hvlu ,J . I i .1.1 SALI i . C, Ant. I, 1. , I la, - I ;i :i)i. t (lie iof-oi!'.i'C at Fin .! r t' -. in-. .1011 through cm-.m Mini tor. y triva months v tic monlii (.optus, - . .ion, per line, - - 6iH-ts II cenfs IS cent. ruhliNlied every Wednesday "... 'V p:im newer not a fool according to (ty bis folJy, lest thou also be like unto him. Proverbs 20:4. The Concord Tim g whose edi tor is Secretary and Treasurer of the N. C. .Press Association soys: 'it was decided to hold tbft cou- veution at the Seashore Hotel at j Wrightsville, and it is probable j ihat the date will be July I aud 2." We learn from last week's Clny. ton Tribune tbat the rinttllpox is at Clayton and Rnbuur Gap. The J'.lus Ridge hotel in Clayton, aud the families of L. T. Mitchell, H. A. Koeuer, Robt. Philips and 'Bead'1 Dillard have beeu quarau-Tlnedj-. The prohibition people of North Caruliua are couimeuciug their work In cool euruest. They re gard the passing of the Watts act ouly as a begiuning,and they will carry the work forward to accom plish greater results. A great An Jvferiooir S'tlisonveutiou has been called to met Ml July 7th. Steps are being taken to Blurt aj temperance paper. 1 The Legislative edition of the News aud Observer, issued Sunday March 22, failed to reach Ibis of fice in time to be uoticrd in last week's issue of The Pkess, ou ac count of the detention of the mails. The edition uombers 40 pages, and has portraits of all the members of the legislature, with life sketch es, and much valuable history of the session of the General Assem bly, . The paper was a grand aud lulerastiug work, the result of great enterprise aud correct judgment. It is our purpose to publish a number of the sketches of mem bera of the Legislature who are our near neighbors as soon as we can find space for them. OABTOniA. Bntht yTt Kind Vw Haw HlMp BangW , : 'A The Kind You Haw Alwars 1 A Mississippi Levee Breaks. 'Greenville, Miss., March 27. A volume of water 16 feet' deep and over six hundred feel in length is pouring steadily through a crevasse i.n;"kgyi fivejuiles jan.th..b -'L and u floomnjr thousand ot aoi s 0.-. the finest fanning lands in the cele braled Yatoo delta, regarded by many to lie the moot fertile soil iu the world. Robbed The Grave. A startling incident, is narrated by John Uliver ot V nilatleiuuia, as follows: ul was in an awful condl lion. My skin w'aa almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coaled, imiu continually iu Lack and sides, no - j'etile, growing we:iker dHy by day. I'bree pliysicituis had given me up. Then-1 was advised to use Electric filters; to my great joy, tho fimt Wttle nirnle a decided improvement. I continued their ue for three weeks and am now well . man. I know they robbed the grave of another victiinVoiirlioiild.Jail to try i'rrni. Only 50 cents, guaranteed, at Frank T. Smith's drug store. Br. Friieaard ippotsted Judge. Washington, March 27. Justice (Inlmiigh, of the Supreme court of iht District of Columbia, baa been (-pointed chief justice' of that courl to succeed Judge Bingham, retired. Former Senator I'ritchard of North Carolina will be appointed to fill the t nnoy created by Justice Club. - promotion. The retirement of Chief Justice I ! ! ;;') am . and the appointment of ; ,-. r Senator Fntchard will tak -ot April 30 neat. - Lyle Kank Mine to Be Reopened. T!r. Thorons Sherk, Vioe Prpsi. ! end General Munager of The i'.itii Development CoM ' with (triers in Detroit, Mich., . i "u here several days, and we -1 from him that one of (be 1 viics ui contemplation to be (h1 is the Lyle Knob Mien !. Mr. Sherk is also one of r'tiiors in the proposed now t pin factory to be started 1 ou East Main Street. M.'s i Trotter and Clarke aro the oth ' 1 'tibers of the firm. 'IVt i;te Waits Law. ' ! ' i.ry Tim Li ji-s Lp a t'....;.!!cr 111 1'nwati in t quit buiiTHS or i luis tli ti'n.niK; I t '.o Ft ;i rn! (-(."rt ' to 'r.tioniility if t'if , ( Au'.a.r I" bv brav (Vf!, 4nul bitrriM have amr litem wet!; I of K'oud Oorfff Nmiver ISow the Uie wlU tell. , 1 ? .' In California mountain A hunter bold iu he; Keen his eye and sure hie aim ,;. A any you should see, , A little Indian boy Followed him everywhere. Eager to share the hunter' )oy, The hunter' meal to share. And when the bird or deer Fell by the hunter aklll. ' ; The boy waa mlwaya near To help with right food-will One day as through the cleft Betwoen two mountain! steep. Shut in both rlht and left. Their queallnt way they keep. They aee two ftrlaaiy bear. With hunter flare and fell, Ruah at them unawares Klfht down the narrow doll. The boy turned round with icraama. And ran with terror wild; On of the pair of aavaita beaata Fumed the ahrleaina child. Th hunter railed hi gun, He know on charge waa all. And through th boy puraulng f H ent hi only ball. MMMettMelMMl iViiiilVS Kicks Oat the f Ig-arette. Ma.lison, Wis , ' March 26. The Anti-Cigarette Bill was paxaed in the Assembly today without a word of ddbate. It imihibiu the mannfae- Vtrfeof XTtaJe of cignroites or eigar ette paper and talus effect July 1 next. .' v A Thoughtful Man. " . M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. kuew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had suvb an unusual cast' of stomach and liver trouble, physi cians could not bel her. lie thought of and tried Dr. King's : Kew Lift Pills and she iptt relief at once 'and was finally cured. Only 25c, at Smith's Drug Store, R05. II. H.JARBETT. Member of t he House of Bepreseutatlv ei fro Macon Coaaty Mr. Jarrett, tho Republican member of the House from Macon county, waB born at Aaheville in 1859, has served as postmaster at Franklin since 1807, and as chair man of the County Republican Executive Cemrcittee. He is au active church mau, a member of the Missionary Baptist church, aud superiuteudeut of his church Sunday school at Frankliu. Along '; . HOST. H. H. JAKRETT. " with the other Republicau mem bers of the House, session' of 1903, h 'M1 Ibft nRlunl nt ika Domn ' ' " f v . -1 u V ...... cratic majority by his geutVnanly bearing aud appareut deortou to his dutios as representative, and as a member of the Committees on Fjuanoe, Pensions, Oyster indus try, Kaitroads trnU Kailroad Cor uoratious. Publio"BtlrhlH)P8 and Grounds. He is a printer bv trade He uiado np the first forms of the first issue of the Semi-Weeklv Asheville Citizen. I.iriatiifiv Edition of the Raleigh News and Observer. II llwlfortl'i ElMck-PrunKlit hai ' ; aved doctors' kill for more than i i aii!y yrars. For the craunion f .011- ; iiy aiuiipnU, m-h as Constipntion, i 1 iwLwtion, hard a-i-li, bowi-i com plaiuU, cliillj and fever, biiso- I una, hutrt. nt and (i!'i--r 1. -e' conipiaiut) no oIIkt nuM.i ine 11 nm-ssary. Jt invuf iraici and r T-Ui.itt- tue liver, .it-ts d ''-'-u-ii, ;iinn1.it"i av-Hon of ti.9 t. i, puni.'-s tl-e bluo-t, and pur t -i LuWI'll of find Si' l' lr ' .,,,(, a cut- hv!T e-""- r, pi., ' 10 p- I )' I-, 1, 8' ' I 1 r Unknown The other on Georj Nldlvsr Came on with dreadful paci The hunter atood unarmed. And met him faee to face. I aay unarmed he atood; Against thoae frliihiful paw. The rifle-butt, or club of wood. , Could aland no mora than rw George NUIver atood atlll, And looked him in Hi face; Th wild beast stopped amaaed, Then cum with alai-kenliif pace. Still firm th hunter atood, Although hi heart beat Win; Again the rreatur stopped, And gated with wondering y. Th hunter met hi gai, Nor yot a Inch gave way: Th bear turned alowly round, ' . And (lowly moved away, What thought wr In hi mind , It would be hard to apell; What thought were In Ueorg Nldlrr I rather guea than tell. But lure that rifle' aim. Swift choice of generou part, -Showed In hi paailng gleam The depth of brav heart. NEWS BRIEFS. ' The engineers are at work loca ting at Jim Bleckley's farm". With the coming of good weatber we ex pect to see great change, Clayton Tribuue. To-day Dr. D, H. Abbott retires from the Corporation Comrf of theStato, aud Mr. T diugfield.takes hi ' v;-vi X ' Bean tlw Kou Haw Ai"H Blltt e First North Carolina regi- meut held a meetiug at Charlotte on the 26th tilt, aud elected Lieut. Col.T. R. Robertson as Colonel to succeed Col. J. F. Armfteld who had resigued. dipt. G. Butler was elected Lieut. Coln Capt, J. F. Gnrduer, Major. Geu. Julian S. Carr tells the Durham Herald that he will not be caudidate for Governor. Perfect and Peerless aVwr-nr-i,,,, , lihcumaticm and all liver, Kidney 4 BIad itt truubl eauMd by arte acid ia the ajratcm. It caret by cleunar and vit-.Udng the blood, Una rcmorinf th cause of diaeas. It lvu vigor and ton and bnllds np th health and strength of the patkmt while nslng the remedy.. URJCSOL It a Iwnlnuy h ti.c nodical world. Itbaicnred and will cootinu to cure more of the above disenet- than all other known remedies, tnany of which do aaora harm than good. This great and thoroughly toted and ndomd California Remedy sever diaappointa It enret in fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it ia a wonder and a bleating to suffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $4. ForsaJebydruggieta. Send stamp for book of partic elan and wonderful cure. If ronrdnirst cannot supply yoa It will 1 tent, prepaid, upoa receipt of price. Address: UtXMl taUDUL Ll Aaiiiav tL m Ik. Luua a tmmi cs.. i . twrteallif Au. State Teatperaace Ceaveatlea -Called. (Speclnl toTheCltiaan.) vRaih, N. March 2G. State Anti-Saloon League execu tive committee met here tonight and elected as its president J, W. Bailey of Raleigh, editor of the Biblical Recorder. It also called a state temperance convention Ju ly 7th, the place to be designated later. THt OPIRATt Carrying- Pullman Sleeper. Cafe Cart (a la carte) and Chair Car (seats free). r 1 r iTIttIN r:.-."i &-i - ANO TO Akk POINT IN ,C" Jf-H iT::. and thi Izt V'z t a l f ' -. t sCVy Tc. t if v T 1 1 c t j 1 a.- of rfo:: :s Di.PlLvaJCIaTrrur-nessa'1-' isl.CuiiS.ikis neilter (ium.Mor, .ie norliiicraL fcOTNAIlCOTIC. n'ffl'V.WiailK3f Aperfrct Remedy forCorr"--fion.Sour Stomach. Diarmticn U'onns i. otivtilskins .rVvensh neas nnd Loss or Sleep. ; TaeSimila Si)nalur of NEW WRK. L ixact copy of WBAPet). -' rtlltW j High Qualitf Ttisistts-PkcdoOilaiB EXTRAORDINARY. DAtlCAflrJG . Grapd Sweeping Low Prices . WRIGHT & ROBINSON'S STORE. ' - , . 4 - I East Main Street, ' j FRANKLIN. N. C.j Everything In the house at make room for our Sprljig Uooda, They are now arriving j and it's room we want to display ! VWAW'ArrnArMl"WeaVtrr4Fk Venice! gzooda for !j WRIGHT 5 ROBIliSOII'S STORE. I Scaly Items. " Scaly, N. C, Mar. 30, 1903. Editor Pbkss: On last Thurs day, 26i h hist, our school closed. The exercises were exceedingly good, best we have ever bad. The programme contained 86 pieces. The school was taught by Mr. John M. Mooro of Ellijay, who is a goo'd teacher. I have uot heard any parent tay aught against Mr. Moore as teacher. This is a good name for Mr. Moore, as it is hard for a teacher to please everybody. Mr. D.W. L. Wagoner of Torre Haute, Ind., is still working his copper, which seems to get better. Mr. Crone and Mr. Wallace of Terre Haute, Ind., were iu our vi cinity last week looking over Mr. Wagoners minerals. Our mail from Bcsly to Dillard, Ga.. has been discontinued for a few dnys on account of 'the post master at Dillard having small pox. Wehftd the niont severe viiua storm lft iiiL-hl I have ever expe rienced on the riiie Kii'gf, blowing down timber and fences. I wi'.a in Iwt!i:!i Valley Sulunlrty Bii .l me laniiers s-i-m lo oe gmmg f .'iiie Hoik d.)i e if 1'ie weather le lui.i. ll h'i s t' t tn-r rail ron J if . - i t' .! '. 1 r i v !! n:ea !?()(!:- i nutii-; - 1 1-! -i !-. ;.;;;0 huJ$ to work t-1 1: r B. M, L. 4 i i at . Bears tho Sinaturo ' )y Use For Over Thirty Yoar s rp&Prices. j lowest oaeh prices. We must 1 them. Ell ' ? ' i $11 ilia Jpeopk. K0TICE. North Carolina, Macon county. In the Superior court, Spring term, 1903. Rtbeoca Iake fierson Ilenry, n Ilenry, I vs. George Adama Hen No lice. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled a shove has been commenced against him by the pluinliff in the Superior court of Macon county, for the yur pose of obtaining a divorce from do fondant from the bond of matrimo ny J and the defendant will further lake notice, that he is lequind to sppenr at the next terra of the Su perior court of Macon county to be held at the court house in aaid coun ty on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday in March 1903, and answer or demur totbe complaint which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior court of Macon Co., thirty days before the beginning of said term of court, or relief deman ded in said complaint wi'I be grant ed. This March 17, 1003. I i Lbe CiuWFoim, cli-rk. J. Frank IUy, Ally. w t . iv In n T ! -t.Lit t--' I a i.i - - e x ; il' 1,1 H-'l tl I f 1.,- I ! I 1! 1 Fr.ii Uln. K. C, rn i!tt-t . y i n. , n-'f t..i-! i.iEi'luj ,,itn t,tk- Biitl rii. i lt the yi nt l.-J, t n m fcJUi, tit-wit : Fkakkmx TuwMiHtr. Kuinrn. No. Acr.a. Tut It C!!l.- Aililiniiin acre J L Himinrfl 1 Tow J txit O A Bnrtlt-tt '2 towa la TJCaoe S " WD Collin ' 5 " Ada DuanMsiin ft alMer V2 " J G Crawford 1 town tut -T In y y V..r tiltl'll Cert 1 76 24 sn T n I 71! I X t .14 T 1-1 1 41 : 04 Jule OriMata rf arrirtt Hawsliaw Samuel Illpkl Mia. gin land B W Moure heir : MrsAuVy Muura -Mnrttia Porter Frnnk PuindrxU'f " Joaie Wllliani J R WomU McConavIl land 1 ' Int. J C Hod- 5 SK 190 KM ' . 3J " St " 14 U4 8 : i 1 47 3 111 .1 SKI 7 02 MitxsHoAt Tovnt n. ' Joaliu Adams . 3 " O B Dnlfcm 7 Julia Frank helrt 10 " G X Klnsland 131 " , 8arab Klnalaad HO " K A Moore 12 . " Natl. AfaruRire Mfg. Co. IU " Yirgn Rnmli-r UK) " 1 ft 4 M 1 U 5 3f 3 S 3IW VI 84 I m tm i ? a or 1 3H The Tttrki-y KnohCnr. Co., Mln. Int. J O Moore and other !U J M WUIIiun 33 J W Young ' ST Woodford Zarhary , 30 Eljjjat TownsHir. Sam Angel ' IA acres 4 WK Hayes SI " 3 Martin King IJ " 4 V r Tliompklaa Miaeral Iat in Jno. . Peek land - 3 Bi-OAavuBK TownBHir. 'Arnold Bra. Clark Ctiy heirs IoIb Iterren ' A I Keenur 100 9110 m , HlOIILANM ToWMSMir. Miss fannle V Arthur 1 town lot S Aaheft Biimgaract 300 acre 3 Thomu II Davidson W0 1 Mia EN Ellis 1 towa lot I HarMnoa : MaGea M " 1 WBHeddra 30 1 J B Jolly 1 towa lot 1 T ft MeCall '8 . 4 Potts ft Raven! Hone Cure Gold wmlne 100 acres 3 IVnTajid Onlvon 43 " 1 WmLSt;ood - 80 " 1 Mrs Annie ttaftomuMia M H 3 TUTTaTttW KSvlltV Ariel Snider W C Bamlers "aeres - ioij? . i 8irn's Banwa JoIui'b Cttrtis S A Cob S C Dr nion heirs John Lamb WJMon MraJ AMcCojnelt M B riklrimrr WItL Klt,lii. Twwa.;X Tliomas & Allen heirs CiaToooBi'mavK Towxsttir. t C HawlrW 34 Int. , B V Smith . Naktaiuu Towaswr. T A Bailey BAHuldrn i 43 am 3 31 61H " 3 31 J N Iluywy W 8 Howard L A Jam-tt SB " W 33 " 1 t 41T5 ' 19 51 J M Lyle ft John 1 Moor heirs H Ia 109 acres Bute Grant Ku. UB23 for 11-01 ft lUtl t 00 S i May ft Co. SO seres tor tnil & mi 3 22 J A Mason I4U sire 4 Is W J Muore ft Co IBs ' 3 TS JHMcAden ' SIM " 29 77 W F Moore IVO acre br 1WI, 11102 bat. 3 33 Jus A Martin IMOavrrs 13 03 Xnatahala Milling ft Mining Co. Mia Intermt BJ 07 Mr W T Reed MOacre U Int 3 SO Andy Shield 40 acre 167 E B Stamp ft C V MuLoud SWXlaerrS Hint 10 47 S N Wood l acres 3 M Bl'KKrXQTUWX TowHtHir. ' . F H BnalM S7 acres 34 8 T B Csraby . 73 " IM T A Down ft Bro 95 3 17 Mrs L B Handera 10B " t 8 J B Welch ' ' 300 11 SO .'.; Cowaa TowMSeiir, CbaaSBryaoa 40 acres IK Tltonia Icenhnwer 7 i ' 3 3 Mrs Eintiline Mw 84 M 1 7il B. O. C. L. ft C A. Kaby 3110 " . 13 E Baby heir 1 " 3 Ti Elisabeth Bickman heir 4S acre H Int In M Bickman Iambi 3 37 Jess Colt-man Q4 acre 4 SH Lon Conlry IS I 53 II 8 Mock ' 17 " 1 76 Marion Moore tfi acre, for livt ft 1903 10 iu This April I, inn. T. B. Hkiiioii, Sheriff and Tx Collector. K0TICE. K,cSy':.s' By virlee of the power of side con tained in two mortgages eieruted to the undersigned, one by Jerry West and wife, and one by Jerry West, I will, on Monday the 27th day of April 1903, sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house door in Macon county, North Carolina, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock, the following dexuribed land in Macon county, Cowee township, deitmilioil us follows, to wit: Def-nuing at a stone, EJ. JIinns . Y. corner, and run Notth to a oeuHt, J, C. I-ithit-L's comer, then E. i:h J. CriilnUlliie toJ -i inleoii's l.s.e.ll.cii v.;.'i f-.!J J.i u ' -.i.V I'sse .-i.j r-)U o, t" i to I f r " - t j ('.. 13. t it's ! i l :i J , ' fi! in ' 'IC..V.A ' . :'s i.. c i . , i : 20 acre i 3d 7ft " 3 k " - jwr 13 " yl 4(1 ' l m !- , I n u "I 14T IBM MT 6 0 ii " '4 "tst ,1;:: n I r 4 -WOacret 147 SUO Insures only in the best Com panies. Liaeg promptly paid. T. Eaxtcr Wtltc, Agcr.t, i W a4 "1 ! kILii TO TEXAS, ARKANSAS, LOUIS1 ANA, OK LA h Oil A, INDIAN . TERRITORY, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, UTAH, WYO MlNG, ORKGCN, MONTA NA, WASHINGTON, and Other Feints West, Northwest aud Southwest, Write oi call on J. O. HoLLBXBECK, District Passenger Agent, Louisville and Nashville R. R., No. 1 Brown Illdg. OpKtile Union Depot, Atlanta, Go. (1208) K0T1CE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed eseoiiled to the underi-igiied mortgagee ou the 2Gth day of Out. 1900, by W. J. Berry lo secure the payment of a debt of 150 due Out. 26, 1901 and default having been made in the pay ment of said debt, I w ill on Mon day the tfth day of April 1908,. be tween the hours of 10 a. m. aud 4 p. in. al the court house door in Frank, tin, Macon county, , to satisfy said debt, sell to the highest . bidder for cash Hie following dceoribed laud to wit: Being the land sold to W.J. Berry by S. M. Merritl, in Macon county, N. 0. Beginning at a stake, the beginning corner of a tract for inerly sohl to W. J. Berry, aud rune W 28 polea to a W, oak, then south ward with Cling W cat's line to u Black oak, corner of 'Mat Satidvr land, then Eastward 7'i poles to a post oak, then N 84 polea lo a white oak Berry's corner, thence a N W diieution with Berry's lineo the ginningontaiiiing lt) cr m" Mcb. 2ud,15u?.' tyMKKMiTT, j Mortgagee Sam L Eelu ft "- -, . Assignece. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a curtain Mortgage Deed made by G. M. Oliver oV wife A. J. Oliver to the undersigned, dated the 5th day of May 1902, and registered in the office, of Reg. of Deed for Macon county, N. C, in Book No. 9, page 818 Ac. of the record of Mort gages, aud default having been made to the imyment of the indebtedness secured by said Mortgage Deed whereby the iower of sale contained therein has become operative, 1 ne undesigned will on Monday the 18, day of April 1903, dtTrlng .legal sale hours and as near the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, as may he, sell at puli lie auction for cash nt the court bouse door in Franklin, Maooo Co. N. C the following described hud; Ly ing aud being in Cartoogechaye town ship, Miicon Co. N. C. Atl joining the lands of Wm. Waldroop on tin N. Lcander Wadroop on the K. Win, McKee on the 8. and Win. Wal- droop on the W. and being more ful ly described in a deed from Henry Dillajo Geo. W. Oliver, Reg. iu Bonk I, page 805, Reg. otfiote for Macon Co., to which deed reference fs hereby made. The amount due i 437.60, with interest from May 5th 1902, cost Ac. This Mob. 9, 1908, F. M. Catiiky, Mortgagee. By IC. D. SisK, Ally. NOTICE. Macon County, Having qualified as administrator on the estate of John Mauley on the 80 day of Jan. 1903, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of the stud John Msnley, lo make immediate payment and set tlement all persons bavins claim against said estate wilt present them for payment on or before the 25ih day of February, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 25th day of February 1903. G. W. Hays, Administrator, John Manh-y, deed. KirJ.Jati.k N. C. '.'.icon County. I'av'ii'j tjm! 1 tin ft liii'iiintm; r -i t - t -e i f . 'i i v (in f i- ' y.f J i. 1 ".I - :.!-. - ! i i :- (i; :j M tVithKBAS, John I; '.- ..1 vri'- : i ry H. I r,un did on tiS' t s' 51 .m il ln.-l. execute and J ''n-r t-i i , -j-cia II. LV'.nun, Tiusttw, a t.-c-t . 1 on cirt.ilu litmis in M.n-on County, f -'e ul North Caruliilit tlicivin drM-iiUt 1, to M cure Die sum of i,000OU duo by said John Injirain aud Mary M. Ingram to Uie Hhitimii ft AMEItlCA." ilollTOAOl: ('OMi'ANY, Limitkii, which sid trust deed 1 recorded in Macon county, Id lteed Book 7 pngo 04 lo which refvre ia hereby tnude; and wlicrew ' bees made iu payment, oil' cured by said truat tli- ' trustee lina ue. - eute the trust therein isouunit-u; Now 'i'UKHKroKK Botic Is hereby giv en, that under and by vluu. the m-v er conUined in said trust deed, I, the uW deri;ued trustee, wo the Twauty-avvcntli day of April, 1003, between the hours of IU a. m. and 3 p. m., at the Court House dour In the towu of frauklln la Macoa county, North Carolina, will by public auction sell to the bigheat bidder for cash, the following described property, via: First tract: Itculnnliig at a white) ouk on the North boundary line of th Indian. Ucservatlun being the northwest corner ot Section number thirty one (41; running thence west fifty (-V) polea to a black jack en the lop of a rhhte, thence south tldrry-four degrees east twen-ty-clglit (W) poles to a spanuth oak, thence south live; () degrees wost slxiy one (UJ) poles to a eheetnut thenee aoulh twenty (2U) degree east ninety-four (ti4) poles to a black jack, thence south tor-ty-ttw (45) degrees east Ufty Mi poles to a locust oa the boundary line of the said reservation, thence east forty-six (.) poles to a stake on an old line said reser vation, thence with satd line north up te its corner, thence cast lifiy-ttv (.V) pule to au old corner of the said reervatlou thence north forty-three (43) polea to the southeast corner of Section number thirty-one LSI of said Indian Btarrva tion, thence west one hundred and twenty-eight 1XK poles tv the southwest corner of said number , thlrty-wn 131 J thence north ninety-three ItKSJ pole w the beginning. Containing ninety' W aciea. Second tract: Beginnbut va is Mt oak corner of number' six (,IJ eight s and twenty tti of land luioMrtr -owned by John Ingram and run south one hundred and sixty 1100 poles with the vast side ot number twenty 30J lo its corner, then east on hundred and slaty 160 pole to a black oak, thia north on hundred and sixty 100 pules to a small hickory, the soutlwast corner ef said number J then north one huar dred and sixty louj pole with south sldiW said tract number eight (pj tolha 1 -'--i-talnini4)nu bunuied and liiWe: iiegiuning at a spruce pine Al len d Hushes corner and luns with their line north twenty (2U) degrees west one hundred and twenty I -A), pvlus tout ehesU uuVat Atliugtonilin,' then with hi Una west ninety-eight 98, pole to a while oak, then with said tin south forty-live 45, degrees east eighty 80, pules to a slake his southeast corner, then south fort), live 43, degree west on hundred . 1U" poles to said Atllngton's south cornt then north forty-live 45, degrees wetf eighty DO, poles to a stake at said At llngton's svuthweat corner, then ? west with said Atllngtua' line forty 40, pott .. I -.-.,1- m cot ner in l.jles line, then with said Lyle : -, line south twelve 13, decree west two hundred and tweuty-sia 1SH, ptdes lo aa ouk, Iht-n with said Lyle line north eighty-three bil, degrees vast thie hun dred S00, pole to a hickory, lliea to the bcgtnniug. CuutaiulEg three hundred aud seventeen 817, acres, more or less. ' Tract four: Iiegiuning at a cheitnut soutlusast corner of said number uiue- Xeuu IV, Lyle's tract and ruus north on hundred. auitjfljttJafl,' Jf1 "T, - Vjlb east tide of said nuiuber uincieeh v to a white oak, thence east one hundred and alxty 10, poles with tliw suuth sidci -f said Lot number twenty ft), to a while oak, theuoiM buudrtd and sixty ltto, pules to a hickory, then west on hun dred and sixty 100, pules to the begin ulug. Containing on hundred and six ty ItW, acres, mure or less. Tract Five: lk-glnulng at a hickory the southeast corner ot tract number Vireuty-oue owned by John Ingram and" run east on hundred and thirty-two lit, pole to a slake, then north one hundred and sixty 100, po)o to a water oak, then west one hundred and thirty-two 13'.',' poles to a white oak northeast corner of number twenty -one HI, then south vaa' hundred and alxty ICO, poles with th east Sid of number twnty-one jtl, to th beginnings-;. Containing one hundnd and thirty-two Ui, acres more or i. AU the tract of land herein before de scribed are situated in Macon County, North Carolina, adjoining th lands of Charles Ingram, Nanna Lyle and other and containing iu th aggregate eight hundred ami tlfty-alna Kill, acr, mora or lea. Said land will be told lo saliify the debt secured by said trust deed, and such title will be given as Is vested ia said trustee, This Mar. 23, 1003. I'jtA&cis B. IlorrxAn, Trustee. By Waltkh E. Moohb, Attorney. NOTICE. Bv virtue of the rower of 'a coutained in a deed vf Trust i n- teil by E. D. Franks & wife 1 ' ence r ranks to the ondcr- truKtee on the 2t)th il.-iv of Oi l. i to secure the payment of a debt u sam. L. Keliy, I rustee under the wl f elms. L. FrtwL of t"U0 and ink-rest, duo an-1 pnyuLIt) Oct. "f, l'j;"il, and d:f.in!t liaviii-; been made in the i!! i!i nt i.f s :-l ti. ! t and in- ten-Mi, and l :e t .1 r L, 1-,'it ii I Cunv ye I H -i? i ) f i! v ti'.'s I v I t i I 1 I ) a. i .

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