. ii. AI.E A Via - Guy et al. ) 1 !' 1. ranklin, m County, . "i Carolina, ... l-! I I,-. i.r j O 1 f T. J. JOHNSTON, , , . TTOUNET-AT-IiAAV, Careful attention to nil business. HENIIY G. ROBERTSON. Attorney at Law, PRANKLIX, MACON COUNTT, N."J. Vlll practice in the courts of this SUte the federal Court. Colleo : ' tions a' Specialty - ; SfcthI Jtoftrrs. Notices in Uiia column fir cents per Una for each Issue. In regular local col umn, tea cent per line for each Issue. Keren word make about a line. EXPIRATION NOTICK. It ' . Tlie following MiWrlptions to j? 3 the Passs rxpire on the data's niitu.d below. It In caruistly rcqmstrd that eaehaiitcrlbfr renew in time $ to not miu a nuiulwr of the (taper. Mar18. M. ti. ftitrnnnl, " K. W. Fowler,' -. 8. H. Trnitt, ... , ' - R. A. ttaenha, Klatu Oray, ' " Wllburn E. VrVch, - ..Bev.O. A. Bfclley, '. ' : : Mnr. 28. . . ' " t. VT. Murray, . - 111 B. G, Webb, - iMf Tho Semi-Weekly Journal AND TUB " Franklin Press ' - AND N One Organ Ticket For $2.00. We have arrangement by which we can ohil) witfa the Atlanta Semi- Weekly Journal on the above named terms from unw t ill the 5ib of May, 1903. Now ia the time to aubacribe before the offer mua out FKAYVKUN, N. C. Dring your corn to R. L. Porter's aud get 75 cent pur bushel for it. Scotch Gray car J board 22x28 in lies for niouuliitg jiicture ut thv 1'uEsa office. . Poor borne are ugly and fat hor aea are pretty Feed them on Uvrea Hoyal 8ice and ihey will get fsit. ' Only 25o er ' jmckao at Smith'a J)ru2 Store. i . ' .T.Ejfga are higher than ever before and Myrea Puuliry Spice will make hen lay and therefore liuike yon more money. Try it, only 10c pack age al Sniith'a Drug Store. Almost anything you need in the grocery line van te had a( Wright & liobinson'a. , Our stok of Ladir $hoca hnve never beeu auriiasKod in . this (m cU m fur qimlily or jiricea. A full line of Notion, Hut, C'iijih and Furuinliing Ooods of Latest Style. , ' WkIOHT & RoHlNgoM. VTe are not in the job lot or ec .it'l I - in nl good a lupines. We aim f f Ve new, clean, up-to-dnte Grot n, Mint's, Notion, eto. vIf y'i 't, aervicable and pure ,;ive tlieia.'" WltK.HT fc IiOIUKKOX. v. las ever e'l'i.i can ever sun 1 l. :s iu I.e., . I HIT I a. s ri . $ i-M? r c ft. s a K 8 r ! . I..-:U'o r'nui; :n lit: .t :0n lull. JiHil U :1 a 111. Arrive Hi!!-!... lv 11 .-in urn and R.-Ifi pin. I.-'nve 1 .. '..n.ftt 4:1.1 nni. and l:eOpm. Arrivn Fninklia by 10:1.) aiu. and 7:iKI put, Kii e vibititttr fiii'Js at the Press ofiico. " Mr. N. L. D.trnard arrived home Sturdily from Goorgin. , Mr. N. S. Tlmrnns njoved Fiid:iy from town out to Mr. Leo Allm:in's The Citiien notes the ri.ie:u;a of Hon. Kojie Elirs in Asheyillo Vii- dny. ' Otto Love hied himself away to Brjsoii ity the latter part of last Atly. II. G. Rol-ertaon made two liusines trips to Jackson county and returned last week.' -y ' Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Jacobs, of Wbitller, are on a ten daya visit to relatives in thia county. Mia. K L. lJortor went to JSanta- hnld Saturday to see how the "Colo nel" waa getting along. Mr. II. G. Ti otter went to Ashe vile Thursday on a uu;iuesa trip, aud returned Snturday.. . A new boy made bia nppenrrnce at (he home of Mr. and Mrs, E. K. Cuumugham lust evening. , Miss Beacie Meroney returned to hsr home in Murphy lat week after spending several days here with Iter sister, Mrs. K. L. Porter. Miss Eva Amnions will leave next Monday fur Crook, Oregon, lo spend some lime- with ber sixter Mrs. Hou ston who resides, at that pluco. . . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quipine Tablets. All druggists refund the nionny If it falls to cure. S. . Grove aignaturo la on each box. SiSc. We learn tbn Mr. R. L. Porter stocking his ranch on tipper Kaula hala with chickens and hog, 1 and is jroing to raise poultry and pork' bv tho wholesn.'e. We regret to learn, that Mr, Dan vf ihe Nantnhnla Company "i Charleston on aixOunl of the 1 1 1 -.s i ""ehiliTIa who have hud fever. . L Arthur Adiilngton 'came home last Thursday j from "Birmingham where tie had been at vork for some time. He will return to Banning hntn after court. Mrs. J. H. Fouts and child ro tu rued borne Mouday from a visit of several weeks to her parents at Gleuville, N. C. We are glad lo state that she ia ruuch improved iu health. , Just affer going to press last week news leached this oft) e that County Commissionei Geo. W. .-Pjirrih-,,SUd Mr. Berry, Vith of. SmilbVlkidge towiinhiifrwewijasfTied'oii 'Tuesdav .'. . . eeTiuif lit last aeek. - .-' - . - 'r - Pant Jones, ton of Judge Geo. A. joms,'as httriding Saturiay. "lie hiiJeeu conbued a Ins : room over three months vn account of being kicked by A hore! It may bo a long lime before he fully recovers. ' ' T -h. OASTOtllA. A young man named Parker from Swain county was brought lo Dr. gyle's hospital Thursday with a bad ly shattered fot. He had a shot gun cooked with muzzle 'resting on his foot and his finger on llie'lrigger, when heaaw a rabbit and jorked up the gun pressing the trigger at the same time- The guu went off. So did part of his foot. e The Stallcnp Furniture Company has an baud a full line of coffins and caskets ready to fi.i all orders prompt ly, and lis receiving a full line rl fur niture such as Bureaus, Dresrers, Hedfteads, Mattresses, Cbairs, Rock er, Looking Glasses, Iron Bedsteads with Sj ring Mattresses to umtch, and everything for (be trade. Call and examine goods at tbe Muuday Brick Stole. . Quarterly Seettur. . The Secopd.. Quarterly Confer ence of the Fraukliu Station will be held April the 4lh. The Pr . siding Elder will preach April 4th at II a. m., and Apr. 5th, which is Sunday, aud administer the Sac ranicut of" the Lord's Supper. Tbe Friday before is to be observed as a day of fasting and prayer. E. L. Dais, Pastor. MORE RIOTS. Disturbances of 8trikers-rre not nearly us grave its an imlivi.lu.il dm. older of the system. Ovei w o. k, loss of sleep, nervous It-union will lie ful lowed by utter colbps , tin! a rn- I t! !e remedy is iiiimi' liu'ely em- I I ; ' 1. There's iiolhiii- t t !;i. ient t; tore di.s H'leis f the Liver tu 1" :.'af yi ns; I'.'.f -As si; Jlii.ter.. It's a tvniiderfiA tritiie, and t ee; i vt; ti i V!! o I l:i trrt'i ' it, ad nrvittl u 1 ' I 1 ii l i i Jut i 1 Jl .;-s I : j M id 1'i.r'er, (if Alldl'i'WS, lias In. -ii visiting r.'! at i v.-a in tins coin)!y for a week or ten diiys pusl. Mr. Dud. Raveucl nr'ived from Churlestou last evening. Ilis family will arive iu anout two weeks, . . ' ,- . ' - Mr. Frank Williams, of Frank liu, N.C., spent sevewl days nl t he Wall House lasit.wtek. Cisyluu Triliuno. Messrs. J. B. Ensley aud; Reece Crawford, of Jacksou county, were in town this . ; forenoon.' They are iu th revenue service, Mrs. Ella Bidwell and little daughter, after a few weeks visit to relatives hero, left tor their home iu Raleigh Tuesday mor ning. Mr.F. D.Clarke.ofFliMt, Mich., has been iu town since Suturday. Mr. Clarke is Ihn partner of M.r II. G. Trotter -iu (be new locnnt piu business to be opeued up soon, also he is interested iu mica miu iug in this ounty, .- BKYSOJ-ROBEBTSOX. Tbe follow iug iuv'i1tioua have beeu issued : - ,. Mrs. LiwimLj-le Dryson . reipiests tin- honour of your rnsince ' at tliu uiarrluKo of her duugtitt'r , : ' . s Laura. to . ; Mr. Henry Greene Robertson, on Tlinrs lay morning, A irll second, - at eight o'l'twk, . At Home, Franklin, Nortli Carolina,:. ; CASTOR I A For Infanta aai Children. Tin Kind Yoa Ksya A!xays l;ft Bear the Signature of HeitrvSleele. a neirro.who mur dered Gormau Pittmau, white, ws hanged at Thomasville, Ga., lu&CFridtt.v. 4 r "' 1 .1. X ; ,yy: a, . JsoV , Webb, colored, was hsngod'it Birmingham, Ala., last FndHy foy the murder of Pol ice- mau Win. p. Walton last March. IT SAVED HIS LEG. . P. A.llai.forih of LiGrange, Ga , suffered for six mouths with a fright ful running sore o:i his leg; but write that Buckleu'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds Piles, it's . the best salve iu the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 ' ct. Sold by ' frank' ;T; Smith, druggist. .' , - .,:. . Thero was a wreck of train ..No. 18 from Murphy to Asheville -lust Weduesduy night near TurnpiKe. Two freight cars were turucd over. Nooue was hurt. . ' .tJovernor Aycock has "appointed John P. Krr of Asheville lo be a director of the State peuitcutinry. ; " H - " Governor Aycock - will deliver the commencement address at Ox ford Female Seminary iu May. JOTICE TO TAX PAlt EES. ' Delinquent tay-pnyers will lake notice that uothihg appearing but lands out of which to make taxes, their lands will be advertised for taxes ou the .1st day of April. T.TJ.IIic?loy, Sheriff, ; Epworth League Rally. Au Epworth League Rally Jfor the Fraukliu Skit ion, (be Frauk liu Circuit, Ibefacon Circuit, and the Gleuville Circuit, will be held iu the Methodist church here April 3 aud 4, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. The public iuvlted. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys urjon the "ifrfi, dis courages and lessens tmbilion; txauty. vigor ,.(! , . and cneerlulncss soon tt't'") ' j disappear when Ihekid- Vc'TTf-r) ' neys are out' of order f ' I s- or diseased. ' Kidney trouble has Y. become so pevalTit Xv T that it is not in- oninmn A A v v' ''...,, for a chili to be born J ' 1' revs, ll the child urin- " a es too often, if the urine scaltu tlie f!e:.h or if. when the cmid re i i-'t an a e w i It l he a' In control the p;r.';;H ,. it is yot arfiicid wnh h-d-w M i - a i - Of ! f:: I it of it rf t the o . i i'. k .: tic ; .- c , , t I U i to I ti i o to a . i k , s J t r i i t n t j I i ,8 l: i i n i ins, lu.i.'... 1 1. , i a cvr , !c f tl. : i I'.crc ::rc: rcrson.5 who arc thia and weak jbut not sick enough to go to bed. - "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors cnll them, which in common English means lony sickness.'1 To stop the. continued loss, of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling1 of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons ou$ of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. - Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. . . There's " new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. ... ft mr tliat thl picture fn thi form of a UU1 in on tht wranrwr ft every bolU of tniuUion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St. . ' " 50c anI Stalk FRANKLIN, N.C Munday Brick Block Undertaking Rooma-Up Stairs. Furniture, made ..aud MDnired. and kept for sale, Coflius, cas kets, and uudnrtakiug goods of all kinds furnishod promptly on 'de- maud. Terms right ami reasona ble. -." Stallcup Furniture Co. (1217) " " NOTICE. ! . North Carolina, . ' M icon comity, tn the Stiuoiiur Court, Spring term, WOO. .. .; EdaCoTfey;-') w'"'Tf j .,- ,a - 'Nlotice. Robert Coffej' ) " ' - ' - The defentlanl above named will take ooliee tlnrt ail action enlillud as above has been coinmeueed against him by the plaintiff in the Superior court of Alaeoii cotiiity, ' for the pur j ose of obtaining a" divorce" from de fendant from the bonds of matrimo ny l' aud the defendant will fiulfirr lake notice, that he is reij iirvj to appear at the next ter.n of tbd S ipu r.or court- of Macon county to be beld at'llii) court house in said ooun ty on the 7i.fi" Moifclity, after the' 1st Monday in Mai oil 1103, aud answer or demur to the complaint w hich will be tiled in the ctlile of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Maoou Co., thirty days before the beginniug 'ot Haid-teim oi court, or - relief deiiiun dud in said complaint will be grant ed. This March 5, 19(13. f: : . J.KK CKAWFoliD, Clerk. , J. Frank Ray, Any. y NOTICE.; 5 . Norlb Carolina, : Macon county. In thu Supeiior Court, '.Spring term, loos. .' x , - : ; Hester A. Shitlar, "i - i - vs. " , Notice. Robert Shular. ) . t ':- J: . ."The defendant nbove mimed- will 'like notice ilia! an action entitled above lias been commenced against him by the plaintiff in the Superior court of Maotm-oouiity, fn' the pur pose of obtaining a divoict from de fendant from thu bond of maiiimo ny ; and the defendant will further lake I otiee, that he is rnj lired to appear at tbe next term of the Su pcrior court of Macon county to be held at the court tioiitein said coun ty on the Till Monday alter the 1 .-tl Monday in Mareh ID 'S, and aii.-wet or demur lo the w id be tiled in the illipiaint w hit h -. 0 of the Ch-rk 111, c.-i. it ..f ;: art, or rel.i f -.-.i..t uill I,. I. ". I : J. Ci 1 . ! t I t Mil I III I- II. ( . In-' : t J i - . a ; a w r :x- j Tho Only Pcifcct Writing .r.lachino Mad; r-'-H -. , k . . hi; i v Mnchinos Bold ou easy pnymeuts to pnrtios who can furuisb good rufercuce. - x Send For Catalogue. THE FITTSOUilG VHITK.G MACIIINE CO., 208 Wood Street,-. Pittsburg, Pa. ' SlttoluK - M a ttrtuii coot. gjyEWILLSFMjt ..-.II. Unio'nOo For Pouli ry, Rabbits, It . ' :.'!ilit"l'. .- X - &r-h r rTd4 jfeN. tMHMnnliUliUi . Julf Ik IM x' arf afrU.llt, UW. . .. Stronger .snrl eloper spacing then, any other maka, Our Union Lock Hog, Field and Cattle Fence, Union Laws Fenca Gstes, etc , guaranteed firet class. ' ' Your doaior should-handle thia line If not, write ua for prices Catalogue free. UNION, FENCE CO., DE KALB ILL., U. S. A. LARCLSTANcMoSTCcKPLETEbUCGYtACTORY on EARTH WRITE fQ Our Cdods ARe The Best- . , Our Price the lowest PARRYMFC.6,ndianaPll3Vri (1-212) CITATION. North Carolina In Hie Sup'r. ccint. Macon county, Spting term, 1903 " "8. J. May & wire Sarah J. May -V . R. l'. Gelly, II, V. Maxwel', II. I. Wjm.in, Ve'z II & Co, II. O. Wciaell and G. A. Ilnmauy. " NOTICE. . ' :: To the non r sideht defendants II. V. Maxwell, Wetzell & .Co., H. I. Ityman, II. O. Welzelt nnd G. A. Ramsey, lake notice, that an action entitled as Vnbovtf- lias been com tneneeti in the superior court of .Ma con ctuiity in whioa action they hnve been made parlies tlefe idant, t.y order of the court, tho purpose of which action is to foreclose certain I. liel.s on ami contracts ynceriilntr lands and mineral interests" situated in said county iu w hich they have, or claim, an Interest; ami to reform a judgment lo which they liro, par. lit sin said court and said defendants will furlht.i take notice that they are requiied to appear at Spring term l'Jl'5, of Macon riipetior coin", which bi'jjitis Aj.iil 'Ji'l, i:(:i3 a;i --ver or ilentttr la the eoii'plauit - it " li.ui, or t l.e l.diaf il' t:' wid he .lied f.r. ': 1. .::.( plain view cf tlioOferntor all the timo. Simplest Jand strong est construction, rapid no tion, easy touch. Adapted to all kiikls'of work best for tabulating ' aud invoice work. Universal keyboard, removable type action, iu Bluntly cleaned. -Treble the life , 6f any other machine fof good, clean work. The .writing is vtvtRi rr.s:.i. . Dtmttoaiiu thiM n...... lr freo lot of Cnrni.h P.-. 1 ;0.ltloUKlr,f.l....1 '.,...,, Thu Illustration li rtprodiKtton of onu. If jod tntaml V tKijrlu,; now or la the Mar futura in j . anihoneUMttoroo. Tlu-Mmlnlsturh..i.-.. .. X The conatlluia tlm n..t .. .--I iverilatn, mutter or u.rd lr ua. Titoy enakla 7oa , I v iwiuta. , . ,, pianoorontaa a. u, , "'mCATALOGUF ui.i, tM,.. . ,i ,, , L- y ttHh Am.rlcan orfatu ajw,. s, of V l.l aiiprticlat anil liv., V,.a aakini 1 tt full Mplalna-our uilqua Oorui.lt I'la Twllltujf,,' cc mn mi Tr.ri i Ilila mothnj itu ram.-nrailod Itulf la iiw L ' Qnnrlrr of Million Satlnflnl Purriiaanra wbitb or ruu, infokmatiok. aourou i Qommn co. WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. IyV- T nitug jf y Orchards, Gardens, etc. HrflCESAN Catalocu:1 K0TICE. North Carolina, Macon County. .'' In the Superior Court. J.G.WellS V ' - The Eureka Mlii-ng Co. ' Notice of execution sale. I5y vliiue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superi or cunt of Macon county ,iir Xhove entitled action, I will, on Monday, thu sixth day of April, 11)08, at 12 o'clock, M., at the court house door in said county, soll.for cash to the highest bidder to satisfy said execu tion, all tbe rijhi, title and interest which the said defendant,. Eureks Mining Co., has in the fo'lowiug du sci ilted lunds, lo-wit: One1 tract of land lying and being in Maoon coun ty, N. C , and on tie waters of E 11 j iy creek, beginning in the line of iiiilil, at a chestnut, . 24 poles frjm the beginniiiir of said number, ami runs 8 ( E iSu poles lo a spanibh oas, lieing the N E corner of 11313 ; then S oil E 40 poles to a Spanish oak; then N (iO V t)4 pobs to a stake iu said line; then near North 8 poles to ti Spanish oak near' the falls ot a branch; fheii near E with the top of a fidgo 10-poles to a sp.inudi oak; then to the beginning, containing 7 acres, more or less. . AIk, all the interest and title own. il by said defendant in thu lands d. 'ilie.l in a deed from II. II. Kl- innre to Knrel.it ! in l;. -' ' ' '" fi. :ii!i) i's t .i. ' .1 Co., d r ; ex VIA OillERii RAILYAY To all the principal Winter Rt sui ts, at Very low rates. . tHB U1T80HTS OK TUB, Vf"1 Wild 'It ?m-'!eief a ft ve""-"ef t ill) wuotUtil 0. U wutioiiiutll iuj uuwd lUiiiyit.itl tai.tl ; L!c:!c3 OFVKR MANY INDUCKMKJITB TO : THK TOUIilST. Some Prominent Resorts Are St. Augustine, r.ilm Beach, Mia ml, Jacksonville, Tampa, I'ort - Tampa. "THE LAND OF THR SKY." 'And , ."Sapphlra Country." " ; TICKETS ON SALE rjptoand including April 39, 1008, . Hunted to return until May 81, . 11)08.. - - STOP-OVEflS Allowed at important, points. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS Of the highest standard between . principal cities and resorts. Dining Cir Service Unexcelled Ask nearest Ticket Agent for . v copy of "Winter' Homes in :, X- . , a Summer Land." : W.A.TURK, i ' ,,v Pass. Traffiolfgr,--' " Washington, D. C S. II. HARDWICK, Gent. Pass. Agent, ; Washington, D. C. J. II. WOOD, - ' District Passenger Apt. , . Asheville, N. C. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Tradk Mark rrVfl1 COrVRIQHT AC . ArtTrmit Mmrtlng tkttrh n6 rtMrrlntlon mat qntaktr Mnertalh our o)tnkm fre wlitbr an invention M pmbi'nly imtenUihis. ComnmnlRn ttonuMtrtctlymitfldentljil. llundbook on Pnteotft Mnt trm. ( Mdnni nsfliuy tor ws-utinir pntenta. : 1'i.toiiU trtkon throuirli Munn A Ofx rwelT tpccbU rvtitca, wHbnutyltwTtfa, in the Scientific JlKierlcan; A hinrtooniely inntrater1 wwkty. fnr5it rh enlaUn of any ricntiilc jnunuU. Tormi, t& finr: four mnt.b,L Som by jll nswMfflnlcrs. SBatCo."'- New York aVaauta Ctaoa. t r 8L. VraabUwton, U.C. . y THE Saint Louis & Sanfrancisco R. R. OFFERS to the COLONISTS t TU At T iril Ai flA a - 4 raiui. riiijc uu r om - . . MEMPHIS Jo all POINTS in , ' :-V AUKANSAS, MISSOURI, ; 1 TEXAS, INDIAN and v OKLAHOMA TERRITORIES, ' Ou the following dales, t March 8rd fc 17th, - April 7ih & 21st. t - -. - . For rates, advertising matter, !' - And iufonnation write - v. "W.T- Saundbbb, G.A.P.D. - "' V . Atlanta, Ga. r- --- - .--.-.-r. , . . , ... ..... (1204) ,4 . v-jrUT"lOE. North Carotins, . !, -Macon County. In the Superior Cpurt, - Uefore the Clurk. " " , - W. B. Dobson, Mrs.) W. B.yDolv son, M. H. Smith, E. I IT Franks and P.- Ci-'Vv'ild," executors of J. D. Franks, pluinttffs, - , . C. C. Smith, F. T. Smith and wife, Virgie Smith, Cornaro Balrd, A. E. Baird, HannaR. Baird, Aliuan R. Balrd, Laura N. Baird, Hugh M. B-jird, Cornaro V. Smith and . wife, Mrs. Cornaro V. Smith, .and Zub Baird, defendants. ( NOTICE. To the non resident defentlants, Cornaro V. Smith ami wife, jllrs. Cornaro V. Smith, and A. E. Baird, above named, lake notice that an ac tion, entitled as above has, been commenced in the Superior court of Macon county, the purpose of which is to sell tbe lands for pailition of which the plaintiffs and defendants are tenants in common, whiuh land is described in the petition in this cause, and situated in Macon' coun ty, X. C. ; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required lo appear before Leo Ctaw ford, Clerk of the Superior court of n.in t ty, X. ('., .lit t ho .i.:n t hull'-.' in i'l I l!ll, ( II t !,! '' I V 1 f Apti', I' -5, ami :- - " r er ,' . r l ; vs. Noll e c! L, M.J.Uny. .) I3y virtue of Authority r ' on me the undersigned eon:,.-,' . er, by an order of the 8upe.i"r c , in the above entitled cause, I wiM, ,i the 6th day of April 19( 3, belwern , the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. at th court house dotir in Franklin, Macon county, Nolth Carolina, ei pose for i ale to the highest bidder for cash, . the ' following described lands, to-wit 1 1st Tract Beginning at a B. oak, Fulton's corner, at the head of a branch, runs 8 45 W 6 poles to a lo cust, then W 48 poles t3 a chestnut, then N 16 W 1811 poles to chest nut, then N 26 E 83 (roles to a p lar, then E 42 pole to a B-oak, wrX tier of Teague 'tract, then N witk " said tract 100 poles to a Biak, then N 20 E lit poles to a poplar on the west bank of Peek's creek, then S 69 E GO poles lo a forked spanisb-oak on Bear Knob ridge, then with ail ridge 8 20 K 80 poles to a Chestnut oak, tlieu southernly 1 10 poles, nior or less, to a locust, beginning corner of Teague tract, and corner of No. 8520, then S 10 W with line ol Nu 8G20 42 poles to a B-oak, in line ol No. 2(09, thu N.E corner of No. 851 9, then with line of No. 2099, S 25 W 140 polea toa locust 8 W i ner of aid Number, then 8 60 E 25 ' poles to a locust, then W 80 poles tov ilia beginning, containing . 900 acres more or lesi." ' Tbe altovr tract coiv taimiig the lands oonveyel to Clark Guy by Slate Grant No. 8t19, No. - . 8520, and by deed from Wat. 1'eok and Sbet ill's deeTw-T-saw 2d Tract-Begjanlng at acheataut oak on x trsgoti road, corner of Kee. . fffcr tract and rur. W 17 poke to Henderson's line, then 8 46 4. pols lo a ' chestnut, Gay's eoraera, then 8 20 E41 poles to a white-oak, Guy's aud Henderson's corner, then N 80 E 41 poles to a hickory, then N 73 E 88 pole to a dogwood, then v N 80 poles to a locust, corner of J. S. Henry tract, then N 80 W W poles to a hickory 00 the W bank of Crow's creek, then 8 10 W 80 poiea to a hickory, then N 76 to the be ginning, containing 61 acres. . , . - 8d TractGrant No. 790T. negitf ning on a dogwood and sourwood runs N 75 E 80 poles to a biactfS: then S 22 poles to a sUke in Mc Dowell's line, then N 40 E 24 polea -: to a hickory, then N 60 W 21 polee r , to a dogwood, then N 14 pole to a ' , chestnut, then E 40 pole to a stake, Thos. VinsouV oorner,' thoa N 10 K 126 poles to a dogwood, then 8 73 -W 68 poles to a white oak and hicko ry, then 8 80 W 60 poles to a stake, ' then S 45 E 40 poles to a hickory. Henderson's corner, then S 45 W 100 poles to tbe beginning, contain ing 48 acres, r- . , " " . V- ' 4th TractLand conveyed from Mary Weaver to Clark Goy being 80 . t - . .-it. - atinp, khwii nt rue ruiur JIUTOW. ... JTNo. 2830. west of a line, beginning at a' hickory Mary Weaver and Clark Guy's corv ' . ' ner, runs S 28 E 80 poles to a eu. cumber, third corner of the iron square tract, then with tbe west Una . . of that tract S 20 E 81 poles to a white-oak on the top of a ridge, Wo. McCoy's comer. . ' All other lands in Macon county, North ' Carolina, ot whiuh Clark Gay died' seised and possessed, of whatever kind or de scription. " All the above described lands iie on the waters of Peek's and Crow's Creeks, on Sugarfork river. Valuable for timber and minerals. . This March 8, 1008. y" 8.L. KiUTK r Commissioner. (1207) CE. . By virtue of the power of "afsht-t1 contained in a mortgage deed eiudu-' led by-j, M,' Daves & wife on -tHe i 24th day of Oct. 1890,' to Sara L, ' I. Kelly Trustee, to '. secure tbe ' roent of debt of 500 and interest thereon, as evidenced by three bonds of even date, therewith said - bonds -tl ne and payable Oct, 24tb, 1900, and default having been made in tho payment of said debt. ' I will on Monday the 6lh day of April ICC between the hours of 10 a. in., and 4 p. m, at the court house door i Franklin, Macon County, N. l' ' 'i to the highest bidder for "catti, t satisfy sal I debt, all of the fol'uw s described lands to wit r Lyili; C! being in Fraukliu Township, I'. i county, N. C, 1st tract. All the bonis cotn ej 5 to J. M. Daves by II. T. 1" ' t t . Lying on Teim., river. 1' tiie S E comer of No. 3 , :., t laiinng 112 acres, for a f j ! r i -sertption of which refereti-''t is i to said deed f'': I' .i's t 1 ttl 'I id, 1:

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