" hp in is II 1 -' I I T"V- VOLUME XVIII FRANKLIN. N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1003. ILL f 1, N V J - e LOST IN THE NUBIAN DESERT... , i- AN ADVENTURE IN AFRICA. i. - .iiaiiijaiiiiiijiijjilii t Colonel Pamrell, the clubman and traveler, has Just returned from the Soudan, etc-Soclety Journal. Seeing the above In a metropolian weekly 'and being desirous of rouewlnt, acquaintance with an interesting old friend, for he always had a new ex perlente of thrilling Interest to exploit 1 hastened up to his farorlte club, and, between puffs -of Havana perfectos, I obtained the following account of , a woird predicament, which 1 give ' as nearly verbatim as my memory allows ; me: v, .- - A A . ,-,'-, . "The desert!" exclaimed the colonel, rapturously. "Ah, my boy, standing on the brink of the great Nubian sand seas, one Is transflxed. The sun was : Just peeping over : the barren cliffs eyond the Nile; tipping thn' "with a dull fire, when the order came to start My heart leaped. I forgot all dangers, and thought only of adventure, of new sensations. The chief guide gave the word, and we mounted, giving civiliza tion, home, the .very world itself, it sonmed, a single backward glance. "Tboro were Ave of us, with guides and men; and It was the third day of lasf March that we started over the difficult trail from Korosko, taking the southward trail : toward Absoh, leading through the very bowels of the Nubian sands. , Our objects were di verse. My own was to discover some rare antiquities of which I had heard rumors, but the principal Interest on the part of the others was to rediscover the -abandoned gold mines' of Absoh. Knowing that the Nubians are con firmed In their Indolence and utterly ttnacquaihtad with the modern methods M prospecting, the two exports of the party one a California and the. other aa Au;-Jrallan both thoroughly famil iar rttb. iold-bearlng regions, felt con vinced that with patient effort, there was a possibility of unearthing a for tune and the exciting experiment was at least Worth-Jhe "For four 1 "V -avan nanea along the bareauirar . Sag. lng El Murrah, or, springs of bit. water, and all went well. Then the Journey, which for the first day or two was full of varied novelties, began to grow painfully monotonous. To make matters worse,' the geerbah skins, which were used to carry fresh water from the Nile, were dally, growing Bat ter. The wells of Ei Murrah were sa line and heavy with brackish sediment,' and? though the camels drank of the water without suffering III effects, the men who Indulged freely were seized with Intense gripings. Two days south yard from th wJlls a strange incident occurred., jV. 'A. j "Our way, led over the . beaten camel trail, centuries pi, and -.yet ' every month the tract was oblitdrated by the drifting sands.' Now and then' we scarcely knew our way save that the route was pointed out to us by' the wreckage of former caravans which had shed the sick and exhausted by vslrlcyjinthnn-liridjinast, leav- ' A er stops; and if the poor native cannot plod on, no halt Is made for hi recov - err. The consequence Is, that the far ther one progresses, the more skeletons ' of awn and beasts point the uncertain way through, -the lifting sands, and the sight -is surely most, depressing. 'My camel was not a particularly fast one. He fiad a habit of lagging behind, so that once or twice a day tb,e caravan was compelled to halt and wail "for me to come up; Use a lost vertebra of a skeleton reptile. A, On ,:hla occasion,' while somewhat behind .the party, a fine young gazelle crossed mjr path not a dozen rods , V 1 ahead dashing with sudden " fright Into a little ravine which appeared , to be closed at the farther end, so - wthat apparently he was made a prison Tar. Rifle in hand,' I" leaped from ; my :. camel. Eagerly I made my way through the hot,' ankle-deep sand to the little ravine, following it up some distance, ready to bring down my ' game. To my surprise however, I found that there were several. turns beyond, and soon saw that my chase was bootless. ...Dejectedly I made my way back to my camel, which had not stirred, and seemed only too glad for fho little, respite from the racking - toll of the march. , Taking a good draught from my geerbah of water, and also filling my canteen, I drew the beast to' his" knees, as is customary when mounting, so that by placing my foot upon his neck, by -his up ward movement of the head he would raise me, enabling me to step Into the cushioned seat between the humps. As i was fixing my foot en the camel's neck, however, the sudden raising of his head caused a knife to slip from my belt in such a way that It grazed the beast's flanks, giving blm a slight but stinging flesh wound. Up he started, and so suddenly, with that quick up ward throw of the body, that I . was pitched clean over his humps, and fell ' headforemost In the sands. Then, to my consternation, with a queer snort -cf raKo, the camel made a little circle, and .with his bead thrown up like an ostrich' pursued by a hunter, he bump ed along at a rapid pace over the trail in the direction of the caravan. "In vain I shouted. In vain I shriek ed all tho Arab coaxings and lmpreca- at I knew. Then, quite exhaust ed, I sqnaiFd In the sands, alone, pant ing, enraf'xand desolate, watching my mount ta!e-4o,a speck on the horl son. I grew reslgndbowever, feeling that within three or T5TTf4l2rs at most my comrades would be nJttttuJng for me. , . . . I shall never forgot the first sick ening sense of loneliness that op pressed me there In the great desert, apparently abandoned of heaven and earth. I hd no fwl and only a little water. I k;,.-w (li.-t It was days and (" i l y , . : 1 ; I Hi y from , any e .. i-iii l - i. P i tvt I was now if 3 3 3 1 - iUlilliliaiiiliiiiUUiuiiiiiWl completely at the mercy of the noma dic bands of robbers which invest the rocky ravines, and would, moreover, be beset by the jackals and vulture the momeut I showed signs of faint ing under the scourging sun. The strain grow maddening. : For a long time I bore it; and then, no longer able to fight with the demon, of al ienee, and haunted more than ever now by the presence of human and ani mal skeletons half burled in the drift ing sands, I arose and plodded on. But little did I dream that there was yet more dreaded enemy than vultures, leopards, or even the predatory rob bers soon to encompass me. "The first warning that 1 had of Its terrible approach was the soft ob scuration of the sun,, which stood so straight overhead that it cast my form In a circling shadow about me just to the tips of my toes. A sort of silken mist floated before the coppery sky. Then this thin cloudiness seemed to descend, the wind arose, and the sirocco grew heavier and more op pressive. I bowed my head, pressing forward with increasing difficulty now. Up from the limitless southwest the dreaded scourge, was closing down: upon me. 'My God!' I mummured at ast, losing courage at the sound of my own voice, 'It is a simoon!' 'The wind was rising In a gale I heard the roar of the sand blast from afar.. These gusts of hot, white atoms grew sharper and fiercer now; and if I hod worn a King Arthur coat of mall, I scarcely think It would have been proof against that volley of dead ly dust. It penetrated my clothing till I felt the layer of t chafing the flesh at every movement My nostrils were clogged so that breathing became more labored and painful, My ears ' were stuffed up so that it deadened the in creasing whistle and roar; and though my eye were almost closed, the aw ful 'volley seemed to penetrate the very lids.; Then I finally succumbed. falling to toy knees, and at last prone upon jdj face, covering my be"' ""' hll II aril ii Mill i)ji hicX-8- " ' ToTa There In the thick, drlftingNy e monoto nous shriek of tff.-a I lulling me to sleep. It was not a tefroshlng re pose, but one filled with 'frightful, nightmares and monitions of evil. Once in a while the shrill cry of a lost jackal or a desert bird broke the abhorrent spell, but the sound brought no cheer.: : After what seemed to be .a dangerously long time, I awoke, recov erlng from this sort of daze rather than sleep, and looked vaguely about me. Shaking the sand from my bur nouse, I took my watch. It had stopped, the dust having penetrated It and clogged its delicate machinery. I stood up, and brushing the sand from my eyes, peered over the trackless plain. Nothing but a dead grim waste of whiteness; .but, thank Heaven, the storm was abating. I vaguely remem bered the direction of my course, al though the trail was now wholly ob literated, and started bravely on. But so chafed and faint was I that I soon found all effort torture, and at last sank In my tracks with a moan, ':. "For a long time I lay in a sort of stupor. Then I heard Uvolc.vIt.wa- utora human than' any Ihad heard In the loneliness of tLe desert, although It was a moan of anguish rather than a call of rescue. I rose and turned sharply In the direction of the sound, and soon perceived a kneeling, sway ing figure at some distance. The thought of a human being, lot hiin prove whatever he might be, made my poor heart leap. I came closer, and was amazed to discover that the sway ing figure was that of a halt naked and more than half-blind slave boy. There was a moveless shape half burled In the drifting mound before him. I uncovered It, amazed to find that It was a Nubian sheik lying upon his face, quite dead. "When the slave realized the pres ence of another human being, he fell groveling at my feet as If I had been an angel come from heaven. His mouth and tongue were swollen with fever, and I pressed the canteen to his lips, but he could not drink. He was chat tering wildly In a language I did not un derstand, raving, and morethanhalf de mented. The sheik had been robbed of everything worth carrying away, the scoundrels leaving him only his bur nouse and a small skin of water, which was already flat and dried into a chip. The poor traveler must have died from exhaustion, for (here were no wounds upon his person save a few scratches on the wrist where the slave boy had tried to suck a drop of blood from his dead master to keep himself from perishing. Aa the slave was more used to the tortures of the desert, naturally the sheik had succumbed first "Meeting with such companions In misery, for a little time I almost for got my own perils anj suffering. Slow ly the slave lad revived under my simple ministrations. Then I got some what of his story. The sheik's caravan had successfully resisted attack upon the march, but the two had become separated from the company, and be ing overtaken were robbed and left to die. All this bad taken place more than three days since; and the slave bed kept np the lonely and maddening Vigil by his dead master with almost sublime heroism. Knowing that my comrades would soon be retreating to recover me dead or alive, as soon as the slave was able to walk we took the burnouse from the dead sheik and started back toward the trail. The way was very difficult and slow, and I was compelled almost to carry the ema ciated lad bodily. On we plodded till the darkness settled about us, and then making ourselves as comfortable as possible, we ray down side by side and watched out the night , "The next morning, although the slave boy was In muck better physi cal condition, I flt that I myself was fast succumbing. I arose once or twlcfj and -4rifd to make a little circle over the nmni! to ft ny 1 s-sik-i, but r j i ( i'p the ml, I f -ur. 1 matters out with the calculation of a physician. I bad water enough to lost us another day or, for myself alone, two days. . I almost wished I had not happened upon the slave now,' for It might be that my own life would be sacrificed In this deed of charity. Then I drove the selfish thought from my heart If oae perished, we should both perish. He had been a godsend, giving me companionship, and bow did I not know that he had not saved me from something worse than death from madness. With brotherly care 1 3lvlded the water drop by drop watet more precious than blood. - The slave was grateful pitifully so at what he per ceived to be my sacrifice. When he saw that I was going to pieces, how ever, he not only refused to lap up these precious drops of salvation, but actually thrust out his arms to me with the offer of his own blood to tiave nuvTbls touched me very deep ly. I had opened my canteen and saved his life for a little while, and now lie was. ready to open his -veins to save mine!'. - f:.s - ' S- "On the morning of thejweond day I gave up hope, and began a rambling loiter to my friends In case they should ever find me. Even this little exertional overcame me) and after a few scrawls I gave up the task. Hours of complete unconsciousness', In the broil of th sun came oftener now. Again the slave ladtricmrsufferifig on the desert, served him well I realized that "ha would survive meby a day, or .perhaps mre. I gave him my effects, weapons atfrtl all, making him understand that In case my friends came my belongings were to be turned over to them, and that the slave himself should be re warded. Then I sank la my dust bed falling into a sort of coma. ' . "I was arouBerynBf!irilira rifle. J The lad had used my w.oapon weir, bringing down a small antelope with a single shot Too Weak to rise, I turned my head and watched the boy crawl : over to his prize. After what seemed to be the struggle of his life, ha drareed the deer toward roe. TheM I "closed mv eves with a DraycT thankfulness, and soon felt th n blood of the gazelle, tne nuiiet wouna on. my swollen Hps. cal, I revived'' was now- saved y 4' yinagi e slave ,ks ( had k she y seem j showed seenu the noting of t,he tther a depres fluence upon the champion. The sed to partake of hlch he had vouch- he grew weaker. De- and I was compelled strength to force the is mouth, and all to nc purpose. Caknfcy one realize how- my heart waifow pricked by a conscious ness of the heroism of this Nubian slave d urlng these, terrible hours? Ah, the vlg 1 was long and bitter through torrid ( lays, and nights black- as only Nubia' knows them, "' with death and oVvolatin encompassing us on every hand, tile prowling jackals and the starving calling fiercely to one another smell of Mood, only awaiting sinking into sleep to plunge Into carnival which should ond all for Dlght of its madness, I In order to rob the -ors and the day of Its strovte with my poor pa- tient,. who was tmxt ebbing Into tho last slumber, with ndvie to succor, none to, restore. I felt thatVwlth him gone I should lose all hope, aKl wish to live. r sdI A I A pooi the k ,! J a j uo i llrair food lu Tl lgers at the mV Aha n3. terk We s jemed like the last twu eiirvjilrgYPftwjftAn! human beings oi earm, aid I chose ihaVter xWrrf-SuTjTan darkness, and I, the son of Western day, might go hand in hand together. "On that last day of my desolate watch the sun was sinking over the limitless sand ocean, and I thought to soa It no more. ( tried to pray. Ah, what had all these bitter days been but one living, blood sweating prayer one.cry borne up as from the pits of deepest Tophet into the rvaponseless heaven! I became prophetic now. The past seemed to become clear and un clouded, the future transparent and filled with loveliest' visions. I knew this to be the beginning of the end, and so sank back, resignedly, even welcoming now' the cup I had so long shrank, from with weak and waning terrorthe blessed hemlock of obliv ion. ' . .' - "Suddenly, along the borders of the afterglow on the horizon, I saw a dark object stealing up like a phan tom, bathed In the glory of celestial twilight. The sight was so supernatural that - it stirred me strangely; but I soon perceived that It was no phantom of my wasting mind, but a reality blessed truth. Soon that moving ob ject took the proportions of a serpent moving toward me on, on, slowly, solemnly like a penitent's procession toward a pagan temple; and then real izing at last, I moaned aloud, 'It Is the caravan! Thank God, it is the cara van!' and so sank back unconscious. '' ""When I revived long after, there was the cool mouth of a flask pressed to my Hps and strong, tender arms were about ' me. J opened my eyes. 'Comrades' was all" I could murmur; but they heard it and there was a shout of triumph. "'My God! We thought you dead long, long ago,' I faflard them cry brokenly. 'What could have saved him till now? It is a miracle a miracle!' "I tried to speak, but there was nn breath, with fn to give my heart utter ance. I turned and drew the burnouse from the brow of the still figure" at my side. 'Save him!' I cried, though my voice fell In a whisper. 'Save him; tor it was he who saved me!' ,. ; "But they only shook their heads, One glance told the tduth. My poor slave lad, my rescuer, my solace, my one joy in darkness and sorrow had moved out on that long, bleak pilgri mage through the Unknown Desert that knows no return path, yet with the glory of departing day wreathed about the still ashen forehead the saintly halo Of a hero and a brother." New York News. Know How. "Old Hunks told you moro of hla business secrets in five minutes than he has ever told anybody else in live yenrs. How did yon worm It out of him?" .! . ',A: ' "I diida't do ai;y boi j Jieit patted Mm n 1' i 1 ' r 1 ' ' I'm purr. Cbl'.i. ) 1 . BILL ARP'S LETTER Bartow Philosopher Cautions His Hosts of Correspondents. EASY LETTERS SHY OF STAMPS Warns Endless Chain Promoters and " Schemers to Give Him a Wide ..." ; ,. Berth 8ome True North, ern Friends, ' ' Ind .friends please forbear. 1 know that the time for compositions and debates 'and essays is near it hand, but I am sick and cannot help you this spring. I am weak and don't want to strain my mind. I haven't boen out of the. house but twice In three months, 'My wife and the doc tor watch me and won't let me go. A few weeks ago I slipped off to my daughter's one pleasant evening and"3086 ladles and say, "riero are' ten had to be hauled back in a buggy, for it Is np till to my house, and I was weaker than I thought You see, I had a sunstroke last June and have never-recovered from It" Every night, If the weather is bad, I have to get up about midnight and sit by the fire and cough for an hour or two. But I can answer letters and have from a dozen to a score every day. It pleases me to answer (ho letters of the young folks; for many of them need help. I know that I did when I was away off TwM6lytitMr was rTfL T V T, wuoe.soui. school teacheand tnfmzKliJLK,. XAJ WIUIV UC' " Aufu . though I o-1 crossed the fl nd dot a. rullrlA te ted tb ana ttul mfL w : , . "u apf hundreds of toys w& tin uuv uigi and girls who have ' no he! ra "orry w "em, anawtor wonj years past I have tried to help them, m I Some of them jnst want a little help. few Ideas, but others want the wholo thing. In fact, one boy asked me to write him two so that he could take choice.;. Many of them forget to enclose a stamp and my postage account got, to be such a burden that, a Rip Van Winkio said, '1 swore off" and quit answering, such letters.: , it Is bad manners to write to a man on business that does not concern him and expect him to pay the return postage. I receive many long manu scripts with request to read and criti cise and return and tell whore to have published and what the -writer 'will probably get paid for .them. I havo two on hand, Just received no stamps enclosed one is a grammatical curi osity. : Hardly a line tnat does not Contain bad grammar or a misspelled word. It takes nearly half a line for the word "spectacles" and it has: four teen letters In It. The word angel Is spelled angle, and yet the writer ex pecta to got paid for tho story.'; - , : The other manuscript Is an Inquiry into the race problem no stamps and it contains seventeen questions for me to answer. Another long let ter on fool's-cap writes of tho good old times and says In conclusion that If I will answer he will write again and put his name to the next letter. There Is no name to this. He Is an Irishman, I reckon. One other re- quest I wish to make aboiittt"rsJ plainly U plainly 1 nave passed a lettor al family trying to. decipher the signa ture. Somotlmes I have cut the sig nature off and pasted it on the back of the reply, thinking that -probably the postmaster at tha. writer's home would recognze It . If tho poetofflce address is omitted and the postmark on the envelope Is blurred, "ha it frequently is, it la impossible to know where a re ply should be sent, and if I guess at It and guess wrong it goes to thq dead letter office, ; Now," you young people must not forget these little things, tor they are Important, especially the stamps, Somotlmes we literary men are greatly perpexed to know what to do with some letters. One more re quest Do not write to me at Atlanta, t do not live there: My home Is in Car tersvlllo, and 1 thought that every body knew it by this time. I have living here over twenty years. ' And, now let me ask the good char itable ladles Who seek to do some thing for some good cause to send no more endless chain' letters to roe. They are a nuisance and have annoy ed me greatly. I thought that whu that common cheat and swindler, Joel Smith, of Montlcello, 174., was broken np and arrested , tho endless chain business had stopped; hut of late it has revived and I received three last week. One of them, started In Canada for a so-called missionary work and got all the way down to Louisiana and from there to me, wanting me to copy two letters and send ten cents In Christ's -name, and under no circum stances to. -break the chain. Well, I broke It and shall , break every one that comes to me, Ind I shall bum tho letters, for they never contain any re turn postage. Some years ago the good ladles of Fredericksburg, Va., wrote to me, saying ' they wanted about $300 or f 400 to place ' head stones to the graves of 2C0 Georgia soldiers who were burled there. 1 made an earnest appeal to our peoplo and asked for a dollar from each good man or woman, and I raised J300 In three weeks . Adjutant Gonoral Phil Byru sent ma i all. Hie way from New Brunswick. I bought the marble, all lettered nicely, from the northern men who own the works at Marietta bought them at one dollar each, which was less than tho co t, for the com pany said they helped to put bur boy there and they ought to help mark their graves. Tho railroads shlppel them free. There was no endlc33 chain In that business. Three thou sand neglected confederate graves, at Marietta! Our boys, our doud, burial on our soil, dlrd "in dofi'imo ; thel' Iiomes, their stiilo, their people. On tho oilier side of the railroad n-e about ns many who wre tn-'pas"': f a (V:r v-e !;-: - ::o ("em u$ he v i ; . ( .. 1 t :. ;, in- I ii ii i -a at the b0iwi their graves are marked with costly morblo and ndornod with gravel walks and flowers and evergreens, and there is a grand entrance to their city of the dead, all done by the national govern ment, and a keeper employed. - And yet it is now settled we were right and they wore wrong. Oh, liberty and union I what ' crimes have been, .com mitted in thy name. ' But Secretary Root seems to be a good man and Is going to help us make np the roster, the muster roll of our living and our doad. i Maybe be will got a little closer to ns and help the Marietta women to make their confederate, graveyard just as elegant and ornamental as the one on the oth er side. Why not try him T Dead sol diers are not enemies to each' other, and It tholrs could speak maybe they would say, "Give us your hand, broth er." - Is It not about time for our wo men to mate an appeal to the govern ment for aid in this patrlotlQ work' Not only for Marietta! but wherever our soldiers are burled. Marietta has many northern : visitors who' spend their winters there, and It seems to me If they brought along a heart and a soul with them,, they would go to dollars. Please mark tea of. those graves for me." But I reckon most of them just bring their bodies and leave their hearts at home. '' A Why not do as our Mr. Granger did? Just as soon as our ladies started a move to build a monument to General Young and our Bartow heroes; he was the first to ask' thfprlvUcge of sub scribing $25 to thev . He has got ten it all back a'wyur good oMl and BTHud- He brougtf I wliV mii wiien no moved a own nerc; m.l..U - 1 . HAZARDS TO HEALTH, I i, Exposure to Winter Weathet a Dangerous to Life, " ?"he majority of persons In the tenv perate tone delight In winter becanss f IM "sports and amusements. I( trings wlthlt, however, grave hazards to health and a "train of discomforts, jome petty and.' others' serious, but bone of which Is generally recognized as affecting the health; yet their al leviation and cure are often difficult A i It would raiser the average of health significantly If the vast Importance of precautionary measures could be Im pressed upon the public and attention drawn to the fact that these so-called petty discomforts are a menace to health - A;A i;-,A ,AA :: ;-':f, ' ' There is a misunderstanding as to the benefits which cold weather con; fers. If In autumn and spring per sons took the same, amount of .exer cise and breathed as deeply' as cold, compels them In In order to maintain the normal heat of the body, they would find these nonsons congenial to health. Most persons know that freez ing Is as Inimical to life as "burning, but they seem to Ihlnk that any de gree of cold short of freezing Is bene ficial, and one bears pernicious talk about Its -stimulating effort, pernicious because It Induces many personijo do foolhardy things. , ':. Cqld Is beneficial only when, through' the' demand for oxygcnto feed Interna fires, the rrrars ar Stimu lated to their full duty.. Tbe circula tion of the blood should be corres pondingly, accelerated, and It is as !oU oody is kept warm. - But 1 theTW0DiiTlt hi hands, leot. nose oi I ears become stiuBlngly '61aThrrTirii h I done, and If, through Insufficient cloth le I lng, this chill Involves the limbs nnd I va. ... t. . ahniiMMM a. .It,.. of the body the danger is proportion ately Increased and may be the In cipient cause of pneumonia, fevers or other disease. ". j A chill disturbs the capillary circu lation, and In women this. is so sensi tive that, its . slightest disturbance may cause cutaneous disorders. Fre quently the seeds of a winter's dis comfort are sown during the first frosty evenings , of autumn.. Many take keen delight in the sharp tingle of the air, but the benefit of Its stimu lating ozone Is lost unless the body be protected from chl'l Often the hands or feet become strtngingly cold; and within twenty-four hours a burn ing irritation Is felt in' some part of the limbs, Because the hands are more commonly exposed than the feet the lrrlutlon Is usually felt Unit In the upper arms, extending to tha wrists or Involving the thighs , and ankles in ' exact m ensure, to U sp posure. New York Herald yk Charming New Orleans. , If you should take your map of thi United States and run your finger fat down its surface untIL It rested upon the largest cfty in ail Uie beautiful South, tho one which Is the second largest export city on the American continent and tbe metropolis of a vast inner emjilrfl which holds two civilizations, one French -Spanish, one American, both slowly, very slowly, merging through the r 'irles; or, better still, if you should slroll along the streets on a sweet March day, petting Ir.to its curious quarters, watching the beautiful little children and the dark-eyed men and the gaily dressed women and all the throngs of people, city people who can never long remain away from- the green fields and the noble old trees and -the scent of the roses then you eould not fall to hit upon this charming old place, New Orleans In many ways the most Interesting of all the cities In America, the beautiful city that lives outdoors 8t Nicholas. , . , No single paper in uppincott's Mag azine, so It is stated, has ever gained the popularity accorded to Eben E. Roxford's (trtlclo on "V'lllaKo Improve ments," published in April, 1: 01. ' So cieties In the west made it the sub ject of study, and It Is still called for. This has brought Mr. Roxford to pro duce another paper on the snrao theme, though varied In Its application, which appears In the March number of Llpnlnoott's Mfsazlne nnd Is entl tied "iuirul and Yli,;o la,,.i u aient Sod..!'. A SERMON FOR SUNDAY AN ELOQUENT AND CONVINCING 0I& COURSE BY REV. OR. PARKHURST. Subject i .Growing la th Thlnffa at th , -jKlnedom of pod The Idas Lies OIdm ' at the roaadatlfji of HJa System ot Fredaetloa sad Administration. iTKW York Cttt. fit. Chsrlea H. lrk hurat, pastor of the Madison Square Pre' byterun Church, preached Sunday morn ing on "Growing in the Things ot tha Kingdom of God." The text was from II. Peter iii: 18: "Grow in grace and in the knowledge t our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.",; '--.: ,'. , . - To grow: growing irr tho things of the kingdom of God; that is our matter this morning. It is a great Bibl word, "grow" is; particularly a great gospel word. Jl'ho word incarnates the idea of life, ana of life ' tnat is swelling, crowding apart tha shell 'and crushing up in the direction of becoming a tree; knocking down walls and breaking forth into territory outlying. "I am come that they might have life and thai they might have it more abundantly," mors and mors of it. life doubling and quadrupling pea itself; - That is one ei the ideas (hat lie close at th foundation of God's system of produc tion and adminiktration lift, ana mors and more of it Everything is for tb sake of the things that grow." What cannot grow is for the sake of that which can Kaffolding along which the living walla can be built, trellis up which th growing vines can clamber. The first two days of God's treat? week were only a sort of creative pre lude,' getting things ready, the seas collect d. (he land dried off , m Tend mens for th fiih that live, I he grass and the trees that jrow and man; scaffolding and trellises prior, to the tempi and the vines: . It was a strange moment is our long his tory when th tint live tiling began to be, nmething that Was nor rock, no mineral. And thi old torturing problem if, whert it 3am from out of-the ground? Out of God's, band that had been holding it till ,t'- "t ailment eama? Out of th air XL'S"1 'rom tomt ether globe Viced harvesting before our (IM IkUUltn. jt alp' God must Bavfr, Vl annate, as .be. Citing He did when at last the man.'TOUK felling that GodJ jce His own great divint to Hint in a small human renei before that sunreme hoar struck tlni... V . ,1- zone oa reshaping themselves and reshap ing themselves; .but reshaping is not grow ing. 'Che glacier in every step of its froten journey reshapes itself, but the glaeicr docs not g-ow. Th great hills, the earth itself, take all kinds of shapes from century to century, from aeon to aeon, but they do not grow; but the corn grows, and man irons at least sometimes; some men. The body grows, at any rate; that is the nil. It not simply exists a mineral does that, a block of stone doe that bat it lives, and, from Infancy np, with a lit that is more and mora a life blade, car, full eorn; which it the physical side of that vent in John, "that they might have life tnd have it more abundantly." And not only is there the kind of growth that makes the Individual more and more richly a live thing, on the way from infancy to mature manhood, and more completely and biauteoualy humr.n on hi animal side, but the race as a whole appear to have been progressing in that respect till w may rnppose that man, as the last forty or mors centuria show him is about a goad a thing physically a he can be; the sort of human animal that God had In Hi ey when first He went about to produce man. We have reached the limit in point of stat ure and presumably in point of refinement of organization. . Arrived at this stage, any new growth that the race might make would have to be a striking out into some fresh channel. The body being a finished body, th rising current of life in man in the growing man will, perforce, seek some new issue for itself. No longer needed to make for him a more highly organized body, the wax ing tide overflows into the shaping of a more finely organized mind. The life is there, the growing life is there, and so when on thing is finished another thing has to bJ taken up, and when, in the tours of long year of development, man had become perfect as an animal he started In upon th course ot making himself per fect a an intelligence. Thi.t is what he is doini now, and it Is Inexpressibly wonderful what he ha al ready achieved in this direction. Tbe ran cannot contemplate itself in respect of the advance made within historic times unoa nee of thought and research without be ing itself, with feeling of admiration verginjTvClSiie upon reverence, it is not easy to nndeWtojJ Row one can take ac count of the tniarynTfr"ldng line of pin gress made Irjy man into theTfsjnain ol truth, the trutr of th physical w9,d at anv rate, withoilt hecomine aware tain imnulse. a certain infillina of life somewhere than inundate wider and wider patches of ncWly reached area, as the ris ing tide, infUraring from th sea, rolls with each recurring billow farther up on the sloping beachJ How many thousand yean it he been simc man commenced to think, theories and discover nobody knows, and the Bible do t not tell ns, but up to dat the record i a tremendous one, and then is no limit i ii sight , All of this is tellina ns what a w mderful thing it was that God did when He started the race on its career of growth t "d eonoaest. Whether yoa thjnk of the way in which th hnmsn eye has nenetrmt id into the stellar space and read out in t 'rma of every day English the thoughts thi t at the beginning of time God wrongh into th glittering fabric of tb heavens, or whether you think of what at snorter n ng has been effected by the study of out own globe and of the laws that pervade it, of the forces that actuate it and of thi ways in which it mysteries have been to Ived and converted into com monplace nt litiea, the story is on and the same all th way through. All these discoveries o course celebrate the splendid omnipotent vitdom of a God that eould make tuch a world, but they celebrate the magnificence of the human creature that Could, in po nt of intelligence, grow far enough towai d God to be able to make the discoveries, ferret, out th purposes of things, thinl out in common words the thought tha ; th Creator put into thing, and go on v ear after year, century after century, mifl ennium sfter millennium, for ever widenir g the area of knowledge and creating for human thought an empire steadily adv incing upward, outward and downward u on lines laid down by the in finite mind. ,. . , It it certai ily easy to tay, and tt it very common to , that th realities of th spiritual wot Id are thing that cannot be confidently i otten st. .Just as certainly was it an eaiy and very natural tiling fot th denizens of th olden centuries to say, or at any r it to think, that th great lights that tl ion in th heaven could not b gottea at or that a man eould not hold instant and intelligible intercourse with his distant i leighbor 8U0O miles scrota the ea, b'lt tucl intercourse Is nowmatier oi history, and a to th heavenly bodies that Wen once b it an impossible and aninter pntabla visi in, the liumnn mind np to a certain poinjt contemplate them to-day with aa assui-ed and as steady a thought at that with wUiich it marks tha flight ol bird or tu flutter of a leaf. In th realrt of the spiritual, on the con trary. not a (great deaf ha been achieved yet that the) spirit of man can encourage itself with of that it can found great ex. pectations ypon and profound anticipa tions. Bo far a" such mattera are con cerned we are not much farther along ii) the renlitiesfof the world spiritual than the wirld win along geographically in the day When JColurobus l wondering li ther were njit mor beyuiid the shore o! Spain than tlie fifteenth century yet knew ot, or much farther than the world was aloud atrononiicaily when David shea lienl.'d Ins flocks and muainu-ly watched tl. sii.rs how ring above the Juilcnu hills. And we siiiiu'.il be stimulated in the di rectum of cn-iing into closer quarters with the legitime fici of the spiritual world t. . il a ...i ,ul the eternals, if we would I,,,,, (., ,.! nmiiMiir wnli these impulres el ' e i., -ntiial appetites, th;it in- t : , , i n inel exlcmi tlieimelves in t . , ! ti,:it sitppcteil but tin- I, i: . m , I l :.!-, c is net- an impulse vt ih ., : . , r i, ,nire. whether plilMieiil in- t,..t Ii ,a not li-n found in , I-,! ce--!'.':::iJ vpi til seine- t pit : y niatciics it. Thirst means that there is water, and th water it there waiting. The ey meant that there is light, and the light is ther waiting. Th budding interrogation in the child's mind means that than is truth, and the truth is there waiting. Bo far at w hare yet gone th inward impulse has shown itself to be an infallible prophecy of an outward reality that perfectly fits it. And those groat longing of the soul that swell within u in our best and freest mo ments, to griat sometimes at to be beyond our newer to articulate, these, too, it is foolish and stupid in ns to treat as less trustworthy nnd infallible than are the quieter appetences of the intelligence or tlie coarser instincts of the body. 1 her U) no safe creed that does not start in with a confession of faith in one's awn superb elf superb in th sense of being gifted wirn powers tnat put mm tn airect rela tion with the rocks under him, the air about aim. the great God overhead, and the eternal realm of Spirit, human and di vinsV And that gives a man something to go upon.. It at once make the farthest ttar In the heavent a proper object of ii quiry, and layt out before him a highway into the heart and centre of th kingdom tpiritual. J v - But the highway into the heart and cen tre of the kingdom tpiritual is net a road that is being numerously traveled. We ara about as far along on that road as Colum bus wa on th way to the Western Conti nent when he was still heaving anchor in the harbor of Palot. But th rot it as feasible and passable a the waterway of the Atlantic. And th world it going to get there. The religious impulse, the pac tion of thi divin tt" in ns for a purpose. God is knowabla and He i going to bo known. Spiritual, things aro discernible and t'.iey are going to be discerned." There is such a thing as the life eternal and there is such a thing as having a realisation, of that life, having it here, too, at a matter of cler.r and definite experience. We ara not saying anything just now as tn the na ture of the highway that leads into th midst of the spiritually discerned realities that compose that kingdom, nothing just now aoout the steps a man takes in tread ing that highway. The only impression I am studying to leave this morning is that there is a continent of reality a distinct from the continent of every day interest as the Western Hemisphere of our globe is distinct from the Eastern) that we an endowed with faculties which to the d- in which they are aevtiwulirm a tncmitiera oi tnat remoter amir riistineuishable and aDnreeiable tn the earliest explorers; that spiritual discern- jctft ha lust as sniw at ineanlna- in Its re- -Ration to things spiritual as ocular discern-- u ment has in Itt relation to tnimrs material, and that it it capable of aiwding reauiti thut are just as convincing and" satisfying, and lie as solidly planted in the assurance of the man that has become spiritually cog nisant of them; that the soul is endowed with the faeulty of a vision that is as true ai the vision of th body, independent of bodily vision and a thousand times more richly and wonderfully gifted. if en are interested in house, lands, clothes, money, market-, commerce, science and art, but there is not much interest in religion, Ther i interest in th matter of being saved, whatever that may mean, but desire to be saved is no more religion than the desire to be gotten out of th water when you have fallen overboard it navigation. Thi does hot mean that there are not a good many who have an inkling of th meaning of th spiritual kingdom, some thing as men at sea gain a suspicion of distant land by observing tha impalpable blanket of mist that hovers about it. It is net much, ia itself, and yet it is a great deal, because of the much that it is capa ble of widening out into. It 4c a kind of spiritual coast line which, seen from afar, appears . to be but a filmy thread, but which ia for all that the solid edge of a olid continent, .Nor does thst which we have been say ing mean that there are not those who have already traveled a good stretch of distance into the midst of things, tha spir itual verities, that make out tha spiritusl world. In all departments of life and in all direction of growth there have always been men who have outrun their fellow, pioneer in th enterprise of discovery, liants in research who navohtood high and ooked over the shoulders of their contem poraries, who have lived in th same world mm thev. but at the same time In a larger world than they. In the w of reliaiout thought and experience call auch men nroDheta. A Droohet. or crly tpeaking, is not so much a man who is able to see what is going to be as be is one who sees more widely than other th things which are now. There -is such a thing, even in matten of science, as coming so into accorti with the spirit of scientific truth as to be able to aee with a firm aad fast taion where eye lest sympathetic have failed. Exactly th parallel of that has been true over nnd over again in that other world of" truth mysteriously hidden that is our special concern this morning. And, a I say, w call such one prophet. And there ara prophet now as in the old days men ana women wnose spiritual mora than sBreaat wittt tneir own dayaaaauey Know wnat ines see, tney realise whaftfiey teei, ana it M a teeoie and infantile fortiUlge whose K-Cyet have in them a feeble light toaaflLne uncovering that ha been made to thesHfuPnets. and prophetesses of a longer and nureTNiight, at for vou and me to alur Over with iro! cal contempt the revelations brought back to u by those who have climbed farther than we into the height of the material ueavetis. But that i th war hittery grows; that it th way th world becomes larger a few prophets, pioneers in the van, and the rest plodding on behind some not even plod ding, soma no nearer millennium than When history started out. Of course, the great prophet of ail prupr,ets, the great seer of all seen, was Jesus Christ. It would teem that to Ilia eye tha things of th heavenly kindom were as hear and as distinct s were the long hidden myateri of th solar system distinct to th vision of Copernicus. He did not reason. Christ did not, nor conjecture, nor guess; He taw. When lie told of God, of the soul, of th Ufa eternal, lie tpoke of that which He knew and testified that which He had seen. ' He cam not a a delineator. While He was telling things to people He saw th thing that He was telling them. Ther is aothing in the Bible about supposing, but there is a great lot in it about seeing. Liki all tlie great verities this one w have been handling thit morning grows upon us with th handling. It ha mad ut feel, tome of us, that wa are nut at sea still, and that instead of having yet planted a firm foot upon the solid territory of the continent 'eternal we are only inspecting what rather looks to ut on the whole to be coast line, and instead of poshing our boat np, come no nearer to actually landing than to get our sea glass Out nnd spend our odd moments in trying to make out wheth er what we try to focus our glass npun it land, mirage or imagination. In the mean time the continent ia there, the winds blow athwart it, the sun warm it, tb tars smil down npon it. ' . t '"A whitewashed reputation dmi en dure any longer than arwhitewaahed fenc., Senator Hoar's Joke, Senator Hoar told Joke irj the Supremo Court - f Xhe Senator was arguing a ease. He said a point mired icminded him of the mau who was arrested for steal, lng forty cowbells. The man said he didnt steal the cowbells. That th were ln the barn and somehow the cows got them on their necks. "That might do for one cowbell," said tbe Judge, "but no forty cows in creation acquire a taste for musl at the same time." JV The Supreme Court smiled grimly. Senator Hoar chuckled audibly. . The marshal of the court wouldn't let tb speetators do asythlng. New York World. - - We aro ronfly to enter your name on j our auln'Tlytlon books. You will not ; mlns tlie t!inll sum nwcosHnry to be I f- a r 1 "y hi' I -reirW TNI QUIET WA.. I lingered o'er s checker gam a nlfc two UQ: : , - - Th on who played against me teemed to nave bo gnott oi snowi I had a bunch of lusty kings that strutted all about And bullied my opponent' men, who dared not venture out. -'Way over ia a oorner shrank a timid little t man , - ' Who stayed right in hit station eve sue the game began. Bo watched my erowned head marching by with banner and with tong, - -j , . , And seemed to be discouraged over, tUidliuj still to long. ' ' -"- Bat pntty tooa so opening oecaurrtxt rw blooks away, lad sot anotnu moment did that little tel. low stay . , , , , He bounded o'er the board and took! throe kings In on fell swoop, Taw landed la my king row with, a wild ecstatic whoop. You've known these quiet fellows that Just tat around and thought And never made a- noise whist Om other j raged and fooghti Th whole community had some to think of i thm as dead, ... , , ,-, ,t- , . Or else so very near I? that (heir hope ot . fame had fled. - . , The chapt with recognition. for their portion pose and strut, . . .- ."'-i And seem to overlook tb man who keeps ' his talker shut. ' Bnt some day, when most evry on""""""" lookln' t'other way, This quiet fellow sees a abano To lr-.-. into th play. . . ' He reaches out and grabs things that the others had ignored i " . He put Into the 111 gam alt tha mecgr h'd stored 1 Through ail th years Of silence. 80 you'd. better not forget The still man In the comer, for he'll reaolr the king row yet. ' , ? Lot Angeles Herald. ; f ;- ' HUMOROUS. - Tom Is It tfVroff between voui Emily JacJaC-AU off but tie ring, and' she, jgriT give that back.- "; Wigwag I always pay my debts,' Harduppe So do I, even though Imay have to borrow the money to do it . - ''Love me, lovo my dog," simpered Hiss Yellow Leaf. "Oh, I haven't any thing against your dog" replied Old . -- . ,1..: '4 Ernie They are very attentive to . each other. Sadie What will be the 4 outcome T Ernie It depends -,o his income, Sharpe He moves In the best so ciety Whealton You bet he moves.'' His creditors won't let blm rernslata! one place long. . . .Vj,,4,1 Slllicus Every man makes a fool of himself at least once In bis life, Cjaiicira Oh, ' I don't know. Bom' men remain single, Ho My dear, the bank in which my money is deposited has tailed. "She What a .mercy you've got your check book at home, Iovet. '-' - v s ;iv , Blobbs A bill collector tmlled oa Harduppe westerday, Slobbg I'll bet 1 Harduppe borrowed money from him . before he got away. - : Mldget--I heard the "fat lady' waa . Indisposed., Is ahe any bettor Sword ' -Swallower Oh, yes she la getting around In great shape. 'r - La Montt She said she could not' live without him. La Moyne Yes; i and found out in two weekj tnat shar. could not live with him. Lady What will you do if I give you a mealf Tramp 111 give yer all - in my suit mom. JBfw' VeijWum; TlCde down , coal car. ' . i Papa Yoiing man. you want to mar-,' : ry my daughter, and yet, you. will not give, ma a list ot your friend for refH , erencev Dnnstan Not trroch. Thoy, ; , were all after the same) gWtJ -, "Halton courted the daughter of a "' collar manufacturer.'' f Hoar did It turn . out?" "Why, the girl gave him a turn- . down." That was bad-." "Then ne fay t ther threw in a few cuff." j "Our friend Polk hasn't,, much' chance of getting th nomination he's' t after, has he?" "He says he's stin fn" j the' race." "That's tight; lWa-still, ; while all his rivals are moving away from hi If r J(b ealled uponfo 'pat- H-operation torlrftrHeM!U.' asked tha member of the ex am mi: board, "what would, you do,, first T"a "Ask for my fee in advance," replied the medical student . ' ,.' ", . .. ; Maiden Aont Yes; sbe Is a" woman with a history: Tommy And I guess you are a woman, with a goegraphy. Maiden Aunt (in surpHs)W5ysoT Tommy Because ! heard papaiay yon had a face like a map. i . : "This young man, thinks he can makehla living with his voice." "Per haps he can." "But there Is an Imped iment in his speech." "That la noth ing." "You mean to say he can become" .InirorT" "Nor a. train niwuuirer " 1 w Many London. 1 . The area ot London Js of a vary! eharacter, "Wnee It Hepend upon t classification by the different gove lng bodies, Tha London Manual 1903, says that the name "Lon wsi formerly applied only to the' an area, a little over one square and, the 'c ' !' Without any hoinoguiioiiy a common name until 1855, v became officially known aa tlx polls. This ansa- became tn admlnletrative county of Loi square, uillea . In extent, a.y Includes the city, Greater Loi toe Metropolis, ander the c tan and city police, includes t of the counties of London an set, and part of the count lep Surrey, 'Sussex a6d Herts, square miles in extent, and ( population, of 6",581,372. ; he motropolltan waior r aquare Tillies' In" extent ... nearest to Greater London f t size. Northward it str(1chi3 ; Hiirtford, 20 hilW away, u ! northwest It contracts to t bonndry at Hampstead, 1 : Us, for criminal jurln' . ! trlet iof-'the ceitral crin ' not Identical with the 7, , contains an area of 4-0 f - and a population of 5,n ft e London has its own 1 . ;, v n P y be curtailed or exit , t.m as tor-general. Et trite. The 'S'worm In Fi'i'n's f yr 1 t.) ,iil ci'-;i ;iMih fl -3 if c-

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