e .. THE HEROISil OF MICHAEL IIcUILLAN. By.Ed.W. IUis. . iiiiiiuiuujaJiiiiiiiiiUitiiii-iUiiiiaiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii 3t 3 Michael McMillan's heart was hear and it waa all on "acount of Rhoda. Rhoda was a pretty, brown-eyed, light- haired girl, whose mission It was to Iron shirts In a downtown laundry, and Michael was her ardent suitor, Ardent, but not successful. In fact, on this Very day In which our story opens he had presumed to tell her of his love, after many attempts, In all of which his heart bad failed him t the critical moment The secret out at last he stood before her blushing and shifting from one foot to the other like an awkward schoolboy, Rhoda looked at him kindly from under her long lashes there were no such eyes as here and replied: "Michael,, you know I like you well I do not know of any young man I like better; but I cannot say that I love you. You're a- very good fellow Mike, but the man whose wife I - become must be more than that. I want him to be brave and able to show by some great sacrifice or the perfomrance of a deed of merit that lis love does not He In words alono. Don't think me selfish or that I don't believe you. do, but If I said 'ye3' to you I should not" only bo acting a falsehood but untrue to my Meals as well, . Poor Mike! He was speedily made to see that Rhoda's determination was adamant and he loft her with mourn' ful steps. As ha went he wondered what had made her so romantic of late so set on What Michael termed strango Ideas... Most young girts were romantic, he knew, at a certain age, but Rhoda should have passed ' that period In the natural order of things. Bhe should have been more practical satisfied, according to Michael's view, with a good husband, who would pro vide her a comfortable home, and not gone gallivanting around after heroes. This was no longer an ago-of knight hood -the days when a hover- rode out with hls-lirty's fvsnt,hls sleeve to fight for fur Vbat Mi- . rn - V"" s he bad seen her No I (ji-u5 Ins over of late at the laundry, doubt the germ of her fancy originat ed In them. . ' Now, if Michael had been like cer tain other young men tho prospect would have discouraged him. But his love for Rhoda was fouodod strongly. After the first bitterness of his dis appointment be took his rebuff philo sophically and made up his mind that he would win Rhoda In "Spite of her whims. His chance was not long In coming. '.''v f Mtchal had 'ilwi wlihqiLto be a - . . , w i.'eraanfana nai tf,cc i sarc ocupajiiB-!,- i -yneIoar to take the civil service (examination for a fireman's place. .Now that Rhoda had refused him the uneventful routlno of a lottor-carrler's life was more than ever distasteful to him. He wanted some excitement to take bis mind off his trouble, so be buckled down to the preliminary prep aration for ; the examination with , vigor. -- He came through the test with, flying colors and the day when he donned the blue uni form of an engine driver was one of the ac- mnmpirj hf Hfe Rhoda leartrnj'TJnils ulTv employment with out any comment. Often after that, when tho gong rang In engine 24's quarters, striking out tho signal which meant a fire in the home district, she looked up from her ironing In time to see Michael guide the three splendid bays around the corner. As the heavy engine rumbled past, Michael shot quick glance In her direction and nod' ded, then gathered up the reins, while e devoted his entire attention to mak Ing the turn without accident He soon became one of the most skillful drivers in the department The city long remembered that fate ful Saturday afternoon when the peace of an unusually dull day -was broken . by an alarm calling the flromen to a jJU fierce blaze In a downtown office build Aft. The newspaper reporters In the busy hives on Mulberry street counted the strokes, and when the first alarm was followed In quick succession by a second, third and fourth, seized their coats to rush to the fray. They knew '"the seriousness of It all. So did the , watchful operators In police head- , quarters over the way. - Soon they - were busy sending In telephone mes sages to half a dozen precincts to or 4 der'out the reserves that the scene of the fire might be properly policed, t' Engine 24 went out on the first alarm The last stroke of the gong was still i echoing behind him. as . Michael se ,,,. curely strapped. In his. seat, bent low over the horses, urging them to their best speed. How they did fly through the crowded streets! Through all the bustle and turmoil, the tangle of carts and cars, Michael steered them safely, eool and vigilant Turning out of a narrow side street Into BroaJway tlj extent of the fire burst full on him. Twenty-four engine waa tite flrrt on the spot, but already clouds of smoke ,, were billowing from the upper floors. On either side, the building was flank ed by lean sky-scrapers, which were In Imminent danger. As Michael sprang from his seat he saw this and then. In one of the upper windows. something else which made bis heart leap into bis throat Now hidden by the swirling and ever thickening, smoke, now revealed as the wind car ried the cloud away, Michael made out the agonized features of a man plain ly bewildered by his peril. The flames the lintels of tho floor below and st, 'tcnert out hungrily toward Mm. i To danger grew momentarily more giavvjfhe was to be savetl It must be at ontoMlchael took In the situation at a glanTGThcn ho ran Into tho building. He toSksJhe stnlr ways to tho third floor three stops at a time, but there his further progress was barred. The air was suffocating. I'o groped blindly throimh It for the s 'airway to the fourth floor. It Was ! ko twili;;hl in the hall, although It l.-k( d still sonietlmo of sunset. Over l.a.1 bo li'NI'd f-inily the crackle of i n.ui.,1 ; I f f ;r-olr rir of bio. He began to- retreat, his rubber coat wrapped tightly about his head and his arms ever extended in front of htm, feeling the way. At last he found the stairway and rushed down v ;-;?;;v One In the street Michael took a deep breath of fresh air, noticed the location of the white face In the win dow, and tried again. Entering the adjoining building he found the elevat or boy, shook him roughly by the arm and bade him take hip var.to the sixth foor at top speed. ., The frightened boy obeyed readily. ' There, mlchael made his way to the front window and looked out Far below him No. 24 throbbed and panted with' its efforts to pump sufficient stream through the hose already leveled at the build ing. Other engines were Just arriving and preparing to take up positions at neighboring hydrants. A pygmy crowd watched him Intently, their anxious (aces upturned to the spot where ho stood. By leaning far out Mlchnol could see the man In the adjoining window. Cautioning him to keep still he mentally figured the distance be tween them. Taen he crawled out on the sill. Between Michael and the window of the burning house was a space of some six feet It was too far to Jump but midway a narrow ledge Jutted out from the building. So narrow was It that Michael would not have been able to stand on it without some assistance. He looked around for something to hold on to and found it In a tangle of electric light wires stretching along the wall at his hand. Seizing those he swung one foot over on (he ledge and held out his right hand to the man in the window leaning over as far as he could without lotting go of the wires. Obeying directions, the man stepped timidly out, clutching Michael's Jiand, which held him to the side of the building like a vise. Then, as the driv er commanded, he inched along the y led CO till Be reached the nnd. Thn hntS breath of the flames fan nod Jtfr-fa lar.y snut off his breathnifrT! lhe man' facing the is- sue of life a&fekdcath, on that slim stone support lutr- feet :. above the streot, tho time during which he inched along the led go seemed inter minable. It seemed ages longer be fore the fireman bad slipped back his foot to the other sill. Standing there by almost enuperhuman strength, he half swung half lifted the man to place beside him and then in through the window. It was dono at -last an J a mighty cheer greeted the act Fire men mounting on ynllr Uflrj".- Hfp' BILL ARP'S LETTER Bartow Philosopher Rejoices Over Advent of Spring. ANCIENT ORIGIN OF APRIL Cleveland Is Roundly Scored for His Recent Laudation of Beeeher. ' Mr. Arp "April-Fooled" With .; a Deceased Snake. - April has. come again a blessed month, for it Is the first that follows the long and dreary winter. How la iptrlcg is the earliest breath of spring, when nature, like a blushing maid, Is putting on her pantalets and preparing to bang her silken hair, what harmonious feelings spring np la our bosom ana gush forth to all man' kind, t-The chambers of the soul are ailed with music that la not heard and poetry that is not expressed. The sweet south wind Is. breathing upon tho violet banks. Nearly 1,000 years ago Solomon felt Its genial Influence when Be wrotes "The winter has pass edthe rain Is over and gone the flowers appear upon the earth the time for the singing of birds has come and the voice of the turtle la heard In the land." Now, boys, you must not Imagine that the turtle that Solomon heard was this ugly, crawling hardshell thing that lives in muddy water and lays Its tggs in the sand. That is properly tortoise. The turtle of Egypt and England Is the same as our dove., It has a plaintive, affectionate note and la devoted to its mate. In the scrip- turd It la a aarrAjl hint anit an omKlom of the holy ghost I would noi shootL- them for sport, and yet I read referi"-"" where some hunters In south J" killed 400 in one day. T- poets always say tru"" mean dove.- Gold' love, says ltV only foury"" ButV pV makes, I want to know who started this late move to idolise and ovate the memory of Henry Warch Beeeher In New York. It has been forty-four roars since he sunt old John Brown to take the arsenal at Harper's Ferry and raise an Insurrection among our no iroes. What did they wait so long tor? How oamo old Qrover Cleveland' Into it? ' What did old Beeeher do, to command his admiration? He got old Drown to take all the risk, and he and ' thirteen of his comrades were hung for It and the negroes wouldn't rlBe at all. Beeeher and nls sister did more to precipitate tho terrible war than all other causes combined. Is old Qrover lauding him for thatf The lecherous old scoundrel fiebadched tho wife of an eider In his church and ruined his homo and his happiness: That was twenty years, ag I won der of Grover Is qvatlng him for tha'.? Vi'e are done with old Grover now and forever. Let blm hunt ducks if he wants to. We have no uso for presi dents who .hunt ducks or bear or who love Beeeher or love the negroes bol ten than . the sou'horn white folki. Great heavens! Aro they fixing for another war, and have wo got to whip om again. Thank goodness I'm not a luck nor a bear. So I reckon I'm safe. -BILL ARP, in Atlanta Constitution. A. SEEMdN FOR SUNDAY AN ELOQUEN , "CIRCUMS' DISCOURSE ENTITLED rANCES OF LIFE.". A CAT AND HER PET. Tabby, our cat. lived In' the bars with her family of kittens. She made her home in the stall of dandy, one of the farm horses, and tho kittens were always under his feet - But Dandy was fond of cats, and In some miracu lous way avoided harming his guests. One day I noticed a you in rat, about the size of a full grown- mouse nlng about the stall wltjj" Surprised that Tabhp I caught her s-' to It Sha-"" walked Flia ftT, Pr. Trilnk Ollm Ball Bars W Mmt, Learn How to Fbov the Pros perity Well M tha Uard CoadU , Uoaa of This V New York Crr. The Rot. Dr. Frank Ohm Hall, pastorlof tht Church of the Divine l'aternity, n-eached Sunday morn ing on "Facing the drircumitancet of Life.' He took his text fi tim l'hilinpiann it: 12: "I know how to tie abated, and I aim know how to abouqll. I bars learned the ccrct. Dr. Hall aa lit other words, 1'aul said, "I have learned the secret of now to be lndenend' ent of circumatancei. 1 1 know how to face humble circnmatancet.l and I know bow to fare poaperity." I That ia a great lcaaoli, and one whieh few men ever do learn, lliut it ia a tenon which we all need to tekrn in order to nra- acrve hapnineaa, the inaearity of character ad to make the moat on life, First Let as look fink for the secret of hdw to face humble circikmitances. Every one atanda in danger ofUwing reduced to poverty, No matter horn much you may poiseas to-day, on the mnrrow it may be all swept away. If yoa pus. your money in bank the cashier may abscond with it and leave you with nothiitig but a book with certain hieroglyphics ucribbled there bi to indicate that you went once affluent If you put your money in knining stocks, the ore may give out, or ball management may ruin the enterprise. If you invest in a railroad, a rival line may getlall the traffic, or some unscrupulous speculator may wreck tha buaineas for his own enrich ment. - If you buy rpcd jenUbk it may de preciate npon your' hands, or a Are may weep away your1 holdings irtla night, il you conolude to Wrap your treasures in a napkin and hide it in a hol,some thief may discover and steal it. Solno matter how rich vou mar be. tn-mnrrnitr vn ma be aa poor as any. Provcrbiafcv, richea take to themscM'ea riitrs fly away. nnt that It is, therefore, s ona ifirn me f In effect that if we will do aa well as wt can He will tare for ue. It, ia only a; far as we distrust the providence of flod. or disbelieve in Hie providence, that anxiety can find a place in our livaa. "Why are ye anxioue!" asked Jen. "If God clothes the grass el the field and cores for the birds of the air, shall He not much more care for yon, Oy of little faith! But thia ia only one-half of Paul'i secret. He had learned how to be abated, but he had also learned how to abound. He nait learned to face adverse eireumstances, and he had also learned to face prosperity. We must alt have known peop who eame un scathed, through adversity, and were after ward ruined bv prosneritv. Under the in fluence of good fortune they become con ceited, arrogant and selfish. More people have been spoiled by wealth than by pov erty,1 I havja come to reel that no greater evil can befall a young man or woman than to he rich through the effort of father or grandfather, and so ba freed from tha blessed necessity of winning one's own way. Those who struggle from poverty to afflu ence bv learning first how to be abased af terward 'earn how to abound. But those who begin in abundance are frequently spoiled by possessing without effort what we are apt to call the blessingi of life. Wealth may be a blessing, but poverty ia oftener so. Jesus said: "Blessed are the poor." Now a poor man ia not blessed be cause he ia poor. If that were so how easy for any one of us t secure b'essedness. But poverty urges to effort end effort opens th door to large attainment. How, then, may one cultivate and pre serve such admirable qualities of charac ter, the true riches of the soul, wbie fac ing prosperity? .-.-, ' (1) Let him In the first place-take a les son in humility. We are apt to say of a, wealthy man, "He ia independent." It, is a b!m Mvinir Kn man whn lives in a CIV- iHzcd community is independent. The only A CHEESE BACILLI HUNT IP IT 8UCCEEDS FAMOUS BRANDS ; MAY BE MADE HERE. ' really independent being; is the saysw mna who lives ttv wmseu in tne wunern" dressing in the skint of wildjio rating roote. The moment If his bear akin for a blanket M tnl under obligation to the ml the theep, the man who cuts, man who apina thMu- Wssleyan Professors Seeking the Bac teria That Produce Camembert and Other 8oft Cheeses Hope to Rival the Products of European Makers. An Investigation Is now In progress at Wesleyan university, Mlddletown, Conn.j under the direction of Prof. H. W. Conn, with the purpose of ferret ing out the secrets of European soft cheese manufacture. It Is hoped that these secrets will be discovered soon and that the country will then be able to rival Europe In the production pt all the cheese delicacies that : the American now gets from abroad. In the two laboratories of the univer sity this Investigation Is In progress every day. 'The inquiry really began aa far back as 1894 when tho study of the bacteriology of milk and milk prod ucts was started. : From that time up to the present day there has been con stant research Into this subject until now the investigations have entered the Held of cheese manufacture : Prof. Conn when he y oloi number of 10,000,000 to. the . cublo centimetre axe frequently found, out they are perfectly harmless." Me', York Sun. . :,- CHINESE MANICURING. How Oriental Women Prefer to Wear, Their Finger Nails. Lovely woman has the same weak nesses In Pekln and Canton as in Now-f-York and Chicago. The colffptir mil- Ifaer, dressmaker, and bootmaker are . as Important to her as to her- Ameri can sister. Like the latter, she dotes upon manicuring, but on account of social conditions there are no profes sional manicures to employ twice or thrice 'a week. Either she attends to her own nails or else she .depends upon junior wife, a servant, or slave , to do the work for her. The wives of " wealthy Chinese merchants In New York's Chinatown usually hire tho "barber" to look aftec their tapering fingers. , ' ," Her" Ideal fingernail la not that of the Occident, at least so for as shape, Is concerned. - Where tha western 4 makes a standard a simple oval which ( Is almost parallel to the curvature; of the linger, a Chinese lady of fashion wants hers to extend. Vo Juvnnj (bo o trinlnTit .ml osj buy bruins co tne instni- cesses possible. fir reaching. Mot J eJsiii JLn")Jj1tMnnW to pull the exhaust uuTiTho saw "his ijed Michael and his trembling burden out and tako UfCm down. Tho man had swooned, but ho soon recovered In the fresh air. , As for Michael, he was a hero. Of the great destruction wrought by the Are, and the space In the newspa pers devoted to the "Rescue by Fire man McMillan," It Is not necessary to tell The town raving with the news. Michael took It all calmly and modestly, as brave firemen should do, In quarters that evening bo was con gratulated by bis comrades and patted on the back by his captain. . That evening a woman, closely muf fled up, came to the flrohcuso Inquir ing for Mr. McMillan. Unde- ordinary circumstances visitors are not allowed to disturb the firemen, but the captain, who knew the woman .winked at breach of discipline for once. Micha el rung back at first, refusing to soe her, but big Jack Ralnoy pushed blm forward with a laugh at bis fear of "the women folks." " Thus adjured, Michael faced the caller. For the moment there was si lence, then she spoke. The first words sent a thrill through Michael for It was a voice ho well knew and loved. "I saw the fire this afternoon. Mike," she began. - "Did you Rhoda T" was the response lu an almost Inaudible voice. Yes, and I want to tell you, Mike McMillan, that I- am proud of you!" she went on quickly. "It was jrand!" Aw," replied Mike; shifting nwfc wardly from one foot to the other and blushing like a schoolboy again, didn't do nothln'." Mike's grammar was not faultless, but Rhoda didn't seem to mind. Bhe lowered her hood and picked for a moment at her shawl. Then, she. lifted it again and looked straight into bis eyes with a laugh. say, Mike," she said, and for some reason the poor boy turned red as a peony, "I guess I didn't mean what I said the other afternoon," Then she dropped her ey to-the shawl again. It took Mike sometime to grasp the slutatlon, but he met It at last like A man. What then T There were none of his comrades there to see, but he would not have cared had the whole world looked on. He -was Rhoda's hero. Syidney Smith and His Servants. Have you ever observed, writes Syd ney Smith, what a dislike servants have to anything cheap? They hate saving the master's money; I triad, aie experiment with great success the other day. Finding w. consumed a great deal of soap, I sat down In my thinking chair and took : the soap question Into consideration, - and I found reason to suspect, that wo were naing a very expensive article, when a much cheaper one would serve the purpose better. I ordered half a doz en pounds of both sorts, but with the precaution of changing the papers on which the prices were marked before giving them Into the bonds of Betty. "Well, Betty, which soap do you find washes JbestT" "Oh, please, sir, the dearest fit the blue paper; It makes a lather aa well ogalsf as tho other." "Well, Betty, you shall always have It then" An J thus the umuispectlng Eot ty saved me somo pounds a year, and washed the clothes bfitter. . Source of Dialect 8torles. T.nts (if frllowg with l!tirnry aspira tions f to rol!( i-n, 1 "tin In'in nnd ('.; ' ! t. n v ,;-:;:-,-f H,iH.. The Thell The dW And gaily Vcr.... And all the, dirty Are digging bait and " And so fourth amM oh. Solomon didn't writ) a Tact ntiWtheleas. But what about April? ft to thouU, and hand mente Which make Thia truth la lEZil01. ?toial wealth are we nncfer ob- ..-...un w vut leuowi, dw iLtO for our in Ltte1 ?,thi" ,0thel- Hve labored .lid MifiVlk t m ine,p wrn. It ia 'h' WA"1 ' th But let hinVtom. per bis pride in the abundance of his intel wetual possession with tl, tKkt WllectUfll nchM ha Ka. J. a - il. 'riefci" i! l ju,t f tn!T of aniritnal n!5t,iCil we,7,lu- Liberty of thought. m,tmUCh hM 'V00' th anffering and 21 T8 of m,e.n Zho nT long since j gone to their reward? The environment of kV -iV j-j to purity of heart, ??7JT"ch dl.d ,t,c th of our butNwflaV because an! II whl.K . icortain procudi esults. Good butter'a-a., 1 ""en me rifirM barter t presont In the ingredients, bu uuor DUirer roonlt k - . ... uwsUIIQ or the presence of bad bacilli, which polled the buttor. Prof rr. h. " . .Uu wuicu il was found xni.1.1 ensure good butter in when present In sufficient quantities. The secret of soft cheese making Is a bactcrloloeicfti Conn and Prof. Ratnn B mm in mis work. ar nn. IT; T ueiermrae Just what "v.vci luiuKlcai cnineu nj j,w . - .. . " i"wui;o mo u.uo.oui aoit cneesos nt countries. To this end, samples of umburger. Brio. Nifh.fi Z l R1uefrt cheeses, together boui stret glovl upon anowtore. out of a bejatlv "aZ '.i cancy of living? .Let ua not be wis. i our ! t XI .l .Drantl8 not 80 we known uioncan public, are now be ing examined at the laboratory it is the aim cf. tho professors to secure wmples of these cheeses In different stages of ripeness so as to sludy me oacienologlcal changes In speaking of the work Prof. Esten ane. l-r-1 'il- v.'"! ml0M 01 r abund , Af ihlnk. B"nWy, aoberiy. accord ing aa Uaa has n nnf .u u: i. Of all thinca which ""- wiiL L i " ' abundsnce, even aa ZtS.Z'.l'1' r,,nt-le . andeavor to ap- sand years ago It was the secob month In the year, but Julius Caesar got proud and vain and stuck In anoth er month and called It July, and his adopted son, Augustus, thought he was as good as Julius, and so he stuck one in' and caled It August, and that gave os twelve months, or 360 days, whlci lacked five days of making a full year. So they had to give one more day to each of several months. April didn't have but twenty-nine days and they made It thirty. Later on old Nero, the tyrant , ana naaier, came along and said he was Just aa great a man aa any of the Caessr.i, and so he changed th.i name of April to Neronlus, and It re mained that way tor thirty years, un til be died, and then It was put back to April again. : April was named from the Latin word apWlre, which means to open, for then the ec th begins to open and the grass and the lowers to spring up and the little leaves to come forth from the bnds on the tree. The old Anglo-8axona called It Ooster, or Eas ter month. The Dutch called it grasi month.- The foolish custom of April- fooling people still prevail In many countries among the young . people. It origin 1 unknown. Some say It is a rello of an -old heathen festival. Some say that In the middle ages they acted play taken from the life of Christ, where he was sent from Annas to Caraphaa and from Pilate to Herod, and so an April fool Is one who is sent all about on an errand, as, for In stance, for some pigeon milk, or for a book giving the history of Adam's grandfather, or to stop horseman and tell him his saddle girth Is on buckled, meaning unLuckled, so he rets down to buckle It and they then run off and shout April fool. The Hln doos practice the same thing, but their All Fools' day Is the list of March. . My folks killed a snake In the flow. er pit today, and oefore I knew it our mischievous school girl had colled It on th front step and everybody who came cried rnit'hora's a snake,1 while th children watched from th window. The snake was dead, but thj iooia were anve. aiy wue was spenv Ing th day In the country and know. Ing her horror of snakes they tele phoned her, "Snake In the flower pit and grandpa Is afraid to go out and kill him, He) says you told him to stay In the -house. What must we do?" She answered promptly, "Kill him' Let your grandpa go out ana kill him and look for his mate." She always In sists that every snake ha mate. Maybe It has, but, they don't go about together. Even tho mother leaves hor young aa soon as they are hatched or born and they hare to shift for them selves. Some Snakes are oviparous and lay eggs and some are viviparous and are born in their mother and come forth from her mouth. But all snakes are horrid creatures and the curse thm Is upon them is a strong proof of the scriptures. , "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman (that Is, my wife) and botwecn thy seed and her 'seed. - It shall brulae thy held nnd thou ghalt bruise nla heel." When my wife came home thei Bhowad her the anake (It was a strlpej gnrter snake), and told her we couiua-t nnd Its rn site, 1: ut I am molnv strait, seen Tin mm one 1m 1: ia a day or tv,r t tie olh'-r c 1 kill him B- ,-ia .,r a . n.v-lmt IV her n lift filin ' 'I HI hi i .... - -rTyr thsn the nrst Joint of a man's thumb, but It sat up on Its haunches and washed Its tTTiorlr r.1 ki. k.,.l .J 1,. 1.V ' uecause ne uvea it. Anu when tue peo ple to whom he spoke enme to him out of grauiuua ana wan tea to contribute to- face, head and ears In tho most comi cal way. ... o We were all Interested In this most unnatural adoption but' one morning the queer foster nursling was missing. and we never knew what became of It Edinburgh Scotsman. RECIPES. . Apple Porcupine. Peel and core ap ples; put them in a br.klng dish or pau; put In each cavity Halt a tea spoon of sugar; place in the oven an bake until tender: lift tbuw to a plat ter; beat the whites of four eggs very tiff; add to them tour tablespoohfuls of powdered sugar; mix lightly and spread over the apples; stick blanched almonds an Inch apart over the ton and Bides; pat In tha oven and cove. delicately.. ,. . Dressing for Cabbage. Heat half .a cup or cream, beat yolk of two eggs, moisten one tablespoon of cornstarch with-a little water, add it to the hot cream; when thickened add the eggs, remove and add two tablospoonfuls of Vinegar and a few drops of onion juice. Fowl Pllou. Warfti ono cupful of told cooked fowl to one cupful of wa ter; add one eupfuf 0f strained toma to, one small onion minced, season with salt, pepper and one teaspoon of curry, powderi when this, is boiling add one-halt cupful of well-washed rice and cook until the rice Is tender; then add the fowl and three table- spoonfuls of butter; when hot turn out on a platter." Lamb Kidneys with FIno Herbs.- Split six 0 relght kidneys; cut out the white centre; cut the kidneys into slices; season with salt and pepper; melt two tablespoonfuis of butter; add one finely chopped- onion, one table- spoonful of finely hopped mushrooms; cook these together slowly for five minutes; then add the sliced kidneys and cook two minutes; add three table spoonfuls of sherry vine and en ta blespoonful of lemos Juice; beat the yolks of two eggs; add half A cup of cream, to them; add this to the kid ney and stir on minute; serve la bread cases; this muiit not boll after In egg are added. . . Certailn French papers have lately been devoting much space in the effort to prove that Gibraltar Is no longer the key to the Mediterranean and that modern steam-driven ships have de stroyed its usefulness to England as a fortress. On this account they are warning Europe to watch closely the designs of perflde Albion on the op posite Moroccan coast. In reply, to this English papers are pointing out that Gibraltar has never been the key to the Mediterranean save In the sense it a point d'appul for the British navy, and particularly the Mediterranean fleet While it Is true that modern guns might carry serosa the" strait tha chanee of hitting a warship In mo tion are all but nothing. It Is no longer regarded as anything more than a supply atatlon for the navy, but at lueh It Is as Important 88 ever. Eng land could hot bops to command tin Ward hia aunnnrfc. ha aceentoii thai hum ble gifts on the principle that the laborer is worthy of hia hire, and thanked them, but .repeatedly declared that such gifts were not necessary to his life. "For I am no in want," he said. "I can earn the necessities of life." In what an enviable position such a nun atanda. ilow much better it would be if every religious teacher of our' time had Men taught soma useful occupation by jrhich ha could command the necessities of tum. no iingm never De eanea upon to use his ability in that direction, but tho possession of it woujd mean liberty. He would no longer be haunted by tha fear that if he did not conform hit opinions to those of tha church authorities the bread would ba taken from the mouths of hia cnuuren. iin Knowledge tnat he had pow. r to command bread for hia family by the toil of hia hands would givs to him entire freedom in search for truth and in utter ing it. - . . .... . - And If this is true of religious teachers It is jiut aa true of people in other depart ments of life. Liberty is but a dream for any man who must conform bit political pinions to those of hia employer unless he would see hia supply of food cut off. Many man in tne business world works for and votes for measures in which he does not believe, or becomes a Oarty to trickery and dishonesty, because these are for the in MlUt of the employer, and unless ha worlca for the interest of his employer his family will Jack food. Many a girl marries a man ue uisinuts, or even aeapises, because she must marry or become a pauper. Therefore let those who would find the Secret of indenenHene in th f nl knm. bl circumstances first learn to work, learn h commana some usetul occupation by which they may win from the world the necessities of life in return for honest and worthy service. -2. But thia la not tha whnla a' P.i.1'. secret. For one who haa known prosperity to be obliged to face humble circumstances, to maintain courage and cheerfulness, is extremely difficult. How shall he be able to do thuf , "'; .-'v..: ' Let him meditate nnnn tha nlnttnn of values. Paul had been a man of great promise, and waa on th high road to Wealth and exalted nnaitinn. kiit h lt it all and earns to associate with slaves an j people held in social- contempt: ha went back to tent-making, and from being a re ligious leader became a common laborer. But hia courage, instead, of being dimin ished, was increased. No braver man ever lived. Hia cheerfulness was constant. When they had scourged him and placed him in tht tortunnl stocks he aanir. No. pessimistie wora ever escaped him, no she had fortr , T-iM.ntlt t i .. !! !!,;,! on nt gloomy reflection can be found in hit let ters. How did he escape gloom and de spair untier such circumstances 7 He had learned tho relation of values. "All things Which Once stood in mv credit T hava nnw ' for Christ's sake, come to reckon at loss. More than that, I reckon everything else aa loss, on account of the exceeding value vi cnowing esuo jurist my jjora. Ann for Hi salts I hare lost everything, and reckon it all as the mereat refine if I can but rain Christ, and be found in nninn with Him." Hera waa a mat. who counted wealth, position, country.- home, everv thine aa ba mnch refiisa i? nnl h mU feel that he possessed a true, honest Christ- use cnnrscwr. 8, But that It not the whole of the se cret. Listen: "I have loomed the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want." IInw Ho. enuso I bnve discovered that "I can do all things in Him that strengtheneth me." To tho person whoi renlly believes in God, that God watched over him and loves him, there can be realir no such thing as adver sity. If tome mnri of immense wealth and proved generosity, some man in whrow Donor you implicitly believe, were to sees you out snd my. '"Come, serve me, . 1 need (Mi. wo t work in mv siio:'r:,M.iy vine- : I. ..I.. .. .. :.l..-"ufw k.. . yru; ihki; up ynir n;aiuaun "'J ''" , wh.it is mine shall bo-wjrHi, and it shall lie my care that you and ynirn do not suf ft, want." If Vou renllv believed iir. that man nn-1 Innted him. there cn-.l be nr i("rtlier f, ixii-tv on your part. Only as fur 11 is yen (!.Flichpved in him, only h fir ns foil ilijstrustH his honor or hi cr?roi!y o't'.d ,,iu lio anio.is,, "No'v ilie ri'hi't hfi 'T m tltf. mm',;. fiod 'ho own it it T WttaTtSr Sao" Ut Bothinr Prhap.. But art ,t7j.;.7rL"" we"n. la tht univer XSt?i?' ih?.m,.1 wh0. Potsetsea Intel ever been ta aehonlt .r!.?.! leesM he U a unireri'. tSHatT Th. and it stingy, because the. II euse for the ttingineas of th semes little y be an ex nan 1. t . i t . only a enm eno laces arvniion,-iM,t there a no vaciura mr id man who gum n-i ing barn to barn or thousands of doll; other thousands, while bit neighhn; ger. There may be excuse for thsr ignor ant man for nt.t trvinr to advancethe in tellectual standards of the community in which he lives. He haa nothing to give, no eapital to work with. But there ia no ex cuse to ba made by the man who has had all the advantages that the eollegea afford, for doing nothing for the world, ne hat power and should use it. Tht nnly riches worth while art in tha character. Use your abundant possessions to help build tha kingdom of God, aa the Workman uses hit tools to construct a wall or to build a bridge. Ba shall your dollars be transformed into character, and tour intellectual achievements minister to ethical attainments. (31 Finally learn to fact nrosDentv bv continually acknowledging that what you teem to possess yon do not really possess at all. Ton art onto a trustee of a nortion of the. estate which belongs to God. I possets to many golden Hollars. How beau tiful they are, now substantial, how en dnrind. See me clutch them. Thev are mine. 1 will hold them. Nothine shall. . f .1 . 1 1 : w.:i di ., T ruu mar 01 tnenj. lubiungi irsi. onoruy this band of mine which clutches so firmly shall be palsied in death and later crumble to dust. Thr grasp upon the gold shall ba loosened. Hiue? It waa never mips. Out of GocTa earth it eame. In God's enrth no human power ran prevent ita ultimately returning. "Naked camo I into the world, and naked shall I depart thither." To night, may be, that Journey shall com mence. Bow absurd, then, to talk ot njjj yuan nv-IVU, But there ia one nosaesalon which w than keep, and whien shall endure at long aa wt endure. Character ahull endure, be cause my character it myself. If one haa learned love, that ahall abide. Purt'r heart, honesty of purpose, kindness of life shall endure, for these belong to the im mortal aoul of man. Raid Jesus, "Th man who in tht snirit of love ministers to tha sick, elothea the naked, feeds the hun. gry, visits the prisoners, he and he alone thaU hear tha voice of Him who sitteth inherit the kingdom prepared for you fronf tne lounaatioa ot tnt world. mng e often rtles In Pell ther fa in nan en stockings engaged upon ient there are, second, soau also employed Is also a-Jar A few of the soft cheeses of Europe re manufactured In this country Camembert, Brie and Noufchatel are now mide In the United States, but the process is kept secret Th cnt manufacturers probably learned tne secret from th .i ,.. .... . . "wm auu voiuiuuy guarded It. Th-v n, housecw In a 3y first, tollv for shampooin . .- i uuguen wwcB-tfcrresponds to Am erican onl.l ,, . . -.. wouuj, w jjousning pow- der they use pulverized cuttlefish bone mixed with sandalwood, sawdust, or dried tea flowers. For applying the powder, they hav A email h...i. i ' if Ing yery much like the western tooth brush, or a fine silk towm sv... proving the color of fh nnii . washes have been tnvanfvl XT ... all seem manufactured unnn . al formular or an alcoholic base tinted Pink and containlntr a solution nf i.quer, wnich, when dried, re mains moderately elastic The nail clssors are small, like those of the West, so far as the blade are con- . Sfe7,61,tbJJ,t th ,0P re altogether " differen The thumb loop I. ol normal ' size, while Its mate Is large enough for -two and even thren nnH fa-mis An,u. rrsv. i w. uuKurtf, m VrOM KvarlasUag to Everlanliiv. ' From whatever ancle tha love of Christ ia regarded, it is unspeakable. It ia un speakable in ita leugtli. It had no begin ning; it knows no break; il has no end. The mercy of the Lord is from ereimstitig to everlasting. It ia unspeakable in its breaatn. It includes eacn and all. It like a benediction UDon evcrv soul. It ta unspeakable in its depth. Il saves to the uttermost. And it ia unspeakable ia its height. It makes us joint heirs with Christ. i J : , r . l. n.J I , . Kings sun urprsia iriiii uuu luroTeT. A. w. F. Behrends. , , The very personification of envy ia that which the henpecked husband and the bachelor who has been disappointed in lovt feel for each other. Nature tells of an 'ndoor snowstorm m a very cold, clear evening at a party . given In Stockholm, 8weden. Many -people were gathered In a single room, which became so warm as to be insufferable, ' The window sashes were found frozen and pane of glass was tmashed out. A cold air current ushed In, and at the same Instant Hakes of snow were seen to fall to th !oor In all part of tht room. The at mosphere waa so saturated with mois ture that the sudden fall In tempera hire produced a snowfall Indoors, hi Is ;v linn.'! d II n; im 'f ..,li- i to ntf -1 !,, The buzzards that have long lnfled t'era Cruz and served a useful purpose ta winged scavengers are doomed. A London firty Is putting In a modern jewer aml'water syutem. The birds iiiiye berohie so numerous that they 4 ""t. The protection of the nm ii, f has been removed, and w dratnnee rvsti-m Is rtm- y viii; l.-o rid of this p"t, ( f v ! ' !l 1 uYf Jlln :l(!y .re niflpnl, wh"ii I! pi. '. t ine )- ocretaySuwaiJ1 efnSb o that soft cheesos, wh. so expensive, may be manufactured so cheaply and abundantly here that they may be within the reach of all. It Is hoped also to add perhaps some new variotlos to the present list ot oft cheeses. , " "Experiments at Wesicyan with the European and American varieties of Brio choose show conclusively that thoy are ripened by the same organ ism. We have also found that the blue mould which Is present In Roquefort cheeso Is ponlcllium. There are moulds" of different colors in different cheeses, some having a greenish cast and some showing a cream color un der the microscope, "The BlmjtfBst- form of soft cheese Is the. Dutch cheese. This is spontane ously soured milk and the flavor Is given to it by the lactic acid asd what other organisms have been growing.' ' "The flavors of the different compli cated cheeses are) produced by organ Isms acting on the cheese. Pure case In, the precipitate iu sour milk, has very little flavor of Itself. . The ft la contributed by the agent which clpitates it." "uruinaruy pure putter rat tiaho flavor, the flavce. being given, -toit by the organism prtopttfrjin Is pre cipitated from mllknTseveral ways. Milk allowed to sour by Itself precipi tates the casein by lactic acid. The casein la sometimes precipitated by mean ot- rennet and also by means of acids, as lactic, sulphuric and hydro chloric." V "-. - It was 'not until 1898 that the dis covery, was made In this country ot the bacillus which sours milk. Prof. Esten discovered.!,- lu the laboratory of Wesleyan UnlversUy.whlle making experiments with milk anil milk pro ducts. The bacillus was named Bac ierum acldl lactic!. "u-- r ; -: "' In the curdled milk there are pres ent besides the bacterium acldl lactlct a small proportion' of the bacteria lac tis aerogenes which give off a gas com posed of carbon dioxide and pure hy drogen. These twd which are present In the early stages of the milk. The organisms which are driven out leave their flavor In the caaeln when It Is finally pre,loitatod. o? Prof. Esten In dlscunslng the bacte riology of mlln ssidf: , , - . "The different brands of milk varj greatly in the number of bacteria pres ent. The very purest milk contain from 2000 to 160,000 bacteria to the cubic centimetre and Ihey run up to the millions In numbem. One brand ot milk examined recently at the labora tory showed 2,000,000 bacteria. Yet this milk was being sold as fresh, pure milk. - "The presence of theae bacilli Is dti In a great measure to the lack of cleanliness and care used in looking after the milk. A brand of milk con- taliilng 500,000 bacteria Is connidorej a very fair brand of milk. Ono larfe dairy concern Is. however, bo careful In respect to cleanliness that It h s reduced the1 number of bacilli to f. i. This milk is so pure that it Is shlpp'-.l to Europe-, and It keeps fresh until It r ." S- s tho other side. "IV: feclly pure) milk contains i--i "i-i cud If a'.::,'.-'y jni e l) -'!'! '!:' I It v -. : I , v-r ! t ;.--: r 1 . t 5 f saw low tho" side, of the nail, quick, llttie stlcH wood are used. T.l i . i. . n rjriuK. utnuo. wms cu, others to chisel-like edV'C-. third are cut Into brush-like ends' which will carry a large amount of polishing powder. Many Chinese worn cn.lnstead of cutting the sticks, 'chew the ends into little brushes. New York Post. . His Big Boots. T . As a sergeant wag bawling out hU orders in a barracks In Dublin and watching the Hue of. foot as tho now recruits endeavored to obey, the word ot command, he found "to his" aston ishment that one 'pair of foot, more noticeable on account of their .extra large size, never turned. . ' Without 'taking his eyes off thoeo feet, the sergeant bawled out a sec ond order: -i 1 "Aboajt face." - , v t "JiJ?5.that all the feet ex- hed ; turned in buciiienc. '..rtay-i'-j-. -jp .-. pushing up to the Wnet, aTT- fellow, he seized him by Jhe, should. snouting: v Why don't you turn wlti the rest?" "I did!" replied the trembling re cruit. - t f , . 'You did, eh? Well, I watched your, foot, and they never moved." , "It's the boots they gave me sir," said the poor fellow;. "They're so largo that when I turn, my feet turns Inside of them." Dublin New, i ... "V- . i. .i ; : Age of Cheap Dentistry. 5 '- This Is the ago of cheap dentistry cheap, that is to say in comparlHou with the prices which once pr vailed. The visit, to tho dentist was an" excur sion formerly dreaded as much for tl.i; aftermath that came by mall as t the physical discomfort that tee vict or was certain to undergo, I t ti increase In the number of goo .1 " tut during recent years has p, It no longer possible for auy of ti to charge largo sums for oidum service. Some of?t?re tong-estaiilb-!-dentlsts,' who stand toward tlifir i tlents In the same light as fan y j slclana, are still able to lmi s o - old-Ume foes But their ,m ,, , small and growing smaller ev y One dentist of long standing ,M : other day that the fees his rolh : could charge had deereaRed 1 : least 20 percent In the last 13 j although there had not been n tlceable decline in the cliani. .- attention that piitlenls lcr,-: quality ef tlio work hns mi proved, while the romr :- has grown cheaper. Nuw V. ThaLast Duelirg Ci. "When did eh -i i duels?" is the m-. i: In Ni'tt-s and Qm-i j, i. u to many of us 1! -it tb.-y fond of li t r- I,: i as a t'T iii f ; . : ' ' foil: ' t a : 1 1 ' bti-i ki;i. ,i i,:- , i 1,.- B 11 (-, .- ,1-

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