I au. 4, r. ; - Kill TO!!, ! at the nonl-office at Franklin, in- tntiiMntMion through the , i-oiiil-ciass uiattcr. m y twelve months -.- 1.2' six months 80ct i . ifi.?s, .. 15 cent , per lino, - 6 cent. Published ever? Wednesday r eest tbcuahian dlligeut in hiR bii8ino8? he shall stand Vx fore kina : he ball not, stand hofore mean". men.-ProverbB .12:23. ' : ' ': The pension bill thai passed the Legislature laet week i ppropriatea I2J0.000 to be paid out to the vqle ratis. - : , . ..- Au epidemic of grip prevails iu NmvYork aui the hospitals are crowded with patients. It will be prevalent iu this seeliou witbiu i short time, uo doubt. ' The President issued a procla matiou Monday calling au extra ordinary session of the Senate to convene on tomorrow, March 51b, sTa"tiug that the public iutercsts require it. .' The Watts bill ailoas the manu facture of brandy in the country but debars the manufacture of whiskey. What is the difference t between getting drunk oti brandy - ttutiiwer ilmmli To t&'kiblair? The Punsa haa assffrirttoe Jrom Mr. Geo. L. Prentiss, that the ra road will certaiuly be built to Franklin as early as it can be rliion lnI tit at lKrBA nlin la.' skit1 Irs make investments with a view, to its coming need have no fears on that account. n ! : ' ' : The clieutless attorneys in the Gudger contest completed the ta king of test iniony the Utter part of last week Hon. J. M. Gudger 1 will commeuce his side of the case within a few days, and will be al lowed forty days to gather it iu. Theq-Mirother side will have tea "(uTys more tp take evidence iu re. buttal. " - We learu from the . ML Airy Protectionist that a Rabun county moonshiner has a regular turpen tine orchard like the turpentiue distillers have iu South Georgia, and thai from this he distils, euough turpentine to "put a bead ou the mooneshiue whiskey." It doesn't state whether anything not, but says he "makes striuRsqj beads." - Today is an iniporTaiaf' day In the history of North Carolina. The last North Carolina Republi can iu Congress picks up his "budget" and walks out, and Democrats walk in to supply their places, and North Carolina's dele gation becomes solidly democrat ic. Senator Pritchard retires and Hon. Lee S. Overman takes tip the toga and enters upon the duties of bis office today.' Hon. J. M. Gudg er, as successor of Hou. J.M. Moo dy, becomes the Congressman from the Tenth district. iThe place has beeu vacant since Mr. Moody's. death a few weeks ago. Congressman fepeiieer Blackburn of the Eighth district walks tbo plank to give place for a demo crat, -. ,r- rits bill, regiilatHig ihe liquor traffic iu the State haVbrjefl-r1 passed and is the law. -It gos in to effect July 1st, 1903, and it drives the distilleries a:id liquor shops out from the country. It Las been evident, for some time past that the legislature was ex pected to do something' for the cause of temperence and prohibU tiou, and while tbe Watts bill was not all that the most ardeut advo cates of temperauce desired, "it is a lung step iu the direction of total prohibition. Now, isho duty of ihe temperance people to stand 1 hind this law iu all sections of i:,e State and see that it is enforced Mud nimlo effective. Thia is par . t.'ar!y incumbent ou the people f the couutiosbor;ng ou o'.uer '. ':i becaueo of the illicit mauu i s;ture of liquors in those . states j tisnu who will couvey it across :' f.!a'e liui-s and soil it cliiudes- THACnDY AVERTED. ' t in the nick of time our little a vtj" writer Mrs. W. Wat i f I'i .,-itit City, Ohio. 'I'ueii i 1 1 j !"yvi sad havoc will; l it !':!, !i: coo ;h Bi t in be . I iii I." i1'- I Lim, lint l,e 1.' I . " .1 0 I..HT. Iu many rwols by far tlu nioet important act of llm present legislature is the act conceutruting the liquor traffic iu this state with in the incorporated (owes aud limitiug it thereto. The bill sa finally enaeUd into law is as fol lows: . "The Geuemlteseuably of North Carolina do cuact : , . ; ', 'Section 1. J That it shall be uulawful for auy person or per sons, firm or corporation to'innuu- facture, seller.- otherwise dispose of for gaiu, any spirituous, viuous or maltt liquors, or intoxicating bitters witbiu the state of North Carolina, except iu incorporated cities and towns whereiu the sale or manufacture of liquor is not or may not hereafter be prohibited or regulated by special statute : , Pro vided, this act shall uot be con strued Jo forbid the sale of such spirituous, viuous or malt liquors y druggists' for sickness npon tbe written prescription of a legally qualified physician, 'having such sick person under his charge; Provided further, that this act shall not becoustrued as to ap ply to wiue or cider tnauufactnred fnni graites, berries or; fruit ou the Jauds of the person so mauu facturing, or purchased by the manufacturer from ; the growers thereof: Provided further, that this act shall ' not be coustrued to apply to braudy aiauufaotured from fruit or grapes aud sold lu origiual packages of not less thau vegaifgrrti ' - "Sec. 2. TriaTixShall be uu- lawful for any " persUk-persons, -firm or corporation to mau(ac lure, seller otherwise dispose o for gaiu auy spirituous, viuous or malt liquors, or iutoxicatiug bit ters, except as hereinbefore provi ded, in auy incorporated city or town, without first obtaining, as provided by law, a liceuse there fore both from the board of . com missioners of the oouuty in which said towu or city is situatod aud from (be beard of aldermen or city couucilmeu, or the governing au tborities, by whatever uame called of said city or town. "Sec. 3. That auy person vio lating the provisions of this act with refereuoo to the sale, or' dis position for gain, or spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or iutoxi catiug bitters, shall be guilty of a misdemes nor, 'Slid opou eonvic- tiou shal5e imprisoned not ex- ceediugsir, mouths or fined not xcCediug $200, or both, iu the disorotiou of the court. - " - "Sec. 4. That any person vio--1 lating the provisious of this act withjrtftireuce to the manufacture of spirituous, vinous or malt liq uors, or intoxicating bitters, shall ; be guilty of a misdenieauor, and shall upon conviction be impris oned uot less thau lour mouths uor more Ibau two years, or fined not less than $200 nor more thau $1000, or both, iu the discretion of the court; secoiid offense "felony, "Sec.; 5. That auy physician who shall make any prei-criptiou,' except in the case of sickness, for the purpose of aiding or - abetting any person or persous who are not ; bona fide under his charge, to pur chase auy intoxicating liquors contrary to the provisionsof this act, and any druggist srtio "snail duplicate" the prescription of a pbysiciau tor-rutoxicatiug liquors fut auyf ersou cr persons not bona 6de under his charge, - without the written direction of the pbysiciau who gave the same shall be gu;lty of a misdemeanor", aud upon cou- victiou shall be fined or impris oned.or both, iu tbe disorotiou of tbe court, for each aud, every of fense; and all druggists selling intoxicating liquors by prescrip tion as aforesaid shall keep a rec ord thereof which shall bear the true dates of tbe sales arid .bo sub ject at alltimesjo the inspection of tbe solicitor of Ihe district and of the mayor aud police officers of the city or town iu which said druggist's business is located (and all other persons); aud any such druggist tailing to keep the record aforesaid, or refusiuglo permit examination of such record by the officers named a.id all other persons shall be guilty of a mis demeator, and fined or impris rued, or both, in tho discretiou of tbe court. "Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for nuy pprsou to sell vii:o mauu factured from fruit or gropes growu by himself iu quantities lens tbiai ono gallon, and pjd wine shall uot be drtn b : 1. proviMi 'vi- ' k upon the Auy -i r ;i '113 uf d.ih t in f u M : i i ; j . 'i or I v prenns violi l r I! ,-' l !i!i s ' I for ilia ( loutiiiH i the 1 (-titinn i ;" o - ton us i jiini t'ou I'll) of ti ou the q-ii regis-tcr-'d voter j, up - lions of c'ispeus iry, distilleries and Ruinous, or bit ion of one or all of these I ro u- Tii.e elec'ious cannot bo held ofteuer than ouco in two years. The bill also contains provisions relating to tbe management of dispensa ries. This act shall be "in force from and afief.uly 1, 1903. Tuis act is called' a compromise measure between the Loudon bill, advocated by ihe -Anti-Suloou League, aud the Simmons Aycock Watts bill. ; There is vryjttle of Ihe Loudon bill however iu it. It is but tittle varied from tha origi ual, "Wails bill," aud it is so uamed. .." .' The legislature. . Important LcRlttlatloa tor the ' HI ate titnerallj aoil furl'bU . Sectiou rarticularljr. Feb. 23. -Cowan, of Jackscu in troduced a bill to iucorporale the llalsam aud Black Rock Railroad C.impauy, ' t'fcb; ik. New bills were intro duced in' the House by Kiusland of Haywood, to incorporate' the Teuuesseo and North Carolina Railroad Conipauy; and to au thorize 'Wayucsviilo township to issue, bends for" toad - improvi mints. ' Cowan of Jackson" r us tbe County Com Jacksju cdjHi.'i , bridge aero ,,,ut. Bv Jar' . ...Mm. fnr lh re. y . lief of a j ,ow of a .Confederate soldierf iud to correct a state grant scon county. 23 'The pousiou 'bill . was passeD. . there are tew cnauges from the present law. Widows who married sgaia are not' exclu ded, provided their secoud bus- bauds are dead. Only veterans who are three-fourths disabled sre eligible to pension. But this does not interfere with any oue now on tbe roll . Tbo county boards will be com posed of the Clerk of the Court and three reputable Confederate veterans, who are to'serve without CoblpiHUSStlOU; . ' Jarrett : A bill to amend cbap- tcr 461. Laws f 1 889 ; by request Bill to provide for Ihe working of public toads' iu Macon county, passed final reading. Bill for the protect iqn-of birds iu Cherokee county, passed final reading. , Feb. 20. Tbe Democratic cuu- cus uamed Prof. N. Y. Qulley, of Wake Forest; Judge T. B. Wo- mack, of Raleigh, and Hen: W.B. Rodman, of Washington, a Com mission to revise the Code of North Carolina. ' . TfiU House bill to amend the public school law passed its fiual reading. ; This was tbo bill to : give the Legislature tbe power to chooso thecouuty boards of education, as ill 1901 aud 1899, aud taking away the electing power from the Couu- ty Commissioners. .X . Feb. 27. The bill to prohibit (he sale of cigarettes and cigarile paper was reported ; favorably by tbe Committee on Health. ; ' Bill (0 protect fish lu Swain and Clay comities passed fiual reading. ,Feb. 28. Bill autboruiug com: missiouers of Clay couuty to i ssue road bonds, passed fiual reading. Bill authorizing . the commis sioners of Macon couuty to levy a sdecial tax to pay a fence debt, passed fiual reading. ' OABTOIIIA. stgoatsra of BooscTeltaud Beverage." Feb. 27. The president's flying visit to Now York bus caused con siderable talk 'among republicans about the next national republi can ticket, - The consensus of opinion is that it will be Roosevelt aud Beveridge, aud that the con vention will be held at St. Louis iii June, 1904. - ti.'U, Denton III. . Jackson, Miss., Feb.. 27. Gen. J. B. Gordon, couiniandcr-in-cbief of the Uuited Confederatn vete rans, who was taken violently ill ou a Queeu & Crescent Iraiu last uigbf eu route to this city, is re ported to be very much bvtter this morning.' ' It is not thought that his condition is at mil serious. Woman's Fains Cured. '1 hey a re of:cn i':i''il lv a K in cniuliUoii It' ' l,i ft i . ! Mm I i t'llt )..roviu s 1 . t A A ,J tea-..--' 1 ' .DDflLlD'iCITU FrotT) "Gqow Eourjd' By John G:en!ebi Wtiitlier ' 3 ; 3 rnoFKSsoit oeowik n. carpenter or Columbia nnlvraity any uf Wtlittlvr In Warner' "lilUrnry of the World's llt-st I.ltui'uturo:" "In the troattiifnt iu versp of themes close to the honrtH of tltn iihpM Whlttler has not be. n rciuakd anions i'""- As Ionj? as we -slit whose unshod fet Imve trodden the Isnes mid liwnys, as long as thoro be those Unit turn baek the whwl of memory to thu days of tho pastures, the woods and thc hills with a HnserhiK touch o? pcmilne eentlment for the curls of our llrst rosy cheeked sweet hearts, his verse will serve to awaken recollection that are of the very essence of poetry." . 'ftf fj OD'B love and peace be with thee, wher ft Koe'cr this oft autumnHl ulr - Llf is the dark treaees uf thy hair. Miethcr tlirough city casement come - Its klaa to thee. In crowded rooms. Or. out among the woodland blooms, It freshen o'er thy thoughtful face. Imparling. In it glad embrace. r Ueauty to beauty, srace lo.grucel . " Fair Nntur'a hook toa-cther rend. The old wood-eaths that knew our 'tread, . The limine stiodoaa overhead, The hill we climbed the river seen lly gleam along Its deep ravine. ' All keep tny memory (reh and green. Where'er t looH. where'er I stray, Thy thought goes with me on my way, And hence the prayer I breathe today: O'er lppe of time and change of scene. The weary waste which lie between ' -Thyself ud trie, my heart I lean. TTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVs fit -tirMm U " ' ' r ' f HON: LKE 8. OVERMAN. " Hon. Lee S. Overman becomes Senator ttxlay to succeed Senator Jeter C. Pritchard ' ' Mr. Overman was born in Sal is bury, N. C.,on tbe Sid day of Jan uary, 1854." lie was prepared for college iu the high school of lout town aud later entered Trinity College, graduating from that in stitution iu 1874. He taught schopl aud later read law uuder the lale.J. N. McCcrcle, of Snlis bury, and R. II. Battlp, Esq , of Raleigh. He was licensed to prnc- t ice iu January, 1878, and in Ou loborof ll'o same year wss married to Miss Mary, the eldest daughter of the lato Chief Justice A. S. Mer rimoii. Mr. Overman was private secretary to both Governor Vance aud Governor Jarvis,but rcstgued iu 1880 to begin the practice of law. He lcfiafed in Salisbury aud has practised there continuously. Mr. Overman represented Rowan couuty five times in th4 lower bo'isn of the general assembly in 1883 '85-'87, 1803 aud 1899. Iu '87 bo. was the caucus nuiniuee for speaker but was '-'defeatod by a I coalition Of republicailB aud iude . peudcuta. "in 18l3 he was uuaui-i mouuly unnilualcd for er-akor auu elecled. During the late Govor nor Carr'a administration he aao prtsideut of the- North Carolina railroad. : In 1897 he was the uora iinje of the democratic party for United States aoiiator, but as the fusiouietei ooutro'lnd the ligisia: ture by a large majority he was defeated by Seualbr , Pritubard. lu 1900 he was elector at-at large and canvassed tbe state from tho mountains to. the seashore. Mr. Overman has participared' iu eve ry campaign since 1885 aud has cauvassed iu evi-ry ccuuly of tbe slate. . ' ' HIGHWAY ACROSS COUNTRY The Macadamised Rand From Ren ' York to (lilrnffn. - Tlie niovcuicut for tlie hultdiiiR of a tnneml.nnlzpd highway from N-w York to Chli'aito Is certainly deserving of success, :iys the Clcrelaud Leader. Anything that Is dcxignetl to linpiDTi1 the emmtry roads of any part of tl? TJnlted Elates onulit to lie encouraged, for the greatest olwtncle In tlie way of tlie miccefsliil di-veliijmient of the ag ricultural riRloiiH of the country today 1 the difficulty experienced In travel lug over the highways In cerUiin sea nous of the year. The movement for good ro:u1a wan given tonsideralije linpitu.s bcvcuiI yciu'K ngo, w hen a rrcnt army of wheel ridel's li!".;nn to rhimor for liiipi'iive menls 111 llie lilghways, and imieh was acvoti plisheil In varioiw sections of t'ic rminlry tl;ro:,h the efmria of tho Wtiei'lmen's oi '.:ition. -The cni,-' fur hicvcle r'diii nli;,ie,. however, anil one force in toe i; o: 1 r..:;-ls uiov. I TO lit -;S he. II I, it. f ft lit IK 11 I I ) t I I I 1 ef e. I': .1 S- ri j rt'TTv it rvsTf TTTTTi nr.- 1 t t Thou Inck'st not Fnendahlp's pell- ' word, nor . The hulf-unroiiscious power to draw All heart tv thine by lAive'a sweet law.' ' . ' " r . , .. . -With these rood Rifts 1 Ood Is cast . Thy lot. and many u charm thou bast. To hold the hlesncU angels fast. 11, then, A fervid wish for thee The araeloiis heaven will heed from me. .i 1 . What should, dear heurt, it burden bo? . ...... k The signing of a shaken reed. ' What can 1 more than meekly plead The greatness of our common need? Cod' love-unchanging, pure, and - . true. Tho 1'nraclute whtte-shlnlng throneh Ills peute, the fall of liermon' dew! . With such a prayer, on this sweet day, A thou ttiayst henr and I mny aay, : , I greet thee, doarest, fur away!: ;;.. Perfect and Peerless cures I a-id !'irJvir. Kidne n! Iila.1. ' 1 tjyole causeil by una add 4a 4tfe ajritem. It curea by . . . . j - - cieinsinj ana vrt lmiig t:;e blood, tiias removing tbe cause of disea:. Jt give vigor and tor.t aud builds up tbe health tn strength of. the patient white nrftig the retredv. L'RICSOL Is a lu binary in the'medictl world. ' Jt haa cured asj will continue to curt more of tbe above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. Thiagreatand thcrouRhlyteftted ' andenQ'WSedCalifciiT.iRemt(ly - sever dinaprtoluti It cures in fallibly if taken aa directed. Try It and be convinced that it Is a wonder and a blessing to sulierinjf humanity. - Price SLOOpcrlxjttle.orB tnt." tics far $5, Foraalebydrugist. Send starap far book of partio nlars and wonderful care. It your druggist cannot iropply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address s ; vkcscl cnrniCAi co, u Ah cl LUUI t BANKllToK!! CO., Adult, C. NFEDERATE VETERAN, NA8HVILLI, TBNH. i- , OKMCWI.lt KKPHRSKNTS United Confcdent Vetermns, United DMughters of the Confederacy, The Son, and other Orgunhattona. J , lU0tW. Tw Unplti, fear Two-Cent SUmn. ' J . 8 A. CUNNINGHAM. , IniciAL Kuwctiok U Club wltfc thl Paper, a good" foiiiitrj" ruitil as are to lie found In Krauce, Xiermaoy and other European countries In which thelmlld lug of hlehway Im been carried ou aclcntlfleally for many years. . WORKING OVERTIME. Eijjht hour laws are ignored" by those. tireleK; little workers Dr. l;ng's New Life I'ills. :. Millions are alwajsat work, niylit and dy, cur ing IndigTHtion, Ililiousness, ('onnti patioii, Sink Ueadaclio and all Stoin ach, Liver and Bowel trouble... El sy, plena mt, safe, sure. O ily 25o til Sinitli' drug store. ' ' Sotitlicru Eitenslon la Pre t(!d. " Knoxvills, Teno., Feb. 19. The Southern Railway he.3 routed cili ces in oue of the Itrge offioo buil dings here and has installed' 'a corpB of engineers who are euid to he at work ou the drawings,' csti umtes, surveys, etc., for tbf Rabun Gap extension. This a line ' of mud which is projected by ibo Southern to make a ehort route from EHHt Teuiiesspe through the Carolina mountains into Son lb Carolina and then to connect di rect for tho coiiKt. Jt id tho oldj Jubu C. Calhoun route. The line ivi1!;iih now picpofeil, tin huiii Potllll from Maiyvillo, Telili., to which point, llio niiilicru jilreinlv hiis H lino ! r J t J t this ty to I' .lltlo Teole in r I i llll'llec lq t ,1 l . A A JL t I I A?gealfc I'rcpnraticn foi-As-sirnilaan5 lite Foal andBcHala uiiL1 tlie Slu jucls atulDiwels if Uiitlie Pi0mt)'.c3 ni'.iion,Ctv?errur ncss and Ifcsl.Ci'iilaUis nrillOT Opmm.Monrfunn norJiuicral. Not 'Kviicoxic. finptt Seal-. j4nr -fcJ ' ltl(.UllrJbcla ri'(.W- Cltjtfttd towr Aperft'cl Ilemefly fcrConstliw Tion . Sour Stomach, iiiamiioca 1 Vorms .( onvi ilsionss .Fcwi ,h ness mid Loss of Sleep. FacSimita Snjnulurt of 4 ; EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. coo ." . 4 "-')'J bv ;. jiff MM 000 is 3m : .." m MM Si Mt MM This is ihs Place to Obtain EXTRAORDINARY MM Jttjej Grand Swseping ; Low Psls ' or MM .si. ... WRIGHf& ROBINSON'S STORE. East Main Street, MM m MM MM 'MM . MM ' , MM .MM MM M MM Everything In the house at S .- i . . ..... n La ... ,i- S,..i,ii f MM 3' Ml take ror.ni for pur Spring Goods. Tl . MMM JJJaiid it's room we want to display them. MMM VmI j . .mm - : MMM MM MM MM kM MM . MM : MMM M MM M.M MM MM MM MM , 'MM 1mm GilLsl Gooh fjp WRIGHT & ROBINSON'S STORE. lM news briefs: ... . In a fire in Lowell, Mass., ; Mrs. Sarah F. Kill re!p and perhaps1 others lost Iheir l;vf B last Friday . morning. The Burba uk . block was des.iroyed, tha damage esti mated to be $125,000. t htve h.'d orca;!n to us, ynur i)l.'ck-!iraie!ht .Stock sua Poultry Mcdi. k cmf. and S'n pii:i xil to sv tint I never "V u-d aHyi:.: ' 1-r 5t;Kk tiiat (.ive h -If as ; ' C'.d 'Im v. ii 'n. I hr.i.-ii y recoin mriid It li r.ii ou h.ti ef son k. J B I ,, M L ., H r 1( III.! i 1 1 1 I I., a. to r i r "1 . Ml - 0 y: vi .. iil ha v. .(! X V - ii .ai iw. j hsi Tb Kind Yen l!V3 Bears the Sisaiature' of Thirty Years tms ecsTAun eftMv, mw yoss cm. aa; EaS a an (aa w aai ii m kaar aaa tai iii a an kkk a5 aaar hhh fc' h.tt tki m m Hi aav FRANKLIN, N. C.IjS Hi , l ' Utii :'. . ' , ' UXK , - - aaS . . . hi.' lowest cash prices. We mustaa? .? ''..'.-, a 2.iArla , rPI,iv n.tf. itniv urrtvinry T Z aaS KkS , awS t'Oo aC . aai Lai a , a a a 5 a mi a aaa; Hi hi a if aafc" aaS aX Jill the tfeoplt. NOTICE. The iindi.rtiiined liaiinir qunlified l a Almii,iHirxtr'of Kntaheib Buck- ner, nil pcraoiis having claims against per est me are liereliy tioiiKed to pre- sent tlie same, ot lliis nolice will lie plemled in hut of the same. This fell. 19U3. J. B. JuhTHK, . . Ailmr. K0TICK. iMa-ion County. Having qualified as adininlHtrator on the estine cif Mark Talley on the oOtli day of Jan. 19U3, notice is liere liy given to nil persoi; indebted to the estate of the raid M ilk "Tnlley to make linmcdiate pauneut an! set tlement ; All pers.jiis having claims ngiiinst said estate will present them for pauiieni on or hefura llie 25ili day of Feb. IPC4 tr lliis notice wi'.l lie plead in bar of their recovery. Tnis Ujih day of Feb. 10H3. ' G. VV. lUrs, Admr' . '.Alnrk Tnlley, Deed.. IIiMand(., N, C. '- i NO TICK. Macon County, 1 1 :n ii 1 1 1 1 ; i ! i tied as on I lie esi a: e of J. ilm iimiilr,'ilor ley on llie ) day of J.in. i;.''i:, notice H l.eichv I'ivti lO !l;l i-i'SMIlH ill'l. Ii!', to the vta'e tf ihe i. ,i I John !,'i.!ey, to . -! ' i:. m- V j I 1 an I t- ' ; , i.ien ; a - AW- ri Usg UJ For Over no M i C t I FS k, t J air Insures only lu the best Com-'v'- puuici. ' Lobbus promptly paid. T. Baxter Wliite, Ager.t, HIO'ULASDH M. C. FOR CHEAP RATEG TO TEXAS, ARKANSAS,' LOUISI ANA," OKLAHOMA, INDIAN" . TEimiToi r,:cA li korn i a, I OIA)UAi0, UTAH, WYO JUING.OIIEGCN, MONTA NA, WASHINGTON, inrl Oilier t'oiniit Weal, Nurlliwent and Soutliwvat, Write oi cull on - J. O. HoLLBXBgt'K, - Dftttrict Puaaciifsur Agwir, Louisville - and Nashville R. R., No. 1 ttrown lilil. Oppoiitu Union '. . Dt'pol, Allanlu, tin. ' ' (120o) N0TICK. " I3y virtue of the poa er of sale coo- tainoil in a morigage deml executed km in": uiiuirij;iicu iiii'i iiiio vii iiiv aeib.day of Out. 10UU, by . W. J. Kerry to atcuie the payment of a lel.t of tl50 due Out. SW, 19UI aitd ' default having been made in themy : nienl of said debt. 1 will on Won-' day the Ulh day uf April 19U3, be tu tun tbe hour of 10 a, in.' au I 4 p- m. at the com t house door in Frank- tin. il. icon countv. to aul.efv aui deltl, Hell to the hlglivat bidtk-r L)t '. cash the following described land U- v U i ; Jiting the itfiid sold ti W. J. Herry by S. M. Merrill, in j Alacon;' county, N. IV , UeginuiHj; at a alake,-'. the beginning comer of a Haul for- uu-rly Hold to VV. i. Berry, aud ruua VV 23 polea lo a W. oaki lau aoutlt- wlih Cling . W -airi"-" "'r At SundiVi i'i"("n liusomru , t & pi A t.. T l . jiost oak, then T& pole to oak Berry Y comer, tbeuuu. Uiifct.on wun lierry a line to the uu- giuiiiug, conlaiiiiiig 18" aurea. . Tins', Wen. 'imi, 1UU3. S. M. Aixauirr, . Mortgagee.. Sam L. Kkllt, . AiMiignee'e,- . , ,? ; (1210) " .- By viitue of the power of sals contained in a deed of Trust execu- . led by E. D. Frank it wife Flor eiico Franks ' to the uudersigited . trustee on the '20lh lay of Owl. 1SW, to secure the payment of a debt dtt j Sam. L. Kelly, Trustee under lliu ' w ill of Clia. L. Frost, of I3UU and interest, due and payable Oct. 20, tWUJTjnjdde.faull. havuiirbuen made Hi thu payment oTSliTwfrattiljli, leiest, aud the said S im L. Knlly having requested the sale oi ibe lami uuliveyed by said doej ot Trust, to satisfy said debt. - X will on the S.li day of April 1918, between tho hours uf 10 a. in., aud 4 p. in , ai the court house door in Mucou county, sell ' ti the highest biddy tor cash in aucof iiaiiue with iho teVins of said deed vf Trust, all lliu land conveyed byy deed of (rust a follows, to wii'r'A'i ihe land conveyed in a deed from J. D. Franks & ife to Florence Franks said died rrgu-u-re'd iu Book WB li" pae Ml in offiuo of ' Register of Deeds for M loon counly,' lo' which feferencu is made fur a -fuller do suiiptiou of said land. This Mek t, 1903. J.F. lUy, ' - Trustee.. . K0T1CE. North Carolina, Macon County. Superior Court, , Before ths Clerk. Barrett II. Fleming, Bertha II. Pleming, Barney II. Fleming, Ilat tie II. 1'leiiiiug, Belie II. Gober aud J. Ii. Gober. VS. Ui zUII. Fleming and Beditord .11. t'leiuing. KOTKE. ' The non-rctdent defendants, F:i ail II.' Flemings snd Bediford 1J. I'ltiiiings above named will lake u lice that an notion (milled as aUuvu has been commenced in the superior court of Macon county, N. C.r tbo purpose of which is to sell the 1 a, " c of which plaintiffs and h fi ii 1 i are tenant in conunon, ns kco r -law of William 1. 1" ' 1 H ion iniioe I ! illi) I An 1 1: s hue to a l to.

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