about him, thus covering over all the signs of his wander ing. This is what God does for ms snd for you. Tho vjnoment we believe the robs of Christ's righteousness is placed about us, and God looks upon us as with out spot or blemish, for ws are t once ac cepted in the beloved. . ; I remember that when Jonathan was dead and David wanted to do something for some one that belonged to hsm, tho only one he could find upon whom he might lavish his affection was poor, little, lame Mephibosheth. He was lame on both his feet, you will remember (his nurse had dropped him as she was fleeing awav from the enemy), but when David found him he placed him at the king's table and in such a position that his lameness wns hidden, and if yon had been on the opposite side from him you never would have known that he had a mark of deformity about him. This in what God does for every roor, wandering, lost one that comes to lim. "I, even I, am He thnt blotteth out all thy tranwjressions, and -1 will remem ber them against you no more forever." Third, he put the ring on his hand. The ring is always the emblem for complete nesa. And this was s beautiful illustration of the fact that the father's love was per fect, and that his love had not been af fected by ths wandrinir of the boy. This is certainly true of Clod, anil I know no better figure to give a thought of His lovo than that of the ring. "For the love of God is broader than the measure of miin's mind, And the heart of the Kternal is most wonderfully kind." Fourth, he put shoes on his fret. I can pee the poor hoy ns he liolihics on to meet his fiiUier, his fW't, bleeding at every sivn, fnr the nhnea mcio worn end he walked Wlh sv, hut. when hi. was well pisod with !i him t . 1 1 rum- in the ume s Imn f 1 ran see ins? hie hand ol the oU i. i.uk to his h"iue. t'l t e('i'' " pi. "led !,y --tot :ir-. is t'.e t - r . i; 1 (-.1. !-,! tn 1. , 1, ,: S-i'l At the close of s meeting (n Jollct, Illi nois, I sat down beside sn honored evan gelist, Rev. H. W. Brown, and amoni other things in his career, he told me this story: r- A number of years before be had s re markable work of grace in the lake region! of Wisconsin In that .town of the strange name, Oconomowoe. After his work of grace be returned one day. for a little visit, and as he stepped off from the cars he saw, at the station an old man named James Stewart. Knowing him well he asked him why be was there, The old man rcsIicJ that bis boy had gone away from liomev snd had said to him, "Father. I will re turn some dnv, but I can not tell when," .,' and said he, "I am waiting for him to come ' back." ' Rtrancm ss it mnv wem- tiiirtaam L years afterward he revisted that phi town. ana me nrst man ne saw wnen ftotrtng-oft from the ears was this old father; Ho4iad forgotten his story, but he met. 'him, sav ing, "Mr. Brown, he hasn't eomoet. but! he will come, and I am waiting." "Just then," said my friend, "I lifted nn my eves and saw ont walking.down the anile ot the ear, snd said to myself. Tf I was not sure that the boy was dead; I would say that that was the son." ' But other eyes had seen him, too, and with a great bopndl the old father snrang to. the steps of tho; car, and when the . boy reached ther pint form, and in less time than I can teU it,' he was in his father's arms. ' Tbe old fath er sobbed out, "Oh, my son, thank God, you've come, you've come," and then, turning to my - friend, he said. ' "Mr. Brown, I should have waited until i4ieAi- Thus God waits, snd looks and yearns and loves. Thus Jesus Christ entreats us to look unto Him and be saved, and in His name I bid you come. ' ... God Resolves. Ws s re about to start ont on S flew year. It is worth something to make stood start.. It is s good thing to make st .' few good resolutions st the beginning of the year. We drift out of the way, get . into bad habits, snd nn timn is lwt.toi tn pull ourselves" Wls.iint,o right courses than! trie beginning of, new year. tnmg we canl An .A th.t 1. .i. tQ.be SJTTtla mnpfl ehor-f,,l .A .ani.l tk.m avs been in ths, nuaf W n . down the fact that we intend to sneak at snaao more kindly than the year before. We can e'so resofve to show the, world thiiS' glorious morrlng face that Stevenson speaks of. It is surely our duty.ts carrvs' 'cheer ' fnl snirit into each day's tasV and trial. We dp well to count un our mercies anqjhe cheerful. It is an awfid sin to go through' the world grumny and morose. - This is a good, glad world we are in.- We are gird ed round with mercies new every morning and fresh every evening. If we give our selves unselfishly to the service of others we shall find Jov and gladness everywhere, The Rev, J. 3, Silcox, :. ,..., . - , "Ths Greatest of These Is tore."" Christian fellowship is possible only be cause of love. It is the only ground oa which different faiths can meet. Christian! unity is not and cannot he found in creed, for there are no two persons of the same church even that read and understand tha Scriptures alike, much less thQi"nf.difIcr ent faiths. ' Instead -of heirg liieorer to fether after a discussion, of thnVce4 they are further aparti, Gfcsitllan' unity cannot be effected in our creed, Such is Impossible. It is not -fouh3 in our polity. Here ths same difficulties" confront us ss before. Nor is it to be found in our tastes-' Indeed, if there is any difference it is that Ws get farther apart here than on any, other ground. Creed, or polity or tastes are not possible srounds of Unity, indeed ithey are impossible grounds. Thersjs hue !jms possible ground, and that is found in love. We may differ in our ideas concern; jipg creed and polity snd in our tastes, bud if wj have lore in our hearts we can strike insnds with eur neighbor snd say, "Mj! Trother.',---Ram,s Horn. - - BlessTn, Oarsslves, God blesses us by enabling us to bless ourselves. Blessings are largely the result of reaction; they are the return upon our selves .of that which wo do. Just ss mod ern mechanism has made ths recoil of peat forces a great part of the value of those-forces the recoil of rapid-fire guns does almost n the work of thoi guns o d!vineow1slaJrtsirTvril teaetietf-slfaTwe do, ur own fates to condemn us, or our own angels to bless us. We confess this truth in ths proverb that we make our own beds, and must lio oa them; God gives us the words of hfe words of labor or, duty or love or burden, but we set them to music, and life is a melody or s threnody largely from the way in which ws set the measure. Familiar ere Emerson's words: "If von love -or serve, you cannot, by any hiding or strata gem, escape tha remuneration." God rnjes, and God so rules that no man or manner to f event can rob" us of the "prise that God bas fitted us to prepare for ourselves.--Bunday-School Times. , - - Power ot On Heller. '-.'- Have you ever thought what a change It would make if you betisvsd with all yeur heart and soul and strength and mind tsat God is? This-one belief would slter every thing. Borne mav even think that.it would change too much;' if we realise'd God. as , He really is we could thjnk?ertnot1.ing else. This I do not admit.- The thought of God should lie to the best of our 4inW ing, like thn sky to other objcrU ofyjur landxcape, always there, bktf, viTcntCu'iii fying. In His presence, coirstanUyisnd steadily realised, everything wriuld ilnd its right place: it would be easy 'to' dc sight and difficult to do wrong. In fact, tha Eroblem of life would be solved. James talker, ' " -w-:.--. - - ii; . " ' , ' '. Am Wo goir. . Terfl4s--irTIower TirocTKlicartj wir.cii iiourisnetn on trie meanest sou v. . ith stood deeds and kind v thtmeli'H. and tis worth a sing a ransom to its pos sessor. That same flower had Ttiff.Tjts deep in the heart of God, and its fruit unto eternity, where every gooS- smill ff. n its unfailing harvest of weal, and every 1 ! deed find its just meed of woe.. Ve n i l not think-to cheat .ousselve with.-f i ' fancy that God's law can fail. Here and hereafter we shall reap as we havif sown. A. L. Glyn. .. . 4. . K -. ' Pity for thij Angels. The lady with the enameled tea cur, sipped and told this story. She sal.i the Incident happened in Brooklyn. "A liltlo boy stood at the window' watch ing the snow falling -upon the-pan ment and blowing together Into dtt patches, , " 'Aunt,' he said, 'do the angola so the snow? "'Yes, dear,' said Aunt, win looking up from her book. "There was silence for a v im-. From out the house across tho a white-capped maid" came . v,.',', broom and swept the sliW;V,i. i the Btcps. She was the oervm r of Mrs. S., a very fantld'cn old lady, who bas a strong d: both children and dirt. Itid.-.- , scemrid to regard the word 3 as t ymous. Ouly that (Jay sins l-a ; c Utile Jack and. his chums aay r hex sides' of the Btree-t. "Jack wali'hed the re;1' 1 f- r a thnn be startled ls f ' fVU-'Hi'M.t.: - 1, I'd i '' 1'"' rave, and r (I j it, t 1 . 1 '.re v. :ts "'!. Wh n ds iiri. i a ?' ".r 't. its re one In -. f lilijl.-:-1 Tr y F-" i-ile I ! X' " 1 I I s 1 a I t : to Mok iK 1 ') ..ii. of 1! 1 t 1 he of