MAN AND Whea a hllow's kind of wobbly tad unoer- fhey don't oom orowitln" round him, not tela ou ht feet, r tle. out tbelr bands and ny: ' 1 has to work lUi sixty (or to get both "W'ro your friends, old man, wo love you; V it,errt.4ii-i we've the same blood, anyway I" V ;i 11 not; ot murh account, and has to. No, indeed ! ',' "'. r But they watoh to give the boot tojou when . - ...iP .": ' uf . . friend are what you need. ul . OU bit I 4 . They don't uome sayto' "Old ehap, I'm the When things hate got to cumin as a lellow only frleud you're got !" wants 'em to, . And jtrniemlwr that wo'ro brothers," and TJhen his pockets are all balgla' and nil that kind oftorpmyrot- elo's are line and new, V" itio; Indeed I When he stes out proud nod lordly anil And they Aon'l nt Jealous over you when ain't got thine; to fear, . S IiumU ttionkrit you net-d. There's a sudden change eouies OTer (oiks ' l i, ; . r . g.-i , I.''- that used to wink and sneer. It a fellow' Vlml o( lonesome and would jns- runnln' then to tell yoil that like a frlead or two . ; . they're all your friend, and say . Just to come nroun l and Jolly him when That they're always been dead anxious (or v , tHnss are lookln bloei - to kelp you out sc-m way It the shirt tUat b's weirln' Is the only on ' . . . , bo's not, les, Indeed I And he never showed the public that he's friends ate always mighty plentiful when really on the spot, Jrlends ain't what you need. ' ;f ' " . - , : 1 . - - . .' v. t THE PROFESSOR'S REVENGE. t "Prof. McVint regret that, owing to his absence from town, his lecture on .'; The Aspirate In Greek" Is unavoidably - postponed." This was the notice .that greeted th: crowd of students as they surged in one mass to class room No. 20 on the morning of June 5, some two or three : years ago. '". T "Hello! what's the meaning of this?" "said Pennington. "The old lellow was here as. late at 10 o'clock last night, for I was "with him at the science pic nic yesterday, and it was after 10 by fhe time; we got hack. He's cone off .; mighty auick!", ."Perhaps he hadn't time to got his : fartnrA rwirtv " nueeontpd obe. - "More likely" Ms mother Is deafly - said anothaK t ' . . " 'Tent to one he's in love, and gone qff to pop tho question," added a third. At this there was a general faugh, in which you -would have joined if you had known th professor. Tall, lean , and angular, with a decided stootf. and. eyes that were screwed up almojt' to vanishing point, he was hardly the : personage with whom to associate any Idea ot hl' tender, passion. His age, - too, was against him, though no one knew exactly what that age was. If you ' - ' n walking horns' from on ' fipianado yo .mi euihusiu.n as he lk beauties of the Greek particles tuged your mind and Mid lie 1st 30. -' "i.uj iiow, ho was not popular. His dry Scotch humor was not appreciated it very often hit too. deeply into the feelingsf his fclctlm to be pleasant. and all who camo beneath the lash of his tongue bore him no small grudge for what he made them suffer. Then he lived absolutely apart from college life, not even mixing with the other memoers oi me sian. i;onsequeniiy .ne knew little of what was passing around him, and was given, cjedlt for knowing still less, . i il ' . . t He had never been known; tp miss a lecture; even 'when' one morning he found1 on hi arrival at college that his crass iroom had been burned out in the night he calmly remarked to the crowd of students near the door. "I think, ladles and gentlemen, with your permission, we will deliver our lecture in the corridor," No wonder, therefore, that there was no small stir when this historic notice stared the " world uu- blushlngly in the face. . " " I. wonnn- what It can be.jawTIYa JUr""""? w.f?Teud jemima Bates, as they fllrneu slowly from the class room door and walked away down the cor ridow "Poor man-. I am afraid there hi aqjnetbjpg; .wrong. and he haft op one to look after him or do things for him. It seems-a" very lonely life." " ..... 4tA la" t.Ai.raA1u hnnni. '1.'!.. Vlte work," replied Jemima; Vhe doesn't want any one to. look after him.;' Jem ima Judged all men (and women) by her own feutlngs, which is a danger l ous thing to do. -v. ' ' ". ' ,Jk i'l don't know " said ier companion doubtfully. "However. It's no concern ot mine, to I'm oft to tha tennis field instead." ' Had ah only known hat it was a very great concern of hers she would have given the. matter a little more thought, -1 " f The prerioul dayvW young 'Penning ton had said, had been the science pic nic. Much to the surprise 0 everybody, J 4ue pruiessur unauy acceptea nis lnvit ationMhough he wrote first of all de clinlng. At parusal of the list of in vited "arts" was the cause of hU change of mind. The fact was Prof. McVint was in Jpvfirit hid taken bouj? time to convince him of the fact, and he had argued it out pro and con' with himself in ettry ttnaglnable way.-But fy:om -the conclusion h could not es cape; whatgver his premises, the de - du:tion Invariably came out: "There fore, -I love her.'-" - He began to- notice It first in lei way: tnip nis mina as ne was j)usy jn the preiiaralion of his lectures, there wouid creep the Buneplltlous thought, "What will She think' of this? "How will she take that?" Then he found himself thanking' Providence, that by its kindly ordering the lady students astln the front row during lectures, and, therefore, more within rang of his somewhat limited vision. The next thing that he wps conscious of was that he was hunting high and low In his room for a pair of glasses far stronger than those he generally used and not nt all necessary for mere reading pur poses. Two or three 'times he lost his -iUita)n his notes and stood confused and pit to shame before the class, a thing ti..TTha3 ner happened before In all his experlencp. Finally no came to tie innil'i.'in t'Ut the tie wlmh 1." h I L, mi Tie'-1 v,h"n the snlor M 's a fi' ' 'nun, and nl-'i h ho e, v. u ! tl 1 "I' !4 i a Inn,' . is r , 'g s. , ''n' 1. but. the r !-.. ' i 1 HIS FRIENE3. bold as to amaze' himself,. the profes sor sat alone and neglected in a corner of the brake. Tha kindness of heaven, however, aided a.-litUe by tha cunning of man had placed the object of bis ad oration almost opposite him. So, while he gazed blankly into space, and was supi"""'" h " one who gave him a passing thought 'to be elaborating a new treatise on ;'The Particles,"" he could all the time feast his eye unob served on the vision of beauty not two yards away. , Lunch eaten, the whole party broke up and scattered. In all, directions, as part 1 1 -i will do till the end of time.' Now was bis opportunity; he would foll. w the group containing his idol at a Jtiul distance, and surely he would get a , chance of speaking with her. alone before long. Keeping the group In .sight' and himself, out of It, he dawdled and hung about, aa Is the way of people who are doing their best not to ovrtake a friend a little way ahead. Ha walked forward, then back a bit, then on again, then back, then stood stock still for a tew moments, pretend ing to use his watch aa a compass, anil then, finding that some one had been watching his maneuvers with un feigned interest, bolted-stralght ahead as if he were shot from af gun. 'In less " ' " i twoi minutes he was upon the '" alas! hig"wy fta;rr'e'-",l iln, ami she Vim nr PVv .. t jiU H-.-V a,,inJnna Uatest . Having trle xpfain his sudden swoop, "down oh 'lose unprotected fe males, and BnTiiigNusmally failed therein; he turned aside, sick at heart, and entered a small plantation of young trees. A narrow footpath led through this,, and aa he n eared the stile that opened' oi 'the fields beyond he saw two figures leaning against It. Another moment showed him Eva Mil ler and; young Pennington 4eep in con versation and oblivious of all around. Quletl jf and unobserved he turned bacK, and on reaching his room that night he told his landlady he bad to. go away by , th4 early train for two or three days. Hence that notice on the class roons door. The -professor's dream wits Over; there Was but one thing left revenge, and the professor settled down to plan and scheme how best to obtain It Pen nington was reading with him for a classical scholarship at Oxford, so the professor sawthe-way quite clear. In stead of ojpejtfur extra in the evening. Jjia-gKe his pupil two, and sometimes even, more, out of bis own ' valuable time. He looked up all his old notes and hejpa, and lent them to his enemy; he corrected all his work with especial care and went b the- trouble ot writ ing out model answers for his pupil to copy, (n abort, painstaking. nd thor ough as Prof. McVint bad always been, he had; never taken such pains or used sueh thorough methods with a pupil beitI'othlng was too much trouble fo? Jitfti. "At any rate," he used to murmur to himself, as deep in his heart he nursed his revenge, "If she can't marry me she shall marry one of the best students Oxford and this place ever turned out" ; ; v And when eighteen months later the news came that Guy Pennington "had pulled off the top "subol," at Balllol the professor's-rovenge was complete, and his satisfaction knew no bounds. "Congratulate you most heartily, Mc Vint," said Dr. Smithers, the physics. demonstrator, "one of your best suc cesses; won't Miss Miller be glad!" '.'Oh, nonsense," returned' the profes sor, "no credit due to me at all. A fol low with brains like that could get any thing, no matter who prepared him. Bui'V-with a sign "I'm very glad for her sake." "Yes," answered the doctor, .breezily, "she always was proud of her brother. Good morning, McVint!" and he was gone like a shot The professor stood rooted to the ground. Her brother! Her brother! What could It all mean? And then was seen-a sight Such as never before was witnessed by gods or men, Students on their way , to college stopped, amazed. Amiable old gentle men out for their constitutional forgot their amiability, and swore horribly as they were rudely, hustled and pushed, aside; elderly females screamed, ''Hit Stop thtetr" butchers" boys whistled and cackled; servant girls craned their heads out of windows; little dogs bark ed and yelped for pure delight; and all the universe stood still, as Prof. Mc Vint, gathering up the skirts of his ample gown, flew down the length of the esplanade ia pursuit of the unsus pecting Smithers. i "Brother, did you say," he burst out, as he cought that worthy by the arm; "did yo!i say he was her brother?" Smithers stared blankly nt him for a moment "Oh, I had foVsjotten,". he p ' 1'iriMp aiiiiind with ft ajmoyed ai . c ' sa !y " ' Uli and i Milltr. it a f . f i ..i,l brol u about nothing! r t in h I i'i ' is ri as bt But what diucrence (Iocs it wake?" That v. pi'lirti'd t i n t! What the professor said In reply, history does not record. Black and White. . . SCOOPING . UP FISHE? Lured by Headlight, Thny Are Poured on Board In a Steady Stream. The houseboat Atlantic, built ex pressly for the purpose ot catching fish by drawing them to the net by means of a light, lies at the foot of Henrjr street The Atlantic hails from Norfolk, Va., and wa brought up here to have steam power installed. Her oftrner and master Is Capt. W. E. Cole, the patentee of,a unique meth od of applying the long-known, fact that a light" attracts fish. Last season the . Atlantic operated in the waters pear Norfolk, nd Jiroved a tcritable fold mine to her owner." The novelty lot the plan, excited tho curiosity of the guests at tne noteis at uia t-oint, ana Capt Cole t"qk them out for the night when they would have, a chance to see the Atlantic's strange apparatus al work. As many as fifteen passengers could be taken in these trips and they tu" , lura ""7 fiT K" J paid the running expenses of the boats You see." aaid Capt. Cole, '"the idea of attracting fish by means of a light is nothing new. Stand under a light near -the water and you can see for yourself that the fish flock to it They may retreat from the light, but as Soon as they reach the dark they will return again." To draw the unwary fish o his boat Capt Cole had "a powerful headlight, of 4000 candle power placed In the bow near the water. Experience has proved that a headlight similar to those need on locomotives Is the best suited for the purpose. The past sum mer Capt Cole tried a searchlight, but It threw Its rays parallel and they lay "like a log on the water." The headlight spreads the rays over a wedge-shaped surface. AU the while the fishing is going on tho Atlantic is driven through the water at the four or five miles an hour. ; in iront or nis cratt vavsCbit has Bother boat which flojtsthe faiy or wide end of a tunitfshaped net The net be used wnu feet at the mouth, tapering na tt About a feet, and iuur leejnign. Tne rear or narrow end ote net S supported by a stage, whh gives A place for the workmen tff'stand, for the apparatus needs sev jHnl men to attend it Behind the nar- n eud of the scoop net ia a recep- tije ;nto iwhtch the fish fall. From therms the catch can e dipped up with handViets and passed to the men on the TjLt boat, who sort over the fish throwYs back" those under size and atortnMhe rest away. By proving the boat when the fishing Is vjna; on a constant stream of fish, drawn to the trap by the light, is forced out of the end of "the net by their efforts to reach the light and the motion ot the vessel. When the inven tion is got to work the fish pour la like hailstones, and it requires eight or ten men to dispose of them. To facilitate the handling of i the catch Copt. Cola hns Invented a sort of conveyer, similar In principle to the machines used to elevate coal, ore, dirt or other material. Capt Cole's Inven tion is made of net, and .lift the flak from the rear end ot the , scoop to the boat behind. By placing paddlewheels in front of his vessel, which is driven through the water by her engines, the power that drives the conveyer la ob tained. If It la impracticable to use this device, power from the engines can drive the conveyer. Baltimore Herald. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. . Specimens of tour, five, six, seven, eight and nine-leaved clovers - -have been presetod to Queen Alexandra, by a Welsh lady. - - - n Water is so scarce In the Japanese island of Oshlma that it is the custom (or a bride to take a largo tab et drluklng water with her td her now home As a klni of dowry. On the south coast ot England there ia a hotel in which a tropical tempera ture is constantly maintained by means of steam pipes. The guests are mostly pensioned officials and. officers who Bjent so many years in India that they cannot endure the climate of England. The most crooked railway In the world Is one from Boswell to Friedons, Pa.( the air line distance being five miles. The road doubles on . Itself four times, and at one point, after making a loop of about five miles, the read eemes back to within 300, Utttt at itself on a grade 50 foet lower. . A peasant in the Swiss canton of Zurich, on a recent morning, lound In his sUble a stork that.' had apparently been left behind by his companions on their way to Africa, The bird, which seems to feel quite at home with the other animals, goes out for a walk when tho sun shinos, returning to tho stable in the ovcnlng. Chinese doctors are very particular about tho distinction between physi cians and surgeons. A Chinese gentle man was struck by an arrow which. -".ilued fast in his body... A surgeon waBent for, and broke off tho pro truding bit of the arrow, leaving the point embedded. Ho refused to ex tract it, because the case was clearly one for a physician, the arrow being inside the body. A Viennese engineer has conHtruct ed a' small sailing yacht niado entirely of suocia ot mi daily p iper. Tho yacht Is 15 loot long and three foet, wide, Is docked nil over and is provided wilh a ei'iitrehnarrl. Tho hull, deck, mails, nails and matter are all of pnpor. Tiro inventor I'm 3 r:ido many trips on tlm i th v in C a rinthia, and hns juuvtil t'Mt 1 h pipr boat tart sail raimlly n,ul : u y evw when tho water ib rou,li an 1 iiu vtinfi M't V.n ,i ! (i o DILL ASPS. LETTER Jollies Senator Mark Haima Anenl That Ei-Slave Fension Bill. IS Simi A CAT.E CF fCUTICS With 8tolca Fortitude Bartow Man , Relates an Exciting Experience With Fire and a Hot Water 3 ' Bag Is Resting Easy. . "Tlmeo Oanaos dora ferentes." That's what the Romans said when the Grecians brought them presents. "Bet ware of the Greeks whoa they come with gifts." I suspected Mark Hanna whoa he Introduced that bill. He' is a Greek and he is from Ohio. Bewarel But -he made a bad break. He was try lng to get ahead of Teddy, and tailed. Bring in another horse, Mafk. We . our old darkles, but your bill would have salivated half the population, and Included the 30,000 you stole from us before the war, Our old negroes are the best we have got. They are still humble and trusty. My wife brought three shuck foot mats from one yes terday and got another to put a spill bottom in a chair. We would rejoice to see thcse-old "negroes handle some pension money. An old woman , got 124 yesterday tor her husband's ser vice, and I asked her what he don and she said he kept the officer-- company in chickens aV unaitanooga w 585nnah cook, Amu AjH"said tne ' ery!6werf ul fond hoi uuT.-uf-ohlckens, lo:Wru her old man coi I not get a en any otner way, hi vould go to town and buy one. But It now looks like TVddy's hand has busted on the race nrkbom. Hel can't solve It The north is worse puxxled - over it " than . ever, and Secretary : Root " has. spoken out in meeting and says that so cial equality and ofOceholdlng has to be abandoned. Bishop Turner declare? that the whole problem is In a more unsettled condition than it has been in thirty years, and they must be sent back to Africa. That is all right, but we want those who brought them hen. to be made to take them back, Confls- cate Fanuell Hall and sell it out for enough money to build one ship, and ham it the "Jolly Bachelor," whicn was the first slave ship that brought them here. Load it down with a cargo ot bucks and buckessea under thirty years of age. When Turner begins to ship 'em from this part of the country we want to pick 'em. There are about fifty trifling vagabonds hanging around this town and we can't kill 'em oft with the smailpox or anything else. Two of ouT'doctors went to the nigger school to vaccinate 'em and took the police anS Jocked the doors, but the coons JtU Jmp"et ,thjvQwa,;ajm3 ran under the house and some ran homo and some hid in a hollow log or behind fences and the doctors did apt get halt of them. But we are getting along fairly well with' our negroes, our household servants, the .cooks' and washer women and their, chHdrn. They were all brought jus here aid vaeclnated. Negroes in dally contact with white employees give no trouble. They are respected and industrious. Tlfrt Ao not want to go to Africa and they are not going. It is this restless, floating population that we want to go rid of. There, are young white met not much better, and the Philip pines Just suits them exactly. -' ( But I am easy now, getting better exeept on rainy days when the east wind prevails the same old east wlpd that one ot Job's friends complained about when he said, "Should a wfee man fill his belly with the east wjnd." I am getting stronger in my underpins. Not long ago they were swollen so Dao- f that away in the dead hours ot the night, while I was nodding in my cnatr, I got up to see what time it was, I lost mg perpendicular and my leg gat. way and I tell M the fire wlti te chair on ton of me. My wiie heard the racket and Jumped from her tied and pulled mt out I did not get burned, but bruised my shoulder where I struck the grate; And last night while I vas suffering In the abdominal ye glotis she got a hot water bag and plated it where. It could do most gcsd an I went off. to sleep and Blept t)ie sleep of "the' Just until breakfast time. wbon all f a sudden the 'bag hurst and the hot water scalded ma amazing beforeef TOuMTtAkO CB. "I halloed lot hejp and broke up the breakfast, tor thoy all came running and had to strip off my garment and change the sheets and everything, .and had liked to have skinned me as cleansas a hog, for tho water was still as hot as fire. And so between fire and hot water I consider UnyBOlf an injured person, but. my wife thinks the scalding did me good aud increased the alacrity oi my move ments. . 1 But I am still calm and serene again and enjoying tho good reading sent me be my good friends, Dr. J. Wm. Jones and T. K, Oglosby.- 'Both books are masterly vindications of the south, and between these two men 1 leel like t am poised between tha pillars 6f Hercules. Every truth la double plated and every, rivet clinched, 'i i.'-u there is my good old friend, Dr. Wark, of Winona, Miss., who stands In tho breach and defends us from all assaults. We have not hud sines tt.. v .i much good south ern literature ua wo have now. There are George C. fiuit'i Pr. i ."y and J!"i 'y t failure I'ut- nam Ut't d, who are full of memories of tho f 'fd old ti'i.fJ ard the s! )(.d old I , i 'o li.m bi'i'v did lr J i i v' , I i f J,fl. " . 'I C 1 I carry me back to li a ilis 1'h, ( .i ii y c ' ' I' ' v i u i t I' ' t it 1 f a i i' lit I .(! Ill ' " II I iy col! r nrd 1 Hi ,1 t ! i' I I 'I i I r, t I t Li . I i i-'d 1 6. Ii') t ! 'J fi 'Now, get up and walk about some," and I do It. She wants me to dance the Elephantiosls or the buzzard Lope, and says I am getting better and bet ter every day. ' But some of these old poems keep running In my mind; "When he was in his prime -Ere the pruning knife ot time Cut him down, Not a better man was found - 1 By the watchman on his round Through the town. But now his nose is thin. And is pointing to his chin ' Like a staff) ' And a crook it In his back And a melancholy crack -. In his laugh." ' P. B.-r-I wish my good friends would write to Mr. C. P. Byrd tor my book and not to me. BILL ARP, in Atlanta Constitution. If you have something to sell, lei the people know it An advertisement la this paper will do the work. A SERMON FOR- SUNDAI i AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ENTITLED - RULES FOR SERVlf-' "X The Be. Ur.JWiy . oaWhat We Bewardat tv ftaehes c"tollrefl.ow.. Lmouk ClTT. The tliatinniiiiui.u- 'known evangelist, the Her. Dr. J. Chapman, hiu t'uniished for pub- icatioav the following sermon entitled Rules of Service. It Waa preached from the text: "No man that warreth entong .teth himself with the affairs ot this life, ' that he may p'.eaae him who hath chorea tu'm to be a soldier. And if a man also strive for maatenea, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." 2 Timothy, ii: , It is not enough simply to perform what might be called good deed, in the estima tion of the world, for one might receive the applause of men, and miss his reward at tne hands of God. Neither is it enough that one should be so given to service that he mijbt win the applause of people every- 5 here There is no special promise in od's word written for the man who is simply faithful in outward service. Paul must nav bad this in mind when he said: "ct ia he not crowned except he strive lawfully." It ia s good thing for the Chris tian to square his life, both public and pri vate, his innermost-thoughts, and the hid den man of bis heart, by the Word of God, to see if m any point he is falling away from God's pUn snd the Holy Ghost s guidance. When John, in Revels tion, wrote, "Let no man take thy crown," he presented what to my mind u one of the most solemn subjects in all the Bible, namely, that one might be saved, have hie ins forgiven, stand before God justified, be perfectly sure ot being ultimately re ceived into His presence, and be saved throughout eternity, and yet mist his re ward and lose his crown. '' ' , This chapter ia a note of warning and a heart cry to people everywhere to scaroh their Uvea, aided oy the Spirit, to ask God to deal very thoroughly with them even though this dealing may mean the cutting off of tome very much loved sin or the giv ing up of tome long cherished plan. I. All service must be prompted by right motives. : It ia not so much how the work appears outwardly that eommends it to God in1 this His judgment is given differently from that of man, but it ia altogether a question as to what, back of it all, prompted the service. Toe giving of the widow's mite and its hearty acceptance by our Master ia an illustration of this fact, for in the de sire that prompted the gift was found that which was ot ten thousand times more value than the gift itself. One might preach the gospel and win hundreds of souls for Christ, and the mo tives that prompted the preaching be wrong. - One might superintend a Sunday- acknowledged ability, lead the young peo ple's work in the church, be a chosen lead er of the missior work, and upon all theee positions have i , teal of the approval of men and the plaudits of the multitude be cause oi acknowledged success, and yet miserably fail at the greet dav of awards to receive one single crown for faithfulness simply because the work was bora in set- nsnness ana camea on in pnae. it was not done for the glory of God, but rather for the glory ot man. One might build churches, and for his anoDoaed senerositv be highly esteemed of men, and yet re ceive a re out irotn tne lips ot the risen Christ One night endow schools which God would use for the betterment of to city and for the accomplishment of His own nurnosea or the working of His own plane, and yet have no recognition on the great aay oi awards, une might give fits money to clothe the poor and feed the him- Eyj he might be known wherever the nglish language is spoken, for his charit able works, and when the great day ot awards should coma might hear the Mat ter say: "Depart, for I never knet yon." ' ' - Hie soul is saved, hut hia lite is lost. All of these things are true, because, while outwardly tha service was wonderful and the success great, the motive that prompt ed it all was selfish. Jesus Himself has said that there would ; be some who should say: "Lord, have wa not prophe sied in Thv name, and in 'i'hv name done many wonderful works?" Thus the touch ing becomes mre intense and the lesson more atartlinz. for one miirht even think that he was shaping his life according to nl.. ,.J ..... im:.i reward,. . ' When .Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthians he said: "For other founda tion can no man lav than that is laid. which is JeeuB Christ.- If any man' work shall be burned he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." This ia very clearly, to toy mind, a lesson to Christian workers in general, but to ministers in particular. The foundation is the same for us all Jesus Christ, but the superstructure may be very different. It is a most solemn thought one of the moat solemn I know that when the greet day of fire shall come every man's work shall be tried, of what sort it is. The min iatry of the man whom the world honored shall be touched by tire. The service of the Christian worker, from the first effort made for Chrint to the last, shall certainly be tested. The teaching of the Sunday school teacher, throughout; his or her en tire Christian experience, ehall be brought beneath the searching lighi of the Son ot God. The testimony of every Christian in everv land shall be searched throueh and through. The life in the home, in the place of biiHiness, in the streets, at homt or in foreign lands', by duy and by night, shall be tested by the fire of Uof. If the work is burned, the man eliall giitfor loss, Itiit h himeelf. be uvil, thouxh as by tire. It is a tremendously solemn mcsHaKC. i n -. lit have nil the e -nern'iico ioa twt g'i -it me, m ) f m ii!-, hu-.s in.l, i. t ..- . (!V:i n i t. id be- i 1, a- d t! fore God at the 1; swept flwiiy, fiiiiif tne KiHt'il of ii.ti Hi' i"i hid 1 nil h.l t t - i, 1 ii i . t't-t it wth nil .i,. t ) . '1 1! V , UK ' i. 'O n i : mv work fnt:e uHh . t 1 ,1 I i V ill tl '!v nifin lioa, ana Know my neart; try me ana now my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me," ought to be the ory of every Christian everywhere. The old law touching the priesthood is a good thing for us to remember (Leviticus xxii: 1 to 3): "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: Speak unto Aaron and to hia tons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children ol Isr.el, and that they profane not My holy name in. those things which they hallow unto Me: I km the Lord, Say uuto them, Whosoever he be of all your teed among your generations, that goeth unto the holy things which the children of Israel hallow unto the. Lord, having his uncleanness upon? bim, that toul shall be eut off from My presence: I am the Lord." 'llie doe trine of separation ia the Old Testament for the priests ia for ua in the New Testa ment, for Peter tells us that believers are Sriesta unto God, every one of us. The Id Testament doctrine has, however, been intensified by the teaching and th touch of Jesus Christ. ''And thou ahalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre. Then thou shalt take th anointing oil and pour it upon his head and anoint him." , (Exodus xxix: 8, 7). The anointing oil put upon the head of the priest waa a sign that he was separated from all world ly service and 'every selfish principle of life. Henceforth he waa not hit own man, but Oid'a. The oil in the Old Testament represents the Holy Ghost in the Mew, and whether we have recognised it or not, nevertheless it is true. By the Spirit of God we. have been regenerated, bv that same epirit we have neeii quickened, and by the same Spirit have- been sealed or anointed as God's own special treasure. If we have not allowed Him to use ua w have robbed Him of Ilia right, and at th great day of awards shall be called to a strict account. - "And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anoint ing oil was poured, and that ia consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover .head, nor rend his clothes; neither Mra,to any dead body, nor defil his father, or foj-iiis mother; go out of4lie sanctuary, neiiiivi- XjifturMfof his God; for nor profane Sinting oil of his God the crown ot W 0d." iLeviticus i 'Jp'52,o1.mJJral1 teaching is, xxi: 10-12). Hw cicV. v,f us are" on and how completely manv,wn Urel . - aemnea as we app.y it to oii-m diacour- And Tet there it no reassw, wne th. Igement. In the olden- ,ti touch with priests or the ie neoole were in i. i ii.. -n,i i.. nrmlcled unon them for. c!eansii&nd immediately they stepped back into fel lowship, and Gcd clothed them with pow er. In the New Testament a better provi aion ia made Hebrew ix: 13, 14: "For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and th ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, eanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh; how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot unto God. purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?" I have not been able to find in th New Tes'anient, With the exception of the Lord's Prayer, any place where it it said that the Christian raurt ask for forgiveness of sins, but I do lead in 1 John i: 7, 8, 9: "If we walk in the light, ss He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son oleanseth us from all tin. If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and .th truth is not in us. If w confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to deans ns from al un righteousness." I learn then that if I confess my sins He is faithful and just to forgive them and cleanse me perfectly, and whan He forgives sin He always forgets it. Ood goes th Best. ' God does not set -the less against the greater, as we do: H sett the greater against the less: that is His way. Who will n jt sayr Blessed be His love? Han being small, being petty at the kmgliest, finds a flaw. Thus the wise fool talks: He is honest, he it wise, he it gifted; he is, on the whole ' a man of notable intellectual stature and influence: but man think h ia clever when he discovers a but. He gathers himself up into Pharisaie perpen dicularity and says: I discovered that, I pointed out that frailty, I saw it. There can be no pit deep enough for a wretch like that. How doth God apeak? Thus, hear ths muslo of infinite love: He ha gone astray, he has been unfaithful, he hat turned aside front Me a thousand timet, h baa don th things he ought.not to have done; yet that is the difference be-, tween human judgment and divine judg ment in relation to that gray test of all mysteries, human character. Tt it better to fall into the hands of God than into th hand of men. Your brethren like to tneak against you, to have discovered a peccadillo, on little tin and tp hav An ger dainty enough to pick out that little hair and to be able to ay: "I'v got it!" The Lord aaith: "You hav wounded M and disappointed Me and gone away from Me, vet now can I give thee up! Re turn IV That is th diSerence between your human theories and the great Di-1 vine idea of redemption God always tee ing the best, fixing Hi eyes upon the sol vable points, looking to thos element that are still left out of which He can rear manhood. He will not quench th smoking flax. He will not break th bruised reed. Joseph Parker, D. D. "Be Reminds He of Jesus." One familiar with th workings and every-day life of James Chalmers, that great Scotch divine, relates a beautiful lit tle incident which cam under hit observa tion, and which vividly portrays the Christ like nature of this man of God. He says: "On day I went into a house where one of hit people waa bedridden. Sh had been in great pain for many years, and as I went in I thouht She looked ever so bright. 1 taid, 'You are better to-day?' 'Yet,' sh said, 'you know I hare had Mr, Chalmers tbia afternoon, and, do you know, he never comes but when he is gone I think that is just bow Jesus Christ would hav come to see me. When he sit and looks at me I think tbat is how Jesus would hav looked, and when he Opens his mouth and speaks to me I think that it how Jesus would have spoken, and when he prays I can almost' hear the very voice of my Master praying for me, and he always asks for the things that I think Jesus above everything els would like ate to have. He never goes but he teavet behind the impression that it hat been like a visit from Jcsut, Ua re mind me of Jesut." ... Til Few to Fear, Pr. Theodore L. Cuyler, in estimating what he deems to be our Worst enemy in tiiis life, says: "Dangerous as the devil is, dangerous as worldly amusements are, the most dangerous enemy that we often have to encounter walks in our own shoes. That cunning, artful, smooth ' tongued heart devil, self, is the foe that needs the most constant watching and subiects ue to the worst defeats. 'The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the fiem, and these arc contrary the one to the tither.' I'aul had a tremendous battle along these lines, beating down his carnal nature by hard blows, and the old heio was able at last to shout: 'I have fought a good tight; henceforth there is laid up for me crown of righteousness!' Whoever has, by CJod's help, hud his desires, his plans, his. .purposes, his property, jmd, nimve all, hi own will at the feet of Jesus lii'ist, w already one of' the overcoraer. lie already Ik'i:his to wear clean iittment,. ami ttie omniscient eve nf God discerns on h'S brow tha tirst iUsilimp of the victor a I . 0 V u ! ' The Lord IsiSnml. Ul e Lou! is gum!. E- !' I no i we foi t h'im'? "ih's vre ji-"l it. Ahv.ivs we, hi if I1 w ii f"1 r i.'i ? '.ti il . i I . i. . 1 ot t . II 1 V MO 1 ' t i I,' 1 ' 11 11 ' 111 1 o I 11 1 i ! , i i ,i 1 ,1 t I ' i i l 1 1 l . Wintering Turkeys. My turkeys are wintered In the tim ber, which is nature's place, and I And after many years' experience in this line that they are much healthier than when kept around the buildings In the ordinary way; In fact, with tbe number that I carry over the winter tor oreeders, it would be impossible to keep them around the farm build ings. For more than ten years I have kept my large flocks of turkeys Jn this manner, and I believe I waa the first In the country to practice this idea, and have wintered during this time several thousand birds in this manner. The tract of timber In which I win ter them covers some tarty acres and Is inclosed by a woven wire fence. Near the center of th tract Is a roosting pen covering one acre, also Inclosed by high wire fence. The turkeys all roost In this pen at night tor protection, and' during the day roam about the timber t Will." I retain about seventy-live head of these birds for breeders every rear to supply the demand for eggs for hatching. It can readily be seen by people who have had experience, in this line of work that turkeya kept in this manner are much -more healthy ind vigorous than those kept In small yards or otherwIse.MJharles MCClavt, in Orange Judd Farmer. ' " The Motherly Hen. ; In' culling the flock for sale an 1m nnrtnnt nnlnt lining on rp""'""'"" ly on the incubator.. frw" reserve the go?' 5T)g-T-ij.. am a hen is coii8tant!n"T urpose tor the regulation three weeks of incubation, with three or tour days extra for margin, it is a strong point In her favor. After the brood is batch ed the qualities of the good mother are even more strongly felt. She is tame, ready to be bandied; and as a result her chicks are not frightened when confinement is necessary. She Is willing to rest and hover her flock fre quently when given a range of her own choosing, instead of rushing into the wet grass with them, or running them to death. When feeding time comes she ts brave enough to defend them from the larger birds, who try to get more than their share, and at night Is always ready to be shown into her ileeping room; or If allowed to choose thja for herself, she la always in the lame place, and easily found at break fast time. Some mothers are irre proachable In all the above qualifica tions, yet in a single one they fail com pletely, thereby rendering .themselves almost worthless as mothers. Susie L Putnam, in The Epltomtst. : Handling Trees on the Farm, . ; - Replying to inquiry, "What attention should be given to trees when re ceived?" we recommend that if the package is not in a frozen condition, and you are not prepared to plant the trees within one or two days, they should be unpacked. Any bruised broken ends or toe - roots caret! trimmed back to the clear, solid wood. Prune as little as possible when remov ing the damaged parts and then heel In well drained soil and sheltered northern exposure. They should re main aa nearly dormant as possible and not be forced into growth by the warm sunshine. Bach bundle should be opened and separated and while the trees can stand closely together they must be sufficiently far apart to per mit of working line soli in about the roots. i Where they can be planted in a day or two, the lid of the box should be re moved, or if in bale, slightly open the outer covering and moisten the moss and straw about the roots if at all dry.; They should then be placed In a cool cellar or barn and protected from the air. If the trees are very much dried when removing them from the box., dig a bole in the ground and mix soil k&ator to the consistency of thick mudTtKing the roots of the trees In this softSMjiefore heeling them ia. Tbe trees diOsJn this way would also be benefited Tiitng the tops severely pruned back. , We TMnK there is not enough attention paid this point In sending out young trees, as a large portion of .the root system is necessarily sacrificed in digging, and In our opinion the tops should be cut back a like amount so as to preserve the balance between the top and root system. The large amount of top start ing -into new growth early in the spring makes a great drain on the root system before it becomes thoroughly established. . When trees arrive in a frozen con dition the box or bale should not be disturbed, but should be placed In a cool, sheltered spot or cellar to thaw out gradually. If needed for Immediate planting they can be quickly thawed by sprinkling them liberally with cold water. In packing trees for foreign shipment. It would be an excellent plan to trim back the tops in proportion to the amount sacrificed In digging the tree and in this way the treca would probably reach their destination in better condition for planting and growth. E. D. Darlington, In Ameri can Agriculturist : ,. Grow Fence Timber. The fence question, like the labor question, is becoming a subject with which -air fanners have to contend. Years ago our forefathers in most of the wootb-d (inns of the country h-ul little trouble In finding or buying suit able matt-rial tor fencing. A very differ ent condition now ooiifrontii us. Mont of the cedar and oak has lipeu rut, to f .Hifr with t)'o l(i"H' t mid ol n t- ,( aiiln tl "i. l ie (.. im, i . i v pi i' i ll in l. it J ii ' ' i- try, t' , 1 1 . t i if ! cedar Is also very valuable for this purpose.. Both of these trees can grown easily and quickly In many lo calities on land .so poor that no other crop can be grown to advantage. The seed of both can be procured easily and cheaply, and many an acre ' i is now wholly barren, of any proU to the owners could be, with a little trou ble, grown In these trees. Locust la a kind ot tree which flourishes on the poorest landif helped A, little at iUcTV start It will Improve land very, fast, as any one can see whq wil) take the trouble to 'examine the sod almost al ways found under one of these (trees, while at a short distance gravel atone may be in evidence-. U I am not mis taken, it Ia of the leguminous erdor ot plants, which have the ability of draw i lng nitrogen from' the' air1. 'The locust wilt grow to a size snfflcient for posts' In a. few yean, and cam be grown auUe thickly. Their wood, when sound and seasoned, win lass for yean fa t Jput , of the ground,, i 1JS. . . The cedar has very different, char acteristics, in that it does not seem to ' Improve land," but 'will grow on the poorest soli. The .b.itaeJtQ: acconK u pllsh, ,4Kie1t growth, ..besides ,epjrh ' ing the soil is to trim the young trees when several feet high of all the lower1 limbs. The trees will then shoot straight up, and ' the ' nourishment which otherwise would be absorbed td the surplus ot limb- will gas to the -' main portion, which .if to furnish the useful woud. ' Locust should 'not be trimmed as close as cedar. Trim every few years, whe"n!i-v ... Cedars which ' can be''""' where crops aretu tio coming more and' tnoic-, the average farrae to raise posts. Whether he usee. wire or uu posts, will have tp be bad, and they are becoming very scarce.1"1 ;' '"" Why can we not grow a'tew drei 61 our waste hind in fence material ?r,Jha planting" will be about alt the labor re quired, as no cultivating will pe-neeefc sary after, the trees have got a start- Albert D. Warner.ln fcew York.,Trlbunq Farmer. 1 ' ". V ' lw...l. I 1... O..I, - Before securing pure bred stl value of the pasture must be taken In to consideration. Poor -pastures tnake! poor stock, no matter how careful; tjb.e , breeder may be. It will not do' to en deavor to bring the fltoek jbr'herdTup ' by -breeding unless, all ptha conditions, are favorable. The razor-back bog is the result of poor feeding, and' though mad compelled the animal to resort t scanty herbage, nature fitted Mm. for, the purpose by gradually changing his form, thus adapting him to the ur roundings. We thus know that! tlro ate, soil, and the growth, indlgsnjcwflf ' thereto, are important factors to . be taken into the account,' and 'In the breeding of live stock we should oan slder well as to what we need before making fte' effort, " - 1 ' 1 nri xne woiswoiasneeBjajajswmr io 'ujyTlta loW Jieecqf has been bre; w laige Biic; in. sepuriug size u naa been ted on rich postures! where every thing favorable' for Improvement al ' been to its favor, nd -it hau never ret rograded during a slnglo period,.' but progresaed without difficulty. Hence, If the CotsWold Is to be at! agenf tor im proving the common flock-, : wv' must take, a look over the feeding grounds. The lambs from the. cross will be -ushered into the world' With the com bined characteristics of both aire and dam. The ewes must give a .greater supply of milk, for the jambs.' will grow fast, and after they are -weaned the pastures must be tkt beatln ttrder to supply the demands. ; So 'with the 'cattle, the native cow can exist where th pifre-bred animal Starves, but this is .because she Is not required by nature to convert, a Iiu ko quantity of food Into -milk.- Scaiuy herbage has dwarfed her milking aval ltiea, and this has been handed down from ancestry. Scanty bevbage, will not do. The change IS upward, and ti.e conditions must Jug. changed to suit tie demands-f thranImal.BrSiA.'iL'''n hog would starve, to death it he were impelled to compete with'' the land- pike variety. He eauld toPe-cist under the same conditions, for ha has br""j bred away from that sphere, and he Is of no use unless adapted to the place which Is Id be his habitation; v - . As man has adapted, different ani mals to different uses, it does not in fer that they are not, subject to natural laws. On .the contrary, , the subjection la more complete than before, and as man has been 'the foster agent i.l a changing the, characteristics of most domestic animals, so must th h-'"-' t man be ever remly to render th .i i sistance so essential to their well,. , .. The pasture, shelter and care ii" suitable or tbe ainni"""i.iiin i purpose desired, and no ncuhrt be allowed. Not only must the ia: care be taken in son-cling the . that suit thu- farm b"-t, l"tt i'i' itself must also conform to tlm it mals. One should not attempt to im prove unless pre ,,ared for it, n- ; ' will be toe resvlt, but the p' Is easily, made. ri-Mnr H'v1 i better farming, larger irons bim i' -er paiituri-s. tI,h (.nil J r t become butter ticca' forces thorn to d t '. ers Viho do nt p" certain bn ' i f ni diHi'oma,. 4, , a i I lesin v 1- to f e 1 : ! 1 1 ' ; 1 ' ' V- ' 1 ' i 1 f r i'i i it s i jl (Hi i ' '- 1 i ' 1 '! it f - i h t t i

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