Uah. IS, EMTOH. I at t!is ixist-oilice at Franklin, r tr.i.iMnisBion through the rtmd-clas matter, v. i y twelve months -r six month . :m, per line, t.iO .'.' Mot 5 cents S cent. I TuMislied every Wednesday , " onfideuce in an unfaithful v-"' man iu time of 1 rouble is I ke a broken foot b, and a foot . at of joint. Proverbs 25:19." The Senate, last Thursday, f jreed to Vote on tha Colombiau CHual treaty yesterday. The amendments to the treaty were to be considered Monday Inst. The board of education for Ma con county, elected by I bo Legis lature, bias follows: Rev. J. A. Deal, Rev. J. R. Peudergrasa and IZi. J. P, Moore. These are all good men. The Legislature did the right thing ingoing outside of its own membership to select the Code i'omroissiouers. It seems that tktc& able jurists were selected for that important work in the per sons if N"-Y. Gulley, W, B. Rod man and T.B."Womck. ,'. ' . '.'T . . .. : - A special legislative editiou of the Raleigh News and Observer will be issued next Sunday, March 22nr -T - " '' N picture of Nneral As- j ""and! Fort Casey, Watdi. To THE IiEADKKS OF TiiK FliANK Lis i'kkss: it u the permission of The Preps, will give eorueof the details of a uew soldier's lite iu the service of the Uuited States, such as has beeu my cxprieuce, I wilt first say that a soldier's life is not a ted of roses. There are a great mauy people, no doubt, who do not know what constitutes a soldier's life and trials. I will try to tell them bow it is as I have found it since I enlisted. , I enlisted ou the 27th, of Feb ruary, 1902, at Ducktown, Teuii; I weut before the doctor -.for'-"ex amination as to my physical fit ness for a soldier, and as 'passed a successful examination, . I was then sworn in, thereby acknowl edging allegiance to "Uncle Sam,' and to serve honestly atd ', faith fully for a period of four years. I left Ducktowu the next day for San Francisco, the centre ; of urobilizatioii for all troops, both trained and untrained. After a journey of seveu days, we arrived at the Presidio to begin r new life in earnest. Ouarrivnigat the recmitina. camp at Presidio, I was taken in hand by a Corporal, and was ordered to get ready to draw the necessary articles to begin 111 -:iy I I, nt 1 f enln.lcd. Duriug the n.'xt few days I wagi drilled iu the fiiciis and ealutes, ' and then for a few (lays in Iho Use ' and nauuiing ot a gun. l lien we were thought to bo proficient enough to do duly, we were then restored to duty. When I went ou duty I was put on guard. A guard ie a 24 hour watch, aud is divided into three reliefs, 1st, 2nd autj .Hrd relief. A aoutiuel walks his post 2 hours.aud thou re,sts 4 hours. So he has to Walk 8 hours out of 24. This done, 1 waa con sidered a $wbii?r. ' After staying ' tber.e guarding prisoner uutil July 17th, my company was moved toils present station here at Fort Casey, Wash ington., We left Oaklaud,Cal,, ou the 17th, at 2 p. m., on a special traiu and came through the states of CahforuiBj Oregou aud VV'usb- ingtou as far as Seattle, and from there we came to this place ou a stern-wheel steamer', the "Alice Gertrude." . The trjp-through the above named states was indeed a pleuS" ant oue. The sceuery was both pretty aud boutely, smooth aud rough beyond comparisoul .';', The next day after we reached hgre was" Sunday. ; We pitched ourteuts ana made our camps ft -, i . v- n .. " J l j j M TUC T 7 ! N G r; ' By Henry S.Leiih J X form ond foflture, t.irt nnd limb, 'I'hin'rtlnl llkonons even doRppd I grew so likn my brother. My footsn-ps when at school," Tlmt folks Rot tnkltiK me for him, And I was always getting rioffKed Anil each for one another. ' It puzzled all our kith and kin, It reached an awful pitch; For t-ne of us wna born a twin, And not a soul knew which. For John turned out a fool- 1 put this question hopeleasly To every one I knew: "What iroiiM yon do, If you were me, To prove that you were fronf" One day to make the matter worse), i Before our names were fixed, As we were being washed by nurse, ' "Wo not completely nilxed. And thus, you eee. by Fute's decree, (Or rnther nurse's whim). My brother John got christened ate, And 1 ct christened ft'tu. Our close resemblance turned the tide Of our domentlc life; For somehow my Intended bride became my brother's wife. In ahort. year nfter year ihe same' Absurd mistakes went on: - And when I died, the neighbors came And buried brother Johnl 'M'''-t1.t4..J,4t?( with The firsMhings that-were J Thi, Mng a UPW p0Btf ;WfUved iu issued to me were a knife, a fork and a spoon, and then followed a tin cap and a rather Blender piece of laaudry soap. As I was not given any mess kit or eatiug pau, I concluded my meals would Dot be very grand or sumptuous, which I found later to be quite correct. ,vu'kl received my allowance Nt was to last n'ssbing of -v "OSes. ) teuts until the first of December. We have very good framed- quar ters ubw. This post is situated 6u au islaud calied. Whitby Island and iB cn Pnget Sound about thirty miles south of Briti"" ' '" lumbia.v We drill abo- peray, ari-the v y wo,ppit iu at '- guns, or w h call Tor. f ence, as I' OS AI1TERIISIXO. V For the Franklin I'.i m. In a late issue of The Fratiklin N.C. Pkebs, Feb.l8ib, a- state- nient is' made of the amount of advertising in lh.t paper, to wit ; "elevea stores, duly oue adverti ses; teu manufacturer.,' uoue ad vertise in the paper; eight lawyers iu town aud two advertise in the paper; and four doctors aud noue advertise. Iu the' county there live about twelve tbouoaud i)op!e, ouly two aud a half ir ceut " of this tiuuiber subscribe for the Press.", . ; - : As the railrond is to be comple ted to Clayton by the4'h of July, and the toad tiuder contract to the N.C. line iuTenuessee Valley, the liusiuess men of Franklin may be mspired toodvertise more liberal ly in t' ' ""'isper -The very poor )1 Macou ' utivity. ' "tirn S. C. Press Association Eitttii tire Committee to Meet. - Theexecnlive committee of the North Carolina Press associutiou is hereby called to meet in anuu ai session at me ueuuow hotel in the city of Greensboro at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Friday, March 20, to designate the time and placi for h jlding the thirty-first anuunl couveiititm of said association, and to consider duly any other business within the province of its, duties that may demand alien ticu. : . ' .. :" ; 1'llEF' ..1 . Overman Dines ITiih the Prest - WAsniKGToN, March 1 2.The president entertained a number of senators at diuuer tonight, among them Seuator Overman of North Carolina. - Women's Pains Cured. 1 They are often caused by a Rlien miitio uoudilion of thesyatem, which if not checked, results iu heart, kid "" i bladder trouble?, ovarian ITRICSOL, the greilt -'j Ufmefly, lieu "i nlation . of PB1i r!tPitrorAs simiintii' tlwrnoJnpdiJciiln tinij the Stomachs ana liowcls of Promotes Di5cnlion.Chcerfur ncssandncst.Contams nnltlKT OjMiim.Morplune norhneraL Not "Narcotic. jByr troMBrSAHVTL PtTdEH flniim Stmt' - jffx.Stwm Htipmrwit -It CuiXMuttrStfr fKnwJeMr- Aperfecl Remedy forConstlpa fion , Sour StoinfxhJJian hoca Vorns ,( -onvtilsions .l'cwnsh ncss nnd Loss Of SfEEV. TocSunile Stu'nnlure or NEW YOHK. r. , EXACT COPT Or WRAPPER. M rorTnf-f t ii KS L J W U.J tu.J IU iiavi ' UtsUv nr'"rht U W i v 1 1 1 Bears the Sigaatiire of AW ?s il5 In Use For Over Thirty Years I High Quality-Low Prices m - . its at 1 m .' Hi 111 aaar its. "TMs is (lis Place to Obtain "nAORDINARY ; - ; . I . LiwUJ 1-- 1 4 Insures only in the best Com . paniei. Losses promptly paid. -.RtsiWs "VSisB. T. Baxter White, Agent, HICHLASBS H.C. FOH CHEAP OiVTED TO TEXAS, t ARKANSAS, s I.OUISI-', ANA, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN . TER1JITOKY, CALIFOUNIA, COLOIIA7K), UTAH, WYO MING, OREGCN, MONT A.": NA, WASHINGTON, ami , Other Point West, Northwest and Southwest, Write ot call on , ' J. G. IIotUSNBSFK, ' .. District 1'asneiiger Agent, Louisville and Nashville R. R.; ; No. 1 Brown bids:. Oiioite Union - " Depot, Adauta, Ga. ' r - 1208) ; KOTICE. . By virtue of the power of sale ron tained in a mortgage deed exeeitted t' to the undersigned mortgagee on the 2Gth day of Oct. 1 000, by W. ). Berry to secure the payment of a - debt of 1150 due Out. 20, 1001 and :. default huvinjf been made iu tb'e pay nient ef said debl 1 will on Mon - day the 6th day of April I9V8, be- r tween the hours of 1 a. m. aud 4 p. . ra. at tbe court honse door in Frank- " lin, Macoo vonnty, to satisfy said debt, sell to the bigbvst . bidder for easb the following described laud to w it ; : Being tbe lauds sold to W. J. Berry by S. M. Merritt, iu Alseun county, N. O. Beginning at a stake, the begin ning corner of , a tract for merly sojd to W. J. Berry, and runs W 23 poles to a Wt oak, then south. yva with Vling West line to a '- corner ofJUat7; Sander's l''!,"!..Stll t'-iS exact passing i. tor through the Suu's""ti.urr the tame time Moon is iu-apogee, at last quarter aud exfrenie south declination. If the weather stands open and bright from about the full Moott on the I3th,op to about t tha 2th, beware of storms ou and i touching the 21st and 22 ud." JDeala of Co. If. D. Toua. , The Clarkesville Advertiser au- nounces the death 'of Col. W. D. Young of Tallalab Falls as hav- iug occurred Saturday evening. March 7th, Col. Young built the , rst hotel at The Falls, aud was the first person to open up that , placoas a popular summer resort. I SeaaaieBta to Mash and OavMsaa The Iat fiesSlfen- oL ConRrpp" ---TCJo'eiippropriatioua for bT rhouamenta to the memo v . . : i eiterals Nash aud Davidson of ITortb Carolina. We understand t that it was through the Influence and exertions of tbe Guilford Bat i tie Ground As'setiatiou at Greens- turo. tbal (lie appropriations were fM'cured, aud the object waa to j hire the moDdnieuts at Guilford L utile Grouud, but from some c p'.rne Congress omitted to name I'd places consequently several ' icnlities in the State wished to f cure then. The matter was left Cto Governor Ayeocb to select the Wit, am) last week be decided in favor- ef G nil ford Battle Grouud. I TRAGEDY AVERTED, "Juxt in tb'e uiek ot time our littU y wng saved" write Mrs. W. Wat sof rieasant City, Ohio, "i'neu nia bad played end havoc with l and a terrible cough set ill , be i. l)(siut treated him, but he w won e every day. At length ! '1 Dr. King's Now Discovery tmutripuon, and onr darlint; nvriU He'a now sound, and Everybody ought to know, t!i only sure.cure for Cengbs, ' i nnd all Lnng diseases. Gunr t by Frank T. Smith, Drupgiwt. T o nnd 1.00. Tri;d botlloa ;:o'ncL ""l li:iin; !".'l . r t f I 1 . .li I , ' ! l!" fi :ni ' ' V l)n; 1 II i,e soon ,.urd the bugle souud for retreat, which meaut for me to fall in ranks with .about 80 other re cruits like myself, and roll was called to see that all, meu were 'on hand, after which we were brought to a position called parade rest, while the cannon was fired and the flag lowered, and the band struck npthe air of "Star Spangled Bau ner," and the strain of music, "Old Glory," and tha Cfg was hauled down till morning. While resting I was wondering whether I had taken a wise step in becom ing a soldier. At 9 o'clock that night, tattoc Bounded, aud to us this meant "lights ot'tin camp, stop talking and yeP- I was rathev' ,.ud restless too, I tu j my straw bed vet, but not to v was thinking, I bearu iiarters sounded, which meaut for all soldiers not oa pass to come to quarters aud goto bed. About 15 minutes later I heard laps - sounding which meant a soldier's day was fiuished. I then dropped off to sleep only to be awakened in tbe moruiug at tbe call of reveille which meaus the bf giuniti;r auotherday. Af ter reveille, came mess-call, signi fying that breakfast was ready, aud I weut to the mese-baJl to re ceive my rations of fried potatoes, roast muttou and a cup of coffee. After finishing that I was told to get ready to drill, aud I fell into ranks and was then initiated into the mysteries of a soldier's life. We were first drilled on calistheu io exercises, and I bad to raise my arms so often aud so fast to com mand, (bat ' I almost repented of my contract. We drilled tbisexer ciee for two hours in the morning. We were turned out to repeat our performance for another hour iu the eveuing, and socloBed my first day in the Uuited States : Regular service. This same order was fol lowed until ounday I was enit to the hospital where I remained for about six weeks, when ou May 12ih, 1 rejoined try prfvciit f;mi. paity, hi h w :m then fit:itioii"-l nt AlcatfUZ. ('ill.,' iii'il'TUjfV ti-" re , auun, Sick Headache aud ail Stom ach, Liver and Bowel troubles. . E i sy, plens.iut, safe, sure.' Only 25u at Smith's drug store. . Shot la the Lefa just as tbe party of young meu were starting for the west last Monday about noon, twoxif Ibem, Barueit and Robert Garland, be ing uuder the itiflueuce of liquor, pulled revolvers and commenced ehootiugiulo the grouud. Several shots were fired, aud one ball, it is thought from Baruott's pistol Struck his brother Robert above the knee and ranged downward. He got into a wagou aud weut near a mile from town and stopped at a bouse, and later sent for Dr. Lj le to cut the bullet out. He was ar rested aud brought back to town Tuesday moruiug and was fined ten dollars for snooting ou the Street.. Iu tbe evening be returned borne. An effort was made to have Barnett arrested at Dillsboro, but be made bis escape aud , weut ou withie party. rtnF.nFn7n I I I A-- "ill THE OHIGirJAL UVER HEDiai.7 1 - f y A "allow eomplexion, dizziness, i biliousness and a coated tonijiie , are eomnion indiratinn of liver arnlkidueydiseases. Stomach and liowel trouliles, trwn an they arr, ( give iinniediate warning by pain, f but liver and kiilnoy tiouiiles, i' thonph lesn painful at tlio start, nn. ' mnrli to cure. Thcdferd'i ' . lllack-Drauuht never fails to bene- ' fltdiseaW liveranf! weakened kid neys. It Htirs up the tortiid liver to thro oif the (fiTins of fever n nd ape. It is a certain prever.uve or cholera and Uriirht's disease of the kidneys. Willi kliliievn re iiiforrcil by This ! I'ord'a l;'y k I'ranffht tlinuaniis (if pfriiiij hve dwelt itimjune in lite lei,; t ef v '1 low fm'tT. ;Vany i iniii,' s liv" in lrf.-ct te ilili H"'l I i i no .i:'...t ' ' ' lean '1 l.r-:..,;d'n 1 i.H k- I'rae- ut. it it a! ; s on ! d f..r template settling in Idaho iwi. leave Asbeville ou March 20ih. There will be oue hundred aud fif ty persons at least iu the party and possibly two hundred, and two tourist sleeping cars and two day coaches have been ordered for their transportation. Twenty persons weut Monday to Washington state, and ou . April eeveulh there will - be au excur sion to Indian Territory. - Tlie Bestrik SclioeU - The performance last uight at tbe court bouse was right cleverly rendered by members of tbo Libra ry Club before a fair sited audi ence, and netted 33.50 for the li brary. " ' "ToUSLMCATEu. Mar 1903 the Frenkkliu Press FreuklinN.C. you will find a Sketch ou the other side you may print if you wish. '. - . . A Stick thet cennot ly Still, M. Hicks of Kyle N. C. seys be bes the creekeds Stick iu the werld he seys be bus ieyed it douu a half a mild freoj tbe river aud it will net git fci.'lii Uutill it bits the wet ter seys he beii it tyed up iu bis soke bouse. Cutlass! i Items. Mr. Geo. Bulgin and molber visited Dr. Bulgiu's family last week. : Dr. Bulgin is still buying pins for the Gillilaud Locust Piu Co. Several buudred tbouHnnd pins are ou the grouud' now, and it is expected for work to begin soon. The 2nd Quarterly meeting was held at Salem church Saturday aud Sunday, attended by a good congregation. Mrs. Mai'tha Beck received news Saturday that her .Mater, Miss Ad die lloldeu of ' Mmiutaiu, Ga , died suddenly ' ' V nitirniug. Mifs Iloldouti f --..ny relatives and fni'iidri in eiacnii. Mers. Waller, Arthur ami Silas Watkiim left Monday morn lug fur Wai 'iU'i'loii. Oer 1 t w iIe s i;o . NVi.l-" ill " i thetimiHism and all Liver, Eidnerand Elad drr troubles caused by uric acid, in the ayitein. It cures by etetnsin; and vit-.lhlng the blood, thai removing the csttsft of disease. It gives irior and tyie and builds tip the health nd strength of the patient while nsing the remedy. . URICSOL is a tatr.intrr fa the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disannoiuU. It cures in- fallibly if taken, as directed. Iry It ana be convinced that it is a wonder and a blowing to suffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 8 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. Send Stamp for boos of partic nlais and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply yon it will be seat, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: WOOL CBEMICAI, CO, Las AajdM, CtL wum a tAtnm wwa co..xusu,c, llUtrisstlsl Aftcls. Southeru'i Redaec! Rates. The Sontbern llailway offers the following reduced rates, account apeciul occasions : Account Grand Cbiptcr Order E latent Star, Wilson, N. C, April 7. lOlh. Tickets will be on sale April 5, 6 nnd 7tb, with final limit ; .April 12, 1W3. It'.te from Aieviile, via Goldwo, 114 00 for io"iid trip. Ae(fli!t NaliLnal Manufacturers Afsocintion, New Oileanf, La,, Apr., 15-17,10)3. Tickets' on sale Apr. U, 12, and 13th, lrjl03, with final limit April lUih. By dtpoaiiing tickats persciiiilly wi'.b Mr. Jos. Kiclianlnon, opeeial Agent not enr.i er than April 1'i.nd nut Inter than April 19, nnd puviiej foe of 50e.ts. an extension of final limit of April '30, in which to reach original si. -in in;; point -n ill be jointed. . Jfaic for tlie round trip tri m A-I'e ille, N. make rocm for our Spring Goods. They are now ami, SJ " . J5 and it's room we want to display them. ' til fes aair fenisel goods for $11 ihe people. WRIGHT & ROBINSOCE. Sam L. KtUiiutee under tha will of Chas. L. Frost, of 300 audi interest, due aud payable Out. 2t, 1900, and default having beeu innii Vs J f, 4j900, .and default having been iniuK -TWtbe-tuiy'nent of said dett anrt iu teiest, and the said' 2?T " "nN ... news briefs: " . - , , All the infantry enmpsoies of Ihe North Caroliua Nalioual State Guard, ore soon to bo armed with Ihe Kraig Magazine rihVs. Requi sitions tave been made hlbe State on the war depart me. for 2.000. : euel I.o .,!.!). (). I'., i f N'i '.if;'N c. : NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain Mortgage Deed made by G. M. Oliver & wife A. J. Oliver to the undersigned dated the 5ih day of May 1002, nnd rej-istered in the office of lleg. of Deeds for Macon county, N. C, in Hook No. 9, page 818 &c. of the reuord of Mort gages, and default having been made ui the payment of the indebtedness secureS"" tJ -snisU, J!rlgage Deed hereby the power ot s.iTe'-it:uiieii t herein has become operative. The undersigned' will on Monday the 13, day of Aprif 1903, during legal sn'e hours and as near the hour cf 12 o'clock, noon, as may be, seil at puli. lio iiuulion tor cash at the court house dour in Franklin, Macon Co. N. C, the following described I nid : IjV ing and being in Cai toogeclinye town ahip, Macon (ii.1 N. C, Adjoining (he I it U of Win. Wnhll'oop ou K. Le.miK'i' Wadnmp on ihe E. e on II on the .1 V, North, Carolina, - Macon coioiiy. In the Superior court, Spring term, 1908.'-, lit becca Lake Pierson llonryj 1 ' . VB. " S No- ' . George Adams flenry ) tice. : The defendant above name1 will take notice (hat an action entitled as above has been -commenced against him by tbe plaintiff in the Superior court of Macon county, for the pur pose a( obtaining a divorce front de fendant from the bunds rf matrimo ny ; and the defendant will firtner take notice, thai ha is itquind to apjwnr at the next term of the Su perior court of Macon county to be held at the court house in said ronn ty on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in March 1903,' aud answer or demur to the eoniulnint whtnii will b- riled in the office, of ibierli of the Superior court of Mnoon co thirty daya before the beginning of said term of eotirt, or relief deman ded in said complaint wi'l be grant ed. This March 17, 1003. Lee Ciiawkoi.k, clerk. J. Frank IIav, Atiy. 1 I in bating requested the sale of th couveyed by said dded of Trust, W satisfy said debt. 1 will ou the ft.h. day of April 1908, between the boars of 10 a. m., and 4 p. in at ' the tourt house door iu Macou county, sell to ike bighvat bidder for cash iu aecor. danee w ith tbo terms of said ileed of Trust, all tlie laud conveyed by sutd ' truat aa foUows, to wit :A1 yii conveyed iu a ueeu tnant . i' ranks & wife to Wrvnce r said died registered m Book pa &U in 'office of Register of Deeds for Macou county. to which reference is' made fur a fuller de scription of said land. This Mob. 2, 1903. J. F. Itv, Trustee. . y suid , i om il rstuk ii, nn K0T1CE. Macon County, .' - ; llavicg qualified as administrator on tbe estate of John Mnnley on ike 30 day of Jan. 1908, notice Is hereby given to all persons ' indebted to the extate of the said John Mauley, to make immediate payment and set tlement ; nil persons bavins; elainnt against said estate will present them for payment on or ' before the 23ih day of February, 1904, or this no) ire will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 25lk day of February 1903, G. V. Hays, Administrator,-" - ' Johu I.laliley, deed. Highlauds, N. O. KOTIUE. J'iRon Ccnnty. i:.r 1 on the r ' 1 i 3 h l y i f J . ! , . by ; 'vi n t.) i ; ! t . the ' " i ' f - ' (11 II ' I' I I ( i ni-ri- -it 11 ,

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