11, A i ' If (. t t It Is C " V ! n en; 5 cpium -.''Si'.VV'SA'AVSV'VVvSVV old not correction from child; for if tbou beat i v nh the rpd, ba sbull uot i t'.alt beat bini with tbe 1 shall deliver his soul .-l. Proverb 8313, 14. i Senator Pritcbard retired .La Eeuate laat Wednesday, il ! ',V'J tbe passing of the last ' r.'oau senator- frim the i -...it All the Southern states Democratic senators. 1 t I TLfJUherille papers ssy that (rations will soon begin iu bor irj for oil. Perhaps the large quantities of gM that has been evident bout she villa for a -few past have prompted the ex , ' eat. , , "LeI'COINCBPHALITI" is tbe t ; :.;e a 8on lh Carolina Dr. gives what is ordinarily stsggsrs" iu torses and mules. It atangers us to pronounce the thug. We have ,,,t - ' yfhe Dr. calls tbe bumau of the paper. Mr, , .s associated with him Mr. . B. Slarette, an experienced rewepaper man. . We wish them tls greatest measure of success. . Tbe Sylvan Valley, News has thanked hands again. The for mer editor, J, 4. Minor, ani Mr, V.'m. E. Breeee, Jr., now have charge, and have bought a cylio- d.r r'ss nd a large stock of new "T;r....iaJ and types, and will soon MKke considerable improvements on the paper, ' The Asheville Citizen haa been checked from an evening to a mor ning paper. The last issue of tbe evening edition was issued Satur day evening; and the first issue ci a morning paper was issued yesterday (Tueaday) morning. The Citisen has become one of the vary best papers iu Western North Carolina. Drs. Dan. E. Sevier aud D. 0. Jf Asbeville, weut JLfcum aa a preseut to tbe Shah of Eler tOXau.rSetfl-TiMi(l; - vmiwrif aet : with Pnr. Hills Elver te exa Ced man that waa found there a few days ago. They fouud tbe body to be a genuine petrified Kan. It it known that tbe aotion cf lime water, after decomposition has begun, will cause petrifaction. The location of the body, when found, (ends to prove that the re mains are getiuiue as they were lying under a vein 'ftf limewater tLat flowed through a lime kiln about a quarter of a mile distant. Jl Ccjjer C'sasvaaj Forming. Ilr. D. W. L Wagouer, of Terre Ilaate, Ind., waa in town yester J.y. He has been in Maoon coun ty several weeks, engaged iu min ing on Scaly tnouufain. He owns I.'TJ acres of land up there, aud la haa found opjyr ore on the lnda'tThich he thinks o be taiaed with profit, lie iaVnewi formitrg a company to go into ' 1. ; extensively. He showed l; e Fats a specimen of ore that ; sC3 per cent coppef, with j of gold and silver. Mica is , io foiii) J on the lands. , (ir'w:lei. Vverssaa. '..-.1 to tlw Cltlzrn.) . , ..'a-ii.sgton, D.C., March 5. a remarkable demon ', iatLs senate chamber this ' t '-en Hon. Lee S. Over s ' is:!.:s took the oath of lis cJ.smber was trans "1 i a Veritable flowed gar s f -1 FiTH.'Jant Frye, in a spir 1 " y, rermitted the crow '!..! s to applaud as loud ' S j m they wished when the ,ii. ' a walked forward, i v a f,-era on Mr. Over '; s.. c"iirral spjilaune i .!kcd !iiwn the aisle i t.e er:.i rf his col u' r .'..iu -'-i.8. i.' cf ti.iio our lir'Jc .s.7. Vat. '). "Pneu- ! ' I -iv, .o p t in l.e- , 1 1 1 he i i 1 h I . .i,' i r.ru! 1 M.rth Cr. t i r flO.l .l.il i-i'liE.O III tin Virginia cinl f " t I ili e-'MSl'ut: for tliH COUJ IO for Jfurp and tonight located them. He called T.Iack to Hie door of his lit tle borne and riddled him with bu'lefs. He gave himself. up. Director f Ceugus F.cs'siih. Washington, March- 7. Gover nor Merriam, director of the con. bus, placed his resignation in, tbe hands of the President today. It will take effect oil May 5, Gov. Merriam reeigun 'to accept the vice-presidency of the Iuteruafion. al Mercantile Agency of New York and will remove from Washington to that city. , , The Decstrlk Skate. This popular play will be pre sented at the court bouse next Tuesday night by the best ' of Franklin's local taleut, All who miBS it will miss a great amouiit of real fun. Tbe proceeds will go to the benefit of The Franklin Li brary Club. CASTOR I A :.- For Infants and Children. Ti " Ym 1,i",s J Piilfi JuS Iwi.J Ibd liuiS ftiwuja t,..iil Bears the Signature of uui agfut tor J. UO ClttfV Dictionary, one of the very -buiiaWH ' -! . in print, containing nearly three l .... i hundred . thousand aords, aud phrases, fully defiued. ' I trusl that all our Professors in Colleges and Schools, as well as all other professional and business men, will purchaao.a copy from me. If they will do so I will be benefitted very much. . I thiuk the book will give full satisfaction- to purcha sers. N. F. Howard, M. D. . Dahlonega, Ga. .."' , . - A ferry boat was capsized on the Hudson river last Saturday at Spiers Falls, aud a doseu men or mors were drowned. A frighteued Italian boy seized one of the tack le rope which caused the accident. Sixty men were on the boat, most ly Italians. (, i ' ' v Hon. Richmond Pearson will sail on the 24 lb inst for Persia to enter upon his duties ns Minister to that post. He will take witn l eaia, a typewriter Bet with Per sian characters. " . The number of bills and resolu tions that passed the legislature and have beeu "ratified is 1230. Two years ago the number waa 1207. 1 ' 1 I ' OASVOniA. BmhUk -lla Kind Van Haw Alters BaagM - OoraiaB Feraaaent Ckalraaa. . Washington, March 6; The Democratic senatorial caucus this morning elected Senator Gorman to bis old position as chairman of caucus. ,1 nere r ieunt zo or 33 democratic ttors. The steer- iug ooraB"'ij (or the past con- eress has uumbered only seven ni&nibers, but Senator Gorman re quested that the number be in creased to nine, which was the number in the days of his previous chairmanship, aud this increase was decided upon. . ' Women's Pains Cured. They are often caused by a lilieu matio condition of the system, which if not checked, results in heart, kid ney and bladder trouble, ovarian dropsy, etc. URICSUL, the great California Uheiunatio Remedy, neu tralizes the undue accumulation of acids In the system and cures pnui and disease. Send stamp for book of particulars to the Lamar k Run klu Drii! Co., Atlanta, Ga, or URICSOL Uhemioal Co , Los Ango len, ChI. Drugiats still It st tl.00 per bottle, or sis bottles for f 5.00. A subscriber once got- a dun through the poBtoflice and it made him mnd. He went to Beo the editor about it, and the editor showed him some of bis own ; one for peper, one for coal, others f.T Y10O.1, .tl eM. -m-'-rie, null f'Vil, i.oisr, ,, milk, Lread an 1 t..'n-:il "r,'oft," B.-,i 1 (! o is! it i t "I ,'t It' e I' i ! ) r i- 11 '!' W. A. C. l! v, in I' . i -.. ur h iin- r cf 1 .'1, au.l vo v iOon pKU' ! ,' -ty li-low IIn.i.:.:ouJ. One morning I went oil duty ot !) o'clock on a post nt some bouses in a large farm. About a half mile in frout of our line was the picket line of the enemy, stretched acroM a big field with nearly h uiilo of his liue iu sight of my post. Soon after the pickets were chnuged at 9 o'clock, two Ynukce borsemuu, spparently officers,' ap peared at tbe yukee picket post farthest to tbe right looking from our line, : and. they commenced waving . newspapers above their beails, They rode along the line uutil immediately in frout of my poet, still waving (heir papers which we understood to be a wish to exchange papers with us. A big buttle bad taken place iu - the western department two or three days beforehand we kueir the yau kees wanted to see the acoounts of tbe fight iu the Richmond ; papers. We were also anxious tt see Nor thern papers giving acoouutsof the battle. I had ' bought some Richmond papers the evening be fore, aud had t hern with me, but as we bad no authority from our officers to exchange, I did not re spond to their signals. Soon the horsemen turned and started bnrk to their quarters, but ju" ' ' they passed out of sigh" uel of my regime.- 'to'iii our poet, and r'..iurmed him of the Yankee tn .!,,.., papers. o- yriuijuiiDunurtuvi J onoprese.-a ha(, j rSlT. "Jihad. He then said he would like to see some JJorthoru papers, and told me to mount the feuce aud wave a paper. I did so, and immediately tbe 'Yankee pickets passed word along the line till it overtook the two horsemen who immediately turued and gal loped back to the post in our front waving their papers. The Colo nel theu told me to go out . aud meet a Yankee half way betweeu hf lines and exchange papers. as soon as 1 started on foot, a Yankee picket also started on foot to meet me. Both held papers above the bead and marched on till we met ou half way grouud. When within a dozen yards pf each other, the Yaukee was the first to speak, and the following conversation took place: v . .Yankee: "What is the date of your papers?" " Reb.i '.'The 23rd ;". What ie the date of yours 7n . Yauk.: "Mine are dated 23d too." . Tbe papers were hauded each to each, aud we turned books and re traced our steps to our respective picket posts without exchanging auother word. ' , WORKING OVERTIME. ' Eight honr laws are ignored by those tiivless, . little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always st work, night and day, cur ing Indigestion, Bilioutmes, Consti pation, Sick Headache and all Stom ach, Liver aud Bowel troubles, ifti sy, pleasant, safe, sure. ' Only !25o at Smith's drug store, "n, Bishop (Joes te the Pea. . Charlotte, N. C, March 5. Ar thur L. Bishop left this city to day, iu custody of . officers, for Raleigh to begin bis term of five years' imprisonment fur the kill ing of Thomas J, Wilson, Mrs. Bishop accompanied her husband as far as tireerisboro, where the prisoner will change cars for Ral eigh' Mrs. Bishop continuing ou to Petersburg. - "I drradfd l1 i!,: ' of It v ' 1 h wa fi"l !' iv.'.' Ii ..jv e of C'e'-i, ni'j i-' i io fry i ! !- t'. I t-. crii !' 4 ' ft f" f ' ti't mi n, 10 ton' U ' -r V'-tt n-nt it i. I r :lPf il .' s i on rii'Wii 1 V i - r w" a f irs, juaur : . v.?..: :. tj .mvKIj f .r t j of i ull '.a r-.n.!j iiil'i cuii c-uity and f.-r other ju-jo-res )'.!.' -'il f.nul re riding. (oe ction of tho .Public honl bill will eetllo all controversy about the color line iu schools. The Co Jo exempts the children Kirn from - the third generation from the color line. In pluce of Ibis the new section reads: "Sect iou C8, of chapter 4 of the Public Laws of the year 1901, is hereby repealed aud the following words are Inserted iu lieu thereof: All white children shall be taugbt in the public schools provided for the white race, and all colored children shall be taught iu the public schools provided for the colored race; but nc child with negro blood iu his veins, however remote the strain, shall attend a school for the white race; aud no such child shall be considered a white child." - Senator Welborn introduced a bill imposing as au additional franchise tax on railrouds the du ty of furuisbmg frte transporta tion to ex-Confederates when at tending annual reuuious in the State, eseh failure Jo do so to cost the rai' " "tie hundred dollars. Ma- " 'Jill 789 to pun if '- -ating liquors X felouy . it .1 natBAfl io purcoase or sen voics, k--r third " reading in the souatersJ . Alar, o. iiouue out io pruviue for the atteudauce of cbildreu in the schools of Macou couutv. passed third reading iu the house: Also, bill for tbe relief of Pub lio School District No.5, Fraukliu township, Macon cbuuty. Mar. -6. -Passed third reading in the 8euale: Bill to incorpor ate the Audubon Socioty of North Carolina. To repeal the law tax ing dogs in Buncombe couuty, Iu the House: To change the July term of Swain Couuty Supe rior Court.- House bill relative to StpctLaw in Macon county. Senate bill relating to tbe public schools iu Macou comity. Mar, ' 7. Seuate: Bill passed third reading to increase the sala ry of the Slate Superintendent of Public Instruction from $1,500 to 2,500 per year. Bill passed third reading to pro vide for an issue of . bonds for $300,00", the rate of interest not io exceed 4 per ceut. i Bill to protect deer in Clay aud other counties, passed third read iug. , , '". The Board of alderman of Ashe ville, laBt Friday evening, raised the Mayor's salary from (500 to $1000 per year. , , 4 ' It is reported that about tbe 16th of last mouth in Jackson couuty, auold Indian named Loweu Wash ington froze to death in a hog bed in the woods. Remnants of bis body were fouud a few days ago, most of tbe remains having beeu devoured by hogs. ' Johnny's Baas. Johnny had a llttln rain, v Iw head wan hard u wood. One dny it tol awny from klm, . And oindtlie bmtlirrhoot. A candidate was due that night, , i To paw the portals there. The ram he winked the other eye, And itruightwuy clura the tu(r. "I'll nee what I eap do." aald he, "To help th! virtuu through," And with a vrrv vlnnmi leap, 1 Into tlie hull he flew. The norlne took one look nt him But hi efforta were in vain He hit hira where he thought he would, Ho never aunt buck agtiin. Th Lonoi Goat. 3antlit jf H""' fl1? A Petrified Body Found ea Kills Elver. One of the most remarkablo dis coveries made in this section for some time was the finding of a petrified body on Mills River Tuesday. A perfectly preserved petrified body of a white man was unearthed by two uegroes who wore dicing a ditch on the farm of A. M. button, it is said ou good authority. Abbeville Gazette, " Hon. Fpencer E. I'LiiUmrn has located in Greeiibloro and mill rractieo hiiv. 'J i I f (4 i . t ! t l.j I e I- t' ti y,l !oh 1 ie f ' n II t " kr t- i .,- f " ! i im::t Mi-s Si? 1 t i i' . I i . '.a a'v la i -1. 1.-'. !i. t t r ? se u-.iiiy ., nnl iiiccii stoiu'. i at r.i.MS do not coiiie alwnya bi-'n. e tlie r'1 ,'on luej trnrvrie t k; n!ms. A r'!;!nii aouiff- tl'nra bpoon:!"!! p-pnl( tn Uvauie tliere irp rouiI runilH. Then, amln, thi-re are bad nmits In tlili'Mjr nettlt'd dlhtrlcta in districts where the roads ought to lie Rood. Good ronda in a ut'iglilwrhood Indlente pro;:reR. Thvy result from proKrc8 . aud they promote progress. They are both on line and effect Well kHt liiKhways eonntltute a theme which Juas engaged the attention of many mure pei-aom In the last decade than In any previous one. Improved highways hare promoted the extension of rural free delivery, sud this delivery has aided In the de- i i ' a BAa to rnosPBitrrx. veh)hient of better roads, says the Washington Star. The buggy was a benefit .to highway, A road good enough for mounted horsemen and homowomen, as so many of our preile eesaors traveled, was not good enongh for a buggy. Then the bicycle Im proved the roadways. A highway good enough for a buggy was not good enough for a birycle, and thousands of eno wheelmen roiling through tbe country campaign work for th betterment -. They told the country folk, tLil' tuo that tlieir roads 1 gow!kTL!on e1"" TW ry worc:,n',' tt la " nlwnntnetHia af miintr linkinai B roan alwnra thlntte Ih. mail ha UVULOn IS r 1 very good ot at least not so some others. . As tbe blclrcle helped along the good fcwse. so jylU the automobile or the traoi loll 'f urrlage. Autouioblllsts want better roads. Every farmer should help a little by using broad tired wheels. These wheels not only do not rat tbe roads, but help to maintain them. A broad tired wheel ought to bear more weight without strain than one with a narrow tire. There 4a no- more friction In the aw of a broad tire on a smooth road than la the use of a narrow tire on a rough one. A committee of autotnoblllsts, re porting recently on New York roada, said: ' It Is worse than useless to create expensive and valuable highways only to have them cut to pieces by the use of narrow tires, as now used for the battling of heavy loads tn this state. When you have got a good thing. It costs money, and yon must take care of tt and change your methods to main tain It Wide tires are of the greatest value In preserving ordinary 7 dirt roads." . Perfect esd Peerless iinouniwtiism and tfl liver, Kidney sad E1J der tronbles canted by uric acid la th system. It cures by cleaning and vit-.lixinf tlis blood, thus removing tba cam of diieue. It gives vigor and tons and builds up tba health and Strength of the patient while using; the remedy. UR1CSOL is a luminary In the medical world. It has cured and will continue to curs mors of the abort diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great snd thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disappoints It cures in fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that tt is a wonder and a blessing te suffering humanity. Price $1.00prbottlefor bot tles for $4. I'orsalebydrupgitts. Send sump for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druegiit cannot supply you it will be tient, prepaid, npoa receipt of price. Addnssr , IISICSH CBEMKAl ft, bs Aspa. td. ijuuiat". see. , Koatkera's Cedared Bates. The Southern , U iitway offers the following reduced rates, aouount ipeeisl ocoaaiona ! Account Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star, Wilson, N..C, April 7. 1 Otis. Tickets will be on sale April 5, 6 and 7th, with final limit April 12, 1003. Kute from A:,lieviile, via GoMt-Uoro, 1 1 1 UO for round trip. Aeeount J;t!.kii:il - "aniif '.cltirers Ai-wieiistion, New Oilesine, La., Apr., 15-17, 1" 3. Tickets on k.I jt. 11,1: limit litkt" i::.!,- If !' iid 13.h, Apiil l.i.h. I"" "'"y r. h r. y t e r t' lit) I.-.: I Yc;i I. no Al r; 3 i l tto fr ever yours, . ' nnil f y --"- eoiitilsi 4 0, A All Cotnitorfolts, Iiuitntlons oimI " Ju.st-as-g:ooil" are but Ilnporlmcnts tlint trlilo wiV nnd end.tncr tlio health of Xofi&ts and CLSIdren Experience against IZipcrliaeiit. 171 int Io Castorla la a hnrniless snbstituto for Castor OU, rnrt goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is ricasnnt. It . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Wonng , and allays Fcverisliness. It cures Diarrhasa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates th . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloes The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend. CZKUiriS CASTORIA ALWAYO Zcars tlie lo Kind You Mo Always Bf4iit In Use For Over 30 Years. mi mrwi iMMin, n mem annn n, High Quality fill - . ' ' r ' " - ' l&Js fha'Plaiee to Obtain' EXTRAORDINARY - ' L - mm IVf G rand Sweeping Low Rrjc-s WRIGHT & ROBINSON'S STORE. .East Everything tn tbe house at J .make room for our Spring Goods. They are now arriving J 2 and it's room we want to display tbem. - -' ' v l 1:3 gienbeel (Goods for hi ;?! !i S ti-"" in f sir Y7RI6HT & ROBINSON'S STORE. NEWS BRIEFS. " ! On March 4th as Senator Pritch- ard retired from Congress, tbe North Carolinians iu AVssbiugtou urnsontnd him a fine silver service ccsling about 1500. Richmond Pearson made the presentation speech. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of s power of sale Con tained in a certain Mortgugu Deed mmle by G. M. Oliver & wife A. J. Oliver to the uudersignud dated tba 6th day of .May l'JO'i, and regietered in ibo office of Ut g. of Deeds for Macon county, N. C, in Book 'No. 9, iiiiye 818 &o. of the record ojjjjort- gage, and default having been made in the payment of the indolitedneiis secured by said Mortgage p. ' a hereby the power of s le co:i' therein lias beeome oporaiivi', 'llie nn.lers1 ;'ie 1 v. ill on 'londuy the 13, J -y cf Ajnd 11"!'3, darirg ti- d biile liiniis nn l m ncur the Lour cf 12 uV"i !,, in.;n, a tui-y be, H'il al j uli- iu nut u.m i ! Il I ! I ' ! i D f ,"')! II ' 1! ' isl l:.c cum I 1 Im.l : I v- ye U . 1 1 n I w: ",t lr htns lu -l I. is Loruo Co enatnro cf Las been RiuJe under Lis rri i'erI. I m since UsLrT. HA AltA fA AMtlv. wiH tn dt. Ik. CASTORIA Cinature cf Low Prices. il a a a a l a i Main Street, FRANKLIN, N. C. lowest cash prices, , We must $11 the $sopl&. NOTICE. The undersijined harjng qualified as Administrator of Elisabeth Buck ner, all persons having claims against her estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of the same. : This Fob. 23, 1903. J. B, Justice, Admr. Tear Wants Snrpllesl Fressptly. If you want posters, If you want envelopes, If you waut bill heads, If you waut note heads, If you want statements, If you want show-cards, If you waut letter heads, If you want receipt books, If you want prolan mes, If you want invitations, If you whii" 'lliug carda, If you want 'il'inj tfls, If you wiiut j . . printii3 t f spy c!i pcripfiiu c!,;k, in t!,s vs ry L t stjleauJat roc.k 1:!U-j ;'. r: !l at T, -tT::. ' r 'Ci' - lrM.!Jni(l'.C. wCori. pauiea.' Lussesproa-ptly paid t:::iiirj s.c. p i" I sf Hsi c::: L..il TO .fK,"K'' TEXAS, ARKANSAS, LOtUST. ANA, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY, CALIFORNIA, COLORA'jK), UTAH, WTO., WING, ORKGCN, KONTA. ' NA, WASHINGTON, and Other toA West, Northwest and Santbarest, . Write oi call on ' . J. G. HoLUKBKCX, District Passenger Agent, Louisville and Nashville R. R., No. 1 Brown Bldg. Opiiotite', Untua 'Depot, Atlanta, Ga. . (1208) K0TICE. By virtue of tbe power of sale con. taioed in a mortgage deed eieeBled to tbe undersigned mortgagee on the' 20tb day of Out. 1900, by ' W. J. Berry to secure the payment of a debt of 1150 due Out 20, 1901 and default having beea made ia tbe pay raenl of said debt. I will on Jaon. day tbe th day of April 1908, U twecn tbe hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. - m. at tbe court house door in FrankV- Instsrcs only in tbe best t lin, Macou county, to. satisfy said debt, sell to tbe highest bidder for, easb the following dfesorib4 land to wit ; Being the lands sold to W. J. lkrry by U. M. Merritt, ia Macoa county, N. C Beginning at stake, the beginuing vomer of a' tract fur- ' merly sold to W. J, Berry, and ruua W. 9H poles to a W. oak. m south. v . Lling w- 1....... uiea Eastward 72 poles J post oak, then N 84 poles to al oak Berry's comer, thanes a I diiectloji with Berry's line to tfie boT ginning, containing 18 acres, This Mufa. 2nd, 1903. Ci. M. McaaiTT, ' Mortgagee. San L. Kkllt, Assigneee. (1210) NOTICE. By viitue of the jiower of sale contained in a deed of Trust eiocu- V ted by E. D. Franks k wifs Flor ence Franks to the anderagnstl1 ' trustee on tbe 20th day pf Out. 1899, to secure the payment of debt duo ; Sam. L. Kelly, Trustee under tbe will of Cbas. L. Frost, of $300 aud -interest, due and payable Oct. 20, ' 1900riHLdjifault having b-u made in tbe payment of said dt4 lyfc,iisv lerest, and the said Sam L. Knlly " having requested the sale of the lands conveyed by said deed of Trust, -to satisfy said debt. 1 will oa the 6ib day of April 1908, between the hours of 10 a. m and 4 p. m , at the court bouse door iu Macou county, sell to the highest bidder for cash in accor- -dance witb tb terms of said deed of Trust, A the lands conveyed by said- i. deed of trust as follows, to wit : All the land conveyed in a deed from J. O. Franks 6 wife to Florence Frauka said deed registered io Book "B B" page 611 in office of Register of .. Deeds for Mucob county, to which reference is made for a fuller de scription of said land. This Mob. 2, 1903. . J.F.Rat, 1 Trustee. NOTICE. Macoa Couuty, ' Having qualified as administrator oa tbe estate of Juhn Jl.mley on the 30 day of Jan. 1903, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to tlie estate of the said Join I!sinley, . to make iniuuuiate pyincnl and set tlement ; all in.-iu Law. 3 c!ii.'its niiinst suij enisle will pre '.ml them 1 for payment on or I,-'.ire the i'-.h dy of Febnury, 1' l, or ll.'s r- ' j will be plead in I fr of t' .'lr rs-ovf-y. TLis i;5;h day of Fcbrc- y IZ.i." C. . Ivs, i . v.

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