' " rf ' - .1 ; : VOLUJMI-: XVIII. FRANKLIN. N. C. WEDNESDAY, AP.JL 1, If 33. NUM1JKI. 14 1 TOO "'no too Into, th fragrant, dosy 'ore sunshine beats the Whole , - ' ' darkened honra nJrfcljii weut hut Ah! tiika ipim back, tho words tx lorg uusiiM, ' , . The B.ok,o love to starving boart denhs l( i cv ii cteiio vliero she but asked Lt t(ron.li EL uulil ti U her empty hud and efcd. t "The Girl From Across."-? ""Oh!" laid tie girl, in a tons of shocked surprise. "Is lt here?" A. woman from balow lowered, rau cously, anirrclas tLat it m the abode of the Man, ' Tho Girl lcjlced op at the ettle door In absolute dismay. ' She was pretty, decidedly prc.ty, and young, and sty lishly drvsod. She lived over tho way In two charming rooms, where protty Kills llko herself and nice boys were glad to tako tea. Bbe had heaps of mends, and studied at the collose. "Why sho, tho daughter of an Amort ran citizen, should Aspire to medical honors in Auld ReeKle was by n. moans dear. "Poppa," busy In Baltr rcore making dollars, pulled bis chin wnlnkor, and "guessed thero wore 81 ' ploma factorloj enough tholr side tho wtreak," Eut "Per ,aV eventually bad to -give way, as every one alike had to where MaUlo was tonceixcd. So a self-possessed ttomsel of 22 summers ind three brers bound trunks, marked with the Stars and Strides, arrived In L -Nvnlk. . - "And lie tho man who know very thing, and was a pro'osscr at the college- lived here! She hesitated a moment, doubtful of 1 the propriety of Intrusion. Ho was it great man,' and professor ct lnte gral phllooophy, whkU is a very ab i Struso subject to take a degrc3, still .more so to teach. . The Man knew everything -except how to compel buttons to remain on shirts, and bxkcop mica fririi liis pro visions, to tidy np his rooms, and the principles of bousehcla ecorifr tf-p.- cral comfort ij!irii' X tulum, of any coHoa he had J'" heard of, being even outside tho limit , of integral philosophy, and, as affairs that chlojy concerned women, of no ,., inaltor , . . . , IT'.ien "h went boldly up to tbe door Itnd knocked. ..The Man was sitting at a large ta ble covered with papers, his trousers turned up and his feet Immersed In pan of once topld water, " Oblivious to everything outside his own thought he feat aurt wrote. 'Ho was engnged on a great work, to b published in two volumes at the scientific booksellers' and also In adding many lines and furrows on his lace.- ; ; .v.; . , Life was short, but the power of man is great- In his short travail he had "VU tke lamp of truth to many hid 2eri" mystorlos. What secret should escape him? "What line of demarca- - tlon stay his search f Meanwhile, there was one thing only tia work. 1 That was why his eyes peered dim ly over his dull, dark folios; and his feet splashed in the cold water.. He had forgotten to take them out u wuw . His PviSu lUtle as the crabbed! lurg formbdTnlHnaei vea on the WidbUkof his manuscript Doggedly he wrote on, exultant, - determined, while Bome one knocked, unheeding. "The Prlncipla Vltae." . Ho under scored the headline, and beg&A a fie:h paragraph, as some one entered "The principle of LKe l a pretty girl!'' That is not what the professor meant to write In his great treatise, nor is lt what he would have acknowt edged or realized at any ordinary mo- - SWdO'hot protend to know the psychological reason that explains the phenomenon. It may hare been the retina of his eye received an impres sion which disturbed and dominated the current of his thought ajid auto matically his hand transcribed; Any how, It was there, in black and white, "and anyhow, she was there also, clad In dainty muslin. .' . He looked dreamily nt the bright fig lire from over his clouded glasses. His tired gaze rested on the blue of her eyes, the gold of her hair, the red of her mouth and tho freshness of her bright young face, as on a beautiful picture destined only to fade. Then he sighed, wearily. V , Rvon then, however, his tnlndv bent n the great work, was not wholly pfjunl to the situation. He addressed .her laconically; as he would have done the charwoman who tended him. , . . ..-"Well!" he grumped. The protty .Olrl looked at him for a moment A half stifled laugh at his 'surliness rose to her lips. Then the nmused merriment died out from her eyes,-and they renewed their hwk "of Hympatby. i - "You are the professor?" "v "Well!" ' - Td I am tho girl over the way." "WhV girl what way?" Me hafln't noticed hert Her femin ine sense was distinctly hurt Other men's observant admiration was more Bppnrent, even to obtmslveness. But ,it ia not pleasant to feel one has been nc; .lli-Bsly ignored. . "1 live the other side the street," ;Iii1ned, flushing sllgtJr, "And u rider, you at the collt-ge." ye." He memorized her now, i a i .-ollector does an unlsbelled spec I ii In a box. Back row, pink com l xi ti, a flower goneraly on desk In l i t of her. Answers averagely in- "Woitt yon sit down?" he said, with v : :i ifU-unt politnoas, -Indlratiiig to r, by ! ti-a-o of tho hand, the only -.)' ' , ' Hi.ilr. -Jf ' ' i. , : " ' i, n r:Yl:ho noleu i !rl-i C((u:ii: iul). ,' y irinKs.' f! l.cr si.-' n,.1 j a l-v I is p- -1, ! 'I -v-l t i tlif. r1 i re-por.dmi, "I V.ss 1! t. 1: LATH. i - "" ' ' . T1) i woet pink rosea lie np-n her brea.it; Lfecluse, liut such lock of comfort and Kha niii.il (im,,,.,!, vuuU whnMiin M1 V. . - . 1 '-" " ' " Ink hud g-e' UU -ho i...- anu it m J Jiti rest " ' " Bbe bath no need for any fairest roe. Ynke them away and bear her soft! y forth W hero ainglug bird and teudur grasses Walt; , - Holding your pcaee-your wordi are little worm' .i for lore and rosea, all are come too late. Mary ttlddell fcorloy, la Doetoa Transcript He raised his brows and hoddod. ' "Can I do anything?' s "I think hot," he replied absently, "t need hothlng." . "Portia ns" she made the suggestion with diffidence "perhaps I could tidy up." He looked round on the Jitter In surprise. : 'The room was no Wore palatial than IU approarh suggested. The one win dow looked out on the lank telegraph poles as comraMes, and commanded a charming view ef the chimneys over tho wayv For furnitnrle there was a wardrobe, an old. armchair, that did duty also as a bed; a rush bottomed chair, a cupboard, a few cooking uten sils and Bome ; chemttU.; apparatus grouped round the b-le in the wall, called "by courtesy a fireplace; and lastly and chiefly, a large kitchen ta ble and the Man. The table contained chiefly papers. Its drawers held some scientific in struments and a mousA)p. - The wardrobe held old clothes. ; The np board served ae food store for both Man and mice. And the Man con tained knowledge. "Tidy np? It Is all Tery tidy, thank yon, Mrs. Stamp, my charwoman, has dono everything I am very comfort able, thank you." "Btit you are ill." ' ' ' .-"I shall sooa be better. There was silence. The Girl sat uncertain what was best to say or do. , Something splashed under tho table. - She started in alarm. "Oh, what was that?" she cried. -,.,1 :.. , t ,, ... "My err-pedlcular extremlUes,', he 51JiAsliriiilfrfficnt'and turned red7 -..wot "Yes. jiir pardon. I wa not pxpetln(rvf2ttarsl andsmj land lady told me if I put hem In hot wa ter it would do my cold good." "But that water Is cold. "Yoanow. I forgot But it waa hot" ' . . 5 "Had you not better 'got back to your bedroom?" j,. j.,, J "This Is it." ,' " . And he lived dtty and .night;' at and slopt la that desolate attlcf The giri shuddered. Kb wonder he was ill. "Then where is your ! bed ?"irroly the Maik of Knowledge slept1 wme times., ' v.,.,u., i - 'TcUcd op." He Indicated the chair on which he was seated, s, "Won't you let me make it up for yon., and then lie down?" - The professor started with astonish ment "Young lady!. None ha' waited on me to that needless extint sin sin my aln mlther died and she were a foolish wummun," He relapsed Into the broad Doric on special occasions when the cold -current was stirred to t-. . .. - 'uw. " """r. iuu uins eyes uneq wun lenrs. "Then it's time some one did It for you now," she murmured, "Oblige me, Mr. Morphyn, please, by. taking your feet out of that water and chang ing chairs." . "Eli!" 1 " At first he was Inclined to rebel. But there' was a conciliatory pleading In her face that even 4 hard , headed professor, resent it as he would, could not resist ' -r , "Now! Just lift year -foot a Utile, please." He looked ,at het curiously from under, hut shaggy brows. - It was a child he was dealing with, or, mtbwr, wno was dealing With him. Of what worth was Mo resist? He "lift ed his feet and she tucked them in the blanket,' and unperceived put an other wrap around his shoulders. - She heaved Jeep breath of satis faction when her task was satisfac torily accomplished. The profressor still sat over his books. He certainly folt wanner than he hsVi 4oifj before. The Girl, her point- gained, went quietly on, tidying up and arranging the couch. She tripped gently .out of the room ence or twice tod held mys terious consultations with the rau cous voiced woman below, Some more coals appeared in the room, the scrap of fire glowed brighter, the litter of pota and pang .disappeared, being rel egated to the crowded depths of the professor's cupboard. ,. - s A gentle hand touched, his sleeve. He looked round on the transforma tion which had been going on, unbe known to him. ..it v 1 "There! Now you, will go back to bed. And I will let the doctor hear, and look in again on you later." -- He saw her depart with a sigh of relief, and watched the gold crowned head with IU sunny smile disappear behind the rickety door with evident satisfaction. Now he would be able to really work. "Go to bod," she had said, as though exjiecting implicit obedience he a staid professor, already' in his gray haired stage, meekly to obey a mere chit of a, schoolgirl filla pulchra Daughter of Eve. Pleh!, - He laid down his pen, his head throbbed wearily. The cold shoeta looked Inviting. He stroked them, with his hand. In 10 minutes nature had conquered, and he waa routing his burning heat!, tipf-a pillows her dainty flniTPty had straightened and smoothed and Ms lips sought gia-lly tho cool ing drink her thought and care had placed near by. j. j Meantime the Girl was Interviewing the professor of nii.-dk iue. Ho hi ail her ntnry with surprN. then went out f.r.l f"t h"tl tho Head. Thn 1 1 -id, a rr:v. -. fb-.r rV- 1 r.i.Mi, in;'. ' - 1 h -1 . i i;.. I ! .lu i 1 ' J 'The Head gasped with astonishment I Morphyn had always been an extreme a. . . U , t ( ii l a RiiriYumiilnfra frtr mm fir f moons was, fevea to them grave, sttw Vis men of modest, oven asco .Tiablt Inexplicable and unreason able. ' . , They listened to her sory with sus pended amazement Thanked her gravely, and bowed hor out , As she reached the step, the Head coughed. "Miss Hopkinshaw-r-er in future er with a nurse or in at tendance er there will be no need to callthat ts, a repetition of your opportune visit will ba Inadvisable." She flushed scarlet "May t not see jay patient?'1 "We shall be nappy, Miss Hopkln siiaw, to give yod particulars of his progress, . but for you to call there will be scarcely er" - Then the reason dawned on her. , . "I see." , , . -Hot features set fixedly and the words foil coldly "It would not be proper." --"Er, . He will have every atten tion," the embarrassed "Head ex plained. The Glfl turned eri her heel "Of course, we are more than grate ful for your kindness" but she was gone, and the excuses and reasons which were addressed to empty air, though more fluent of delivery, sound' ed horribly unconvincing to the two men, the sole auditors, as they reit erated them soothingly to each other. Propriety! Yes, she had noted with American freedom, she supposed. In venturing to knock at the neglectod door.i Propriety would have left him to die. Propriety, as typified by that fussy old dame who shuts her eyes to everything disagreeable that does not prowl under her very nose." 1 She sat by her window while the sun flecked with ftimeotk clouds" the scanty yellow' sky over the way.' She watched a cab draw up a sparse figure and 'a corded box de posited. That was the nurse, she sup posed. She picked up a book and tried to read. - Night came shops lit their darkly dflwn. ' The nmtnJful .of the darknesses' inVtbe window seat and with hot cheeks over About 9 o'clock she the Head saw tbr' nurse go out Then she did a dtring thing. . Putting on her cloak ste stole warily np the rickety 'stair Case. ;.-;.:, ,' ' ... He lay apparently asleep. The wld- i was bpen. The nurse's tea things about, but little seemed to hare beehxdone for him since the morning. The Ire: was nearly out,;:' Bending downViietly, she breathed fresh life Into till dying embers, freshly piled the fuefl.and, with a last look at the fever puokered brow, fled down the stair, her . hfttrUching strangely for of discovery. -" The ndxt day, toward afternoon, she met, the owner of the raucous voice in the streot ' Her Inquiry as to the prcfessor was met with a shaking of the head, accompanied by incoherent murmurs that might have been the result of despairing pessimism or al coholic stimulant , Mention of , the nurse evoked only a sniff In reply, to gether with a shake of the head, and the contemptuous production of a gin bottle, suggesting a vice which the raucous voiced one evidently strongly disapproved of la others. And be. was lying there worse than alone-r-in soph care. That women so degraded crept into the ranks of an honorable profession, she knew. But that he should be at the mercy of one of these! That night she watched the woman out, but dared not to go up. . s 1 tn her doubt and despair turned ln to the street Amid the flaro of the lamps, she saw a figure with bonnet and cloak awry drop out of a com' mon bar and Into the seething crowd: The G.'rl flow back, and., uji the rickety staiiS Tho raucous one mot her at the head, her voice more husky than ever. Time some "on coeae, she said. "Lor 'elp 'Im!'.' and in her grief she puled again, with a broken sob, at tho bottle. The Girl went in and bent down over tho lonely man. . Tho fever had left him, but some thing else was fast ebbing with it The lito, hope, and the lonely soul were speeding out . to the dancing waves of the unknown sea. The wa ters sang in his ears. ' The spray .bub bled and foamed through rosy beams of sunlight, and the hymn cf the Un known sounded etomal over nil. A few drops remained In the hol lowed bowl of an emptied brandy bot tle on the littered table. She poured them out, and hastily diluting gave them to the dying man. ':' The rainbow land and emerald seas turned leaden hued'he water gurgled anil droned painfully. . . The Man opened his eyrs. . . Did he know A step, on the stairs. The dour Professor of Medicine's broad shoul ders darkened the door. - " - ' 'iassle; forgive sue," ho said. I thought " , Yes, you thought," she answereJ bitterly. "Now It Is time to do." "Then-let me help you," he said. humbly. "Ho la dying," she replied, inn. choking jroice. The gnarled face of the old Scotch doctor looked sadly Into her own. Its rough features softened with a look of regret for his mlsjudgmcnt, and tho mute appeal in them was lrrc.jtihle. Tbey shook hands as they bent silently over the dying man. "Tonald," the , broken professor cried, "you know me? 1 ve kern to pull ye thro'." . The Man eye wandered -slowly around tho ehnbhy reom In search 'of ber, . . . She knelt by bis sire. The wan face turned paler the feeble lips quivered. The Girl bent her bead. . . He reco-nized her prweace. , ".' in. . . sin . , my aln niiiher d.rd" be murmured, and, c!a:i'l h'-r slend-r hand, his mind ph-d . river cf em!' 3 8. .1'fr. 1 t.-.t lampv-rT; hroodxf indict wd pletetuok ona, too in mat rimonj . and In this his namo and tho Girl's whe.-o bracketed' together equal wlik hcu ors: ' i ( - And IhO bonds bf the collpgo for vently congratulated themscUta, whenever they met Mrs. Morphyn, ou their unusual foresight in overlook ing a Samaritan Indiscretion. For, had they dona otahrwiso, tlwlr noeessmily frequent1 tntotings would have been to say the loast of it, very awkward. Lady's notorial. TRAGEDIES Of A, 10ADH0USE. Old . Kentucky Inn with' Much Crime i In lts"HiEtoryt bn the turnplko loading to Louisvjlio, about IS miles from Bariistown there stood for years in old home that had an, interesting history. The housa was erected in 1791, many. years hofejo the. was any turnpike through this part of Uie state, and was usatt as a tavern ahd a itopplhg piace -fo-Hhs stage coaches when a ehango of horses was .made.- It had frequently' for its guests such men as Henry Clay, Rich ard M. Johnson, John C. Breckinridge, Judge John Rowan, Gov, Charles A. Wickliffe, and many others of cote. In the early '20s the inn passed imp, the hands of Capt James Cainp, who con tinued to run It as a tavern. While Bring , there Camp' wUef was rhUng horseback with several oLher.e and was thrown front her horee and killed. This was the beginning of many tragic hap benings afterward connected with the place. . .'" : A tew years after thW a traveler named John Reynolds stopped over night at the inn. ' as bo failed to ap pear the next morning a servant was sent; In search ;'of HlnV Being nnnl to arouse blm, he entoied th ft 11-1B Reynolds sUff ajoTcoTI in d l.o had shot hlnjwtf' during the- night A law yeara-fitor the old avern be came fasrous for Its lavyu stylo of tatitfialnment It was fcquently the :'ene of great festivities, During the BrogreES of a ball on: night a tragedy occ shocked the whole country for miles around. Two young men, Robcct Har and Wllilam lorth re suitors for the hand of Capt' Camp's, daughter, Harris, on account of wealth, social position and good looks, was the fav ored, suitor, which so enraged, 'North that he determined to seek revenge., ' Hsfrls, who was baldhended, wore i wig; During the avenlng J iv question while the guests were itaiwing Nortlt approached Harrow no"s dsnclnl with' Miss Camp, snatched oil his wig and threw Jt upon the floor. Harris uttered not a word, but quickly turned upon; his heel,: drew a Spanish dag ger and plunged to to the hilt In the heart of North, who foil llfolois to the floor, , " f The tragic "eyent fcoought ll .ball to a sudden close. Harris had thoympa thy of the entire community, nrd pub lic sympathy was so in favor thnt h was never even arrested lor the deoiC The crime overshadowed his life. He never nrajrriedr avoided wemn soci ety and became a -recltise.' --f . About a year later a stranger, named Golson stopped at the old tavern for the? night and waa assigned to (he room in which Reynolds had taken his life A fow hours after retiring the report of a gun was heard, and upon Investi gation It waa found tht Ooison had shot; himself through the .heart It was afterward asceriAlsed that Gol son (ad lost heavily at c; Js in Louis viliefand becoming despondent ended his fife. He waa a native of Nashville and was on his way to thit place. Other Incidents of a tragic nature oceiirrcd at the old Inn, and It was finally deserted and fell Into decay. At this -time only ft few moss-covered stones and a heap bf earth nark the place where the Old bui'.iKnrj stood. Bardstown (Ky.) Standard. 1 , "QUAINT AND ; CUKIOUS. ' . Nightcaps and cotton ear wads art provided by the proprietor of a .hotel at Vyitrr Hungary, for those of his guests who retireearly and do not-wlsh to be kept awake by a gypsy band which plays nightly at the hotel.. ' The British Museum has acquired a Chinese banknote of tho fourteenth century, which was discovered in the ruins of a suUue of Buddha, at Pekln. Paper money was not Introduced into Europe till the seventeenth century. Marriage seems to have a large per centage of success in RuSla. The Lon don Express reports that on November 22, 1852, twenty-four couplciTwere mar ried In the same church in Novl-Vlno-flol. On November 22 last there were twelve of the couples left to celebrate their golden wedding in the same church. v . .... , , 1 '. The largest and strongest freight cars In the world have Just been built for the Monongahcla connecting rail way of Pittsburg, and are to ba used within the limits of that city. Every one of these cars, weighted to its full load, will carry 100 tons. Only the highest class railroads of our country would care to take the risk of trans porting such a weight over its bridges and trestles.' Professor Retter recently Introduced to Uie society for Internal Medicine, in Vienna, a woman with a musical heart For tha past four years she has suffered from palpitation and about, eighteen months ago she noticed for the first time a peculiar singing noise in her breast, which was also audible to other persons, and rose and fell In strength and pitch. The sound is said to be due to a malformation of the heart valves, which seta tip vibration. Engineers f mo. s far as mint of u? know, are th'ir ready re mi i s In I it C 1 1 wi f "t a 1 1 r ! 1 ft II -i-y t k I 1 ' . An to a vll- 1 e f-ni-les. During the r v. 11 It vi i 11 1 1 1 r of t',.r.i:v( iii l-.i H f( s net ' t ii 4 . no 1 ( 1 enr 1 I t l.u BILL ART'S LETTER liiliir Kan K.cks on Edall Profit Frcm.Sa e of His Book. SITS KIDDLE KLN GLT TOO KUCD Speech of 8anatos, ioar,- Praising Southerners, Pleases William Immensely Hewevsri He ', ' Is Stlil at OutsWitH ' ' Roosevelt I was ruminating about, thet grand army of middle men that it takes to carry on the trade and commerce of this country. ;' I verily believe ; .that they make more money than the man ufacturers and there are jwice as many of them. A friend of -mine re cently visited a large manufactory of sewU machines and the superintend: ent told him that tho prime cos t of a first-class machine was $9.60 and thoy Jobbed them on for f la to agents. The agents retai', then at $35, for be hag te rent a store room and keep a horse and wagon and make repairs froo ana k CiX . juM UiUUVUl Oiil. jttfWV 03 has to take a machine back for non payment When the original Bill Arp moved to Texas luff' ts wife's ma chine with hirs and lwOS-r'r,,4 -b,v-' hindWJth ij unpaid. ; Bhuriu thjfuow agent was sent here who Las Hot acquainted 'with the Arp fam ily and ho came out tb my house and wanted me. to pay the noto. I van work to convince hint that I was otor Arn. The note was signed Wlillkm Arp, his mark, and Cinderella Arp, fter mark. My wife was very In dignant that she should be suspected aking ber mark. . - , , Well, now, you see how much mon ey went to the middle men after the machine loft the- factory $2 twice 'as much as It cost to make it. Just so If 'Jsj, with thousands of other -things that go through the bands of middle men. .- .;. : ' V'- -r I was ruminating about this because I received a report of 600 copies of toy dew book that Mr. Bird had sold. The bobk Cbst reeats to electrotype and print and bind It, and I Was to hav half-the profiU arising from, the iaie. The price was 1.J5 postage paid,, which was il cents. Tnlrty Copies had been sold here a. the took Store for $37.60. The oook store kept 25 per. cent, or tft.37. Mr. Byrd (sot $28.13. The freight' and incidental expenses amount to $ cents a copy. So the cost was 88 cents and it net ted 93 cents and my half of the differ ence was S 1-2 cents on a copy.' ; The publisher and agent or middle men .get about all there is in a book. I m not complaining at an' body but myself, for Mr. B.Td told me that the price would have to te $1.60 10 make any thing, but I wasn't thinking about agents charging so muci and I wanted the people to have It as cneip as pos sible. But lt can't go on this way. The publication must stop or ae price be raised to $1.50, and if an agent won't sell tor 25 cents a copy, he needn't sell at all. He runs no risk. He loses no time. The books - U themse.vea on the counter. But Mr. Byrd can Continue to sell on mall orders fof $1.25 and 10 cents more for postag This will bo a fair divide all around and give the poor author about' 15 cents a copy. . ' . Senator Hoar's speech a- Chicago Is before mtj. Nothing since tne war has so cheered mo and lmpresse. me as that beautiful epeech. Why doesn't every newspaper In the south copy It or that part of it that pays such a tribute to southern people. Wheat I finished reading lt I would have hug ged the old -man, It he bad been near enough. , Listen "My life politically has been a life of constant strife with the leaders of the southern people, yet as I grow older, I have learned not only to respect and esteem them, but I love the great qualities' which belong to my countrymen of the southern states. They are a noble race. We may well take pattern trom them in some of the virtues that give strength and glory to a free people. Their love of home; their chivalrous respect for woman their courage their delicate sense of honor their constancy wblch can abide by an opinlm or a purpose through adversity and prosperity ana through years and gonoratlons. And there Is another thing covetous boss, corruption and the low tempta tion of money bos not yet found any place in southern politics. ., . "My friends, we cannbt afford -to live in a state of estrangement from a people who possess these qualities. They are frlonds of ours, "born of out homing, fl03h of our fle3h, blood of out blood, and if I have a right to speak for Massachusetts, will say, 'Entreat mo not to loave thee or forsake thee, where thou gooct, I will go. Thy poo pie shall bo my peoplo, and thy God my God." - ' This Is only a part of It. I nave placed lt In my scrap book along with the admirable editorial comment oi The Constitution. The senata spoke truly when h said that corruption In national poll tics had not yet reached the south. II the case had been reversed our mora bers would not bava unHeatei Butler but with the iiorthern members th( ends Justify tho means. Yes, I remem ber from away bac. how tho old man iom-bt us. My father waa brought m in his slate and my mother in bo. ill Carolina and when tho senator end 1 were in our early mtnhond (we ! , 1 t ' I e ) t ! u l 1 t I II till 1 t (- 1 1 ty j ( 11 n t r !irit"'ii,- r " In tho k a ( i a f j t i 1 (, I , ,n i f i ... . i I t T I he retracts his slanders on Jetferson Davis and apologizes . to bis widow, I will have some confidence In his honor and hi professea good Inten tions, but not until men. it he is a gentleman ho will do that If he is hot a gentleman he won't and that is all there is in it. Thomas Nelson Pago and Harry Stlllwoll Edwards and the MothodiBt preacher at Cincinnati, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sen ator Hoar would not have uttered and published those slanders, and if he had long ago mode the amende honorable. "Slander is sharper than the sword. Its breath rldos on tho posting winds add Its tongue outvenows all the worms bf the Nile.'" 'Roosevelt la a Stubborn, Conceited politician. He profosses to be a friend to the South, when he Is not If we send a consul to a foreign 'country and they do not like him he is recallea tecAuso he is "non grata persona." How ; mucn more careful should thcr-presldent be to appoint no one to office who is not grateful to our own people. , It. Roose velt is a friond, wha. makes him keep bfi iffiotffiTr, Crum on'lhe p&oplo oi a great city like inarleSiod. And the negro Is an arrogant conceited tool, or he would not take it "I know that you say that you love me But why did you kic me downstairs?" Some one asked Tom Heed lt there was such a thing as an honest politic ian. He said, "Yes. An. honest poli tician is one whom you can buy anc he will stay bought, but even uey are se-iT-rto' BILL ARP, in Atlanrf Con- Rome has -w 10 freedom ol tho city on Signer m ' MWltld. tho Russii Mldlster Of finance, is tni ' firdej temperance Workeri . the ReV. BnrliiB-Gouid, ouUvtHM't hiost proline and rersaUIc of modern aulhatS) Is sixty-nine pears old. " .. . .Professor John Lyle Campbell has just rounded out fifty-four years as a teacher nt Wabash College, Crawfords Vlile, Ind. . ms.?,-,., 8. M. Inmnn, of Atlanta, Ga., has given $25,000 toward the proposed Presbyterian university to -be erected in that city. v - :.. . . Joseph Bat tell a millionaire loud owner of MIdillcbUry, Vt, has offered to rebuild the business portion of that (own, (which was recently destroyed by Urol .i-:;.-. - '- Ferdinand IV Grand Duke of Tn tBhy.'ls now slxty-sevcii years of ago, hpd has held his tltlo for forty-tlwreo Fears, his father; Leopold II., having abdicated tar his favor to-8fi ;--:-3 It Tho German Kiuperor is snld to halo reniBikcd on-his forty rttftli ulrthttoy, ''am Impressed by the fact that tia prfleon and Wellington were just tny ego nt the time of Waterloo." Ou June IS tho Emperor will hare reached the sixteenth year of bis reign. . I fcnptnlu Richmond Pearson Ildbson, who recently reslgued from the United States Navy, Is quoted as saying that lb Is his intention to devote his; time 'In the Immediate future to tho writing of a bovftlj to lecturing, literary work and to the education of the Auieriain people." . 1 - Professor Momnisen, the renerallc historian, who was knocked down by a estr In Berlin the other day and slightly Injured, had Just recovered from a painful injury he received from a fall while looking for some books ou the upper shelves of his library. About a ienr ago the historian was knocked Bur by a rouaway none in ueruL - llEvysY CLCANINCa.' - ilringent child labor law; ftn fWsecd the Kansas Senate tlvhnki unlforms.Are now woru by ml the foreign troops' In Clilua except the Russians - - , - - frhe fli-rwnrlsi displn.V tit the .!cdlcn ttui Of the Rt. Louis Exposition Is-to cost $100,000. b'liero is nt present no prospect bf the abolition of tho lax on exported coal Hi Great Britain. ' t. Louis, Mo, Is suffering from an rnordlunry shortage in the supply servant girls. : g t. Louis vegetarians are Dtonnln to establish u that city a co-operative frgutarinn restaurant .- A pnrl.v of English Mayors Is to liinksnn iMfipcolk.ii of tlio chief munltf H(fl underlaklngs In Switzerland, yf The Prussian Stnllstlcnl Ofllce re ports that there are 70,829 Insane pa tients In the 279 asylums of Prussia. The Wenther Bureau at Washington, D. C, is to give lessons to Gilbert T. Wslkcr, an English scientist, appointed director of the weather jJ vAotf' Jn India. ; ;!':. ) s It ts said that a well-organized sedi tious movement rownrd capitalism and the Government has been discovered in several of the largest labor centres In South Russia. The will of the lnte Professor Syl vester Waterhouse, of St Louis, Mo., leaves $25,(XX) to Washington Univer sity, available In 2000, when It Is ex pected it will hnve reached $1,000,000. The Idaho Senate Committee has recommended the passage of nu eight-hour- bill, which provides that eight hours shall constitute a day's work In mulergrc ' n Work. Pan .To' '' ! tnken lull n tenclic, die' reduction r ... i .ncrs have matlon of .... ...iioi ., .e objects in view are pcriunmeney of tenure, cqnallzallon of snlnrics and tho ellm. luallon of politics from tlie schools. The fighting around Santiago In 1898 has resulted In the sdltlcn to the equipment of the engineer corps of two Implements which proved to be very useful In that battle. These are thn machete and the wire-cutting pliers. The macheto Is not only a valuable weapon of) ohense at close quarters, but Is useful lu sul.ting through thick briMh and Jrihele growth. Tim uscful In. a ot th pliers Is obvious since barbed wlrt has come to be such nn Inipoit mt f lor Irt the d " e of fur till i ( 'mitt t1 u it Ii l j t I i vi t ! h n 1 1 i ii . . -n Juan Ii;.- I.l'. i .'. in fcti ' (HV NT PEOPLE. Si A. VIS icoul hi 'A SERMON TOR SUNDAY an Eloquent discourse entitled t poverty and piety." the Re. JaiiiM Alexander Jeaklnt Burl Tl(t the rrrach:ng or the Coepel is , the roar le n Evidence of Tai-lteoeh- lug Mere) Of Hod. . f, Nkw YonK (:iTY-.-"Povorty and Tiety" Wat the subject of tins tcrm.m delivered by tiio Kcv. Jamej Alexander dcnkinii, pjitor pt lmmanuel (,'ongregotional t'hiircli, Hia text was chosen from Matthew xii Hi 'in poor have the gcwpcl preached to them. .. I,-. , The woids of our text constitute part iif the reply of Jesus to John when lie Mint two of Ii (lineiplei with the anxious ipies tion, "Art. Thou He that should conio or do wj look for another" Iu this reply the Master assumes that John is familiar With tin. character of the work of the ex pected One, ao He set before the rnnwen get" liis Own work aa meeting tlie require ments. The blind ace, the lame waik. tho lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, "the poor have the goepei preached .to them." The preaching of the gospel to the poor may be regarded nt only an evidence of the far teaching mercy of the great Uod, but it may nlso be regarded as testifying to the preparation of the poor for receiving and Jpreading the good news from God.; If we benert iu the fitting of means to ends in the world oi nature, if we are upholders of the great law of design, may we not Jtith reasod insist that the Father through I be war ae pt the ages prepared certain of the Rons of moil for tlia reception of the truth. If we concede this we behold in tho preaching of the gospel to tlie poor" an ar rangement, of providence, a Ul remhipg plan of God. " , , ' .. V The pages of the gospels reveal Jesus ss the preacher -t ihe poor. The rich Bo re- ?mled as being for eome reason leas fitted o be chosen as pioneers in the work tt( es tablishing His kingdom. Of tho rich wen of the New Testament, not Dives, not the rich fool, but the young man who cainu to Jesus with eager inquiry, ma bo regarded aa typical in the mind of Jesus of the nosts ot the rich and powerful. - 'iJrrMknic of biai Jesus said: "JXiajsaiff for a cainelf to go through theeye of a needle than for s rich man to wfter into the kingdom nf God. rnwr-fbis statement we naturally infer tjrat the ahsence of wealth or noveriv Is jirist favorable to the reception of shv tft irutn, to toil entering ef the Kingdom. Jeans Himself, coming as the founder of the kingdom of God, chose the inaterinl Upon which that kingdom shall be built, He did not breach tn the noor because oth ers would not hear Him. The inmiential He could have commanded, strength of arms He could have enWcd, wealth would hsve served Him. But He chose, desired, determined, to preach the gospel to the poor. Says Dr. Biuhneii, sneaking of the character of the ministry of Jesus: "Ha adheres to the poor and makes them I he object of His ministry. And what is more peculiar, He visibly has a kind of interest in their society, which is wanting in that of the higher elasses, perceiving, apparent ly, that they have a certain aptitude for receiving right impressions which the oth ers hive not. They are not the wise and prudent, filled with the conceit of learning tnd station, but they are the ingenuous abc of poverty, "open to conviction, pre pared by their liumble lot to receive thongnts and doctrines in sdvance of their age." With equal acumen docs this great rritcr recognise the fundamental anil dis tinguishing nature, of the c'lotce of Jesus, Ss contrasted with the teachings ef tho statesmen and philosophers who had'gona before Him.- .They began at tho top, He began at the bottom, and so Ilis work, be cause it was true to nature, was lasting, shilling, eternal. Ths twentieth century finds society di vided, aa it has alwaya been divided, into two classes, the rich and the poor. Civili sation haa crept onward, changing many imngs, out it naa not removed (nc uistini tion between wealth and poTerty. The distinction mav be less brutal, less crude. but it still exists.'and the vary refinement r il. , -c . t . . f. . i. - pi ine ciAOTincsunn ul intui is uiwa wio cause nf added bit.lemefu Ro to-dftV the student of mes ani.. V whether he be sociologist, eennot - nchcr, is fronted br the dix 'Siting part of society to 1 -Ja1 sianuy asaing ceriA .lons anu ciam- , . i , -, oiing for a reply. the poor man He- cure a just sharvof the good things nl earth? Is it po.-.ij'b'.c for him to get an ed iwttion? Will society receive him? And now, it seems, another question presses Upon ns. What is the relation between poverty and piety? it would seem t.iat tne worin, in an swering this question, has kist sight of the teaching and practice of Jesus, fur the con clusion usually arrived at is tlint tho poor man is at s disadvantage in hia struggle for the soul culture which every human being should desire.- Many listening to the reasoning of the world, have, beiuso (if their poverty, surrendered their religion, deserted th church and -rejected the Christ, To them the Christian worker Let tome id seem the. advocate, of impossibili ties, but this attitude of mind la not con fined to the simple and unthinking, for ws are reminded that even thoughtful writers seem to assume the existence of a natural hostility between poverty and piety. Let us keep in mind the attitude of the Lord Jesus toward the poor ss He delif ered His rnesuge, and lei Us, remembering that, ask tiuraeives what that piety Is, the relation' of which to poverty we are to de termined' Lot us sak whether there-is in piety any element to the producing of which poverty ia hostile, and let ns iin.l, on the other band, whether it may not lie possible that poverty assists the soul in its endeavor to become the possessor of true piety. i . . ;""'' Piety is not, primarily ."something in the atmosphere; it is the rather something in the heart of roan. Among the elements Which enter into it, a few of the principal ones may be mentioned; Sensitiveness of thir.m true, beautiful, good; receptivity, or t&e ability to appropriate the good that appeals to the soul; power to apply the ?rmciples of truth; recognition of love as he great animating, sustaining, Gnd knowing principle. Let us see whether poverty may not be an aid to the soul in its development along the lines indicated, y We may, I thi -k, claim with justice tli.it poverty renders the soul supremely cnni tive to the best things. Poverty is too fre quently resrnriied as, Bynonymous with pau perism, and pauperism is the embodiment Of grim, unfeeling heedlessness. I'aupei- in is cold, indiiferent, dead, but poverty Is warm, alert, alive. Poverty nods us (very faculty, H i-wry porter, it tniwt fUht battles and antieipaU tli.s onslai-.gli' of unseen foes. It must rea l the signs of the mon.- v in the evening sly and adnnt Itself to sun -and shower and' storm. "The man with the hoe" ia not tho poor roan, for poverty neither deadens nor linitiiii.ca. Were I to choose my illustration of hail 'f-l poverty I should rind it in the hu.nVe toi' eis of '"The Anelus." Clnd in the roir.h garb of u.'ikers in the lieM?. holding in tl. ir hands tho cumbrous instruments oi their daily toil, they are. nc-erlhe'.css. krainlv alivo to the beauty, the poetry, tiw s-cigestivenesj of the sound i w.iftedi,ipo,n tne gentiy siirring summer bi-ceres. l . u tvpiral are tiiey, as with lowed hesda ih :' s'and, ef tlie siiccocdi'ig gfiicnitions nl (lull's poor, as, amid toil and trihuial-oii, tl.'-v seek to find the good, to know J.vl. The snsitivi-oe? of h.mi'-t poverty! 1 fee it in the little children oi tiie raon'c le tlit-y Inihuvcl .It-s-.l t iilixtjj h tlir- Mtrects ti! ,l.'rn(iucm, and I it in the hi'.livn vi In to iliiv (hii.'h the ti.xvi rs canird in'-i l " ii. .mes ot ilii'i ).H- by sweet rlnrity. I fr it in the ;al. the Oevotio.i nf fie U n no fir-t heard tne iop-l ir.ewm-n'. sml i . e it in tne enlU.is i.siii nt 1 i" r.iu. n-.idc i.os pn-i-bt li'' iiwinrrtMMi IU." mm. 1 s -c it in U l-i.-es of Im- i . ' i i h i I I i i a I I it in t f . ' th v I t i ti i ( i I l ( p fi'i fo src'l'io d:rfcfSce Iictirrca ","::'i;.rran- "being." Weal th slioal.r b, .t poverty wliUoeM. ft juiv'' .l.'.usty.ww4 to kno'-v that on'v spii-it-'nl sptd-opri itio-i gives ical ownership, 'fit: is ci ef :li mestagM nf the old Kilen story of fionrai, for God placed Adam in tlai g.ir.le kh ft poor worker. He trss to till and Ii the place and only to enjoy tn iniw-U' vt K as he made hi own, The annccpi' -jov of hi. position wai that tliroiij'i toil he nm ab'e tb loult uginn (,'od am! lli gnnrl an. I make them hi own. In bi in lia iillfl hia lirart with substituted for I ind, nn-f thu shut Him out of bis son!. The riimi to Kden is the return ti sim.i'icity and iw eeptivity. It is the iier-oning senritivK Once more to the good and t'.ie Ukiiic iu cf truth, beauty, holiness, " rft It ia'a faiBe theory wliieli nt:nne (hat the activity of poverty is due to m-kl-st-nes, that the poor may choone am- emirsB of action, disregard any exUtint or-ic. be cause they have "nothing to loe." Jiwi for the poor it is true that "life -la in ore ' than meat and the body than raiment.' Tint true cause for tho activity of povcily it found in the rugged strcngtli developed 1 y adversity, in the constant need for adapta tion to the demanda of the pmiini Vavs. and, finally, in the undying belief eherinhoti -that thera is "a good time coming" in tho golden future. t i i . , t ii It is the tendency of wealth to be mt' tsfied with things aa they are, indnslriVr, socially, morallr. Truth's cartoon. "An English Board Meeting," is startlinglv sug gestive when applied to morals, aa well ss when apn'ied to money. "Why," Hie aged and wealthy directors of the great mi'way are made to ask. "why must the nithlic id terfere with oar business? Why must-inventors suggest new devices? What's tne gd of these innovstione?" , - The great lalior saving ideas ot '.he age have eome into the minds of the poor; th-V have been developed amid suffering and stress, and they have been forced upon reluctant world by men who ou-ed leore for progress than for ease, b'o it is with the men and women who, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, have become possessed ot great moral ideas. The grasp of these ideas upon their own aoul ren ders them unrestiy '"nei -teatji. Ml"1 enthroned in the liKnf the raceTrWssif, are willing to fiv.?ni'ngly hnneless hat ties. toj:hATnion despised liHneiplei, lr unwelcome khv.. j.ur,. Ahey have believed, and llieir knnwl advontc unwelcome trnths.; Tbey . tiiiour edge gives them willingness to utilize toeif hard earned strengto tor tne eaucation ami advancement of mankind, and those cluim pions of the principles of piety have hven ' from the dsvs of Jews and trom tho apow tn'.ic times the sons of poverty. When in the davs of primitive Christisuity the gos pel spread from Jerusalem, it was carried by the poor; when it laid siege to hosti.e lands, poverty fought for it; when it grew corrupt through the machinations of wicked priesthood, poor men purified it, when in these last days it has Income; ready for world-conquest, humble servant of the King have been called to ciirry.it . i But we have said that piety has as erne of its important elements the recogndnon of love as the great animating and sustain ing principle: this recognition poverty giwh lv accords. When we are told in the tet that the poor had the gospel preacher! tr .them, we have, as has been said, more lh.ui a mere statement of fart that Jesus (1e livered sermons to multituilctoj .lej needy: we have the implied declaf ati-jn, or, a condition of understanding of svmpatwi between His soul and theirs.. Men vbt were dominated by selfish principles aid not understand Him, for they were ineapiif ble of recognising love as the supreme mo tive of a soul. Action, for them, was a wave dictated hy policy, and they siismicle.I a hidden motive behind the activity of The Master declared that for a lie l man ' to enter the kingdom is dilhcul,, Wiiat did He mean? He doubtlese considered the increasing danger of basing action-iipoja false motive. He knew that ! -is the tend ency of wealth to render action mechani' cal, careless, and, too frequently heartless, that the rich man may give his go.fl lr "charity," while hia heart is a flint; that he mav support the gospel with his money while his heart feel no joy in its message. But he knew that poverty rightly con ceived tends to keep the life normal and true to the true springs of action. lie i .!,,, th winp who heard Him when they gave their mites gave them berniis rCad, shelter, lifeTT He Knew, tnni were familiar with tne mmnuri ; -i poverty to poverty, and that , they were able . to grasp the signihcane of a ministry based upon simple, im .. selfish love. So He preached to them, unfolding Hi conception of the approach ing Kingdom of God, the kingdom of inv.-j Calml He revealed to. them a life which needed for its realisation neitbjr poght nor money. Sweetly He discmirsed to thjni of the inward nature of the kingdom, of the hunger, the thiint. the ieekne,',i ho poverty necessary in order that men migiif nnmei it and thev understood, ' ' 1V: -Vf," -' , ' M,(.,t - ----- RECIPES. ; Russian Cream. Soak three-fourths of a box of gelatine In three-fourths of a cup ot cold water; let' stand one hour; scald one quart of milt,; add tho gelatine; stir Well; the: adij, two egg yolks, beaten with two-thirds vt a cup of sugar; stir for one minute; twnove; add the whites, beaten stiff; flavor with vanilla extract; ,, pour , Into , a mould. : Curry of Codfish. Cook two pounds of codfish In boiling salted water fif teen minutes remirvw-tuvthe water, ..discord" bone and skin, with twir-foxlii, pick It In rather large pieces; make a white sauce with one tablespoon of but ter, one tablespoon of flour and three fourths cup of milk; salt and pepper to Season, then add the flah and one tea spoon or more at curry powder; serve on strips ot toast that have had a little cream poured over them. . ? . Chocolate Custards. Put in the double boiler one pint of milk; beat three eggs a little; add three table spoonfuls of granulated sugar; add a little hot milk to this,! than jpour all back Into the double boiler; cook, stirring constantly; until creamy and will coat the spoon; remove, add pirn h of Bait; put one ounce of .choeolnfo over hot water; when melted add a little hot custard to It and stir it" 1 the custard Is well mixed; add teaspoon of vanilla extract; serve I. y cold. Apple : Charlotte. Pare - Six g n--l lzed apples; put them In a etc . i with half a cup of water; cover i pan and let the contents simmer nlm until the apples are tender, t' n i them through a etralner an I quarters of a cup of siwar; ! ing half a box of gelatine rup of water; put tho appi. ; . fire to reheat, and when boiling n ' 1 soaked gelatine, stirring unMl ii ' dissolved; remove, and v.1. n stiff add one cup ot cream v Potato Pudillnar. B-ul ' rl p.) alo a ,1 t t' I Of I .i ,ll 1 1 i t I ( trl o 01H I 1 t 1 1 a 1 f i i Girl V.v- r i.'.-a t-