7- fi -, if! .VOLUME XVIII. FRANKLIN. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18, 1003. IN LITTLE Oh! Oimi are th meadow la Little Boy Land. And blue are. the kloa bending over, Aai golden the butterfile fiiulag about . -" lo Tlstt the pink and white olover, - There are cool, running brooki where the oowi like to atand, And milky-white lambkin In Little Boy Land. Ohl Dow at the Corner In Little Boy Land Is the prettiest shop full of osndy, And a dear little woman, to give il away It' ever and ever o handy. There are chocolate ereama, which the boy aay art "grand," And nothing cost money la Little Boy Land. . , ' Oh! gtrang aa It eeema there are do chorea to do, No orrnnda to ran (or the mother. -And nothing to do but forever to play First one Jolly game, tben another. -There's a beautiful oiroua and a lorely braaa band, And everything's free la Little Boy Land. Oh! They aay they & nothing la Little Boy Land But play through the warm, ainny weather, And play through the Winter. Obi thea it la fun To elide down the long hills together. There's no acnool to go to now pleaea understand, . It's all play and laughter In Little Boy Land. Ob! Tbere'a blcyoies, tricycle?, wagon ud ileds, :. And donkeys and ponies by rio&ena; Bo each little fellow oan ride If he will Eaoh one of the brother and ooualn. There's fun and there' frolic on every hand Ohl Who wouldn't Ilka it la Little Boy Land? Oh! Who wouldn't long for this Little Boy Land Where tbere'a fun going on every minute, . ' And candy for nothing, and peanuts the same, - And a good time with every one In it? On! drown-up, with trials and hardships to stand, Let 'a Journey together to Little Boy Land! Harriet Francen Crooker, In Puok. A : ' - COLONEL' JIM. t A CHARMIHG STORY OF MODERHAUTOHQBILMB DAYS. viw'yVBy It was the smoke-room of the Cos mopolitan club, la Piccadilly. . I had strolled in for the want of something better to do, and without , any-thought or Idea ot anything or . anybody. ; yX''', :: There wore only about halt A doxen members present, to one only of whom Charlio Maxwell, In his pre-nuptial day an Inveterate globe-trotter,, as I myself still was I was . personally known.-.-. '"T, .i.;.;-: I Just nodded to him, as I saw that ha waa engaged . In conversation with an Individual whom I never remem bered to have seen 'at the club before. ...... -i' mougn ne was sitting oacs. mj"- depths of a blgrmchalr, l r"' '' b" ,n" ' " " source ofruuuur ,. .uoiiy how he could ever have been admitted to "Cosmopolitan" membership. It was rumored that he was the mil lionaire son of a deceased East-end "ready-made" tailor of Semitic de scent, andtjwt heoiyei, his admtogtgn amnTn-r(tj xue largely exerted in- ht a certain impecunious peer. lua fe. wit friend, and one ot the orlg- tf Inal promoters ot the club. . ; -1 f - The truth of this could not be ex actly . proved, although after event showed that for once rumor did not act up to Its reputation for lying. . Almost Immediately after this very estimable individual's entrance his name, by the way, was. Marcus Dlsch man my friend Maxwell came across to "where I stood looking out of the yrind5wlnto Piccadilly, and f ' i hands, asking me to excuse hlv ten minutes, and saying that he have a chat with me on his return? Complete silence reigned In the room after' Maxwell's , departure, broken ' only by the rustle of newspapers tr an occasional cough, a Then I was suddenly ' startled by the voice of Dlschman, raised In loud '. altercation, ';'"'.'' '-' ' I turned sharply round, and saw that he was standing, Straddle-legged, : In iront of the white-haired gentle- - man's chair, wagging hi head and forefinger la time to a stream ot an gry abuse. - "You've monopolized that : paper " ever since I've been in the room, and - for how long before, goodness only knows! Do you think you've bought the place, ' Just because you've been In the army?" ..j The occupant of the armchair rose np out of It to his full height of well . over six feet, and calmly laid, down v the prper be had been reading on the table beside him. ; It was then that' I noticed for the first time that his right sleeve was -empty, Indicating the loss of his arm "Sir," he said, with quiet irony. "It Is evident to me that you' have not been in the army. Inasmuch as the officer f.variably Implies the gentle man." '"" 1 -; ' ' . " " The retort might have been injudi cious, but it was certainly richly de served. -.- -. , ' . Furious with passion Dlsclii.ian ex t" 1 1 his arm, and violently shook t: "y sleeve pinned up to the lii -i of theoher's coat, "Y'ju dare to taunt jne! -you!" he shrieked. "How ramA you by this? Not In battle! No! Do you think 1 have Bt heard of a certain gentle wnn's Yi(tt!e affair with a certain -:-teCy ? The motor-car ride to Urlchtonlj too much champagne!, Ptiili! and a smashed irm? Do you think r don't know? Ph! you got your C 'ta, Jir. pintle 1 ho rret of ua ti,.ur.ht It h now to lntorf"r, for tim wri'i vr.H evidently cont...i:!:;iiii!:r vn nenve. I ! " n i i , 1 lit, o II I 'l t 0 1 I I f t BOY LAND. ' ''' t t collar, and hi knuckle pressing un comfortably upon his collar bone. ' Swinging tlic fellow round, he didnt Bpeak to him, . but, summoning a wait er,, bid him call the club secretary. ; Held Securely in Maxwell' grip, Dlschman looked the picture of vul gar discomfiture. "Mr. Shaw," said Maxwell to the secretary when he appeared, "I take the responsibility ot demanding from you this man's Instant expulsion. He has not only grossly Insulted Colonel Fergusson, resorting even to personal violence, but by so doing on the club premises has Insulted also every mem- vr or It., If you do not accede to request, I, and I think, every rlght- "id self-respecting . mom 'lately send In our'' --u4uCTiijroia' eflaiuuC whom I haven't -m'lur all the years he has been wandering about the earth." , "Mr. Talbot, pleased to know yon; though I warn you to take . every thing Charlie Maxwell has to say about me wl4 ajwnr large grain of i wngak silent waa attractive. In conversation he was .delightful. What I subsequently learned about him from Laxwell, especially con cerning one particular episode of his life, did not In the least itnrprlss me; it simply served to perfect the picture of the noblest man and truest-hearted gentleman, that it Las ever been my lot to meet ' It waa one evening after jhachelor dinner at Maxwell1 being In Scotlan that my frte-" s wife tf visit itory of which rm, and f to retire iu- Ludey of a uiahed career, v L Perhaps you uon't know." 'said Maxwell, "that Fergusson and '! were In the same regiment. He was full major when I joined as second lieu tenant. "'.'"' "Though there waa a good fifteen years difference of age between us, we became Etaunch friends. Without be ing grandmotherly. - Fergusson kept me from all torts of tomfooleries, such as hot-headed young officers are ' so apt to Indulge In. "Our Colonel was Harvey Fane, now a Major General and a K. C. B., with a- large family pf daughters, and - his house waa an attractive centre for bachelor officers, eligible and ineligi ble. "It was not long before I discovered that Beatrix Fane was more to me than all the other girls of my ac quaintance. "Very soon, too, I was successful In getting her assurance that I, In like manner; waa the ' veritable 'fairy prince.' , . - .. . "Of course I confided In Colonel Jim, who though sympathetic, advised a wise waiting until at any rate I suc ceeded to the property, which I Inher ited six year ago. 1 "Attached to the regiment was a certain Captain Holroyd, who was said to be connected in sortie way with a monster firm of East-end clothiers. Any way, he was very . un popular with all ranks. "Quite accidentally I heard, the day after the recent affair at the Cos mopolitan, that Holroyd was Disch man's cousin, hence the fact of the for mer's knowledge of what 1 am going to tell you about 'Colonel Jim.' ' "This man Holroyd was an Ihvct erato gambler, and nearly alwaya won. It so happened that when I came Into the Wharton estate there was a large arnimuhit Ion of ready money which I Immediately proceeded to spend In riKiit royal giylo. Ilol ri I, fur m i i" t f r a nli u In . 7 !'H !;. piuMi'ii'v lie. urn vei y fi v i i s I c i1 y ln 1 . therefore, I evaded It I did not even tell Beattle, but wrote her on my ar rival at Brighton. . All went well until the third day, except that I lost heavily at bridge to Holroyd, when, after a dinner, to which Holroyd had Invited two or three other men, we all adjourned for an hour's stroll on the pier. "Whether It was that, being on used to excessive Indulgence In wine. I had taken too much champagne, or whether I was seized with sudden ill ness, I cannot exactly say. I oifly know that by some unaccountable means I managed to fall from the pier Into the sea, getting, a nasty smack through coming into contact with one ot the Iron cross-girders. ' "I remembered nothing more till found myself alone in try . Brighton lodging, wretchedly 111, and very much ashamed of myseUfP . ; "The doctor ntw . attended me, a splendid fellow, told ine that Holroyd had returned to Aldershot . without troubling to find out my real condi tion. . .'. ' "That night late, a further surprise was In store for me. Beattle, accom panied by Colonel Jim, the latter with a seriously Injured arm, arrived at my diggings In Warrior Square. "It was soon apparent that Colonel Jim waa in a bad way, my doctor, after a brief examination of the 'in jured .arm, declaring that immediate amputation was necessary. ;- V "All the' time I was in absolute Ig norance of how the accident had hap pened, or how It was that Beattle had come to Brighton In Colonel Jim's company; . ; r- vK. ; ,' .... ... "It waa not until the -operation waa over, and Mr. Fane who was wired for at once, had arrived to look after her wandering daughter, that ': I learned the whole story from Beattlo's Hps. "As some little explanation of what took place, let me say that both Col onel Fane and Colonel Jim were t" ' dent motorists, each possessing 'twelve-horse-power Panhard -f they were eternally j'" against the other. "Colonel Jim v himself, buT so expert--' fenr, at ' ,7 WUl id v, "- I, i i , horror. . ... :-. "On through Guildford, Tunbrtdge Well. Horsham, till the outskirts of Lewes were reached. And there the trouble began. "The chauffeur had Insisted more than once on descending at certain Inns and refreshing himself with brandy. "By the time Lewes waa in sight the man was in a state ot seml-intoxlca-tlon, and was quite Incapable ot con trolling the michlne. "Chancing to turn her head' at this point, Beattle saw coming up behind them at racing speed bait a mile or so astern, another motor, which, even at that distance, seemed strangely ta-J miliar to her. :. .: '. - - -"Nearer and nearer it arew, . the stupefied Frenchman in charge of the leading car becoming more and more unable to steer It ' " '" '. "It waa at a bend in the road that the catastrophe happened. "On the right hand was a high bank, and into this the driver made to run Beattle's car. "Br a miracle ot mercy he could not turn the steeling wheel, over-balancing himself and tailing out under the wheels In front, which passed over his body. ',-"', . ,.,.;.;. . "Though bewildered ' and panic stricken, Beattle caught hold of the gear with both trembling hands and tried to keep, the car straight What would have been the result of her efforts it is hard to aay, though It Is almost morally certain that In the streets of Lewes she would Inevitably have come to grief, "Now for Colonel Jim's part In It "Putting on the pace for a final spurt, he raced alongside of the run away, managed to stop his own ma chine, at the same moment leaping on to the other one. - ' ,' "Seizing. the steering wheel with his left hand his right arm was broken on the leap he wrenched It round and brought the car to a full. stop..- "Then appeared" the representative o ith"ikw, who, running back, dis covered that the chauffeur was fatal ly Injured. ' "The rest you know,; though there Is one little thing more which I will tell you In confidence, as it renders, from my point of view, all that Colonel Jim did that l day the more heroic. "Beattle told me, more than a year after we were "married, that some words that escaped her rescuer's lips as he reached her side in the flying car, convinced her beyond all doubt that he loved her, and that he risked bis life for the sake of a woman whom he knew had given her heart to an other man. ; "How Colonel Jim onrne to follow after Uv-attle was owing to a servant at the house, v.ho overheard her or ders to the chilli If sir, telling hii.i, sm he droie up ia his own nia. hinn el nioKt direitiy r,.;.rward and Impmed Tor her. He, knew Unit her art ion v lr in r l r i h h -f 1 j , .i 1 I i 1 r I I i 1 to i .- t lOTTM! I a. H. t; i .vn ll; j , , r ; I h:-l "1V "Think of him?" I said. "Why, that for a man among men, I never expect to meet another like Colonel Jim!" - "As you certainly never will!" salt Maxwell, raising his glass, "Here's tl Colonel Jim, and God. bless him!" New York News. ? HOR8E3 IN BLIZZARD LANDS. Small Beast That Can Live on Flour and Moaa the Best ; "Ed" Floyd, until three years ago engineer on the North.-Pacific rail road, has. return od from three yoara spent In Nome. Mr. Floyd engaged In business Immediately on landing In that northern country, and soU out his horses and hotel 'for $70,000 a month ago to make this visit to his old home. His principal business waa freighting and the operating of stages. His long experience on an' Oregon horse ranch stood him In good atead, and in shipping horses to the north he has experienced the best of luck. Out of the three hundred ho had tak en in at different times he lost but IS alt- told, c Regarding the character of horses required la the north, he said: "My 'experience is that It Is a great mistake in taking In big. One horse. An east ot tho mountain Oregon horse or a Canadian pony, off the ranches of tho northwest territory Is tho animal to put your money on. There are times when all you can got for your stock for days at a time la flour. It will kill one of these heavy horses If he does not have a good warm stablo, plenty of hay and regular rations of oats, and a variety of feed of various kinds. These half-wild horses can face a storm that would freeze a ClyJesdnirv to death, and they will browso the snow for days, eatlnnv-" moss. If there Is.r. ' them to get ' I had which y woou -t. nmo- ui (T iu "a" "suiteoi per fect preservation. . .. The most valuable work In existence Is said to be a copy of the Koran now treasured In the Mohammedan city of Isonan-Ruza, Persia, The covers, 81-3 Inches by 4 Inches, are of solid gold an eighth ef an Inch thick, while prec ious stonettaet In symbolic designs fig ure in the center and at each of the corners. The book la written upon parchment, and this part of the work Is valued at (125,000. . The ancients did not have lightning rods constructed as ours are, but they knew how to protect themselves from th danger that lies In a thunderstorm. Even so long ago aa the tenth cen tury lightning waa diverted front fields by planting in them long sticks1 or poles, on top of which were . lance heads. It is said that the Celtic soldiers used to try to make thorn selves safe from the stroke during a storm by ly ing on the ground with their naked sWorda planted point upward beside them. Professor Hllprecht has lately given out some remarkable discoveries con cerning the people of ancient Nippur. "The J?aylonlans," .he says, : "were great listronvtners and great mathema ticians. ft a tablet which I recently found werv Ji most minute astronom ical calculation as to the constella tion Scorpion. The calculations were as ijroflclent In their science In some re spects as those of today. Another tab let which I have In mind was mathe matical. -The Babylonians In their mul tiplication table went far beyond us. Our multiplication table stops at 12 times 12. The Babylonians' table went up to CO. Indeed, for astronomical pur purposes, they carried the table out to 1300 times 1300, being tabulated to that extent - Tn the newspapers of Padua a musi cian named Bir.ela recently announced that on the following Sunday at 3 o'clock In the morning, he would be gin to play the piano and would con tinue io play fur forty hours, or until 11 o'clock on Monday evening. During this period he said that he would play 250 pieces of munlc from memory, and that he would rest for only twenty minutes ten minutes at the close of the fourteenth hour and another ten minutes at the closb of the twenty ninth hour. He addil that during his long performance he "Would take no nourishment, except a little water and some medicine pf his own concoction, and that a commit lea of physicians would be prasent in order to see him accompliish Ills singular feat. Cut R.itea. A certain Atchison man Is very tnry end tlie people are always la- v, ..mm EioriiH on Mm. A barber say p.. vi'.h' d into tlie ! !i"l one day. and , t' i P i( a 1 'r nil lie I 1 i t 1 I v -. t I I , , l , i 1 1 li I i t ' i i BILL ARP'S LETTER Bartow Man Eavertj to Muchly DiBECUBsed Negro Problem, A KIND OF REACTION HAS COSE Northern People are Beginning to 8e th Light All Except Prealdcrrt Roosevelt Who Shlboleth K "Stand by Minnie." ' , k lata paper sent me from Fayette county, Missouri, says they are run ning all of the negroes out of Fayette and Howard counties and the whipping post awaits those who tarry, and that the race war Is on in earnest That is bad very bad. Where are the poor creatures to go, for It Is awftfl weath. or in Missouri, with the thermometer below zero and blizzards raging around.' I wonder what they have been doing to provoke such treatment V they move to another county, how long before they will have to move again? And It looks like they will per ish or freeze before the winter Is over. Some towns In Illinois have given them marching Orders - lt looks like they have cm people. they all df to their (l bounty; r south why , i ,-i r -I 1'lieu -ludit) U grape fruit and limes and lenv ons .and mangoes, guavas, plantains, figs and grapes. - . , Now, I was ruminating why our ne groes didn't go to Cuba, where they would not have to work half the time and where they could mix and mlsce genate with the natives and have so cial equality to their heart's content. The Cubans are all colors now, from nearly white to nearly black, and they will mix with any race. One day I aw a curious looking specimen In th negro car. and the conductor . didn't know whether to move him or not, and o he asked him: "Are you a white man or a negro t" and he replied: "My fadeirwaa a Portugee and my mudder vaa a nager." The conductor smiled and let him stay.' Go Into a c'gar fac tory In Tampa and you will see a fair assortment of Cubans four hundred In one long room, and of all shades, sizes and complexions. . They have no national or race color. I should think Cuba would suit most ot our negroes very well, for they could live on fruit and honey. . My friend says be has framed hives ten feet square and robs the hives every other day In the dry season, and it Is a profitable business But I don't see any good reason tor driving negroes from one town or county to another. It Is not playing fair with the other towns. Chief Ball reports that he Is driving -them out qf Atlanta. Why not take up the vaga bonds and punish them under the va grant law and put them to work Why not call back the whipping post? It will cure the negro ot small crimes and Idleness quicker than anything In the world. When they get Into the chain gang they get a whipping post or no poBt and a good whipping before hand would keep many a one from go ing there. ; But the most remarkable treatise on the negro and his race traits has just been written and. Vipo ken of by Professor Dowd, of Wiscon sin university. Such a deliverance from a northern sourn Is amazing, lie has been down here and gone from town to town and studied the negroes' actual condition, and declares he is on the down grade In morality, In health and physical condition, and Ino race will become extinct If some great change Is hot made In their education and some radical control placed over their morals. Thoy have almost ceas ed to marry, but take up and cohabit at pleasure and change when they feel like It He says that out of one hun dred families he visited at Durham, N. C, only twenty-nlnn of the women had huahands, and tl 'illdren aro almost universally P" ' by the mothers, while the fatu. 1 their time io Idleness or have "toi,,c up" with some other woman. Ho writes likn no had been to Curtersvillo, for In t,ii;ht of r houfio is a woman with throe :;; . children six in allby three fu . i:;; but' she has no husband Mil has n . i lnvu married. Klio works hard i o (! it h id no h "il and stands well In t 1 r i 1 it I 1 : 1 i li i f.ir 1 1 most unknown among the ' negroes. This degradation ' of tho negro has come along so gradually and .insidi ously that our people have gotten used to It and no attention Is paid to it by courts or grand junies.'. We hire these very negro women for domestic ser vants, and many of them are good ones. Their children go to the public schools, and In time the boya get big enough to steal and the girls to follow their mothers' example. . When will all this folly stop? - But Just now there seems to be a cessation ot political hostilities about the negro and the race, problem. A kind ot reaction has come over the northern mind, and they, tod, are get ting tired ot the negro. In fact, no body seem concerned about him ex cept a tew politicians like Crumpacker, or Stumpsucker, or whatever his name Is. But ever and anon there comes a thundering sound from Mount Olym pus, where Jupiter Tonans sits en throned ln royal dignity. Hark! Ju piter has spoken. Then shook the hills with thunder riven and louder than the bolts of heaven, we hear a mighty voice that Tolls its echoes from the Atlantic to the PaclOo and rever berates among the clouds and Is borne on electric currents from Washington to Iudlanola, and whispers, "Stand by Minnie!" and they, stand. Minnie ought to go np there and take refuge In the white house where Jupiter could stand by her day -and nhrht Now let that be the O. O. P. 'a shlboleth and let 1' Mowa the corridors of time as a xwStand by Minnie!" X Atlanta Constitution. "Ti.OAiiieo wuuu"UoUo,rtr from tho main trail. Tho deg seomed anxious that the men should follow him, demonstrating this desire by fre quent barks, and they accompanied him some distance through the brush and came upon Brownlee, pinned down by a log and unable to talk. He was released and takoa to Bear River. After leaving his companions, Brownless .had slipped while crossing a fallen tree and fell In such a posi tion that he could not extricate him self. The exposure he had suffered had so reduced, his Tltality that, al though he frequently heard the noises made' by tho searchers on Tuesday, he could not raise his voice to call them lo him. The dojr remained with Brownlee all the time, and was the means of ultimately saving him from a horrible fate. Chicago Chronicle. The potato 'to no longer grown In America without the aid of labor-saving appliances. Potatoes for seed are cut, dropped In the rowscovered, cul tivated and harvested' with machine adapted for each purpose. The Amer ican farmer can grow potatoes cheaper than It can be done elsewhere, because he reduces the cost of growing the crop. These light handy and durable machines are now finding favor In other countries, and American manu facturers are exporting them In large numbers. , . . ' r Many of the greatest . Investor have made their principal successes as young - men. ' Marconi I nnlv thirty. Kdlson, at tweaty-slx, had de vised his quadruple! telegraph sys tem. Sir Humphry Dnvy was a pro fessor In the British Royal Institute at twenty-three. Ellas Howe had in- Tented the sewing machine at twenty- seven. Ell Whitney's cotton (tin had been perfected when be was twenty eight Arkwrlght had his cotton-spin-nlng machine In order at thirty-seven, Morse had invented, the telegraph at forty-four. k SpeAklng of forest reserves, a Utah authority says the people of that State are belnit taught that It Is easier jto get timber with forest reserves than without them. The government alma to regulate, not stop, the taktng of timber. Many sheep-owners have been opposed, to these reserves In the past, but thoy are learning bottei now. The sheep have beon destroy iiyS fthelr own range during the past fsw"ari to such an extent that there will be no feed left for them If some one does not take care of It. The reserve are for the good of every body, and thn people are finding it cut iti'S LIFE.' injured. atjnn- ' enrtain seleni'lst finds wtmt seems i unwarranted fault with the I I I S f s iit as i.ni: ,, in-:! arn not v a m' it. . t of tin i,. r r ,r I i t' p. i ti ( ! 1 1 1 I i I '11 1 ' t I a . . ! A SERMON FOB; SUNDAY AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ENTITLED "COD'S PLAN FOR US." tlie Kev, Dr. J. Wilbur Chapmen Telle of Bow th Believer Hay Experience Both Jay apd Peeee, ttlesslnst ud . Power A HlR-h Ideal For Every Life. Nw Tobk Citt. The following sermon i on of a aeries preached by the famous evangelist, the Rev. Dr. J. Wilbur Chap man. It is entitled "God's Plan For Us," and waa founded on the text: "Not aa though I had already attained, either were already perfect, but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Philip pie ns iii: 12. - God has a plan for every life, and when this plan is realized there is alwaya in the. experience of the believer both joy and Eeace, bleaaing and power. If any on il aving an up-and-down Chriatian expe rience, hot to-day and cold to-morrow, near enough to Christ to-day so that he may almost touch Him, and so far away to-morrow that ha questions if he has ever been saved, thia i a certain evidence that he has not allowed God to work out His plan for him, and there is yet much work to be aoMmplished by the Holy Spirit of God. An experience of unrest dishonors God, and when yon find a heart in- which there ia thia unrest and dissatisfaction yon always find a life in which God ha ret finished Hi work. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you," waa written for such an one, and ia his inherit ance. While it would be a most difficult thing to define peace, yet possibly the best de6nition would be to take its opposite, and so it would read like thia: Peace ia the opposite of unrest, of confusion, of itrife. Thia blessing la for every on ot Qod'a children, if they will but claim it. - It I no mora disastrous for one' arm to b out of its socket than for one'a life to run contrary to the plan 'of God. Paul ividentty had thia in mind when he said: "It I may apprehend that for which I am lleo apprehended of Christ Jesus." It would be no more disastrous for a to go awinging out of its orbits me to run contrarYJ4-J" way coma to tin-'' entry to. wood p" tho' cry i that "Oh. wretched "Biarrtn deliver me from the body of thia death "My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength ia made perfect in weakness. Moat gladly therefore will -I rather glory ia my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." Let ua therefore cease to speak of the presence of th Holy Ghost as an experience and talk about tho better Chriatian life aa an "it:" let ua re member ever after thia that Chriat ia the power of God. To exalt Him, to follow Him, to live His life, and to enthrone Him in our Uvea, is power alwaya, and nevei can be anything else. We may have God'a rest. Hebrew iv: 1 to 8 "Let ns therefore fear, leet, a promise being lefvia of entering into Hia rest, anjaitof youv should seem to come aho-t ofTC For unto us was th gospel preached, as well as unto them, but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it' For we which have believed do enter into rest, aa he said. A 1 ha (worn in my wrath, if they shall entr into my rest; although th work wero finished from the foundation of the world. . It-ia most significant that in the tenth verse of th;i inurth chapter of Hebrews we read: V- that has entered into hi rest. Ho V censed from hia own wui v-. mm vruu .v might all of ust cease to be self-cent , Centred, it ia when V fishneaa and therefoi Chriat, it ia when we ! in a word, it ia wh Oh. that we ;t ia when w x ."ime Christ- "t unscl own works that we -rc;,c. We may have Goo. a liuTiuca. liciwewa xii: Jo-' ifor. they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure, but He for our profit, that wo might be par takers of Hia holiness." Not infrequently we find Christian people who arc afraid of the word holiness, and yet tho Bible haa diatinctly declared that without holineaa vo man shall aee God. If we are ahutting Him out of our livea then we are depriving ourselves of our birthright as Hia children. We might sum up uod'a plan for our live ur.der three heads: ' 1. It is God' will that we shonld be re- Knerated. John i: 13, 14 "Which were rn, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,- but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld Hia glory,, the glory a of the only begotten of the Fath er, full of grace and truth" i Regeneration ia hoc a working over of the old nature, for that which it born of tlie fiesh ia flesh, and never can be any thing else. It may be educated fte8h, cul tured fiesh, but after all it ia flesh, and ia displeasing to God. It decs not come aa the resuit of reformation, for whiie re formation may touch a man's present and possibly his future, it has nothing to do with his past sins, which aro like the aanda of the aea in number. Environment lias nothing to do with our passing from duath unto life: If environment could save the soul or keep it, Adam never would have fallen, for he dwelt in paradise. Lot would have been a model citizen, for he abode in the fairest city of the then known world. Iteeeneration is God'a breathine into man Tlis own life it is literally being born from ahove. 2. It is God'a will that we should b aanctilied. 1 'Hies, iv: 3 "For this is tho Toil ol God, even your snnctifieation." home people feci much prejudiced arnint V'v utta of sanctilii ntuiii, hut it is m tonl i Vi ord. and it would be well fur us to fit.nl anil ri-.tn.vi it. m our e sioiclifiid is to ho m-jurm tninlv tlie ni.oi of (.ud periewe. lu lit ril. nnd it in ccr tlmt li'R pi-e'iK b'le tl'. tf me to l" in no I 1 e a flrn.i in die ivi il ' ..t to tfjii il lu ll v. In I ' I I V 1 i n .1 ly li It is a good thing to turn stain and again in this way to the Scriptures to find what is the plan God has marked oat for as, and then to square our lives according to this plan, to see wherein we have fol lowed it or have failed. If the failure baa been grievoua It ia not ncces-nry that wa should go in mourning all the day laagt for. just a a mother forgive the wcaknen , of tier ehild and forget the many hort-. cominga, eo God has promised again and again m Hia Word to blot out all our trana- greiaiona and to remember them no more against us forever. i r i, V It i not therefor a question aa toT" whether we can keep from sinning our- eelvee -we know that we can' not, but it i altogether a question aa to whether Christ can keep ua if we will but give Him th -right to do so. I have no question but r that oue could walk from one corner of the street to the other with Christ so eon- ' atantly before him that, in his own judg ment at least, he would be pvercomins . ein. I am perfectly clea that he couM increase hi journey by many milea and still be more than conqueror. I am abso- , lntely confident that one eonld walk-th whole day with Christ so vividly before . . him that it would be peace and joy. And what could b accomplished in on day could be mad th rule of a man' entire life. . : ,.-.-' After the return of Christ for His chnrcK there la to be a great day of nwarda, when , those who have been faithfl'I shall receive recognition at the hand of the Lord Him- . aelf, in the presence of the assembled hosts in the skies. We ran tell fast what thia rewflni la tn h. Ant vet thia nMrlfltof- word of explanation. We can not give the - exact description of the crown we shall wear, nor can we estimate in human lan- gnag their value in the opinion of men. i Put we know, after atudying the New Teatament, that it is to be according to f our faith and in proportion to our faithful neas. It ia in thia way that every child of God may confidently aay: "I know what , my award la to be." He measured it him- ' aelf. It is very true that one may stand, before God andxeceive from Him only a measure of rev J ;---3iie true , that he migh i . the hands aboutW f- fi.r"" hit Uum.ui-'Who has . wild beasts that theyr w - . i. i .. ' , UUV V . I b vuo nuv D BU- fereif ;.i iiouy and mind unknown to fame, ;but suffered nevertheless, and differed ior the glory of God, . ' ' I It i Hkewia the crown that ia to be f' iven to the one who ia able to do only ittle thing for Chriat. So many seem' to think that they can do bnt little for Christ 'and therefor leave that little undone. This jis a most aerioue error. "Inasmuch aa ye. ihave done it unto the least ot these ye have don it untovMe," said Christ. - A cup. of cold water given in Hia name, a word of cheer spoken for Hi glory, a warm hand-' clasp that He may be exalted in the opin- ion of men these .little things win th eternal reward. , . , i - . So many people are asking: "What can I do to help on the cause of Chriat, to assist .. my minister, or to help the church t" If I were to auggeat one thing that would b moat helpful it would be the offering ( unceasing prayer for the spread of Chrirt's kingdom, ana for th outpouring i tlie Holy Uhoat upon tbe man who reache Chriat at the sacred desk.' I remember very wen wnen i nrsi neoame pastor ot th church to which I now minister. Af ter I had preached my first sermon and the people had presented themselves to aay worda of cheer, an old man came walk- ,' ing down the aisle, leaning upon hia staff ' because of his age, and he said to me: , "I bib afraid you wilfinake it a failure." T Hid nflt iWniHor iJ.! moot, nt mrnei AV ehecraaer-Heartiiy wBtlecTSieCpuld n iv to me at anotner nine. J looking about the church, he auuetf; "W hav aiway had man of large experience, and the church is large." Then he came nearer and said; "tint I have made up my mind to help you." I wondered in my own mind what lie could do. Ha added: "I have determined ta pray for you every day that you are paa tor of this church, and I have covenanted with two other men to pray for you.". At thia my heart waa filled with ioy, and I thanked God and took cournL-e, feel ing confident from the beginning tlmt lie had given m the victory. The three men aoon grew to ten, and the ten to fifty, nml the fifty to 200, until in these days from 340 to 600 consecrated men bow -4 heir head in prayer with me every Euml iy morning at 6.45, praying God'a bies-nn upon me as I preach, and upon the people a they listen. Th most wonderful plain in all the world to preach in is a clnm h where the atmosphere is permeated wnh the petitions of faithful Christian f.u God' blessing upon His ministers. And these are they who, Upon the great day of awards, shall receive the. crown of life. They do little thing well, to th glory of : Gad. . - - -. . ; San Francisco is credited with having ona aloon for every twenty two adult male n. Qiabitante. - -at ' .' . fy : CARE OF FIN'S! CHINA. It is one thing to have vnltmra chmi and glass and Quite ano' -matter to keep 4t The choice o ; china which haa descended from a paat generation will never be duplicat ed In the next Mothers of other c" had more time. They did not live i an electric aj;a, but itnyvd at t and rared for their ef ' 'i then ives. I.i r eiire, 1;.' I f i 1 In t 1 li nven it ti i tun f d,d t I ' ( 0 r r I . t their I t ! 1 r ! 1 1 of li ( l a r v ti e t j -ii In in 1 1 fit. f I !'

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